Studies in Indian Literary History

by P. K. Gode | 1953 | 355,388 words

The book "Studies in Indian Literary History" is explores the intricate tapestry of Indian literature, focusing on historical chronology and literary contributions across various Indian cultures, including Hinduism (Brahmanism), Jainism, and Buddhism. Through detailed bibliographies and indices, the book endeavors to provide an encycloped...

32. Vidyavilasa, a commentary on the Siddhanta-Kaumudi

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32. Vidyavilasa, a Commentary on the Siddhanta-Kaumudi by Sivarama Tripathin Between A. D. 1700 and 1775 * Aufrecht' records many commentaries on Siddhanta-Kaumudi of Bhattoji Diksita (c. A. D. 1560-1620). Among these commentaries no mention is made of a commentary called Vidyavilasa by Sivarama, a MS of which is available in the collection of the Sanskrit Pathashala at Rajapur in the Ratnagiri District of the Bombay Presidency. I propose in this paper to examine this MS made available to me by my learned friend Shri Raghunatha Sastri Patankar of Rajapur. About Vidyavilasa Aufrecht makes the following entry :CC I, 575-"faranata by Sivarama. Mentioned by him in his Laksminivasabhidhana L. 723."2 CC III, 121-"fanfara by Sivarama, See Kaumudi-Vidyavilasa." CC III, 28 - "kaumudividyavilasa " or vidyavilasa, gr. by Sivarama, As, p. 51." It appears that the work on grammar of the name "kaumudividya- vilasa " or vidyavilasa by sivarama mentioned by Aufrecht is identical with the vidyavilasa commentary by sivarama on the SiddhantaKaumudi represented by the Rajapur MS before me. I am un- * Adyar Library Bulletin, Vol. XV, Part 2, pp. 62-67. 1. See Cata Catalogorum I, p. 718; II, pp. 171-172; III, p. 148. 2. See description of MS No. 723 on pages 136-137 of Vol. II. Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts by R. Mitra, Calcutta. In this description of a MS of which is a Sanskrit Vocabulary in verse of words formed with the Unadi affixes, the author fcc, son of krsnarama and grandson of trilokacandra, refers to vidyavilasa and other works composed by him in the following verses at the end of Ms :- kavyani pancanutayo yugasammitasca tikastrayodasa tathaisa unadikosah | bhupalabhusanamatho rasaratnaharo vidyavilasa inapurvaphalatirande || 31 || granthan maya viracitanparisilayantu | etc. (:237) "

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able to examine Aufrecht's entry "As, p. 51" as the list of MSS represented by it is not available to me. The Rajapur MS of Vidyavilasa consists of 17 folios ( size :- 92 inches * 34 inches ; about 7 lines on each page, each line containing about 39 letters). The MS begins as follows :- 66 sri || ramatrayiva ya vedya sivanetratrayiva ya | visuddhaye mama giro bhavatassa munitrayi || 1 || yatkaryarthamupadanam spastam tajjnayate budhaih | kecitkrtpratyayaih siddhastaddhitairapi kecana || 1|| samasaisca tina sabda avyutpannasca kecana | navopayogi vyutpattergrantha evakhilam yatah || 3 || padakrtyam sastrabadho nivrtyadhikrti tatha | paribhasavicaropi krtatvatkriyate na hi || 4 || arthastu noktah sarvatra tenasau likhyate maya | kosakavyadisam ... tya yathalabham yathamati || 5 || ekatra likhito yortho yah prasiddhatarastatha | pratiyate vigrahadyaih sortho natra vilikhyate || 6 || vidyavilasah kaumudyam sivaramavinirmitah | tanotu vibudhanandam krsnarasavilasavat || 7 || kavyani panca nutayo yugasammitasca tikastrayodasa caika unadikosah | bhupalabhusanamatho rasaratnaharo vidyavilasa inapurvaphalaksinde ' || 8 || granthanmaya viracitanparisilayantu silanvitah sumanaso manaso mude me | yadvahnisodhitamanalparuca sametam jambunadam ...... maulya visesalabhyam || 9 || nanu naupayikam cedam yatpracinoktikhandanam | salaturiya evaha tadasisyamiti sphutam || 10 || 1. Lines 1 and 2 of stanza 8, though scratched out in the MS and corrected, are legible. They read as follows :- " ' stotraya (trayam ? ) rucirakavyacatustayam ca | tikadvayadhika (da) saika unadikosah || "

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tasyapyuktau vararucirgonardiyastaduktisu | amuktamam samalocya janah sarvah pravartate || 11 || " 239 The Ms is not complete. It ends as follows on folio 176 :- " . astapadam | dyutaphalakam | suvarnam va | masakumbhavapena | ksetra visesanam | dronadhakadi vapavat | caturangayogena sainyayogena | " Besides his own works mentioned by Sivarama in stanzas 7 and 8 quoted above he refers to the following works and authors in the portion of his commentary covered up by the fragment of the MS before me :- 1. sabdendusekhara - fol. 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15. 2. nagesa (son of satidevi and sivabhatta ) - ( author of sabdendusekhara ) - - fol. 2. 3. manorama - fol. 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15. 4. nandikesvarakarikayam - fol. 2. 5. fara afr-(=Bhattoji Diksita) - fol. 5. 6. vartikara - fol. 6. 7. kaustubhe - fol. 7, ( " kaustubhagramthah cintyah ") 13. sabdaratne 8. fol. 7, 15. - 9. paribhasendusekhare - fol. 8, 9, 12, 15. 10. vrttaratnakara - fol. 8. 11. markandeyapuranokta saptasatipathakartta - fol. 12. 12. kalidasa - fol. 15. 13. : amarah 14. - fol. 15. : fol. 15. As Sivarama mentions Nagesa (or Nagojibhatta) and his works in his Vidyavilasa commentary on the Siddhanta-Kaumudi of Bhattoji Diksita he is chronologically later than Nagesa, who is assigned to the period A. D. 1700-1750 by Shri Chitrav Shastri.' The identity of Sivarama, the author of Vidyavilasa represented by the Rajpur MS before me, with Sivarama, the author of the Sanskrit vocabulary Laksminivasabhidhana (MS described by Rajendralal Mitra in his Notices, Vol. II, pp. 136-137) is cleary proved by the following evidence :- (1) Stanzas 8 and 9 which refer to the author's works in the 1. Vide p. 482 of Madyayugina Caritrakosa, Poona, 1937.

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2.40 STUDIES IN INDIAN LITERARY HISTORY beginning of the Vidyavilasa (Rajapur MS) are identical with Stanzas 31 and 32 in the colophon of Laksminivasabhidhana (MS described by R. Mitra). (2) Sivarama is the name of the author of the Vidyavilasa as also that of the vocabulary Laksminivasabhidhana. (3) The work "kaumudividyavilasa " or "vidyavilasa " on grammar mentioned by Aufrecht (CC III, 28) is identical with vidyavilasa commentary on the siddhamtakaumudi (represented by the Rajapur MS). In fact the Rajapur MS (Stanza 7) refers to the author sivarama and his "kaumudi vidyavilasa " in the following line- "vidyavilasah kaumudyam sivaramavinirmitah | " Sivarama, the author of Vidyavila sa .commentary, is better known as Sivarama Tripathin. Aufrecht makes the following entry in his Catalogus Catalogourm about his works :CC I, p. 652 - "sivarama tripathin elder brother of Govindarama, Mukundarama, and Kesavarama, son of Krsnarama, grandson of Trilokacandra. He quotes the Paribhasendusekhara in the Laksmivilasa 9, which suffices to place him in the beginning of the 18 th Century. (Works) - kancanadarpana vasavadattatika - kadambaritika - kavyalaksmiprakasa - dasakumaracaritabhasya -naksatramala and its commentary laksmivilasa - -bhupalabhusana - rasaratnahara - laksminivasabhidhana unadikosa -vidyavilasa -visamapadi kavyaprakasatika " Dr. S. K. De in his History of Sanskrit Poetics, Vol. 1 (1923), p. 318 makes some remarks on Sivarama Tripathin. I may note some points from these remarks :- - (1) Sivarama's works: (i) Tag and its commentary (ed. Kavyamala, pt. 6, 1890, pp. 118-140). (ii) cited at the end of his his 34 works. (iii) gac, where he gives a list of (ed. Bib. Indica) where he refers to his rasaratnahara (iv) visamapado tika on Mammata's

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(See Kielhorn's Central Prov. Cata., p. 104), (v) kavyalaksmiprakasa, a work on metrics. - (2) Date He quotes Paribhasendusekhara and, therefore, may be placed in the beginning of the 18 th century. (3) About this author see JAOS, XXIV, 57-63. the In view of the evidence recorded in this paper it is clear that Sivarama, the author of the Vidyavilasa commentary on the Siddhanta-Kaumudi, is identical with Sivarama Tripathin, author of many Sanskrit works recorded by Aufrecht in his Catalogus Catalogorum. S.I.L.H.-16 Tede

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