Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts
by Rajendralala Mitra | 1871 | 921,688 words
These pages represent a detailed description of Sanskrit manuscripts housed in various libraries and collections around the world. Each notice typically includes the physical characteristics, provenance, script, and sometimes even summaries of the content of the Sanskrit manuscripts. The collection helps preserve and make accessible the vast herit...
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End. 252 yadapi taukamasya prajna vahavo garauyasaum cakruh | tathapi pathannrpaputraprautyai spastam laghu kurvve || ityadi | surasundaraunanam samagamena | Colophon. ityatah khanditatvat parisamaptivakyam nasti | visayah | maghakrtasisupalabadhakavyasya vyakhyanam | | No. 3177. upasargavrttih | Substance, country-made paper, 13 * 31 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 6 on a page. Extent, 94 slokas. Character, Bengali. Date, SK. 1758. Place of deposit, Santipura, Krishnamaya Gosvami. Appearance, new. Verse. Incorrect. Upasarga-vritti. A treatise on the uses of prefixes. By Bharata Mallika. Beginning. parvvatisankarau natva balanamupakarika | bharatenopasarginam vrttih svalpa vidhiyate || praparapasamnyavanvityadi | End. dhatupasargasamsargasambhavah katicinmaya | prasiddhah sangata arthah sesa jneyah prayogatah || Colophon. iti bharatamallikakrtopasargadrttih samapta | sake'stasarasaptendumite casadha़ ke kuje | samapta copasarganam stattih pratipadaundume || visayah | sodaharanam dhatusamsargajanitanam upasargarthanam pradarsanam | No. 3178. utkalikamanjari | Substance, country-made paper, 15 * 4 inches. Folia, 8. Lines, 5 on a page. Extent, 190 slokas. Character, Bengali. Date, ? Place of deposit, Santipura, Jayagopala Gosvami. Appearance, new. Verse. Correct. Utkalika-manjari. A hymn in praise of Radha and Krishna. By Rupa Gosvami. A commentary on this has been noticed under No. 3159. Beginning. prapadya vrndavanamadhyamekah krosannasavutkalikakulatma 1 udghatayami jvalatah kathoram vaspasya mudram hrdi mudritasya || ityadi |