Studies in Indian Literary History

by P. K. Gode | 1953 | 355,388 words

The book "Studies in Indian Literary History" is explores the intricate tapestry of Indian literature, focusing on historical chronology and literary contributions across various Indian cultures, including Hinduism (Brahmanism), Jainism, and Buddhism. Through detailed bibliographies and indices, the book endeavors to provide an encycloped...

4. Yogacintamani of Shivananda Sarasvati

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4. Yogacintamani of Sivananda Sarasvati* (AN ENCYCLOPEDIC COMPENDIUM OF YOGA TEXTS AND ITS CRITICAL ANALYSIS) Aufrecht in his Catalogus Catalogorum' records the following Manuscripts of a work on Yoga called the Yogacintamani :- Part I (1) Hall, p. 12; (2) L. 2538; (3) Khn, 58 (Commentary by Haridiksita); (4) B. 4. 2 (5) Ben, 67; (6) Bik 568; he also states that it is quoted by Sundaradeva (W. p. 196) and that there is a commentary by Bhavanisahaya on some work of this name (N. W. 436). Part II (1) Bhau Daji, 66, 114; (2) C. U. add. 1714 (fragmentary); (3) Commentary by Durgadasa Vacaspati - Stein 132. This work should be distinguished from other works of the same name on medicine, by Harsakirti' (after 1550 A. D.) and by Dhanvantari3 and from another Yogacintamani on Yoga composed by Godavara Misra, who calls himself as the Rajaguru of Gajapati Prataparudradeva of Orissa (A. D. 1497-1539) and a manuscript of which has been preserved in the Government MSS Library at the Bhandarkar O. R. Institutte, Poona (No. 220 of 1882-83 ) and a critical analysis of which we shall present later. In the present article we shall deal mainly with Shivananda's Yogacintamani which is now available in a published form.4 In the colophons of the four chapters of this work, Sivananda describes himself as the pupil of paramahamsaparivrajakacarya sriramacamdra- sadanandasarasvati . He appears to have modelled his Yogacintamani on the Yoga-chintamani of Godavaramisra referred to above and enlarged his * Yoga, IV (Nos. 26-28), pp. 9-14. 1. Cata Catalogorum, Part I, p. 477; Part II, p. 111. 2. Vide my article in Yoga, Vol. III, pp. 53-54. 3. Cata. Catalogorum, Part III, p. 102-a Yogacintamani by Haripala has been also mentioned by Aufrecht but he does not state if it is a work on medicine. 4. Edited by Haridasa Vidyavagisa, Calcutta Oriental Series, p. 282, (19)

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compendium of Yogic texts. The scope of Sivananda's work appears to be identical with that of Godavaramisra's as will be seen from the following comparison of the pertinent passages stating the scope of the respective works :Goavaramisra's Yogacintamani (Ms No. 220 of 1882-83 ). Folio 131 - moksarupaphalamprati- sadhanatvena 'atmavare drastavyah ' iti atmadarsanamastha 'srotavyo nididhyasitavyam ' mamtavyo iti sadhanatvena srutanam sravanamanananididhyasananam madhye nididhyasanavidhih saparikarah prapancitah bhagavata sesadevena pratipaksakhamdana- vyakhyadiprapamca vyudasena bhagavadupeksita- peksito yogopasamharena va sa eva samksipto asmabhiriha mumuksitahetoh yatvanradhyanasamaye tavam padarthayoranyonya- paryanttamanayanam ya ca mananadivyapara- samaye'pi cittasya jivabrahmaikyavisaya- sthalena laksanadhyanasiddhih ye ca sravana- manananididhyasana saksatkara jiva- nmuktikaivalyamuktinam mumuksunavasyajna- tavya visesa, yeca sthane prasamgatah sarva- mupanyasada vedantasiddhanta vistara- bhayacca na iha upapaditah te sarve pita- mahacaranaih samksepakasarirakavarttike prati- paditah pitrcaranaisvadvaitacimtamanau prapam citah asmabhi atha dvaitadarpane yugapadanu- varnitah ye ca prayogetikartavyataphala- kapalika - gramthokta visesah te srutismrtiviruddhatvadeva upalaksita iti ,, Sivananda's Yogacintamani ( printed edition ). Page 281 - (6 verses) " 'nididhyasanametattu maya sadhana- samyutam | yathasastram yathabodham samksepena niru- pitam || sravanam mananam caiva savisesam savistaram | bhititah || vedantesveva drastavyam noktam vistara- rahasyam rajayogasya hathayogasya yasthitam | prakasitam maya sarva pritaye yogina- miha || sadhricinairasadhyatvat likhito na maya hi sah | uddalakabhusundadyairhathayogastu yah krtah || kapalika pranitastu itikartavyata- dayah | likhita na maya te tu srutismrti- virodhanah || " The scope of both the Yogacintamanis, is, therefore, quite identical so far as the above statements go, viz., the treatment of

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Hathayoga excluding its psychical side as elucidated in the Vedanta texts on the one hand and the Hathayoga of the extreme type as propounded by the Kapalikas or Leftists. The second extreme is avoided because it is contrary to sruti and smrti . We have observed already that Sivananda's work is a topical compendium of Yoga texts in four chapters. This is evidenced by his own statement on p. 2 :- 66 nanagramthapayodhimadhyapatitam sriyogacintamanim | nissesartha samarthakam yatisivanandah karoti sphutam || 4 || " This compendium has been based on numerous previous texts as will be seen from the following list of references collected by me during a cursory perusal of the printed edition of the work :- 1. patanjalih - Page 2, patamjalyadi yogibhih - 4, patamjale - 6, 52, 148, 152, 217, 246-6, 7, 9, 17, 21, 38, 16, 33, 40, 249, 250, 260, 227, 234, 2+1, 152, 173, 188. 2. vyakarane - p. 2. 3. a pp. 2, 12, 16, 15, 28, 37, 40, 68, 56, 73, 87, 171. 4. vasisthe - pp. 30, 32, 75, 79, 36, 240, 219; vasisthah - 211, 171, vasisthayoge - 161, 178; vasisthavakyarthah - 165, 247, vasisthagitayam - 163. 5. kurmapurane - pp. 2, 11, 23, 57, 68, 74, 106, 154, 161, 242. 6. adityapurane - pp. 3, 11. - 7. yogabije- 209, 250. pp. 3, 11, 24, 32, 59, 74, 76, 86, 136, 140, 147, 190, 8. skamdapurane - pp. 3, 13, 25, 28, 30, 31, 39, 58, skandhe - 68, 77, 86, 138, 93, 96, 106, 157, 167, 170, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 182, 185, 207, 211, 228, 234, 243, 273, -99, 131, 247. 9. visnu purane - pp. 4, 227, 234, 242, 246. 10. padmapurane - pp. 5, 186. 11. :-rp. 5, 7, 13, 28, 46, 86, 93, 98, 101, 104, 159, 161, 169, 172, 163, 174, 175, 176, 179, 184, 106, 148, 150, 154, 180, 185, 191, 222, 228, 235, 242. 12. yajnavalkyagitasu - pp. 22, 198. 13. yogiyajnavalkyah - pp. 175, 184, 239. 14. yajnavalkyasmrtau - p. 57. 15. visnudharmottare - p. 5; visnudharme - 58. 16. vasisthayajnavalkyau - p. 7. 17. yogasastresu - pp. 9, 59, 219, 222. 18. rajayoge - pp. 9, 22, 33, 43 48, 67, 77, 87, 88, 160.

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. hathapradipikayam - pp. 10, 14, 16, 31, 31, 37, 40, 39. 44, 47, 87, 88, 98, 106, 129, 131, 134, 136, 140, 142, 143, 147, 155, 157, 158, 211, 272. 20. hathayoge - pp. 145, 142, 181, 159, 168, 189. 21. brahma-visnu-isvara - sivadigitasu - p. 10. 22. sivagitayam - pp. 221, 227, 234. 23. manasollase - pp. 11, 15, 67, 109, 252. 24. saive - p. 11. 25. matantare - p. 13. 26. amrtasiddhau - pp. 13, 26, 34, 39, 101, 107, 112, 213, 218. 27. gitavacanat - p. 13 : bhagavadgitayam - pp. 23, 59, 74, 76, 93, 150, 160, 163; giyatam - pp. 39, 68, 71, 73, 205, : 273. 28. anye - pp. 15, 163, 242, kecit (p. 194 ). 29. -- atmaramah - p. 15. 30. namdikesvarataravalyam - p. 15. 31. purvamimamsayam - p. 16. 32. naiyyayikah - p. 19. 33. vacaspatimisrah - pp. 20, 153; vacaspativyakhya - p. 173. 34. bhojarajavyakhyanam - p. 20; bhojadevah - pp. 152, 173. 35. brhadaranyake - p. 21. 36. naiskarmyasiddhau . -p. 22. 37. kalikapurane - pp. 22, 165 (nadisuddha prakarane ), 174, 176, 186, 195, 196, 197, 208. 38. vedante vyasasutram - p. 24. 39. agane paramesvaratamtre - p. 26. 40. dattatreyah - p. 28. 41. markandeya purane - pp. 31, 90, 96, 171, 183, 209, 232, 235, 245, 274. 42. sastrantare - pp. 32, 168, 194, 240, 241. 43. suresvaracaryah - pp. 34, 45, 71, 86, 110, 243. 44. tripurasarasamuccaye - pp. 45, 122, 192. 45. srutih - pp. 51, 69, 73, 86, 160, 205, 238, 247. 46. vidyaranya sripadah - pp. 52, 69, 70. 47. bhasyakrdbhih - pp. 55, 173. 48. srutismrtiitihasapuranadi - pp. 56, 73. 49. garudapurane - pp. 56. 71, 152. -- 50. maharsih matamgah - p. 57, matamgah pp. 153, 159. 51. vanaprasthaprakarane - p. 58. - 52. yatidharmaprakarane manuh - p. 58, (manuh 184 ).

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. narasimhapurane - p. 58. 54. mahabharate ( vyasah ) pp. 58, 67, 94, 179, 184, 240. - 23 55. yogatatva prakase dattatreyah - pp. 59, 89, 272, 98 ; dattatreyah - 90, 139. 143, 97, 147, 151, 159, 168, 179, 205, 225, 231, 239, 244, 272. 56. brahmandapurane - p. 68. 57. brahmavaivarte - pp. 68, 74, 178. 58. vayusamhitayam - p. 71, vayupurane - pp. 94, 175, 177, 181, 182, 207. 59. gargisulabhadyah striyah - p. 72. 60. puranadisu - p. 78, puranavakyesu - p. 79. 61. limgapurane pp. 89, 93, 96, 99, 178, 182. 62. brahmapurane p. 93. 63. adipurane -- pp. 98, 174, 247. 64. nandipurane - pp. 98, 174, 247. 65. goraksah- p. 100. 66. nakulisayogaparayane - pp. 101, 103, 164, 165, 207. 67. kasimimamsayam - p. 106. 68. yogabhaskare - pp. 111, 167, 169, 208, 248, 250. 69. sivayoge - p. 112. 70. samkhyayoge - pp. 114, 164. 71. saktiyoge - p. 114. 72. pavanayogasamgrahe - pp. 130, 158. 73. gramthantare p. 146. 74. dharmaputrikayam - p. 153. 75. agneyapurane - p. 154. 76. yogasare - pp. 163, 164, 165, 196. 77. naradiyapurane - pp. 163, ( naradiya vacanat - 164 ) 177, 182. 78. agastyagitasu - p. 163. 79. dharmasastre - p. 164. 80. devala - pp. 174, 176, 177, 186. 81. jaigisavyayogasastre - pp. 176, 186. 82. brhaspati - p. 179. 83. yamah - p. 185. 84. samvartah --- p. 185. 85. yogasare - pp. 195, 196, 197. 86. laksmiyogasagare - p. 197. 87. isvaraproke - pp. 212, 215. 88. atmagitayam - p. 241. 89. saivadharme - p. 243. 90. sarvasastrasiddhanta - p. 249. 91. brahmayamale - p.280. >

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For fixing the date of the present work, the reference to "f: " (item No. 46 in the above list) furnishes us with one terminus to Sivananda's date. This is evidently a reference to the celebrated far the brother of Sayanacarya (about 1360 A. D.) to whom many works are assigned by Aufrecht.2 We may, therefore, fix about 1450 A. D. as one terminus to the date of Sivananda. The other terminus to Sivananda's date will have to be fixed on the strength of references to this Yoga-cintamani in subsequent works, some of which may be noted below:- (1) Weber in his Catalogue of Berlin MSS. (p. 196) describes a work called hathatasvakaumudi by sumdaradeva son of Govinda. This work quotes the following works and authors on Yoga: (1) yogacimtamani, (2) sivasamhita, (3) sivagita, (4) dattatreyayoga- sastra (5) vayaviya samhita, (6) yogayajnavalkya, and ( 7 ) goraksa . It is not clear which is meant in the above references whether Sivananda's or Godavaramisra's. We do not also know the date of a referred to above. If this sumdaradeva is identical with sumdaradeva, the author of a work on anthology called, (MS B. D. 65 described on p. 345 of B. B. R. A. S. MSS Catalogue by Velankar, Vol. II) then his date is between A. D. 1644 and 1710 as proved by me elsewhere. But this identity has not yet been proved. (2) The dates of the commentaries on the work by fa aad "Bhavanisahaya" referred to by Aufrecht may also furnish us with the other terminus to Sivananda's date but the MSS of these commentaries are not available for study. (3) Brahmananda in his commentary called Jyotsna (T. P. H. Edition, 1933, Adyar) p. 53, quotes from far under :- (A) " yatha ca uktam yogacintamanau - pranayama eva abhyasakramena vardhamanah pratyaharadhyanadharanasamadhisabdaih ucyate " 1. Sources of Vijayanagar History by S. K. Aiyangar, p. 3 fa died in 1387 A. D. 2. Cf. Cata. Catalogorum, Part I. 3. Poona Orientalist, Vol. I, No. 2, p. 52 f.

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This quotation is identical with the following lines on p. 28 of sivananda 's yogacintamani ata eva pranayamevabhyasakramena pratyahara-dharana dhyana-samadhisabdena ucyate " (B) Another quotation for identifying the quoted by Jyotsna of Brahmananda is the following on p. 52 (T. P. H. Edition):- - etaddvyakhyatam yogacimtamanau- ' nidravasamgatasya puso yavata kalena ekah svasah gacchati agacchati ca tavatkalah pranayamastha matra iti ucyate, iti " This quotation is identical with the following lines in fa's yogacintamani, p. 29 ) :- " nidravasamgatasya puso yavatkalena ekasvaso gacchati agacchati ca tavatkale pranayamasya matra iti ucyate | " It is, therefore, clear that the Jyotsna is quoting from faara's yogacintamani and not from godavamisra 's as presumed by me' on the strength of a passage " maharsirma tamgah agnistomadikan yajnan ... vimuktaye " then found in Godavaramisra's but which is also found in Sivananda's aga on page 57. Evidently Sivananda has borrowed the passage from Godavaramisra for he has modelled his treatise on the lines of Godavaramisra's work as stated above. yogacimtamani In the foregoing critical analysis of Sivananda's work the following points have been made clear:- (1) Sivananda's Yogacintamani is an almost encyclopadic compendium of Yoga texts affording useful literary strata for the history of Yoga literature. (2) Sivananda chronologically stands midway between Godavaramisra (Circa 1497-1539 A. D.) on the one hand and Brahmananda (about 1869 A. D.) on the other. At any rate he flourished after A. D. 1450 in view of his reference to " vidyaranya sripadah " (3) Shivananda excludes like Godavaramisra the Hathayoga 2 1. Cf. Yoga, the Journal of the Yoga Institute, Bombay, Vol. III, Pp. 17-20. 2. It may be here mentioned that there really is nothing like extreme variety of Hathayoga. The indecorous teachings and rituals adopted by the followers of the left path (HH) or Kapalikas could (Continued on next page);

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of the extreme variety which conflicts with sruti and smrti . The Hathayogapradipika of Svatmarama Muni appears to combine both Hathayoga and Rajayoga. (Continued from previous page) hardly be termed Yoga or, for that matter, Hatha yoga in any sense. It is, therefore, unfortunate that a few indiscreet authors, old and new, have often misunderstood and misinterpreted the Tantra and Saiva ritualism as a part of Hathayoga. The disassociation of Hathayoga from such cults was continually emphasized from the earliest period of the great epic (Mahabharata) to this day. Vide Yoga, Vol. II, pp. 101, 102 - Ed.

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