Purana Bulletin
710,357 words
The “Purana Bulletin” is an academic journal published by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in India. The journal focuses on the study of Puranas, which are a genre of ancient Indian literature encompassing mythological stories, traditions, and philosophical teachings. The Puranas are an important part of Hindu scriptures in Sa...
Activities of The All India Kashiraj Trust (January – June 1970)
Activities of the All-India Kashiraj Trust [sarvabharatiya kasirajanyasasya karyavivaranam] / 322-331
WORK ON THE KURMA PURANA. As has already been noticed, after the publication of the critical edition of the Vamana-Purana we took up the work of preparing the critical edition of the Kurma Purana. The following work has been done in this connection: 1. COLLATION OF MANUSCRIPTS. For the purpose of constituting the text 21 Manuscripts of the Kurma Purana have been collated as shown below:No. of MSS. Collated 11 (Including the 3 South Indian Dev. MSS.) Script Devanagari Kashmirian (Dev.) 1 Bengali 3 Uriya 1 Telugu 1 Grantha Malayalam Nandi-Nagari 1 1 1 (Uttara-bhaga of the text only) 2 (1. Grantha MS., Purva-bhaga of the text). With all over efforts we have not been able to procure any Sarada, Mithila and Nevari' MS. of the Kurma Purana. A List of these Manuscripts with their brief details has been given in the last review in Purana XII. 1., Jan, 1970. Besides these Manuscripts, the three printed editions, viz. Venkatesvara, Bibliotheca Indica and Banga basi Press edn., have also been collated. We are extremely grateful to the Librarian of the India Office Library, London, for promptly supplying us at our request the details of the printed editions of the Kurma-Purana and of its various parts from the India Office Library Catalogue and from other Catalogues. He has very kindly supplied us the Xerox copy of the pages in the Library's printed Catalogue listing editions of the Kurma Purana, and also copies of the title page and final colophon of each book.
sarvabharatiya kasirajanyasasya karyavivaranam (janavari- juna 1970 ) kurmapuranasambandhi karyam yatha purvam sucitam, vamanapuranasya pathasamiksatmakasamskaranasya prakasananantaram kurmapuranasya pathasamiksatmakasamskaranasya karyam prarabdham | etatsambandhe aghonirdistam karya sampannam | 1 . hastalekhanam samvadakaryam kurmapuranasya pathanirdharanarthamadyavadhi adhonirdistanam 21 hastalekhanam samvadakaryam sampannam | samvaditanam hastalekhanam samkhya lipih devanagari 11 ( 3 daksinabharatiya devanagarihastalekhah ) kasmiri ( devanagari ) 1 bamgiya 3 udiya telagu grantha malayalama nandinagari 1 ( kevalam uttarabhagatmakah ) 2 ( eko granthahastalekhah purvabhagatmakah ) 1 1 prayatnanantaramapi maithilalipyam nevarilipyam saradalipyam va likhitah eko'pi hastalekho na praptah | esam hastalekhanam suci samksiptavivaranena sahita 'puranam ' patrikaya gate XII. 1 ( janavari 1970 ) anke pradatta''sit | esam hastalekhanama- tiriktani trini mudritani samskaranani venkatesvara bibliathika indika- bamgavasi -api samvaditani | HORI indiya aphisa laibreri, landana pustakalayadhyaksam prati vayam ativa krtajnah sma yena asmatprarthananusaram indiya aphisa laibreri kaitalaga (suci ) tatha anya sucigranthebhyah kurmapuranasya tatha asya puranasya vividhabhaganam mudrita samskarananam suci asmabhyam pradatta | tena mahasayena sucyah kurmapuranasya mudritasamskarananam sucakaprsthasya photo prati ( xeroxcopy) tatha pratyekasya kurmapuranagranthasya adiprsthasya cantaprsthasyasyapi ca photo pratih presita | 16
324 puranam - PURANA [Vol. XII, No. 2 2. COLLECTION OF THE KUURMA-PURANA QUOTATIONS The quotations from the Kurma Purana found in the various Dharma-sastra Nibandhas are being collected and arranged. About 30 Nibandhas have already been utilised for this purpose. 3. SUBJECT-CONCORDANCE A Subject-Concordance of the Kurma-Purana with the other Puranas and the Mahabharata is also being prepared. Up to this time the subject-concordance with the Mahabharata, Padma Brahmanda, Matsya, Vamana, Vayu, Varaha, Siva and Skanda Puranas has been tentatively prepared. 4. CONSTITUTION OF THE TEXT The The text of the Purva-Vibhaga of the Kurma-Purana has been constituted on the basis of the collated Manuscripts. Uttara-Vibhaga has now been taken up for text-reconstruction, POU of which the text of the Isvara-gita comprising the first eleven Adhyayas of the Uttara-Vibhaga has also been constituted. 5. PREPARATION OF THE CRITICAL APPARATUS The Critical Apparatus giving the variants of the readings of the text is being prepared. The Critical Apparatus of the first 40 Adhs. of the Kurma Purana has already been prepared by this time. The work is ready for the Press. OTHER WORK CONCERNING THE PURANAS Purana-patha and Pravacana. According to the scheme of the patha and pravacana of the Puranas as given in Purana, III. 2 (July, 1961), the complete texts of the following Puranas were recited and discoursed:Time Purana Place Devi-Bhagavata Sumeru Temple, (Recited by Pt. HiraRamnagar Magha, Sukla 1-9 (Feb. 7-15) Ramnagar Falguna, Krishna 2-13 (Feb. 23-March 5) mani Misra and discourses given by Pt. T. P. Dvivedi) Vamana Purana (Recited by Pt. Sukhanandan Misra and Siva-Temple, discourses given by Pt. Vishvanath Shastri Datara.
July, 1970] ACTIVITIES OF THE ALL-INDIA KASHIRAJ TRUST 325 2. kurmapuranasyoddharananam sangrahah vibhinnagharmasastranibandhesupalabdhanam kurmapuranasyoddharananam sangrahastatsampadana karya ca kriyamanam vartate | etannimittam trimsannibandhagranthanamupayogo'dyavadhi krtah | 3 . samanavisayanam suci kurmapuranasyetarapuranaih mahabharatena ca saha samyam bhajatam visayanam suci nirmiyamana vartate | adyavadhi mahabharatena, brahma brahmanda- matsya vamana - vayu- varaha - siva-skandapuranaisca saha samyamarohatam visayanam suci nirmita vartate | 4 . pathasya nirdharanam kurmapuranasya purvabhagasya pathanirdharanam sampannam | sampratyuttarabhagasya pathanirdharanam kriyamanam vartate | tatrapi isvaragitatmakasyaikadasadhyayagranthasya pathanirdharanakaryam sampannam | bits 5. pathasamiksopakaranasya nirmanakaryam pathavaividhyasucakasya pathasamiksopakaranasya nirmanakarya prarabdham kurmapuranasya 40 adhyayanam pathavaividhyasucakam mudranartham prastutam vartate | pathasamiksopakaranam nirmiya puranasambandhinitara karyani puranapathah pravacanam ca puranapatrikayah III. 2 ( julai 1961 ) anke sucitayah puranapathapravacanapaddhatya anusaramaghonirdistanam purananam pathah tesam pravacanam ca krtam | puranam sthanam devibhagavatam sumerumandiram, kalah maghasukle 1-9 ( pathakarta pam0 hiramanimisrah ramanagare ( pharavari 7-15 ) - pravacanakarta - pam0 thakuraprasada dvivedi ) vamanapuranam sivamandiram, phalgunakrsnapakse 2-13 ( pathakarta - panditasukhanandana ramanagare ( pharavari 23 marca 5 ) su misrah pravacanakarta - pandita visvanatha sastri datarah )
326 puranam - PURANA Veda-Parayana [Vol. XII, No. 2 The Veda-parayana (i.e. the recitation of the complete text of a Veda) by memory was arranged as usual during the bright fortnight of the month of Magha, from February 7 to 21, in the Vyasa temple of Ramnagar fort. In this parayana the complete text of the Asvalayana-Sakha of the Rgveda with its Brahmanas and Aranyaka, texts was recited by memory by Pt. Dattatreya Guruji Kinjavadekar of Poona; the Srota was Pt. Ananta Rama Patavardhana. On the successful completion of the Parayanna the usual daksina of Rs. 501 with Ratna-Kankana was given to the reciter. SCHOLARS WHO VISITED THE PURANA DEPARTMENT The following scholars visited the Purana Department and acquainted themselves with its work:- 1. Prof. Dr. Juan Roger Riviere, University of Madrid, Spain. (23.1.70). 2. Sri Brijanarayana Brajesh, President, Hindu Mahasabha. -(27.1.70). 3. Prof. M. C. Dillon, Sydney, Australia.-(13.3.70). 4. Swami Ksishananand, Port Louis, Mauritius. - (3.4.70). 5. Dr. Alex Wayman, Prof. of Sanskrit, Columbia University. -(April 23, 1970). 6. Prof. Ramji Upadhyaya, Head of the Sanskrit Department, Sagar University.-(11.6.70). All these scholars recorded their appreciation of the Purana work in our 'Visitors' Book'. The copy of the latest issue of the Purana was presented to them. Dr. Alex Wayman purchased the English translation of the Vamana Purana and some other publications of the Trust. He has much appreciated the work; he writes in the 'Visitors' Book-"I am most impressed by your exacting labour to critically recover India's traditions as preserved in the Puranas."
July, 1970] ACTIVITIES OF THE ALL-INDIA KASHIRAJ TRUST 327 vedaparayanam vedaparayanam ( vedasyaikasakhavisesasya sampurnapathasya kanthagroccaranam ) purvavadeva ramanagaradurgasthe vyasamandire maghamasasya suklapakse ( pharavari 7-21 ) ayojitamasit | etasmin parayane punyavattanavastavyena pam0 dattatreyaguruni kimjavadekara vaidikamahodayena rgvedasya asvalayanasakhayah samhitabrahmanopanisada- ranyakapranthanam sampurnah pathah kanthagrataya krtah, srota ca panditapravarah anantarama patavardhana asit | parayanasya saphalyena purnatam gate sati parayanakartre 501 rupyakanam niyatadaksina ratnakankanayuta pradatta asit | puranavibhage agata vidvamsah puranavibhage'gholikhita vidvamsah samupasthita abhavan atra sampadyamanam karyajatanca jnatavantah- 1 . pro . da . jvaॉna rojararivirimahodayah spenasya madridavisvavidyalayasya | ( 27 .1.70 tithyam ) | 2 . srivrjanarayana vrajesah hindumahasabhayah adhyaksah | (27 .1.70 tithyam ) | 3 . pro . ema . si . dhilonamahasayah astreliyayah sidaniprantasya | ( 13 .3.70 tithyam ) | 4 . svamikrsnanandamahasayah, porta luisa marisasadesasya | (3.4.70 tithyam ) | 5 . da . eleksa vemainamahodayah kolambiya visvavidyalayasya samskrta- vibhagadhyaksah | (aprailamasasya 23 tithau | ) 6. prophesara ramajiupadhyayah sagara visvavidyalayasya samskrtavibhaga- dhyaksah | (11 .6.70 tithyam | ) sarve'mi vidvamsah atrasthasammatipustikayam puranakarya visaye sviyam samstutimalikhan | tebhyah puranapatrikayah antimo'nkah samarpitah | eleksa vemainamahanubhavastu vamanapuranasya angalabhasanuvadabhagamapi atra prakasitairitaragranyaih saha kritavan | asau hi puranavibhagasya sampadanakaryam bahu prasamsitavan, likhati ca sammatipustikayam - "puranasahitye samraksitayah bharatiyasamskrteh samuddharartham krtena samucitena bhavatprayatnena bahutaram prabhavito'ham | '
32813 puranam - PURANA [Vol. XII, No. 2 ACTIVITIES OF MAHARAJA BANARAS VIDYA MANDIR TRUST 1. Mangala-Utsava To keep alive the tradition of the old Ganges Fair of Ramnagar called the Budhava-mangala, a Mangala-Utsava is celebrated in the Ramnagar Fort every year for two days sometime after the Holi festival under the auspices of the Maharaja Banaras Vidya-Mandir Trust in the form of the sastriya (classical) music and dance. This year the Mangala-Utsava was celebrated on the 31st March and 1st April at night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The teachers and students of the Music College of the Banaras Hindu University gave a performance of classical music on the first day and on the second day Prof. Krishna Murti of the Music College (B. H. U.) gave a performance of the Bharata-dance along with his wife and young daughter of about eight years old. A number of prominent persons of Ramnagar and Varanasi attended. The performance was much appreciated as it also served the purpose of a healthy cultural entertainment. 2. Yavagrayana-isti This isti or yajna is performed when the yava or barley harvest is reaped by cultivators. This year this isti was performed in the Ramanagar Fort under the auspices of the Maharaja Banaras Vidya Mandir Trust on the Purnima of the month of Chaitra (April 21,1970). The same yajamana and the priests as mentioned in Purana (XI. 1, p., 186) performed this isti. His Highness Maharaja Kashinaresh and the Brahmacharins of the Vidya Mandir Pathasala attended the isti. The staff of the Purana Department and other local scholars also attended the function. was given in kind. The daksina DISTINGUISHED GUESTS AT THE NADESAR HOUSE 1. Smt. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India 13.1.70 2. Dr. Juan Roger Rivierc, Modrid, Spain 25.1.70 3. Sri H. B. Bhide, Nagpur 27.1.70 4. Sri Braj Narain Brajesh 27.1.70
July, 1970] ACTIVITIES OF THE ALL-INDIA KASHIRAJ TRUST 329 maharajabanarasa vidyamandiranyasasya karyani mangalotsavah paramparagatagangamahotsavasya 'budhavamangala ' iti khyatasya paramparojjivanaya eko mahotsavah sastriyasangita-nrtyadimayah maharajabanarasa vidyamandiranyasasya samraksa- katayam ramanagaradurge pratyekavarse holikanantaram dinadvayam pracalati | asmin varse'yam mangalotsavo marcamasasya 31 tithyah prarabhya aprailamasasya 1 tithau yavat ratrau saptavadanannava vadanam yavat sampanno'bhut | prathame divase kasihinduvisva- vidyalayiya samgitamahavidyalayasya siksakasiksarthijanaih sastriya samgitasya karyakrama ayojitah | dvitiye divase tu kasihinduvisvavidyalayasya samgitamahavidyalayiya pradhyapakenapi srikrsnamurtimahodayena nrtyam sampaditam yasmin tasya mahodayasya patni astavarsiya balika ca sammilite astam | ramanagarasya varanasyasca nivasinah pramukha janah tatropasthita abhavan | utsavo'yamatyantameva prasamsaniyo'bhut, yato'yam mahattvapurnah samskrtiko mahotsavah prasiddhah | yavagrayanestih istiresa krsakanam yavadeh lavanavasare ijyate | etasmin varse yajno'yam maharajabanarasa vidyamandiranyasasya samraksakatayam ramanagaradurge caitra purnimayam sampannah | asmin yajne'pi yajamanapurohitah puranapatrikayam (X.1.1.P.186) nirdista jana evabhavan | maharajah kasinaresa mahabhagah vidyamandirapathasa- layah brahmacarinascatropasthita asan | puranavibhagasya vidvamsah sthaniya- scapare vidvamsah tatropasthita asan | daksinapi dhanyarupena yajnakartrbhyo datta'sit | nandesvarabhavane visista atithayah 1 . srimati indiragandhi, pradhanamantri - 13 .1.70 da0 juana rojara rivirih, madrida vi0vi0, spenadesah - 25 .1.70 sri . ha. bha . bhide, nagapura vastavyah - 27 .1.70 2 . 3. 4. sri vrajanarayana brajesah - 27 .1.70
330 puranam - PURANA 5. Their Majesties the King and Queen of Belgiam 6. H.H. Maharaja Dr. Karan Singh, Minister for Tourism of Govt. of India [Vol. XII, No. 2 1.2.70 1.2,70 7. Justice K. B. Asthana, Allahabad 7.2.70 8. Sri Morarji Desai 8.2.70 9. Justice Sudhir Mullick 10. Justice S.K. Varma, Allahabad 6.3 70 11. Sri Satya Narain Sinha, Minister, Govt. of India 10 3.70 12. Sri P. A. Devitre, Chief Agent, Central Bank of India 13. Sri Jagdish K. Munshi, Bombay 4.4.70 14. Air Marshal O.P. Mehra, Deputy Chief of Airstaff 8.4.70 15. Shri Jagjivan Ram, Defence Minister, Govt. of India 19.3.70 ne
July, 1970] ACTIVITIES OF THE ALL-INDIA KASHIRAJ TRUST 331 5. beljiyamadesasya maharajah maharani ca- 1 .2.70 6 . 7. maharaja da0 karnasimhah kendriya sarakarasya paryatanamantri - 1 .2.70 nyayadhisah ke . bi . asthana, prayaga - 7 .2.70 8 . sri moraraji desai - 8 . 2.70 6 . nyayadhisah sudhira mallikah, prayaga 10 . nyayadhisah esa . ke . varma, prayaga-6 .3.70 11 . sri satyanarayana simha, kendriyamantri - 10 .3.70 12 . sri pi . e. devitre, sentralabaimka apha indiya, ityasya cipha ejenta, padabhoka - 19 .3.70 13 . sri jagadisa ke . munsi, bambai - 4 .4.70 14 . eyaramarsala o . pi . mehara, deputi cipha, eyarastapha - 8 .4.70 15 . sri jagajivanaramah, kendriya raksa mantri