Studies in Indian Literary History

by P. K. God | 1953 | 355,388 words

The book "Studies in Indian Literary History" is explores the intricate tapestry of Indian literature, focusing on historical chronology and literary contributions across various Indian cultures, including Hinduism (Brahmanism), Jainism, and Buddhism. Through detailed bibliographies and indices, the book endeavors to provide an encycloped...

37-39. The Ashvamedha Sacrifice performed by Sawai Jai Singh

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37. Some contemporary Evidence regarding the Ashvamedha Sacrifice performed by Sevai Jayasing of Amber (1699-1744 A. D.)* In an article' on Sewai Jayasingh of Amber, A. D. 1699-1743" Mr. Dines Chandra Sircar states :- " I am going to show that Sewai Jaising most probably did not celebrate any Asvamedha and that he was certainly not a vassal2 of the Mughal emperors of Delhi during the later years of his reign. 3 He further concludes his article with the remarks: " We therefore, hold that the suggestions that Sewai Jayasing of Amber performed a horse sacrifice and that he was a feudatory of the Mughal emperors all through his life (or at the time of celebrating * Journal of Indian History (Madras), Vol. XV, pp. 364-367. 1. Indian Culture, Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 376-379. 2. Vide Peshwa Daftar Selection No. 14 (Maratha Conquests in the North) Letter No. 39, dated 21 st October, 1735-This is a news letter received at Satara from the Maratha agent, Mayaram at Delhi and communicated to the Peshwa. It mentions the Plans of the Emperor to oppose the encroachments of the Marathas. It states further: "The Mogul Emperor (patashah) is displeased with Jaya Singh because he made an alliance with the troops of the enemy (i.e. the Marathas) by paying them some money. Another letter in the Peshwa Daftar (selection 9, Letter No. 16, dated April, 1736 ?) from Narayan Dikshit Patankar to Bajirao Ballal advises the latter to perform religious sacrifices (while at Jaipur) only through Deccani priests. It further states: "I hear that you have gone to Jayanagar this year...the Raja (viz., Jaya Singh) is very tricky (prataraka). He will press you to perform Agnihotra or sacrifices but please tell him that you are unable to do so without the command of your guru...... If, however, you are constrained to respect his pressing request I am sending priests (to help you to perform these sacrifices) etc.". 3. Ibid., p. 377. (288)

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the supposed Asvamedha) are both inadmissible. (Some points in this note were suggested to the author by Prof. H. C. Ray Chaudhari ). " It is for students of history proper to see how far the conclusion reached by Mr. Sircar regarding the Asvamedha sacrifice is tenable. I shall, however, record here the following evidence which definitely contradicts Mr. Sircar's conclusion that Sewai Jayasingh did not perform the Asvamedha sacrifice. I think the testimony of a court-poet of the Jaipur State will have to be considered with some respect to decide the point at issue. Such testimony is fortunately available in a historical poem called the Isvaravilasa Kavya,' which was written by order of Isvara Singh, the son of Sawai Jai Singh of Jaypur, the subject of Mr. Sircar's note referred to above. The following verse 13 of Chapter I of the Isvaravilasa Kavya, supports my statement :- 66 ajnatah srisavaisvaradharanipateh bhuripramodah sampraptotsahaka sri harihara sukave samsayam samsayanam | kavyam navyam bhavyam bhuvi racayati yah pritaye pamditanam so'yam sri krsnasarma krtamati namati sri guroramghripadmam || 13 || " It is, therefore, clear that Krsna Kavi was the court-poet of the Jaypur State about A. D. 1743-44 and even earlier. He composed the poem under reference at the time of the coronation of Isvara Singh under an express order from this prince as stated in verse 34 of chapter X which reads as follows:- 66 tatraiva rajya tilakotsava esa raja sri krsnabhattakavaye kuru kavyamekam | asmatkulakramakathakathanabhiramam ityajnaya saha dadau sumahaprasadam || 34 || " near The poet was duly rewarded for composing this poem and a village was granted to him. This village was situated Hiranyapura. It appears that this court-poet was present at the Asvamedha sacrifice performed by Sewai Jayasingh. He was one of the two Brahmans entrusted with the work of singing the praise 1. The only MS of this poem is No. 273 of 1884-86 in the Govt. MSS Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona. S.I.L.H.19

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of the Yajamana who was no other than Sewai Jayasingh himself as stated in verse 22 of chapter V which deals with asvameghavarnana or description of the Asvamedha sacrifice :--- 88 'dvau vinagayinau viprau srikrsnakavi laksmanau | rajarsibhih samam tatra yajamanamagayatam || 22 || " Chapter IV of this poem deals with vajimedharambha or the preparations of this Asvamedha sacrifice while the next chapter V deals with the detailed description of the sacrifice. Brahmans wearing red turbans stalked in the sacrifical mandapa distributing blessings to the Yajamana :- 88 virejurlohitosnisah pracaramto makhe dvijah | rajne'smai yajamanaya dayamanah subhasisah || 28 || " A beautiful picture of the Yajamana, Sewai Jayasingh, is given by the poet in the following lines :- 66 - tatra dhautatame suksme vasasi vimale vahan | krsnajinadharah skamdhe mrgayamgam kare dadhat || 37 || asvamedhamakhe diksam bibhratparamadurlabham | mahabhagyavatamiso parapaurusasarabhrt || 38 || sikhasutradharodaram diptirajarsisamstutah | saksaddharmavataro'sau yajamanovyarajata || 39 || " The Yajamana had his sacrificial bath in the waters of the Manasagara lake :- " " nanatirthasatanita niraniksepabhasure | manasagaratoyesu cakaravabhrtham nrpah || 51 || " " In verse 8 of chapter III Sewai Jayasingh is called "vajima- khayajibhupati . In verse 23 of chapter IV we are told that Sewai Jayasingh announced his intention of performing an Asvamedha sacrifice " atah param karttumanah kilasmi bhavatprasadadahamasvamedham " and sent letters to learned Brahmans of Benares to that effect "cakre'dhiva- ranasipatralekham mahamahapamditarajacakre " ( verse 28). The sacrificial mandapa was erected on the banks of the lake Manasagara as stated in the closing verse of the chapter called vajimedharambhah- " purvam manaksitipatikrteh sagarasya pratire | rajna tena vyaraci vibhavaimamdito yajnavatah || "

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The date of Sewai Jayasingh's death is recorded by Krsna Kavi in verse 11 of chapter X :- " varse sostadasasatatame vikramarkasya sake mase caivasvinanigadite suklabhutadine ca | pratahkale hrdayakamalanitagovimdadevo devo devopamagatirasunprogyatasminvililye || 21 || " The date recorded in the above verse tallies in material particulars with the date of Sewai Jayasingh's death as given in Viravinoda' viz., 14 th day of the bright half of Asvina, 1800 Vikrama Samvat which corresponds to Tuesday, 9 th October, 1744 A. D.2 "" In view of Krsna Kavi's testimony regarding the performance of the Asvamedha sacrifice I find it difficult to agree in the opinion expressed by Mr. Dines Chandra Sirkar that Sewai Jayasingh did not perform the Asvamedha sacrifice. Mr. Sircar states: "If he (Sewai Jayasingh) performed any Asvamedha at all he might have done it after 1739 and before 1743." Presuming this statement to be correct I would like to point out that the difference between the date of composition of the Isvaravilasa Kavya and the date of the performance of the Ashvamedha sacrifice would not be greater than 5 years and consequently the testimony of Krsna Kavi regarding the performance of the Asvamedha sacrifice and its graphic description as indicated above, will have to be regarded with some respect as it is a contemporary piece of evidence. Secondly, Krsna Kavi was himself present at the sacrifice as stated by him. 1. I am indebted for this information to my friend, Mr. Bishewarnath Reu, Superintendent, Archaological Department, Jodhpur. 2. Indian Ephemeris, Vol. VI, p. 29.

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38. The Asvamedha performed by Sevai Jayasing of Amber (1699 - 1744 A. D. )* In my article published in the Journal of Indian History,' Madras, I produced contemporary evidence to contradict the suggestion of Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sarkar that "Sevai Jayasing most probably did not celebrate any Asvamedha." Since the publication of my paper I have come across some more documentary evidence of an anthology called the Padyatarangini, 3 MSS2 of which are available in the Govt. MSS Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona. This evidence corroborates the evidence already recorded by me proving beyond all doubt the performance of the Asvamedha by Sevai Jayasing. I shall refer in this paper to the MS of the Padyatarangini viz. No. 725 of 1886-92 acquired by Peterson3 for the Govt. of Bombay. The work was composed by * Poona Orientalist, Vol. II, pp. 166-180. 1. Vol. XV, pp. 364-367. 2. There are in all three MSS of this anthology recorded by Aufrecht in his Catalogus Catalogorum. They are identical with the following MSS in the Government MSS Library :- " (i) No. 725 of 1886-92-Text with author's own commentary on the 102 anyokti verses of the text. The commentary is called " in the colophon on folio 23 of the MS. The MS contains 37 verses styled as "f" plus an additional verse recording the date of composition viz. the year 1809 (Samvat)folios 28. (ii) No. 724 of 1886-92-Same as above - folios 25. - (iii) No. 421 of 1887-91 Contains text and commentary but does not contain the verse of the chronogram as also the 37 verses " regarding "nrpativamsavarnana . It ends as follows:- "miti margasirasu sukla || 13|| samvat || 1851 || pustaka lalamathurakisorajine lisi atmapathanartham jayanagara- madhye sribijegovimdamamdire ,, I am thankful to Dr. Hara Datta Sharma, M.A., Ph.D., for drawing my attention to the references to c in the above anthology. 3. Vide Fourth Report (1894), pp. 26-32. (292)

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Vrajanatha' to please Madhava or Madhosing, son of Sevai Jayasing, on Sunday, Ekadasi, month of Pausa of the year 1809 which corresponds to 14 th January 1753.3 Verses 1 to 37 at the end of the work are devoted to the praise of Jayasing and his son Madhosing = Madhava. In particular verses 1 to 10 deal directly with Sevai Jayasing and the sacrifice performed by him. I shall, therefore, reproduce them here to acquaint the reader with their contents and their bearing on the question at issue viz. the Asvamedha sacrifice commonly attributed to Sevai Jayasing. These verses read as under :- "yastiksanamsukule babhuva vimale srimandharadhisvarah prthviraja iti prabhavamahitah pratyarthi jeta rane | sri kurmanvayabhusanam naraharipremaikapatram sriyo lilasadmagunaikadhama sakalaksonisacudamanih || 1 || tadvamse satatavadatacaritah praudhapratapanala- jvalajalavidipitarinivahah sacchastranisnatadhih | devabrahmanapujako tiyasasa kurvansitam bhatalam jatah srijayasimha ityabhidhaya khyato dharadhisvarah || 2 || 1. Vrajanatha edited a work called vaidikavaisnavasadacara composed by harikrsna misra by order of Sevai Jayasing ( See MS No. 443 of 1891-95 B. O. R. I. Govt. MSS Library, folio 22 - " gramthoyam vaisnavairgahyo vrajanathena samskrtah | vrajanathamayenaho kavina yajnakarina . " - harikrsna misra mentions jayasimhakalpadruma ( Composed in A. D. 1713) on folio 21 of the MS of vaidikavaisnavasadacara . He appears to be identical with harikrsnasarma, a Karnataka Brahmin who attended the Asvamedha of Sevai Jayasing as stated by krsna kavi in Chap. IV ( vajimedharambha ) verse 41 of isvaravilasakavya (MS No. 273 of 1884-86 ). This verse reads as follows:- " karnatadesyadvijavamsadipascaracare yascayaniprasiddhah | sotragatah sriharikrsnasarma puraskrto gokulavasivaryaih || 41 || " 2. Ibid, p. 29, verse 11 and p. 32, verse 36 which reads :- "tattustayai vrajanathena ramya padyataramgina | nibaddha sodhaniyeyam sadbhih saranuragibhih || 36 || " - 3. Vide Indian Ephemeris, Vol. VI, p. 308 - The chronogram is recorded by the author in the following verse at the end of the MS- " namdabhrava susitamsu 1809 mite'dve masi pausake | ekadasyam ravidine gramthah sampurna tamagat || "

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kenabhavannrpatayo bata vikramadyah kenathakari na hi tesu turamgamedhah | asminyuge nikhilabhupatisarvabhauma- tadyajnakrdvijayate jayasimha ekah || 3 || pariksitopi vidadhe hayamedhamucca- statrapasapamayamuttamapurusopi | rajadhiraja ' jayasimha nrpascakara nirvighnamenamadhuna bhagavatprasadat || 4 || yodadvanipakakulesu suvarnapuga- nabhahkananiva nabhah sthitavarivahah | vedoditena vidhina hayamedhamuccai- svakre tatha rtusatani mahadhanani || 5 || asanpurvam manasimhadayose bhasvadvamsyah ksonipajah keyatah | cakrurbhumim bhumipalanvasete sraute marge naiva nisthamavapuh || 6 || rajadhirajo jayasimha yeka- stadvamsajah praktana punya pumjat | sambhavito daksinadigvijendrah sraddhalurasicchrutidharmma eva || 7 || papatha vedam vidadhegnihotram cakara yajnanvividhansadaiva | dhanam dadau brahmanapumgavebhyo graman gajamscapi turamgamamsca || 8 || babhau sa tasya rturat tadanim mahemdrasamsparddhi samrddhibhajah | anragatascetrakulah sadaiva- svarnarddha parsvatha bhavisyadeva || 9 || 1. Compare Isvaravilasakavya of Krsna Kavi, B. OR Insti. MS No. 273 of 1884-86 folio 8 :- " yasyavalokya dharanivalaye samamtat sarvesu rajasu visistataranubhavam | dillisvarah sapadijatamanahprasado- rajadhirajapadamarpitavanprakamam || 22 || " See also Irvin : Later Moguls, Vol. II, pp. 124. The title rajadhi . raja was conferred on Sevai Jayasing on 12 June 1723.

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vedavyasatanuh puranamanane tarkagame gautamo vedamtarthavivecane vidhisutah kavyesu kavyoparah | seso vyakarane kalasu kusalo gargastatha jyautise nanasastravicaksano jayaharah ksonisamukhyobhavat || 10 || " 295 The mention of (v. 3) and of (verses 4 and 5) by Vrajanatha in A. D. 1753 will settle once for all the doubts of historians regarding the performance of the Asvamedha sacrifice by Sevai Jayasing. The explicit statement of Vrajanatha that Jayasimha performed the hayamedha according to Vedic injunctions ( " vedoditena vidhina hayamedham ... cakre " ) is another direct contemporary testimony of a writer connected with the Jaipur court in 1753 A.D. and it would be worthwhile recording in this paper some information about this writer furnished by contemporary records. A poem in praise of King Madhava Simha = Madhosing, son of Sevai Jayasing, was composed by one Syama Lattu in Saka 1677 (= A. D. 1755) i.e. two years after the composition of Vrajanatha's Padyatarangini. The title of this poem is Madhavasimharya-Sataka.' It mentions the names of several learned men who flourished at Jaipur during the reign of Madho Sing. They are:- Gangarama (v. 122), Ramesvara (v. 123), Gopinatha (v. 124), Visvanatha (v. 124), Vrajanatha (v. 125), Sudhakara Sarma (v. 126), Yamunakara Sarma (v. 127), Haridatta Sarma (v. 128), Kevalarama (v. 129 ); Sadasiva Sarma (v. 130), Ravidatta Sarma (v. 131), and Samkaradatta (v. 132), who was perhaps a Maharastra Brahmin ( maharastri jnatiryasyaisa sarvavikhyata v. 133). The verse which describes reads as follows:- - " jayati srivrajanathah kaviriha satatam vrajadhise | " sukalitadrdhatarabhaktirjayapuranagare puradhise || 125 || " The statement made in the above verse that Vrajanatha was strongly attached to Madhosing 2 is proved by the composition of 1. Vide note on this poem by Mr. M. M. Patkar in the Poona Orientalist, Vol. I, No. 4, pp. 34-37. - 2. Vide Peshwa Dafter XXI-Letter.No. 38 dated 25 th January, 1751 Govind Ballal reports to the Peshwa that Jayaji Scindia and Malharrao Holkar left Jaipur ofter seating Madhosing on the Jaipur throne. Vide also Peshwa Dafter II, Letter No. 31, dated 21 st February, 1751, which mentions the "horrid murders perpetrated (Continued on the next page)

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he Padyatarangini by Vrajanatha with a view to pleasing (tattustayai ) his patron. More information about the family of Vrajanatha is supplied to us by Krsnakavi the author of the Isvaravilasakavya, only one MS of which is available in the Govt. MSS Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona viz. No. 273 of 1883-84. In chapter X of this historical kavya we get the following verses regarding Vrajanatha Sarma and other members of his family :Folio 37 -- " dhuramdhare rajyadhuram samastam putre nidhayesvarasimghanani | kramannivrttakhilabhogatrsnah krsnadvaya premabharam babhara || 5 || vidhaya samyak sukrtatmakani karyani vijnataparatmatatvah | govimdadevasya padaravimde pramanamekamtamananyamuhe || 6 || tasyakhile pamditarajacakre manyo gurubhratrsutotividvan | sripaumdarikadhvarayaja ' yobhunnityam samipe vrajanathasarma || 8 || rgvediviprapravaravatamso ratnakaro nama gururnrpasya | prabhakaro nama babhuva tasya bhrata sada yo mathuraikavasi || 8 || tadatmajah srivrajanathanama tathaparo gokulanatha uktah | tau bhratarau samnihitau nrpasya niramtaram sastrakatham dadhane || 9 || prajnottama srivrajanathatra ktravinirgatam sastrakathamajasram | srnvansavidvansamudayamadhye gharmena kalam sakalam ninaya || 10 || " The above verses explicitly tell us that Sevai Jayasing entrusted the administration of the state to his son Isvarasingh (v. 5). He then spent his time in devotional duties towards God Govinda (v. 6). In the whole assembly of pandits at his Court there was always by his side one Vrajanatha Sarma, who was the son of the brother of his guru and who was very much respected on account of his deep learning. Vrajanatha had performed a Paunupon (Continued from the previous page) " the Maratha forces by orders of Madhosing. In an earlier letter (No, 29 dated 15 Feb. 1751 ) Madhosing is styled "durbuddhi " or wicked and " visvasaghataki " or treacherous. 1. In the colophons of the MSS of Jayasimhakalpadruma compiled by Ratnakara, the author is called "devabhattatmajapaumdarakiyaji- ratnakara " ( See MS No. 253 of 1887-91, folio 193 ),

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darika sacrifice. Ratnakara was the guru of the King (Jayasingh). He was an ornament to the line of Rgvedi brahmins. He had a brother by name Prabhakara, who always resided at Mathura (v. 8). One of his sons was Vrajanatha while the other was called Gokulanatha. These two brothers were always at the side of the King expounding to him the meaning of the Sastras (v. 9). Vrajanatha, who was the wisest among the brahmins personally expounded the Sastras to the King almost without a break and in this manner the King passed his entire time in the company of the learned, listenting to the Sastras and acting according to dharma (v. 10). After the tragic end of isvarasingh,' Vrajanatha appears to have transferred his loyalty and attachment from Sevai Jayasing to his other son Madhosingh as evidenced by the composition of the work Padyatarangini referred to above which was definitely 1. Vide Peshwa Dafter II, (p. 53) Letter No. 31 dated 21 st February 1751. This is an important news letter addressed to Govindpant Bundele by his accountant Baburao Vishnu, from the camp of Malharrao Holkar and Jayapa Scinde in the vicinity of Jaipur. This letter of five pages gives a detailed account of the circumstances which resulted in the suicide of Isvarasing and the treacherous conduct of Madhosing against the Maratha forces led by Subhedar Malharrao Holkar and Jayapa Scinde. The old administrators of the State viz. Hargovind and Vidyadhara reported to Isvarsing that the troops of Holkar had arrived at the gate of Jaipur. Isvarsing asked them to negotiate for peace but they refused to approach Holkar whereupon feeling helpless and desperate Isvarsing ordered his page to get a live cobra as also some somalkhar (= arsenic). He then took some of this poison himself and got the cobra to bite him. He died early at dawn. His three wives and one mistress also poisoned themselves and fell dead in the palace rooms. Har Govind and Vidyadhara reported this tragic occurrence to Holkar, who kept a guard at the palace and later cremated the body of Isvarsing with due honour along with the bodies of three wives and one mistress. After successful negotiations carried on by Har Govind and Vidyadhar, Holkar withdrew his forces from the town of Jaipur. One queen and twenty mistresses of Isvarsing burnt themselves as Sati. Madhosing returned to Jaipur after a fortnight and rode into the town on elephant's back together with Holkar. Jayapa Scinde came to Jaipur eight days after Madhosing's arrival.

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composed to please his new patron. From the verses quoted above from the Isvaravilasakavya we get the following genealogy of Vrajanatha's family :-RatnakaraVrajanatha -Prabhakara Gokulanatha Ratnakara mentioned in the above genealogy given by Krsnakavi in his Isvaravilasakavya is identical with Ratnakara, the author of the Dharmasastra compendium called the Jayasimha-Kalpadruma composed at the request of Sevai Jayasing. Ratnakara belonged to the Sandilya gotra and was the son of a Brahmin, Devabhatta, a resident of Benares.' The Isvaravilasa Kavya has given us the name only of one brother of Ratnakara viz. Prabhakara. It appears, however, from Ratnakara's reference to his brothers in the Jayasimha-Kalpadruma that he had two brothers.2 Ratnakara completed his Jayasimha Kalpadruma in A. D. 1713 Samvat 1770, in the month of nabhas i.e. Bhadrapada) as stated in verse 5 of the colophon.3 Further information about the descendants of Ratnakara is luckily available and my attention 1. Vide the following verses at the beginning of JayasimhaKalpadruma (MS No. 253 of 1887-91) fol. 4- " tena srijayasimhena sarvasastrarthasamvida | samprarthitam titheh krtyam kuruteti susamgraham || 26|| ramamghripravanah sukarmaniratah samdilya gotrodbhavah kasisthadvijadeva bhattatanayah samrat suvidyanvitah | samlabdhairdhanasamcayairbahuvidhaih sarvan kratunacaran tatprityai vratakalpasakhinamamum nirmati ratnakarah || 27 || " 2. Ibid, fol. 1, verse 2- " srijanakisam saranagataika | duhkhapaham srigirijadhavam ca | smrtvatha pujyau pitarau gurumsca | sribhratarau suryasamo namami " The two brothers to whom Ratnakara bows in the above verse may have been older than himself and it is possible to conclude that Prabhakara was one of them. 3. Ibid, p. 894-The exact Christian equivalent of these details is Saturday, 25 th of July, 1713, which is the date of completion of this work.

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was drawn to it by Dr. Hara Datta Sharma.' His study of a work on Dharmasastra composed by the great grandson of Ratnakara gives us some more details not recorded in the Jayasimha-Kalpadruma or the Isvaravilasakavya. This great-grandson is none other than Visvesvara, who wrote a work called Nirnaya-Kaustubha2 between A.D. 1788 and 1803 according to Dr. Sharma. Visvesvara's surname was Mahasabda.3 In another work composed by Visvesvara and called Prataparka" he states that his surname was Mahasabda ( mahasabdopanama ) and that he was the great grandson of Ratnakarabhatta, the author of the Jayasimha-Kalpadruma,5 grandson of Gangarama and son of Ramesvara." We have already seen that Ratnakara mentions his gotra viz. Sandilya in his JayasimhaKalpadruma. Visvesvara also has mentioned this Sandilya gotra in his Prataparka. The genealogy of Ratnakara's family gathered from the work Prataparka may now be presented as follows:- 8 1. Dr. Sharma has submitted to the Ninth Oriental Conference an article on "Nirnaya Kaustubha or Laghunirnaya-Kaustubha of I am thankful to Dr. Visvesvarabhatta - Its date and Contents. " Sharma for allowing me the use of this article to make my account of Ratnakara's family as complete as possible. 2. Only one MS of this work is available in the Govt. MSS Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona, viz. No. 350 of 1875-76 (45 folios) dated Samvat 1863 = A. D. 1807. 3. Ibid, verse 1 at the beginning :- 65 mahasabde ' " " pranamya janakijanim mahasabdopanamakah | visvesvarah subalanamavabodharthamadarat | " etc. is a " current among surname the Maharashtra Brahmanas. It is possible to conclude that Ratnakara's family came from the Deccan and resided at Benares. son. 4. Vide Vide pp. 129-30 of Peterson's Cata. of Ulwar MSS. 5. Ibid verse 9 of the Extract from Prataparka quoted by Peter- 6. Ibid verse 10. 7. Ibid verse 11. 8. Ibid, verse 7. - " srisamdilyamuneh kule kila mahasabdopanamajani | "

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devabhatta (of Sandilya gotra ), ( resident of Kasi or Benares ). ratnakara (author of Jayasimhakalpadruma ) gamgarama ) These two persons were at the court of Madhavasing, ramesvara son of Sevai Jayasing. ' visvesvara If we now consolidate the above genealogy with that given by Krsnakavi's Isvaravilasakavya we get the following result :- devabhatta mahasabda of Sandilya gotra | ratnakara (A.D. 1713 ) prabhakara | gamgarama A. D. 1755 ramesvara vrajanatha ( A. D. 1755 ) gokulanatha visvesvara ( after A. D. 1788 ) Besides the contemporary evidence of Vrajanatha's work composed in A. D. 1753 regarding the Asvamedha sacrifice performed by 1. Vide Mr. M. M. Patkar's article on Madhavasimharya- sataka of Syama Lattu composed in A. D. 1755 published in the Poona Orientalist, Vol. I, No. 4, p. 35. Among the learned pandits at the court of Madhosing two pandits viz. gamgarama and ramesvara are mentioned in the following verses quoted by Mr. Patkar :-- " " sripaundarikayaji gamgaramabhidhah surih | rsiriva babhuva casyam puryam bhudevavaryoyam || 122 || tatsunurdvijarajah sriramesvarabhidhah surih | sripaundarikayaji virajate brahmapuryam yah || 123|| " In the colophons of jayasimhakalpadruma its author is styled " paundarika- yaji ratnakara . In verse 3 at the end of the jayasimhakalpadruma the performance of paundarika sacrifice is attributed to ratnakara (srestham sarvakratubhyo vividha- vidhiyutam paundarikam ca yutam etc.). I have no doubt that gangarama and his son ramesvara mentioned in 1755 A. D. are identical with their namesakes mentioned later in the prataparka of visvesvara .

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Sevai Jayasing we have also the testimony of a pandit at the court of Madhavasing in A. D. 1755. He is described by Syama Lattu,' the author of Madhavasimharya Sataka as follows:- " jayati sadasivasarma munijanadharma sudharmagrayah | madhavasimha sudharma sadasi sudharmah svadharmaprayah || 130 || " The Sadasivasarma mentioned in the above verse in a work composed in A. D. 1755 is possibly identical with the author of a work on dharmasastra called the Acarasmrticandrika 2 by name Sadasiva. This work begins as follows:- " || sriganesaya namah || srimanmahaganadhipataye namah || umakatitatasphuratkarivarananalokana- prasannahrdayam dhiya sadayaminducudam mrdam | namami girijadhavam bhajanamatra dattepsitam || smitananamanamayam priyamumasahayam muda || 1 || dhamasesabudhasisam subhagunagramabhiramakrtih kamavaptikrtim satamavatarambhumavivasvadrumah | 1. Vide Poona Orientalist, Vol. I, No. 4, p. 36. 2. MS No. 236 of 1887-91 in the Govt. MSS Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona. Vide P. V. Kane's History of Dharmasastra, Vol. I, p. 754 where we have the following information about Sadasiva and his works:- 'sadasiva, son of gadadhara of the dasaputra family. First quarter of the 18 th century ; author of acarasmrticandrika (composed for king jayasimha of jayanagara ), lingarcanacandrika . " The B. O. R. I. MS mentioned above is the only MS of Acarasmrticandrika recorded by Aufrecht (Vide Cata. Catalo. III, p. 9.) - Vide also Peshwa Daftar No. II Letter No. 7 dated A. D. 1747 This is a news-letter addressed to the Peshwa from the Maratha camp near Jaipur. It describes the great terror and anxiety created by the presence of the Maratha forces in the mind of Madhosing. The letter contains a reference to "71- sivaji " who is also called " bhataji " and whom Madhosing consulted in his embarrassing situation. Most probably, this is identical with mentioned by Syama Lattu in 1755 as associated with the court of Madhosing. A person whom Madhosing consulted in his troubles in 1747 may have attained some influence at his court later after the enthronement of Madhosing on the gadi of Jaipur in A. D. 1751.

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bhupayastanumanasesatapasam srivisnusimhaprabhoh sunuh srijayasimhabhupati patirvavaiddhikiya bhuvi || 2 || yascamikaravrstibhih sumanasam daridryadavanalo- dbhutam tapamapacakarakaranakallolinivallabhah | nyaye vartmani ca prajamiva nijam sasvatprajah palayan sriramasya yaso jagama vipulam bhupalacudamanih || 3 || kasijanapadanilayasturagamedham sarvamedham ca nirmaya | amgadinah kundalinah kamkanino yena viracitavu ( vi ) budhah || 4 || vamse'smindasaputranamani mahan visnurdvijagrayastvabhut sunustasya sudhirgadadhara iti khyato jagatyakhyaya | tatputrena sadasivenam krpaya srivisvanathaprabho- racarasmrticamdrika viracita vidvaccakorastada || 5 || " In the above extract verse 4 is very important as it mentions the performance of or Asvamedha by Sawai Jai Singh and the attendance of Benares pandits on the occasion, not to say the numerous presents given by the king to these Brahmins. We shall now quote a few verses at the end of the work which contain a reference to Jayasing by our author. These verses read as follows :- " mimamsanayamamsalativimala prajna taya bhuyasi drstih srauta nibamdhacaracatura yesam sadacarinam | tesam drstipatham prayatu suhrdam samdarbha esasthitah kimcanyairnijadosadustamatibhih prajnetaraih prarthitaih || prajnasrijayasimhanamanrpatestosaya ya nirmita sacarasmrticamdrika'tivimala vidvacchakorestada | tam pasyamtu pariksakah sahrdayah nihpaksapatam budha- steneyam gunavattarahi bhavita gauripatestustaye || iti srimaddasaputrakulavatamsena viracita sadasiva- pamditena'pastamba carasmrticamdrika samapta | In the foregoing extract the author Sadasiva definitely states that the work was composed to please his patron Jayasing ( jayasimha- namanrpatestosaya ya nirmita ). We must, therefore, presume that this work on dharmasastra was composed during the life-time of Jayasing i.e. before A. D. 1744, the date of Jayasing's death. As this work refers to turagamedha (or asvamedha ) it must have been composed after the performance of the Asvamedha. We must, therefore,

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attach the highest evidential value to Sadasiva's reference to turagamedha as it is a piece of contemporary evidence coming from a person in direct contact with his patron Jayasing. We also find that Ratnakara, the author of the Jayasimha-Kalpadruma, though he refers to the other kinds of sacrifice in which Jayasing was interested, does not make any reference to Asvamedha-an omission which may enable us to fix the probable limits for the date of the performance of the Asvamedha viz. A. D. 1713, the date of completion of the Jayasimha-Kalpadruma and say about 1742 A. D. presuming that Sadasiva must have taken at least two years for the composition of his work Acarasmrticandrika and shown it to his patron some time before his death. In addition to the references about the Asvamedha found in contemporary and subsequent works of the 18 th century as pointed out by me above I have found a reference to it in a still later work called the Dharmasamgraha' composed by Hariscandra by order of Ramasimha of the Jaipur dynasty. Hariscandra records in the beginning of his work some genealogy2 of his patron and in doing so he refers to Sewai Jai Singh1. Only one MS of this work is recorded by Aufrecht ( CC II, 58) viz. "Peters 4.8". It is the same as No. 223 of 1886-92 in the Govt. MSS Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona. 2. Ibid, folios. 1-3 - verses 2 to 22 read as follows :- " pranamya srigurunadi jnananamda sasvatim | prakasanamdanathena dharmamrtamaham bruve || 2 || rajnamajnam samadaya dharmakamarthahetave | lokanamupakaraya dharmamrtamaham bruve || 3 || karmavamsetivikhyato manasimho mahidharah | dhirah sudhi suvijnasca dani suro jitemdriyah || 4|| vijitya sakalam bhumim svakiyakhadgadharaya | asamudraksitisanam satrunam damanam krtam || 5 || tasya vamse samudbhuto jayasimho pratapavan | devah samtosita yena casvamedhena karmana || 6 || pamcasvamedhi vikhyato smartadharmaparayanah | rajanitya dharmanitya lokah sarve vasikrtah || 7 || yadrso nagaro yena svabudhya parikalpita- stadrso naiva bhuloke vikhyatahi janasrutih || 8 || tasya putro samutpanno madhavesah pratapavan | tapasvi dharmasampanno dayavamsca jitemdriyah || 9|| ( Continued on the next page)

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and his Asvamedha in verse 6 ( devah samtosita yena casvamedhana karmana ). The genealogy recorded by Hariscandra is of the princes from Sevai Jayasing onwards. It is as follows :- - (Sevai ) Jayasimha - Madhavasimha-Pratapasimha - Jagatsimha -Jayasimha-Ramasimha. The above genealogy appears to be substantially correct.' (Continued from the previous page) mananiyo nrpanam ca bhagyavan samupasthitah | anayasena labdhau vai ranastambhagirirvarah || 10|| yadrso hi varo durgastadrso nagarah krtah | svasamamtabalenaiva vrajarajo rane jitah || 11|| tasya putrah samutpannah pratapesi vicaksanah | dayavandharmasilasca caturye cativisrutah || 12|| malavadhipateryuddhe parajayamupagatah | putrastasya samutpanno jagatesi bhuvisrutah || 13 || - dayavan sraddhaya yukto bhogaisvarye sadarata - | stasya putrah samutpanno jayasimho mahabhujah || 14|| tapasvi satyasampanno dayavamsca jitemdriyah | tasya putrah samutpanno ramasimho nrpottamah || 15|| dayavansilasampanno sivabhakto mahamatih | dharmamargena damanam krtam kupathagaminam || 16|| nigamagamasamprokto khyato dharmah sanatanah | tasmindharme sarvalokasthapitasca mahibhuja || 17|| asminkaliyuge ghore viveki samadarsanah | ramasimhasamo raja na bhuto na bhavisyati || 18|| rajarajyemdravaryena ramasimhena srimata | nirnayartham krtah prasnah dharmaraksanahetave || 19 || vasistagotrotpanno yo jnatyadavaravisrutah | upadhyayo hariscamdrah prasnanam uttaram dadau || 20 || " 1. Vide article on Jaipur State in the Maharastriya Jnanakosa by Dr. S. V. Ketkar, Vol, 13 (Poona, 1925, pp. 119-124. It is stated in this volume (p. 122) that Sevai faising ruled for 40 years and died in A. D. 1734. This statement is absolutely wrong as Sevai Jayasing (Continued on the next page )

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with the exception of the omission of the names of Isvarasimha and Prthvisimha, whose careers were not apparently very important or prosperous in the opinion of Hariscandra. I have recorded the testimony of Hariscandra regarding the Asvamedha of Sevai Jayasing even though it belongs to the middle of the 19 th century to make my list of references to Asvamedha as comprehensive as possible. I shall now sum up in brief the evidence about the Asvamedha as recorded in this paper as also in my previous paper on the subject published in the Journal of Indian History, Madras (Vol. XV):- 1. Evidence of Sadasiva Dasaputra recorded in his work called the Acarasmrticandrika composed to please Sawai Jai Singh. This evidence has the highest evidential value as it is recorded during the life-time of his patron i.e. before A. D. 1744. 2. Evidence of Krsnakavi recorded in his work called the Isvaravilasakavya composed sometime after the death of Sevai Jayasing i.e. at the coronation of his son Isvarasing say about 1744-5 A.D. 3. Evidence of Vrajanatha recorded in his work called the Padyatarangini composed in A. D. 1753. The personal (Continued from the previous page) died in A. D. 1744 and ruled from A. D. 1699 to 1744-a period of 45 years. The chronology of the Jaipur rulers as given in this volume of the Jnanakosa may be briefly indicated here:- 1. Sevai Jaising (1699-1744). 2. Ishvarsing (poisoned himself). 3. Madhavasing (ruled for 17 years.) 4. Prthvising II and his mother. 5. Pratapsing (ruled for 15 years) (1788 to 1803.) 6. Jagatsing -(1803 to 1818.) 7. Jayasing III-(1819 to 1835.) 8. Ramasing (Savai) 1835- 1883. B.I.L.H.-20 Savai Ramasing, the patron of Hariscandra, was a very learned ruler. He assisted the English with 7000 troops in the Indian Mutiny of 1857. He constructed roads and railway line and founded schools in his state. He was a member of Legislative Council of the Govt. of India (1869-1875.)

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contact of this author with Sevai Jayasing has been amply proved in this paper. 4. Evidence recorded by Visvesvara in his work called the Prataparka composed between 1788 and 1803. 5. Evidence recorded by Hariscandra about the middle of the 19 th Century in his work called the Dharmasamgraha. The foregoing references to the Asvamedha performed by Sevai Jayasing made by pandits patronized by the Jaipur line of princes are conclusive so far as they go. The echo of this epochmaking religious event which then caught the imagination of the citizens of the Jaipur State must have reverberated throughout the length and breadth of the Hindu India and hence it is possible to collect more references to this Asvamedha in Rajputana records which unfortunately are not at present accessible to me. Perhaps in the Peshwa Daftar recently published by the Govt. of Bombay a few contemporary references to this event are likely to be traced. I shall, however, conclude this paper by reproducing a reference to this Asvamedha made by a Maharashtra Brahmin in 1782 A. D. This reference as found in the Sources of Maratha History' published by the Maharashtra historian V. K. Rajwade is as follows:Letter No. 436-dated Saka 1704, Magha vadya 5 (= Sunday 3 rd February 1782) Madhavrao Anant Vedanti writes to the young Peshwa a long letter of advice in which he deplores the decay of Hinduism in general and notes the special efforts made by certain Hindu kings to revive it. One such effort was made by the king of Jaipur by the performance of Asvamedha. In the opinion of the writer all these efforts were disconcerted and hence not quite effective. He then refers to the incarnation of God Siva on this earth in the form of the Maratha king Shivaji the Great and his life-long efforts to preserve Hindu literature and culture. 1. Khanda VI, p. 514 - "himdu raje kityeka hote jale . tyasahi hitopadesa- karte loka nirmana jale . tyanom nanaprakare samguna dharmavamcha dharavili . paramtu janaci pravrtti lavarom jahalem nahim . jaivapuravale yamgom asvametra kela, "

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39. The Description of the Asvamedha performed by Sevai Jayasing of Jaipur (1699-1744 A. D.) as given in the Isvaravilasakavya of Krsnakavi * Fitz-Edward Hall in his preface to the Edition of the Sankhyapravacanabhasya' observes :-"An anecdote, which I have heard from several pandits, synchronizes Nagesa (Nagojibhatta) with Jayasimha, Raja of Jaypur, who, as is known from the Jayasimhakalpadruma-by Ratnakarabhatta, son of Devabhatta-was reigning as late as the Samvat year 1770 or A. D. 1713." This anecdote is identical with the tradition 2 current at Jaipur, which refers to an invitation for a horse sacrifice ( Asvamedha) received in 1714 A. D. by Nagojibhatta from Sevai Jaysing (1699- 1744 A. D.) but which Nagojibhatta refused on the ground that he had taken ksetrasanyas and hence could not leave Benares to attend the ceremony. James Todd3 (1782-1835) refers to the Asvamedha as follows:- 66 Amongst the vanities of the founder of Amber it is said that he intended to get up the ceremony of the Aswameda yuga or sacrifice of the horse."4 Perhaps the vague nature of these references was responsible for the theory recently postulated by Dr. Dinesh Candra Sarkar that "Sevai Jayasing most probably did not celebrate any Asvamedha." I controverted this theory on Mimamsa Prakasa, Vol. II, pp. 43-46. 1. Bib. Indica, Calcutta, 1856, p. 32, Footnote. 2. Vide Belvalkar: Systems of Sans. Grammar, Poona, 1915, p. 49, Dr. Belvalkar has recorded this tradition from the Introduction to the Rasagangadhara ( Kavyamala edn.). 3. Dictionary of Indian Biography by C. E. Buckland, London, 1906, p. 425. 4. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, 1832, (Popular Edition in 2 volumes), London, Vol. II. p. 297. 5. Indian Culture, Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 376-379. (307)

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or Asvathe strength of contemporary evidence' furnished by a historical poem called the Isvaravilasakavya. This poem was composed by one Krsna Kavi, a court-poet who wrote this poem to commemorate the coronation of Isvarasing, the son of Sawai Jayasingh of Jaipur. Krsna Kavi states that he and another fellow-poet (Sri Krsna Kavi-Laksmanau) were assigned the parts of singing the praise of the Yajamana at this horse-sacrifice medha, to the description of which he devotes two chapters viz. Chapters IV and V of his poem. As the Government Ms Library at the B. O. R. Institute, Poona, possesses the only known copy of this poem (No. 273 of 1884-1886) and as Krsna Kavi's description of the sacrifice appears to me to be an eyewitnesss account of this epoch-making religious event, I have thought it advisable to reproduce the text of these two chapters about the Asvamedha of Sevai Jayasing as it is found in the Ms. I have recorded additional evidence regarding this Asvamedha from contemporary and subsequent sources in a recent paper contributed to the Poona Orientalist, Vol. II. That evidence combined with the description of the sacrifice contained in the chapters reproduced below will satisfy all historical curiosity about this event. I may, however, note here the names of persons who were present at this sacrifice as stated by Krsnakavi :- (1) Krsna Kavi, the author of the Isvaravilasa Kavya. (2) Laksmana. (3) Ramacandra Ayacita. (4) Ramacandra Dravida. (5) Vyasa Sarma (6) Gunakara. (7) Hari Krsna Sarma, a Karnataka Brahmin. He appears to be identical with harikrsnamisra who composed a work vaidika by order of Sevai Jayasing (Ms No. 443 of 1891-95-B. O. R. Inst.). It may be possible to identify some of these names from contemporary and other sources. 1. Jour. of Indian History, Madras, Vol. XV, pp. 364-367.

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( srimatkavisrikrsnaviracitesvaravilasagatacaturtha pancama- sargarupamasvamedhavarnanam ) jajagara dvijagaram vikirnasvarna samcayah | sriman rajadhirajo'sau dhanyo dharanimamdale || 1 || atyartham vrddhima saistulataratapodanadiksaprakara- praptestapurtta punyaprakarasamuditajnanabhaktiprakaraih | saksannistaksya tamkairiva vimalatarairatmanah ksatradeham visvamitrodhiko yah sukrtabharanidhirbrahmanam proccakara || 2 || ( nirjitya ) virah svabalairdisostau padapranamrakhilabhumipalah | dharmaya dharmasmajavaddhurinah prabhutamuccairvasusamcikaya || 3 || dharmena bhuyah svabhujarjitam tadvisuprabhutam viniyoktukamah | srivallabhacaryamatanuvartti srutyuktakarmanyanisam rato'bhut || 4 || dhirastrirascayanam cakara suddhavasuddha khilakarmatattvah | tadaksinabhirvavrte dvijanam daridraduhkham srutimatrasesam || 5 || abhudadhibrahmapuri dvijanam tadaksina bhuri samrddhibhajam | grhesu samyagvitatadhvaresu suresvarahvanamajasrameva || 6 || aharnisam tena vitayamanesuccaih krtahvanatayadhvaresu | puramdaro nityamabhutpravasi pulomajalimganasabhilasah || 7 || tasyaiva yajnotsavajataharsah dhanaprakarsah | ... prajna dvijah srivinivrtta (?) tarsah kasimscayamte dhrtamodavarsah || 8 || sa vajapeyadhvaradiksayaptasamratpadah suddhatamo'bhisekat | sirse sitacchatramuvaha bhuyo rajyabhisekavasare'nubhutam || 9 || sa vajapeyavabhrthe prabhutacamdramalacchatravirajisirsah | dvijavalipreritavaridharamisadadhau camaravijitani || 10 || nityam vitanesu vitayamanesuccairdvijebhyah pradadau yathaisah | tathaiva sampadvavrdhe vitirnatprasaritam kotigunam vahantim || 11 || sampadvivrdhdyaiva vivrddhaharsah sraddhalutam karmavidhau dadhanah | sa vajimedhena mahamakhena vidvatsabham yastumanascakara || 12 || samamtatah srijusi tatsabhayam mahamanistambhavibhusitayam | caturdigamte ca upetya nityam same sameta vibudha babhuvuh || 13 || srimatsavai jaya simghavidvanmahamaharajasabhamtaralam | vibhusayamti sma budha gunaughairgirvanagurvataragarva bhajah || 14 || 309

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sarvavanicakra puramdarasya mahasriyah srijayasimhanamnah | sabhavapuh prajnagurudvijemdvairyuktam sudharmamapi nirjagaya || 15 || tasyam sa vidvadvaracakravarti samastabhumipaticakravartti | uvaca raja mahata svarena sudhapayodam sahasanukurvan || 16 || samastasastrarthavivecanodyatprajnavitanam susamuhabhajah | yuyam bhave bhaskaratulyarupastamo vihantum bhramasamsayakhyam || 17 || krsnavatare sucaritrasare tirohite turyayugam prava | samvatsarah pamcasahasram samkhya vyatiyurasyam bhuvi kimcidunah || 18 | dharmastatha jnanamathapi sarve bhavah sunirnita subhasvabhavah | tirohitakarataya babhuvuh ksitavidanim srutimatrasesah || 19 || evamvidhe ghoratamomayesminkalitriyamavasare pravrtte | va drsyate dharmamayah prakasah sasam ( tam ) manah padmavikasasali || 20 || aham punah prajnavarastatesminkalau bhavatpadatalam prapannah | karomi karmani bhavanmukhebhyah srutani nityam haribhaktisiddhayai || 21 || krtam triramesvayanam yathavatkrtasca somah pranayena bhuyah | brhaspatescapi sa vajapeyah sarvah sahasram vihita hitaya || 22 || atah param karttumanah kilasmi bhavatprasadadahamasvamedham | javena tammamanumamtamarhah sarve budhah sastradrso bhavamtah || 23 || ityuktivasyuktivicaksanesmin- samraji sarvajijayaikabhaji | yatha marutvajjanamejayottha katha tatha tam sma budha hrdi sphutanti || 24 || athocire te'njalibandhapurvam samastasastrarthavivekadaksah | mahanpadartho'yamihasvamedhastvayaiva karttum prthivindrasakyah || 25 || param tu rajno janamejayakhyadanantaram deva mahitale'smin | kenapi naivahata esa yajnah ksitisvarena srutibodhito'pi || 26 || atah param deva bhavanpramanam srutismrtijnatasamastatatva | aho tavaivaviditam hi (?) kincidyadasti yannasti ca karmayogyam || 27 || tatah kilasminvisayetyanalpe sa samsayano dharanimahendrah | cakre'dhivaranasipatralekham mahamahapanditaraja cakre || 28 || tatraikamatyam vibudhairvidhaya sama ( sta ) sastrarthakrtantavidbhih | mahibhuje praisyata niscitartho duto gariyaniva patralekhah || 29 || svastisriyalamkrtasarvalokatikrantakantaprasaranganodhe | triragniciddiksitavaryasamrad bhavadhuna tvam hayamedhayaji || 30 ||

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yavadbhave ( t ) visnupadipravaho yavacca vedasya bhramanti sakhah | yavacca varnasramasamvibhagastavatkalapayyayamasvamedhah || 31 || param tvadanyo na kalau prabhutah sraddhalutasadgunavarirasih | samastadigjaitrataya ca varo rajasvamedham kila yokarisyat || 32 || svam tadrsodyadvijalokabhagyaih srivisnusimghaksitipalamauleh | saddha mampatnyam nrpate'vatirno matavivanandabharo budhasya || 33 || aja ... yajnairvinusva danam manusvavedanvicinusva saram | sunuva somam prahinutra visnorminusya bhaktim svakrtarthatayai || 34 || evam vidhena srutimargabhaja tatpatralekhena hrdi prasannah | akarayamasa sa tansamastanvidhatavah srautapatundvijagyan || 35 || athayayau jnatasakalpasutrasrutismrtijyautisasastratatvah | ayacitopakhyataya prasiddhah srimandvijendrah kila ramacandrah || 36 || tatrayayau srautapaturdvitiyah sa ramacandro dravidadvijendrah | kasyamupadhyayataya prasiddhim yah praptavanpanditamandalesu || 37 || agatpunah srautakalavatamsah sarvakriyatantra sudhabdhihamsah | yah somayagaih prativarsa yajva sa vyasasarma mukuto dvijanam || 38 || bhuyah sa tatrabhyagamadvijanma yah kevalam yajna ( ka ) rah prasiddhah | karastha evajani tasya yajnastato babhuvaisa yatharthanama || 39 || gunakarotragamadamgayuktatrayivilasilayakanthapithah | yah karmavidyanidhiragrajanma sisto'dhivaranasi suprasiddha || 40 || karnatadesyadvijavamsadipascaracareyascayaniprasiddhah | sotragatah sriharikrsnasarma puraskrto gokulavasivaryaih || 41 || adhasamudram kila ye vasanti dvijottamah srauta vidhipravinah | parah sataste samupayayustam rajadhirajasya samajamadhye || 42 || aharnisam yajnavidhanadiksa yasomaye vadyati humdubhau te | svatyadarakaritavadvijaughah svayam sameta abhavandisabhyah || 43 || rajadhirajo nrpatirdhrta srista mandalasthah susubhetaramsah | samastataragrahacakramadhye prasaritajyotsna iva ksapesah || 44 || utkanthito vajimakham vidhatum dilipa mamdhatrtula prayatum | sasara sambharaganam purastaccakara satkara niyuktabhrtyaih || 45 || jalaja sthalaja vanecarah pasavah paksiganasca sambhrtah | hayamedhavidhanakovidairdvijavaryaih srutito niveditah || 46 || tilamudgatam dulaya vajyasarkaramanirupana kancana dukulasancayah | himasailamerumalayadvisamnibhah sanakairakaripata tena taraksanat || 47 ||

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gavyutyardhopari jayapuraduttaratra pradese srigovindalayavilasitodyadhvajacchayajuste | purvam manaksitipatikrteh sagarasya pratire rajna tena vyaraci vibhavairmandito yajnavatah || 48 || yatpraciram kanakarajatottungamityutparasnam yatra stambhah khacitamanayonyonya dattanubimbah | patnisaladhvara mukhahavirgehavedisa bhadyai- yantah karupravararacitaih sthanabhedaiscakase || 49 || sirsah saksastrivrtte vilasati nayanam chandasam mukhyamuccai- gayatram nama paksadvitayamapi brhatsamarapyamtaram ca | nirnitastoma atmatravapatagapatenyani cangani sarva- cchandasyevam yajumsi prasarati bhavato nama nanavidhani || 50 || nanuh sate vamadevyam prasiddham suparno'si satvam gariyan garutman | iti stuyate ya bhrsam veda sabdairabhutsa subha vedika yajnavate || 51 || tatra brahmadhvaryurudvatrvaryo hota pota nestatayam pravinah | rtvigvargam karmanittham niyujya saksadije vajimedhedhe (?) bhupah || 52 || iti srimadisvara caritre kavisrikrsnakrto vajimedharambho nama caturthah sargah || 4 || pancamah sargah | tatra brahma bhavatkascidvijarajastrayipatuh | vitanakarmasandohavitananavicaksanah || 1 || sarvartvigganadhina karmatantravidhanavit | krtakrtavidhijnata mukhyah sarvakriyasu yah || 2 || asidadasimamahimandalakhandaladrtah | asidyajnakaro'dhvaryuh kasivasi dvijottamah || 3 || madhyamdinamahasakham yajuh kalpamahiruhah | dhatte yajnamadhusabdamaruhya savanasiyah || 4 || tatra hotrakriyamatrapatratamatmana dadhat | rgvedakovidah kascidvijah gha (pra ) varttayanmakham || 5 || kanthasvaraparabhutagandharvavaradhoranih | audgatrabibhradabhrantam babhraje brahmanottamah || 6 || sarve svasvaganopeta deva iva divaspateh | srimadrajadhirajasya viprah pravarttayanmakham || 7 ||

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yavatturanga utsrstah krtarakso dhanurdharaih | tavadangahutiranau sayam pratardadau dvijah || 8 || dvau vinagayinau viprau tatra daksinato'dhvarat | jagaturyajamanasya yajnadanodbhavam yasah || 9 || sayam samgramavijayaprabhutamamalam yasah | sravayamasaturnityam samrajastasya bhupateh || 10 || avagahya mahi krtsnam pratyavrtto yada hayah | yajamanayutah sarve yajnavatam tada yayuh || 11 || arebhirebhito viprastatra sarvangasambhrtam | asvamedham mahayajnamindrasyeva mahipateh || 12 || vastospatirihahuteh subrahmanyadvijanmana | ahalyajaramatmanamakarnyantastrapam dadhau || 13 || sarvasvarnamayakarastatrocchrayam dadhaddivi | reje yupavalimadhye mahabhupo manoharah || 14 || yatha bhupavalimadhye mahabhupo virajate | ambavatipurasrestha parivradhimakirttitah || 15 || mistanna bhojanairvipra bibhranastrptimadhvare | pratyaksam kathayamcakruh santosa (sam ) hrdimadhvare || 16 || dinanathajanairlabdha istamistannabhuktayah | yajatam rajasardulo nityamitthamavadayan || 17 | samanayata samdatta tatha pacata bhrjjata | eka pravarttita tatra kriya vadatamodata || 18 || pratah parvatasankasah prakasamtennarasayah | sayam suddhadharasesa drsyamte prativasaram || 19 || sudesyani dukulani mistannani ca bhurisah | ayacitopapannani sarvairlabdhani bhupateh || 20 || dipta| bhirabhejvalabhirananaisca dvijanmanam | datta ahutayo yajne grhitasmitivarjitah || 21 || dvau vinagayinau viprau srikrsnakavilaksmanau | rajarsibhih samam tatra yajamanamagayatam || 22 || prthumamdhatrsagaradilipanahusadayah | tasyastrasturvidhestatra hastalekha ivababhuh || 23 || jayamanasu sutyasu tayamane tato'dhvare | mahendrena samam bhuyo yajamanamagayatam || 24 || 313

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mahendrah samyagahutah subrahmanya prayogibhih | vilokya rajasardulam svadvitiyamapanyata || 25 || vitayamane vipraughairvitane'sminvisesatah | prajapatisamam (?) viprau yajamanamagayatam || 26 || evam sarvangasampannah so'svamedho mahamakhah | labdho rajadhirajena sreyasah pratibhuriva || 27 || virejurlohitosnisah pracaranto makhe dvijah | rajesmai yajamanaya dayamanah subhasisah || 28 || asminyajne jayamane yavadyadyena yacitam | tavattattena viprena ksipramasmadalabhyata || 29 || lebhe pracyadidigdesam prajya rajyodbhavam dhanam | ri (r) vigbhirdaksinatvena srimadrajadhirajatah || 30 || rejesauvarnayupena manasagaratirabhuh | jayastambhena mahata yathasagaratirabhuh || 31 || ahardivavahaddivyaprajyasarajyadharaya | saptajihnah paripraptasamtrptirdiptimanbabhau || 32 || nityalagnajyadharabhirbhagnavayavatanavam | pasyamtipatimagnayi premamagnamudam dadhau || 33 || vitane vitatanekabhajanocchunavigraham | drstva pulomajakantamantah santosamatanot || 33 || krtarajadhirajena hayamedham mahamakham | jagurgandharvapatayah svayambhusadanantare || 35 || amum rajadhirajasya vitatam sumahakratum | srnvatam sarvadevanamasladhyata brhaspatih || 36 || tatra dhautatame suksme vasasi vimale vahan | krsnajinadharah skandhe mrgagamgam kare dadhat || 37 || asvamedhamakhe diksam bibhratparamadurlabham | mahabhagyavatamisom parapaurusasarabhrt || 38 || sikhasutradharodaram diptirajarsisamstutah | saksaddharmavataro'sau yajamano vyarajata || 39 || tribhih kulakam bhayenalokito raja nayenadhyo yudhisthirah | mayena vadvinirdistam sa enamavalokatam || 40 || yajnavatasya parito vapih puskarinih kati | cakre sa rajasardulo kulasthambhojakananah || 41 ||

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unmilakamalamodakamalamodadharinih | kalahamsakulakandakelikujitadharinih || 42 || phullaravindakosantarvesmanityavilasibhih | arabdhatarasamkarasangita bhrngakinnaraih || 43 || tirabhuvilasaddivyavisnuvesmavirajitah | upanira svarnahira nihsrenisrenisalinih || 44 || avisrantatamaikantasvadhyayadhyayanoddhuraih | dvijaih sevitaparyantah pratyabdam somayajibhih || 45 || asvamedhamakhotsrstaih kaiscirasvairaviharibhih | pasubhih paksibhiscaiva jivanikrtajivana || 46 || viprairavaritadvaramannasannamupasritaih | 315 bre bhojanacchadana svasthaih sevitottira bhumikah || 47 || saptabhih kulakam || atha svanirmitoddharanisrenisronisobhitam | sa rajavabhrtham karttum manasagaramagamat || 48 || yajnapatni catuskena sahitah sahitah satam | raraja rajasardula rtvinmandalamanditah || 49 || yathaiva rohini jyotsna rakakairavinipatih | tarakamandalodarasobhadhyah saradah sasi || 50 || nanatirthasatanita niraniksepabhasure | manalagaratoyesu cakaravabhrtham nrpah || 51 || evam sa daksinabharam sa bhuribrahmabhojanaih | sangam sa vajimedhanam cakre pancottaram satam || 52 || visphurjadvajapeyadhvaravisadataracchatra saccha yasirsah prodacaccamarasrirucirarucilasattirthatoyaih samantat | viprairdattabhisekah samucitacaturamnaya mamtranyavire reje rajadhirajo vimalataratanurvajimedhadhvarinah || 53 || iti srimadisvaracaritre kavisrikrsnakrtavasvamedhavarnanam na (ma ) pamcama- sargah || 5 || JAR

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