Studies in Indian Literary History

by P. K. Gode | 1953 | 355,388 words

The book "Studies in Indian Literary History" is explores the intricate tapestry of Indian literature, focusing on historical chronology and literary contributions across various Indian cultures, including Hinduism (Brahmanism), Jainism, and Buddhism. Through detailed bibliographies and indices, the book endeavors to provide an encycloped...

57. The identity of Vanchesvara alias Kutti Kavi

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57. Vanchesvara alias Kutti Kavi and his Contact with Patvardhan Sardars of the Southern Maratha Country * Aufrecht' refers to Vanche svara, the great commentator of the Bhattacintamani2 as follows:- 'vachesvara hosani karnataka of sahajindrapura (Tanjore) son of Narasimha, grandson of Vanchanatha (Mahisasataka wrote about 1800: Hiranyakesisutravyakhya."' Aufrecht records three Mss of the Hiranyakesisutravyakhya but no Ms of the Bhattacintamani or other works of our author. In the introductory verses of this work Vanchesvara states that he composed the following works :- (1) mahisasatakavyakhya, (2) hiranya- kesisutravyakhya, ( 3 ) dattacintamani, (4) sraddhacintamani, (5) brahmasutrartha- cintamani, ( 6 ) kakataliyavadartha . The writer of the Introduction to the Bhattacintamani states * Annals (B. O. R. Institute), Vol. XX. pp. 9-20. 1. Cata. Catalogorum, I, 561. 2. Edited by M. M. Venkatasubrahmanya Shastri, Law Journal Press, Madras, 1934. Vide my critical review of this edition in the Annals of the Bhandarkar Institute, Vol. XVII, 1936, pp. 400-405, where I have recorded an alphabetical list of works and authors mentioned in the Bhattacintamani. This edition is based on a single Ms of the commentary in the possession of Mahamahopadhyaya Venkata Subrahmanya Shastri of Madras (died 1928), who was the son of the daughter of Vanchesvara, the author of the Bhattacintamani. 3. Vide B. O. R. Institute Ms No. 148 of 1866-68- 4. Cat, Catalo., I, 766"comm. by Vanchesvara "composed about 1800"-Khn. 10, Burnell 21ª, Buhler 553.-Burnell describes the Ms of this commentary as follows:-Hiranyakesisutravyakhyana by Hosanikarnataka- Vanchesvara of Sahajindrapura (or Tanjore) written about 1800 A. D. The author belonged to a Canarese (? Mysore) family settled in South India This seems a very excellent commentary, considering the state of learning at the time it was composed. " (499) 66

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that Vanchesvara composed the following works:-(1) - samanyasutravyakhya, (2) dhurganacandrika, (3) slesarthacandrika, (4) tarkasamgraha vyakhya . These titles of works ascribed to our author show him to be a voluminous writer. Kutti Sastri or Kutti Kavi' was the popular name of Vanchesvara [Vancheshwar]. He travelled far and wide from Benares to Ramesvaram. Several pass-ports2 were issued to him by M. Elphinstone and other officers between A. D. 1816 and 1824. Kutti Kavi was descended from Govinda Diksita, the well-known mini- 1. Vide Appendix VI to the Madras Edition of the Bhattacintamani This is a letter dated 11 th February 1828 to Vedamurti Kutty Sastry by Sri Krsnaraja Wodaiyar. - 2. Ibid. Appendices I, II, III, IV and V, dated 26 th November 1816, 8 th October 1818, 25 th September 1822, 24 th January 1824, and 31 st January 1824. These pass-ports show the facilities offered to Kutti Kavi during his pilgrimage to Ramesvaram to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. 3. Vide p. 20 of Introduction to Bhattacintamani, The Genea logy recorded here is as follows:Govinda Diksita (Between c. 1515 and 1605 A. D.) Yajnanarayana Diksita ( author of sahityaratnakara and raghunathavilasa ) Venkatesvara makhi (author of vartikabharana and other works) Ayyavarumakhi Laksmi pati Svamisastri daughter Tirumalamakhi daughter Vancheshvara (c. 1690-1760 A. D.) (author of mahisasataka ) Madhava Narasimha Vanchesvarayajvan (1780-1860 A. D.) Narasimhasastri (died 1913) daughter Kamaksi Venkata Subb. Sastri (1864-1928 A. D.)

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ster of Acyutadevaraya of Vijayanagar (1529-1542). According to the genealogy recorded in the edition of the Bhattacintamani Kutti Kavi (Vanchesvara) was born in A. D. 1780 and died in 1860 evidently at an advanced age of about 80 yeaas. If these dates are correct he must have been about 36 years old when the British Resident at Poona (M. Elphinstone) issued to him a pass-port on 26 th November 1816 permitting him to pass without molestation to Ramesvaram. This pass-port is historically important as it enables us to know for the first time the contact of Kutti Kavi with the Patvardhan Sardars of the Southern Maratha Country. This passport bears No. 292 of the Poona Residency and mentions the "in the Service of Mhadhow Row Purshuram Patwardhun." It allows the bearer to carry with him a Dooly, a camel, six Tuttus, five armed men and five followers. Pandit Aryasvami informs' us that this and other pass-ports were issued to Kutti Kavi while he was returning from Benares and during his halt at Poona, Dharwar and also at the village Cinchini, where he was honoured by Madhavrao Parashuram Patwardhan. He stayed with the Patvardhans upto 1818 and then started for Mysore. This information is corroborated not by the Bhattacintamani but by the Hiranyakesi Srautasutravyakhya2 which was composed in response to a request from the ministers of the Patwardhans as stated by him in verses3 12 to 22 at the beginning of the Hiranyakesisrautabearer as 1. Introduction to Bhattacintamani, p. 16. " 2. The Govt. Mss Library has a fine copy of this work. It is No. 16 of 1866-68. It was prepared on 23 rd April 1867 by a copyist of the name Vyankaji Narayana Ghalsasi who calls himself Karhadkar and who states that he copied by order of "Meherban Bular Saheb who is identical with Dr. G. Buhler, vide folios 46 b (or 111 b" iti srivamchesvarasudhiviracite srautasutravyakhyane dvitiyo'dhyayah samaptah | sake 1788 ... nakala lihinara vyamkaji narayana ghalasasi kanhadakara yane meherabana bularasaheba yamca hukamane tayara keli ase . " On folio 39 a (or 305 a) we have the endorsement which reads:- " sakho anamta limaye yamca pustakavaruna nakala tayara keli ase . ' It is clear, therefore, that the original Ms of the commentary belonged to one Sakho Anant Limaye. His identity with a minister of the Patvardhan Sardar would be discussed in this paper on the strength of evidence furnished by the above commentary. - 3. These verses read as follows:- 66 'kasiyatrecchaya gacchan krsnatiranivasibhih | pattavardhana vamsasthaih prabhubhih samgato muda || 12|| (Continued on the next page)

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sutravyakhya. He informs us that he came into contact with the Patavardhan Sardars on his way to Benares for pilgrimage' (v. 12 ). On account of this association he has thought it advisible to record the genealogy 2 of these Sardars, who belong to the Cittapavana * (Continued from the previous page) tesam vamsakramopyatra kimcitsamgrhya likhyate | cittapavanajatiyo harinama mahanabhut || 13|| yo ganesaprasadena prapa rajyasriyam kule | tasya putro mahanasidramacandrabhidhah prabhuh || 14 || sarvabhaumasu yo lebhe rajyasriyamanuttamam | sutah parasuramakhyastasyasiddharmikottamah || 15 || tungabhadram samarabhya godantam sauryanirjitam | rajyam tu palayamasa yatha dasarathah purah || 16 || tatputrah santi catvaro vikhyatah sarvadiksu te | prathamo ramacandrakhyah prabhuh sarvagunanvitah || 17|| harinamanujastasya devabrahmanapujakah | tasyanujo mahadevanama bhutadayaparah || 18 || tasyanujastutimannamna ganapatih svayam | tesamamadhya bahavo nitimantah sudharmikah || 19|| sakharamaprabhrtayah kapigotrodbhava dvijah | *limayopapadastadvajjogakhyasca sudharmikah ||20|| te satyasadhasutrasthah srautasmartaparayanah | vyakhyam sutrasya vimalam vedabhasyanusarinim || 21 || icchantiti pravrttoham tadvyakhyakarane muda | kvahamalpamatih kvedam sutram munimukhodgatam || 22|| " In the Tanjore Mss Catalogue IV, 1929, p. 1684 where the Ms of this commentary is described we have the words " himapopapadah ' for " limayopapadah " the correct reading. Evidently the copyist was not aware of the surname fc current in the Deccan. 1. While Kutti Kavi states that his contact with the Patvardhans came about on his way to Benares, Pandit Aryaswami states that this contact took place on Kutti Kavi's return journey from Benares (kasitah agamanasamaye ... ayam yajva ... madhavarava parasurama pattavardhanadibhih prabhubhih atimatramadrtah - p. 16 of Intro to Bhattacintamani.) ... 2. This genealogy appears to be correct. Vide Maharastra Jnanakosa by Ketkar, Vol. XIII, (ja. p. 84 ).

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caste and whose first great ancestor was known by the name Hari (v. 13). He obtained the glory of Kingship by the grace of god Ganesa' and had an illustrious son by name Ramacandra2 (v. 14). He obtained unparalleled princely glory from the Sovereign. He had a son with a highly religious mind called Parasurama (v. 15). He protected his kingdom like King Dasaratha of old-a kingdom which extended from the river Tungabhadra to the river Goda and was conquered by his valour (v. 16). He has four sons renowned in all quarters. Prince Ramacandra, endowed with all good qualities, is the first of them (v. 17). His brother is Hari, who is devoted to the worship of Gods and Brahmanas. His brother is Mahadeva by name. He is noted for his kindness to all beings (v. 18). His brother's name is Ganapati, who is very much praised (by the people) and who has, as his ministers, many highly moral and religious personages (v. 19) like Sakharam and others. This Sakharam is a Brahman of Kapi gotra and surnamed Limaye and is equally religious like the other minister of the name Fog (v. 20). He belongs to the Satyasadha Sutra and is devoted to duties in accordance with Sruti and Smrti. It was his wish, "I should write a commentary on the Sutra (Hiranyakesisutra ) following the Vedabhasya and easy to understand. In accordance with this wish I have gladly undertaken to write this commentary but where am I, a person of small intellect as compared with the Sutra, which has come directly from the mouth of the sage (muni)?" (vs. 21-22). In view of the details furnished by Kutti Kavi in the foregoing verses it is clear that the credit of the composition of the commentary on the Hiranyakesisutra must go to a great extent to Mr. Sakharam Limaye, the minister (amatya) of Mahadevabhatta Patvardhan as it was at his request that our author commenced the - 1. Vide p. 1 of (composed by Balkrishna Harihar Patvardhan Ambekar) Ed. by V. V. Khare, Poona 1909 The family deity of the Patvardhan Sardars is Ganesa of the place Pule in the Ratnagiri District of the Bombay Presidency - "haribhata yamnim pulyacya sriganapatijavala anusthana dvadasavarse durvarasa prasana karuna kele . " - 2. Died in A. D. 1749 (Vide Maha. Jnanakota, XIII-. p. 84). 3. Parashuramabhau Patvardhan Born A. D. 1739, Died A. D. 1799. Vide p. 507 of Madhyayugina Caritrakosa by Chitrava Shastri, Poona 1937. Here a detailed account of his life and exploits is recorded with dates. 4. The Gotravali of Citpavan Brahmans in the Maharastra mentions Kapi as the gotra of the Limaye families.

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composition of this work. We must now examine the date of composition of this commentary. According to Burnell' this commentary was 66 written about 1800 A. D." Aufrecht 2 also repeats this statement about the date of this commentary. Burnell's statement is, however, wrong as it is directly contradicted by the date of commencement of the work recorded in verse 31 by Kutti Kavi himself. This date corresponds to A. D. 1816 (Saka 1738). The question now arises: What period of time was required by our author to complete this voluminous commentary on the Hiranyakesisutra and in what year it was completed by him? This question can be answered on the strength of the following extract on folio 43 b (266 b serially) of Ms No. 16 of 1866-68 of this commentary :- 66 vamchesvara sudhibhisca vedasastrapravartakaih | saksat vyasasvarupaisca krtoyam granyavistarah || 1 || 1. Cata. of Tanjore Mss, Part I, 1879, p. 21. Burnell gives extracts from the beginning and end of the Ms described by him. In these extracts we do not find the verse containing the year in which the composition of the commentary was begun by Kutti Kavi. This verse as recorded in the B. O. R. I. Ms No. 16 of 1866-68 reads as follows:- " vasvanya ( gnya ) dviksitimite sake vamchesvarah sudhih | hiranyakesinam sutram vyakhyatumupacakrame || 31|| vasu, The chronogram ag, af, af, fafa gives us Sake 1738 = A. D. 1816 as the year in which Kutti Kavi states, he began the composition of the commentary. This date is in harmony with the date of the passport given to Kutti Kavi by M. Elphinstone, the British resident at Poona on 26 th November 1816. In this pass-port Kutti Kavi is stated to be in the service of Mahadevabhatta Patvardhan, the son Parashuramabhau Patvardhan. 2. Cata. Catalo. I, 766. of 3. In the Tanjore Catalogue, Vol. IV, p. 1929, p. 1687 the correct date of the commencement of the commentary represented by the chronogram "fafafa" is mentioned and the discrepancy of this date with the date given by Burnell has been. also mentioned. No reference has, however, been recorded in this description to the date of completion (A. D. 1828) of the commentary found recorded in B. O. R. I. Ms No. 16 of 1866-68.

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hiranyakesi sutrasthapadabhavarthadipakah | pitambarena likhito tanmukhannisrto yatha || 2 || 505 sake 1750 sarvadhari nama samvatsare magasirsa krsnastamyam imduvasare samapitam || " This extract is obviouly recorded by Pitambara who wrote down to dictation this commentary as composed by Vanchesvara and delivered orally (tanmukhannisrto yatha ). It was completed in Saka 1750 (=A. D. 1828) on Monday (8 th tithi, Krsnapaksa of the month of Margasirsa, the name of the Samvatsara being Sarvadhari. We do not know the place where the completion of the commentary was effected. It is, however, certain that a work commenced by Kutti Kavi in A. D. 1816 was completed by him after full 12 years in A. D. 1828. The statement of Mr. Vyankaji Narayana Ghalsasi which follows the above extract reads follows: " as sakhopamta dada limaye yamca pustakavaruna nakala tayara keli ase || sake 1789 prabhava nama samvatsare caitra krsna 4 caturthyam bhomavasare tarikha 23 mahe aprela sanna 1867 isavi roji nakala lihinara vyamkaji narayana ghalasasi yane likhitam || sri krsnarpanamastu || Mr. Ghalsasi states on 23 rd April 1867 that he completed his copy from the original Ms belonging to one sakhopamta dada limaye . Elsewhere (on folio 39ª or 305ª serially) he refers to this owner of Ms as sakho anamta limaye . It is very much probable that Sakhopant Limaye whose Ms was copied for Dr. Buhler is identical with 1. The sheet at the beginning of the Ms which records the mantrasamkhya contains the following endorsement :- " tarikha 22 mahe me sanna " Evi- 1867 isavi roji nakala samapta jhali ase haste vyamkaji narayana kanhadakara . dently this appendix was prepared on 22 nd May 1867. Folio 65 records the date 2 nd April 1867 and the scribe calls himself. ka-hataka ksetrastha . Folio 46 records the date 25 th March 1867, Folio 75, 4 th June 1867, Folio 37, 17 th April 1867, Folio 43-23 rd April 1867, Folio 58- 8 th may 1867 copied at 3 (" "), Folio 56-21 st May 1867. These dates show that the Ms was being copied from March to June 1867 at the village [from the copy of 66 " af as stated by the scribe on folio 58 (ac)]. The B. O. R. Institute acquired in 1938 about 450 Mss from Mr. Shambhurao Govinda Limaye of . It is probable that he belongs to the family of sakho anamta limaye referred to above. 2. This Limaye collection of Mss acquired by the B. O. R. Insti- (Continued on the next page)

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Sakharam Limaye of Kapi Gotra living in A. D. 1816 and acting as an amatya or minister to Mahadeva Parashuram Patvardhan. It seems, however, possible that a copy of the commentary in question commenced in A. D. 1816 and completed in A. D. 1828 by Kutti Kavi was given to Sakharam Limaye and it was from this original contemporary copy that Buhler's copy i. e. No. 16 of 1866-68 was made and completed on 23 rd April 1867. It is now clear that the Hiranyakesisutravyakhya was composed between A. D. 1816 and 1828 and was not composed "about A. D. 1800" as stated by Dr. Burnell. (Continued from the previous page) tute in 1938 supplies the following evidence about this identity :- (1) Vakyasudha - ( folio 10 ) " limayopanamna sakhopamtasya pustakam jneyam " sake 1751 (= A. D. 1829 ) virodhinamabde pausa sukla 11 bhaume idam pustakam samaptam || ...... idam pustakam krsnabhattatmajena ababhattena likhitam ganakastekarena " - ( 2 ) Jivanmuktiviveka sake 1751 virodhinamasamvatsare karttika krsna- paksasya dvitiyayam guruvasare samapteyam || " (3) Hiranyakesisrautasutra - (2 nd Satka ) - "idam pustakam 1753 khara- nama samvatsare jyestha sukla 13 trayodasyam saumyavasare samaptam govimda raghunatha phalanikarena likhitam || sakho anamta limaye yamce pustaka ase . " 062 (4) Ibid. (Purvasatka ) - " sakho anamta limaye yamce pustaka " iti hiranyakesi srautasutra purvasatka samaptah sake 1753 kharanamasamvatsare . - " (5) Ibid. ( 4 th Satka ) - ' sake 1755 vijayanama samvatsare phalguna krsna trtiya guruvasare samaptah govimda raghunatha phalanikarena limkhitam || rajesri sakho anamta limaye yamce pustaka ase || " (6) Ibid. ( 3 rd Satka ) - " sake 1755 vijayanama samvatsare magha " (7) Ibid. (5 th Satka ) - " sake 1756 caitra suddha pratipada gurau taddinedam pustakam govimda raghunatha phalanikarena likhitam || rajesri sakho anamta limaye yamce pustaka ase || " (8) Sivatatvaviveka punyagrame lekhanam samaptimagamat " " sake 1757 manmathabde phalguna suddha pamcamyam (9) Maitrayaniya-Manavasutra - (Prathama purusa ) Folio 12- sake 1757 manmathanama samvatsare caitra vadya 4 guruvasare te divasa sakhopamtadada limaye yamce pustaka pamduramgena likhitah || Folio 9 - sake 1757 manmathanamabde caitra vadya 8 taddinedam pustakam sakhopamta limaye astekara phadanisa yaci pothisa phara japava " (10) Pasubandha - Folio 15 - " sake 1758 durmukha - 1 - (11) Pancadasi with commentary of Ramakrsna sarvarinama samvatsare vaisakha sukla sasthayam guruvasare idam pustakam samapti bhagamat " " sake 1762

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We have already mentioned a work called the Dattacintamani among the list of works composed by Kutti Kavi. This is a treatise dealing with adoption. In the beginning of this work he tells us that he composed the following works':- (1) "vivrtti satakasya " i. e. commentary on the mahisa sataka composed by his grandfather, ( 2 ) " hiranyakesi sutrasya vivrtim ", ( 3) " kakataliya- vadartha " (4) " nirnayo malamasasya " and ( 5 ) dattacintamani . (5) (2) Let us now try to fix the relative chronology of some of the works of Kutti Kavi on the basis of evidence recorded in this paper. The following tabular statement will be of some use in fixing the relative chronology in question:Works Chronology Source of Chronology 1 fervabaigasarea A.D.1816 to 1828 B. O. R. I. Ms 2 datta cintamani 3 bhattacintamani 4 mahisasatakavyakhya 5 kakataliyavadartha 6 malamasanirnaya 7 sraddhacintamani No. 16 of 1866-68 after A.D. 1816 dattacintamani mentions hi . ke . sutravyakhya after A.D. 1816 bhattacintamani mentions Probably after A. D. 1816 " " " dattacintamani mentioned in dattacintamani and bhattacintamani " mentioned in dattacintamani mentioned in bha0 cinta • ,, unknown not yet determined 8 brahmasutrarthacintamani "" 9 dhurgamnacandrika 10 slesarthacandrika " 11 tarkasamgrahavyakhya ,, " " 1. Hultzsch: Reports on San. Mss, No. II, Madras, 1895. Appendix pp. 144 - 145 - Extract No. 1528. Hultzsch summarises this extract on p. vi of his Report II as follows :- ( Continued on the next page )

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In verse 10 at the beginning of the Hiranyakesisutravyakhya Kutti Kavi calls himself " malamasanirnayapatuh ". If we understand this epithet to refer to his composition of He we shall have to look upon the gc as earlier than A. D. 1816. With reference to item Nos. 4, 5 and 7 to 11 the chronology indicated is only probable as the Mss of these works are not before me and hence I have no means of making a closer study of the problem of their exact chronology. I may, however, note here the Mss of the works of Kutti kavi mentioned by Aufrecht. These are as follows:- (1)'-dh. by Vancheshvara, son of Narasimha Hz. 1091. 1528 (Vide CC III, 53). (2)- No Mss recorded by Aufrecht. bhattacintamani Madras Edition of this work of 1934 is based on a rare Ms. (3) mahisasatakavyakhya 434 (CC III, 96). kakataliyavadartha The Burnell 164 (Vide CC I, 444) and BC (4) Hz. 2, p. 144 (CC III, 19). - (5)2-Hz. 1528 p. 144 (CC III, 93). (6)3- Some works of this name are mentioned by Aufrecht but none is ascribed to Vanchesvara. (Continued from the previous page) "No. 1528 is a copy of Dattacintamani, a work on the same subject by Vanchesvara, the son of Narasimha or Nrsimha, grandson of Madhava and great grandson of another Vanchesvara. He also wrote a commentary on his great-grandfather's Mahisasataka (Tanjore Cata. p. 164 ), a commentary on the whole Hiranyakesisutra (a portion of this is found in No. 682), a logical work entitled Kakataliyavadartha and the Malamasanirnaya. According to the colophon of No. 682, his great-grandfather, whose name was likewise Vanchesvara, had been the minister of (the Maratha king) Tukoji of the family of Bhosala. Govindadiksita, an ancestor of Vanchesvara had been the prime-minister of Raghunatha, one of the (Nayaka) rulers of Tanjapura (Tanjore ). " 1. Mentioned by Kane: Hist. of Dharma., I, 557. 2. Ibid. p. 601. 3. Not mentioned by Mr. Kane, who mentions works of this name by Vacaspatimisra and Sivarama. On p. 736 Mr. Kane refers to Kutti Kavi as,, vancesvara, son of narasimha, author of dattacimtamani and mala- masanirnaya . " The correct name appears to be " vamchesvara " (= vamchanatha ) - Vide Krishnamachariar: History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, Madras, 1937, p. 1086, footnote.

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(7) brahmasutrarthacintamani - No Ms has been recorded by Aufrecht under this title. - (8)- No Ms recorded by Aufrecht. dhurganacandrika (1) slesarthacandrika - (10) tarkasamgrahavyakhya Do Do (11) hiranyakesi sutravyakhya - 3 Mss (Vide CC I, 766 ). fozondalgayreut On the basis of the evidence recorded in this paper the following conclusions may be arrived at :- (1) The literary activity of Kutti Kavi lies mainly between A. D. 1816 and 1840 or so. (2) The commentary on the Hiranyakesisutra was commenced by him in A. D. 1816 and completed in A. D. 1828. (3) Kutti Kavi gives us a genealogy of the Patvardhan Sardars of the Southern Maratha Country at the beginning of the commentary on the Hiranyakesisutra. This genealogy is correct so far as it goes. (4) Kutti Kavi composed the above commentary at the express desire of Sakharam Limaye of kapi gotra, whom he describes as the amatya or minister of Mahadeva Parashuram Patvardhan. The surname of another minister mentioned by him is Jog, who needs identification. (5) Sakharam Limaye mentioned by Kutti Kavi as amatya appears to be identical' with Sakho Ananta Limaye of Aste (Dist. 1. My surmise about this identity has since been corroborated by the genealogy of the Limaye Family of Aste, kindly sent by Mr. Shambhurao Limaye on 7 th July 1939. I reproduce below only the pertinent portion of this genealogy :Sakharama (5 Sons) (the patron of Kutti Kavi. His dates range from A. D. 1816 to 1835) Ananta Ganesa (4 Sons) Dhonddeva Govinda 1 Sambhurao* * Shambhurao Limaye is a middle-aged man in 1939. He states (Continued on the next page)

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Satara) who was a Fadnis or Finance minister of the Patvardhans with his native place at Aste (Astekar). The B. O. R. Institute acquired in 1938 about 450 Mss from Mr. Shambhurao Govind Limaye of Aste, who is evidently descended from Sakhopant Dada or Sakho Anant Limaye. This Limaye collection contains Mss with the endorsements that they belonged to Sakho Ananta Limaye Astekar Fadnis. These endorsements are dated A. D. 1829, 1831, 1833, 1834 and 1835. (6) The B. O. R. Institute Ms No. 16 of 1866-68 of the Hiranyakesisutravyakhya by Kutti Kavi was copied for Dr. Buhler between March and June 1867 at Aste from the original belonging to Sakho Anant Limaye and dated A. D. 1828, the date of completion of the commentary. (7) Of the eleven works known to have been composed by Kutti Kavi, Mss of about six have been traced and recorded in Catalogues. An effort should be made to locate the Mss of the remaining five works. (8) For the present the relative chronology of only three works has been established in this paper, according to which the Hiranyakesisutravyakhya (begun in A. D. 1816 and finished in A.D. 1828) was started first. The Dattacintamani which mentions this commentary was composed later while the Bhattacintamani, which mentions both the above works is evidently the 3 rd work in this order. The Malamasanirnaya may have been composed before A.D. 1816 as Kutti Kavi calls himself " Malamasanirnayapatu " in the above commentary. The remaining works are not mentioned in this commentary, an omission which may suggest that they were composed after A. D. 1816. This point, however, needs further investigation. (9) Kutti Kavi was a very learned man. Judging by the details recorded in the several pass-ports issued to him by Mount Stuart Elphinstone, the British Resident at Poona in A. D. 1816 and other officers, Kutti Kavi appears to have been very influential as well. (Continued from previous page) " that the Aste branch of the Limaye Family originally hailed from the village Somesvara near Ratnagiri. The Somesvara line was styled as 'Dharmadhikari Limaye. I intend to publish an account of Sakho Ananta Limaye and his interest in Sanskrit Mss along with my list of the Mss in the Limaye collection acquired by the B.O.R. Institute.

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P. S. The following further colophons containing references to Sakhopant Limaye are found in the Mss of the Limaye collection :- "" Ms of mamdukyopanisadbhasya - dated Saka 1716 (A. D. 1824 ) mamdukyopanisadbhasyalekhanam yadi pustake| sri sakhopamta limaye jnanamarga pradarsakah Ms of prasnopanisadbhasya dated Saka 1748 ( = A. D. 1826 ) - "sakha namna iti khyatastvanmuktih pathayedbudhaih " Ms of vedamtaparibhasa - date Saka 1748 ( = A. D. 1826 ) " dadabhidhana limaye sakhapamta nama | nityacanah sravanamamgalavedamargah | " - Sakhopant appears to have been a pioneer in the work of collection and preservation of Mss, later started in 1866 by the Bom bay Government.

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