Purana Bulletin

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The “Purana Bulletin” is an academic journal published by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in India. The journal focuses on the study of Puranas, which are a genre of ancient Indian literature encompassing mythological stories, traditions, and philosophical teachings. The Puranas are an important part of Hindu scriptures in Sa...

The Legend of the Churning of the Ocean (in the Epics and the Puranas)

The Legend of the Churning of the Ocean In the Epics and the Puranas: A comparative Study. [puranetihasesu samudramanyanakhyanasya tulanatmakamadhyayanam] / By Sri V. M. Bedekar; Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona / 7-61

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prastutam akhyanasya | [ asmin nibandhe samudramanthanakhyanasya tulanatmakam vivecanam sagaramanyanasyakhyanam itihasapuranesu bahulataya varnitam vartate | kaiscid vidvadbhih vede'pi asyakhyanasya mulamuhitam | kim tu lekhakamahodayasya matena nasti tatra sadbhavo'sya etadakhyanam mahabharate ramayane matsya-visnu-brahmanda-padma- bhagavata -agni- skandapuranesu copalabhyate | prastuta lekhe uktasthalesu- palabdhasyasyakhyanasya tulanatmakamadhyayanam sadvibhagesu vibhajya te ca vibhagah yatha -- (1) akhyanasyavasarah prastutam | (iii) amrtamanyanasya (ii) sagaramanthanasyoddesyam (iv) samudramanthanam (v) samudramanthanata udbhutah padarthah (V 1) amrtasya, devebhyah prapane visnorudyoga iti | pratyeka vibhagantargatam vibhinna- granthesu upalabdhasya srasyakhyanasya prthak-prthak vivaranam dattva tadvibhagante tippanyam tattadgranyasthakhyananam samyavaisamyayoh pradarsanam krtam | samarambhah nibandhasyantime bhage lekhakamahodayena kecana niskarsah prastutah | atra ratnanam samkhyavisaye vibhinnagranyesu tesam samkhyabhinya- visaye'pi ca vivecanam krtam | kesu granyesu ratnanam samkhya sapta, kesu dvadasa, kesu trimsat ityadi | vibhinnakalesu visistaratnanam kalpana vibhinna sampradayavidbhih krteti pratiyate | yatha kalakutavisasyollekhah kesucid gramthesu na vidyate atah pratiyate yat saivaih tanmanyanam kalpitam | saktanam prabhavo'pi vaisnavanam prabhavastu samagre eva srakhyane vartate | yatra-tatra drsyate, yatha visnubrahmandapuranayoh deva laksmim stuvanti | ] The Legend of the churning of the ocean and of entities or 'jewels' emerging therefrom appears to be very popular in post-Vedic Sanskrit Literature. The legend is not found in Vedic

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8 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 Literature. It is found in the two Epics-the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and in the Purana literature. In the present article, it is proposed to make a comparative study of the legend as it occurs in the following works: (1) The Mahabharata (Mbh). [The critical edition published by the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona]. (2) The Ramayana (R) [The Valmiki-Ramayana critical edition, published by the Oriental Institute, Baroda]. (3) The Matsya-Purana (M) [Shri Venkateshwara Press, Bombay]. (4) The Visnu-Purana (Vi) [Edited and published by T. R. Vyasacharya, printed at the Nirnaya Sagar Press, Bombay, 1914]. (5) The Brahmanda-Purana (Br.) [Shri Venkateshwara Press, Bombay]. (6) The Padma-Purana (P) [edited by V. N. Mandalik, Anandashrama, Poona]. (7) The Srimad-Bhagavatam (Bhag) [published by the Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay]. (8) The Agneya-Mahapurana (A) [Shri Venkateshwara Press, Bombay]. (9) The Skanda-maha-purana (SK). [Shri Venkateshwara Press, Bombay]. It is found that the legend, as it is told from work to work, differs in many respects in its several parts. For instance, there is no unanimity with regard to the number of entities which emerged from the ocean, or with regard to the sequence in which 1. G. Dumezil seeks to establish, despite the silence of the Veda, the existence of an Indo-European myth of the winning of the drink of immortality by means of the churning of the ocean. Geldner has suggested that references to the legend of the churning of the occan are to be found in the Rgveda V-2-3 and I-163-3. Regarding the views of Dumezil and Geldner and their assessment, sec A. B. Keith, 'The Religion and the Philosophy of the Veda' Vol. 32 (Harward Oriental Series). Appendix D, pp, 623-624, <.

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 9 they emerged. In order to high-light the differences in the legend as it develops from one part to another, the story i divided for the purpose of present study into the following six sections: (I) The occasion for the story of (the churning of the ocean for Amrta) Amrta-manthana (AM). (II) The motive of the AM. (III) Preparations for the AM. (IV) The churning of the Ocean for AM. (V) Emergence of Amrta and of other entities. (VI) Visnu's intervention in the fight for Amrta, to the advantage of the gods. This plan of division would, it is hoped, facilitate the study of the points of similarity and difference, as the legend develops from one part to another. Besides, with a view to bringing out the significant points, if any, during this comparative study, there are inserted in between within rectangular brackets notes by the present writer. It will be noticed that in the following sections giving the development of the legend from one work to another, the Padma Purana (P) has been referred to twice. It is because the P gives two different accounts of the legend in two different places viz. in its Srstikhanda and Uttarakhanda respectively. These two passages from P are therefore given a separate place in the following sections. P(Srstikhanda) and P(Uttarkhanda) are abbreviated to P (S) and P (U) respectively and are referred to as such in the sequel. I. THE OCCASION FOR THE STORY OF AM Mbh. 1. 15. 1-4 While narrating the story of the two sisters Kadru and Vinata as a part of the Astika legend, Suta said to Saunaka : "The two sisters beheld from near the divine horse Uccaihsravasthe best of the horses which arose while the Amrta was being churned out." Thereupon, Saunaka asked Suta to tell him how and where the Amrta was churned out during which process was born the illustrious horse. Suta then takes this occasion to tell the story of AM. 2. katham tadamrtam devamathitam kva ca samsa me | yatra jajne mahaviryah so'svarajo mahadyutih || 2 -Mbh. 1.15.4.

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10 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 R 1.44. 8-13; 1.45. 1-6 1.46.10 Rama seeing the city of Visala on the bank of the Ganga, asked Visvamitra to tell him the previous history of that city. Visvamitra told Rama that the site where the city of Visala stood had been formerly the scene of great austerities practised by Diti the wife of Marica. As a part of the story as to why Diti practised austerities, Visvamitra tells Rama the episode of AM in which the sons of Aditi got the Amrta and killed the sons of Diti who grieving over the loss of her sons, practised penance in order to get a son who would conquer Indra and the three worlds. M 249.1-3 The sages, hearing from Suta about the greatness of Narayana, asked him to tell them how gods attained immortality.* Suta begins with saying that it was the two Gods Narayana and Mahadeva who had helped the gods to attain immortality and proceeds towards the story of the AM. Vi. 1. 9. 1-75. Parasara introduces the story of AM in answer to Maitreya's question as to how Visnu came by Sri or Laksmi. Parasara says: "Once the Sage Durvasas got a garland of celestial Santanaka flowers from a Vidyadhari, and gave it to Indra whom he ... 3. ( ramah ) papraccha pranjalirbhutva visalamuttamam purim || 10 ( munipumgavah ) srakhyatum tat samarebhe visalasya puratanam || 12 asmindese hi yadvrttam srrnu tattvena 4. rsaya ucuh- narayanasya mahatmyam srutva suta yathakramam | na trptirjayatesmakamatah punarihocyatam || 1 katham deva gatah purvamamaratvam vicaksanah | tapasa karmana vapi prasadatkasya tejasa || 2 suta uvaca - yatra narayano devo mahadevasca suladhrk | tatramaratve sarvesam sahayau tatra tau smrtau || 3 raghava || 13 -R.I. 44. -M. 249.

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jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 11 happened to see on his way. Indra placed the garland on the head. of his elephant Airavata. The Airavata threw down the garland Durvasas, enraged at this insult, cursed Indra to the effect at the latter would be deprived of his kingdom of the three worlds. Indra and the gods, thus deprived of their glory went along with Brahma to Visnu to pray to him for restoring them to their former splendour"." 5. tamadayatmano murdhni srajamunmattarupadhrk | krtva sa vipro maitreya paribabhrama medinim || 6 sa dadarsa tamayantamunmattairavate sthitam | sacipatim || 7 3000 tamatmanah sa sirasah srajamunmattasatpadam | pradayamararajaya cikseponmattavanmunih || 8 grhitvamararajena sragairavatamurdhani | nyasta raraja kailasasikhare jahnavi yatha || 9 madandhakaritakso'sau gandhakrstena varanah | karenatraya ciksepa tam srajam dharanitale | 10 tatasrukopa bhagavan durvasa munisattamah | maitreya devarajanam kruddhascedamuvaca ha | 11 durvasa uvaca- aisvayammada dustatmannati stabdho'si vasava | sriyo dhama srajam yastvam maddattam nabhivandasi || 12 000 maddatta bhavata mala yasmatksipta mahitale | tasmatpranastalaksmikam trailokyam te bhavisyati || 16 mahendro varanalkandhadavatiyam tvaranvitah | prasadayamasa muni durvasasamakalmasam || 18 ... tatah prabhrti nihsrikam sasakram bhuvanatrayam | # 26 vijitastridasa daityairindradyah saranam yayuh | pitamaham mahabhagam hutasanapurogamah || 34 yathavatkathito devairbrahma praha tatah suran | paravaresam saranam vrajadhvamasurardanam || 35 evamuktva suran sarvan brahma lokapitamahah | ksirodasyottaram tiram taireva sahito yayau || 38 900

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12 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. I P (S) 5. 4. 1-27 Bhisma asks Pulastya to tell him about the birth of Kamala or Laksmi from the milk-ocean. In reply, Pulastya tells the story of the churning of the ocean. He tells the episode of Durvasas (cf. Vi-above) in which gods being deprived of their glory and power by the curse of Durvasas, approached Visnu to pray to him for restoring them to their former glory. [Note 1: This part of the story in P. concerning the Durvasas episode is similar in substance and wording to that in Vi. For similarity in wording, compare P(S) 5.4.9-26 with Vi. 1. 9.6-75. The version in P. appears to be a summary of that in Vi.] P (U) 6. 259. 1-39 6 Rudra says to Parvati: "I shall tell you about the greatness of Visnu in his incarnation of the Tortoise". Then he tells the episode of the curse of Durvasas. Through the curse, Sri or Laksmi, the embodiment of splendour and beauty disappeared from the world. Gods deprived of their glory approached along with Brahma Lord Visnu to pray to him for restoring to them their glory. Br. 4. 9. 31-47 Indra molested Sankara--Sankara sent Durvasas to curse Indra, as a result of which Indra and the gods lost their strength and glory and were defeated by the demons in battle. Thereupon, pranamya pranatah sarve samksobhastimiteksanah | tustuvuh 0006 pundarikaksam pitamahapurogamah || 68 evam samstuyamanastu prasannadrstibhamgavanidamaha pranatairamarairharih | sa visvakrt || 75 6. yatkaumam vaibhavam visnoh sarvalokanamaskrtam | tadvaksyami priye samyak sr gusvaikagracetasa || 1 tatah srijamgatam dhatri ksanadantadamdhe svayam || 10 7. etavantamimam kalam trilokim paripalayan | ( bhavan ) aisvayammadamattatvatkailasadrimapidayat || - 1.975 -6.259

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( *Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 13 gods headed by Brahmadeva approached Visnu for advice and help. Bhag. 8. 5. 9-14 Suka, while narrating the great achievements of Hari or Visnu, says to King Pariksit" : "Lord Visnu incarnated himself as Ajita the son of Vairaja and his wife Sambhuti. In this incarnation as Ajita, the Lord got the ocean churned and secured ambrosia for the gods..." The king, thereupon, requests Suka to narrate in more detail this particular feat of Visnu. Suka, in answer, relates the story of AM. A. 3. Agni said to Vasistha : "I shall now tell you about Visnu's incarnation of the Tortoise." Thus is introduced the story of the churning of the milk-ocean. sarvajnena sivenatha presito bhagavanmunih | durvasastvanmadabhramsam kartukamah sasapa ha || "adhuna pasya nihsrikam trailokyam samajayata || ... ittham kathayatoreva brhaspatimahendrayoh | malakadya mahadaityah svargalokam babadhire || atha brahmadayo deva bhagavantam janardanam | tustuvurvagvaristhabhih 8. sukah- | sarvalokamahesvaram || - 4-9-30-47 tatrapi devah sambhutyam vairajasyabhavatsutah | ajito nama bhagavanamsena jagatah patih || 9 payodhi yena nirmathya suranam sadhita sudha | || 10 raja- - yatha bhagavata brahman mathitah ksirasagarah | || 11 etad bhagavatah karma vadasva 9. vaksye kurmavataram ca samsrutam yathamrtam suraih praptam kim canyadabhavattatah | paramadbhutam || 12 papanasanam | || 1 A.1

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14 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 SK. 1. 1. 8. 128 to 1. 1. 9. 1-31 The Sage Lomasa says to the Sages that he would tell them how Siva came to drink poison 10 and narrates the story which led to the churning of the ocean for ambrosia. He introduces the story nas follows : Brhaspati, the preceptor of the gods, felt insulted at the insolent behaviour of Indra and left Indra. The gods were defeated by the demons. Consequently, the goddess Sri, and the jewels' like Airavata, the elephant and Uccaihsravas, the horse fell into the ocean and left the gods who, thus, were deprived of their glory. Then the gods headed by Brahma approached Visnu for advice and help." [Note 2 : To sum up : Mbh. introduces the story to explain the birth of the horse Uccaihsravas and R. to explain how and why the demons were defeated. M, Bhag, P (U), A introduce the story to bring out the greatness of Visnu. Vi, P (S), Br. introduce the story to explain the disappearance of Laksmi and her eventual restoration. SK introduces the story to explain why Siva drank poison.] 10. katham garam bhaksitavan sivo lokamahesvarah | tatsarvam srayatam viprah yathavat kathayami vah || 11. sragato'sau mahabhago brhaspatirudaradhih | sakram pramattam jnatvatha madadrajyasya durmatim || tirodhanamanuprapto brhaspati rupanvitah | devah parajita daityaih " sakro'pi jato nihsriko devaistyaktastato bhrsam | devi tirodhanagata babhuva kamaleksana || airavato mahanagastathaivoccaihsrava hayah | evamadini ratnani anekani bahunyapi || punyabhanji ca tanyena patitani ca sagare | tatheti gatva te sarve sakradya lokapalakah || brahmanam ca puraskrtya tatam ksiranavasya ca | || prapyopavisya te sarve hari stotum pracakramuh || -- 1-1-8-128 ARCER

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN Mbh. 1. 15.5-13 II. The Motive of the AM 15 Gods actuated by the object of obtaining Amrta (ambrosia), which would make them immortal, got together on mount Meru to hold consultations regarding the plan of action that would lead them to the realization of their aim. While the gods were thinking and deliberating, God Narayana proposed to the gods through Brahman (Brahmadeva) as follows: "Let the gods and the demons together churn the ocean. There will appear Amrta when the ocean is thus churned." R. 1. 44. 14-16 The great sons of Diti and Aditi thought among themselves:18 "How shall we be deathless, ageless and without disease ?" They hit upon the idea of churning the milky ocean and getting the elixir out of it. M. 249. 4-16 Suta proceeds : 'Sukracarya acquired the Samjivani Vidya (the art of bringing the dead to life) from Sankara and used it in the battle 12. (meroh ) tasya prsthamuparuhya bahuratnacitam subham | 9 te mantrayitumarabdhastatrasina divaukasah | amrtarthe samagamya taponiyamasamsthitah || 10 tatra narayano devo brahmanamidamabravot | cintayatsu suresvevam mantrayatsu ca sarvasah || 11 devairasurasamghaca mathyatam kalasodadhih | bhavisyatyamrtam tatra mathyamane mahodadhau || 12 13. purvam krtayuge rama diteh putra mahabalah | praditesca mahabhaga viryavantah sudharmikah || 14 tatastesam narasrestha buddhirasinmahatmanam | amara nirjaracaiva katham syama niramayah || 15 tesam cintayatam rama buddhirasidvipascitam | ksirodamathanam krtva rasam prapsyama tatra vai || 16 -Mbh. 1. 15 -R. 1.44

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16 14 puranam -- PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 between the demons and the gods to revive the demons who were killed. Indra and other gods, seeing that the gods were being killed by hundreds while the demons, though killed, were being revived, got dejected. Brahma suggesting a remedy said to the gods assembled on mount Meru: "Make friends with the demons. Work out the plan of securing Amrta. Churn out the ocean. Make Bali, the king of the demons, the head or leader for some time." Thus gods were motivated by the desire to get Amrta which would enable them to meet the challenge of the demons. Vi. 1. 9. 74-81 When the gods implored Visnu to strengthen them with his own power, Visnu said to them : "I shall add to your strengh, if you do what I shall tell you to do. Churn the milk-ocean along with the demons. With the ambrosia which will emerge during the process of churning, you will get not only strength but also immortality.' 14. 9916 pura devasure yuddhe hatasca satasah surah | punah sanjivanim vidyam prayojya tasya tustena devena sankarena mrtasanjivani nama vidya datta bhrgunandanah || 4 mahatmana | mahaprabha || 5-3 tatra devatandaityansuko vidyabalena ca | utthapayati daityendramllilayaiva vicaksanah || 10 evamvidhena sakrastu ... visannavadanah sarve babhuvuh 1 tesu visannesu bhagavan kamalodbhava graha || 11-12 15. devah srnuta madvakyam | danavaih sardham samkhyamatra pravartatam || 13 kriyatamamrtodyogo madhyatam ksiravaridhih | 14 15 -M. 249 danavendro balih svami stokakalam nivesyatam || 16. tvam prasadam prasannatman prapannanam kurusva nah | tejasa natha sarvesam svasaktya''pyayanam kuru || 74 sribhagavanuvaca- tejaso bhavatam devah karisyabhyupabrmhanam | vadamyaham yatkriyatam bhavadbhistadidam surah || 76 sraniya sahita daityah ksirabdhau sakalausadhih | mathyatamamrtam devah sahaye mayyavasthite || 77-78

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 17 P(s) 5.4.28-33 In response to the appeal of the gods, Visnu asks them to churn the ocean, in cooperation with the demons and assures them all help. [Note 3 : This part of P. agrees with the corresponding part of Vi. in wording and substance]. P(u)6. 259. 40-43 (Rudra continues his narration to Parvati :) 17 Visnu said to the gods that it was on account of the disappearance of Rama or Laksmi that they had lost their vigour and strength. Therefore he asked them to churn the milk-ocean in cooperation with the demons, for getting back Laksmi who will emerge out of the ocean. He assured them his own help and disappeared. Br. 4. 9. 48-54 With a view to restoring the gods back to their power and glory, Visnu advised them to make truce with the demons and churn the ocean for ambrosia, in cooperation with them. He assured them that the ambrosia which would be produced from the churned ocean would make them strong and immortal.18 mathyamane ca tatrabdhau yatsamutpatsyate'mrtam | tatpanad balino yuyamamarasca bhavisyatha || 80 17. sribhagavanuvaca - atrisunormuneh sapadantardhanam rama gata | - 1.9 kataksadarsanattasya jagadaisvaryam samyutam || 40 kurudhvam manthanam deva daityagandharvadanavah || 42 utpadyate ca sa laksmijamgatsamraksanaya vai | tatha drsta mahabhaga bhavisyatha na samsayah || 43 18. samastadanavascapi vaktavyah santvapurvakam | samanyameva yusmakamasmakam ca phalam tviti || 52 3 -6.259.

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18 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 He also said that he would see to it that the demons did not get the ambrosia in spite of their labours. Bhag. 8. 5-15-8. 6-26 suka said to the King" : "The gods, shorn of their strength and vigour by the curse of Durvasas, were vanquished in battle by the demons. The gods, thereupon, headed by Brahmadeva approached Ajita (Visnu) to seek his help in their distress. In response to the prayer which Brahma addressed on behalf of the gods, Hari appeared before them with all his glory. Brahma, again sang a hymn of praise to him. The Lord then replied: "Go and conclude a truce with the demons. Set about the task of producing ambrosia which will bring about immortality. I shall help you in your churning of the ocean". mathyamane tu dugdhabdhau ya samutpadyate sudha | tatpanadbalino yuyamamatyaca bhavisyatha || 53 yatha daityasca piyusam naitatprapsyanti kimcana | kevalam klesavantasca karisyami tatha hyaham || 54 -4.9. 19. yada yuddhe'surairdeva badhyamanah sitayudhaih | gatasavo nipatita nottistheran sma bhuyasah || 15 yada durvasasah sapatsendra lokastrayo nrpa | nihsrikascabhavamstatra nesurijyadikah kriyah || 16 nisabhyaitatsuragana mahendravarunadayah | ... tato brahmasabham jagmumaॅrormurdhani sarvasah || 17-18 ( brahma uvaca ) tasyadvrajamah saranam jagadgurum sa no dhasyati sam surapriyah || 23 ityabhasya suran vedhah sahadevairarindama | ajitasya padam saksajagama tamasah param || 24 yata danava dete pastavatsandhividhiyatam | 19 amrtotpadane yatnah kriyatamavilambitam | yasya pitasya vai janturmrtyugrasto'maro bhavet || 21 sahayena maya deva nirmathadhvam atandritah || 23 -8-5 -8.6

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jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN A. 3.1--5 19 Agni said: "The gods were deprived of their vigour and strength on account of the curse of Durvasas and were defeated by the demons. They, therefore, approached Visnu for succour. Visnu advised them to make truce with the demons and churn the ocean for ambrosia with their cooperation. Visnu also assured them that he would see that they, not the demons, would get Amrta. SK. Visnu asked" Indra to make peace with the demons. Indra, accordingly, went to Bali the king of the demons and after 20. pura devasure yuddhe daityairdevah parajitah || durvasasasca sapena ... nihsrikascabhavamstada | || 1 stutva ksirabdhigam visnumucuh palaya casurat || 2 brahmadikan harih praha sandhi kurvantu casuraih | ksirabdhimathanatham hi sramrtartham sriye'surah || 3 yusmanamrtabhajo'ya karisyami na danavan || ...1 kimadbhutam | -32 21. sribhagavan uvaca- guroravajnaya sarvam nasyatiti tena vai karanenendra madiyam vacanam kuru | karyahetostvaya karyom daityaih saha samagamah || 35 evam bhagavatadistah sakrah paramabuddhiman | amaravatim yayau hitva sutalam daivataih saha || 36 ekada tu sabhamadhye prasino devarat svayam | uvaca prahasan vakyam balimuddisya nitiman || 56 gajadini bahunyeva ratnani vividhani ca | gatani tatksanadeva sagare patitani vai || prayatno hi prakartavyo hyasmabhistvarayanvitaih | tesam coddharane daitya ratnanamiha sagarat | tarhi nimamthanam kayam bhavata karyasiddhaye | balih pravartitastena sakrena surasudanah || kenedam mathanam bhavet | uvaca sakram tvaritah tada nabhogata vani meghagambhiranihsvana || uvaca deva daityasca manyadhvam ksirasagaram | -- A .3 bhavatam balavrddhisca bhavisyati na samsayah || 57-62 --1.1.9 (Selected)

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20 conciliating him, said: puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 At that "Our best 'jewels' have disappeared into the ocean. Let us churn the ocean to recover them." Then Bali asked Indra as to how to set about churning the ocean. moment, a disembodied voice from the sky exclaimed: "Oh gods It will increase your and demons ! churn the milk-ocean. strength." Thereupon the gods and the demons undertook to churn the ocean, with the object of gaining strength and vigour. are [Note 4 : All texts except P (U) and SK are agreed that the motive behind the churning of the ocean is the desire to obtain the drink which would confer strength and immortality. P (U), says that the motive is the desire to get back Laksmi who had disappeared, which however, allegorically means the same thing as Laksmi is the goddess of strength, vigour and glory. SK adds that the motive is also the desire to recover the 'jewels' which had disappeared into the ocean.] Mbh. 1.16.1--13 III. Preparations for the AM The gods wanted the Mandara mountain to use it as a churning-stick for churning the ocean. But they could not lift the Mandara from its place. They requested 22. (mandaram parvatavaram ) tamuddhartum na sakta vai sarve devaganastada | visnumasinamabhyetya brahmanam cedamabruvan || 4 bhavantavatra kurutam buddhi naihsreyasim param | mandaroddharane yatnah kriyatam ca hitaya nah || 5 tatheti cabravidvisnuh brahmana saha bhargava | tato'nantah samutthaya brahmana paricoditah | narayanena capyuktastasmin karmani viryavan || 6 atha parvatarajanam tamananto mahabalah | ujjahara baladbrahman savanam savanaukasam || 7 tatastena surah sardham samudramupatasthire | tamucuramrtarthaya nirmathisyamahe jalam || 8 ucuca kurmarajanamakuparam surasurah | | Visnu and gireradhisthanamasya bhavan bhavitumarhati || 10 Mbh 1.16

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"Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 21 Brahman (masculine) to help to lift the mountain for them. Visnu and Brahman agreed to their request. They asked Ananta (the Sesa) to lift the Mandara. Ananta lifted the mountain along with its wood and the occupants of the woods and took it to the ocean. The gods accompanied Ananta to the ocean and said to him (the ocean): "We are going to churn your waters for the sake of Amrta (ambrosia)." The gods and the demons requested the lord of the tortoises to allow them to use his back as the restingplace for the churning-stick of the Mandara mountain. The tortoise consented and offered its back for the purpose. Indra squeezed with an instrument the point of the Mandara so as to hold it in place on the back of the tortoise. Making Mandara a churning-stick and Vasuki a churning-string, the gods and the demons began to churn the ocean with the object of attaining Amrta. One end viz. the head of Vasuki, the churningstring, was held by the demons, while gods stood by the side of the other end which was the tail. R. 1. 44. 17 23 600 GOD 200 The gods and demons having resolved upon the churning of the ocean, made a churning-string of Vasuki and a churningstaff of Mandara mountain. They then proceeded to churn the ocean. 24 800 23. kurmena tu tathetyuktva prsthamasya samarpitam | tasya sailasya cagram vai yantrenendro'bhyapidayat || 1I manthanam mandaram krtva tatha netram ca vasukim | deva mathitumarabdhah samudram nidhimambhasam | amrtarthinastato brahman sahita daityadanavah || 12 ekamantamupaslista nagarajno mahasurah | fagar: afzar: ad : gaa: fear: 11 13 24. tato niscitya mathanam yoktram krtva ca vasukim | manthanam mandaram krtva samandhuramitaujasah || 17 600 600 Mbh. 1-16 -R. 1.44

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22 M. 249.17--54 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 As asked by Brahman, the gods 26 approached the king of the demons and sought his cooperation. The king of the demons 25. tacchrutva vacanam deva jagmurdanavamandiram | sralam virodhena vayam bhrtyastava bale'dhuna || 17 kriyatamamrtodyogo vriyatam sesanetrakam | tvaya cotpadite daitya amrte'mrtamanthane | 18 bhavisyamo'marah sarve tvatprasadanna samsayah | evamuktastada devah paritustah sa danavah || 19 yatha vadata he devastatha karyam mayadhuna || 20 evamuktva sa daityendro devah saha yayau tada | mandaram prarthayamasa sahayatve dharadharam || 23 mantha bhava ... tavasmakamadhunamrtamanyane | 24 tata utpatya tam sailam tatksanatksirasagare | ciksepa lilaya nagah kurmavadhah sthitastada || 30 niradharam yada sailam na sekurdevadanavah | mandarabhramanam kartum narayaganivasam te ksirodamathane tada | 31 jagmurbalasamanvitah | 32 tatrapasyanta tam devam sitapadmaprabham subham | 33 savyaba hupadhanam tam tustuvurdevadanavah | krtanjaliputah sarve pranatah sarvatodisam || 36 asmakamamaratvaya priyatam dhiyatamayam | mandarah sarvasailanamayutayutavistrtah || 43 yathamrtatvam devesa tatha nah kuru madhava | tvaya vina na tacchakyamasmabhih kaitabhardana || || 48 (ityukto bhagavan visnuh ) jagama devah sahito yatrasau mandaracalah | vestito bhogibhogena dhrtascamaradanavah || 50 visabhitastato deva yatah puccham tatah sthitah | mukhato daityasanghastu saimhikeyapurassarah || 51 dadharamrtamanthanam mandaram narayanah carukandaram | sa bhagavan bhujayugmadvayena tu || 53 tato devasuraih sarvaijamyasabdapurassaram | divyam varsasatam sagram mathitah ksirasagarah || 54 -M. 249.

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 23 offered his cooperation most willingly and went with the gods to the Mandara mountain to request him to serve as a churning staff. Mandara offered to be the churning-staff, if an appropriate and adequate base for him to rest upon and an sufficiently long and strong churning-string to coil round him were made available. The tortoise and the serpent Sesa came forth to do the respective jobs. But Sesa in his arrogance moved the Mandara mountain so violently that it could not rest on the back of the tortoise. The Mandara mountain, thus with no base to rest upon, could not be properly whirled by the gods and the demons for churning the ocean. To rescue themselves from this difficult situation, the gods and the demons approached Narayana and prayed to him for help. Thereupon, Narayana or Visnu went with the gods and the demons to the place where the Mandara mountain stood, coiled round by the coils of Sesa. The gods, afraid of the venom of the serpent, stood on the side of the serpent's tail and the demons headed by Rahu stood on the side of the serpent's mouth. Narayana, then, supported with the prop of his four arms the Mandara mountain which was the churningstaff and the gods and the demons churned the milky ocean, Vi. 1. 9. 82-88 The gods in league with the demons exerted themselver for getting the ambrosia. They brought plants and herbs and threw them into the milk ocean. They made Mandara into a churning staff and Vasuki into a churning rope and commenced churning 26. sarva eva tada surah | sandhanamasuraih krtva yatnavanto'mrte'bhavan || 82 nanausadhih samaniya devadaiteyadanavah | ksiptva ksirabdhipayasi saradabhramala tvisi || 83 manthanam mandaram krtva netram krtva ca vasukim | tato mathitumarabdha maitreya tarasamrtam || 34 vibudhah sahitah sarve yatah puccham tatah krtah | krsnena vasukedaityah purvamkaye nivesitah || 85 ksirabdhimadhye bhagavan kurmarupi svayam harih | manthanadreradhisthanam bhramato'bhunmahamune || 88 --1,9

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24 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 the ocean. The demons took their position by the side of the head of the serpent while the gods posted themselves by the side of its tail. Visnu assumed the form of the tortorise and provided the resting place for the churning staff of the Mandara. P(9) 5.4-34--42 G [Note 5 : This part of P. agrees with the corresponding part of Vi in substance and almost in wording.] P( 6.260.1--4 (Sankara continues his narration to Parvati.) The gods and the demons lifted up the Mandara mountain and immersed it into the ocean. Lord Narayana assumed the form of a tortoise and supported the mountain on his back. He also held the peak of the mountain erect by his hand. The gods and the demons wound the serpent king around the Mandara mountain and began to churn. Br. 4. 9. 55--57 28 The gods made truce with the demons. They with the demons collected lots of herbs and plants and threw them into the 27. tatah suraganah sarve danavadya mahabalah | utpatya mandaram sailam ciksipuh payasam nidhau | 1 tato narayanah sriman bhagavan bhutabhavanah | kurmarupena tam sailam dadharamitavikramah || 2 " adharayad girivaram sa prsthe jagadisvarah || 3 tayaikena bhujenaiva sikharam savamgo'vyayah | tato devasurah sarve mamanthuh ksirasagaram | 4 sarparajena samvestya ghargharam mandaracalam | 5 28. samdhanam tvatulai daityah krtavantastada surah | nanavidhausadhiganam samaniya - 6.260 surasurah || 55 ksirabdhipayasi ksiptva candramo'dhikanirmalam | manthanam mandaram krtva krtva yoktram tu vasukim || prarebhire prayatnena mamthitum yadasam patim || 56 vasukeh pucchabhage tu sahitah sarvadevatah | sirobhage tu daiteya niyuktastatra saurina || 57 -4-9.

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 25 milk-ocean. They made a churning staff of the Mandara mountain and a churning rope of Vasuki, the great serpent. On the advice of Visnu they stood on the side of the serpent's tail while the demons took up their position on the side of the serpent's head. Bhag. 8. 6. 27 to 8. 7. 13 Then the gods headed by Mahendra, approached Bali, the king of the demons, and sought his cooperation for the AM. Bali agreed and the gods and the demons making friends entered into an agreement in the task of securing ambrosia. They, then," uplifted the Mandara mountain and tried to carry it to the ocean. But overwhelmed under its weight, they sank on the ground underneath. Visnu came to their succour, he placed the Mandara mountain on the eagle and came to the ocean. The gods invited Vasuki to serve as the churning rope and wound him around the churning staff of the Mandra. The gods held the tail and the demons the mouth of the serpent. When they both pulled and whirled the mountain, it sank into the water for want of support from underneath. Again Visnu assumed the form of the tortoise for providing support to the mountain and saved the situation.29 29. te vairocanimasinam guptam casurayuthapaih | 4 sriya paramaya justam jitasesamupagamat || 29 mahendrah slaksnaya vaca santvayitva mahamatih | abhyabhasata tatsarvam siksitam tato devasurah krtva samvidam purusottamat || 30 krtasauhrdah | udyamam paramam cakruramrtarthe paramtapa || 32 tataste mandaragirimojasotpatya durmadah ...| aparayantastam vodhum vivasa vijahuh pathi || 38-34 ... tamstatha bhagnamanaso bhagnabahurukandharan | vijnaya bhagavamstatra babhuva ... garudadhvajah || 36 giri caropya garude hastenaikena lilaya | sraruhya prayayavadhi | surasuraganairvrtah || 38 te nagarajamamantrya phalabhagena vasukim | pariviyam girau tasminnetramabdhi mudanvita || ( 1 ) mathyamane'rnave so'driranadharo hyapo'visat || 6 vilokya vighnesavidhim tadesvaro durantaviryo'vitathabhisandhih | krtva vapuh kacchapamadbhutam mahat pravisya toyam girimujahara || 8 -8. 6 -8-7

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26 A. 3. 5-6 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 Agni said: "Visnu told the gods to make the Mandara mountain the churning-staff and Vasuki, the serpent the churning-rope. The gods did as they were told and arrived with the demons at the milk-ocean.30 SK. 1. 1. 9. 64-89 The gods and the demons went to the Mandara mountain to - request him to be of service to them by serving as the churningstaff. Mandara said: "I can not move. Lift me up." The gods and the demons tried to lift and carry it but could not do so. They therefore, sought the help of Visnu. Visnu put the mountain on his Garuda-vehicle and took it to the ocean and put it into the waters. The gods and the demons made Vasuki into a churningstring and began to churn. But the mountain sank under water. Visnu, however, supported it on his own form of the tortoise.31 [Note 6: The preparations for the churning of the ocean concern mainly with securing Mandara (the churning-stick), Kurma (the support for the churning-rod) and the serpent (as the churning-rope). All texts agree on Mandara, though there are Accorda few differences regarding the transporting of Mandara. ing to Bhag and Sk Visnu brought it to the ocean on the back of his Garuda; in the Mbh., it is Ananta who lifted it and brought to the ocean. Regarding the support for the Mandara, it is Kurma, the incarnation of Visnu, according to Vi, Bhag, P (s), P (u) and Sk. In the Mbh and M it is merely the king of tortoises-Kurmaraja (not the incarnation of Visnu); in M, it is said that the Kurma which appeared to quite beneath the burden was helped by Visnu who propped up the Mandara by 30. manyanam mandaram krtva netram krtva tu vasukim | ksirabdhi matsahayena nimamyadhvamatandritah || 5 visnuktah samvidam krtva daityah ksirabdhimagatah | u 6 31. paramatma tada visnuradharo mandarasya ca | dombhicaturbhih samgrhya mamanyabdhi sukhavaham || 8 --A. 3.

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•Jan, 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 27 his hand. Regarding the serpent, all texts except M agree that it is Vasuki. M says that it is Sesa.] IV. The Churning of the Ocean for AM Mbh. 1. 16. 14--32 While the snake Vasuki was being pulled vigorously by the gods, there issued forth from its mouth repeatedly gases mixed with smoke and flames.32 These columns of smoke turned into masses of clouds and rained over the gods who were afflicted by the toils and torments while churning the ocean. The ocean which was being churned with the Mandara by the gods and the demons produced a roaring sound like the thunder of the clouds.88 while the Mandara mountain was being whirled, big trees rubbing against one another tumbled down with the birds perching on them from the mountain-top. Various kinds of exuding gums of big trees as also many juices of herbs and plants flowed into the waters of the ocean. On account of the foamy milk like water mixed with those juices which had the potency of Amrta and also on account of the liquid extract of gold (mixed with the waters), gods attained immortality. The milky water of the 34 32. vasukeratha nagasya sahasaksipyatah suraih | 33. sadhumah saciso vata nispeturasakrnmukhat || 15 te dhumasamdhah sambhuta medhasamgha savidyutah | abhyavarsansuraganansrama samtapakasitan # 16 babhuvatra mahaghoso mahamegharavopamah | udadhermathyamanasya mandarena surasuraih || 18 ... tasmisca bhramyamane'drau samdhrsyantah parasparam | nyapatanpatagopetah parvatagranmahadrumah || 21 tato nanavidhastatra susruvuh sagarambhasi | mahadrumanam niryasa bahavasrvausadhirasah || 25 34. tesamamrtaviryanam rasanam payasaiva ca | amaratvam sura jagmuh kancanasya ca nihsravan || 26 atha tasya samudrasya tajjatamudakam payah | rasottamairvimisram ca tatah ksiradabhudghrtam || 27 Mbh 1-16,

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28 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1° sea got mixed with the quintessential juices and from such milkly fluid came forth (like clarified butter) refined extracts. The gods said to Brahman: "Except Narayana, we gods and demons are extremely tired, we have been churning the ocean long since; yet Amrta is not produced." Thereupon Brahman urged Visnu to grant strength to the gods and others. Visnu agreed and replied: "I grant strength to all those who have been engaged in this work. Let this pitcher (of the ocean) be - agitated, let this churn-staff of Mandara be whirled round by all." Hearing the speech of Narayana, they felt strengthened and all of them together again churned and made the waters of the ocean exceedingly agitated.35 M. 249.55--68 The gods and demons were tired by this labour of churning. The gods, who were almost broken, were inspired by Brahman with encouraging words to continue the churning. While the mountain with its animals and trees was being whirled round during churning, the milky waters of the ocean got mixed with sap of broken trees and plants and with the fat of dead animals, and the churned mixture gave forth an exhilerating drink (called Varuni). The gods and the demons drank this drink, and feeling strong, set themselves again to churning the ocean with added vigour. tato brahmanamasinam deva varadamabruvan | srantah sma subhrsam brahmannodbhavatyamrtam ca tat || 28 rte narayanam devam daityana gottamastaya | cirarabdhamidam capi sagarasyapi manthanam || 29 tato narayanam devam brahma vacanamabravit | vidhatsvaisam balam visno bhavanatra parayanam || 30 visnuruvaca - balam dadami sarvesam karmaitadye samasthitah | ksobhyatam kalasah sarvairmandarah parivatyamtam || 31 35. narayanavacah srutva balinaste mahodadheh | tatpayah sahita bhuyascakrire bhrsamakulam || 32 wakaya Mbh 1-16

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•Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN M. 249. 69--82 and 250. 1 29 29 For the account in the story contained in this passage, see above Mbh 1.16.18--31. [Note 7: The stanzas in this passage are almost verbatim the same as those in Mbh 1. 16. 18 -31] [Note 8 : M, it will be noticed, has two versions of the actual churning of the ocean. According to M 219.55 -68, Varuni is produced in very initial stage, to invigorate the gods and the demons. In M 249.69-82 which follows the above description,.. the account is the same as that in Mbh. From the agreement of the second version with the Mbh one can conclude that the passage M 249.55-68 giving the first version must be interpolated.] Vi. 1. 9. 89--91 While the gods and the demons holding the churning-rope of Vasuki, churned the ocean, Visnu assumed two forms; one of them joined the gods and helped them in pulling the churing-rope, 36. tatah srantastu te sarve deva daityapurassarah || 55 brahmaprotsahita deva mamanyuh punarambudhim | bhramyamane tatah saile yojanayutasekhare || 58 nipeturhastiyuthani varahasarabhadayah | svapadayutalaksani tatha puspaphala drumah || 59 tatah phalanam viryena ksiramambudhijam sarvam tatastu sarvajivesu curnitesu tadambumedasotsargad varuni sahasrasah | samapadyata || 61 puspausadhirasena ca | dadhirupamajayata || 60 varuni gandhamaghratha mumudurdevadanavah | tadasvadena balino devadaityadayo'bhavan || 62 600 37. rupenanyena devanam madhye cakragadadharah | cakarsa nagarajanam daityamadhye'parena ca || 89 900 tejasa nagarajanam tatha''pyayitavan harih | anyena tejasa devanupabrmhitavan prabhuh || 91 : --M. 249, --109

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30 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 while the other joined the demons. Visnu increased the strength and vigour of the serpent king Vasuki and also of the gods. P(8) 5-4. 43 Visnu increased the strength of the gods by his power. [Note 9 This part of P appears to be an abbreviation of the corresponding part in Vi. In fact, P 5.4.43 (the present verse) agrees in wording with Vi 1-9.91 cd. to 92 ab.] P(u) 6.260.5--9 While the ocean was being churned for the production of Laksmi, the great sages fasted, observed religions observances and recited the hymn to Laksmi (Srisukta). Br. 4-9-58--64 While churning the ocean, the demons were scorched by the burning fumes of the serpent's breath, whereas the gods were, by Visnu's favour, refreshed by gentle winds. Visnu, assuming the form of the tortorise, supported on his back the whirling Mandara mountain. Visnu also increased the strength and vigour of the gods to enable them to withstand the strain of churning. 38. mathyamane'ya dugdhabdhau daivataih utpadanartham laksmyasca sarvam uposya niyamam krtva jepuh sumahabalaih || 5 ete maharsayah | srisuktameva ca || 6 dhyatva samarcayamasudvijayyah munisattamah | tatastasmin muhurte tu mathyamane mahambudhau || 7 39. balavanto'pi te daityastanmukhocchvasapavakaih | nirdagdhavapusah sarve nistejaskastadabhavan || 58 pucchadese tu karsanto muhurapyayitah surah | anukulena vatena visnuna preritena tu || 59 sradikurmakrtih srimanmadhye ksirapayonidheh | bhramato mandaradrestu || tasyadhisthanatamagat || 60 upabrmhitavan devan yena te balasalinah | tejasa punaranyena balatkarasahena sah || 63 -4-9

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN Bhag. 8.7.14-17 31 During the churning, the demons, who pulled the churnig-rope of the serpent from the side of its mouth, were scorched and burned by the scalding vaporous venom, whereas the gods, who pulled from the tail, escaped this painful fate through the grace of Lord Visnu who changed these hot vapours into rain clouds discharging refreshing showers. The gods and the demons churned and churned for a long time, still no ambrosia emerged. Then Lord Ajita Visnu himself set his victorious hands at the churning.40 A. 3. 6-8 Agni continued: "The gods took their position on the side of the serpent's tail and began to churn the ocean. Their distress caused by the scorching breath of the serpent was removed by Visnu. While the ocean was being churned, the mountain sank down into water for want of support. Thereupon Visnu assumed the form of the tortoise and held the mountain erect."41 SK. 1. 1. 9 While the gods and the demons vigorously churned the ocean, the hard back of the tortoise and the hard part of the mountain resting on it rubbed against each other giving rise to submarine fire. 43 40. srahindra sahasrakathoraddanmukhasvasagnidhumahatavacamso'surah | paulomakaleyabalilvaladayo davagnidagdhah sarala ivabhavan || 14 devamsca tacchvasasikhahataprabhan dhumrambarasragvarakancukananan | samabhyavarsan bhagavadvasa ghana vavuh samudromyupagudhavayavah || 15 mathyamanattatha sindhordevasuravaruthapaih | yada sudha na jayeta nirmamanyajitah svayam || 16 41. tato mathitumarabdha yatah puccham tatah surah || ....6 phaninih svasasamtapta harinapyayitah surah | mathyamane'rnave so'driranadharo hyapo'visat || 7 kurmarupam samasthaya dadhre visnusca mandaram || 8 12. tada surasurah sarve mamanthuh ksirasagaram | ekibhutva balenaivamatimatram balotkatah || 10 prsthakanthorujanvantah kamathasya mahatmanah | tadasau parvatasrestho vajrasaramayo drdhah || ubhayorghasamnadeva vada़vagnih samutthitah || 11 - 8-7 - --A-3 --1.1.9

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32 puranam - PURANA [Vol, IX., No. 1 [Note 10: Mbh, M (one version), Bhag, Brand A agree in effect, that it was Visnu who put vigour and strength into the gods and the demons who had been exhausted. According to Vi and P (s), Visnu assumed two forms and joined the gods and the demons in his respective form in the work of churning. According to Br and A, Visnu assumed the form of Kurma at this stage to support the Mandara which was about to sink. According to P (u), as the occean was being churned to get Laksmi, the great sages fasted and recited Srisukta, the hymn to Sri. The Sk notes the fact that fire was produced by the friction of the back of the tortoise against the hard bottom of the mountain.] V Emergence of Amrta and its predecessors Mbh. 1. 17.33-37 From the ocean being churned by the gods and demons, there emerged the following 43: (1) The brilliant moon (Soma) of pleasing splendour ; (2) Sri clad in white ; (3) the divine Sura; (4) The white horse; these first four products went over to the gods. (5) the divine jewel Kaustubha radiating rays, which was worn by Narayana; (6) Dhanvantari god in human form holding in his hand a white bowl which contained ( 7 ) Amtra. 43- tatah satasahasramsuh samana iva sagarat | prasannabhah samutpannah somah sitamsurujjvalah || 33 sri ranantaramutpanna ghrtatpanduravasini | sura devi samutpanna turagah pandurastatha || 34 kaustubhasca manirdivya utpanno'mrtasambhavah | maricivikacah sriman narayanaurogatah || 35 srih sura caiva somasca turagasca manojavah | yato devastato jagmuradityapathamasritah || 36 dhanvantaristato devo vapusmanudatisthata | svetam kamandalum bibhradamrtam yatra tisthati || 37 --Mbh. 1.17.

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN R. 1. 44. 18-24 33 The following arose from the ocean while it was being t churned, in the order given below 14 : (1) Dhanvantari ( 2 ) the lively and glorious damsels (Apsarasah.). They were the common belongings of all the gods and the demons. (3) Snra or Varuni, the daughter of Varuna. Sura was taken over by the gods (Surah). The demons who were denied this Sura were called Asurah. (4) Uccaihsravas, the best of the horses. (5) Kaustubha, the best jewel. (6) Amsta, the best. M. From the ocean, there emerged the following: (a) 250.2-4 [Note 11 : These stanzas are verbatim the same as Mbh. 1.17.33-35 above] (1) The brilliant Moon, (2) Sri clad in white, (3) the divine Sura (wine), (4) the white horse, ( 5 ) the divine jewel Kaustubha. (b) 250.5 ab (6) The Parijata tree beautiful with clusters of fullblown flowers. 45 44. atha dhanvantarirnama prapsarasca suvarcasah | apsu nimamthanadeva utpetumamnujasrestha rasattasmadvarastriyah | tasmadapsaraso'bhavan || 18 na tah sma pratigrhnanti sarve te devadanavah | pratigraharanaccaiva tena sadharanah smrtah || 20 varunasya tatah kanya varuni raghunandana | utpapata mahabhaga magammana parigraham || 21 diteh putra na tam rama jagrhuvamrugatmajam | aditestu suta vira jagrhastamaninditam || 22 asurastena daiteyah surastenaditeh sutah || ... 23 uccaihsrava hayasrestho maniratnam ca kaustubham | udatisthannarasrestha tathaivamrtamuttamam | 24 R. 1.44 45. parijatastu vikacakusumastabakancitah | 5 ab 5

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34 (c) 250.5 cd-61 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 (7) The virulent poison Kalakuta. With the rise of this poison, the air was full of venomous vapours and fumes which made all creatures, gods and demons-almost unconscious. 46 In that sick condition, the gods and demons led by Brahman and Visnu approached Sankara and offered prayers to him with a hymn of praise. They supplicated to him for saving them from the horrors of poison. Sankara complied with their request and went to the ocean where the poison lay raging in all its fury. He drank off the poison which made his throat dark in complexion setting it off as a beautiful adornment of his fair-complexioned 46. anantaramapasyamste dhumamambarasamnibham | 5 ed tamatra surah sarve murcchitah parilammbitah | || 6 kecidvilokyaiva gata hyabhavam nihsamjnatam capyapare prapannah | vemumukhebhyo'pi ca phenamanye kecittvavapta visamamavastham || 17 tato bhitah surasurah | brahmavisnu puraskrtya gataste samkarantikam | 24 tatra devasuraih sarvaijanubhirdharana gatah (?) brahmanamagratah krtva idam stotramudahrtam || 27 tacchrutva bhagavanaha bhaganetrantakrdbhavah | bhaksayisyamyaham ghoram kalakutam mahavisam || 51-52 tato'brajad drutagatina kakudmina haro'mbare pavanagatijamgatpatih | ... srasadya dugdhasimdhum tam kalakutam visam yatah | tato devo mahadevo vilokya visamam visam || 55 chayasthanakamasthaya so'pibat vamapanina | piyamane vise tasmimstato deva mahasurah || 56 stuvantascaiva devesam prasannacabhavamstada | kanthadese tatah prapte visam devamayabruvan || 58 sobhate deva kanthaste gatre kundanibhaprabhe | bhrngamalanibham kanthe'pyatraivastu visam tava || ityuktah samkarodevastatha praha purantakrt || 1-80 + -M. 250 .)

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jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN person. 35 After the threat of Kalakuta had thus been removed, the hosts of gods resumed the churning of the ocean. (d) 251. 1--5 ab While the ocean was being churned again, there emerged the following : (8) Dhanvantari, the father of Ayurveda, (9) Madira, (Intoxicating Drink), (10) Amrta (ambrosia ), ( 11 ) Surabhi (the Celestial Cow), (12) The Gajendra (Celestial Elephant ) which was taken over by Indra, ( 13 ) Chatra (Royal Umbrella) which was taken over by Varuna, (14) Kundale (The two ear ornaments) which were taken over by Sacipati (Indra ). Sri (Kamala) and Kaustubha-Nos. 2 and 5 in the list of products-were taken over by Visnu, while the celestial horse No. 4 and Dhanvantari No. 8 were taken by the Sun. Parijata No. 6 of the products was taken over by Vayu. 47 (e) 251.5 cd --6 ab [Note 12 : These lines are verbatim the same as in Mbh 1. 17. 37] There emerged Dhanvantari god in human form holding in his hand a white bowl which contained Amrta. According to the Mbh version which M verbatim follows in (a) above and in this (e), Dhanvantari and Amrta would be emergents serially Nos. 6 and 7. [Note 13 : products from the 47. mathyamane dhanvantarih madira The passage from M describing the emergent ocean is divided into five parts from (a) to (e) punastasminjaladhau samadrsyata | sa bhagavanayurvedaprajapatih || 1 cayataksi ca "| tato'mrtam ca surabhih sarvabhutabhayapaha || 2 jagraha kamalam visnuh kaustubham ca mahamanim | gajendram ca sahasrakso hayaratnam ca bhaskarah || 3 dhanvantari ca jagraha lokarogyapravartakam | chatram jagraha varunah kundale ca sacipatih || 4 parijatatarum vayurjagraha muditastatha || 5 --M. 251

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362 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 in order to bring out clearly the similarities and dissimilarities which M shows in comparison with Moh in respect of the number of products and the order in which they were produced. It appears from a close scrutiny of these parts that parts (a ) and (e) of M agree verbatim with the Mbh and that from the criterion of this agreed version of the M and Mbh parts (b), (c) and (d) are interpolated between (a) and (e). Passages (b) and (c) add Parijata and Kalakuta respectively and (c) besides introduces the praise of Siva. Passage (d) tries to complete the number of products to the later conventional number 14 in a haphazard way. The diaskeuast who interpolated this passage(d) appears to have forgotten that Madira which he has introduced as product No. 9 is redundant in view of Sura product No. 3 already given in (a) as a result of which the total number of products would be 13 and not 14.] V. 1. 9.92--105 While the milk ocean was being churned, the following emerged forth 48 : (i) The Cow named Surabhi, the source which 48: 48. mathyamane tatastasmin ksirabdhau devadanavaih | havirdhamabhavat purvam surabhih surapujita || 92 kimetaditi siddhanam divi cintayatam tatah | babhuva varuni devi madaghurinatalocana | 94 krtavartat tatastasmat ksirodadvasayanjagat | gandhena parijato'bhuddevastri nandanastaruh || 95 rupaudaryagunopetastatha capsarasam ganah | ksirodadheh samutpanno maitreya paramadbhutah || 96* tatah sitamsurabhavajjagrhe tam mahesvarah | jagrhusca visam nagah ksirodabdhisamutthitam || 97 tato dhanvantarirdevah svetambaradharah svayam | bibhratkamandalum purnamamrtasya samutthitah || 98 tatah sphuratkantimati vikasikamale sthita | sridevi payasastasmadudbhuta dhrtapankaja || 100 600 divyamalyambaradhara snata bhusanabhusita | pasyatam sarvadevanam yayau vaksahsthalam hare || 105-109

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 37 supplied the offerings of milk products at the sacrifices. (ii) Varuni, the goddess of wine, with eyes rolling in intoxication. (iii) The Parijata tree. (iv) The host of celestial nymphs. (v) The Moon which was taken over by Sankara. (vi) Poison which was taken over by the serpents. (vii-viii) The god Dhanvantari bearing: in his hand a bowl of ambrosia. (ix) The goddess Sri who betook herself to the chest of Visnu. P(8) 5.4 .44-71 While the ocean was being churned, the following emerged: (1) The cow Surabhi, the source which supplied the offerings of milk-products at the sacrifices. (Havirdhani), (2) Varuni, the goddess of wine, with eyes rolling in intoxication. She was rejected by the gods and accepted by the demons. (3) Parijata tree. (4) The host of celestial nymphs, accepted in common by the gods and the demons. (5) The moon which was accepted by Sankara to adorn his matted hair. (6) The poison, named Kalakuta which was drunk by Sankara to rescue the gods and the demons. (7) Dhanvantari holding in his hand (8) a bowl of ambrosia. (9) The horse. (10) Airavana Elephant. (11) The goddess Sri or Laksmi. Brahmadeva asked Vasudeva to accept her, and Laksmi went over to Hari. [Note 14: This passage from P agrees in contents and wording with the corresponding passage from the Vi with the following differences: (i) The emergents no. 9 and 10. i.e. the horse and Airavata do not appear in Vi. where the number of emergents is 9 and not 11. (ii) The details regarding the procedure of disposal or assignment of Varuni, Moon, Poison, and Laksmi vary in the two versions.] Br. 4.9.65--82 The following emerged from the ocean which was being (1) The celestial cow Surabhi. churned.49 Surabhi . (2) The Goddess 49. sravibambhuva puratah surabhih surapujita | 1 utthita varuni devi madallolavilocana | jagrhunaiva tam daitya asurascabhavamstatah |

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38 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 The gods, on the other Varuni (Celestial Liquor) or Sura. The demons did not accept her, therefore they were called Asura. hand, accepted her and were called Sura (3) The great tree Parijata which filled the surroundings with fragrance. (4) The hosts of celestial nymphs (5) The moon which was taken over by Sankara. (6) Poison which was taken over by Nagas or serpents. (7) The jewel Kaustubha which was taken by Visgu. (8) A herb called Vijaya which was taken over by Bhairava. (9) The god Dhanvantari bearing in his hands (10) a bowl of Amxta or ambrosia. (11) Sri or Laksmi, who went over to Visnu. ( 12 ) Tulasi which was borne by Visnu. Bhag. 8.7.18 to 8.8.36 [64 stanzas] From the milk-ocean being churned by the gods and the demons, with the helping hand of Lord Visnu, there emerged the jagrhastam muda devah sucitah paramesthina | suragrahanato'pyete | surasabdena kirtitah || mathyamane tato bhuyah parijato mahadrumah | sravirasitsugandhena parito vasayanjagat || atyartham sundarakara dhirascapsarasam ganah | tatah sitamsurudabhut tam jagraha mahesvarah | visajatam tadutpannam jagrhurnagajatayah || kaustubhakhyam tato ratnamadade tajanardanah | tatah || ... svapatragandhena madayanti mahausadhih | vijaya nama samjajne bhairavastamupadade || tato divyambaradharo devo dhanvantarih svayam || upasthitah kare bibhradamrtadhyam kamandalum || tato vikasitambhojavasini varadayini | utthita padmahasta sristasmat ksiramahagamvat || tulasom ca samutpannam paradhyamaiिkyajam hareh | padmamalam dadau tasyai murtiman ksirasagarah | '' yayau vaksahsthalam visnoh sarvesam pasyatam rama || tulasi tu dhrta tena visnuna prabhavisnuna || --- 4, 9.65-82

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 50 39 following: 60 (1) The virulent poison named Halahala - to escape from the dreadful poison, the gods and the people sought refuge 50. nirmathyamanadudadherabhudvisam maholbanam halahalahvamagratah | 1118 bhitah praja dudruvuranga sesvara araksyamanah saranam sadasivam || 19 vilokya tam devavaram trilokya bhavaya devyabhimatam muninam | asinabhadravapavargahetostapo jusagam stutibhih pranemuh || 20 tadviksya vyasanam tasam krpaya bhrsapiditah | tatah karatalikrtya vyapi halahalam visam | 000 1136 abhaksayanmahadevah krpaya bhutabhavanah || 42 tasyapi darsayamasa svaviyam jalakaramapah | yascakara gale nilam tacca sadhovibhusanam || 13 --8-7 pite gare vrsankena mamanthustarasa sindhum tamagnihotri mrsayo pritaste'maradanavah | havirdhani tato'bhavat || 1 jagrhurbrahmavadinah | yajnasya devayanasya medhyaya havise nrpa || 2 tata uccaihsrava nama hayo'bhucandrapandurah | tarimanbalih sprham cakre nendra isvarasiksaya || om tata airavato nama varanendro vinirgata | dantaiscatubhih svetadre haimrambhagavato kaustubhakhyamabhudratnam padmarago mahim || 4 | mahodadheh | tasmin harih sprham cakre vaksolamkarane manau || 5 tato'bhavatparijatah suralokavibhusanam | purayatyarthino yo'yaih sasvadbhuvi yatha bhavan || 6 tatascapsaraso jata niskakanthyah suvasasah | ramanyah svargiranam varagu gatililavalokanaih || 7 tatascavirabhutsaksacchri rama bhagavatpara | ranjayanti disah kantya vidyutsaudamani yatha || 8 900 vavre varam savamgunairapeksitam rama mukundam nirapeksamipsitam || 23 400 athasid varuni devi kanya kamalalocana | asura jagrhastam vai hareranumatena te || 30 prathodadhermathyamanatkasyapairamrtarthibhih | udatisthanmaharaja purusah paramadbhutah || 131

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+40 puranam-- PURANA [Vol. IX, No. 1 with Siva. Pleased by a hymn of praise which was addressed to him, Siva was moved by compassion. He drank the poison which, however, left its searing blue mark on his throat - (2) Havirdhani i.e. the cow who provided materials for oblations at the sacrifice. The cow was taken over by the sages. (3) The moon white horse Uccaihsrayas Bali, the demon king wanted to have it. (4) The four-tusked elephant Airavata. (5) The ruby named Kaustubha which was desired by Hari. (6) The Parijata tree which fulfilled the wishes of its seekers... Bhag. 8.8. COD doe (7) The celestial nymphs-Apsarasah who entertained the gods of heaven with their graceful gait and glances. (8) Sri or Rama or Laksmi who like lightning illumined the surroundings-she chose Visnu as her permanent abode -- (9) Varuni, the goddess of wine who was taken over by the demons. (10) Dhanvantari the handsome, resplendent youth who 'saw the Ayurveda, the science of health. He was a partial incarnation of Visnu. ( 11 ) A bowl full of Ambrosia (Amrta) which Dhanvantari bore in his hands. The demons covetously snatched away the bowl of ambrosia to the consternation of the gods. A. 3.8--11 (Agni said:) The following emerged out of the ocean.51 (1) The poison named Halahala. It was gulped by Sankara down amrtapurna kalasam bibhrad valayabhusitah | sa vai bhagavatah saksad visnoramsamsasambhavah || 134 dhanvantaririti khyatah ayurveda hagijyabhak | tamalokyasurah sarve kalasam camrtabhrtam || 35 lipsantah sarvavastuni niyamane'suraistasmin kalasam tarasaharan | kalase'mrtabhajane || 31 800 visannamanaso deva hari saranamayayuh | 1136 51. ksiragye mathyamanacca visam halahalam hyabhut || 8 harena dharitam kanthe nilakanthastato'bhavat | tato'bhudvaruni devi parijatasca kaustubhah || 9 --8-8.

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 41 his throat which, in consequence, became blue. (2) Varuni, the goddess of wine (3) Parijata (4) Kaustubha (5) The cows (6) The celestial nymphs (7) The Goddess Laksmi who went over to Visnu. (8) Dhanvantari, the incarnation of Visnu who promulgated the Ayurveda, holding in his hand ( 9 ) a bowl of Amrta or ambrosia. P(u) 6. 260. 10-52 [ Sankara continues his narration] While the ocean was being churned, the following emerged 62: (1) The Poison named Kalakuta. Sankara said to Parvati : gavascapsaraso divya laksmidevi hari gata | tato .... dhanvantarirvisnurayurvedapravartakah | 10 bibhratkamandalu purnam mamrtena samutthitah || 11 samutthitah 11 52. udabhut prathamam tatra kalakutam mahavisam | drstva pradudruvuh sarve bhayarta devadanavah || 10-11 tannivaryabravam vakyamaham tatra subheksane | bho bho devaganah sarve na bhetavyam visam prati || 12 srahamaharayisyami kalakuta mahavisam | .... 13 dhyatva narayanam devam namatrayam mahamantram japan bhaktya samanvitah | tadvisam pitavan ghoramadyam sarvabhayamkaram || visam tadabhavajirnam lokasamharakarakam | 15-17-18 acyutananda govinda iti namatrayam hareh | yo japet tasya mrtyubhayam nasti || 19-20 jyestha devi samutpanna raktasragvasasavrta || tamabruvamstatha devom sarvadevagarana bhrsam || 23-24 ( deva ucuh ) - yesam grhantare nityam kalahah sampravartate | tatte sthanam prayacchamo vasa tatrasubhanvita || 25 tatasca varuni devi samutpanna subhanane | ananto nagarajo'tha tam jagraha sulocanam || 35 tatastatra samutpanna sarvabharanabhusita | -- A 3 vainateyasya 6 bharya'bhutsarvalaksanasobhita 1136

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42 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 "When the gods were frightened at the virulent poison, I assured them that I would drink it up. I recited the three names of Visnu (and drank up the poison and assimilated it into my digestion." (2) The great evil, inauspicious deity who had put on. red_garment and garland. She was the darling of Kali. (3) Varuni, the goddess of wine who was taken over by Ananta the king of the Nagas. (4) A woman adorned with all ornaments ; She was the wife of Vainteya. (5) The hosts of celestial nymphs (6-7-8-9-10) Airavata, the elephant, Uccaihsravas, the horse, Dhanvantari, Parijata and Surabhi-all these were taken over by Indra. (11) Maha Laksmi called also Narayani who had her abode in the heart of Narayana. (12) The coolrayed moon who became the lord of the constellations. (13) Soma or Amrta (ambrosia). (14) The holy Tulasi who became the wife of Hari. [Note 15: The thirteenth product is here called Soma which appears to have been equated with Amrta. For, in verse 68 of this passage, the Tulasi plant is said as emanating from or after Amxta (ambrosia ) the preceding product.58 Amrta is also called Soma in Mahabharata passage a number of times.64 tato'psarogana divya gandharvasca mahaujasah | jajnire rupasampannah somasuryagnivarcasah || 137 airavatastato jajne tatraivoccaihsrava hayah | dhanavantarih parijatah surabhih sarvakamadhuk || 38 etan sarvan sahasrakso jagraha pritamanasah | utpanna srimahalaksmih sarvalokesvari subha | ..... dadrsustam mahadevim narayanim jagaddhatrim anantaram .... 39 sarvalokahitaisinim || - 41&46 narayanahrdalayam || sitara himarudabhutksirasagare | 47 sudhamayukhavan somo maturbhrata sukhavahah || I naksatradhipatiscabhuccandro vai lokamatulah | tato jaya hareh punya tulasi lokapavani 1152 53. amrtadutthita devi tulasi komala subha || 6.260.68 54. Mbh. 1.30.7, 8, 13, 18, 19. The --6. 260

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 43 verse in the above passage of P containing the word Soma occurs between verses which refer explicitly to the moon. By this juxtaposition, the author may be ingeniously hinting at the classical meaning of Soma i.e. the moon having rays which are as satisfying as Sudha or Amrta.] SK. 1.1.9. 97-113 to 1.1.10. 1-87 to 1.1.11. 1-79 to 1.1.12. 1-3 While the gods and the demons churned the ocean, the following products emerged : (1) The poison Halahala. It was. drunk by Siva. While he drunk the poison, he exhorted the gods to give due respect to Genesa. (2) The moon. The gods asked Garga who was expert in astrology about the power of the moon. Garga told them that the moon was powerful and would lead them to success. (3) celestial cow Surabhi along with other cows. All these cows were given to the sages by the gods and the demons. (4.5-6) the celestial trees Parijata, Cita (Mango tree), and Santanaka. (7) The best jewel named Kaustubha (8) The best of the horses Uccaihsravas (9) The elephant Airavata with other elephants (10) Madira wine (11-12-13-14-15) Plants named Vijaya Bhrngi, Lasunagrnjana, Dhattura, and Puskara. ( 16 ) Laksmi who went over to Visnu or Narayana (17) The youth Dhanvantari the best of physicians who conquered death (18) The bowl of Amrta or ambrosia which Dhanvantari carried in his hands.55 55. pratinimamthanajatam ksirabdhesva halahalam || 97 mathyamane tadabdhau ca nirgatascandra pragratah | 26 namascakrusca te sarve sasurasuradanavah | tada gargam prcchamana balam candrasya tattvatah || 34 -1-1.9 gargenoktastada devah sarvesam balamadya vai| karyamsiddhaye ||| 35-37 tasmaccandrabalam srestham bhavatam nirgata surabhih saksaddevanam karyasiddhaye | ... bhanita jalamadhyacca samvrta gosatairapi || 10-43 taih svikrtasta rsibhih sumangalai- mahatmabhih punyatamaih surebhyah || 48 madhyamanattada tasyadudadhesva kalpavrksah parijatah cutah samtanakastatha || 49-50 tathabhavat |

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44 ma puranam - PURANA [Vol, IX, No. 1 [Note 16 : At the end of this section, there is attached a tabular statement of entities which are said to have emerged Yout of the ocean according to respective works. It is hoped that the table will help to show in one glance the number and the comparative position of entities according to each work. A close look at the table reveals some interesting similarities. The Mbh, R, and M show similarities in the matter of the emergence of entities and their sequence : Entities 1 to 5 in M agree with entities 1 to 5 in Mbh; 3, 4, 5 of Mbh agree with 3, 4, 5 of R. Again entities 1 to 6 under Vi, P (s) and Br are identical and agree in making Surabhi the first emergent entity; so also entities 1 to 8 in Vi agree with entities 1 to 8 in P ( s). On account of these similarities, Mbh, R and M may be said to fall in one kind red group and Vi, P (s) and Br fall into another. These striking similarities may, perhaps, point to a probability that each group had its own respective common source or tradition from which it took over the account of this legend. The rest of the texts i. e. Bhag, A, P (U) and SK agree in making Kalakuta the poison as the first emergent entity. A reference from the Vayu - Purana (Va) (Anandashrama edition) may be mentioned in this context: seva nirmathyamanadudadherabhavatsuryavarcasam| ratnanamuttamam ratnam kaustubhakhyam mahaprabham || 51 mathyamanattatastasmaduccaihsravah samadbhutam | babhuva srasvo ratnanam punacairavato gajah || 54 nirmathyamanadudarghenigam tani bahunyatha || 56 madira vijaya bhrngi tatha lasunagrnjanah | ativa unmadakaro dhatturah puskarastatha || 57 nirmathmamanadudadhestadasit sa divyalaksmirbhuvanaikanatha . 159 laksmya vrto mahavisnulaksmistenaiva samvrta || 15 udadhermathyamanacca nirgatah sumahayasah | dhanvantaririti khyato yuva mrtyunjayah parah || 2 panibhyam purnakalasam sudhayah parigrhya vai | yavatsarve surah sarve niriksante manoharam || 3 C 06 -1-1,11 -1-1-12

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 56 45 The Va refers to the story of the churning of the ocean in two different contexts. In one passage (54.49) which is devoted to the panegyric of Siva, it is said that the first product to emerge out of the ocean was the poison. Siva drunk the virulent poison as a result of which his throat became blue and he was called Nilakantha. There is no reference to other products of the ocean in this passage. In the other passage (92.9-10) which purports to narrate the birth of Dhanvantari it 67 is said that the first of all the products which emerged out of the ocean was Dhanvantari. It may be recalled that the R also mentions Dhanvantari as the first emergent entity. 58 Ten texts excluding Va, are chosen for study in this article. The maximum number of times an entity can occur is, therefore, ten. The entities Dhanvantari, Amrta and Sura occur in all the texts i. e. 10 times each; Sri occurs 9 times; Parijata, Surabhi and Kalakuta occur 8 times each. Soma, Uccaihsravas, Kaustabha and Apsarasah each of these occurs 7 times, and Airavata occurs five times. These twelve entities appear to be more important; The rest of the entities in the table seem unimportant, their mention being made according to the predilection of that (respective) particular text OF It would be interesting to see how these entities are disposed of by the respective texts: (1) Soma was taken over by the gods (Mbh), by Sankara (Vi, P (s) and Br.) (2) Sri went over to the gods 81 56. mathyamane'mrte purvam ksirode suradanavaih | agre samutthitam tasminvisam kalanalaprabham || dhrtam kanthe visam ghoram nilakanthastato hyaham || 94 57. dhanvantareh sambhavo'yam sruyatamiha vai dvijah | mathyamane'mrte pura || 9 sarvatasca sriyavrtah | sa sambhutah samudrante utpannah sakalatpurvam 2000 # 100 16 -Va-54 --Va-92 58. This statement is based on the interpretation of Soma as Amrta, the 13th entity emerging out of the ocean according to P (u), see above [Note] under P (u).

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46 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 (Mbh) to Visnu (all the rest of the texts). (3) Sura was taken over by gods (Mbh, R, Br) 59 by Ananta, the Naga King (P(u)) and by demons (P(s)). (4) The horse Uccaihsravas was taken by gods (Mbh), by Sun (M). (5) Kaustubha was taken over by Narayana (Mbh, M, Br, Bhag), (6) Dhanvantari was a partial incarnation of Visnu (Bhag); he was taken over by Indra (P (u)). (7) Surabhi was taken over by Indra (P(u)). (8) Poison (Visa) was taken over by the Nagas (Vi, Br, P(u)), by Siva (M, Bhag, P (s), A, SK). (9) .Airavata was taken over by Indra (P(u), M). (10) Parijata was taken over by Indra (P(u), M), by Vayu (M). (11) Apsarasah were taken over in common by the gods and the demons. (12) Amrta was given to gods.] ENTITIES WHICH EMERGED OUT OF THE OCEAN: Their number and sequence as found in the Epics and the Puranas Entities 1 Soma 2 Sri 3 Sura or Madira 4 Uccaihsravas 5 Kaustubha 6 Dhanvantari 7 Amrta 8 Apsarasah Mbh R M Vi P(s) Br Bhag A P(u) Sk 1 1 5 5 5 1 12 2 22911118 711 2 9 11 11 8 7 11 16 333222923 & 9 444 5 5 5 10 937 7 8 7 54 7 618779 10 8 8 17 7610 8 8 10 11 9 13 18 2 4 4 4765 9 Parijata 633 36394 7 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 10 Kalakuta 59. Only R and Br play on the words Sura and Asura: those who accepted Sura were called Sura and those who rejected Sura were called Asura.

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Jan, 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 11 Surabhi 12 Airavata 47 11 1 1 1 2 5 10 3 10 4 69 12 13 Chatra 13 14 Kundale 14 15 Vijaya 8 16 Tulasi 17 Kalipriya 18 Vainateya-bharya 19 Cuta 70 Santanaka 21 Bhrngi 22 Lasuna 23 Dhattura 24 Puskara 11 12 14 2 4 5 6 12 13 14 15 N. B. The figure opposite the entity in the column under each work indicates the place of that entity in the sequence in which the entities arose according to that particular work, e. g., the figure 10 opposite serial No. 7 Amrta in the column under M indicates that the place of Amrta is the 10 in the sequence of entities which are described to have arisen out of the ocean in M. VI Visnu's or Narayana's intervention in the fight for Amrta; to the advantage of the gods Mbh. 1.16.38-40%; 17.1-30 After the emergence of Am ta there was a great scramble for its possession among the gods and the demons. 60. etadatyadbhutam drstva danavanam samutthitah | amrtayem mahannado mamedamiti jalpatam || 38 The demons

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48 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 shouted loudly each saying 'it is mine;' and seized the bowl of Amrta. Narayana quelled this pandemonium which raged over the Amrta by employing his miraculous power. He assumed the form of a wonderfully charming woman and approached the demons. The demons fascinated by her beauty handed over the bowl of Amrta to that woman. Narayana thus got hold of the Amrta. In the confusion that ensued, the gods managed to get the Amrta from Narayana, while the gods were drinking the Amrta, the demon" Rahu intruded into the company of gods and drank the Amrta. While the mouthful had reached his throat," the fact of this demon-infiltrator was divulged to the tato narayano mayamasthito mohinim prabhuh | strirupamadbhutam krtva danavanabhisamsritah 1139 tatastadamrtam tasyai daduste mudhacetasah | striyai danavadaiteyah sarve tadgatamanasah || 40 61. tatastadamrtam devo visnuradaya viryavan | jahara danavendrebhyo narena sahitah prabhuh || 2 tato devaganah sarve papustadamrtam tada | visnoh sakasatsamprapya sambhrame tumule sati || 3 tatah pibatsu tatkalam devesvamrtamipsitam | rahurvibudharupena danavah prapibattada || 4 62. tasya kanthamanuprapte danavasyamrte tada | srakhyatam candrasuryabhyam suranam hitakamyaya || 5 tato bhagavata tasya sirascchinnamalamkrtam | cakrayudhena cakrena pibato'mrtamojasa || 6 tato vairavinirvandhah krto rahumukhena vai | sasvatascandrasuryabhyam grasatyadyapi caiva tau || 8 ... tatah pravrttah samgramah samipe lavanambhasah | suranamasuranam ca sarvaghorataro mahan || 10 ... evam sutumule yuddhe vartamane bhayavahe | 93 --Mbh 1-16 --Mbh 1.17 naranarayanau devo samajagmaturahavam || 18

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN gods by the sun and the moon. 49 Immediately Visnu cut off the head of Rahu. The head of Rahu on that account bears an eternal enmity towards the sun and the moon and still swallows both of them during the time of the eclipses. Deprived of the Amrta, the demons waged a fierce battle with the gods. While the terrific battle raged, the gods Nara and Narayana joined the conflict. Narayana or Visnu wrought havoc among the ranks of the demons. His discus like a ghoulish friend drank the blood of demons. Nara with his bow showered volleys of arrows on the demons and put them to rout. The demons ran for refuge into the earth underground and into the The gods thus attained final victory. The Mandara mountain was restored to its farmer place with great honour. The bowl of Amrta was kept by the gods for protection under the custody of Kiritin. R. 1.44.25-27 For the sake of Amrta, grim fight raged between the gods and the demons, leading to the destruction of whole families. tatra divyam dhanurdrstva narasya bhagavanapi | cintayamasa vai cakram visnurdanavasudanam || 19 dahatkacijjvalana ivavalelihat prasahya tanasuraganan nyakrntata | praveritam viyati muhah ksitau tada papau rane rudhiramatho pisacavat || 23 narastato varakanakagrabhusanam mahesubhigamganapatham samavrnot ; vidarayan girisikharani patribhirmahabhaye'suraganavigrahe tada || 27 tato mahi lavanajalam ca sagaram mahasurah pravivisurarditah suraih | 28 tatah surairvijayamavapya mandarah svameva desam gamitah supujitah | 29 tato'mrtam sunihitameva cakrire surah param mudamabhigamya puskalam | dadau ca tam nidhimamrtasya raksitum kiritine balabhidathamaraih saha || 30 7 --Mbh. 1.17

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50 puranam - PURANA [Vol.IX.No.1 The sons of Diti were killed and Indra got the kingdom of the gods. 63 M 251.6 co 96 These verses about 30 in number agree almost verbatim with Mbh 1.16.38-40 and 17.1-30 referred to above under this section. The account of the part played by Narayana and Nara in the fight between the gods and the demons as narrated above under Mbh, completely agrees with and is identical with, that in M. Vi. 1. 9. 106-116 ff. Distressed at the fact that Laksmi had deserted them and had gone over to Visnu, the demons snatched away the bowl of ambrosia from the hands of Dhanvantari. But Visnu assuming the form of a nymph intervened, infatuated the demons, took away from them the ambrosia and distributed it among the gods. Gods, thus strengthened, defeated the demons and Indra became the sovereign of the heaven. Indra praised to Laksmi who granted him the favour that she would never leave the gods"4 63. atha tasya krte rama mahanasitkulaksayah | aditestu tatah putra diteh putranasudayan || 25 nihatya ditiputramstu rajyam prapya puramdarah | sasasa mudito lokansarpisamghan sacaranan || 27 64, udvegam paramam jagmurdaitya visnuparanmukhah | tyakta laksmya mahabhaga vipracittipurogamah || 107 tataste jagrhudaitya dhanvantarikarasthitam | kamandalu mahavirya yatraste'mrtamuttamam || 108 mayaya mohayitva tan visnuh strirupasamsthitah | danavebhyastadadaya devebhyah pradadi prabhuh || 109 tatah papuh suraganah sakradyastattadamrtam | . udyatayudhanistrimsa daityastamca samabhyayuh || 110 pite'mrte ca balibhirdevai daityacamustada | vadhyamana diso bheje patalam ca vivesa vai || 111 ... || 11 simhasanagatah sakrah samprapya tridivam punah | devarajye sthito devim tustavabjakaram tatah || 116 sriruvaca - trailokyam tridasasrestha na samtyaksyami vasava | datto varo mayayam te stotraradhanatustaya || 138 --R. 1. 44 -1-9

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN P(s) 5. 4. 72-88 51 The demons snatched away the bowl of ambrosia. Visnu assumed the form of a nymph and intervened, to the benefit of the gods. The gods, strengthened by ambrosia, defeated the demons. [Note 17: Up to this point in the account, i. e. from 72 to 82 the versions in the P and Vi agree in contents and considerably in also wording.] Brahmadeva then asks the gods to worship both Visnu and. Sankara. The narrator, Pulastya, then rounds off by saying: "Thus Laksmi was born from the milk-ocean. P(u). 6. 260. 53-71 The gods The churning of the ocean was concluded. praised Laksmi with a hymn composed in her honour and requested her never to forsake the three worlds. The gods praised also Visnu and requested him to espouse Laksmi. They also worshipped the feet of Laksmi with an offering of Tulasi.66 Br. 4. 10. 1-25 The demon snatched the bowl of ambrosia from the hands of Dhanvantari, which led to their quarrel and strife with the gods. At that moment, Visnu propitiated the goddess Lalita who was not really separate from him. The goddess appeared on the scene with all her charms and asked the demons to give her the bowl of ambrosia for distribution among them and the gods. The demons accepted her offer. She then began to distribute it among 65. stutva namasahasra ेna jepuh srisuktasamhitah | ....155. prasida kamale afa sarvalokesvarapriye | ... trailokyam na tvaya devi tyajyam hi paramo varah || 58-59 600 tatah pratustuvurdeva namaskrtva janardanam | •••grhana devim sarvesa mahisim tava vallabham || 63-64 ... amrtadutthita devi tulasi komala subha | ... taya sripadayugalamacya ya surajasa| 68-69 --6-260.

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52 puranama - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1 the gods. Rahu who had infiltrated into the ranks of the gods was detected by the sun and the moon and was beheaded by the goddess by means of the ladle with which she was distributing the ambrosia. She finished the contents of the bowl among the gods and after placing the empty bowl before the demons, disappeared. The demons fought with the gods but they were vanquished by the superier power of the gods.66 Bhag. 8. 8. 37 to 8. 11.48 [9 + 29 + 57 + 48 = 143] stanzas Pandemonium prevailed among the demons themselves for the grabbing of ambrosia.67 The gods approached Visnu for 66. tato jagrhire daitya dhanvamtarikarasthitam | paramamrtasaradhyam kalasam kanakodbhavam || athasuranam devanamanyonyam kalaho'bhavat | etasminnantare visnuh sarvalokaikaraksakah || samyagaradhayamasa lalitam svaikyarupinim | sarvasammohini sa tu saksacchrngaranayika || mandasmitena daiteyanmohayanti jagada ha | sarvesam samamevadya dasyamyamrtamadbhutam || mama haste pradatavyam sudhapatramanuttamam | iti tasya vacah srutva daityastadvakyamohitah | poyusakalasam tasyai daduste mugdhacetasah || sa tatpatram samadaya jaganmohanarupini || suranamasuranam ca prthakpamkti cakara ha | sudham tam devatapamkti purvam davya tadadisat || disanti kramasastatra candrabhaskarasucitam | darvikarena ciccheda saimhikeyam tu madhyagam || evam kramena tatsarvam vibudhebhyo vitiyam sa | asuranam purah patram sa ninaya tirodadhe || 67. mithah kalirabhuttesam tadarthe tacetasam | sraham purvamaham purvam na tvam na tvamiti prabho || etasminnantare visnuh sarvopayavidisvarah | yosidrupamanirdesyam dadhara paramadbhutam || 38 --4.10.1-25, -8.8.

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN succour. 53 Visnu assumed the form of a charming woman and appeared on the scene. The demons fascinated by the ravishing beauty of the woman gave the bowl of ambrosia to her and asked her to distribute the ambrosia among all. The demons agreed to the stipulation proposed by the woman that the quantum of ka tvam kanjapalasaksi kuto va kim cikirsasi | kasyasi vada vamoru mathnantiva manamsi nah || 3 nunam tvam spardhamananamekavastuni manini | ... vibhajasva yathanyayam naiva bhedo yatha bhavet || 6-7 tato grhitva'mrtabhajanam harivambhasa isatsmitasobhaya gira | yadyabhyupeta va ca sadhvasadhuva krtam maya vo vibhaje sudhamimam || 12 ityabhivyahrtam tasya srakanyasurapungavah | apramanavidastasyastattayetyanva mamsata ...prasuranam sudhadanam sarpanamiva durnayam | | 13 matva jatinrsamsanam na tam vyabhajadacyutah || 19 kalpayitva prthakpanktirubhayesam jagatpatih | .. daityan grhitakalaso vancayannupasamcaraih || 20-21 devalingapraticchannah svarbhanurdevasamsadi | pravistah somamapibaccandrarkabhyam ca sucitah || 24 cakrena ksuradharena jahara pibatah sirah | haristasya kabandhastu sudhaya pavito'patat || 25 sirastvamaratam notamajo grahamaci klrpat | yastu parvarina candrako abhidhavati vairadhih || 26 iti danavadaiteya navindannamrtam nrpa | ... pramrsyamana utpeturdevanpratyudyatayudhah || 1-3 tatra devasuro nama ranah paramadarunah | rodhasyudanvato rajamstumulo .... evam romaharsanah || 5 deva mahamaye ralaksya gatibhisanah | srjyamanasu mayasu viseduh surasainikah || 52 na tatpratividhi yatra vidurindradayo nrpa | ghyatah pradurabhuttatra bhagavanvisvabhavanah || 53 --8, 9, --8.10

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54 puranam -- PURANA her distribution should not be questioned. [Vol. IX., No. 1 The gods and the The woman i e. demons were made to sit in two separate rows. Visnu, thinking that the demons being like serpents, granting of ambrosia to them would be dangerous, managed to distribute the ambrosia only among the gods. Rahu, who infiltrated among the ranks of gods, was beheaded by Visnu who got this information from the moon and the sun. The head of Rahu which was immortal because of the touch of Ambrosia, bore eternal enmity with the sun and the moon and eclipsed them on the parvan days (the last days of the fortnights). The demons seeing that they were defrauded of ambrosia and that gods were its beneficiaries got wild and attacked the gods. A fierce battle raged between the hosts of gods and demons. The demons employed miraculous powers (maya) and proved superior to the gods. The gods who first quailed before them, were helped and strengthened by Visnu, ultimately the gods were victorious and the vanquished demon king Bali took shelter in the western mountain. A. 3. 12-16 The demon 68 snatched the bowl of Amrta from the hands of Dhanvantari and giving half of its contents to the gods; set pratho surah pratyupalabdhacetasah parasya pumsah parayanukampaya | jaghnurbhrsam sakrasamiranadayastamstan rane yairabhisamhatah pura || 1 ... 000 anye'pyevam pratidvandvan vayvagnivarunadayah | sudayamasurastridham mrgankesarino yatha || 42 ... ye'vasista rane tasmin naradanumatena te | bali vipannamadaya grastam girimupagaman || 46 68. amrtam tatkaradaityah surebhyo'rbha pradaya ca | grhitva jagmujammbhadyah visnuh strirupadhrk tatah || 12 tam drstra rupasampannam daityah procurvimohitah | bhava bharya'mrtam grhya payayasman varanane || 13 tayetyuktva haristebhyo grhitvapayayat suran | candrarupadharo rahuh pibamscarkendunarpitah || 14 harinapyarina cchinnam tada rahoh sirah prthak | krpayamaratam nitam nitam varadam varadam harimabravit || 15 rahumamttastu candrarko prapya te grahanam grahah | tasmin kale ca yaddanam dasyante syattadaksayam || 16 -8. 11. -A. 3.

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Jan.,11967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 55 out to depart, when Visnu appeared in the form of a woman. The demos, enticed by her charms, delivered the Amrta into her hands. Visnu managed to give it to the gods. Rahu who infiltrated into the ranks of the gods was detected and was beheaded by Visnu. The head of Rahu, which had become immortal by drinking Amrta, continues to eclipse the sun and the moon. SK. 1. 1. 12. 4--74 to 1. 1. 13.23 The demons snatched the bowl of ambrosia from the hands of Dhanvantari and went to Patala, the nether world. They would not share it with the gods. The gods, therefore, approached Narayana or Visnu for help in this predicament. Visnu assured them that he would secure the ambrosia for them. He then assumed the from of an enticing woman (Mohini) and appeared before the demons. The demons gave the bowl of ambrosia to Mohini and agreed to be guided by her in the matter of its distribution. While the demons sat in a row ready to receive each one's share the gods arrived on the scene. Mohini said to the demons: "These guests have arrived. It is our duty to serve the guests first". The demons agreed. Mohini, then, distributed the ambrosia among the gods pouring it lavishly to each of them. Rahu and Ketu, the demons, infiltrated into the ranks of the gods. Rahu, who was detected while drinking the ambrosia was beheaded by Visnu. His head flew into the sky, while the trunk of his body fell on the earth. Ketu flew into the sky, gave his share of ambrosia to the moon and disappeared. Mohini disappeared after distributing the ambrosia. The demons, angry at being deprived of the ambrosia, attacked the gods. defeated by the gods."s 69 69. kalasam suvaya purnam grhitva te samutsukah | daityah patalamajagmustada deva bhramanvitah || 7 anujagmuh susamnaddha yoddhukama taih saha | tada devansamalokya balirevamabhasata || 8 sighrameva pragantavyam bhavadbhisra surottamaih || ..... evam nirbhatsitastena balina surasattamah || But they were

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56 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX, No. 1 [ Note 18 : Mbh, M, Bhag, A, P(s), Br, and SK agree in saying that Visnu assumed the form of a charming woman and distributed yathagatena margena jagmurnarayanam prabhum || asvasita vacobhisva nananunayakovidaih | matrasam kurutatrartham pranayisyami tam sudham || evamabhasya mohinirupamasthaya bhagavanmukundo'nathasamsrayah || daityanamagrato'bhavat || ( daityah ) drstva yosam tada daivatsarvabhutamanoramam | vismayena samavista babhuvastrsiteksaranah || tam sammanya tada daityarajo baliruvaca ha | sradyamrtam ca sarvesam tvaya dattam ca grhnimah vibhajasva yathatatham || satyam satyam vadami te || evamukta tada devi mohini karasthena tada devi kalasena sarvamangala | virajita | susubhe paraya kantya jaganmangalamangala || parivesadharah sarve suraste hyasurantikam | sragatastatksanadeva yatra te hyasurottamah || tan drstva mohini sadya uvaca pramadottama | ete hyatithayo jnaya dharmasarvasvasadhanah || sradau bhyagatah pujya iti vai vaidiki srutih | balinokta tada devi yatte manasi rocate | evam sammanita tena balina bhavitatmana | parivesanakaryartha kalasam grhya satvara || tada tu devi parivesayanti sa mohini devaganaya saksat | vavarsa devesu sudharasam punah punah suvahararasamrtam yatha || sarve daitya asanasthastadanim cintanvitah ksudhaya piditaca || tada rahusca ketusca dvavetau daityapumgavau | upavistau tada panktyam devanamamrtathinau | yadamrtam patukamo rahuh paramadurjayah | tada tasya sirascchinnam raho duvigrahasya ca || ketusca dhumarupo'savakase vilayam gatah | sudham samapyam candraya tirodhanagato'bhavat || tesam ghoramabhudyuddham devanam danavaih saha | evam bhagnam danavanam ca sainyam drstva deva garjamanah samantat | hrstah sarve sammilitva tadanim labdhva yuddhe te jayam slaghayante || 1910 -- 1. 1. 12. 9-70 ( selected ) -1. 1. 13.18--23 ( select

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 57 the ambrosia among the gods, beheading Rahu who had infiltrated among the ranks of the god's; according to Br, the charming woman is the goddess Lalita whom Visnu propitiates, praying to her to intervene in the fight between gods and demons to snatch the bowl of ambrosia. Br adds that Lalita was not separate from Visnu. Nara joins Narayana in defeating the demons, according to Mbh and M. Vi does not refer to the Rahu episode, though it refers to other details such as Visnu assuming the form of a charming woman. P (u) does not refer to the pandemonium to which other works have alluded as raging for the sake of ambrosia. It only says that at the conclusion of the churning of the ocean, the gods praised Laksmi with a hymn and requested her never to forsake them.] General Remarks We have given above the analysis of the legend of the churning of the ocean in its successive stages, as it has been developed in the Epics and the Puranas. During analysis, we have also briefly indicated in the Notes (which have been inserted at the several stages in the development of the story) striking points of similarity and difference noticed in the accounts in each work. Now it is proposed to offer a few general remarks summing up the general impressions and indicating the general trends, if any, noticeable in the different presentations of the legend in the Epics and Puranic works : (i) All texts more or less appear to agree on the motive behind the churning of the ocean. The churning of the ocean seems to have been undertaken for getting the Drink of Immortality or for recovery of lost vigour, strength and glory (Laksmi). (ii) The number of entities produced from the ocean and their sequence varies from work to work. Mbh. records 7 entities and R. records 6. It is not possible to state definitely what may have been the earliest number and sequence of these entities. But it is probable that the Mbh provides the earliest pattern of the legend and of the number and sequence of the entities. 'Poison' is absent in the Mbh and R. It may be a reasonable 8

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58 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX,, No. 1 conjecture to say that the earliest list of 7 entities in the Mbh grew in course of time in the period of the Puranas to 12 with the addition of 5 entities viz. Kala kuta, Apsarasah, Parijata, Surabhi and Airavata. These twelve entities are of frequent occurrence in the Puranas and may be said to be the standard or the pattern of the number of the entities. That these latter 5 get added later on to the early 7 gets corroboration from the manuscriptological evidence discovered in the critical editions of the Epics. In the critical edition of the Mbh, the authoritatively constituted text (1. 17. 33--37) records only 7 entities. But in the critical apparatus below (pp. 123-121 of Mbh. 1) there are recorded spurious passages from some Mss. which make up the number 12 by adding 5 more entities mentioned above to the 7 of the authoritative text. So also, in the critical edition of R, the authoritatively constituted text records 6 entities. But in the critical apparatus which gives spurious passage from some Mss. (on page 257 of R 1 44) and also in the Appendix I No. 8, the number is increased to 9 by adding poison, Soma, and Laksmi. About the spurious passage which adds 'poison' to the list, one of the commentators of R frankly says that the passage has been interpolated here from some Purana and does not form a genuine part of the R.70 Thus it appears that the number 12 of the entities may have been reached during the course of the development of Purana literature. Unfortunately, the critical editions of Puranas referred to in this article have not been yet prepared and published. It is not, therefore, possible to ascertain how the number of entities grew gradually to 12 in the Purana literature itself. (iii) As has been remaiked above in the note at end of section V, there appear to be two patterns for the emergence of entities and their sequence: one pattern common to Mbh, R and 70. atra mamantharamrtaujasa ityanantaram halahalotpattyadipratipadakam puranantarasthamatra praksipyanyastad vyacakara | nasmabhih pracinasuddhapustakesu te slokah drsyante | - C K (Comentary of Kataka) p. 255. R. 1.44.17,

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF TBE OCEAN 59 M and the another pattern common to Vi, P(s), and Br. Unlike he Mbh and R, there are no critical editions available of M., Vi, P(s) and Br, and hence it can not be ascertained which passages in these Puranic texts are genuine or interpolated. But from the similarity of patterns discoverable in the tabular statement, it may be conjectured that in the matter of the emergence of entities and their sequence, M in some of its earlier parts may be indebted to the Mbh, while P(s) and Br may be indebted to Vi. (iv) It will be found from the tabular statement given above that the Puranas M, Br, P(u), and SK increase between them the number of entities to 24 by adding 12 more entities to the standard 12 of frequent occurrence. Of these additional 12 entities two are Chatra (umbrella) and Kundale (ear-pendants), insignia of nobility or royalty or royal splendour; eight are plants and trees dear to some divinities and hence considered sacred; while two i. e. Kalipriya and Vainateya-bharya appear to be popular mother goddess. It appears that the additions were made by the respective Puranas according to their predilection for Visnu, Siva or some mother goddess. (v) The first R entities according to the table are of frequent occurrence and may be said to constitute the standard or normal number of entities which emerged out of the ocean. There is one Sanskrit Stanza" which appears to have been popular, as it has been included by popular tradition among the benedictory verses sung on the occasion of marriage ceremony to invoke benediction on the couple to be married. The source of the stanza is not known. In that stanza, the fourteen 'jewels' which emerged out of the ocean are invoked to bestow benediction on the bride and the bridegroom. These fourteen 'jewels' include the first twelve entities referred to above as the standard or normal number occurring frequently in the Puranas. The remaining two out of the fourteen 'jewels' are the bow of Hari (the Sarnga bow) and 71. laksmih kaustubhaparijatakasura dhanvantariscandramah gavah kamadugha suresvaragajo rambhadidevanganah | asvah saptamukho visam haridhanuh sankho'mrtam cambudheh ratnaniha caturdasa pratidinam kurvantu vo mangalam ||

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6.0 puranam - PURANA [Vol. IX., No. 1. Sankha (conch). It is remarkable that none of these two occurs among the entities in the Epic and Puranic works studied i this article. (vi) The legend of the churning of the ocean shows in its different versions the impact of different religious sects and systems. It is mainly dominated by the Vaisnavrite element. It is Visnu who becomes the beneficiary of the two intities- Sri and Kaustubha. It is Visnu again who rescues the gods out of their difficulties and makes them the sole beneficiaries of ambrosia. This sway of the Vaisnavite element is complete until the stage in the development of the legend is reached when the entity of 'Poison' appears on the scene. With the emergence of 'Poison' Kalakuta, the Saivite element enters into the legend and claims a place of honour along with the Vaisnavite. It is Siva who saves the gods from Even under this disaster by himself drinking the poison. development of the legend viz. the introduction of 'poison' as an entity into the story, there appears a stage or a phase when the Saivite element has not yet entered into the legend. For instance, the Vi, Br and P(u) state that it was the Nagas which took over the poison. But in the rest of the texts which refer to the emergence of poison, it is Siva who gains a place of honour. But it is worth noting that in these passages, the Vaisnavite and Saivite elements do not come into conflict. Siva and Visnu appear to work in harmony, one bowing to the other and vice versa. In M Visnu requests Siva. In Bhag the gods request Siva to save them from the ill effects of poison. In P(u), Siva has respect for Visnu and recites the latter's names before drinking poison. In SK, Siva insists that Ganesa should be respected by the gods. In P(s) Brahmadeva asks the gods to worship both Visnu and Siva. Some Puranic texts evince the impact of the worship of Devi or Mother Goddess. In Vi and P(u) at the conclusion of the churning of the ocean, gods pray to Laksmi for her eternal grace and beseech her never to desert them. In the Br, it is said that the Goddess Lalita, who was in reality not separate from

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Jan., 1967] LEGEND OF CHURNING OF THE OCEAN 61 Visnu, was propitiated by Visnu and was requested by him to intervene in the quarrel between the gods and the demons and distribute ambrosia among the gods. Laksmi and Lalita represent the beneficent aspect of the Mother Goddess. In P(u), the dreadful aspect of the Mother Goddess is implied when it is said that the Goddess Kalipriya (the beloved of Kali), the inauspicious deity emerging out of the ocean, wearing red garlands and garments should visit the house of quarrelsome people.

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