Yuktimallika by Vadiraja (critical study)

by Gururaj K. Nippani | 1986 | 132,303 words

This essay studies in English the Yuktimallika by Vadiraja. The Dvaita Vedanta system, developed by Madhva, has played a significant role in Indian philosophy, with scholars like Jayatirtha and Vyasatirtha contributing deeply logical and critical works. Vadiraja's "Yuktimallika" stands out as a unique synthesis of scholarly argumentation ...

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REFERENCES 467 f Date,life and works of Vadiraja : 2. 2. .3. 4. 5. 6. Sharma B.N.K, 'Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya'. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1962. p.xi. Narayanapandita, 'Sumadhva vijaya' Pejavar Mutt, Udupi, 1951, pp.390-395, Ch.xv, 96-114. svasti srijayasalivahanasake sarthatsahatparam dvavimse sarada gite prabhavati srisarvarivatsare | mase phalgunike sitetaratrtiyayam tithom viddine svatiharsanasamyuta haripadam srivadirajo'gamat || Ramacandra. 'Sri Vadirajaquruvaracaritamrtam'.(V.G.C) SrimadvadirajIyagranthaprakasana Samiti,Udupi, p.37, Ch,vi 72, 1954. See: Sharma B.N.K, AHistory of Dvaita school of Vedanta and its Literature'. (H.D.S.V.& L.) Vol.II. Bookseller's Publishing Co., Bombay-4, 1961, p. 191, fn, 2 & 3. Ibid, fn.4. samprapte dasame mase sadhanadvadasi tithi | acarya paranasakte tada kedarasasyakam || tada tatraiva susuve bhaskaraprabhamatmajam || Ramacandra. Sri Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam' Pp.2 & 3, I.17,19. sri vedavedyam paramam gurum tam pranamya tacchisyavarangurunme | srivedanidhyakhyayatastadajnamalambya samvacmi guroscaritram || Ibid. p.l. 3 & 4. guruttamajnabalatah pravrttah || I

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1 469 7. visudhdadvikulam srautam sucim krtapitrkriyam | 8. viraktam visayan bhuktva vyadhanmadhvo'nuje yattim || rahasyatirahasyam tadbrahma brahmasamodadau | amusyai panca tapaso na viduryattapasvinah | premamrta prasannasyasmitangapagapurvakam | sri visnutirthanamasmai prititirthah pradattavan || Narayanapandita, 'Sumadhvavijaya' p.390, xv.96-98. See: Korati Srinivasarao, Sri vadiraj aru (Kannada ) Anandanilaya Prakasana, Bangalore-18, 1980.p.35. masadvitayaparyayapujam madhvaprakalpitam | varsadvitayaparyantam kalpayamasa sanmatih || kalpayamasa se care saukarya yatinam tatah | tatha pratyekamastanam yatinam nirmame matham || tatah prabhrti srikrsnaparyaya mahasambhramah | atyantakako sahetuh samyarivajrmbhate || 1 Ramacandra, 'Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam',p.22, iv.49-51. 9. 1 J 6 { 1 tusto raja tamaropya svasimhasanamadarat || chatrasanadibiruda nyayadgurupadayoh | T 'Tbid. p. 14, III.43 & 44'. ityajnapti tadahrtau rupyapithasthasanmatham | srikrsnatyatijirnam tam navinam tenaturmatham || Ibid, p.14, III 41. 1 1 Korati Srinivasarao. 'Sri Vadirajaru' p.222. 10. prasakte bahubhistatra prasange vadirada sudhih | 1 sarvanuttaradanena prinayamasa panditan || srivekatapatirvirapratapastustamanasah | prasangabharanam nama birudam gurave dadau || I i Ramacandra, Vadi rajaguruvaracari tamrtam, p. 10. III 3 & 3. 2 A www.www.ww

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1 $ } 469 11. rukminisamahakavyam nirmame surasakaram | 1 rukminisamahakavyamuttamam maghato'pi ca | ityaghosya ca sammanya prarthayatkavisattamam || Ibid. p.ll. III.7 & 9. ' sa rukminisavijayakhyam mahakavyamatanot | presayamasa rajne tatpreksya sarve vipascitah | kalatraye'pyasamanyam tutusurvismayanvitah || Satpuracarya (N.Vasudevacarya). 'Sri Vadirajagunaratnamala (V.G.M) Sri. Sode Vadiraja mutt Udupi, 1956, p.33 V.47 & 48. 12. munivesadhari vyasah saksadrstipathe sthitah | matropayacitam vatsa laksabhusa nivedanam || 'suputrena tvayakarya mahabharatatikaya | laksagranthipadarthanam vivrttya laksabhusaya || madarsanena matroktam sadhitam syaditiritah | vyasajnam sirasa dhrtva badarim gatavanmuda || pranamyamadhvarhatendran vyasamadhvaprayoditah | laksalankaratikamsa vilikhyarpayate sma hi || Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.12.III.19-22. Satpuracarya, Vadirajagunaratnamala, Pp.39,40,41, VI.46-62. { 13. 'tato vemkatasailasya nikata praptavankrti | silasopanarupena daivamaviksya divyaddrk || janubhyameva sailendramaruroha mahabalah | . 'srinivasa niriksyatha saligramamalikam || arpayamasa sa mala tatkanthe'thapi rajate | Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p. 7, II. 23-25. 14. vadirajoktamakarnya trivikramamajattamaih || } arcaniyam nayetyajnamadisatkarunanidhih | - trivikramam saharathamanayan 11 1 3 1 1 * f

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$ T 470 rajna saha yatindro'sau trivikramamudaradhih | pratisthapadrathe tatra devatyagaramadhyage || Ibid. p.34, VI.41,42,44, caturbhujam carusamastagatramidrstapurva navanitabhasam | aca harerayatanetrayogi samsthapayamasa tamtravidabhah || Raghunathacarya, 'Vrttaratnasamgraha' (Vr.A.S.)Pub.in Stotramahodadhi. Sri Ramatatva Prakasana,Belgaum. Saka 1864, p.355, II.ll. 15. evam srikrsnadevasya paryayarcanama jasa | caturvaramanusthapya sajjananudvaran babhau || Ramacandra.Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.35, VI.51. Date (year) of first Paryaya.1532-34 A.D. H.Subbarao.'Srimadvadirajarjutvasiddhanta' (Vadirajarijutva-siddhanta) + Sri siruru mutt, Udupi, 1972.p.235. Dates ( years) of f our Paryayast 1532-34, 1548-50, 1564-66 and 1580-82. 16, ityajnapyagatassodam venugopalamarcayan | ubhayatra svaparyaya pujam sa krtavan kila || Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.35. VI:54. Date ( year) of fifth Paryaya in Sonda; 1596-98. 17. Sharma,B.N.K. H.D.S.V.& L. Vol.II.p.190. 18. L.Stafford Betty. 'Vadiraja's refutation of Sankara's Non-Dualism', Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1978.p.1 19. Rao C.R. 'Sri Vadirajatirtha' 1978.Ch.I.p.1. 20. Pandurangi K.T. 'Introduction- Yuktimallika' of Sri Vadiraja' 'Yuktimallika'. Sarvajnacarya Seva Sangha, Davanagere 1977. Pp.XXV & (XXVI.

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471 21. See Appendix No.l 22. 23. n 1 Supra.fn.3 sarvari Samvat, Phalguna Krsna Trtiya, Wednesday. sa.s. 1522, 1600 A.D. Ref: H.Subbarao,'Kaipidi'. Sri Sode Vadiraja mutt, Udupi, 1980.p.115. 1555-1598.A.D. Hegade Gopalakrsna "Svadi' IBH Prakasana, Bangalore 1980 p.6. 24. 1598-1618, | Ibid. , 25. sampujyasvasyamanamya tadvrndavanamadhyagah | japan sthito'tha Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.36, VII.66. vivesa vrndavanamacchasamvit || Satpuracarya. Vadiraj agunaratnamala, p. 72, XI.38. 26. kare- ksamalikam krtva mauni padmasanasthitah | samadrstirjapanmantran rarajanalpadarsanah || Ibid.39. } sisyah kalavisesajnah prakusucitadisa jasa | upari chadayamasuh Ibid.41. 1 tadvastajjapamala papata hi || acchadite gappasane Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, 66-67, p.36 27. Karnataka State.N.Kanara Dt.Sirsi Taluk. Hegade Gopalakrsna 'Svadi' IBH Prakasana, Bangalore p.3 & 33 (Map). Passw } 8

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> 28. savinodam sattahasam sasmitam susvaranvitam | sarahasyam sapramanam vadirajavaco'mrtam || hrsyattanuruham gatrai svarpitasrotramanasam | I sukha bokaram sroturgadiyam samih pumarthadam || Raghunathacarya, Vrittaratna-samgraha, Stotramahodadhi, 472 Sri Ramatatva Prakasana, Belgaum, Saka 1864 ☐ Ch.I.48 & 51. 29. satadhikagranthaganaih kirtistambha nyacikhanat | sriyukti mallika mukhyah bhanti yatra dhvajayitah || , Pp.350,351, Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.16, III. 66, 30. Sharma B.N.K. HD. S. V. & L, p. 192, Vol. II. 31. Pandurangi K.T., Introduction, 'Yuktimallika of Vadiraja' 'Yuktimallika' (Kannada Edn) Sarvajnacarya Seva Sangha, Davanagere,1977 Pp.5 & 7, 32 Publisher: Krsnacar, B.R, Kumbhakonam, 1903. 33. Sharma, B.N.K., H.D.S.V.& L., Vol.II,p.200. 34. saghuvittagunamanikyasreniganavibhusanam | visnoriva param murti vyatanoktimallikam || Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.42, VII.10. yuktisribhirantukamairjamaima visugandhina | dharyatam vadirajena racita yuktimallika || Raghunatha. Vrttaratnasamgraha p.367, III-27, madhuktibhusanairmati tvadayakhyanasuvasini | nanapuspalasatkesaba ndhini bhavagandhini | Subbarao H., Vadiraja, svapnavrnd avanakhyana XL. 69. Sode Vadiraja Mutt, Udupi,

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> 473 35. Prabhakar Press, Udupi, 1935. 36, Sri Vadirajiya Grantha Prakasana Samiti, Udupi (S.V.G.Phalasaurabha) F 37. Sri Sodavadiraja Mutt, Udupi (S.S.V.M.) 1953, 38. bhavamamnayavakyanamaklistam varnayan sphutam | visnutkarsa siva hainyam sadhayamasa tatvavit | Elenimant facut offfaGegraft: '11 Satpuracarya, Vadirajagunaratnamala, p.54, VII-71 & 72. 39. Sri Soda Vadiraja mutt, Udupi, 1954. 40. 'S.V.G.Phalasaurabha, Udupi, 1954. 41. S.V.G.Phalasaurabha, Udupi,1953. 52. 43. See, Stotraratnamala, (S.R.M) 1953, S.V.G.Phalasaurabha, Udupi Ibid 44. Ramatattva Prakasana (R.T.P.) Belgaum, 1911. 45. See, Stotraratnamala, S.V.G.Phalasaurabha Udupi. 46. S.V.G.Phalasaurabha, Udupi, 1955. 47. S.S.V.M. Udupi, 1955, 48. R.T.P. Belgaum. 49. S.S.V.M., Udupi, 1954.

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i 474 50. See: Stotraratnamala, S.V.G.Phalasaurabha, Udupi. 51. Manuscript with V.Prabhanjana, Sri Vadiraja Stotra Manjari (S.V.S.M), Aitaveya Prakasana, Vyasanakere,1979, Pp.i-ii. 52. 53. 54. Ibid Fd.Cikkeruru Govindacarya, Harapanahalli. 1 Not found, as mentioned in the Sri Vadiraja Stotramanjari 55. S.V.G.Phalasaurabha Udupi, 1943. 56. S.S.V.M., Udupi. 57. Not found, as mentioned in the Sri Vadiraja Stotramanjari t 58. S.V.G.Phalasaurabha Udupi, 1954.. 59. Ibid., 1969. i } 60. Ibid., 61. Ibid., 62. Ibid., 1954. 63. Bannanje Govindacarya A.B.M.M.M.Bangalore, 1966 64° S.V.G.P.S.Udupi,1952. 65. Ibid, 1954. } 1

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66. sutrabhasyasayodyotam tikoktislaghanottaram | mahitam suramunyaca gurvarthadipikam || , Satpuracarya, Vadirajagunaratnamala, p.65, x -37, 67. S.V.G.Phalasaurabha, Udupi, 1954. 68. Ibid, 1960. 69. R.T.P., Belgaum. 1 70. 475 suvarnamadhuryarasadibhisca purna mahakavyaphalam suvrttam || 1 viraktivijnanasubhaktiyukti praudayadipurnasya manohara | yatra saramanubhuya kavindrastosamapuratulam rasikendrah || Raghunatha Vrttaratnasamgraha, I-35, 37 & 38. vidusam matyavidusam manoharibhirujjvalaih || puritam surasopetam madhuryadigunanvitam | suddhamadhvarisadbhaktisidhdibuddhisamrddhidam | kaivalyavatpayam jnanavijnanasadhanam | sa rukminisavijayakhyam mahakavyamatanot || 1 Satpuracarya Vadirajagunaratnamala, V-41,42,43,47, p.33. 71. H.D.S.V. & L., Vol.II, p.213. 72. Ramakri snappa Dvaita Vedanta Pathasala, Bangalore, 1956. 73. Ibid, (undated) 1

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1 476 74. svadrstadevatirthadimahatmyasyavabodhanam | tirthaprabandham krtavan pathatamaghanasanam || pathanadyasyatirthadisevanallabhyamamjasa | sukrtam janatayah syattam stotum kauna saknuyat || Ramacandra. Vadirajaguruvaracarita mrtam, p.6 II-16 & 17. atansvayam tirthasamuhapurna tirthaprabandham krtavandayaluh | janamstadavartanasi linamaca cakara tirthatanapunyabhajah || Raghunatha Vrttarathas amigraha, I-34. 75. See; Stotraratnamala, S.V.G.P.S.Udupi. 76. Srinivasacar J, R. T. P, Belgaum, 1925, Subbarao H. S.S.V.M.Udupi, 1980. 77. edamukam dvijam svapne bodhayannatmavrttakam | srimadrndavanakhyanam pathatam sarvasiddhidam || tosayan sajjanamanah svamahatsyavabodhakam | mantratulyam mahagrantham racayamasa vadirada || pratastadvadana ccitram nihsrtam gururanmama || srivedanidhirakarnya lekhyamasa matkarat || $1 Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.39,VII-17,18 & 19. tasya ratrau sayanasya svapna etya yatisvarah | sugopyamagadatpremna divyamatmiyavaibhavam || alaukikadadbhutam premna varnayamasa sarvavit || Satpuracarya, Vadirajagunaratnamala, XI-67,69 & 70.p.75 78. anuvrndavanakhyanam srivedanidhisadguruh | 'svapnavrndavanakhyanatsamgrddayalekhya bhaktita 1 lekhayitva silayam sa vrndavanatate bahih | sthapayamasa bhaktanam nirantarajapaya hi || ' Ramacandra, Vadirajaguruvaracaritamrtam, p.39,VII-21 & 22. I

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79. See; Korati Srinivasarad Sri Vadiraj aru' 80. sribhagavatadugdhabdhaskrtam samgrahamurta | vadirajakhyayatina madhvabhudevatrptaye || 1 81. Muttigi Bhimasenacar, Bangalore-18, 1985 p.405 477 1 82. Ramakrsnappa Dvaita Vedanta Pathasala, Bangalore. 63. susravyakavyastutiyuktisaram gathasca nanavidhavabdadhah | jnanadidascapratimah kavindrah srivadiraji vyatanodasamkhyah || Raghunatha, Vrttaratnasamgraha III-31. mata dhikagranyaganaih kirtistambha nyaciyanat | Vadiraja-guruvara-caritamrita, III-66,p.16. 84.0 i See: 'Stotraratnamala, S.V.G.P.S.Udupi, *Stotramahodadhi', R.T.P.Belgaum. 85. V.Prabhanjana. 'Sri Vadiraja Stotra Manjari', Aitareya Prakasana, Vyasanakere, 1979, Pp.ii-iii. 86. Supra, fn.79, Pp.404-405. 87* srimadbhagavata dikan | cakara subahuna granthanprakrtansamskrtanugan || stotranuccavacanpamcabhedamstaratamadikan | mantranapi babanyan strinam prakrtabhasaya !! 5 · Satpuracarya. Vadirajagunaratnamala, Pp.57 & 59:IX-30 & 31. 88. Madhvasiddhanta Granthalaya, (M.S.G) Udupi, 1927, 'B. Bhimarao, pavanagere, 1972.. 89. B.Bhimarao, Sarvajnacarya Seva Sangha (S.S.s) pavanagere, 1980.

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1 90. S.S.S.Davanagere, 1974. 91. M.S.G., Udupi, 1928; S.S.S.Davanagere, 1972. 92. Ibid, 1922, 93. I 94. K.Raghavendrarao, Bangalore. 95. 96. S.Suddhisaurabha, Davanagere, 1974. i 97. Hombali Prakasana, Gadag, 1971. J 98. 'S.S.S.Davanagere, 1974, 99. Prabodhini Pustaka Bhandar, Udupi, I } 100. M.S.G., Udupi,1930; L.B.Muragoda, Bangalore, 1985, 101. M.S.G., Udupi, 1966. I i 1 4 102. mahabharatatatparyanirnayam prakrtam vyadhat | 1 Satpuracarya: Vadirajagunaratnamala. IX-29, p.57, Pub-Trailokyacarya Sevaka Vrnda, Bangalore, 1980. 1 I t 478 The Yuktimallika: 103. Sinha, Jadunatha, 'Introduction to Indian Philosophy, (Int.Ind.Phl A Laksmi. Narian Agarwal, Agra, 1949, p.l 104. Paul Edwards: 'The Encyclopedia of Philosophy'. The MacMillan Company & The Free Press, New York, 1967,Vol.6,p.217. i 6

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479 i 105. lokasiddho raja paramesvarah | dehocchedo moksah | Visnumurtibhat G: Sayanamadhava 'Sarvadarsanasamgrahah'(S.D.S) (Kannada) M.V.Balaganapathi, Vani Vilasa Road, Mysore, 1973, Vol.1 p.3. "God whose existence cannot be perceived, fares no better than the soul. The material elements produce the world, and a supposition of a creator is unnecessary". Chattergee & Dutta, 'An Introduction to Indian Philosophy' (An Intr.Ind.Phil) University of Calcutta, 1954, p.65. See: "Sankhya asserts that the the logy of the Prakrti is sufficient to explain all order and arrangement of the cosmos. The Mimamsakas, the Carvakas, the Buddhists and the Jains, all deny the existence of Isvara (God)". Dasagupta, S. "A History of Indian Philosophy" (A Hist. Ind.Phil) 106. rupadirahitatvenatindriyatvat | Visnumurtibhat G: 'Sarvadarsanasamgraha' Vol.2,p.63. See: "This world, therefore, being an effect must be preceded by a cause, and this cause is Isvara. This cause we cannot see, because Isvara has no visible body, not because he does not exist.' " Dasagupta,S. "A History of Indian Philosophy" Vol.1,p.326, 107, nanu mahata parikarabandhena kanthavarena udghusya jneyam brahma jneyampravaksyami iti, ananurupamuktam sarvata hi upanisatsu neti neti "asthulamananu * ityadi visesapratisedhenaiva nirdisyate | na " idam tat ' iti | vaco gocaratvat | Sankara, Gitabhasya XIII.12, 1942. p.181. Cf : sarvasabdavacyasya laksanapi na drsteti na tasya sastragamyatvam | Madhva, 'Visnutatvanirnaya' .(V.T.N) Sri Madhvaraddhanta Samvardhini Sabha, Madras-1969, p.962.

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$ 480 Cf : "Brahman, in this absolutely transendent aspect, say Sankara, cannot be described at all and it is, therefore, called interminate and characterless or ' nirguna. The description of Brahman even as infinite, real, consciousness, though more accurate than accidental descriptions, cannot directly convey the idea of Brahman" Datta & Chatterjee, 'An Intr.Ind.Phil", University of Calcutta, 1954, p. 397, 108. tadidamgunaputyaiva sarvamityevasabditam | bhavibhutabhavatkalesveka rupataya harih | sarvada nitya ityesa vyakhyomkarasya kirtitatibrhatsamhitayam | L Madhva, Mandukopanisadbhasya (Ma. U. Bhasya ) ( Sarvamulagranthah) Akhila Bharat Madhva Maha Mandal (ABMMM ) Bangalore, 1969. Vol.1, p.513. 1 109. 'anuma yuktirevokta vyaptireva tu sa smrta | 8 31 1 Madhva,'Anuvyakhyanam (AV) (Sarvamulagranthah) Vol. 1, p.61. 110. kamacca nanumanapaiksa | } yathakamam hi anumatum sakyate | atina tattve prthaganumanamapeksyate | Madhva. Brahmasutrabhasya (Br. Sa Bhasya ) ( Sarvamulagranthah) ABMMM. Bangalore, 1969, Vol.1, p.18. 211. syattatra yukta svarthi yuktiाca trividha mata || vyaptipratyaksana yasya yuktiga TSSgamaga tatha | pratyaksagamamula tu yuktistatra baliyasi || 20. 19. Madhva, Anuvyakhyanam. ABMMM. Bangalore, Vol.1, p.60 112 srimadhvacaryamato ktayuktimavalambyayuktira tikataya yuktimallikavyagrantham karisyamano bhagavanvadirajamunih Surottamatirtha, 'Bhavavilasini (Bhavavilasini)com.on Yuktimallika (Y.M) Kumbhakonam, 1903, p.2. 1 1

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Gunasaurabha; 481 113. bhaktya stutya viraktya bhajadamalajanau nnatyabhutyarpakaya ksityamatyalpabhrtyesvapikujanakrtauddhatyabhutya jakaya | kartre dharmetha hartre hayamukhaharaye'mutrapatre namaste tasmai kasmaicidasmanmanasitakatha vismrtismarakaya || 1-1. Vadiraja. Yuktimallika Gunasaurabha (Gunasaurabha) Slokas 1 to 5 Pp.2 & 3. 114. hayagrivam devam vayamimamupasyaivakrtinah | Ibid, p.3, si, 6. 115. bauddhajainagamo purvapaksi sarvagamasya hi | tatah parastajjatesu matesu ca yathakramam || purvah purvah purvapaksi yavanmadhvamatodayah || ante siddhastu siddhanti madhvasyagama eva hi || Ibid. p. 4 b, 51, 8 & 9. 116. nirnetum sakyate yuktayuktapaksavimarsibhih | tasmatsa eva siddhanta iti niscitya cetasa | mayettham yuktirucina kriyate yuktimallika | Ibid, Slokas 9-11 Pp.4 b & 4. 117. ato mayavadamatannanaivati jugupsitat | bhito hamabhajamtattvavadinameva paddhatim || - Tbid, p.5 b, s 1,20. 118. na snehannacavi sneha ghultyakrstena kevalam | yatah krtasi sattarkarasikanam mude bhava || Ibid, p.6 b, s 1.24, 119. Winternitz, 'A History of Indian Philosophy' { Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, New Delhi-1972, Vol.I p.52. 1

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482 120. Radhakrsnan, 'Indian Philosophy' George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, 1971, Vol.I, p.63. i 121. manadhina methasiddhih | na prayojanadhina | Q.Pancamukhi R.S. 'Vedapauruseyatvavadah' (Ve.Aup.Va) Karnataka Historical Research Society, (K.H.R.S) Dharwad, (Undated) p.XV. 122. The number of Pramanas differs from one school of philosophy to another, perhaps all but Carvakas and Buddhists etc., have accepted these three (Perception, Inference and Verbal testimony) in general. I bei 123 nirdosaryendriyasannikarsah pratyaksam | Madhva. Pramana Laksana (Pra.Laks) Sriman Madhvaraddhanta Samvardhaka Sabha, Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha, Bangalore-1969, p.33. 124. Infra.198 nirdosopapattiranumanam | upapattisca yatharthato jnataivartha bodhayati | | 1. Madhva Pramana Laksana p.34. • 125 avinabhavo vyaptih | ↑ Pancamukhi R.S.'Pramana Paddhati' (Pra.Pad) by Sri Jayatirtha, K.H.R.S, Dharwad-1982, p.49. + I gm l : 126. nirdosah pasabdah agamah | Madhva. Pramana Laksana, p.38, 127. Cf.'They are the indespensible guides to the correct } meaning and import of the verbal testimony in general'. Panchamukhi R.S. Vedapauruseyatvavada,K.H.R.S,Dharwad,p.iv. 1 1

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1 } 483 f 128. Cf: "Hence, for the proof of Dharma, Adharma, Virtue, Sin, heaven and hell which the Buddhists also admit, Verbal testimony untouched by human failings is the only acceptable evidence. That is evidently the Vedas which are known from generation to generation to be Apauruseya!. Ibid, p.x. 129. vaida yananta iti hi srutirahapyanantatam | 23 anantaveda nirni tirmahaprayavaridhah | 24 Madhva. Anuvyakhyana p.145, III-iii-23 & 24. 130 vyathadadyajnasamtatyai vedamekam caturvidham | 131. rgyajuhsamatharvasci vedascatvara uddhrtah | Pancamukhi R.S, 'Ve.Aup.Va' K.H.R.S,Dharwad p.II "The Vedas are oldest, extant literary monuments of the Aryan minds" : Sharma C.D. A critical survey of Indian Philosophy' Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi, 1979, p. 13. } 132 mantrabrahmanayoh vedanamadheyam | • Ibid, p.14. 133. prabalyamagamasyaiva jatyatesu trisu smrtamiti vacanat aloke them prabala pramanabhutasya vedasya Surottamatirtha. Bhavavilasini com.on V.M.Gunasaurabha (Gunasaurabha)p.7. 134. Pandurangi K.T. 'Essentials of Yuktimallika of re Sri Vadirajatirtha, Bangalore, 1983, p.5. P 135. bahutvena baliyamsi vacananiti mem matih | aneka darsanacaryanu kathameko nivarayet || hum Yuktimallika G.S, Pp.7 & 8 b. Slokas, 34 & 35.. 136 asarvajnavacasyevam viruddhani parasparam | | na dharmanirnayayalam Ibid, p. 8 bS1.36.

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484 137. buddhasyapisvaravataratvena sarvajnatvattena ca taduktaviparitadharmasyaivo- ktatvat yajnaderinavaroktamargena na dharmatvanirnayo bhavatiti bhavah || Bhavavilasini com. on Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha, p.8 b, 138. atah pumvakyato dharmah katham niniyate vada | Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha, p.8, §1.39. 139. Supra, fn,110, 140. tatah purusacanayuktipratyaksanamatindriya dharmaniscayakatvat Bhavavilasini com.on Yuktimallika G.S, p.8. hai 141. anadinityavagvacya dharmasi tato khilaih || Y.M, G.S, p.8, $1,42. 142. anaditah purvapurva sampradayabalagata | sa tu nartham vyabhicaret kartrdosavivarjita || Ibid, p.9 b, s 1.44. 143. asti caturnamacaryanam vedapramanye sammatih | 144. 1 Bhavavilasini Com.on Yuktimallika G.S, p.9 b, Infra p. It is to be noted that the reference of Jainism in terms has not been made with Carvaka and Buddhism in negating the authority of the Vedas. The reference of Jainism is to be accounted for as Vadiraja deals with Buddhism and Jainism together Cf: The orthodox schools of Indian philosophy, the Nyaya, the Vaisesika, the Samkhya, the Yoga, the Mimamsa and the Vedanta believe in the authority of the Vedas. But the heterodox schools, the Carvaka, the Buddhist and the Jaina reject their authority. Sinha. Jadunatha. 'Outlines of Indian philosophy' Sinha Publishing house, Private Ltd., Calcutta Ch.II, p.18. In the Kanadasutras, though the reference about the God is not clearly made, is indeed hinted at and suggested (i) whereas it is explicitly done in the Nyayasutras of Gotama. (ii). 1

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485 I 145. (1.) AGUATGTZATUTAT | Vai.Su.3. Sresthi, Kanada (Vaisesikasutrani), Ksemaraja Sri Krsnadasa, Bombay, 1969, p.5. ( 11 ) isvarah karanam purusakarma phlyidarsanat | - IV-i-19. gunavisistamatmantaramisvarah | tasyatmakalpat | kalpantaranupapattih | | . 1 Sastri & Sukla, 'Nyayadarsana of Gotamamuni with the Bhasya of Vatsyayana. Jayakrsnadasa. Haridasa Gupta. The Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Benares city-1942, Pp.190 & 191. 1 Cf : " The technical aspects of God functioning presumably did not occur to the earliest formulators of these theories, engaged in developing the fundamentals of the mechanics of atomism and causation, and it is only when they discovered that they needed additional agents besides humans that they were moved to postulate a Super-self, God, who can fulfil the requirements." Potter.Karl.H. The Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophy Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1977, Vol.11 Pp.22 & 23. The idea of bodyless (formless) God has been developed in to a conception in the Nyaya Vaisesika School later (iii) And creatorship etc, (even the authorship of Veda) is also attributed to that bodyless God (iv) ( 111 ) yatpunarvikalpitam - sasarirah isvarah srjati jagat 1 asariri va ? iii) iti tatramsarirasyaiva sastatvamabhyapagacchamah | Jayantabhatta, &'Nyayamanfari', Oriental Research Institute, Mysore, 1969, Vol.1, p.507. (iv) asarirasya vedakartrtvam | sveccha nirmitadehabhedasaciva vedapraneta sivah | yetavadehayoginamamum necchanti naiyayikah || ☐ 11 Subramanya Sastri, S., Nyayasarah of Bhasarvajna, Govt.O.M.L, Madras, 1961, Ch.II, p.ll. Potter, dealing with Atmatatvaviveka of Udayana, writes: " The Vedas are valid, being uttarances of a trust worthy person whose existence is to be inferred as the creator of the universe. The universe is a product, the agent of which must be an Omni-scient person, who is God... Since God needs no body to satisfy the requirements of agency, where as ordinary human agents do require a body... Since God has direct control over everything, unlike ordinary mortal agents, He needs no body to create the World.

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; i 486 The Vedas and Ayurvedas are His compositions, and so authentic. God, therefore, must be taken to create the world and to utter the Vedas at that time. Potter.Karl.H. 'The Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophy' Vol. II. Pp. 554, 555 and 556, 146 asarirah tadisastom naiva vakti kadacana | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.9,`S1,47 147. Ref: Sharma,C.D. 'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy' p.183. 148. Rgveda X-90-9. pradurbhavajanestasmadrvassamani jajnire | rksamaderabhave pragyajnassojna krtobhavat | devastenayajanteti purvi srutimanusmara || Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha p.10, $1.53. 149. sridurgati ya bhinna prakrtisaktirucyate | - tabhih sayanam purusam saivatu srutirupini | astit prakasayatmanam prakrtim jivabandhanam ... 11 Madhva, 'Bhagavata Tatparya (Sarvamula granthah) ABMMM, Bangalore, Vol.3, Pp.560 & 561, 10-94. 150. na ca varna padadinamanityatvam vaktum yuktam | sarvajnatvadisvarasya tadbuddhau sarvada pratiyamanatvat | na kevalam varnamatram napi padadimatram kimtu samastasca yathayogam sasvatah | sargepi nopajayante pralaye na vyathanti ceti | Madhva.'Visnutatvanirnaya', Pp.260 & 261. 151. yasyasti pustakam haste hayasyasya vidherguroh | sa ca vaktadanadinityasiddhabuddhikumatkramam | Yuktimallika, G.S, P.llb, Sl.56 I

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487 152. devasyaisa svabhavo'yamiti sruteh svabudvisvabhavadeva vedastha paurvaparya ghatayennatu sarvajnatvasaktya ... 1 Bhavavilasini ,com.on Yuktimallika Gunasaurabha p.llb. 11 153. C£ : sarge sarge'munaiveta udgiryante tathaiva ca | tatkramenaiva tairvarnaistaih mvaraireva nanyatha || Madhva.Visnutatvanirnaya p.243. 154. upadhinityatayam tu nityatamyasya sobhate | " Yuktimallika, G.S, p.li $1.58 - 1 1 See for details, Subbachar D.V, 'Vedasvarupavicarah' Sri Guru Nivasa, 120, Telugu Brahmin Street, Coimbattore-1 1982, Pp.29 & 30. 155. ato karteva ko nantavaklartaram niguhayet | kartuprasidyabhavena tadiyamakartakah || akartrtvam dhavalabha ya nityeti srutau sruta || Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha, p.17, Slokas, 99, 100 & 101. 156. Supra. Cf: " They are the God's commands transmitted to the sages for the good of His entire creation, at different times and places, unconditioned by the limitations of time 'and place. Panchamukhi R.S, Ve.Aup.Va. P.XXXXIV & XXXXV. 157. Narayana pandita • Sumadhvavijaya', P.405, Ch.XVI-5. 158. dharmasyavedanadeva sa vedo natra samsayah | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.20, $1.127" 159. hayagrivamukhodgirna sa vani dharmasasanam | atastadudito dharmo iyadharmastadviparyayah || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.21 b, $1.131. +

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$ ' 488 160. Chatterjee & Datta, 'An Introduction to Indian Philosophy' 1 p. 57.. 160.A.Garbe says "several vestiges show that even in the pre-Buddhistic India, proclaimers of purely materialistic > doctrines appeared". 1 Sharma C.D., 'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy p.40. 161. prthivyaptejovayuriti tattvam | t tatsamudaye sarirendriyavisayasamjna | kinvadibhyo madasaktivadvijnanam | 1 1 caitanyavisistah kayah purusah | kama evaikah purusarthah | maranamevapavargah | 1 Q.Sivakumaraswamy M. Sad-darsan as amuccaya' (Sad.D.Sam) Bangalore University, Bangalore Pp.99 & 100. + 162 sisyapramayai vakhacya sa socya manata na cet | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.21 si.133. na yapramanabhutacchastracchisyanam tattvabodho bhavati | Bh.V 1. Com.on Yuktimallika GS, p. 21. 163. kim ca pratyaksamevaikam manamityadirupini | vakya pramanika cetsyadvakyartha pracyutistada | yadyapramapika sa syadvakyarthapracyutistada || arthayatharthyatah prahuh amanatvam yato budhah || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.21, slokas 134, 135. 164. carvakasya na vak carvi kuvitatmavadham yatah | aksaka manatavakvim ravedatmapramanatam || Ibid, p.2 lb s1.132. } t

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" 489 165. Cf: To accept the validity of perception and, at the same time and from the same standpoint, to reject 'the validity of inference is a thoughtless selfcontradiction. Sharma C.D., 'A Critical survey of Indian Philosophy' p.43. 166. pratyaksasyaiva manatve yuktiscetkathyate tvaya | 167. anumanam tadamanam yadiyuktirnakathyate || anumanam tadamanam rajajna na hite vacah || Yuktimallika G.S, p.23 b. $1.144. I Cf : Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be perceived, they can only be inferred. 1 Sharma C.D., 'A Critical survey of Indian Philosophy'p.43. 168 tasmatpratyaksanumanagamanam manata dhruva | Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha p.23 b Sl.146. 169. Sharma C.D. 'A critical Survey of Indian Philosophy' p.43 844 170, Ref: kvacit phalapratilambhastu manimantrausadhadivat & yadrcchikah | atastatsadhyamadrstadikamapi nasti | Visnumurtibhat G, Sayanamadhava, Sarvadarsanasarigraha ' Pp.16 & 17. 171. adrstam ca tadestavyam drstavat karyagauravat | karyasya nirnimitta-tvam anmatto vaktumarhati || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.23, $1.151 172. ahastaniyamat | anadividyakarmadivaicitryat vaicitryam | Madhva, 'Brahmasutrabhasya' (Sarvamul agranthah) p. 107. sa evasesa jivasthanissamkhyana dikalikan | dharmadharman sadapasyanu svecchya bodhayatyajah | Madhva, 'Anuvyakhyana (Sarvamulagranthan) p. 202.

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" 490 173. Yuktimallika Gunasaurabha, p.24, $1.158. 174. atracatvaribhutani bhumivaryanala nilah | caturbhyah khalu bhutebhyacaitanyamupajayate || Visnumurtibhat G., Sayanamadhava, Sarvadarsanas anigraha p. 8. Vadiraja's mentioning of only three material elements, the earth, the water and the fire looks surprising. The element air might be dropped in the hands of Vadiraja on account of its having unperceptible nature unlike water, earth and fire. i prthivyaptejasamyogo jivadehepi naparah | . | Yuktimallika G.S, p.24, §1.156. 13} 175. tatha ca sariratiriktajivabhave jivatchariravat kunavepi pramatrtvadikam syat | "" } Bhavavilasini com.on Y.M, G.S.p.24. 176. jnanam tu pamcabhutatmajaivarge na kutracit | ato jadasvabhavo na tadyoge'pi jaड़े katham || Yuktimallika G.S, p.25 b. §1.162. 1 177. jivastajjadadehanyo manyo yam dehinam viduh | Yuktimallika G.S, p.25, §1.167. 178. dehi padavacyatvadeva dehadanyo jivah siddhayatiti bhavah | Bhavavilasini com.on Y.M, G.S, p.26. 179, nityadehanyajivasya paksatu ksamameti sa | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.26 b, S 1-169.. F 4 • 180. jadadehatmatajiva jada़ाkarena cakrtih | yaccheda bhedavedhagnidahathaistvavadhaprada || tadabudhastam na manyante manahpaidaya yatsada || Ibid. p.27 b, Sl.173.'

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491 181. * balamananda ojasca saho jnanamanakulam | svarupanyeva jivasya vyajyante paramada vibhoh iti gaupavanasrutih | Q.Madhva, Brahmasutrabhasya (II-iii-30) p.102. 182, sukhajyotisvarupatmacitam sakaratam stumah | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.27 B, §1.174. 183 anunamanarakari yathanityostyanaditah | jyotirmayastathajivassakarassantu samtatam || 184. 2 ati nityacidakaro yuktisiddho na varyate | Ibid, p.27 & 28 b, Slokas, 176 & 180. tasmadevam jatiyakesu vakyesu yathasrutam nirakarameva- braddama avadharayitavyam | Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, (Hindi Ed.) III-ii-14. Satsatri, Chowkhamba Vidyabhavana, Varanasi, 1967,Vol.2, p.526. 185. paramanumarabhya pamcamahabhutaparyantasya sarvasya ca jadaprapamcasya sarvesam cetanamnam ca uktavidhayasakaratvat sahasasirsadyakaravati bhagavati nirakarasya ca sutaramayogat sarvajaninamidam prameyam . ... Bhavavilasini com.on Yuktimallika, G.S, p. 28. 186 vayamtu jyotisastasya jyotirupamukari | caranavudaradasca vadamo'tra kimadbhutam || Y.M, G.S, p.29 b, s 1.186. 1 187 vaisyattu tadvadastadvadah | Brahmasutra II - 1 v-23, bhutanam visesasamyogadeva visesavyavaharah | " parthivanam sariranamarthena prthivi smrta | itara vibhaginya apastejastu bhagatah | iti samanyato jneyam bhedam ca pratipurusam | svargasthanam sariranamartham teja udahrtam || iti brahmasamhitayam | Madhva Brahmasutrabhasya, p. 116. 1

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} 1 492 I 188 sukharupatracate sarve jnanarupasca sarvada | * 189. anadinityasatyasca cidupavayavayatah || Yuktimallika G.S, p.29, $1.189. 1 Supra. 190 tallimgadehata caisam tattadrupanumapanat | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.30, $1.197. 191 atassvabhavatassarvam sakara jivaramayah | tatkamcukopama tattallimgamurtisca tadrsi || Ibid, p.31 b. s 1,201. 192. jadantaradrstarupam tanunamevamagatam | Rs Ibid, p.31, S 1.203. { tasmat 'svabhavikakaracaranadimannityadeho amgikaryah | } 1 Bhavavilasini com. on Y.M, G.S, p.31., 193 tasya nirmulanayasti dharmah kopi na te 1 Y.M, G.S, p.32, s1.212. cr : na ca tena lokopakarah | dharmabhavajnane paraspara- himsadina apakarasyaiva praptah | Madhva, 'Visnutatvanirnaya", p.98. 194 duhkhojjhitam sukham prarthyam na tu duhkhanvitam sukham | Yuktimallika, G:S, 'p.33, s 1.220. 195. ato nisphalamevamucchastram te klivasastravat | Y.M, G.S, p.34 b, Sl.223. 1 } 196. Pandurangi K.T, 'Essentials of Yuktimallika of Vadirajatirtha, Bangalore, 1983, p.21. 197 Sharma C.D, 'A critical survey of Indian Philosophy; P.46.

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493 198 vyaptidharmilimgamgrahaka pramana pratyaksamagamam va anusrtyam pramana nanu anuma | Bhavavilasini com. on Y.M, G.S, p.35. 199. ato yuktyapi narthaste yatsa himsam prasamsati | Y.M, G.S, p.35, Sl.236. 200 kimca yuktyeka bhaktascetkathammamsa nisedhasi | bhutebhyonyannavai mati nanyadanne pi drsyate || ekam tyajyam bhojyamanyadityetatkena te mate || Ibid, p.36 b, $1,239. 1 201 kula - joni-jiva - maggana-thanaisa- janina jivanam | tassaram bhaniyattana-parinami hoi padhamavadam || t Gautamacandraji. Jivaraja, *Kunda Kunda Prabhrta Samgraha (Hindi Ed.) Gulabcanda Hirachanda Doshi Sholapur, 1960.p.201. Ref.: " THE CONCEPT of ahimsa is a complex ethical virtue. It has figured prominently and is given an enormous significance in the religion of Jainism". Nagarajarao P. 'Essays in Indian Philosophy and Religion' Lalvani Publishing House, Bombay, 1971, p.87. 202. See for details: Vadiraja, 'Pasandamatakhandana' Ramatatva Prakasana, Belgaum, (Und ated ) 203 karta sarvasya karyasya kasmadisom visrjyate || Y.M, G.S, p. 37 b, S 1,244, not 204. The Svabhavavada of Buddhists appears as/the original conception of their school. The root of its origin would be seen in materialism. See: "Except the materialists (the Svabhavavadins) who advocated the chance-origin of things, * 1 Murthi T.V.R,, 'The central philosophy of Buddhism' Georgre Allen and Unwin Ltd, London, 1960, p.167.

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↓ 494 205, l nanvadrstanisti jagadvaicitryamakasmikam syadinicet na tadbhadram | svabhavadeva tadupapatteh | taduktam - vaddinarusno jalam sitam samasparsastathanilah | aª¿' fufadi neute zantara aquafzufa: 1 tenedam citritam tasmat svabhavat tadyavasthitih | F Visnumurtibhat G. Sayanamadhava' Sarvadarsanasamgraha' p.16 & 17. The conception 'Svabhava' is, as not an original idea of Buddhism, also not exclusively related to Buddhism. The school of Jainism also talks of this: See: " The things according to him, have their own naturea fact which is ultimate and does not admit of question or explanation and that nature is not caused by adusta. Fire burns because it has got the nature of burning. We cannot say that fire burns because of adrsta is there. It burns of itself. Mehta Mohanlal 'Outlines of Jaina Philosophy' Mission Society, Bangalore, 1954, p.59. Jaina But it is true that, the conception 'Svabhava' gained perfect shape in the hands of Buddhists. See: ( 1 ) sa yasyasti sadhyadharmmasyavayave samudayom- pacarat tasmin | " svabhavo hetuh " | sadhyadharmmasrutatvat tasyaiva svabhava iti gamyate | Sanghavi & Jinavijayaji, 'Hetubindutika of Bhatta Arcata. Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1949,p.57. (ii) Svabhava (sk), As applied cosmically 'the own nature' basic substance of the universal Mulaprakrti or root essence. Thus, equating with Tathata (q.r). At human level, it equates with Atman, 'Svabhavakaya' own nature body', equates with Dharmakaya (q.1.) Christomas H. 'A popular dictionary of Buddhism' Curzon Press, London, 1976, Pp.190 & 191, 1 I 1

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495 206. svabhavadeva tadupapatteh | } svabhavat tayavasthitih | Visnumurtibhat G. Sayanamadhava Sarvadarsanasarigraha' p.17, 207. svabhavadeva sarva ' ca jagatsyatsacaracaram | + svabhavopi jadascetsyadanyapreryo ghatadivat | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.37 b, Slokas, 245,246. pravrttihetubhuta jnanecchadhabhavat | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Y.M.G.S,p.37. 208. svatantryetu kimisanaparaddham laghumurtina | Y.M.p.37, $1,247, Jada,Jiva and the Lord' Jada is Acetana and Paratantra Jiva is Cetana and Paratantra The Lord is Cetana and Svatantra 209 mahimahidharadesca yahkarta samahesvarah | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.38 b,Sl.249. asmadadinam asvatantryena asmatpreranakartrtvenapi isvarasya amgikaryatvacca | Bhavavilasini, com.on Yuktimallika, G.S, p.38 b. 210. sarvasya karta tatrapi kim na karta mahesvarah | yastambhasambhavo dimmam hiranyakasiporapat | sontaryami mamasvami kasya nasyadvicaraya || Yuktimallika,G.S,p.39 b, Slokas, 256 & 257. 211. adrstamisvaradevetyasitsarvadhuramdharah | Ibid: p.40 b, s 1.264. 212, paksatamanimani yatkaryam tatsaka rtakam ityasmaduktavyaptah na vyabhicarasthalani iti bhavah | Bhavavilasini com.on Yuktimallika, G.S, p. 40. }

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4 496 213. Cf: "The soul has been said to be the possession of J 1 material Karmas. The characteristic is meant to refute a two-fold belief. First, it attacks those philosophers who do not regard Karma or adrsta as a valid existence, (The Carvakas of Indian thought fall into this catagory) Secondly, the adjective 'material' is directed against those thinkers, who do not regard Karma or adrsta as "material". Mehta,Mohanlal, 'Outlines of Jaina Philosophy'. p.61. See also: Walther, Schubring 'The doctrine of Jains' Motilal Banarasidass, 1978, Pp.172 & 173, 214. Cf : dharma jaiminirata eva | Brahmasutra III-ii-41. yatah phalam tadeva karmesvarad bhavati | esa hyesa sadhukarma steafa ✪ sta garefa utafa: 1 Madhya, Brahmasutrabhasya, p.144. 215. naresu kascinmakosti vacalopyastikascana | soyam narasvabhavo na tavapi ca mamapi ca || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.41 b, s 1,271 216: karmapi cedgatam tarhi svabhavamthryupasarpanam | Ibid. p.41, s 1.272. 217. svabhavaka Tlakamadih sarvasyasyaniyamakam | Ibid, p.42 b s 1.279. Cf : dravyam karmaca kalasca svabhavo jiva eva ca | yadanugrahatah santi na santi yadupeksaya || Madhva, Anuvyakhyana. p.2, $1.13. 218. Hiriyanna M., 'The essentials of Indian philosophy', George Allen and Unwin (India) Private Limited, Bombay, 1973, p.98

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497 219. "The Saksi is an intelligent and conscious perceiver 'It is the Saksi that is capable of comprehending both the knowledge and its validity'. Dasagupta, S. 'A History of Indian Philosophy', Motilal Banarasidass Delhi, 1975, vol.IV. p.168. See also: "Madhva finds such an ultimate and absolute principle of knowledge and validation, in the inner sense(organ) of the self of man-his "Svarupendriyam" which he calls Saksi, and which is "Jnanagrahaka" and also "Jnanapramanyagrahaka" (intuting knowledge and its validity)", Sharma, B.N.K, 'Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya' Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1962, p.108. "Saksi is given the highest place in the Dvaita epistemology. Even to prove the validity of Pramanas Saksi is essential Without Saksi it would not be possible to prove the essential validity of any Pramana on which depends the validity of all knowledge." k Shanbhag D.N, 'Some problems in Dvaita Philosophy in their dialectical setting; Sri Rama Prakasana, Dharwad, 1982,Pp.67 & 68. • 220. Dasagupta S. 'A History of Indian Philosophy' Vol.IV,p.168. dosapratirudvena jnanagrahakasaksina | svatastvam jnanamanatvanirnitiniyamo hi nah || Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha p.47, SL.371. 221 abhayam paratah eveti naiyayikadayah 1 Pancamukhi R.S. Pramana Paddhati by Sri Jayatirthalp.161. 222 naiyayikamamte pramanyapramanyayorutpattijnaptyoh paratastvamupapadayati | Pancamukhi R.S., 'Janardanabhatta, Jayatirthavijaya Com.on.Pramana Paddhati' p.163. H }

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$ i 1 498 223. t jnanajanakatiriktakaranajanyatvamutpattau svatastvam | jnanajnapakatiriktapramanapeksatvam taptau svaptastvam | tatra jnanam indriyadi janyam pramanyam punarindriyadigunajanyam | evam jnanam manasapratyaksavedham | Panchamukhi R.S. 'Pramana Paddhati' of Sri Jayatirtha, Pp.161 & 162. i 224. pramanyam svatah apramanyam paratah iti mimamsakah | Kevalananda sarasvati 'Mimamsakosa' Prajnapathasala Mandala grantha mala, Wai ( Surat ), 1960, Part V, p. 2856. * 225. mayavadinom vedantinastu dosabhave sati yavatsvasrayagrahaka samagrigrahayatvam svatastvam | yadva yavattvasrayagrahakagra yogyatvam svatastvam ityahuh | L j etanmate pramatvam svata evotpadyate jnayate | jnanasamanyasamagri prayojyam | tathahi | pramatvam asmin mate svato gradayatvam ca dosabhave sati yavatsvasrayagrahaka samagrigrahyatvam | 225.A. vedantaparibhasa anupalabdhi pari . Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa B.O.R.I.Poona 1978, p.561. apramanya tu na jnanasamanyasamagri prayojyam pramanyamatyapramanyapatteh | kimtu dosaprayojyam | Joshi.,Vedantaparibhasa of Sridharmarajadhvarindra., Akhil Bharat Sanskrit Parisat, Lucknow, Vikram Saka, 2021 p.242. In the Advaita, the problem of validity and invalidity, really, speaking, has no concrete scope and oppropriate application, Because, to gain the validity of knowledge, the knowledge, the object of knowledge the relation and means there of must be true. But in the Advaita, Brahman alone is read, though It is real, It is not an object of knowledge. 1 I 4

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2 1 499 jneyam brahma " jneyam pravaksyami iti ananurupamuktam | vaco'gocaratvat | Sankara, Gitabhasya, 1942 XIII-12, p.181. And other than Brahman everything is unreal. • • manasaiva idam braddamaikarasam aptavyam atmaiva nanyadastiti | Katha Up Bhasya IV.11. 1 So, Ultimately, there is nothing in the Advaita, to be an object of knowledge. Hence, validity has no meanining. And, even if empirical reality is talked of, it is not possible to admit the theory of validity since, the very reality is the product of nescience. (Ajnana-Avidya) which is also Mithya. (having no existence in all the three times). 1 And it cannot be contended that the knowledge and other dealings are positively possible due to Adhyasa of Avidya. Because Avidya and its Adhyasa is Mithya. 5 tametamavidyakhyam atmanatmano ritaretararadhyasam puraskrtya sarve pramanaprameyavyavaharah laikika vaidikasca pravrttah | evamayamanadiranantah naisargiko'dhyasah . mithyapratyayarupah kartrtvabhotkrsvapravartakah sarvalokapratyaksah || Adhyasa, Bhasya, Satsastri, Sankara, BrahmasutraBhasya vol.1, pp. 15 & 18, 226. evam ca visayanisthajnatataya tannisthameva jnanam anumiyate " ghati jnanavan " jnatatavatvat iti | tatra ghatatvanisthaprakarata nirupita visesyata sambandhana jnananumitau tadrsaprakarata nirupita visesyata- rupapramanyagrahah | Keval anandasarasvati 'Mimamsakosah' Vol.5, p.2858, 227% apramanyam tu nastyeveti prabhakarah | Pancamukhi R.S, 'Pramana Paddhati' by Sri Jayatirtha p.162. 1 I }

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500 228, pramanyam apramanyam ca jnanasya ubhayam svatah iti samkhyah | Kevalanandasarasvati; 'Mimamsa Kosa' Part V. p.2856. samkhyamate pramanyapramanye | nijasaktyabhivyakteh svatah pramanyam | svabhavasyanapayitvadananusthamilaksanamapramanyam | Bhattacarya R. 'Samkhyasutram with Bhasya of Vijnanabhiksu' Bharatiya Vidya Prakasana, Varanasi, 1977 Pp.17 & 185. 289. jnanajanakatiriktajanaka napeksatvamutpattau svatastvam | 1 jnanajnapaka itiriktajnapakanamevam jnapti svatastvam || Pancamukhi R.S. 'Pramana Paddhati of Sri Jayatirtha p.161. 230 tada tajjnanam grhavatah saksinah tatra jnanayatharthyagrhe mahanagraho niyama ityarthah | Bhavavilasini com.on Yuktimallika p.48. grahanejnana yatharthyagrhe tasyagraho mahan | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.48, Sh.318.. 231 tatha pramanyam taddosajanyam | Pancamukhi R.S, Pramana Paddhati by Sri Jayatirtha,p.162. 231 A. tadasamanyasamagrimatra janyapramamama | sarvapyabhutsvatastvena kena vahanirudhyatam || 232 1 Y.M, G.S, p.69 b, §1.445. Cf: The raison d'etre of attributing to Saksi-Pratyaksa absolute infallibility and self-validation, which is denied in respect of ordinary perceptions of the mind and the sense, is that the mind is liable to err and is open to doubt, albeit rarely; whereas, the judgements of the Saksi could not be doubted and have never been shown to have been in the wrong and invalidated at any time in life. Sharma B.N.K, 'Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya' p.108.

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J 501 233 yadyarthaniscayasvasah pramanyasya niniscaye | anavastha tarhi sustha nissamkasa pravrttisu || Y.M, G.S, p.57, $1.374. ! yadi pramanyaniscaye sati arthaniscayasvasa iti sambandhah | .... | tarhi jnanasyapramanya niscaya- rupaya minumitavapyarthaniscayasvasah tatpramanya vini- pracayarupa'numityamtaradeva | tatrapi tathetyanavastha stha- dityarthah | .... | tattadarthaniscayartham tattajjnana pramanya - niscayanusarane'navastha susthetyarthah | Bhavavilasini comsonY.M, GS, p. 57 & 58 b. 234 kacadidosam caikatra tatkaryanumitam punah | yadanyatranusamdhatte jnanamatragrhitada | viparyayapiduratvapurvadosanudarsanat | } udaste caturassaksi pramanyagrahane kila || Y.M, G.S, p. 48 b, Slokas, 315 & 316. 235 tatrapramanyamapramanyam ca samvada visamvada limgamyamiti | Pancamukhi R.S, Pramana Paddhati by Sri Jayatartha p. 162. 1236 tada ragadidosena kalusam camcalam manah | grhiti tatra pramanyamardhagrahana kataram || Yuktimallika G.S, p.48 b, §1.317. 237. samipastha padarthanam caksuradindriyairasanaih | grahane jnanayatharthyagrhe tasyagraho mahan || Ibid, p.48, St.318, 238. See: Madhva, Visnutatvanirnaya, p.155. } 0 anyayeti pramanyam tavadavasyam kenacitpramanena jnatavyam | anyatha tadabhava pramanyabhava prasamgat | na ca jnanagrahakatiriktena tadgrhanam sambhavati | tatpramanyasyapyanyena grahanamgikare anavasthanat | Jayatirtha, com. on Visnutatvanirnaya A.B.M.M.M, B'lore 1969, p.155.

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1 502 anavastha X kahum klrptavastu sajatiyava stuparamparakalpanasya viramabhavah | • 8 kha8 avyavasthitaparamparadhino nistaprasamgah | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa , p. 19 & 20. 239. Cf: "Freedom from defect and contradiction is 1 11 sufficient to account for the rise of valid knowledge. If the validity of knowledge is due to an external condition like some excellence in the causes of knowledge or correspondance or fruitful activity, then this second knowledge of excellence or correspondance or fruitful activities would require third knowledge to validate itself before it can validate the first knowledge and so on ad-infinitum." Sharma, C.D., 'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy' p, 215 & 216. 240. Ibid. 241, yadi vyaptyadidadaryenasaka dhikkurute bhavan | tarhi nirdosatadadaryatsaksiha ksobhayedvitam || Y.M, G.S, p.56, $1.366. 242 sukhadivisayam svarupabhutam caitanyendriyam sadhityucyate | Jayatartha', Nyayasudha, II-1-p. 87. 243. pramanyagrahanasaktissaksinassvena tejasa | Ibid, p.52 b, Sl.337. 244 pariksapeksyatekvapi tadabhave svayam patuh | Ibid., p.52, s1.338. See also: Ibid, p.55 b, Sl.353. i

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503 244 A, utpattavapicajnapti tasmatsadbhirudiritam | ] 244 B. 1 2440. } " zanrra venerd a nerd farraza atud 1 Y.M.G.S, p.75 b, $1.483. pramanyasya svatastvamapramanyasya paratastvam | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika,G.S,p.75 b. ....If validity did not belong to knowledge, and if it were to be established by an objective reference to facts, then since that objective reference is also knowledge, and as such is invalid by itself, there should be some other means by which its validity could 'be determined, and this would lead to an infinite regress. For this reason it is to be admitted that knowledge, produced by any means of knowledge or Pramana, must be regarded as valid by itself, Dasagupta,Surama: 'Development of Moral Philosophy in India', Orient Longmans Bombay, 1961,p.80. The real fact of the matter in this connection, is however, that self evidence seems to be too subjective to deserve to be regarded as a criterion of truth and so may be taken to be synonymous with 'no-evidence'. The way in which the advocates of the self-evidence theory of truth, including the Vedanta in particular, understands the criterion of falsity should then be regarded as a model to which the way of determining the criterion of truth should conform. Banerjee,N.V., 'The spirit of Indian Philosophy' i Arnold Heinemann Publishers (India) Private Limited, New Delhi, 1974, p.114. 244 D. pratibandhakatvam - karanibhutabhavapratiyogitvam | ku . 18 | 85.18 ......! yatha va daham prati maneh pratibandhakatvam | manibandhaka bhavakuta eva karanam | 1 evam Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, Pp.532 & 533. $ !

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1 504 245 runaddhi yadi samagrisattvepyabhimatam phalam | budhaistadeva sarvatra pratibandhakamucyate || Yuktimallika,G.S,p.52, §1.340. 246. 247. 248. t 17 5 1 ato na karanibhutabhavasyapratiyogita 1 pratibandhakata kintu purvoktavasatam mata || Ibid, p.53, S1. 343, } f dosabhavanapecaiva samyam yadrcchika prama dosabhavassakutrapi na prama pratikaranam | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.66, Sls.428 & 429. In the Advaita, the way interpretation of Sruti passages and also the remarks summarising the importor jist in nutshell, denotes the contention of the Advaita, that the passages, imparting the right knowledge (knowledge identity) are Tattvavedakas and the Passages, imparting some tentative knowledge. (Knowledge difference, injunction etc) are Atattvavedakas. This view is clear from the original statements cited below:- (1 ) drstavyadisabda api paravidhadhikarapathitah " tattvabhimukhikaranapradhanah na tattvavabodhavidhi-, pradhana bhavanti | Brahmasutrabhasya (Sankara) (III-11-21 ) Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.2, p. 753. (11) vakyajanitavijnanamatrat nabraddamanatmavijnana- vivrttih iti cet | na | "tattvamasi ", "netineti ", " atmaiveda ", " ekamevadvitiyam ", "brahmaivedamamrtam ", " nanyadato'sti drsti ", "tadeva brahmatvam viddhi " ityadivakyanam tadaditvat | Brih. Bhasya (Sankara) (I-iv-7) Bhagawat R.R. Sankara, Brhad aranyakopanisad (Upanisadbhasyam) Astekar Come Poona, Salivahana Saka, 1840,p.143. -

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1 505 ( 111 ) atah parthagarthyameva upasanavakyanam " braddamavakyanam ca nyayyam naikavakyatvam | Brahmasutrabhasya (Sankara) III-ii-21. Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.2,p.732. 249 tasmannityaiva vedakhya vidya vidyavatam mate | nityayam ca katham dvaitamadvaitam kila te priyam || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.78, §1.511. 250.' tatsvatastvena sarvatra pramanyam grhayate srutau atatvavidakatvoktirato vede na sobhate || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.79 b, slokas, 512 & 513. 251 karyatabodhaka padapratipadyaryatmakakaryayuktatvam | J I yatha prabhakara mimamsakanaye ghatamanayetyadi ghatadi- padanamanayanadirupa kriyavisista eva ghatadau saktirityatra kriyanvitatvam | anvite saktiriti tesam matam | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa' p.229. See also; Madhva. Anuvyakhyana p.4, Slokas 42-45. 252. Dasagupta:s. 'A History of Indian Philosophy' Vol.1,p.396. 253.1 Cf : "Prabhakara takes a stiretly pragmatic view of all "1 } knowledge, knowledge leads to successfull activity. Action is the only import of knowledge i All propositions must be injunctive, All knowledge, whether Vedic or Secular, points to cutivity. The so-called assertive and explanatory propositions in the Veda are authoritative only when they help persons to perform their duties". Sharma, C. D., A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy,p.220. 254 atastenaiva vidhina vaksava manatam vrajet | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.79, S1.518,

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( 1 506 255. tasmadacaryatara sira ni sobhatetaram Ibid. S1,519. apauruseyataya nirdosa vede ekabhagasyatatvavedakatvakathanamayuktam Bhavavilasini Com.on Y.M,G.S.p.79. 256 evam srutyorvirodhepi yavaganyarthavartini | 257. 258. 1 tam tadardhapuram krtva mocayetkalaham tayoh || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.80 b, §1.522. There are some Sruti passages called Aikyasrutis by the Advaitins. That means, those passages that convey the sense of identity expressively such as 'Tattvamasi', 'Atmaivedam', Ekamevadvitiyam and others. 1 Savakasa means that which is limited or that which is constrained with limitations. Niravakasa means that which is not constrained with any limitations. This view promises that Savakasa passages are secondary and Niravakasa as Primary. Atas Tarfarastarit ffrontant anturfafazata: 1 sambhavadvisayantarah savakasah, atathabhuto niravakasah | tena niravakasana savakaso vidhibadhyate | Kevalanandasarasvati, 'Mimamsakosa' Part VII p.4312, This type of view is found both in the Advaita and the Dvaita. But the application of these concepts with regard to Sruti passages differs in both. The Advaita declares that Aikyasrutis are Niravakasas and others are Savakasas (T.E.M) 'tattvamasi ", "neti neti ", "atmaivedam ", ekamevadvitiyam szutfqatautai aerforata i Brh.Bhasya I-4-7. Saccidanandendrasarasvati, Brihadaranyakopanisad (Upanisadbhasya Vol.4) Adhyatma Prakasa Karyalaya, Holenarasipur, 1953, p.138.

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1 507 HZYMYAUDE ZOHGIO " * MINGGU FYHAGYAS (Brih.Up.-III-viii-87) (Katha-Up.I-iii-5) srughigifa atqurfa facqua gentea accayurarfa narthantarapradhanani ityetat pratisthapitam "tattusamanvayat " (Brahmasutra I-i-4) itarani tu akara vabubrahmavisayani vakyani ityatra | a aegurarfa | tesu asati virodha yatha srutamasrayitavyam | sati afa g factu acgataria margurarut anizifa nafaa tu Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya Vol,2,p.726. Here Pradhana means Nirvakasa and Apradhana means Savakasa. Where in the Dvaita, the so-called Aikyas cutis are Savakasas and others are Niravakasas. As there is no well-resoned ground or base for the Advaita view, it is defective. Because, the Advaita interpretation of so-called Aikyastutis is contradictory and is not in the confirmation with other passages of the same context. It is the Tatparyalingas such as Upakrama, Upasamhara and others, pertaining to a particular context, that are responsible for understanding the correct import of the passages. The Advaita does not take into account this. The Advaita interpretes the passages individually and independently, taking into consideration only the expressive meaning of the passages and not the reference of contexts. e.g. The context as a whole wherein the passage 'Tatvamasi' occurs, really, speaking relates to sense of difference with stock illustrations. But without understanding the nature of Sublety, depth and significance of these, the Advaita concentrates on 'Tattvamasi' passage only and thus prefers the sense of identity to difference. If this is taken for granted, then it is not agreeable to the core of context in its fitness and thus contradicts with other passages of same context. Hence, Aikyasrutis are Savakasas that means they are to be interpreted in accordance with other (Bheda) Srutis.

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508 The view upheld by the Dvaita in this regard, as Aikyasrutis are Savakasas and Bheda srutis are Niravakasas, is agreeable to the core of context. } f See for details; 259. sadrsyaikyai sthanamatyoraikye vyaptaikyapurvake | savaka sikyavarabhedavaktutvarthaparayana | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.80 b, $1.524. 4 ekibhutastu kurava ekibhuti nrpavimau | aikyadvayasya rbhuman ityadhuktirvicaryatam | 260. Ibid, $1.525. 261. 262. 1 1 srutiyojana tu ekamevadvitiyamityatra ekam sarvottamam sakalajivajadatmakat prapamcadatyantabhinnamiti 1 Bhavavilasini Commentary on Yuktimallika, p.81 b. f Here 'eka' means supreme, ommiscient, entirely different from the world of sentient and insentient beings. Thus, here supremacy and difference is the meaning of the term'aikya'. eke mukhyanyakevalah | , Sastri.Haragovinda, 'Amarkosa of Amarasimha' The Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi 1970,p.546. The derivative form of eka is Ekatva (Aikya) In the same way Mukhyatva, Anyatva and Kevalatva, ityaha bheda evaikya mukhyatava tato bhavet | yamda 'tavaikyasabdo'yam bheda vaktyakhilesitah | vakta sarvottamatvam va prativakti kathambhavan || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.80, S 1.527. 262 A. nahi upanisadbhyo " brahamekamevadvitiyam, naivaca " { iti pratipattirasti | $ i Brih.Bhasya (Sankara) II-i-20. Bhagavata, R.R, Sankara, 'Brihadaranyakopanisad, (Upanisadbhasyam), p. 216. nahi sastram idamtaya visayabhutam brahama pratipadayisati, / Brahmasutrabhasya (Sankara) I-i-4. | Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.I,p.51. 1

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509 263. " sattvadayo na santise yatra ca prakrtagunah | " atadvasyataya nirgalah tatsamspardhe'pi asprstah | heyagunarahitah | Cakravarthi, S.G., 'Sabdarthakaustubha, 1978, IV,p.1603. 263 A.. .. gunamannirguno mahan | 264 264 A. wy gunananandadin vibhartiti gunabhrt | gunanapradhanabhutajivan bibharti | sattvadigunarahitattvannirgunah | Kalakoti K.G. Satyasandhayati, Srivisnusahasranamabhasyam R Nagaraja Rao, Tiruchirapalli, 1972, p.98. sattvam rajastama iti gunah prakrtisambhavah Bhagavadgita, XIV-5. The Nirguna-Sruti occurs in the Sixth Chapter of Swetasvatarop anised. There, the com of Sankara of Nirguna term, does not convey explicitly the sense of negation of attributes in general. But it negates the qualities such as Sattva and others. " saksi ceta kevalo nirgunasca I (Swet, Up. VI - 11 ) sarvesam bhutanam saksi sarvadrsta | saksadrastari samjnayam * 8 pa . su . V-11-92 itismaranat | ceta cetayita | kevalo nirupadhikah | nirgunah sattvadigunarahitah | Sankara, Swetasvataropanisad Gita press Gorakhapur, Saka, 2016, p.246. f So the refutation of the Advaita interpretation of that Mantra may appear unusual and strange. Hence, it must be understood that the refutation aims not only at the connotative and expressive meaning of the com.of that Mantra, but the very Nirgunatva concept of the Advaita'.' 1

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t f t 510 1 Sankara, commenting Vishusahasranama (Gunabhrt, Nirguna terms), makes it clear that Brahman, really speaking is attributless (i) He also states that the positive reference of qualities Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, is due to Maya (form of Ajnana) which is Upadhi for that. And, in the Advaita whatever is Sopadhika-product of Maya, is Mithya, ( 11 ) 4, ' ( 1 ) gunabhrnnirgunah visnusahasanamastotram | bhasyam 8 8 sattvarajastamasam srstisthitilayakarma svadhisthatrtvat - gunabhrt | vastuto gunabhavat - nirgunah | vivrtih | gunah rajassattvam tama ityevam prasiddhah tan vibharti brahmavisnusivarupenabhimanyate srstisthitisamhararthamiti gunamrdityaha | .... paramarthati gunabhavannirgata guna yasmat sah nirguna ityaha • " 1 f Ramasastri R.Sri Visnusahasranamastotram with com. Oriental Research Institute, Mysore University, Mysore 1961, p.527. ( 11 ) nirgunah- Cf. Gitabhasya (Sankara) XIII-13. & 14. upadhikrtam mithyarupamapyasti tvadhigamaya jneyadharmavatparikalpyocyate | upadhitapanipadadindriyadhyaropanajjneyasya tadata samka mabhudityevamarthah | api antahkaranopadhidvarenaiva srotradinamapyupadhitvamityato ntahkarana bahiskaranopadhi bhutaih sarvendriyagunairadhyavasaya samkalpa sravanavacanadi- bhiravabhasata iti sarvendriyagunabhasam sarvendriyavyaparairvyaprtamiva tajjneyamityarthah | sarvendriyavivarjitam sarvakaranarahitamityarthah | ato na karanavyapare vyapatam tajjneyam |

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1 511 r •• syadidam canyajjneyasya sattvadhigamadvaram - nirguna sattvarajastamamsi gunastairvarnitam tajjneyam tathapi gunabhoktr ca gunanam sattvarajastamasam sabdadi- .. dvarena sukhaduhkhamohakaraparinatanam bhoktr copalabdha tajjneyamityarthah | Sankara. Gitabhasya 1942 Pp.183 & 184. Therefore, it is tobe noted that Vadiraja, taking the Nirgunatva view (Qualitylessness) of the Advaitins in 2 consideration, has refuted it. 265. evam nirgunavakyam ca samanyavacanatvatah | dosarupagunabhavam param kartum him sakyate || V.M.G.S, P.81 h, Sl.528. 266. Brih.Up. IV-iv-22. 267. atassamanyato yattu nisedhavacanam srutau | visesavakyavihitam na hitatpratisedhati || } Y.M.G.S, p.81, S 1.531. atah esassarvesvara ityadi visisya vidhayakavakyat nirguna iti samanyato gunanisedhaka nirgunavakyameva durbalam | · Bhavavilasini Com.on.Y.M.G.S, p.81. 268. Kevalanand asaraswati, 'Mimamsakosa' Vol.IV, p.2294. 269. yosaum nirgunaityuktassastresu jagadisvarah | prakrtairdeyasamyuktairgunaihinatvamucyate | iti padatrayastrisadhyaye rudrasya vagiyam || Y.M, G.S, p. 81,51,532 . 270. bhedavarabhedamevahi | Ibid. p.82 b, Sl.535. 1 J

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2 ' 512 271. narayanah param brahma nanyadbrahama tatah param ... sa evanirguna brahametyuktah sadgunabrmhitah || Y.M.G.S, p.82 b, 537 & 538. Gf : guna nara iti jneyastadvannarayanah smrtah | brahmasabdo pi hi gunapurtimeva vadasyayam || Madhva.Anuvyakhyana.p.7. 272 ta evanvayanamanastai samyak pravicarita | mukhyarthi bhagavan visnuh sarvasastrasya naparah || Madhva; Anuvyakhyana, p.10 & 11. 272 A. Rgveda X-90-9. 273. bramadharmanimansarvan yasminnarayane srutih | sahasasi srnipurusa tannamnaiva punah punah || amnate samkalayyaha mahatatparyapurvakam | sa eva hi param brahma ' laksyalaksana vaidinam || Y.M.G.S, p.83 b, Slokas 548 & 549, yastu prastavitah purvam atmanarayanah parah | paramatmeti catroktah sa eva syannasamsayah | Ibid, p.84 b, $1.556. 274. ataprasrutyarthamimamsa nipunanam vivekinam | mate narayano devah param brahma na caparah || Ibid, p. 84, S1.560. 275. 1 • upanisadanamaniyatapadatvena anirgunaityeva padacchedasya sukaratvat ....| satyanityagunanam nirguna iti nisedhayogat anirguna iti padacchedah- kartavya iti bhavah | Bhavavilasini com.on. Y. MGS, p. 86, & 87 b. 276. : taduktagunasatyatvanityatve naupacarike | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.87 b, §1.579.

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to 513 1 277. Dasagupta S. ' A History of Indian Philosophy' 278. 279. Vol.1, p.317. -samana prasavatmika jatih | II-ii-68 -samanah samanakarakah prasavo buddhijananamatma svarupam yasyah sa | tatha ca samanakarabudvijananayogyatvamityarthah | gau . vr . II-ii-68. samanakarabuddhijananayogyadharmavisesah nityaneka samavetah ityapi vadanti gau .vr .11-11-68. - nityatve satyaneka samavetam | ' } samanyam nityamekam syadaneka samavayi | ta . ra. 538 1 I Jhalakikar.Bhimacarya Nyayakosa, Pp.291 & 1009. } tatra dravyaditritayasya dravyatvaditilaksanam | Vasaumurtibhat_G. Sayanamadhava. Sarvadarsanasamgraha of Sayana, Vo..II, p. 9. p.9. Cf : " The Nyaya-Vaisesikas enunciate the realistic theory of universal. According to them, Universals are enternal (nitya) entities which are distinct from, but inhare in, many individuals (anekanugata). There is the same (eka) universal in all the individuals of a class. The universal is the basic notion of someness that we have with regard to all the individuals of a certain class". Chatterji & Datta, 'An Introduction to Indian Philosophy' p.241. i 280. vyavaharadanugatatsarvatranugata sada | , jatiscaika khilasu sattadhavartita kila pra } Yuktimallika,Gunasaurabha, p.88 b, §1.587. 281. vyavaharanugamanam nama tasyaikatakimu | ' uta tasyaika dharmenavacchinnatvamudiryate | eka karatvamathava vaktavyamnaparamhitat | Ibid, Slokas 588 & 589. hai

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1 1 514 282. nanasamanavyavaharena dharmopi tadrsah | siddhayetparam tasya sarvatrakata kimkrta vada || yaksanurupohi balih pracam vacamanusmara || Ibid, p.88, slokas, 591 & 592. f 283. akhandajaterekaiko yaso vyaktisacyate | ghatastarhighatamsah syurghatastutyannakascana || Tbid, s 1,593. 284. anekavyamjaka vyamgya yathaika jatirucyate | tatha neka ghatatvebhyo vagekaivapravartatam || Ibid, s 1.596. 285 karanatvanyanekani tatratatratavapi ca ! tadavacchedakasyapi katham na syadanekata || Ibid, p.89 b, $1.598. 286. dharmanamaprthaktvam ca sidvedeva mama prabhau | Yuktimallika,G.S.p.92 b, $1.617. 287. 1 288. na kim ceyam srutirevadi nehasti kimcana | ityadina bhidamenam nisedhati pade pade || rbid, p. 91 s 1.621. Really speaking in the Advaita, Brahman is qualityless, and hence the question of either negating the difference or accepting it does not arise. But, here the contention of Vadiraja, is to tackle and show the futility of the application of the view of non-difference (identity) of the Advaita.. iti manyamahe tasmaddharma dharmyatmakah prabhoh | Yuktimallika, Gunasaurabha, p.91, §1.622. I

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1 515 289. evam avayavavayavinoh gunaguninoh kriyakriyavato- rapi bhedabhedo'nusamdhayah | Kevalanand asarasvati .Mimamsakosa, VI.p.3072. 289.A.The term Mithyatva is understood differently by different followers: See: kalasambandhitvam | yatha sasavisanakurmaromavandhya- putradinam mithyatvam | tucchatvam iti madhvah prahuh | nirupakhyatvam nissvarupatvam iti baudhda prahuh | 2 bathajnananivattvam | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p.653. - mithyatvam ca svasrayatvenabhimatayavannisthatyanta- bhavapratiyogitvam | taduktam * sarvesamapibhavanam svasrayatvena sammate, | pratiyogitvamatyamtabhavam prati mrsatmata || iti • Sastri S.Suddhisaurabha'The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 01971,p.58. See also: Citsukha defines falsity as the non-existence of a thing in that which is considered to be its cause. Dasagupta $1. 'A History of Indian Philosophy' Vol.II,p.152. 290. yadi vakyomditadvaitadeva tadgunamocanam | tadanyonyasrayi doso vakyamarthantarenayet | Y.M.G.S,p.92 b.S1.627. 291. satyanityagunatyagah sarvatha nopapadyate | Ibid, $1.628. 292 na cecchranyoktibalatah satyam braddamaiva samtyaja | Ibid, $1.629. 11

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1 516 293. According to the Advaita, Satta or existential reality is of three kinds. Pratibhasika, Vyavaharika and Paramarthika. The appearance of silver in the conch-shell is Pratibhasikasatya since the very next movement, silver would not be there. And that which appears for a longer time and is treated as Satya is called Vyavaharikasatya. So the world is treated as Vyavaharikasatya. Lastly, the entity, subjected to our cognition, as constantly present without change, is Paramarthikasatya. Brahman is Paramarthikasatya. trividham sattvam, paramarthasattvam brahrmanah | arthakriya samarthyam sattvam mayopadhikamakasadeh | avidhopadhikam sattvam rajatadeh | Visnumurtibhat G. Sarvadarsanasamgraha of Sayana, Vol.2, p.328., { 294. atobhyarthyah sa pavartho yatravagdvamdvamanata || Y.M.G.S, p.92, §1.632. 295. svabhaviki jnanabala kriyacetyaha hi srutih | (fa:- Swte.Up.6.8). Y.M.G.S, p.92, §1.634. 1 296. See for details; Athalye & Bodas, Annambhatta, Bombay Sanskrit Series, No.LV,1963, Pp.17 & 157. 297. ekatradharmino nasonyatra dharmantaram kila | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.92, §1.635. 298. atastadrupasaundaryasauryadhairyaparakramah | svatantryava sitesatvapurvassarve guna dhruvah || Ibid, P.92,b, S 1.639.

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1 517° 299. 300. 301. sati dharmini dharmanam asatvam tu na kutracit | rbid .', S1.6 a 3. Ibid., prayasah sarvatra dharmanam dharmisattasamana sattakatva striyamadarsanat brahmadharmanamapi brahmasattasamanasattakatvam syat | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, G.S, p. 93. atassatyatmadharmasca satyatyurnatra samsayah | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.93, §1.645, atassvabhavika dharmanam dharmyanase'nasadarsanat | atassvabhavika dharmah nasyeran dharminah ksaye || Ibid, S 1.649. 302. srutau smrtau ca kirtyante dharmah svabhavikah hareh | satya nitya svabhavasca ye dharmasti na mayikah || Ibid, p.94 b $1.650 303, mayavadi vedantinastu mithyabuddhihetubhutamajnanam maya | taccajnanam isvoropadhi | Q.Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, 'Nyayakosa'. anirvacaniyatva tattvabhasapratibandhakatvadilaksanajatasya mayavidhayoh samanatvat | Maya means Ajnana. According to the Advaita, Ajnana appears in two garbs; Maya and Avidya. Maya applies to Brahman and Avidya to Jiva. (in essence both are same) And this Ajnana (Maya) is not real, not unreal but it is inexplicable. It veils or covers the nature of Brahman, for which It is supposed to be qualified as creator etc. But in reality it is unqualified. The Advaitin holds that attributes of Brahman are Mayika,i.e, products of Maya. When the true knowledge gained by studying Sastras, Maya (Ajhiana ) gets removed, then reali zing identity, Brahman would be known as attributeless. See for further details: Sharma C.D, 'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Pp.273 to 279. 1

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304 : nanatu vidya cavidya ca | ksaram tvavidya ddayamrtam tu vidya | (Cha.Up.I-i-10) Svetasvatara Upanisad1. 305, satyatvacca svabhavatvannityatvat braddamavat sada | amayika brahmarma iti syadanumapi nah | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.94 b, $1.652. 306. jadesvasambhavitassyuh mayopadhya hi tah katham | Ibid, S1.654. 307. na yasyamayagunacittavrttibhih niricitoyanvapi drstirijyate | Bhagavata..`V-xvii-19. 1 308. svabhavika bhaveyurhi tadabhavah kada vada | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.94, §1.656. f 518 1 309. evam ca pratibimbabhuvajivagunanam kathamcidopadhikatva praptavapi bimbabhutabraddamagunanam svabhavikatvameva nyayyam | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika,G.S, p.94. kimcopadhirbimbameva pratibimbasyasobhate | Yuktimallika,G.S, p. 94, S1.657. 310. pratibimbasya sarvasya bimbam brahama tadvime | tacca satyamca nityamca nirgunam syatkadacana || Ibid, p.95 b, $1.660, 311 Giving an example of such kind, in this context, is not to prove the unreality and non-eternity of the world created by the Lord like the magic things created by a magician. But, the aim is to prove the 'Svabhavikatva' to the attributes of the Lord. ',

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i } 519 312. ato gunatyagavasarabhavat paroditam brahma nirgunam brahma 313. 1 anavasara stham anitam ca | svabhavika sarvajnadigunanisedhayogena nirgunapratyapi sattvadi gunanisedha mukhena sagunasyaiva pratipadaniyatvat pratipadakasrutisunyam cabhut | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M.G,S, p.96. 1 sarvasyadharata sarvavyapita kesavasya cet | anyababaddama kimartham te vyathetvadapi tadgatam || Yuktimallika,G.S, p. 96, s 1.676. 314. Cha.Up.VI-ii-l. 315. sarvavyapitvadvisnuh visalavyaptavitidhatoh | | Kalakoti_K,G., 'Vishnusahasranamabhasyam bf Sri Satya sandhatirtha', R.Nagarajarao, Tiruchirapalli,1972, p.2. 316 atah sagunasya nirgunatayogat anyat sagunat nirgunam sarvadharmasunyarupam vacyam | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, GS, p. 97. atonyanirgunam vacyam tada brahmadvita na kim | Yuktimallika,G,S., p. 97 b 51.680. 317. visnoranyatparambrahma kovidvan vaktumarhati | Ibid, p.97, Sb.681 { 318. nasti narayanasamam na bhutam na bhavisyati | etena satyavakyena sarvarthan sadhayamyaham || Q.Yuktimallika,G.S, p.97, $1.682. narayanatamam na bhutam nasti na bhavisyatityanena tasyaiva parabrahmatvam tatotiriktabrahamabhavasca siyati | Bhavavilasini, Com.on.Yuktimallika,G.S, p.97, 319. tasmadabharatavakyamnam laksamaikarthyasiddhaye | visnoratyuttamatvakhyamarthamaheti siddhayati || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.98 b, Sl.692. ,

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1 } P- 520 320. atra devasresthayorbrahmarudratho visnvadhinatvasravanat sida visnoreva sarvottamata | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,G.S.p. 98. 321. madhyanantagune'nante gunato'nantavigrahe | Bhagavata VI-4-48. iti bhagavatekrsno nitsamkhya svagunanapi | 322. 1 1 desatah kalatascaiva 'gunato piyanantata | atastvannirgunabrahma kasminde kada bhavet sarvebhyo desakalebhyah prayastattu bahiskrtam | Yuktimallika,G.S, PP. 100 b, 100 S 1 okas 713 to 716, The reference of Nirguna occurs here is from the svetasvatara Upanisad ( VI- 11 ) . The passage runs : , " eko devah sarvabhutesu gudhah | sarvavyapi sarvabhutantaratma | karmadhyaksah sarvabhutadhivasah | f saksiceta kevalo nirgunasca | 1 Bhagavata R.R, The Svetasvatara Upanisad • Tukarama Jivaji, Bombay 1900, p.44, Ch.VI-11. 323. drsyate ca tadamanameyata jnana drsyata ! : iti dharmadvayam praptam tatpadena ca vacyata || laksyata va yato vamsyam tena prapta padarthata || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.100, Slokas 718-719. { } 324. brahmasabdena capyukta gunabrmhitataiva hi | atastapadayosca syatparasparaviruddhata || Ibid, P. 10 lbst 723. { t 3

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521 325 sattvam paramarthika vyavaharikam pratibhasikam ca | paramarthika sattvam trikalabadhyatvam | vyavaharika sattvam brahmajnanatiriktabadhyam | pratibhasika sattvam brahmajnanatirikta badhyatvam | tatha ca vedanta sidhdante kevalam brahmana eva trikala- badhyatatha tasya paramarthika sattvam | ghatapatadeh brahmajnanodayam vina abadhitatvena tatra vyavaharikam sattvam | suktirupyadeh brahmajnanatiriktena aropa- dhisthanacaitanyavacchedi bhutasaktya dijnanena badhat pratibhasika satvam | Joshi, Srimadanandajha, Bhagavati com.on. Vedantaparibhasa of Sri Dharmarajadvarindra, Akhila Bharata Sanskrit Prasad, Lucknow, Vikram Saka 2021, p.142. 326. bodhyam cennirgunatvam syannirgunatvam na siddhayati | na bodhyam nirgunatvam cennirgunatvam na sidhyati || Yuktimallika G.S, p.102 b, $1.733, 326 A: Supra. 327. esa niskantakah pantha yatra sampujyate harih | Y.M,G,S., p.102 b, $1.735. 328. kupatham tam vijaniyadrso vindarahitagamam | Ibid, $1.735. 329. harerbhinnatvapujyatvasvamitvapratipadika | niskantaka madhvasuddhapaddhatiscaiti sidhyati || Ibid. p.102 $1.738. 330. pamcalaksanatmakah sastravisesah | .... yatha vedavyasakrtanyastadasa puranani | tathoktam - samrgascapratisargasca vamso manvantarani ca | vamsanucaritam caiva puranam pamcalaksanam | Q.Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p.503. 1

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331. Cf : puranani ca sattvikastarajasatamasabhedena vibhaktani padmapurane | - agneh sivasya mahatmyam tamasesu cam kathyate | brahmanastatpuranasya mahatmyam rajatesu ca | sattvikesvadhikam tattadvisnormahatmyamuttamam || Ibid. 332. sevam braddamam vaisnavam ca puranamakhilam yatah 1 atastebhyah puranebhyo yadubahisnuterapi | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.102, $1.740. puranatyorekarthyaniyamat | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M.G.S, p.102. 333 itihasah * dharmarthikamamoksanamupadesasamanvitam | purvavrttakatha yuktamitihasam pracaksate || Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p.140. 334 itihasapuranabhyam vedam samupabrmhayet | bibhetyalpasrutadvedi mamayam pracalisyati || yah srutairyojana tasmat visnuvaddamanuterbalat | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.103 b, 745 & 746. tasmat sattvikapurananusarena bharatanusarena srutairyojaniyatvat | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M, G,S,p.103. 335. satyamjnanamanantamanandam brahma | Sarvopani satsara-3. 336 yasmattvaduktavakyarthastvayaiva tyajito khilah | tasmadaikyam naiva siddhennirgunatvadikam ca te || } 1 Yuktimallika,G.S, p.103, $1.753. I 522

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1 523 337. sarvathardraparityagat samkocam kauna manayet | ato nirgunavagvatre himrim trigunavarjitam || 338. Ibid. p.104 b, $1.755. vimato paramo muktah paramatma ghatadivat | Y.M,G.S, p.104 b, $1.756. atra paramomuktah paramatmeti paksah, bhavadharmanam dharmi 8 sagunah iti sadhyam, muktatvaditi hetuh, ghatatvaditi drstantah | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M, G.S, p.104 b. 339. avyahatamatirmukte bandhabhavam na ko vadet | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.104 b, §1.758. 339 A. sambhavati brahmanah sarvavisesapratisedhenaiva 1 vijijnapayisitatvanna sattannasaducyata iti | Sankara, ara, Gitabhasya, XIII.12 p.181. ' វ t We follow the Upanisads in which'BRAHMAN' is always described negatively. 340 muktatvam nasti cetarhi baddhatvenaiva dharmavan | 1 baddhapurusavatsyadvi vyahatistu tvadhika || Ibid. Sl.759. 1 vyahatirityatra muktaityamgikrtya punarmuktatvabhavamgikarat eka muktasya baddhatvamgikarat apara ceti vyahatidvayam drstavyam | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M, G.S, p.104 b. 340 A. braavidhatmika hi bijasaktih avyaktasabda- nirdesaya paramesvarasraya mayamayi mahasuptih Sutra Bhasya (Sankara) I-iv-3. Sastra, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya Vol. p. 304. ↑ "

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524 341. bandhobandhadhvamsarupamuktatvam ca na yatpare | nityamukta napi ghamte tatah ka me ksatirvada | Yuktimallika,G.S, p. 104, $1.761. In the previous verse, 'Baddhatva' and'Muktatva' are } referred to not with the intention to ascribe the same to 'Nirguna-Brahman'. But by means of that author wants to prove 'Nityamuktatva'. (the state of eternally ´ ነ liberated). > So the Nityamuktatva of the Lord is proved by discarding the Baddhatva and Muktatva (attainable). Even if with wrong notion, Baddhatva is taken, the Baddha-jiva (Brahman) becomes Saguna. This argument is just to prove Sagunatva of the Lord, in case of those who do not accept Sagunatva of the Lord on account of being Nityamukta So the aim of the author is to prove * Sagunatva' of Brahman and not Baddhatva in Brahman. 342. sarvamsa hi upanisatsu "neti neti " "asthulamanana ityadi visesapratisedhenaiva nirdisyate | na idam tat " iti | vaco gocaratvat | Sankara, Gitabhasya (Gita-Bhasya) (Sankara) XIII-12.p.181. 343 abhavadharatvato va bhavadharmi kapalavat | yu samastadharmabhavepi yabhavadharata dhrta || Yuktimallika,G.s, p.104, $1.762. paramatma sagunah abhavasrayatvat kapalavat || 344. muktatvam bhavadharmo yattatsattve dharmavan kim | Ibid, p.105 b, §1.765.. 1 345. According to the Advaitins, Brahman alone is real and 1 all else is unreal. Therefore, even this *Vyavaharikasatyatva becomes unreal. They define 'Mithyatva'as $ 1

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525 " nasti nasinna bhavisyati ityakarakajnanavisayatvam mithyatvam | Mithyatva is the cognition of negation in the present the past and the future, That which did not exist, in the past, does not exist in the present and will not exist in the future. So Vyavaharikasatyatva means not real factually during all these times but appearing to be real for a longer period in the present only. 346 muktatvavyahatiscasyadyavaharika samgame | muktaditsyamuktata dirnetivyahatergrham || Yuktimallika,p.105, $1.770. 347 viprassthapitanaiva gomantyadgaurnakacana | dhani naiva dhanam ceti ko nunmatto vamdedada || Ibid., p.106 b, §1.772. 347 A. laksana 1 Q mukhyarthabadhe tadyoge rudhitoprayojanata | " anyo rtho laksyate yatsa laksanaropita kriya || Pathaka & Rama, 'Kavyaprakasa of Mammata' Ganganathajha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapitham, Prayag, 1976. p.29. 348. sukharupa mitiyam vaksukharupatvavadini | tadayogadupamapyaha na sa hi svagrahanuma || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.106, §1.779. 349. According to the logicians, Mukti is a state of absence of Duhkha and not Sukharupa. ato muktiramuktissyadiyam tarkika muktivat | muktatvahetorucchittih sadhyabhave tato dhruva || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.107 b, $1.782. i

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526 350. samastavisesagunocchede samharavasthayamakasa- vadatmano tyantavasthanam moksaiti | preksavatam pravrttih | ....| na ca sukharthaiva Com :- sukhaduhkhavinabhavat yadi moksavastha- yam sukham syat tarhi duhkham syat .... | duhkham kevalam parityajya sukhasyaiva bhoktuma- sakyatvadityarthah | Subrahmanya Sastri S. & Subrahmanya Sastri V., 'Nyayasarah of Bhasarvajna G.O.M.L.Madras, 1961. Pp.II-155, III-72. yotra abhinispadyate ityuktah sa sarvabandhavinirmuktah muddhenaiva atmana avatisthate | } Brahmasutrabhasya (Sankara) IV-iv-2. sasta Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.2, p. 1056. 351 uktaritya bahirbhutamanatimabhavadadhvam | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.107 b, Sl.783. 352. atasrutipuranastha nirgunakhya hariprabhum | nirguna brahama madaddasi samgyevasinna matpriyam || svasvamini gunanhitva jagasa prakrtangunan | Ibid, Pp.108 b, & 108. Slokas 788,790. 353. nairgunyenaiva gunita nairgunyam ca na cennaau | sagunatvam sthirikrtya visuddharthatvakaraki || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.108, S 1.791, 353 A, "nehananasti kimcana .. Katha.Up.II-11) • atmaiva nanyadastiti | apte ca nanatvapratyupasthapikaya avidyaya nivrttatvat iha brahamani nana nasti kimcana anumatramapi | sankare, KathopaniSadbhasyam (Sri Sankaragranthavalih) Nyayakosa, p.507. I 1 L

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M 354. nirgunasrutirapi yuktipriya imameva yuktim anusamdhaya sakalasrutipramanyaraksayai traigunyavarjitamidamityadi smrtisamakhyaya durgunaneva nisedhati | Bhavavilasini Y.M, G.S, p.109. 355. vacyatvenaiva gunita vacyatve nirguno ktitah | nobhayam cedasabdatvadharmena syadvi dharmita || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.110 b, $1.801. 355 A. prthaktvam asahityam | yatha idamammatprthak ityadau | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyavakosa, p. 507. na bhusa nirgunatvam cainnirgunatvanuttirgata | tenaiva sagunatvapte rbhavamatranisedhane || anyonyabhavabhedasya pattbandhobhavisyati || Ibid, p.110,51.806. 356: anyonyabhavatiriktam prthaktvam tattvavadina | "nisedum sakyate jive vibhagakhyabhida tatha || Ibid. p.111, S 1.810. 357, viseso nasti bhavaste bhedo bhavogatirdhava | Yuktimallika,G,S, p.112 b, s 1,814. 358. sarvajnadigunanisedhartham mukhyavrtyapravrttya nirgunoktya sarvajnadigunatisedhakale eva na sabdatvadikam nisedusakyam || " Bhavavilasini com.oh.Y.M.G.S, p.113 b. 358 A. upajivyatvam - See; Jhalakikar, Bhimacarya, Nvavakosa, p. 159. 527

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E t 528 359, tatopi nigunatvam na svopajivyasyabadhakam | tasmacchabdatva bodhyatvadharmitvadigunanuga || Yuktimallika,G.S, 113, Sl.823 & 824 360, mukhyavrttiाca gunini tattatsattamapeksate | yada yatra ghatastatra tada kim tannisedhanam || Ibid, p.114,b, Slokas, 829, & 830. 361. atopi ta srutissarva hyupajivyaiva me bhavet | bibhemi tadvirodhaya trigunastu jadatmakah || jivesu pramita bhrantya prapta bahumani nirmale | niravatisthene nisedhya ityagadbahih || Ibid, Slokas 831 & 832: 362 ´ abhave gauravam prahuh bhaveca laghutam budhah | Yuktimallika,G.S,p.114, S 1.834. | 636. bodhyartha iva bodhakasrutirapyabadhyaiva bhavet | ...| atobhavopi avasesaniya ityarthah | Bhavavilasini com.on. Y. M.G.S, p. 114 & 115 b, 364 satopi dosato dosasvasatve kim na dustata | i Y:M.,G.S,p.115 & S1.842. 365. vyavaharikasattvena bodhakam yadi bodhakam | vyavaharika sattvena na bodhyasyapyattu bodhyata || Ibid, S1.844. 366. evam ca yadi baudhyasya tatvatayam bharo mama | bodhakasyapi tadbhave bharovasyamapeksitah || Ibid, s 1.846. 367 traigunye varjite visnau gunatrayamadusayat | dharmanirmulanam dharma na maine iti me matih || Ibid, p.116 b, slokas 848 & 850. 4

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J 529 368. - It is surprising to note that unlike Sankara, Madhva has not written commentary on 'Svetasvataropanisad. But, the reference of this Upanisad is seen widely and oftenly in his works and in the works of his followers. But, during last century, a renowned scholar by name Satari Narayanacarya, has written commentary. This commenatry is unique, simple, lucid and at the same time deep. The exposition given, is in the light of Dvaita system. I Com.on Nirgunasruti: - ekah pradhana gudho guptataya sthitah sarvabhutantaryami karmanam prerakah saksat drsta ceta jnata jadamisratvarupah sattvadigunasunyo na tusarvatha gunanyah saksitvadeh | i 11. Saavnur Govinda, Svetasvataropanisad, Satari Narayanacarya, with com.of Dharwad, Saka, 1855, p. 59. 368 A. "ekamevadvitiyam | " (Chandogya Upanisad VI- 11 - 1) sebha . ( Sam. tha ) HT. ... ekameveti | svakaryapatitamanyannastiti ekamevetyucyate | ....| tasmat asatah sarvabhavarupat sat vidyamanam samutyannam | Sankara: Chhandogyopanisadbhasya' ( Sankaragranthavalih), Srivanivilasa Press, Srirangam, Vol.5, Pp 286,288. . tattvamasi " ( Gha. Up. VI- viii-7) (Chha.Up.VI-viii-7) * sam yah sadakhyah esah uktah anima - anubhavah jagato mulam aitadatmyam etatsadatma yasya sarvasya tat 1 etadatma tasyabhavah aitadatmyam " | yena ca atmana atmavat sarvamidam jagat, tadeva sadakhyam karanam . satyam paramarthasat | Sankara, ghandogyopani sadbhasya (Sankaragranthavalih ) Srivanivilasa Press, Srirangam, Vol.5, p.322. 1 i i hai t

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369. api caikatvadharmasya sattve bhavagunosti te | tadabhave gatasastramaikyamekatvameva yat || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.ll 6 b, Sl.851. 370 vidvaprayogabahulyacchadasyarthi bhidhiyate | padalabhyatvato naiva yadvatadva nigadhate || } nahi pamkajasabdena lokonumiyate | kim va suvarnasabdena va hih kenapi kathyate || asabdete prayogona prayogabahuta kutah || Ibid, P. 116 & 117 b, Slokas 854, 855, 856, 371. eko devah sarvabhutesu gudha iti srutya devatvadiguna- 1 visiste haraveva nirgunapadasravanat | haristu nirgunassaksaditi- smrtau spastam - haraveva nirgunapadaprayogacca | Bhavavilasini com.on. Y.M, GS, p. 117 b, 372. tattatpadarthasamarthyanupamardena sabdatah | artho bodhyona sabdasya sattvadarthopamardanam | guri gurupadam hisyadupadesa dikairgunaih | bharenatu silayam syatkalpanayam bahutvatah | Yuktimallika, G.S,P, 117 b, slokas 858& 859. evam hari prayuktam nirgunapadamapi samkocamasritya tasyayogyagunatrayameva nisedhati | na tu tadgatasarvajnadi gunamapi upamardayatiti bhavah | Bhavavilasini, Com.on.Yuktimallika,G.S, 117. 373. susobhanagunaih purne prayuktam tatpadam haraum | asobhanagunaneva nisedhati na sobhanan || Y.M, G.S, p. 117, s 1.862. 374. haristu nirgunatsaksat purusah prakrte parah | sa sarvadrgupadrsta tam bhajannirgunobhavet | Bhagavata X-88-5. ' 6 f 530

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1 iti bhagavate prokto harirevahi nirgunah | sama॑stagunasampurnah srutyasmrtya samarthaya || kevalo nirgunaceti vyapi devassa kathyate | atastrigunasanyatvadgunasarvasvabrmhitah | sa eva nirgunam brahma suddham brahama sa eva nah || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.118 b, Slokas, 867 to 869. 375. sadyah suddhakari nrnam sosuddhah kila durdhiyam | Yuktimallika, G.S, p.118, B 1.870. apastaidhryavanaijanyastrimlokanayopunan ityadi bhagavatoktavakyantararthasamgrahah | Bhavavilasini Com.on.Yuktimallika G.S, p.118. 376. moksasya nirgunatvam traigunyotitaiva hi | luptyai " samastabhagyanam konunmatah pravartate || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.1.18, Slokas, 871 & 872. 377. ato nirgunasabdoyam harau trigunavarjanat | muktopi tena tacchabdo • • • || Ibid, p.119 b, $1.875. 378. kim caprakrtapumsotya cinmatrakarata dhuva | sa ca sarvajnadi dharma sarvadharmacyutih kada || Ibid, p.119, si.880. 1 379. Savanur Govind, 'Svetasvataropanisad' with com.of. Satari Narayanacarya, p.55, Ch. VI, Sl.2. i 380 yah sarvavit yena ca nityam sarvada ... | 8 tenavrtam nityamidam hi visvam jnah kalakalo guni sarvavidyah | ... Ibid. 381 sa sarvadrgiti prokto vakyasminneva sadgunah | ekah saksi deva iti srutivakyepi sadgunah || atastvadarthakathane svavirudaiva vagbhavet || Y.M, G.S, p.119, §1.881. 1 531

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f t 532 381 A, anuvadah - } praptasyanu pascatkathanam saprayojanamanuvada iti samanya laksanam | gau .vr . 2.1.658. Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p. 33. 382. kim ca brahmasutranusarenaiva srutirvyakhyeya, na svecchanusarena, sutram ca bhagavadgunaneva amgikaroti na pratisedhati | atah srutirapi tathaiva vyakhyeya || Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, G.S, p. 120. vyasapasrotagunambhodhi naikatyagam ca manyate | sarvadharmopapattescetyaha yatsvayamamjasa || Yuktimallika, G.S, p.121 b, S 1.891. 383 nago vibhajyayogetu sritam tattannisedhanam | samastanavibhagasyayogadartha nisedhanam || 384. Yuktimallika,G.S, p.121 b, Sl.893. aryam nirguna iti samanyato gunanisedhe gunatvakantatvadekatvadi- gunanam nisedhassyadityarthatsiddha mityarthah || Bhavavilasini com'.ont Yuktimallika, G. S, p. 121, b. Supra. 385. aduvadaka limgamca yattadityadikam na hi | bhinnavakyataya yatra nisedhastatrataduvam || ekavakye nisedhe tu nalimga itaratra tat || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.121 S 1.898. 386. nirgunatve sthire tena mananam tya damanata | tatsattve caviruddham te nirgunatvam sthiram bhavet || Ibid, $1.900. 386 A yah sarvajnah sarvavit | Munduka Upanisad I-1-9. i f

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t 387. srutipraptasya ca srutya nisedha manata hata | etadabhave savakase nirgunatyagame tava || visvasassyatkatham nrnam Ibid, p.122 b, $1.904. 388. atonuvadamatrena narthasya syadvi dusanam | bahupramanavadadadaryameva bhavisyati || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.122, $1.906. 389. evam harerhisarvajnam sa srautam na nisedhati || Ibid, p.123 b, $1.909. 390. ittham srautagunebhyo yacchrutya eva prayojanam | atastesamabhavam sa svabhavam manute sati || Ibid, p.123, S1.913. 390 A. esanityo mahima brahmanasya | Brih.Up.IV-iv-23. 390 B. Q.Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika,G.S, p.123. 391 sarvadharmesasarvajnah sarvasyesana ityapi | srutayassmrtayo gayangunanityadayo na kim || mayyanantagune'nante gunato nantavigrahe | janmakarmabhidhanani santi mamgasahasrasah | na sakyante nasamkhyatumanantatvanmayapi hi || Ibid, p.124, Slokas, 924 & 925.. 392. kimcanirguna ityeva padacchede lasatpadam | vakyamsyannamgaviccheda stasyetyati samamjasam || srutissvokta gunasyemne nairgunyam pratisedhati | iti samgatirapyasti vakyasyapyekavakyata | Ibid, Slokas, 927.& 929. 533

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| t 393. Supra Footnote 364 A. 534 394. kimca nirgunatavakte gunamatranisedhane | jnananandadyabhitagunanam syannisedhika || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.124. §1.930. 394 A. Katha.Up. II-11. 395. yababhinnam sukham jnanam gunassarvepyabhedinah | santu neheti vakyasya bhayadugarbhagata hareh | Ibid.p.125 b s1.931. nehananeti vakyabalat jnananandadivat sarvajnadinamapyabhedasamyaditi bhavah | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M.G.S, p.125 b. 396. The qualities such as form etc, of a pot are identical with that pot. But when a wet pot is heated then the colour gets changed. So as long as Dharmas are there with a Dharmin, there is Abheda in between them. When some Dharmas get changed, then with these Dharmas there may be 'Bheda t So in such cases Bheda and Abheda are admitted, 396 A. Infra. See; fn 420 397. na sakyante nasamkhyatumanantatvanmayapihi | itiranyagunadinamanantyam svagunadisu || gunaditvam ca kim tattvamutsitaksati sa prabhuh || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.125.81.937. 398. nopacara ditassidva statsarvam ca sarvada | atmasaktivisesena sarvatha nirvahetparam || Ibid.S1.940. sa eva bhedabhavakhyasthalaibhedakaryanirvahaka ityuktam bhavati | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, G.S, p.126 b.

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1 398 A. atmani caivam vicitrasca hi | ( II-1-29) madhvabhasyam paramatmano vicitrasca saktayah santi | nanyesam | anuvyakhyanam - 535 apyaneka svarupesu visesadeva kevalam | tasya tvasesaktitvadam yujyate sarvamevahi || Madhva. Brahmasutrabhasya & Anuvyakhyana ( Sarvamul agranthab p.68. 398 A. upadhistu karyanvayi vyavartako vartamanasca | ... Joshi 'Vedantapari bhasa of Sri dharmaraj adhvarIndra.p. 71. upadhikrtam mithyarupam Sankara. Gitabhasya (XIII-13.7 p.183) 399. ya ijhi asya jagato nityameva (Svet. Up. VI- 17 ) •.. kavirmanisi paribhah svayambhuryayanayyato rthan vyadhudacchasvatibhyah samabhyah | (Isa. Up-I-i) bhasyam - sa satyam jagadetadri nitya meva pravahatah | anathanantakalesu pravahaikaprakarakam | niyamenaiva sasrje bhagavan purusottamah || Madhva.Isavasyopanisadbhasya. (Sarvamulagrantha) p.511. 400. mithyopadhika sarvajnamithyatvannaikateti cet | 401. satyavisvasya samarthyaditi tasyottaram vadet || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.126 b, Sl.943. satyatve yadi samdeho mithyatve kasya niscayah | kalahenavirudvesmin tatsatyatve na badhakam || Ibid, p.126, §1.944. 1 j 1 1

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401 A, ghatopadhikavrttesca manorupatvamisyate | ghatastu na manorupo bayosavamtaram manah || Ibid.S 1.945. ghatopadhikavrtteh ghatavisayaka manasajnanasya | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, GS, p. 126. 402. atassarvanikatayam sarvasyaikyam ca nocyate | mithyarajatadrstesca saksinah satyata tava || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.126, §1.946. 403 mithyabhutarthasambandhanmithyajnanam yadisyate | satyesajnanasambandhadarthatsatyah katham na te || Ibid, $1.947. 1 404. nirdosasvara viyogatsatyata lokasammata || Ibid, S1.949 405. kimca nanapadarthanam bhamopi brahamacitrava | mithyajnanarupam te brahama kim nabhavattava || satyartha jnanarupisau katham mithya mama prabhuh || Ibid, P.127 b & 127., Slokas,953 & 954. 406. ato bhagavato dharmah sarve sarvesvaratmakah | tacchaktya dharmadharmitvam ekata nekatadi ca || Tbid, p.127, s 1.956. 407. abhinnagunasatyatvadhivyabaddamasukhadivat || Ibid, p.128 b, s1.960. 407 A. Brih.Up.III-ix-28', 407 B. Tait.Up.II-iv-l. } 536

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537 I 408. gunata gunita ca syatsukhatasukhita yatha | anandam brahmano vidvan ityapyaha srutissphutam || Ibid, Sl.963. 409. asya sukhasya brahmanaca sukhata sukhita yatha tatha asya brahmanah tatsarvajnadesca gunata gunita ca syaditi yojana | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, G.S, p.128 b & 128. ato gunatmaka ete gunanaya yatha srutam | 4 prabhosasaktivisesana sarva tadvi samamjasam || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.128, Slokas, 965 & 966. f 409 A . tattvamasya diva kya namakhandarthabodhakatvam | .....| * evam satyam jnanamanantam brahma * ityapyavantaravakyesvapyandarthatvam jneyam | + hai * Sacchidanandendrasarasvati ('Vedantaprakriyapratyabhijna' Adhyatmaprakasana Karyalaya, Holenarasipura, 1964, Vol.I. p.648. 1 { F I 409 B. Tait.Up.II-ii-l. t } satyam jnanamanantam brahma | (Tait, Up II-11=1) samkarabhasyam ' - } f tat tasminnava brahmanavakyokte artha esa rk abhyukta, amnata | "satyam jnanamanantam braddama " iti brahmanah laksanartham vakyam | satyadini hi trini visesanarthani padani visesyasya brahmanah | 1 tatra ' anantasabdo'ntavattvapratisedhadvarena 'visesanam | satyajnanasabdi tu svarthasamarpanenaiva visesane bhavatah | sarva visesapratyastamitasvarupatvad brahmanah | brahyasattasamanyavisayena satyasabdena laksyate " satyam - braddama " iti | na tu satyasabdavacyameva braddama | evam satyadisabdah itaretarasannidhau anyonyaniyamyaniyamakah santah satyadisabdavacyamt tannivartakah brahmano laksanarthisca bhavanti ityatah siddham "yatovaci nivartante | "aprapya manasa saha " "anirukte nilayane " iti ca avacyatvam nilotpalavat avakyarthatvam ca brahmanah | Saccidanandendrasarasvati Waittiriyopani sad' with Sahk arabhasya, Adhyatma Prakas Karyalaya, Holenarasipura, 1973, p.120, 121, 130, 135. A t

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410. 1 atah kascandra ityesa prasnah prasnavidam mate | kim laksanaka ityeva svarthamarthanuro bhavet || candratvavanka ityaiva vakyasyartho yatah sphutam || Yuktimallika',G.S, p.129, Slokas 978 & 974 411. satyajnanadivakyam tadvisistabraddamatatparam | 412. 413. laksanapadhanavakyatvat Ibid, p. 130 b, S1.977. svarupamatrajnanasya padenaikenasambhavat | vyartha padantaram casyajjnatasya jnapanena kim || Tbiid, $1.978. Supra. In 347 A 414. kim ca mukhyartha bodhe hi laksana te na satyata | jnanatanantata caiva bhavedbraddamani bodhita || Yuktimallika,G,S,p.130, $1.983. 414 A. satyatvarahitam brahma mithyaivasyadvatadivat | sadrupamapi tannasyattadvattenaiva hetuna || Ibid, $1.984. 415 atassatyatvarahitam mithyaivasyannasamsayah | siraso mundane tasmacchkhiाmundanamapyabhut || Yuktimallika,G,S, p.130, S1.986. sattvabhave tvadabhilasitasadrupatvamapigatamitibhavah | Bhavavilasini Com.on. Yuktimallika, G.S, p.130. 416. Supra. fn 368 A 417. bhedasca srutimukhyarthassusthirobhuditi sthitam || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.131 b. S 1.989. 1 i 538

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} 539 418. sattvadimundane kim na laksyatva caissakhandata | Ibid, p.131.s1.993. 419. akhandatvadyabhavetu seva yaddhi sakhandata | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.131, §1.994. 420. Sharma B.N.K., 'Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya, p.45. 420 A. See : bhedahinetvaparyayasabdantara niyamakah 1 viseso nama kathitah so sti vastusvasesatah || Madhva.Anuvyakhyana (Sarvamulagrantha) (AV) 0.9. 420 B. Cf: This Visesa steps to explain the relation of identity-in-difference between object and 'difference'. It is here that Madhva introduces his concept of Visesa to keep both Bheda and Dharmin intact and yet manages to account for their distinction of reference. Shanbhag D.N. * Some problems in Dvaita philosophy in their dialectical settings p.126. 421. virudhyo storyogassvamuladyatino bhavet | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.132 b, S1.996. na tu ghatakasaktereva, ghatakayorbadvatvamuktatvadirupa - yoritibhavah | Bhavavilasini Com.on. Y.M, G. S, p. 132 b. 422. anutvam ca mahatvam ca tathaiva ghatayecchrutam | Yuktimallika,G.S, p.132, §1.998. 423, bhadahinepi bhedasya karya yoghatayecchrutam | sa samarthyaviseso hi visesa iti giyate || Ibid, $1.1002. }

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' 540 424, paraprakasako dipom na kim svasyaprakara ka: | visesonyatranivahi svanirvahi katham na sah || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.133 b, $1,1003. 4248. svanirvahako viseso nama padarthasaktirabhisicyatam | (Vadavali, p.97 b) 424 B. Visesa renders possible both difference and identity, thus satisfactorily explaining the relation of identity-indifference between the object and its attributes (difference). Shanbhag D.N. 'Some problems in Dvaita Philosophy in their dialectical settings: p.127. 424 C. See; eka sya jnanarupasya hareruktivibhagatah | abhinno pi visesenaivanya ityudito harih || Madhva. Anuvyakhyana' (Sarvamul agranthah ) p. 15. 425. mulabhedepi krsnadya nanantakim na santi kim | yathanantasca santasca na bhinna mulasadgunah || $ Ibid, p.133. $1.1008. 426. gunatvasya gunitvasya tadabhedasya cesvare | pramanikasya ghatana saktyaiva syatsukhadivat || Yuktimallika,G.S, p.134 b. S 1.1010, 427. yathodakam durgevrstam parvatesu vidhavati | evam dharmanprthak pasyamstavanuvidhavati || iti srutiryatodharmana lyapratipadika | nisedhati prthambhavamatram sava visesavad || Ibid, Slokas 101-1 & 1012'. 428. na ca bhedapratinidherabhave dharmadharmibhavo dharmanamanekavacanam ca yuksa | Nym., p.564. Cf: It would be impossible to effect an 'identity' between the 'intrinsic and extrinsic forms or aspects' of a thing, without the help of 'visesas'. It is the only wayout. Sharma B.N.K. Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya, p.48.

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1 d i ' 541 429. yatra yavanto vyavaharastatra tavanto visesa iti jnatavyam | Jayatirtha.Nyayasudha, p.23. Cf : visesaste pyanantasca parasparavisesinah | svanirvahakatayuktah santi vastusvasesatah || Madhva.Anuvyakhyana (Sarvamulagranthah) p. 9. See for details: Madhva, Upadhikhandanam (Dasaprakaranani ) SMRSS 1969, pp. 365, 366, 367.. 430. mahatsugunataresu dosanvesanadhirmudha | } 431. anantagunahrdyapi niravadyo na kim harih || Vadiraja, Yuktimallika (Y.M) Suddhisaurabha (S.S) p.l.al,l. api samhrtyanikhilamapavadi kimacyutah | Ibid, s 1.2. 13 alpasya yo dosah sa mahato doso neti yavat | lokepyevam cet alaukiko cyutah na karmana lipyate papake netyadi sruteh kurakarmakaranepi papalepakhyacyutirahitah | Surottamatirtha, Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.l. Cf : acyuto yo gunairnityamevakhilaih pracyuto'sesadosaissada purtitah | ucyate sarvavedasvadairajah svarcito brahmarudrendra purvaissada || Madhva .Dvad asastotra ( Sarvamulagranthah) ABMMM, 1974, Vol.5, p.211. 432. yada patrasyavinasitvadikam tada kimuvacyam patrasayini hareritibhavah | Surottamatartha, Bhavavilasini, com,on, Y.M.S.s.p.2. 433, laye samtah pragabhavabhavat na hi harebhavah | Yuktimallika,S,S,, p.2 b, s 1.4, 5 }

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i i 542 434. nabhijanma vidhistasya krodhajjatastrilocanah | narayano mularupi jatah kasmadvicaryatam || Ibid, Sl.5. 435 purna pravrttiranyartha na vai purtyarthamanmanah | tatakitsiktatoyaih kim tatakasyaiva puranam || Ibid, p.2, S 1.7. 436. na hi purnasukhajnano duhkhabhantyavakasavan | Ibid, S 18. 437 pragjanmarjitaduskarma duhkhamuladhavam nrnam | → 438. 439. Ibid, p.3 b, 51.9. See: Bhagavadgita, (Bhagavadgita) III-23. srimadabhagavate proktam niravadyastatah prabhuh | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.4, S14. See: Bhagavata V-xiv-5,6. 440 setum drstva samudrasya brahmahatyam vyapohati | 441. Yuktimallika,S.S, p.5 b, Sl.15. See: Madhva.Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya, ABMMM,B'lore, Vol.2, p.86. 442. kuksau yasyakhila loka laksyante sma sisoh kila | } jananam maranam casya na yuktam yuktivinmate | Yuktimallika Suddhisaurabha p.5, $1.18. 443. See: Bhagavata x-iii-9. 444 tadevadevakigarbhajatasya kilavaksasi | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.6 b, Sl.20. |

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543 445. See: Bhagavadgita (Bhagavadgita) II-24. 446. chedovedhah katham prabhoh | 447. 448. Yuktimallika,S.S, p.6, §1.24. atojnajanamohaya natavaddarsayetparam | nato, natyakrte nari naryevajnasya kim drsa || Ibid, p.8 b, Slokas 35,36. evam srutismrtiyuktipratyaksakhyapramanatritayenapi bhagavatah nirdosatva sidvepi yattam dosinam manute sa nirdosamahapurusa- dusanakhyadosenandhatamasi pati | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S, p.9, tasmatsvamularupeca svavajtaresu ca prabhuh | avadhandhavidhurah iti sarva manoramam || Yuktimallika,S,s, p.lob, s 1.47, 449. Ajnana:Ajnana, in the Advaita, appears in two forms, Maya and Avidya. So, there is no difference when reference is made about the nature and content of Ajnana. These terms are therefore, used, sometimes, without the idea of difference in the sense. See : Maya also some times, used by Sankara, for Avidya and he does not seem to hold that there is any difference between them, though the later Advaitins did distinguish the one from the other. Mudgal S.G, Advaita of Sankara, Motilal Banarasidas Delhi, 1976, p.10. Some Advaitins draw a distinction between Maya and Avidya c • But this distinction is not valid. It cannot be conclusively proved that in the case of Maya there is nondelusion of the abode. Mahadevan, T.M.P., 'The Philosophy of Advaita; Ganesh & Co. (Madras) Private Ltd., Madras, 1957,p;229. 1

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t 1 5 1 544 See also: "From what has been said above it is evident that Maya (also called Avidya or Ajnana) is in itself an indefinable mysterious stuff, which has not merely a psychological existence, but also an autological existence as well." 1 1 Dasagupta, S. 'A History of Indian Philosophy', Vol.II,p.73. In the Advaita, this Ajnana or Avidya or Maya is explained as - ( 1 ) tametamavidhakhyam atmanatmanoritaretaradhyasam puraskrtya sarvepramanaprameyavyavahara laukika vaidikasca pravrttah | (11) avidyatmika hi bijasaktih avyaktasabdanirdesya paramesvarasraya mayamayi mahasuptih | (111) tametam evam laksanam adhyasam pandita avidhati manyante | Satsastri - Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.l, Pp.14,15,304. In the Advaita, it matters not much difference, as to what is Maya and what is Avidya, because it is false in both cases. There lies no much difference of opinion among modern scholars in respect of Maya and Avidya as shown above. Whereas some ancient scholars did hold slight difference. See; Muralidharapandeya Srisankaratpragadvaitavedantah'Varanasi, Samvat 2028, p.28 & 29. So far as the discussion of the nature of Ajnana is concerned, from Sankara, till today, all scholars have greatly excercised to explain it. Sankara explains it as the aspect of mutual superimposition of self and non-self. He also says that it is a root cause of power associated with Brahman. (See; above quations)

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$ 1 545 1 And moreover, it is Mithya, means neither real nor non-real. It is inexplicable. It is positive, beginningless, natural, and it is that which effects the activity and enjoyment etc., :- evamayam anadiranantah naisargike'dhyasah, mithyapratyayarupah kartrtva bhoktrtvapravartakah sarvaloka pratyaksah | Satsastri, Sankara : Adhyasabhasya, (Brahmasutrabhasya )p 18. See also: avyaktanamni paramesasakti ranathavidya trigunatmika para | karyanumeya sudhiyaiva maya yaya jagatsarvamidam prasuyate || 108. sannapyasannapyubhayatmika no bhinnapyabhinna pyubhayatmika ni | samgayanamga bhyatmika no mahadbhuta nirvacaniyarupa || Madhavananda, Sankara, Vivekachud amani Advaita Asrama, Mayavati 1926, pp. 44, 45. 1 } Sadananda defines:- ajnanam lu * - sadasadbhyamanirvacaniyam trigunatmakam jnanavirodhi bhavarupam yatkimciditi vadantyahamajna ityadyanubhavat "devatma- "saktim svagunainigudham ' ityadi srutesca | Nikhilananda, Vedantasara of Sadanandayogindra Advaita Ashrama Calcutta, 1968, p. 23. ajnanam tatroktam - anadi bhavarupam yadvijnanena viliyate | tadajnanamiti prajna laksanam sampracaksata iti mayavadivedantino vadanti | 8 sarvada . pr . 83.8 Jhalakikar Bimacarya, Nyayakosa p. 5, 1

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1 3 1 I 1 546 mayavadivedantinastu mithyabuddhihetubhuta- maya majnanam maya | sarva . sam . pra . 179. taccajnanamisvaropadhih | ....| Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p. 652, ajnanam ca na jnanabhavah kintu bhavarupam anadi anirvacyam avaranavisesa vyaparam | tacca sastrajanitatattvajnananivartyatvat ajnanam avidya ityadisabdaih ucyate | tadvividham maya avidya bhedadityeke | aparetu svasrayavyamohanavyamohanarupa vyapara- bhedat ekameva vastu avidya, maya ityucyate ityahuh | Q. Venkateshachar.B. 'Sri Srutitattvaprakasika of Vadiraja, Dr. B.V. Raghavendrarao, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, 1972, p.152, (Appendix) Mandana holds that Avidya is Maya false appearance and though not a characteristic of Brahman, is not different from it. It is neither existent nor non-existent. According to him it belongs to individual souls. See: Dasagupta, S. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol.2, p. 89. Suresvara opines that the Avidya is based upon pure intelligence and not an individual persons. See : Ibid, p. 101. For detailed information of ancient scholars about Ajnana, refer Dasagupta, S. A History of Indian Philosophy' Vol.2, Pp.105, 110, 113, 114, and 117. Even modern scholars, including Dasagupta and Radhakrishnan are not well satisfied with the conception of Ajnana of the Advaita. See; Dasagupta,S. 'A History of Indian Philosophy' Vol.2,p.ll, Radhakrishnan, 'Indian Philosophy, Vol,2, p.565.

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547 It may be the inexplicable and unthinkable and contradictory nature of the concept, that has made the scholars, both ancient and modern, to postulate different views and explain in different ways. The view as it being Mithya in nature and application, could be known with modern scholars like T.M.P.Mahadevan. See: Maya is the power of Brahman. It cannot be really different from Brahman-intelligence, since, if it were really different, the spiritual texts declaring non-difference would be contradicted. Nor can it be non-different from the absolute, since identity is not possible as between the intelligent and the inert. Nor can it be both different and non-different since contradictories like difference and non-difference cannot reside in one and the same thing. Similarly, Maya is not real, because of conflict with the spiritual declaration of non-difference. Nor is it unreal, because there would be no other primal cause of the world. It cannot be both real and unreal because of contradiction. Mahadevan T.M.P., 'The Philosophy of Advaita' Ganesh & Co., Madras) Private Ltd., Madras, 1957, p. $ The saint philosopher Satchidanandendrasaraswati goes to the extext of ridiculing the serious speculative discussion of the very concept: See; Therefore, it is futile to indulge seriously in speculative discussion about its cause, locus, object or number as many Post-Sahkara Advaitins have done; for all these catagories pertain to the magic phenomena invented by Avidya and can never be applied to avidya itself, which projects these phantoms. Satchidanandendrasaraswati, 'Essays on Vedanta; Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya, Holenarasipura, 1971,p.48.

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548 Thus, it is clear from the above discussion that, the very concept Ajnana admitted by the Advaitins, is not clear for understanding as to what it is and would be. Inspite of instant exercise of both; ancient and modern scholars, it has not been explained precisely and convincingly. The explanation of it is not agreeable to the reason and thought. And the conception Ajnana itself appears to be ambiguous. It is not explained properly and faithfully as it is Mithya. It is evident that the falsity notion of the concept has to the origin of different views and problems since Sankara till today. le 450. atmatvamatravisayasrayata balena | Sanksepasariraka, Vol.1, St.21. Q.Sarma, V.A., 'Citsuka's contribution to Advaita' Mysore Kavyalaya, publishers, 1974, p.69. See also: * Cfn. 12. In the later Advaita, the question also is raised about the locus (asraya) of Avidya. Is it the Jiva, the individual self, or Brahman, the universal self? The Bhamati school argues for Jiva and Vivarana school for Brahman. EQiot, Deutsch., 'Advaita Vedanta' Honululu, 1969, p.33. 451. idam rupyam rupyata trityevam va bhramavigrahah | • $ anyonyadharmanadhyasya canyonyatmakarta tatha || Yuktimallika,S,s, p.10 b, §1.48. East West Center Press, } Gf : anyonyasminnanyonyatmakatam anyonyadharmasciाdhyasya ༑ ...1 Satsastri, Sankara: 'BrahmasutraBhasya, 'Vol.1, p.12. najnanamahamityasti najnanatvam mayityapi | 482. bhramo brahmani te na syatkathamajnanakalpana || Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.10 b, sl.50.

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1 549 } 453 ajnohamiti tu jnanam siddhajnanasya vedanam | Tbzd., S 1.51. 454. Suptra.,fn.353 A. 455. najnanamanyadharmoyam brahmajnanaikavadinah | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.10.S 1.53. 456. ajnanaropatastatra tadyogasyapyamavavaku | ajnanaropamulaiva sa ca sarvatra durlabhah || Ibid.,p. Sl.55; uktaritya ajnanatadatmyaropasya ajnanatvarupatadvarma- ropasya ca kvapyadarsanat | tatasca ajnanatyanaro- pitatvat tatsamsargasyapi aropitatvapaksi na ghatate, ghatadi jade ajnanasamsargarahite tatsamsargapratito samsargaropa- ssyat | na caivam | atah samsargopyanaropitah | Bhavavilasini ,Com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S, p.llb. Ajnanaropa or Adhyasa is a peculiar concept in the Advaita system. Accordingly, only one entity, that is Brahman is eternally real. And It is Cidrupa. And remaining all is unreal. briddama satyam jaganmithya jivo brahmaiva naparah || 7 There is no difference between Brahman and Jiva. Brahman on account of the association of nescience, becomes Jiva. And this Ajnana is not an independent, real and different entity. It is superimposed and hence is considered to be associated with Brahman. And this superimposition is of two kinds. One is Tadatmyaropa, second one Dharmaropa. It is also called Dharmaropa in the sense of mistaking the association of attributes of one entity with another. Looking at conch-shell, if mistaken for silver then it is Tadatmyaropa. If the attributes, Rajatatva etc., are referred, then, it is Dharmaropa or Samisargaropa. : 4

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550 i Now to the self (Brahman), there is experience as 'Ajnanam Brahma' Here, non-difference is not at all seen. So it is not Tadatmyaropa. If it is argued that there is Aropa then, Ajnana and Brahman, both should be real, independent and different entities or Brahman should be the very nature of Ajnana. Both these views are not admitted by the Advaitins. Because, according to them, Brahman is not of the nature of Ajnana, and Ajnana is not an independent, different real entity. Further, Dharmaropa (Samsargaropa) is also impossible, since the Ajnatatva etc, the attributes of Ajnana, are not superimposed. For superimposition, Ajnana must be a different real entity somewhere, and then only, its attributes could be superimposed. But, as the very concept Ajnana is Mithya, its association in the form of superimposition, is impossible. Thus, the cognition of experience such as 'Ajnanam Brahma' or Ahamajnah) and Brahma Ajnanam etc, doesnot contain either of these superimpositions. So the superimposition } of Ajnana is untenable.. 457. tatraiva sannikrstasya sannikarse katham bhramah | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.ll, Sl.57. 458. atma apnoteh nityasuddhabuddhamuktasvabhavah • 3164: 1 Sankara, Aitareya Bhasya, I-1. 459. tenajnanantaram cajnanasyopodabalakam bhavet | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.ll, ≤1.59. 1 ajnana bahulyai ajnanasya sutaram prabhavasyaditi bhavah | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S.p.11 & 12 b. 460. anajnanavade ca tasyajnanam na kimcana | I Yuktimallika, Suddhisaurabha p.12 b, §1.61. 1

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f 1 3 1 2 551 461. dirsasya bhramakaranatvena karanasya ca purvabhavitvavasyambhavat | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Y.M.S.S, p.12 b. 462. bhramatpurvi hi dosatsyadadosajasca bhramo bhavet | Yuktimallika,s.s, p.12 b, s 1.62. 463 ajnanarupadosaprati ajnanabhramah ajnanabhame sati pratitika jnanarupadosasattvam ityanyonyasrayah | Bhavavilasini ,Com.on.Y.M, Suddhisaurabha p.12 b, s1.63. 464. mayavadi vaidantimate upadhyupahitam kevalam caitanyam saksi | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p.989. 1 See also: " In fact, Saksin is nothing other than pure consciousness reflected on the mode or Vrtti of Ajnana. (Saksi cavidya vrttipratibimbita caitanyam) Thus, Saksin is the intuitive knowledge of self and avidya being connected to it, is always revealed to it. (Rahubat Svavrtacaitanya Prakasyavidya). Avidya thus being always revealed to the intuitive knowledge. The effects of Avidya too are always revealed to intuitive knowledge". Gupta,S. *Studies in the Philosophy of Madhusudanasaraswati Sanskrit Pustaka Bhandara Calcutta, 1960, p. 45. C 465 janmaivasya na yuktam taddosajatvam tu duratah | Yuktimallika,S,Sp, 12 b, s 1.64. , 466 sajatiyavijatiya svagatabhedavarjitam nirvisesa braddamaiva tattvam | om Q.Venkateshachar, *Srisrutitattvaprakasika of Vadiraja'. Dr.B.V','Raghavendrarao Basavanagudi, Bangalore,1972, p.150. sarvasu hi upanisatsu "neti neti " "asthulamanana " ityadi visesapratisedhanaiva nirdisyate | ' Sankara Gitabhasya, XIII - 12 d . I - 2 4

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1 552 467, yadupena yanniscitam tadupam na vyabhicarati tat satyam | Sankara, Taittiriyopanisadbhasya II-1. Sacchidanandendrasaraswati, Taittiriyopanisad Adhyatmaprakasa Karyalaya, Holenarasipur, 1973, Pp.123,124. 468 parena braddamavatsatyasya nivrttyamamgikaraditi bhavah anaina ajnananivrttirupa carama sakhapi patita iti drstavyam | Bhavavilasini com.on.Y.M.S.s, p. 13. 469. ajnanaropamulaste sastravistrtapadapah mulasya durbalatve tu sopi vatahatah patet || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.13 b, §1.68. 470. ajnanasambhavadeva sastram sarvam gatam tava | Ibid, p. 13, S1.72. i vastutastu mithyabhutajnanasyasambhave satyajnanasya ca tenaivanamgikarenajnanasvapasyaivabhavat tatprakriya sarvapi vikriyaivabhuditi drstavyam || Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.14 b. 471 aikyasiddhau bhavedanam braddama tasyajnatavasat | jivabhave bhavedaikyam tatonyonyasrayo na kim || YuktimallikaSuddhisaurabha p.14 b, §1.75. , .. According to the Advaita, Brahman attains the Jivabhava by the association of Ajnana and hence there is Aikya. If it is not associated with Ajnana, then Aikya cannot be admitted. Thus, if Ajnana is proved in Brahman, then the Aikya associated with it, is proved. If Aikya is proved then, Ajnana in Brahman is proved. Thus, there is Anyonyasraya. ] }

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' 553 472. 1 Really speaking, this is not the admitted view of the Advaitins. They talk of Vyavaharikabheda betweenBrahman and Jiva. Brahman who is Bimba, owing to the Upadhi of Ajnana, would become Pratibimbajava. Here, attributes of Bimba are said to be transferred to Prati- -bimba and not vice versa. Because the knowledge is 'I'am ignorant' of Jiva, which is an attribute of Pratibimba (java) cannot be there in Bimba Brahman, So, even this view of Wavaharikalva does not help to prove Ajnana and Aikya. } I 1 tanyaham vedasarvani natvam vettha paramtapa | Bhagavadgita, IV-5.< <, h 472 A. jiva iso visuddha cit tatha jivesayobhida | avidya taccitoryogah sadasmakamanadayah || Q.Joshi, H., 'Dharmarajadhvarindra', Vedantaparibhasa,p.106. tadajnanavasat jagadisvarajivarupena pratibhasate | hai 1 Q.Venkateshachar B. Srutitatvaprakasika' of Vadiraja, f Dr.B.V,Raghavendrarao, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, 1972,p.151. (Appendix) + api ca mithyajnanapurassaro yamatmano buddhayupadhisambandhah | Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya-II-iii-30. yavadeya carya budayupadhisambandhah vratavajjivasya jivatvam samsaritvam ca | Satsastri, Sankara : Brahmasutra bhasya) (Br, Sutra Bhasya- II - 111 - 30) Vol.1, p.583,584. T 473 ajnanasiddhau tatkalpyo jivasiddhennacanyatha | tasmadajnanakalpitah || jivo'vasyam tvayavacyah katham nanyonyasamsrayah | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha, p.16 b, & 16, Slokas 84 & 85. 474. jivanubhutamajnanam sarvajna kena niyate | Ibtid, p.17 S1.93. I

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554 475. t 1 " 1 Ajnana is of two types, Bhavarupa and Abhavarupa (Positive and Negative). When a perceptible thing makes the other one disappear, the Ajnana of that is Bhavarupa, When, the knowledge of the existence of an object (and peculiar characteristics are unknown, that is the Ajnana, of Abhavarupa. 2 1 1 476. ahammamsa nate jnanam kintvanandadikai param | apacchedaka tajjnane bhava eva punarbhavah | 1 } t Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.18 b, & 18. Slokas; 97 & 98. 477. vacyo'vacchedakadinam ajnanam tu visesatah | Ibid, p.18, s 1.101.. 478. jnanabhavapadarthasya sarvathabhava eva cet | atyantabhavasunyam tajjnanam syatparamarthatah 11 } Ibid, p.19 b, s 1.103. atyantabhavabhave tatpratiyogitvasya sutaramabhavaina satyatvapariharaditi bhavah | Bh Vi, com.on.Yuktimallika Ss..p.19 b, 479. sarvatha'jnatasya vastuno'sambhavat | i · sarvatha'jnate vastuni pramanabhavat | vidyamanasya jnanatyantabhavasya jnanamapi ghataniyam | Ibid. 480. nityajnanamate jnanasamanyabhava eva na | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.19, S1.109. 1 5 a i 480 A . caksusa brahma vijnanasyabhavo'jnanamucyate | Ibid. + ' $ } } I } i 1

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555 480 B. vedantastat svarupa samarpana pramanam iti vyavaharastu tasminnadhyaropita hampratyayavisayatvapanayanamatreneti jneyam | Sacchidanandendrasaraswati *Vedantaprakriyapratyabhijna. Adhyatma Prakasnana Karyalaya, Holenarasipura, 1964, p. 43. veda avedah " (br . u. IV - 111 - 22 ) itivacanat, §.J.. IV-iii-22) • drsyate evasmabhih sruterapyabhavah prabodhe | Brahmasutrabhasya IV-i-3. Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.2, p.966. 481. ato mama mate'jnanajnanasya daurghatyamevana | Yuktimallika, Suddhisaurabha, p. 20, s 1.113. 1 In the Dvaita view, the Vises nanabhava does not set aside the would be happening Brahmadarsana (direct cognition of Brahman). The direct cognition of Brahman becomes possible, when the prescribed Sadhana of a qualified soul is completed. As Brahman is an embodiment of infinite knolwedge and auspicious qualities, even after His direct cognition Visesajnanabhava 3 remains in case of that soul subject to the limited ability as an eligibility since possessing limited knowledge. 482. parasinatikurena ya hyavidya ksatapi na | } yato brahamacita naso najnanasya bhavanmate || sasantanasina mandadharena chidyate kila | avidhaka manorupavidyayanasakirtanat || Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.20 & 2 lb. Slokas, 115 & 116. 483. manasopi hi cidyogacchaktirarthaprakasane| ajnananasane syacchaktistadyogatah param || Ibid, p.21 b, S1.117. 484. bhramakalpyam hi sarva te kaladrstadikam jagat | bhramasyanityasiddhatvatkim kim na syatsadatava | Ibid, p.22 b., §1.121.

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4 1 I 485 mayam tu prakrtim vidyanmayinam tu mahesvaram | sveka 3.4-10 - yatha kulalacakrisyatttha mayi taya srjan || Ibid., p.22 b & 22, $1.123. 'cakripadavacyasya kulalasya canambandhabhavat mayipadavacyasya bhagavato mayaya sambandhabhavat | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S.p.22. 486. sarvajnam khalu tadbrahma kathamajnanapadabhavet | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha ; p.22, §1.125. 'atah sarvajnah ajnanavanitimatam matavandhya itivat vyahatamiti bhavah | Bhavavilasini comony. M... s. s. p. 23 b, 486 A . tartyasamgasruteh r 7 niravadyasrutisamakhyaya 8 556 1 5 486 B. 1 dosarupaguna samgasva ... BhV 1., Comony. M.,s.s, p. 24 b. mant zur gey:1 Brih.Up.VI-Iii-15- X S.Bhasya .. na hi amurtah kascikriyavandasyate | amurtascatma, ato'samgah | yasmaccasamgo yam purusastasmadananvagatastena ' svapnadrstena | ata eva na kriyakartrtvamasya kathamcidupapadyate | karyakaranasam leseिna hi kartrtvam syatsa ca samslesah samgo'sya nasti yato'samgo dayayam purusah | 1 } } . Bhagavat, H.R. • Sankara: Brihadaranyakopanisadbhasya', Astekar & Co, Poona, 1918, p.352. 487. yadisvabhavato 'samga ityarthatsyacchrutastava | mayapyupadhito'samgam itisyaduktayuktitah | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha, p.23, §1.130. 487 A. See; avaratvadidharmaniyantrtvam tattadatmyavattvam caitidvividhamavaratvadi | "niranisto niravadyah " ityadi sruteh ... | Q. Madhva', Nyayavivaranam (Sarvamul agranthah ) ABMMM, Bangalore. p.53.

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488. kimca sarvajnamajnanasapeksamitiyadvacah | muko mitivattacca viruddhamiti me matih || rbid, p: 24, S1 136; 489. mayam vyudasyacicchakaya kaivalye sthita atmani .1 Bhagavata I-vii-23. 490, yadabhatam na tadajnatammitiyattvattvadipane | svayamapyahasarvajnadvatve taduradurage || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.25 b, ≤1.139. 491. ajnata khila samvetturghatate na kutascana | = (Upadhi.kh) 557 ityuktamata evarthah karyadharyairmahatmabhih || : Ibid, p.25 b, S 1.140. 491 A. Cf : 'a ityukto haristasya vidya vidheti samjita | 492. Madhva. Visnutatvanirnaya (Sarvamul agranthah) Vol, 5, p.30. na brahamani manopyasti tasyajnanam tu kena tat | Ibid, S1.142. svarupajnanam prati avirodhitvat manasajnanasya ca brahamavyabhavat na dvedhapi tasyajnanamiti bhavah | Bhvi.com.on M, Suddhisaurabha p. 25. 493. kathamavaranesatyeva | nyasyapyaparoksadhih | jnanotpattivirodhyeva yasmadavaranam viduh || Yuktimallika, Suddhisaurabha p:26 b, Sl.148. ajnanavrte brahmani jivasyaparoksavrttireva notpattumarhati | Bhavavilasini .,com.on.Yuktimallika, S.S.p.26 b. t

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493 A. Q.Madhva.Brahmasutrabhasya, p.162. See: darsanacca | (III-iii-49). na kevalam vidyaya, kintu ? aparoksajnanenaiva ca | "Hafa get gruar u faala gocaa zi mucyate naparena iti kaisika sruteh || 558 494. Really speaking in the Advaita as Brahman alone is real and as It is associated with Ajnana, It is the locus of Ajnana. Some post-Sankara Advaitins argued that Jiva is the locus of Ajnana: (See for details: Supra) Here, it matters not much difference and create confusion since in the Advaita, Brahman and Jiva are identical in nature. Further, as there is nothing real other than Brahman, in the advaita, the view that Ajnana is Visayasrita is not sound. But, here taking in to account the empirical reality of the objects of the world, the view is taken for consideration and refutation. The objects of the world are the illusory creations. The Visayasritatva of Ajnana is talked of and related to, with the idea that the Ajnana is the veil as it conceals the objects. See; "The illusory creations were there, but they could not be manifested an account of the veil of nescience." ." The Ajnana is one, but it seems to obstruct the pure Cit in various aspects or modes, with regard to which it may be said that the Ajnana has many states as constituting the individual experiences of the indefinite with reference to the diverse individual objects of experience". Dasagupta,S. 'A History of Indian Philosophy', Vol.1, Pp.449, & 458. 495. visayasritamajnanam yadyavaranamisyate | azumgrcut aath adgren argaq || Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.28. §1.165.

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↑ } 559 E 496. yadyajnanantaram tannapunaravaranam bhavet | tarhi kainapi tadvastu na drsyetavrtatvatah || Ibid. Si.167. 497. tatastasmadidam purusavaicitrayena avaranam apramanika mitisambandhah | 497 A. Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika,s.s.p.29 b. Since, Ajnana is not Mithya in the Dvaita, it is understood as wrong knowledge unlike the Ajnana (nescience) in the Advaita, which is Mithya. The usages nescience and wrong knowledge are used to know the difference of sense as Mithya and Satya with regard to Ajnana. 498. atah pumgatamevedam tamah sartya hi tamasah | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.29 b, Sl.170. idam pramapratibandhakam tamah ajnanam pumgatameva, jnatrpurusanisthameva | Bh.VL.com.on.YuktimallikaSuddhisaurabha,p.29 b 499. jnanam tu jnatrpumsyaiva tannasyajnanamapyatah | 500. vaktavyam jnatrpurusa brahmanimyatkatham vada || Yuktimallika;s.s. p.29, 51.173. pramata jiva eveti jivajnanamabhudvitat | Ibid, p.30 b, Sl.175. 500 A. pramanyaitanyasya visayacaitanyadabheda iti bruhumah | 1 tatha taijasamantah karanamapi caksaradidvara ghatadivisayadesam gatva ghatadivisayadyakarena parinamate | Com : tatha samcchidrat antahkaranasayat caksuh pranalya bahih nirgatamantahkaranam visayadesam gatva visayakarakari bhavati | 0 Joshi, H. Dharmaraj advarindra) Vedantaparibhasa with com Pp.. 33.35 & 36. 7 i

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J 560 501, 502. 503. 504. caksusasannikrstarthajnanamsyadantareva hi | Ibid., $1.176. 4 mano yatra tu jivasya yatrakaparam bhavet | antahkaranametasmadantah karyakaram hi tat || Ibid.,p.30.s1.179. . 9 7 The mind that gains the knowledge the Lord and of Vaikuntha, cannot go to Vaikuntha, whereas it cognizes the presence of Lord inside and gains the knowledge of Him. Even at the down of direct cognition of the Lord (Aparoksajnana), mind need not go out of the body (to the Vaikuntha)... So moving of mind out of the body is possible with soul where there is no return of the soul to the same, ato jnanavadajnanamantaram saksino balat | ekadesatvamanayo nisyanakayordhavam || Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha, p.30, $1.180. anadimayatupti yadajivah prabudhyate | Mand Up (God apada Karika ) 1.16. Q.Yuktimallika, S.S.P. S1.182. 504 A samcidasrayatvenaivatmanah pratyaksatvam, na tu karmatvam, karmakartrbhavasya bhinnasrayatvaniyamata, atah aha- 505. yo pigrahakarupenasiddhim sarvasu vrttisu | buvanah, karmabhavena nema pratyaksamicchati || } Anantakrishna Sastri, N, S, & Ramamurthi Sastri : 'Nyayacandrika of Anandapurnamunindra with com. G.O.M.L, Madras.1959. paramate kartakarmabhavavirodhamgikarat prameye bramani pramatrtvam na jivaikyenapi netum sakyate || Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, SS, p. 31 b.

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1 } I 561 506, nacetsarvaikyatassarva ' astavyastamabhuttava | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.31 b, Sl.184. vivadapadamajnanam jnatrpumnistham jnanasamanasrayatvat | Bhavavilasini ,Com.on.Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.31 b, 506 A suktika jnanam rajatadhupadanam | tasmin satyeva tadudarsanat | tadanyasyopadanatvasambhavat | niyamenajnanadasayamanubhuyamanasya tadupadanakatvasyaiva vaktavyatvacca | Narayanaswami Sastri 'Nrsimhamisra' Vedantatattvaviveka' with coms.,Oriental Research Institute, Mysore-1955, Pp.473 & 474. 507. ato jagatsarjanarthamapi najnanamisyate | F 508. 509. 510. ↑ mayi mayadhisvaratvadgomangopalako yatha || Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha, p.31 b, Sl.186. jivastu mayaya suptatvannastvanandadi viksate || mayabhave satikseta tasmajjivasritaivasa | Ibid, p.31, §1.187. evamajnanamapyanandanubhavapratibandhaka mapyahamiti svarupamatranubhave na pratibandhakamiti bhavah | Bh.V 1.,com.on.Yuktimallika S.s, p. 31. sa satyaprakrtairamsabhuta jivaisu tisthati | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.31, §1.189. jivasyacchadika tveka parasyacchadika para | dvayam jivagatam nityam haristabhayamocakah || Ibid, p.32 b, $1.191. 1 }

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i { 5-62 511. 512. 513. 514. See also; } ananye prakrti duste nrsu prastavika sthite | svagunacchadikatveka paramacchadikapara || svagunacchadikam hatva paramacchadikam parah | 4 vyatya moksapadavim dadati purusottamah || Madhva, Bhagavat Tatparya (Sarvamul agranthah, Vol 3 ) p,561, nigadena nibaddhanyirnahi rajavimocakah 1 Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha, p.32 b, §1.192. i dhamna svena sadanirastakuhakam satyam param dhimahi || Bhagavata-1-1-1. sada nirastakuhakam satyam param dhimahiti bhagavato nirastakuhakatvoktya param kevalam tamapi kuhaka vidharupa mayam noricakuritisambandhah | Bhavavilasini ,Com.on. Yuktimallika, S.S, p. 32. svadosacchadanayalpo nirdosasvapi tam vadet | jivasambhavadajnanam brahmanyapi na kim jaguh || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.36, $1.196. svasyajnanitvenagatanaicya pariharaya brahmanyajnanam jaguh : | na tu pramanabaladiti bhavah || Bh V±,,Com',on.Yuktimallika, Suddhisaurabha, p. 32. mamaham na vijanami mam janamyahamityapi | sarvasyanubhavatsvasya visayopi svayam bhavet || Yuktimallika, Suddhisaurabha, p.33, §1.201. 514 A. asatah phalasya utpadakam karma | 515. karma asmabhih itikartavyatayuktam phalasadhanam drstam | Kevalanandasaraswati, 'Mimamsakosa' Val. III, p.1395. parasamaveta kriyaphalasali | ... | yatha devadatah gramam gacchatityadau gramah karma | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya, 'Nyayakosa' p.207, parasminsamaveta ya kriya tatphalasaliyat | Ibid, s 1.202. }

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515 A. 563 Advaitins slip into self-contradiction because they declare difference between Karma, Kartr and Bhava in one place and negate the difference in another place. In the Advaita, Brahman is Svaprakasa. It cannot realize itself. It will not become an object of Its knowledge. If it becomes an object of knowledge, then they are supposed to accept the difference between the two. They say that Brahman is the substratum of knowledge. It has the cognition as being the substratum of knowledge and never as being an object of knowledge. samvidasrayatvenaivatmanah pratyaksatvam, na tu karmatvam, karmakartrbhavasya bhinnasrayatvaniyamat | See Supra: In defence of Svaprakasatva of Brahman, Advaitins do not wish to have the relation of subject and object. If the subject, the object and the action are considered to be same then the Advaita, unlike Dvaita has to accept the Pramatrtva and the like of Saksin in Brahman. But in the Dvaita it is the Visesa with the help of which one and the same can be the Subject and Object for one and the same action. The Advaita, not desirous of admitting Pramatrtva etc, of Saksin, prefer the difference between Karma, Kartr and Bhava. Whereas in defending the Svaprakasa view, the Advaita denies the above mentioned view of relation. It is to be noted clearly that, the denial of relation of subject and object by the Advaitins is also in defence of their view of superimposition. Since they declare that the subject-object relation (Jnana-Jneyaruparelation) cannot be applied and attributed to Brahma. If something might be real as an object, then only the said relation would be possible. As everything is Mithya and superimposed the above mentioned relation cannot be talked of .

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564 516. 517. 518. Thus, the Advaita accepting the view of difference between Karma, Kartr and Bhava, is similar to the viewof that of Prabhakaras. And, the view of disregarding the very relation is similar to the view of that of Bhattas. See for details: Chatterji and Datta; 'An Introduction to Indian Philosophy* Pp: gramasthadhanapurva thapa | ptireva prayojanam | na cetpade pade pumsah kriyayasyadvi bhagavan | purvapradesasamyogasali syaduttaropi ca | tvaduktalaksane na syadvisayatvam tayorapi || atah svarupasambandhavisesasya hi kascana || yms.spp. 345 & 34 S 1 okas 206, 207 and 208. tatha ca parasamavetakriyaphalasalitvam ghamte avyaptatvat na visayalaksanamityarthah | atassvarupasambandhavisaya eva visayatvam sarvaih vacyam | sa ca svarupe sutaram ghatate iti kuto na jnanasya svakarmatvam | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, S.S, p. 34 & 35 b. jnanasya visayatvam tajjnatatasyanna capara | Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha, p.35 b, $1.210. 518 A. svayamevatmanatmanam vetthatvam purusottama | Bhagavadgita, X-15. atra svayamevetyuktya svasyaiva kartrtvam, atmanam ityuktya svasyaiva karmatvam | Bhavavilasini, com.on Y. M, s.s.p, Y.M,

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, 1 565 519. i 1 jnanapratyakparagajneyamitibayarthadhisthale | nantare yanmanojnane jneyapratyakparastava || Yuktimallika,S.s, p.35, Si.215. jnanarupe tu vastuni atmadi svasyaiva jnanata jneyata ca Bhavavilasini com.on.,Yuktimallika,S.S, p.36 b. jnanarupam tu yadvastu svenapi jneyameva tat | Yuktimallika, S.S, 36 b, Sl.217. 5194 • Visesa: 520. "It is a differentiating or pluralising agency which serves at the same time to exibit the pluralities as flowing centripetally towards a given object which happens to occupy the focus of attention on account of a dominent pragmatic interest at the moment. It renders possible the validity of countless viewpoints while the object itself retains its unity, independence and integrality", "The function of Visesas in Madhva's philosophy, is not merely to distinguish, but to unify the part and the whole, and to render a distinction of reference... " "It is Svanirvahaka, self-explicable, self-contained and self-related". Sharma,B.N.K., 'Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya' Pp.48 & 56. avantara visesana ekasya kriyakarmabhava ghatana iti bhavah | evamekasyaivatmanah svajnanaprayatnadasayam karmatvam ca | Bh.Vt, com.on. Yuktimallika, S.S, p. 37 b. 520 A. svayam prakasatvamakhamdavastunah svabhavasiddham srutiyuktiniscitam || Achyutagranthamala Karyalaya, Kasi Shastri S.K. Sadanand a&Pratyaktattvacintamanib.' with com. Samvat.1988 p.305. 1 1

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f 566 521. 522. 522 A. 523. 524. anyanajanannapyandho janatyamitisphutam | svaparajnanasunyo sau ghatasyadathava patah || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.40 b, $1.239. asau muktidasayam vidyamanah paramatma svapara- jnanasunyah muktatvadeva parajnanasunyah svavedya- tvadeva svajnanasunyasca jata iti | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S, p.40 b. jnanasvarupatamatram vyavahare prayojakam | Yuktimallika, S.S, p.40, S 1.244. 1 " balamananda ojasca sahojnanamanakulam | svarupanyeva jivasya vyajyante paramada vibhoh || * iti gopavanasrutih | Madhva. Brahmasutrabhasya (II-iii-30) (Sarvamulagranthah) p.181. anumate sukhamananta sabaih sakalairalammatipadam satatam | Narayana Pandita' Sumadhva vijaya' p.243, Ch.XI, S 1.24. yatranandasca maudasca muda pramuda asate | svadha ca yatra trptisca tatra mamamrtam krdhi || (Rgveda IX-113-1). na caidapurusarthatvam muktesyaduktavartmana | tasmatsvarupanandasya nanubhutih katham tada || Yuktimallika, S.S, p.41 b, sl.248. svagocaratvamevatto vaktavyasvaprakasata | anarthakyam na cenmuktessvaprakasapadasya ca || svastha prakaso yasya syatsvaprakasam tadeva hi || Ibid, p. 4 lb, Slokas 249 & 250.

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567 524 A. Supra, Footnote 518 A. 524 B, tasya indrajalakusalasyeva mayayopadanatvi papatteh brahamano mayasabalitasya mulaprakrtita hoti | ato mayasabalitam brahmaiva mulaprakrtih | 1... Sastrigal Jagadisvara, Kalyanasundara Anandanubhava' Nyayaratnadipavalih with com. Vedanta Viveka by Anandagiri. G.O.M.L, Madras 1961; Pp.89,90,92,93. 525 nityamuddham tu yadabraddama parabrahma tadeva hi | nityasudrasca bhagavannityamukto mamaprabhuh || Yuktimallika,S.S, p 4 lb, $1.251. nityamuktatvam ca sarvada samsararahitacetanatvam | nityasuddhatvam ca ajnanabhramadidosarahita cetanatvam | muktasyajnanadi dosasanyatvam sarvavadisampratipannam || Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S, p.41. 525 A. tavabraddamatvavidyakhyadosena kalilam sada | anadikalamarabhya dehedehe ca samsaret || Yuktimallika, S,S, p.41, Sl.252. 526. brahamatvama grahadeva jivacaitanyameva tat | Yuktimallika,S,S, p.41, S 1.253. nahi pade vedanavananyatra tadabhavavan puruso vedananmuktah ityucyate | Bhavavilasini .., com.on.Y.M, S. s. p. 41. 527. dvasuparna sayuja sakhaya samanam vrksam parisasvajate | tayoranyah pivalam svadvatti anasnannanyo abhicakasiti || Mund.Up.III-I-1.

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' 568 528. 1 In the Samsara; both Jiva and the Lord abide in the same 'Prakrta' body. But, Jiva enjoys the fruits of his deeds may be good or bad, Whereas the Lord without eating the fruit of any action enshines himself. In the state of liberation also, as Jiva has 'Aprakrta'body, the Lord lives with him. There also, it is the Jiva who enjoys the limited bliss of his own and not the Lord.. Thus, in the both states, Lord is unaffected and unchangable. He is eternally Paripurna in Himself and enjoys unlimited bliss of His own forever. 529 bandhamithyatvatomuktamastu baddham katham bhavet | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.42 b, sl.256. 530. ato baddhoparastasmannityamuktopi caparah ityeva sarvathavacyam ittham sutrakrdaha hi || Ibid, p.42, Sl.258. 530 A . See ; sthityadanabhyam ca | 1 Brahmasutra (I-iii-7) f 530 B. Bhagavat.XI-xi-1. 531. sattvamrajantama iti guna jivasya naivame | ititrigunasunyatvam svatyoktva hariramjasa | { svadhinagunato bandho jivasyaiveti samsati | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.42, §1.261. 531 A. Infra, fn.532. 532 baddho mukta iti dayakhya gunato me na vastutah | gunasyamayamulatvanname mokso na bandhanam || madadhinagunajjive baddhakhya na svabhavatah | iti purvardha vakyarthi me dhanajjivatiti vatu || Ssp 43 b, s 1. 262 & 263.

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589 532 A. sridharasvami " nityamukto nityabaddha eka eveti me bhramah iti yaduktam tatkim vastuto virodhah pratitito va nadyah, bandhamoksayorvastvatvabhavadityaha baddho mukta iti dvabhyam | Shastri Krishnashankara, 'Srimadbhagavatamahapur an am Sri Bhagavat vidyapeetha Divyagiri Sol a, Ahemadabad, 1973, p.482. 533. kathamcit bandhamatrasya mithyatvasambhave'pi bandhanivrttirupamuktatvasya mithyatvasambhavena na vastuta ityasya asmaduktarityaivarthah tvayapi vaktavyah ........| asmanmate tu bandhasya bandhadhvamsadasaya- mabhavena bandhadhvamsasya bandhadasayamabhavena ubhayorapyasadatanatva- dasvabhavikatvamiti | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,S.S, p.43. ★ 534 prakrtimula hi gunah | aprakrte mayi prakrtimula- gunabhavena bandho bandhanmoksaca katham syadityarthah | + gunasya mayamalatvat mayayasca mayamvyudasya citrachaktya iti srutya madhyabhavat tanmulagunabhavah | gunabhave tanmulabandhabhavah | bandhabhave ca pratiyogisattapurvaka bandhadhvamsakhya moksabhavasca | ato nityamukta evaham | jivastubaddhaiti bhavah | Ibid, pp. 43, 44 b. · 1 534 A. Mund Up. III-I-1. 535 svabhinnamsasya jivakhya khagasyaika syakevalam | bandhacabandhanmoksaca na svasyetyaha sa prabhuh | ato jivasya baddhatvam muktatvam va paratmanah | nityamuktatvameveti ... Yuktimallika,S.S, p.44, 45 b, Slokas 267 & 269.

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535 A tadadhinatvadarthavat | ( Brahmasutra I-vi- 3 ) tadadhinatvaccavyaktatvadinam tasyaivavyaktatva- paravaratvadi kamarthavat | * yadadhinogunonyasya tadguni so bhidhiyate | yatha jivah paratmeti yatharaja jayityapi | " iti ca skande || Madhva. Brahmasutrabhasya, p. 48. 536. svatantryagunato badvadyakhyam vyakhyanti me budhah | bandhadivastutastattannama bandhonitasya me | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.47 b, S1.284. 537. yatha rajajayityatra bhatanistajaya niyamakataya rajni jayasabdaprayogah | evam jivanisthabandhadi niyamakataya bhagavati baddhaduhkhadi sabdaprayoga- ditibhavah | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,p.47. 1 asvatantrasya jivasya badvadyakhya tu vastutah | iti sucayita catra muktamuktadvitodita || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.47, S 1.286. 538 ittham pramaya visayah praminantiti ca sruti | sruto bandhah katham mithya sattvam hi jnanado gunah || Ibid, p.48, S 1.290. • 539 pramataropi bandhasya praminvanti na te harim | ato hyavidyaya bandhah ityuktam na mrsatvatah || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.49 b, §1.292. 540. ajo nubaddhassagunairna vedatvam gunatparam | sattvam rajastama iti bhavanti prakrtergunah || esa prakrtah prokta abrahmasthavaradayah || Ibid, p.50, ≤1.294 (Bhagavata-X-40-3) 1 570

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571 540 A. anadikalatah sarva dosajina gunadhikah | sarvajivanebhyo ye tehivayutvamapnuyuh | rjavo nama ye deva devanamapi devatah || Madhva, Mahabharatatatparyanirnaya' (Sarvamul agranthah) Vol.II, p.460, (h.32, Slokas 72 & 73). 540 B. " apurnatadi bhavo va duhkham vanasti kimcana | muktasya paratantrye'pi taratamyepyata sukhi " ti ca srutih | Madhva, Nyayavivarana, (Sarvamul agranthah ) p. 209. i 541. Bhagavadgita - IV-14, & IX-9. iti krsnena gitayam karmabadvatvamatmanah | jivanam gunabadvatvam coktam vakyadvayena hi || Yuktimallika, S.S, p.51 b, Slokas 299,300 and 201. 541 A. Rgveda X-90-2', 542. saumrtasyabhyasyeso martyamannam yadatyagat | parantakale sarve'pi vimucyante paramrtat || Bhagavata II-6-17. utamrtatvasyesano yadanyenatirohati || Rgveda X- 90.2. samsarinamisvaratvanmuktanamapiीsvarah | muktasca nityamuktamna nityamuktastada pirat || Yuktimallika, S.S, p.51 b, §1.304 543. muktopi baddho yastasmannityabaddhopyasau bhavet || Ibid, p.51, §1.305.

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572 844 :: 1 7 There is difference of opinion among scholars regarding the attainment of the goal (liberation) by Madhyamajivas. Others say that these souls remain in Samsara eternally enjoying mixed experience. But Vadiraja states that they too get released of Samsara. That means they also attain prescribed goal (state) but they will have the mixed experience of pleasure and displeasure there also. nityasamsarini ye ថម madhyamaste prakirtitah | sada samsrtibaddhasca gunadosobhayatmakah || 70 Anandatirthacarya, 'Sattatvaratnamala'with com., T.R.Krishnacharya: Madhva Vilas Book Depot, Madras, 1918.p.29. 545. brahamavadra moksavadra yannityam tatkatham mrsa | Yuktimallika,s.s, p.52,B. ≤1.308. 546. anuttirnassvayam pamkatkimanyottarako bhavet yadi baddham param brahma kah syadabandhasya mocakah || Ibid, p.52, S 1.313. " } f 546 A . tatrapi kramayogena jnanadhikyat samipagah | salokyam ca sarupatvam samipyam yogameva ca | { sayujah : paramatmanam pravisya ca bahirgatah | Madhva, Brahamasutrabhasya, (Sarvamul agranthah ) pp. 226 & 227. salokyam ceti | samanaloka sthatvam salokyam samipasthatvam samipyam caturbhujatvadirupasamyam sarupyam bhagavadgapravesah sayujyam yogaeva ca : Magadi Ranganathachar. Madhva,' *Brahmasutrabhasyam' with Dipika of Jagannatha, Bhasyadipika prakasana samiti' 1965, Part - IV, p. 114. As it is said these four types of liberation are wholly concerned and conditioned by the fact of gradation in the aquisition of true knowledge. Salokya is that

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b 573 attaining which the liberated dwell in similar world. (abode of the Lord) Sarupya means liberation with previlege of having similar form of the Lord such as four arms and others. Samipya means dwelling in close proximity with the Lord'. (It does not negate others'having the relation of the Lord). Then, Sayujya liberation is that, which could be attained only by great gods wherein the liberated, entering the particular limb of the Lord enjoy their own bliss. 547. kimcedam sabalatvate kim mayasabalatvatah | . } uta sarvesvaratvadi sadgunambhodhisambhramat || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.53 b, $1.318. 548. ajnane jivagatvasyaivoktatvacca na tanmatam | Ibid, p.53 b, s 1.320',' 549. 550. 550 A. Bhagavata -X-29-6, I-7-23 & I-7-24. iti bhagavate prokta caturmakhamukho ktitah | krsnasya bandhakibhutammaya duramtvanirnayat || Yuktimallika,S.s, p. Slokass 348 & to 351 na yatra mayetyadyuktya yallokopi na mayikah | katham mayamayakarastallokeso bhaveda ' || ' Ibid, 56, Sl.352. The Maya is defined and understood in so many ways as shown below. But it should be borne in mind that nowhere falsity is attributed to Maya. mayamtu prakrtim viddhi mayinam tu mahesvaram | Svetasvatara Upanisad IV-10. mahamayetyavidyeti prakrtirmohiniti ca | prakrtirvasanetyeva tavecchanantakathyate || Madhva, Visnutatvanirnaya, (Sarvamul agranthah) Vol. 5,p.30.

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1 I r 574 4 | atra mayasabdo "drstva striyam devamayami " ityadaviva pratibandhaka raktimatparah | Arakeri Jayacharya, Visnutartha: 'Bhagavatasaroddhara, ' Dharwad, 1981, p.210. maya narayanisani | X-2-12. Bhagavata maya balam bhagavato jana isa pasyet 1 III-9-9. Bhagavata mayam madiyam taratisma duhstyajam IV-2032. Bhagavata maya himsa ca matsarah | VII - 15-43 Bhagavata 551 saktisaundaryasisa diyogacchlaghyataro harih | jnanenajnanadosanyaddure dravayet prabhuh || Yuktimallika,Suddhisaurabha p.53, $1.369. 552 . yadisvarupajnanasya najnanapratikulata | 1 d tada muktasya cajnanat punah samsarita patet || atarasvarupa jnanena jvalajjvalojjvalena hi | ajnaniccatanam vacyam yatsamganmasatopi cit || Ibid, Pp.59 b & 59, Slokas, 370, & 374. 552 A. Bhagavata I-7-23, 553. nityamuktatvasadvatvavacanatkvasya dosita | Yuktimallika, Suddhisaurabha, p.50 b, s1.376. i asya paramatmanah vidyamayo yassa tu .. nityamuktah, avikaroksarassuddhah ityadi vacanat dosita kva | Bhavavilasini,com.on. Yuktimallika, S.S, p.60 b. 553 A, akarmabhoktatmapadapramadat | 1 samsarabandhah pravibhati sadat | kartritvamadhyastamapasya suddha ' svarupabodhena vimuktimeti || pramadadajnanakrtavaranat samsare badhnatiti samsarabandhah kartrtvadi tasmata suddhasvarupah kartrtvadidharma vinirmuktah atma .... 1 Sastri K., Sadananda, Pratyaktattvacintamanih with com. Achyuta granthamala Karyalaya, Kasi, Samvat 1988, pp. 2 & 3.

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575 554. kriyavesasamgena kartrtvam na cito yadi | tarhi saptasca cinnasyatsa dhatvartha kriya yatah || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.60 b, Sl.377. 554 A, niskriyam niskalam santam | Swet.Up.VI-19. 555 parasya saktirvividhaivasruyate svabhaviki jnanabalakriya ca | parasyeti srutih praha sahajnanabalakriyah | ... srutinidhi Swet-Up.VI-8. punyapapabhidhakriye || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.60,s 1.379. 555 A.Swet.Up.VI-8. 555 B asabdama sparsamarupam | Katha.Up.III-15, Sahkara understands the terms Asabdam etc, as that which is not an object of the quality of ether (Akasa matter) and the like. There is nothing wrong in understanding this and negating the association of material effects or qualities of five great elements: See; Subramanya Sastri,S. Upanisadbhasyam, Mahesh Research Institute, Varanasi, 1979, Pp.98 & 99, 2 But the passage not only aims at negating the material association or effect but the aim of the passage is to declare and glorify Brahman an object of spiritual declaration. That means He is the prime-object of defect less declaration or expression, which is the Apauruseya and eternal Veda. Here, the fact that Brahman being an object of expression etc, is not at all discarded and denied. Cf : lokasiddharthanamnah sa rahityannamavarjitah | E } arupo' prakrtatvacca sattvabhavattatha'gunah || akamaklistakaritvannityatvadaja eva ca | alaukika sannamnamanantatvajjanardanah || Madhva,Bhagavatatatparya (Sarvamul agranthah ) Vol. 3, p. 51.0. Sarvamulagranthah) Vol.3,p.510. !

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3 7 , 576 556. asabdasrutyabodhyatve mukhyarthabdatagata | yadyavasabdasruterarthah sarvatha sabdadurata || tahimryam ca srutistatra manam neti jitam paraih || Yuktimallika,S.S, p, 61 b, Slokas 383 & 384. } 557. yadyasparsasruterarthah sarvatha spasunyata | na sprsettaddaryavidyapi jitam tvatprativadibhih || Ibid, p.61, s 1.386. 557 A. Cf : arupo'prakrtatvacca satvabhavattatha'gunah | | Madhva. Bhagavatatatparya (Sarvamulagranthan, Vol.3 ) p. 5.10. 558 sarvatharuparahitye rukmavarnasrutirgata || Ibid, p.62 b, s 1.390. 558 A. Sukla Yajurveda Samhita Ch. 35-17. • 559 adityavarnam tamasah parastaditi vaidiki | vagavidha nivrttau ca rupamaha paratmanah || Yuktimallika,S.s, p.62, §1.393. 560 yuktyapi tamasah parastadityukta prakrtapradesepi rupasparsakaranam sadhitatvat | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika,S.s, p.62. 56.1. sukharupam hi yadbraddama jnanarupam na mrnmayam | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.63 b, ≤1.396. 562 evam mahakayasya narayanasya asau karyah kotibramandavigraha iti vasudevasahasanamokta- kotibrahmandasrayakayah cinmaya eva vyapta- paramatmasvarupajnananandatmaka eva | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, S.S, p.63 b, & 63. 1

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1 577 562 A. atah kasabdoktasukharupatvat ayapayagataviti dhatorjnanarupatvacca kaya iti yuktim hisabdena sucayati | Bhavavilasini com.on.y.m,SSp,63. Ref: Apte V. S, The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Motilal Banarasidass, 1978, p. 323. 562 B. evam sapadoktasukham rapadoktakridam irapadoktajnanam cadaya srutau sariramiti cocyata iti drstavyam | Bh.Vt. com.on. Yuktimallika, Ss, p.63. Yuktimallika,ss, Ref: Apte Visvasaurabha' 'The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Pp.252, 790, 902. 563 sukhajnanasuba sparsasukhanyasukhakrtih | nayadi svasikhantam ca sukhatajomayah prabhuh || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.63, §1.400. 564. sarvathasarirabhave vaguccaranasyaivayoga dalaukikasariroccaritaiva .. vak yatha sariravak tatha'laukikasariresu bhagavadupesu asarirata yuktaiva || 1.Yuktimallika, S.S, p.64 b. Bhavavilasini ,Com.on. . 564 A. Supra fns,527 & 528. See: dvasuparna- Munduka Upanisad ( III-I-1 ) (Atharvana.Up) M. Bhasya - svaduvat sarvada tti | natvasvadeva | " tasyedahuh pippalam svadvagre tannonnasada yah pitaram na vedam " ityajnanam svadunisedhat | jivadyameva nasnati bhagavan | i na tu navanatyeva | " tasyedahuh pippalam svadu " ityuktatvat | " svatantryenaiva bhoktrtvad duhkhabhogacca sarvada | abhokta caiva bhokta ca bhagavan visnumravyayah " iti tattvasare | " Madhva, Mundakopanisadbhasya, (Sarvamul agranthah ) Vol.I, p.496. 564 B. Supra, fn 553 A. ✓

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1 565. visistasya hi kartrtve visesyasyapi kartrta | vastutah kartrtam kauva vaktyanatmani yuktiman || Yuktimallika, .., S.S, p.64, si.404. 4 565 A. Panini Sutra I-iv-54. ' 566. m martyairvartye yessvatantrah kartetyahurvipascitah | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.64, §1.405. 567. 568. jiva eva tatha karta tatsarvam karakantaram | mano hikaranam tasya dehodhikaranam smrtam || kartrtve kosi dayadi mayapi karanantaram || Ibid, Pp.64, 65 b, Slokas 407 & 408. kalaprakrtikasa dhitsahaiva kurute jagat | Ibid, p.66 b, Sl.415. 1 569 harestu nityamuktasya dehassarvatra sarvada | f balajnanaprabhasaukhya saundaryadigunatmakah || Ibid, P.68 b, S 1,429. 569 A. nayamatma pravacenena labhyo na medhaya na bahuna srutena | yamevaisa vrnute tena labhyasta - syaisa atma vivrnute tanum svam || Mung. Up. IV-3. 569 B. Supra fn.510. 570 tanusasarirameveyam rupamatram na vai tanuh | 1 1 i svamityuktya tanussa ca svarupaiveti sidyati || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.68, Slokas,432 & 433. 1 578

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3 1 579 571. atasrutyartha tattvajnastanum muktaparatmanoh | cidanandamaya prahurnaprahurjadadehitam || 572. Ibid, p.69 b, Sl.436. atastaya sabalata na vidvajjanasammata | Ibid, p.69, Sl.440. 573 dadatisam balam ca tvacchabalatvam bahih ksipet | bindumatrakitvepi prabalo durbalo ksipet || citraprakasabalatah sabli vastu nah prabhuh | Ibid, p.69 Slokas 441,442. 574. 574 A. 575. nantam na madhyam na punastavadim pasyami visvesvara visvarupa | pasyami devamstava deva dehe ... | Bhagavadgita XI-16, XI-15. Mayika means product of Maya (Prakrti) or Avidya. If the form of the Lord were to be product of Maya, then it would never be extra-ordinary. The above cited passages promise that the form of the Lord is Aprakrta (not Mayika ). atah tasyaiva rupasya sthulatam suksmatam ca svasaktya bhagavan pradarsayati | Bhavavilasini, com.on. Yuktimallika, S.S, p. 70. 576. aparicchinnadehiyam parthapratyaksanocarah | paricchinnabhavanmayamayo naiveti me matih || Yuktimallika, S.S, p. 70, S 1.448. 577. yam paramatmanam sravanamananadina prapannah saranam praptah, yam mayam - mayaiva ye prapadyante mayametam taranti te yada tadbhaktopi mayataranasamarthah iti vacanat | tada sutaram sa bhagavaniti yuktiranena sucita | Bhavavilasini", com.on. M., S.S, p. 71 b : { 3

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$ 580 578. prayo dagdhapatapraya ya yajjnanodaye hrdi | 578 A. 1 maya nistaranopayassiyam mayamayah kila || | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.71 b, S 1.451. tamaivam viditvatimrtyumeti nanyah panthavidyate ayanaya | S.Y.S, Ch.35-17. 579. saprakaram hi yam vidvanmucyate sa kilalpakah 1 Yuktimallika,S.S, p.71.$1.553. 579 A. purusa evedam sarva ( Rv. 90.2 ) yat idam vartamanam jagat tat sarvam purusa eva | Sontakke & Kashikar, Rgveda Samhita' with com.of Sayana N.S. Sontakke, Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala, Poona, 1946 p.615. 580. muktamuktacitorisah katham sarvajatmakah | Yuktimallika,S.S, p.71 Sl.474. 581. nityamuktasca bhagavanparambrahma sa eva hi | i Ibid, p.83 b, $1.524. 581 A. srisca te laksmisca te patnya ahoratre pasrve i rupamasvinau vyattam | S,Y.S.K.S, 35-22. 3 srih asrayaniya laksmih dhanakanakadirupa aisvaryabhimanini devata, he paramatman srisca laksmisca te tava patnyau bharyatyiाniye ca Sharma Chintamani mishra' Sukla Yajurveda Samhita with Sayana Bhasya. Sampurnananda Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Varanasi, 1978, p.311.

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3 581 1 582 ittham suktoktamahima yasya sarvesvarasya hi | Y.M, S.S, S 1.527. 583 parambrahama sa evaiko narayana iti sthitam || Yuktimallika,S.S, p.83, $1,527, 584 sakara sagunasrisatevaika mrtapaddhatih | i nanyasya seva moksasya panthaityaha hi srutih || Ibid, p. 84 b, S 1,530, 584 A satyamjnanamanamtam braddama | T } f samkarabhasm - 1" 1 (Tait, Up,II-i-1) .1 satyam jnanamanantam braddameti brahmano laksanartham varsakyam | satyadini hi trini visesanarthani padani visesyasya brahmanah | .... satyadisabda na parasparam sambamdhyante pararthatvadvisesartha hi te | ata ekaiko visesanasabdah parasparam nirapekso brahmasabdena sambadhyate | ......| satyamiti yadupena yanniscitam tadrupam na vyabhicarati tatsatyam yadupena niscitam yattadupam vyabhicaradanrtamityucyate | atovikaro nrtam "vacarambhanam vikaro namadheyam mrttiketyeva satyam eva sadeva satyamityavadharanadatah satyam brahmeti brahamavikarannivartayati | atah karanatvam praptam brahmanah | karanasya va karakatvam vastutatvamrdadacidrupata ca prapta'ta idamucyate jnanam brahmeti | jnanam iptiravabodho bhavasadhano jnanasabdo brahmavisesanatvatsatyanantabhyam saha | tatra trividham yanantyam desatah kalato vastutasceti | tatha desato ananta akaso nahi desatastasya paricchedo'sti 1 na tu kalatascanantyam vastutasca kisisya | kasmat karyatvat | naivam brahmana ' akasavatkalato pyanantavattvamakaryatvat | karyam hi vastu kalena paricchidyate | akarya ca braddama tasmatkalato'pi anantam | tatha vastutah | kathampunarvastutah anatyam sarvanantyatvat bhinnam hi vastu vastvantarasyanto bhavati | ...| ato vastutopyanantyam | katham punah sarvanantyam brahmana ityucyate, sarvavastukaranatvat | sarvesam hi vastunam kalakasadinam karanam brahama | ..... | ato niratisayamatmana anantyam desatastatha karyatvat kalatastadminnavattva- ntarabhavacca vastuto ta eva niratisaya satyatvam | ! Subramanyashastri S. 'Upanisadbhasyam' Mahesh Research Institute, Varanasi, 1979, pp. 443, 445, 446,456 and 437.

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+ 582 585 sarvavastvatmakatvam ca yadanantatvamiritam tadayuktamam manye yuktayukta vicarane || Vadiraja, Yuktimallika (Y.M) Bhedasaurabha (B.S) p.1,S 1.1. tatra vastutontarahityam nama sakalavastubhedarahitya- miti vadanti | Surottamatirtha, Bhavavilasini (Bhavavilasini) com.on.Yuktimallika,p.l. 586 vibhostadanurupatvam nityasyanityarupatam | katham punarasau bruyanna hi sa svatmaghatakah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.2 b, s 1.5 587 desakalavyaptatoktya yattabhinnamabhutpura | katham punarvasturupattata eva tadekata || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.2 b, §1.6. 588 desakalantasunyatvam desakale ca vartanam | yatha vastvantasunyatvam tatha vastusu vartanam || Ibid, p.2, $1.9. { 588 A. bahuvasttvasrayatvam va bhavellokanidarsanat | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.3 b, ≤1.10. 589 ratnatonantaityadduryatoratnakaram janah | tathagunanantata ca syadgunaih purnata hareh ' || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.3 b, $1.10. 590 tatsarvadesaka lisu sambandhonantata yatha | samastagunasambandhi gunanantyam tatha vibhoh || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.4 b, Sl.13. hai 590 A. sambandhasca yathayogam samyogodravyayostayoh | Ibid, p.4 b, S1.15. } evam ca desakaladibhistribhirapi hareradharadheyabhava evarthopi sambandhah | sa ca kvacidadharatva purvakah | kvacidadheyatvapurva iti na namnapi visesah | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p.4 b, 1 pa 1 1

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1 590 B. Tait.Up.II-1. 590. mahatvasyah virodhitvadapi naitadihocitam | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.4, s 1.19. 1 591 A. Bhagavata I-18-19. ne 583 592. arthadvaye na sandehah nrtiyarthe hi samsayah | ato visisya tam vyaso nirnayayanvavarnayat || Ibid, p.6 b, s 1.25. vastutastu vyaptitvanityatvayorapi gunatvat gunanantyameva anantasabdarthah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.6 b. 593. srstisthitisamhara iti tritayamapi sattvam | tadetatritayam ca jagatah yapayatiti satyasabdodito bhagavaniti samudayarthah | Ibid, p.7 b.. 593 A. Supra. Footnote584 A. ' } 693 B. annad vai praja prajayante | sarva vai te'nnamapnuvanti tra | 594. Tait.Up.II-2. | atho annenaiva jivanti | ... .1 ya esa bhagavan visnurbhutasrsta gunadhikah | atrtvatu sarvalokanamannamityucyate harih | upajivyasca bhutanamiti va'nnam janardanah || Madhva. Taittiriyopani sadbhasya, (Sarvamul agrantha Vol.1 ) p.529. atassvetara sarvasya srstrta satyata bhavet || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.7, $1.35. 594 A. Tait.Up.II-4. 594 B. Ibid, III-4. {

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584 595 punarannamayatvoktya mahasamhatrtocyate | ayoti ca bhutanityuktassamhatanyata || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.7, $1.36. 595 A. E In the Dvaita, Kosa or sheath is not the primary meaning of the passages of Taittiriya Upanisad Unlike in the Advaita, (i) Annamaya etc, describe the greatness of the Lord as sole creator, protector and destroyer of the world. The suffix Mayat does not convey the sense of Vikara as the Advaita holds, (ii) but means abundance: 1 gyei nu ziyodi gyelar ant afe: 1 pracuraih sevyate nityamato'nnamaya iritah || Madhva, Taittiriyopanisadbhasya, (Sarvamulagranthah.Vol.1), Pp.529 & 528. The secondary meaning of the phrase is no doubt that it is the Kosa or sheath. Five kosas that are gross as well as subtle, are present in each Jiva, and they are governed and controlled by the Lord with His five presiding forms Aniruddha, 2 Pradyumna, Sankarsana, Vasudeva and Narayana. And these forms bless the Jiva and make him active for acting, enjoying knowing experiencing etc., Thus, He is prime-activating agent. Though, they fulfil different activities, they are not distinct. identical and perfect. sarve pi purusakara uttarat purvasambhavah | 3 eak; gfear: ga fafzograa ada: 11 attrtvam ca pranetrtvam bodho vividhata | anandasca yatah purnastato nnadimayah smrtah || attyadidasta pratyekam sarvesarvaguna api || They are Madhva, Taittiriyopani sadbhassya (Sarvamulagranthah) Vol.1, p.531. 1

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585 (1) annamayadibhya anandumayantebhya atmabhyo'bhyantaratamam ach faerit grustcarda facdifag mrza avidhakrta avidhakrtapamcakosapanayanena aneka tusakodrava- vitusikaraneneva tadantargata tandulanprastauti, tasmadva etasmadannarasamayadityadi | *Taittiriyopanisadbhasya' I Sankara: 'Taittiriyopanis adbhasya' p. 489, Mahesh Research Institute, Varanasi. Vedantists analyse the material body into five Kosas, or Sheaths, namely the gross physical sheath (annamayakosa), the sheath of the Prana. ( Pranamayakosa), the sheath of the mind (manomayakosa), the sheath of the buddhi or intellect (Vijnanamayakosa) and the sheath of bliss (Anandamayakosa). They are sheaths because they conceal Atman, as a sheath conceals a sword. They are described as being one inside another the physical sheath being the outermost and the sheath of bliss is the innermost Each succeeding sheath is finer than the preceeding one. As a fine substance permeates a gross one, so the finer sheath permeats the grosser sheath. Atman is unattached to the sheaths. Its light and conciousness permeate them all, though in varying degrees according to their density. By cultivating detachment toward these sheaths one by one, and gradually penetrating deeper, a man realizes Atman as pure consciousness. Nikhilananda. The Upanishads, Harper & Row, publishers, New York 1963, Pp.56,57. i See also; Ranganathananda, 'The message of the Upanisads, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1980, Pp.2,422 and 424. Ramakrishnarao, K.B., Advaita Vedanta: Problems & Perceptives, University of Mysore, Mysore, 1980, p.208. 3 ( 11 ) mayatya atra vikararthe drsto yatha'nnamaya ityadi | tasmat karyatma anandamayah pratyetavyah | Sankara, Taittiriyopanisadbhasya, Mahesh, Research Institute Varanasi p.507. i 1 {

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596. prananam jivanam proktam pracuryarthi yato mayat | amtah pranamayatvoktya mahapalakatocyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.8, si.40. 597. visisya sarvavatrtvam jnanatvamiti ca srutih | manomayagira praha yato dhatumsabodhane || Ibid, p.9 b, si .43. 598 srstyuktya praptasarvajna laksanasyedamiranam | Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 9 b, s 1.45. 598 A. Tait Up. II-6. 599 anandamayavacante svoktanantatvameva sa | jagaum kila tadanantyam anandadimunairna kim || Ibid, p. 9, s 1.46. antai proktanantatvalaksanasya antimena ananda- mayaprakaranena prapamcanat anandadigunapurvatvameva anantatvam, na parodiritasakalavastvaikyam | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 9. RIF e 600 tattatpuyai tatrayaikam gunam purnamavarnayat | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.10 b, Sl.50. 600 A. janmadyasya yatah | Brahmasutra I - 1-2. 586 srstisthitisamhara niyamanajnanajnanabandhamoksa yatah | Madhva, Brahmasutrabhasya, (Sarvamul agranthah - Vol 1 ) p. 8. 601 praksarvakartatam pascattattatsidyai sarvavetrtam | sukhasaktikrpadyaptyai santato nantatam jagi || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.12 b, Sl.59. J

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1 587 3 601 A. The passage might be either Vijnanaman and am brahma (Brih. Up. IIT-9-28) or Satyamghan aman antamanandam brahma (Sarvop-3) although it is mentioned as 'Satyam Jnanamanandam Brahma," Seeh Jacob, 'A concordance to the Principal asso Upanisads and Bhagavadgita' Pp.185 & 186. Motilal Banarasidass, 1963, 1 602. anandamititatsthane pahate natra yogyata | gunasyaivasti tattyage doso syaditi tarkaye || Ibid, p.12, §1.63. 603. anandadigunaistasmadanantyam syadidam prabhoh | Tbid, s 1.64. 603 A. Cha.Up.VII-23-1. 1 604 tatpurnasaukhyasiddhayartham anantyoktiscasobhate | f ato desaccakalacca gunatascantasunyata || srutyuktam tadanantatvam nanyattattvamitisthitam | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.13 b; Slokas 69,70. 605 evam ca vastutopyasya nanta ityudite sati | sarvaisca vastubhissidye tsada sambandha eva hi | ayam ca desavyaptyuktya gatarthatvannasarthakah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.13 & 14 b, Slokas 74 & 77. 606. dhanaih purnastadaiva syadvanam ca bahulam yadi | tadgunaih purnatavaca gunanam purnatakhyabhut || Ibid, p.14, $1.79. J One must know the element of difference in comparision. There is no difference between the Lord and His qualities unlike a rich person. Though, he is called Dhanapurna, Dhana is different from him. Thus, the comparison has its own limitation.

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1 588 606 A.. mayyanantagune'nante gunatonantavigrahe | Bhagavata VI-4-48. 607. gunasamkhyavadhirneti yonantagunairitah | sa eva gunatonantah pratyekam gunapurtitah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.l 5 b, Sl.84. } 608. dharmivyaptau vyaptagunasca tat | Ibid, p.15, Sl. 87. 609 amathiko harisiddhah tadarma apyamayikah | anubhyo'khilajivebhyom vibhedasca vibhorabhut || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.16 b, ≤1.90. 610. sarvopanisadamartham nirnetum badarayanah | 1 nirmame brahmasutrani sucanatsutramucyate | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.16, S 1.93. 611 nirnayakanusarena nirneyasyagatim viduh | Ibid, s 1.95. ' - 611 A. bhasyam sutrarthi varyate yena padaih sutranusaritibhah | svapadani ca varnyante bhasyam bhasyavido viduh || Jhalakikar, Bhimacarya, Nyayakosa, p.627. 611 B. Tait Up. II-5. 6 llc. Taittiriya Upanisad II-6. 611 D. anandamayobhyasat | Brahmasutra I-1-32. .....| annamayatvadesca | tathapi na ta anandamayasandenocyante | kintu visnureva | | brahmasabdah pare visno nanyatra kvacidisyate | .... | * brahameti paramatmeti bhagavaniti sabdayate | " "vasudevatmakam braddama mulamantrena vayatih " ityadisu tasminneva prasiddha brahmasabdabhyasat | Madhva.Brahmasutrabhasya, (Sarvamul agranthah ) - vol.1 Pp.14 & 15,

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589 612. brahmasabdabalatpucchameva brahameti durdhiyah | srutitsutradhvananandamayam brahmarci samsati | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.17, S1.100. 612 A. Tait Up. II-9. ' 612 B. tasmatkaryapatita evanandamayo na para evatma | anandaiti vidyakarmanoh phalam | tadvikara anandamayah | evam cetkrsyamanatyanandamayatyatmanah paramarthabraddamavijnanapeksaya brahma parameva yatprakrtam satyajnananantalaksanam yasya ca pratipattyartham pamcannadimayah kosa upanyastah . See also; Supra.fn,595 A. ' ' Sankara, Taittiriyopanisadbhasya, Mahesh Research Institute, Varanasi, PP. 508 & 510. 613. kosasya jadatvena tadekadesabhutapadasyapi jadatvavasyabhavat tadbrahmatvapratipadika na syaditi bhavah | paramatmani lomanaravadinamapi brahmatvattasya tasya brahmatapratipadakam vakyam tatra tatra yojyam | Bhavavilasini com.'on.B.S, p.18. 613 A. anandambaddama kam brahmetyadi vedo na kim srutah ! Yuktimallika,B.S, p.19,51.109. 614. modanandapramodadi na brahma kila cinmaye | brahmanatsukharupatve sukhasya brahmata nam kim || anandam, brahma kam brahmetyadivedo na kim srutah || Ibid, Pp 19 b & 19. Slokas, 108 & 109. 615 viruddhajivabrahmaikye yasyasabhayasi tava | amgamginoh kuto naikyamekajatiyayorveda || Ibid, p.19, §1.110. i $ 1

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616. pucchasya brahmatayamtu madhyasyabraddamata katham | mrtyuccham mrnmayasyoksnaityajnabhanakamsmara || Ibid, s 1.112, 616 A. Q.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.20 b, Sl.115. 617. padau brahama karo brahma madhyam brahama siro hareh | brahama vedam sarvamiti srutya yesortha iritah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.20 b, S 1.115. 617 A. Bhagavata X-8-37 & 38. - 617 B. anando braddameti vyajanat | luan anandadayeva khalvimani bhutani jayante | Tait.Up.III-6. anandam brahmano vidvan | Taittiriya Upanisad II 4. ananda atma | brahama puccham pratistha || 1 Tait.Up.II-5, 618 anandamaya madhyasyanando, brameti kim na sa | sahetukam brahrmabhavamaha samsayanuttaye | } Yuktimallika, B.S, p.20, s 1.117. 618 A. Supra. fn 6173 618 B. Supra. fn 617 B 619. pucche brahamapadadanyanna brahma yadi te mate | tananandata pucchre madhyasyanandatasruteh || Ibid, p.2 lb, $1.119. 619 A. Supra. for 384 620. yadyanandamayah kosastatpucche braddamata katham | sakarasya jadasyasya brahmata na hi te mate || Ibid, p.21, s 1.124. 1 1 1 590

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, 591 620 A. Supra. fn 617 B. 1 k 621 kimca srutavadarascat pucchsyabahumatastute | * 1 anyasyabraddamata kasmat svikrta na hi sa sruta || Ibid, p.22, $1.128, 622. padasya braddamatoktau hi sarvasya brahmatabalat | f yato bhavettatasterthah prabalarthato bhavet | Ibid, p.23 b, $1.132. 622 A. tatastha laksanam nama yavallaksyakalamanavasthitatve sati yadvyavartakam tadeva | ..... | prakrte ca jagajjanmadikaranatvam | - 1 tatpadarthasya brahmanah tatasthalaksanamitisesah | Joshi H.,Dharmarajadhvarindra som.p.247. 622 B janmadyasya yatah | • 1 Vedantaparibhasha 'with asya ' jagato namarupabhyam vyakrtasyaneka kartrbhoktrsamyuktasya janmasthitibhamga ' yatah } sarvajnatsarvasakteh karanadbhavati tadubaddameti vakyasesah | It must be noted that in the Advaita that Brahman is not Karta. And what all Kartrtva is referred to, relates to Isvara product of Maya. So the definition. in the above cited Brahmasutra ,does not apply to pure Brahman but to Isvara., means the definition of Kartrtva in respect of creation of the world etc, cannot be attributed Brahman, Hence, it becomes Tatastha-contingent; silent, non-applicable: See: Supra-fns, 553 A. 623. kimcanirvikrtereva nimittatvam paratmanah | 1 kulalavato yukta tadayukta tatasthata !! Yuktimallika,B.B. p.23 b, $1.134. 1

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1 592 1 } 623 A, paninina tatipratyayantasya sarvavibhaktikatva kathanat | ....| kartrkaranayostrtiyeti kartari trtiyaya anusasanat | See: Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.23. 624. laksanasya tatasthatve sarva karyamakartrkam | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.24 b, si .139. 624 A. Tait.Up.III-1, 624 B. Ibid zhuo 625. jijnasye laksanam nabhudajijnasyasti yanti kim | tadbrahmetyupadesam kim jijnasa kasya kathyatam || Ibid, p.24, S1.140. 625 A. Supra.fmSS 4 A 626. nimittavastu tadbraddama jagajjalasya kalavat | upadanatvavartaca natra srautadhvasodhane || Ibid, p.26 b, si .147. 626 A. Ativyapti: is extension of the attribute to things not denoted by the definitum, as when well define a cow as a horned animal and thereby include buffaloes that have horns but are not cows. Athalye & Bodas: Tarkasamgraha of Annambhatta' Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona,1963,p.81 626 B. yaduktalaksanopetam tadbraddameti hi yojana | tallaksanasya tatasthye jneyatapitate tava || Ibid,p.27, Siokas,155,156.. tattasmadbraddamani yojana yogat | ajnanasyaiva yojaniyatvacca | . ... -1 yato janmadi tadajnanamiti sutravakyaparyavasitarthe sati pracinasutroktajneyatapi Bh Vi,com.on. Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 27. tasyaiva syat

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t 627, ahoposya yamta iti vacane ka daridrata | Ibid., p.28 b, §1,158. 627 A, Supra in 1622 A 627 B, evamca nirgunatvoktya tatastham laksanam na te Yuktimallika,B.S, p.28 b, $1.166. } 1 628, kimca nirgunatadhrauvye laksanasya tatasthata | laksanasya ca tatasthye nirgunatvam dhruvam bhavet || atonyonyasrayah syannaparamatmapadascayah | Ibid, p.28, S 1,161, 1 629, niskriyatva srutiscasya kriyayasastyalepanam | | akartaram hi tam prahuryah krtvapi na lipyate || Ibid., p.29, ≤1.167. 629,A.Brih.Up,I-9-1, 629 B, akasastallimgat | Brahmasutra I-i-22. " 593 C .....| evam prapte bumah 'akasastallimgata " | akasasabdena brahmano grahanam yuktam | Satsastri, Sankara, 'Brahmasutrabhasya' p.115. 629 C. "anandamayo' bhyasat | 1 sariratvamapyanandamayasya nnamayadisariraparamparaya pradarsyamanatvath It is to be noted that, though Sankara declares that Anandamaya is Supreme and Atma but admits the Sariratva indirectly by applying the sheaths or Kosas respectively See ; Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya', p. 96. 629 D. Brih.Up. 1-2-5. 1 21 }

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t 594 ( 1 630. sa idam sarvamasrjataiti srutisamakhyaya | kartrtvamiha hetutvam nopadanatvamisyate || Ibid., p.30, s 1.171. 631 ajnanesthitadurdharma ko jnanaprastuto vadet | • Ibid, p.31, S 1.176. 632. kimcopadanamatrena karyam syannavayormata | atah karturavasyatve na tadvacyam katham vada || Ibid, p.32, sl.186. 632 A . tatra kevala prakrtih pradhanapadena vedaniya mulaprakrtih | .... mahadadeh karyakalapasyasaumulam | V 1 snumurtabhat, G, sayana, ' Sarvadarsanasamgraha Vol. 2, p. 150. sattvarajastamasam samyavastha prakrtih | Jhalakikar Bhimacarya; 'Nyayakosa' p.519. 633 anicchatapi kartutvamato vacyam tvayapihi | " P.32, Sl.188. 633 A. isvarasyaiva kartrtvamuktam | yat karma kurute tadabhisampadyate iti jivasyopalabhyate | ata aha karta sastrarthatvat Brahmasutra II-iii-32. jivasya kartrtvabhavem sastrasyaprayojakatva praptah jivo spi karta | •• parattu tacchruteh | sa ca katatvasaktih paradeva | Brahmasutra II-iii-40. * kartrtvam karanatvam ca svabhavascetana dhrtih | yatprasadadime santi na santi yadupaksaya || " iti hi paimgisrutih | , Madhva, Brahmasutrabhasya, pp. 103 & 104. See also; Madhva, Mahabharatatatparyanirnaya Sarvamulagranthah) Vol.2, p.297, Ch.XXII,Slokas 75,77 & 81. 2

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1 J 535 634. karta jivopi hi yada praktah kimu tada prabhuh | p 33, s 1.192. asvatantrasya jivasya prayojanavasatkartrtve amgikarye svatantrasya sarvasaktasya hareh kartrtvam sirasa dharyamiti bhavah | Bhavavilasini, com.on. Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 33, 635. Cha. VI-2-1. niskriyatvasrute ssatvattatastham laksanam yadi | taryajnanam tatastham syadadvitiyanrterbalat || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.34 b, Sl.196. 635 A. anadi brahmano jnanamanadeva hi te mate | dvitiyam tatkrtam tasmattrtiyamakhilam jagat | tenavidha nisedhyaiva vageseti matirmama || Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 34 b, S 1.197. 635 B. Supra, fn.626 A. 635 C. Asambhava is the total absence of the characteristic from the definitum itself, as when we define a cow to be an animal with uncloven hoofs. Athalye & Bodas, Tarka-samgraha of Annambhatta 636. ato laksanasutrasya balajjnanabaladibhih | gunairyuktamabhadabaddama laksanena gunena ca || Ibid, p.35 b, §1.201. 636 A. Supra., P. 100 637 nehananetivakyaccagunyabhinna gunasca te | Yuktimallika, B, S, p.35, 3 S 1.204, p.81,

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638. sutramaryadaya eva gunagunya bhedasya guna- gunibhavadesca siddhestadvataka visesasyapi arthatsiddhih | Ibid. 638 A. anandamayo'bhyasat 2 Br, Su, I- 1- 12. anando brahmeti vyajanat | Tait. Up III-6. 639. anandamayasutroktaritya sopi sukhakrtih | nirakarah katham kuryadadhvastahastakulalavat || Yuktimallika,B:S, p. 36 b, s 1.206. 639 A. Brahmasutra I-iii-7. 640, bhedasadhaka sutranamasmadamyadi sadbhaveti sayuktikatvat granthasya yukti mallikatvadasyaiva prathamato grahanam || Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.37 b. 640 A. Brahmasutra I-ii-20. 641, sa ca sthityadanabhya cetyaha bhedam sayuktikam | ubhayepitisutresi bhedoktya canyatam Yuktimallika,B.S, pp.37 b & 37, Slokas 212 &213. 641 A. Brih.Madhyandinapathah, 641 B. anyo'ntara atma''nandamayah | brahama puccham pratistha | anando brahmeti vyajanat | 641 C. Munduka Upanisad III-1-2, 641 D. Mund. Up.I-1-9. ..| ananda atma | Tait.Up.II-9. Tait.Up.III-6. r .... 641 E. dharah sarvani bhutani kutastho'ksara ucyate yasmatksaramatiti hamaksaradapi cottamah | ato'smi loke vedeva prathitah purusottamah | Bhagavadgita XV- 16 & 18. 596 '

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. 642 visesanena bhedasya vyapadesana ceti ca | sayuktikam bhedamaha yutsarvajnam visesanam || Ibid, p.38 b, S 1.215, 643, sariranupapatte nitaranupapattitah | itisatradvaye cokto, bhinnajivassayuktikam || Ibid, p.38, $1.216. 643 A. Munduka Upanisad II-2-5. 643 B, Chandogya Upanisad III-8-7, 643 C. Brih.Up.III-4-10. 643 D. Swet.Up.VI-13, 643 E. Ibid, IV-6. } { 1 644. bhedama ghosayamasa satrasutre sa sutrakrt | pamcatha yo bhinattidam sabhedah kena varyate || Ibid, p.40 b, Sl.222. 644 A. Ait.ara.II-2-3. 645. ityaikyavacasam satra laksana gatiririta | Ibid, p.416, S 1,226. 645 A, Mund Up, III-2-7, 646. ' itipraptamato bhedam paramarthi cakara sah | tasmadbhedopratidvandvastatratatrodito bhavet | Yuktimallika,B.S, Pp.44 & 45 b, Slokas 237 & 238, 647. moksartha brahamamimamsamarabhya sa pade pade | yato niranayabhedam atastattvam mahaddhi tat || Ibid, p.48 b, S 1.250. , 597

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598 648. t } na hi sastramidamtaya visayabhutam brahma pratipadayisyati | Satsastri, Sankara: Brahmasutrabhasya p. asabdamasparsamarupam Kath. Up. III-15. yadvisabdadimattayetidam tvasabdaddimatvat ....| Sankara: Kathakopanisadbhasya, p. 99. sabdadirahityam Subramanya shastri, Gopalayati, Kathakopanisadbhasyavivarana, M.R.I.Varanasi, 1979,p.99. 649. " tad vijijnasasva tad brahama " iti braddamasabdena purnagunatvoktenanubhavasiddhalpagunajivabhedah | "atha kasmaducyate brahmeti brhanto yasmin gunah " iti sruteriti | Madhva. 'Nyayavivarana', (Sarvamulagranthah-Vol.1)p.4. brahmasabdo'pi hi gunapurtimeva vadatyayam | Madhva, Anuvyakhyana (Sarvamulagranthah-Vol.1) p.7. 650 gunairlimga bhidhaih yasmatpratisutram vipaksinah | pratyaksipatsa bhagavan tadbrahama gunabrmhitam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.48 b, $1.252. 651. atassadapyabadhyatvam gunanam vyasasasanat | Yuktimallika,B.S, p. 48, s 1.254. 652. tattannamoktadharmanam yadi brahmani nanvayah | rupamatra syaika namna siddhessastramanarthakam || 1 Ibid, p.49 sl.258... ነ + t 653. See; 1 i Sankara, 'Brahmasutrabhasya' Introduction to second quarter of first Adhyaya. Saxtsastri Sankara : Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol,1,p.145. www

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" 599 I " See also; In the first Pada, it has been said that according to the Sutra "Janmadyasya yatah" (Brahmasutra I.12) Brahma is the cause of all this transitory world such as the Akasha etc., and by that, impliedly it is as good as said, how Brahma, the cause of all this world, has the attributes of being all-pervading, eternal, omniscient, all powerful and the self of all. After stating that certain words well-known to have another meaning, gare infact indicative of Brahma, and that certain sentences, though they are clearly the indicatory marks of Brahma are doubted as being so, it has also been determined that they refer to Brahma. Again, there are certain other sentences which do not clearly seem to be the indicatory marks of Brahma, and are doubted as to their significance, i.e, it is doubted whether they propound Brahma or something else. The second and the third Padas are begun with a view to determine that. L Apte, V.M., Brahmasutra Shakarabhasya · Popular Book Depot, Apte,V.M., Bombay,1960, p.93. 653 A. ghubhva dyayatanatvadya dharmassarvatra varnitah | nirvisese va mimamsa kveyamsallimgasabdabhah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.49, $1.259. 654. atonantagunam braddametyeva sutrakrtomatam $ 655. Ibid., sl 260. See for details Supra. 656 tattvasyavedakam kimcitkimcittattvasyavedakam | iti vedesu yadvaidham na tatsutrakrti matam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.50 b, $1.262. 1

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* 600 657. jivesabhedadadayakterahamajna itiritam | 658. ajnapratyaksam . . . . . || Ibid, s 1.264. See : anandamayarupe tu brahmanah pucchatiktitah | brahamata vayave'pisyat tatha'vayavini svatah || Madhva, Anuvyakhyana, (Sarvamulagranthah-Vol.1) p.15. 659. Tait.Up.II-5. L Sankara comments the very passage, that the Atman abicing in blissful sheath has its sira as lovely as that of the sight of affectionate ones, since Sira (head) being the chief organ or part. tasyanandamayasyatmanah istaputradidarsanajam priyam sirah iva sirah pradhananyat | Subramanyashastri, Upanisadbhasya, Shankara : Taittiriyopa- -nisadbhasyam, p. 509. 660. Tait.Up.II-5. 661. Ibid., 662, priyamodapramodanandatmodhvagisya padapi | sajatiyo yato vasyam tato brahmabrhat sukham || priyamodapramodanandadisarva sukham hi tat | pracuryartha mayavacyam sarvam purna ca tatkila || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.51 b, Slokas 270, 271. prakrtavacane mayat | V-4-21. vrttih- taditi prathama samarthavibhaktih, pracuryena prastutam prakrtam | prathamasamarthat prakrtopadhike the vartamanatsvarthe mayat pratyayo bhavati | samuhavacca bahusu | 5-4-22, vrttih- tatprakrtavacana ityeva | bahusu prakrtesacyamanesu samuhavatpratyaya bhavanti | cakaranmayat ca | Vasu. S.C. The Ashthadhyayi of Panini, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, Vol.2, 1962, p.991. ·

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601 663, so'snute sarvan kamansaha | bahumanam vipasciteti | 1 Tait.Up.II-1. 664, atotrapi bramapadam munnama sukhasucakam | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.51, S 1.273, 665 anyo'ntara atma ssnandamayah | ...| ananda atma | Tait.Up.II-9. vijnanamanandam braddama - Brih. Up. III-9-28. anandamaya ityadyaih sabdairvacyo harih svayam | 1 Madhva, Anuvyakhyana, Sarvamulagranthah - Vol.1 ) p. 15. 666. padadikesaparyantamevamanandarupatam | , srutistu spastamacasta sutrakaropyasutrayat || Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 52 b, S 1.275. Cf : * athato brahamajijnase " ti yasya brahmanah jijnasa kartavyatayokta tacca braddama taittiriyasrutavananda mayasya pucchakhyavayavarupam pratiyate | ....| atah samgatisadbhavadanandamayasya brahamatvamatrasamarthyata iti bhavah | ... | avayavina evanandamayasya jijnasyatva prapteh | ....| ato brahmajijnasa sidyarthama nandamayo'bhyasadi- tyanandamayasya visnutvamaha sutrakara iti bhavah | Panchamukhi RS. Jayatartha, Tattvaprakasika : (Brahmasutra- -bhasya with com.of Jayatirtha and Raghavendratirth)K.H.R.S, Dharwad, 1980 p. 90. 667. Supra. In 347 A 668. See; Supra, 659. See also:- yaccatebhyo abhyantaram yena te sarve atmavantah, tadbrahama puccham pratistha | tadeva ca sarvasyavidyaparikalpitasya dvaitasyavasanabhutamadvaitam brahma pratistha | Subramanya shastri : Sankara : Taittirayopanisadbhasya (Upanisadbhasyam) p.510. www

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602 669. Tait.Up.II-5. / 670. yatasca saiva purusavidha eveti tadapuh | vinirnayati tenasya tanurasidabadhita || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.52, S 1.278. 671. atah purnanandamatram sukhadyakarasundaram | narayanam param brahma priyameveti ca srutih || avadharayanti prakrtiprakrtamsavivarjitam | kevalanubhavanandarupakaramanoharam || Ibid, Slokas,279 & 280. 672. trayanamekabhavanam Bhagavata IV-7-54 tasmadevamaikyam pasyankrtarthi bhavatityaha | trayanam brahma visnurudranameko bhavah svarupam yesam | Krishnashankarshastri, Sridharaswami, "Bhavarthadipika (Srimadbhagavatam Vol, 4) Nadiyada Gujarat, 1966, p. 185. 673 nirnayakanusarena nirneyasya gatim viduh | * Yuktimallika,B.S, p.53 b, §1.285. 674 bhedasabdo hi vidvadbhirmiyo bhade prayujyate | bhrame virodhe dhibhede nasanyonyavimisrane || 1 asamyuktatayanyonyasthitiscapi bhidocyate || Ibid, s 1,287. 675 apyarvagvrttayo yasya mahitve svabhavadayah | yathamati gunantisma krtanugrahavigraham || Ibid, p.57, S 1.312. · 676 antaryamivivaksayam bhedonaso bhramo pi va | misranam va kumodesu tritayam vainisedhati || Ibid, p.60 b, §1.329. zhan '

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1 Q 1 1 602 1677 bhayam dvitiyabhinivesatah syadisadapetasya viparyayo smrtih | tanmayayati budha abhajettam bhaktyekayesam gurudevatatma || Bhagavata XI-2-37. 678. bhayam dvitiyabhinivesatah 1 Bhagavata XI-2-37. ... nanu visaya viksiptacittasya kuto vyabhicarini bhaktih sambhavrtti kutastaramabhayam | tatra na tavadvisayo nama vastavo'sti kintu manivilasamatramato mano niyamanena bhajanadabhayamsyadityaha | avidyamano piti | dvayah dvaitaprapamcah dhyamtuh pumso dhiya manasa svapnasca manorathaca yatha tathetyarthah | ..... | Krishnashankarashastri, sridharaswami Bhavarthadipika (srimadbhagavatam Vol.11) p.70. 679 tatragrahadbhayam tasyattato bhaktyam bhajesvaram | ityaha no cedakyasya purvottara virudvata || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.63 §1.361. 680. purvottara ravirudvartha vadenmimamsaya budhah | na cedakasasabdena param brahma katham jaguh || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.64 b, Sl.366. 681. Bhagavata VII-6-20. Bhagavata VII-7-41. Bhagavata III-32-41. 682. apicabhinivesasya bhayadatve sa eva hi | tyajyassyatsopi badhyona dvitiyam kena badhyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.64, s 1.369. 1 683. dravyam karma ca kalasca svabhavojiva eva ca | yadanugrahatah santi na santi yadupeksaya || 1 Madhva, Anuvyakhyana (Sarvamulagranthah-Vol.1) p.2 1

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{ 1 1 604 684. Bhagavata IV-28-62. 1 aham bhavannacanyastvam ..... Bhagavata IV-28-62. tattvampadarthayo vicadamsanaikyamaha | ahameva bhavan | na canya iti | vyatiharopadesa uktabhipraya eva | Krishnashankarashastri, { upacaram varayati Sridharaswami, 'Bhavarthadipika' (srimadbhagavatam: Vo.4) p.709. 685. tvamevahamiti proktopyaikyasa naiva sakyate | tvamevahamiti prahura tisnigdham yato janah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.67 51.382. 686 tasmadetadrsa vakye pratitarthe tu badhite | premagraddayam, | Ibid, s 1.384. 1 687 iti bhagavate prokta tato hamsasya vagapi | ● ' lokanusarini bodhyahamte premavasamsati || Ibid,, S1.386, 688 athava bimbabhutasya svasyasvapratibimbatah | jivadvaktyavinabhavam natvaikyam vakti badhitam || Yuktimallika, B.S, p.68 b, s 1,387. 689 aham bhavannacetyekam vakyam vatra vibhidhate | anyastvamityanyadeva vakyam tenatmabhinnatam |- itivakyantarenatau tvameva tvayyaham matim | kurunanyairiti brute spastam taddaryavayorbhida || Ibid., p.68, stokas, 391, 392 & 393, 690. Bhagavadgita- XI-8. 691. Bhagavata IV-28-42. evam sa manaso hamso hamsena pratibodhitah | svastastadyabhicarena nastamapa punassmrtim || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.70, §1.401. 1

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{ 695 692. bhutendriyantahkaranatpradhanajjivasamjnitat | atma tatha prthagdrsta bhagavanbrahamasamjnitah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p. 70, S 1.404. 693. Cha.Up.VI-2-1. 694. Brih.Up.III-9-26. 1 t 695. trtiyaskandhausava gjadajjiva tprthakkrtam | advitiyasruterartha trtiyam brahmasti || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.71 b, Sl.405. na tu dvitiyabhavamiti svavirudvaikyavacanasya, gatikathanapurvakamanaya, vaca bhagavati jiva- jadabhedah- sadhita iti bhavah | Bhavavilasini Com.on. Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 71 b. 696. Supra (fn.520 A, & 648) > 1 tasmadevamjatiyakesu vakyesu yathasrutam nirakarameva brahama avadharayitavyam | Brahmasutrabhasya III-2-14. 1 1 Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, kevala nirgunaca | 10 Swet, Up. VI- 11. 697. vakyalaksana svikare tattvamasityadau vakyalaksanayapi akhandacaitanya bodhi nirvikalpaka rupah susampadah ityapi bodhyam | Joshi.H, Dharmaraj adhvarindra, Vedantaparibhasa, with com. p.182. 698. Supra. 699. bhagavatvena nairgunyamakhandartham ca samjnaya | niracastha brahmanistham spastamacastavanyatam || Yuktimallika, B.S, p.71, S1.409.

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G " 606 700. Supra. for 258 701, matibhedopi bhedesyannaikadaiksyathirdidha | yugapanmatibhedo va yugapatsthanabhinnata || vaikaksanyam ca yugapadminnayorevananyatha || Yuktimallika, Bhedasaurabha p.72 b, Slokas, 413 & 414. 702. Svetasvatara Upanisad IV-6, Mund.Up.III-1-1. 703, matyaikya sthanaikya kathakapadadvayabalanmati bhadadau netumapi na sakyeti bhavah | Bhavavilasini, com,on. Yuktimallika, B, S, p. 72. 704 badvatvapurnata trtvapurvairjivaprakasakaih | nityamuktatvapurnatvanattrtvayaih parapriyaih || viruddhadharma sadratnaisa cudaratnayitaistada | alamkrta bhadavaktu naivasvartham vimumcati || Yuktimallika,B,S, p.72 & 73 b, Slokas, 418 & 419. 705 aikyasrutistumatyaikye sthanaikye svarthamujjhati | ekibhuta vimavityatraikyam na hi tayordvayoh || Ibid., p.73 b, Sl.420. 706. cao The sruti passage occurs in both the Kathopanisad With and the Swetasvataropanisad some change in the second Pada or line. But it is to be noted that the dissolution of the Sruti words changes from one Up, to another in the Advaita. In the Kath.Up., the Advaita reads the passage 'Nityo anityanam' whereas in the Swet, Up, reading is Nityo nityanam'. And in both the cases, passage is interpreted accordingly. (i) This difference in reading of the passages has not been even traced and notified by Jacob. (ii) In the Dvaita, reading of the Passage is as 'Nityo nityanam Here Vadiraja does not refer to Swet.Up.but refers to the passage of Katha.Up. running 'Nityo nityanam...'(iii) and not as Nityo anityanam.. ' .. .

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697 + { (1) nityo'nityanam cetanascetanana maiko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman | tamatmastham ye'nupasyanti dhirah + 1 tesam santih sapavati netaresam || Katha V-13. Subramanya shastri, S., Sankara: 'Kathopanisadbhasya' (Upanisadbhasya ), Mahesh Research Institute, p.114. nityo nityanam cetanascetananam maiko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman | tatkaranam samkhyayogadhigamyam jnatva devam mucyate sarva patrah || Swet.Up.VI-13. Gita Press, Gorakhapur, p.245. (ii) Jacob A concordance to the Principal Upanisads and Bhagavadgita, 'Motilal Banarasidass, Deslhi, 1971,p.491. ‡ 1 } (iii) Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.73 b. 707. atmasthamanupasyanti namedena tamisvaram | kecitpasyanti kecicca na pasyanti kilaprabham || sasvatam ca sukham tesamuktarityaiva pasyatam | nabhedakrtabuddhinam najnanam ca bhavetkila || · | Y:M.,B.S, p.73,, Sloka's, 424 & 425. 708, mahasamarthyamisasya prabhutvam ca prasadhitam | upadanadivijnanat sarvanadimahagunah | svatantryam tasya jivanam paratantryam ca sadhitam || Ibid., p.74 b, S 1.429. 709. eka eva vidadhati na tvanya prerita ityuktya svatantrah karteti vacanatkartrtvoktya ca svatantryam | taddatta- bhogabhoktrtvajjivanam paratantryam ca | I Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p.74 710. bhetakaryakaranasaktivisesah paramatmani | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.74, §1.433.

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- 608 711 muktanam bahuta muktasvamitvam cam prabhorabhut | atmastha bhagavaddrstermuktavapyanuvartanam || Ibid., p.75 b, $1.437, Sl.437. itopi gunadernamithyatvamitibhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.75. 712 cetananam bahutvoktya jivabhedah parasparam | datuh prabhorakebhyo bhedascaikasya sidhyati || ↓ X tena jivesayorbhedah sadhitassopapattikah | kamyanam ca bahutvoktya jadabhedah parasparam | tesamisakrtotvoktya jadesvarabhida tatha || Yuktimallika,B.S, Pp.75,76 b, Slokas, 440,441,442, 712 A . ekajivakathajivabhedo jivesvarabhida | cidupataiva jivanam cityakartrtvamityapi || nisprakaraikyavijnananmuktirjagada satyata | sakrtsarvavimoksacetyetatsarvam hi dusitam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.76, Slokas, 445 & 446. 712 B. •• ato bravityamsa iti jivo isvarasyamso bhavitumarhati, yathagnervisphulimgah | amsa ivamsi na hi . niravayavasya mukhyaumda so sambhavati | 1 Satsastri, Sankara, Brahamasutrabhasya, Vol.1, p.603. 713 tarhi dehadyupadhinam gamanam kena hetuna | brahamano niskriyatvoktestadanyasya jadatvatah | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.77, §1.453. 714. Supra. fn 553 A 715 brahmacaitanyasya vyaptatvena calakatvabhavat . tatha jivacchariranamapi mrtasarirasvabhavo'bhuditibhavah | Bhavavilasini , com.on.Yuktimallika,B,Sy p.78 b.' $

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} 3 699 716 bhaveyurniskriya samgadopi syadhdi niskriyah | Yuktimallika, B,S, p,78, 51, 465, 717. 718. 1 See; _ Gautamachandraji Jivaraja Kunda Kunda Prabhata Sangraha (Hinch Edn). Gulabchand thrachanda Doshi. Sholapur, 1960. Pp. 29.30 Seet utkrantigatyagatinam | Br, SU, II-3-19, hetunam sakasadanureva | " so'smacchariradutkramyamam lokamabhigacchatyamusmadimam lokamagacchati sa garbhibhavati sa prasuyate sa karma kurute * iti pausyayanamrteh | svatmana cottarayoh | Brahmasutra,II-3-20. ityuttaravakyayoh paramatmanaivotkrantyadayah | Madhva. Brahmasutrabhasya, Pp - 97 & 98. caladeso hi jivah syanna sthiramsah kadacana | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.79 b, §1.469. 719. upadhistu karyanvayi vyavartako vartamanasya tadeva ... mayopadhikamcasat isvarasaksityucyate | : Joshi, H., Dharmarajadhvarindra, Vedanta paribhasa,Pp.71 &73. 720 parispandakriyanaiva parabrahamani te mate | $ 4 sahasopadhi sambandhapyakriyasya kriya nahi || kim kriya niskriye vyomni syatkarakasatairapi || Yuktimallika,B,S, p.79 b, Slokas, 470 & 472. 721. atitanuta sidhda tavapi ca samapi ca | Ibid. p.73 $1.473. 722 anyaccabraddama caitanyam sada sarvatratisthati | svacchamacchedyamacchidram kutasthamacalam dhruvamm || H Ibid.p.80,b Sl.480. 723 brahmakhanda na jivastadabaddamani kvapyakhandanat | akhanditam ca tadabrahma nicchidratvadviniscitam || Ibid.p.81, Si.489. 1 1

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} 3 610 724. 1 vicitrasaktiyuktosi sarvajnah sakalesvarah | svatantrokhilakarta ca sadaniyanmahankila || tacchaktya kim na ghatate sopi na svatmaghatakah || Ibid., p.82 b, slokas, 494 & 495. 725. na nityamuddhabuddhamuktasvabhavasya tadyogastadyogadrte | Sankhaaya Su. I-19. tasmat tadyogadrte prakrtisamyogam vina na purusasya T tadyogo bandha samparko'sti, api tu sa eva bandhah | Bhattacharya, R 'Sankhyasutram' with Bhasya of Vijnanabhiksu, Bharatiya Vidya Prakashana, Varanasi, 1977, 1 , .p.16. $ 726. brahmano jivabhavoktirato' yuktitaravidam | yatah pragakriyavyaptacideka sakriyastvami || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.84 b, $1.507. 727. kvacitpuranamdi brahamasitvakathanam tadadhinatvadeva | 'natu matsyadivat tadekadesatvat | Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, B, S, p. 84 b. 728 anaditopi jivaste samcaranti prthakca tat | ato moksapi naivaikyam na hi kanyaparah puman || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.84 b, $1.508. 729. hareranekatanutvam mahatvam ceti manmatam | ato gatagatacam ca yuktam saktya mamaprabhoh || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.84, $1.511. jivanam canutvaikasvabhavatvena kevalam sakriyatvena ca bhagavatotyantavilaksanatvadatyantabhedasceti sarvamavadatam | Bhavavilasini ,Com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.84. 729 A. Mahanarayanopanisad.X-6., 1

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[ r 730 :: antarbahisca tatsarvam vyapyanarayanasthitah | I 731. iti srutenacedvyaptacaitanyadvayamapatet || 1 Yuktimallika,B.S, p.85 b, S 1.515, } | 4 jivastvakasamadhyasthatrasarenunanopamah | tasmadambaddamaikyametesam namadasti na bhavisyati || Ibid. 4 611 1 732. 733. 734. ☐ 1 The cosmic Jiva is alone the awakened Jiva and all; the rest are but his imaginings. This is known as, the doctrine of ekajiva (one-soul), Dasagupta St *A History of Indian Philosophy' Vollp,477. ' 1 The opposite of this doctrine is the theory held by some Vedantists that there are many individuals and worldappearance has no permanent illusion for all people, but each person creates for himself his own illusion, and there is no objective datum which forms the common ground for the illusory perception of all people According to this view the illusory perception of each happens for him subjectively and has no corresponding objective phenomena as its ground. Dasagupta, S, 'A History of Indian Philosophy, 'Vol.1, p.477. dehadikam mrsa te'stu nanadehasya cetanah | mrsacedgamanam na syadrajjsa na sarpati || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.87 b, $1.531. 735, satyena brahmana tesamaikyam na syanmrsatmanam | Ibid, p.87, S 1:533. 736. mrsa bheda ghatavyoma pracalettatratatra kim | i * jalena jalapamkena lipyate kim dine dine || Ibid, p.88 b, $1.540. } 1

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2 1 } 4 1 ' I 612 737 niskriyabraddamabhagascet sakriyatvam na karhicit | niskriyakasabhagaste sakriya kenavakrtah || Ibid, p.8 Bb, S 1.542. 737 A. Raveda, X-190.3. 738. sarvanubhavasiddhasya maryadaraksakasya ca | jivesvaradi bhedasya mrsatvam kena hetuna || yathanubhavamevarthassada sarvatra tisthatu | jivo jivostu sarvatra jadamastu jadam sada | isassarvatra ceso'stu 739. 1 Ibid., p.88, 89 b, Slokas 545, 546, and 457. t sarvam khalvidam braddama | Cha.Up.III-14-1. Sankara comments ... , } idam jagat namarupavyakrtam pratyaksadi- visayam brahma karanam | .. .| evam brahamatmataya 1 trisu kalesu avisistam tadyatirekena agrahanat || atah tadevedam jagat | Saccidanandendrasarasvati, Sankara: Chandogyopanisadbhasya, (Upanisad bhasya Vol 6 ) Adhyatma Prakasa Karyalaya, Holenarasipur, 1956, p.338. I } 740. jada़ैkyameva ghatayedidate tipriyamatam | } drsyamanamidam sarvam bahumetyaikyanusasanat 1, I jadasya brahmanaikyepi kate hanirnigadyatam || Yuktimallika,Bhedasaurabha, p.90 & 91, Slokas, 559 & 566. 740 A. Supra. In 520 A 741. evam ca bandho mithya kimartha tatpariharodyoga ityukte > sopi mithyetyeva parasyasiddhantonumiyate | atah kasya bandhah kasya moksah na kasyapitibhavah | Bh.V 1, com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 92, rma 1 { I 1

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1 2 613 742, vakyarthasya pratyaksabadhabhavat pratyuta bhagavadadhina- tvasya sarvairapyanubhuyamanatvacca pratyaksasatkrtam | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.92. 742 A, "mrdabravit " "apo bruvan " ityadivacanat yuktiviruddho veda ityato'bravit abhimanivyapadesastu visesanugatibhyam | Brahmasutra II-i-6. - mrdadyabhimanidevata tatra vyapadisyate | tasam cetarebhyo visistam samarthyamanugatisca sarvatra Madhva.Brahmasutrabhasya, (Sarvamul agranthah - Vol 1 ) p. 62. tattannamana evaite tattadvastvabhimaninah | santi tesam visesena saktiranyebhya ucyate || ' Madhva, Anuvyakhyana, (Sarvamul agranthah - Vol 1 ) p.62. 743. satyam priyam vaco vacyam vacyam nasatyamapriyam | 744. yadacyutauhamityuccairuccaranpaumdrakacyutah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.93 si.582. See also; Bhagavata X-66-1 to 23. j nityamuktabhagavatsarupyamatrasya syat kathamcidupama | Bhavavilasini,com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p.94. 745 evam muktiyogya jivasyaiva sadhananusthanepi muktissyannatu yasya kasyapi jivasya . 1 tatha jnanena muktopi jnananmuktajivantarena svabhavamukta - paramatmana cabhinno na bhavati | kintu svayamapi muktantaravanmukto bhavatiti bhavah | Ibid, p.95 b. 746 evameva paramatmani nilinataya antapravistanam ° sayujyamuktanam mandadrstibhih prthagadarsanapi naikyamiti bhavah | Ibid.

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747 evam bhinnasvabhavanam jivanam braddamanisvare | aikyam vakyasatenapi vaktumsakyam na kutracit || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.95, Slokas, 590 & 591. * 748 yadisvari samarthassyatkatham sarva jagadabhavet | yadisvarassamarthassyatkatham sarvam jagadbhavet | Ibid, p.96, S 1.599. 749. srutyuktam yadi tattvam syaddvaitsya na tattvata | srutyuktam yadyatattvam syadadvaitasya na tattvata || Ibid, p.97, §1.604. 750. yadi jnanepi cajnanam na samsaro harerayam | yadi jnane na cajnanam na samsaro harerayam || Ibid, p.98 b, §1.606. 751. sarvatha harerjnanabhave jnanapratitereva tasminnayoga- -ditibhavah | $ Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p.98 b. wu 752. ahamkaro hi lokanam vikaro dustyajo mahan | adhamadadhamo jivo yadhikadadhikah kila || Yuktimallika,B,S, p. $1.611. 1 753. sivoham bhavadhirbhoge rogemrtyumjayacakah | Ibid, p.98 b, $1.616. 754, amsapadasamyepi jivanamalpasaktitvadibhannamsatvam, matsyadinam amsivadatisamarthatvadabhinnamsatvamiti bhavah | tasmadvicitra caritrayossabdasamyepi naryaikyamiti bhavah | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,Bhedasaurabha p. 755. Bhagavata I-3-28. 614 t

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hai 615 755 A, kalassarve harerevah saprajapatayastatha | Bhagavata I-3-27. 756 svarupamsisti bhinnamsopyasti sabdavisesanat || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.100 $1.621. 757. bhinnamsatu tadiyatvam bhinnabhinne'rdhasamsyata | abhinna sarvasamyam syadyatha matsyadisu prabhoh || Ibid, p.loob, $1.623. CF : svamsacatho vibhinnamsa iti dvaidhamsa isyate | amgino yattusamarthya yatsvarupam yatha sthitih | 1 { tadeva nanumatro'pi bhedah svamsamsinoh kvacit vibhinnamso'lpasaktissyatkimcitsadrsyama trayuk | iti varahe | . See also dvirupamsi, tasya paramasya harervimoh | . pratibimba sikascatha svarupamsaka eva ca || pratibimbasika jivah pradurbhavah pare smrtah | pratibimbesvalpasamyam svarupani tararani tu || iti || Madhva: Brahmasutrabhasya Pp.105,106 { 758. jivastu braddamabhinnamsah sarvajnaderabhavatah | matsyadayah svarupamsah sarvajnadeh prabhavatah || bhinnabhinnah patasaste, jadesveva najade || atastraividhyamamsesu duvarimitime matih || 1 & 107. Yuktimallika,B.S, p.101, slokas 624, 625 and 626. + 758 A, Brth. Up.VII-1-1.. 759. atomtibhinna evayam jivakhyamso bhavedhuvam | viruddhadharmakrantatvam bhedamko na vadedabudhah || Ibid, p.102 $17632. 4 } } } 759 A. ekasyaiva mamamsasya jivasyaiva mahamate | bandhosyavidyayanadih vidyaya ca tathetarah || Bhagavata XI-11-4. i 1 1 3 1

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760. See: amsi nanavyapadesadanyatha ' capi dasakitavadi- tvamadhiyata eke | Br Su, II 131-43, amso hyesa parasya yo'yam | anyah parahenyo jivo • f tatha cagnivesya srutih " amso hyesa parasya bhinnam 616 J yainamadhiyire abhinnam yenamadhiyire | " "iti || Madhva. Brahmasutrabhasyai (Sarvamulagranthah - 1.1 ) Pp.104 & 105. hum 4 ។ 761. Radhakrishnan, 'Indian Philosophy; George Allen & Unwin, London, 1971, Vol.2, Pp 610 & 611, See also: Supra, fn.733.. } - 762, upadhirekastata eva evam sa & jivo nijamjnanavasena kalpitan | aneka jivan pratibhasadehinah pasyatyabodha s pagate na pasyati || sarvesyavidyaparikalpita | yato 1 Sastri,K. Sadananda', 'Pratyaktattvacintamanih; pp. 301 & 302 . 763. bahujivamate jiva dehe dehe 'prthakprthak | yonibheda Ttkarmabhedadgatibhedacca samsutau || Yuktimallika,B,S, p,104, 51.646. 764,, braddamaikye jivabhavasyaivabhavarikam mitho bhidha | Ibid, s 1,649. muktasanam jivanam amsina brahmanaikyepi amsanam 2 parasparamaikyasya loke adrstatvat ayuktatvacca | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p. $ + 1 765. amtaumsanam samastanam mithastvaikyam kada vada | vicaryamane pannasinnabhave napunarbhave || Yuktimallika,B,S, p.105 b, S 1.652. 1 1

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0 1 1 617 766. anyonyam sukhaduhkhabhogabhave parasparaikyam vartabhatramiti bhavah | Bh Vi com, on Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 103 b, 767 tasmatpurvoktamargena jivacaitanyameva tat | bhinnabhinnamanantam ca bhoga bhadraya cesyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.106, §1.665. 768. atassarvasariresu bhinte bhogasaksinah | saksi caitanyameveti jiva bhedastani tanom || Ibid, p.107 b, Sl.669. 769. anisaya socati mohamagata ekamajamaika iti srutirjagi | ekastyavidya tadupadhika vibhu jivo bhavanneka ihasti vibhami || " 1 Sastri, K, Sadananda : 'Pratyaktattvacintamani Pop. 304. 770. Sheshagirirao V.N. Vacaspati's contribution to Advaita: Samvit Publishers, Mysore, 1984, p. 94, 772. anadikalatoyasya nidra sa kila kalpakah 1 / , 1 anidra vedavedantakartarah kila kalpitah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.109 b, Sl.684. { 772, yadyakyama prama vaktustarhi svapnopi na bhramah | Ibid, p.109 $1.688. 773 kimca svapnasya sarvasya na drstaiko grhe grhe | tadvattaddrastabahulyasyaivapteh kva cate mattam || Thid, p.110 S 1.694. 774. prapnoti te'numanasya nadrstodrstakhandane | Ibid, Sl.695. | t }

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775. sarve satyascetanasca tatsvapnom nalpajivavatu | Ibid. p.lllb, S1.697. 776 tasyaivayam yadisvapnah kasya jagaranam vada | tacca tasyaiva cedete virudre kathamekada | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.ll 11, §1.699. 777. atah sarvatha jagaranam tatsamanadhikaranasvaghnasca anyasyaiveti vaktavyam 1, Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, B. S, p. 112 b. 778. yadi dehesu jivassyurnaikajivamatam tava | yadi dehesu te na syuh naikajivamatam tava || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.112 b; $1.703. 779. dehena saha sarvesu dehesveko na gacchati | deham visrjya gaccheccenmrtasya syatpunarbhavah || Ibid, p.112, $1.705. 780 yadyasyamaya srstista drsta kausyastada vada | svayam cainnasya maya bhannaparostyekajivinah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.115 b, $1.721. 781 athasvayam brahmanasassvamsam ssarvenya dehinah | iti cedekajivatvam kim sa yogaprabhavavan || Ibid., $1.723. 78 LA. tarhi brahma palakamastu, vidhirudri sustrasamhatira- viti puranaprakriyamasamkya tayoh karyatvena nikhila- sarjana samharanasamarthyabhavat ...l 6_8 Tailanga Ramashastri, Akhandan and amuni, 'Tattvadipanam,' The proprietors Messrs, Braj,B.Das & Co., Varanasi,1902,p.3. 1

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" J } 1 619 782 ajnanakaryatvat vidhirudrayoh kartrtanetyekatroktam | idanim punarajnanakaryasyaikajivasya sakalajagatkartrtvamucyate | atah purvottara viruddhatvat | sutraviruddhasca | jivasya janmadikaranatvamgikara iti bhavah | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, BS, p. 116 b. 783, eka jivakathatasmadbayaiveti matirmama | bahujivatvapacepi nirmala testabhinnata || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.116, S 1,736, } 1 784, bhedatvadyadi bhedasya mithyatvam candrabhedavat | tarhi bhedo na mithyeti bhedatvenaiva hetuna || brahma moksavibhedakhya drstantenaiva sadhyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.117 b, $1.737. 784 A. trividhah khalusatpadarthah 1| paramarthikah, jivabhinnam brahma | atha mithya yam prapamco na tvasan | ...| mithya bhutamapi sat asadasyat, ubhayathapi na ... | sadasatvabhyamanirvacaniyam mithyeti cainna || itthambhutasyaprasiddhatvat | } 1 Chandrashekharan, T.', 'Anand anubhava, Nyayaratnadipavalth; p.150. 784 B. Q. Madhva: Bhagavatatatparya' (Sarvamul agranthah-Vol,3)p.ll. 785 sunyabrahmavibhedi va drstantastatra kathyate | tadabhedasyapi mithyatve brahamasanyam bhavettava || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.117 b, S 1.740. 786 satyo bhedatsadhyavanna mithya cedvetumanna me | rajjusarpo na satsarpastadbhedam bhisayedvikah || Ibid., p.117, Sl.741. 1 i 1

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787 nayamaropitacanda iti taccandrathamikah | Ibid, p.117, S1.744. 788 sa ca svarupatostyeva paramnastiीtaratmana | amtastatra sadanyasmadbhedavasara eva hi || Ibid, p.ll 8 b, $1.746. 789. yadyaropitacandranameva bhedah parasparam | tadasadhanavaikalyam drstante prativadinah | anyonyabhavabhedoyam na hyasatyesu manmate || Ibid, Slokas, 747 & 748 5 790. tadeva nasti cetkasya tadatmyam kasya samkate | sagam svato nasti na tu nastitaratmana || Ibid, p.118. $1.750. 791. yatotharmisvarupoyamanyonyabhava iyate | atonasamti sobhavo bhavabhavabahiskrtah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.119 b, $1,753. 124 792 tasmatsadhanavaikalyamasminyakse drdhamvidam | 793. • $ • Yuktimallika,B.S, p.125 b, S 1.796. ata aropito bhedo na bhedah sarvavadinam | i... anaropita bhedastu satya evakhitastatah | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.125 b, Slokas, 797 & 798. i 794 atmatvatparamatmaiva yadyatmayam mate tava | naritvattarhi bharyeva temata syattathaiva hi || Ibid, p.125, $1.800. 795 abhasopamahetunam tanmukhyeyamudahrtih | atonumanatopyaikyam na sidhyetprativadinam || Ibid, s 1.802. : } 1 627 {

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796 yatonuma tatopyaksagamavanveva sa bhavet | Ibid, $1,803, 797. Mund. Up.III-1-1. 1 1, 798. tvadabhilasitanumanajatam ca sarva dvasuparnetyadi niravakasatrutyanusaritvannaham sarvajna ityadi pratyaksananu- saritvaccanumanapadayogyamapi na bhavatiti bhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.125 & 126 b. 3 799 vimatau jivaparamau viruddhagunavattvatah | 1 t abhinni naiva nidahanaviva sarvada || sarvanubhavasiddheyamanuma sarthika | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.126 b, $1.805. See: dvasuparna | satyambhida satyam bhida | 799 A. Bhagavata II-8-10, 1 1 su 800, na yamtra mayetigira mayaya bhagavatpade | samanyato nisedhena mayalesopi nesyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, pl 27, $1.8819. 801. hareranuvrta evam tatrapi kila cetanah | sarvecaturbhuja bhinna harina ca parasparam || 'ato jivesabhedacam abhedyam sarvavadinam || Ibid, p. 128, Slokas 824 & 827, } ↑ J 802. satya bhedopi samtitiragamikatvatah | Ibid, s 1. 128. 18-6. 803. Bhagavata V-18 hai 11 { } i 1 * : } z 1 621

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804 purva purva vidyamane yatredam purvata nanu | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.129 b, Sl.833. 1 anaditvam ca niravadhika prakkalamarabhya vidyamanatvameva natvadirahityamatram | tatha tati gaderapyanaditvaprasamgena . Bhavavilasini com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 129 b. 804 A. Mund Up. I-2-8. 805. aprabuddhaca purvarsi suprasiddho bhidhiyate | uttarardhetvajo nidrasvapnasunyascakascana || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.129, $1.837. } 806. yo bauddha na sabodo, hi kartrkarmavirodhatah | atah purvardhamadhyastho nottarardhatopite || Ibid, p.130 b, 51.840.. 806 A. Munduka Upanisad1-2-9. 1 807 bhedabhavat svarupesu sadrsabhavato pi va | dvandvamacca sau dvaiti boddhadvaitasya sadhanat || Ibid, p.130, s 1..840: ' } } } 1 808. yo vidyayandhatsatu nityabaddho vidyamayo yastu nityamuktah | Bhagavata XI - 11 - 7. 809. nityamukto'mrtasyaisa setupracoktah sthale sthale | N jivastu badhdi duhkhi ca janmamrtyujaravasah || evamviruddhacaitanyadayam bhinnam yanaditah | tayornaikyam kadapi syanmuktatarupyametyasau || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.131 b, Slokas 847 & 849. 810. kimcakyam yadi mithya syatu tarhi bhedasrutih sati | satyam cedabrahmano bhinnamabhinnam va nigadyatam | bhede tenaiva te dvaitasrutetsyadvayahatissphuta | Ibid, p.131, Slokas,853,854. J , / 1 622

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f 811.. aikyamaikyasya ghatate katham yuktividammate | viruddhamsaparityage na sa jivesvaraikata | Ibid, Pp.131 & 132 b, Slokas 856 & 857, 812. savisesabrahmavade nayam dosi bhavisyati | bhedahinepi bhedasyakarya sa kurute yatah | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.133 b & 133, Slokas 867 & 868. sah visesah | bhedita abhedepi bhedabhedibhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.133. 813. Cha.Up.VI.2.1, 814. Brih.Up.IV-4-19. 815. kimcaikamevadvitiyam nehananeti ca srutih | sarpa braddameti vakyasyadyadi visvasya badhika || tadabhedaparaivabhunnabhedaparata sruteh | avadhyabadhyayorbhedo yato'vasyamepeksitah || Yuktimallika,B,S, p. 133, Slokas 872 & 873. 815 A. Cha.Up.VI-8-7. 816. advitiyamitisrutya dvitiyadibhannataiva hi | sidhdodanasva ityuktya yathasvadanyathagaje || Ibid, p.135 b, $1.886. 817 kimcadvitiyasabdoyam layastha brahamagocarah | ato jagatpragabhavadhvamsau navakti naparam | Ibid, p.135; $1.889. 818. agrasabdo ktaka lisya sattvantatsamayepi ya | dvitiyasunyam tadbraddama na tada nanyadapyabhut || Ibid, p.136 b, Sl.895. } 623

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624 818 A. See: Bhagavata III-5-27, 819. atah svagatadharmesu svavataresu kimcana | nanabhutam neti hareh tairaikyam vaktavagiyam || Ibid, p.137 b, $1.901. 820. Kath. Up.IV-10. 821. Supra.814. 822. Brih.Up.IV-4-15, Kath. Up. V-5, i 823. isanomatabhavyasyetyupasamharavakya hai | anisa jagada dvaitam bhinattiti matirmama || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.139 b, $1.911. 824 tarhi kimcana nehasti kintu sarvaca nah prabhau | sarvadhare haravastityarthostvatimanoharah || Ibid, p.140 b, $1.919. 825. braddamaharasmitivakye kathamaikyabhramastava | Ibid, $1.920. . 826. aham brahama niyamyosmityarthascatvakhilapriyah | 827. Ibid, $1.923. Supra | fn. 648. 828 kimcahamartho natmate brahmahamiti vaktatah | jada़ himkrtyaikyamaha na jivaikyam bhavanmate || manasa hamkrteraropadhisthanacitaiva hi | sidhdadyellaksanaya pyaikyam na tu jivacita saha || Yuktimallika,B.S, Pp.141 & 142 b, Slokas 929 & 930. t } }

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f hai 1 625 829. Brih. Up. 1-4-10, 830. Cha,Up. III-14-1'. 831 sarva brahameti vakyacca kimjadabahumatapite | badhattatastu samkoce jivadapyastu bamdhitat || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.142, Sl.938, 832, 833. 834. cha. Up. III - 14-1 • I tajjalaniti santastannupasitaitipurvavak | upasyopasakatvam hi praha tacca katham tava || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.143, S1,943, yadi sarva bhramadhisthanatvam sarvapadoditam | tada mukhyarthatyagassarvadhisthanataiva ca | Ibid, s 1,945. tamadesamapraksyo yenasruta srutam bhavatyamatam matamavijnatam vijnatamiti katham tu bhagavah sa adeso- bhavatiti | Cha.Up.VI-1-3, 835, yadekajnanatassarvavijnanam ca srutau srutam | 836. 837. 838. atopi na paramatmyaikyam sidhdadvaitavadinam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.144 b, $1,950. nisprakaraka cinmatranirvikalpaka drktava | brahamadrajagato jnanam tada kasyasti kathyatam | Ibid, S 1.952. atassatyatva cittva dhatsadrsatvaccaracaram | tadamgesvasritatva dva tajjnanajnayate jagat || Ibid, Sl.971. adbhutaniha yavamti bhumau viyati va jale | tvayi visvatmake tani kimme drstam vipasyatah || Bhagavata X-41-4. 1

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} 1 623 839, kimcabrahamani vijnate sati tasya prasadatah | sarvajnam jayate nrnamiti sarvasya sammatmh || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.148 b, $1,981. 840, Cha,Up. VI-8-7, yena ca atmana atmavat sarvamidam jagat tadeva sadakhyam karanam satyam paramarthasat | atah sa eva atma jagatah pratyaksvarupam satatvam yathatmyam | ...| atah tatsat tvamasi hai svetaketo | Saccidanandendrasarasvati, Sankara, Upanisadbhasya, Vol.6, 745. 841 tatha tattvamasityaha srutirbrahmasadrksatam | gunaih katipayairvaktum lokavedanusarini || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.148, $1.987. 1 1 842, The com. of Madhva on this passage renders the reading as 'Sa atma atat tvam asi! ' unlike in the Advaita, na ca sarirapararamade tatparyamityatra kimcinmanam | "atat tvamasi ' iti bhedasya navakrtvo'bhyasacca | 1 1 Madhva, Chandogyopanisadbhasya, ( Sarvamul agranthah - Vol 1 ) p,442, See also : athava jivaparayorbhedam vaktum savistaram | pravartata srutiriyam nabhedamiti me matih || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.148, $1.989. 843. Cha.Up.VI-8-1. 1 }} } 843 A. aksigatasya jagradavastha | kanthagatasya svapnah | { 1 hrdisuptiritikramat svapnavasano vidyamana suptiriti bhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p.149. { 1 4 '

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tang 844, Brih.Up. I V-3-21. 845. prajnena samparisvakta itisakhante srutih | prajnana samparisvamgameva suptavakirtayat || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.149, $1.992. 846 suptyutkrtyosca bhedenetyaha nirnayasutrakrt | yatassupti ca muktau ca bhidasastravidohita || Ibid, p.150 b, S 1,996, 847, pranamevopayate | Cha, Up. VI-8-2, tanmano disam disam patitva pranabandhane hi somya manah | Cha.Up.VI-8-2. 848, etatsamakhyaya praguktapranapadasya brahamaparata manah padasya jivaparata ca ..... | Bhavavilasini .com.on. Yuktimallika,B.S, p.150. 849 yasmatpragbhinnayoraikyam na syadyatnasatairapi tasmatsarvepi drstantah, bhedasyaiva prasadhakah | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.154 b, $1,1028. 850 tasmajjivesabhedasya sadhika bhedavagiyam | Ibid, p.155 b, S 1,1042, 851. padadvayasya laksyatvalaghvyeka padalaksana | 852 Ibid, p. 156, S 1,1054, tarhi na sannacasadubhayam na cakalajvah kimapi na tatra sastramapakrsyasayita yada | janimastassatomrtimajatmani ye ca bhidam vipanamute smarantyupavisadhvanimasvatah || Bhagavata X-87-24, B 627

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1.} 853. 854. ' aksasya paksapatastu saksadabhede pradarsyate | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.161 b, S 1.1089. so yamityadivakyapi na tyagisti padarthayoh || Ibid, p.163,b, §1.1107. 1 855. yo dandi kundali casaviti dandavisistatah syatkundalavisistekyam kimeke dandakunda || visisyopadanakasya visistasya hi janmani | visesanam nimittam nastadaikye'syaikata kutah || 1 Ibid, p.163, Slokas 1111 & 1112. 856. yadi tattvam padabhyam te rupamatranirupanam | ciccidityaiva coktamsyatkasyaikyam tena sadhyate || Ibid, p.167, s1.1133. 856 A. atah pratyagparagbhavadalpata syattayostada | sadrsyaikya paraiveyam vabimbapratibimbayoh || tasmatpratyakparagbhavo niyamaka niyamyata | Ibid, Pp.169 b & 170, Slokas 1150 & 1168, I 857. See: Bhagavata-X-66-1 to 23. Bhagavata-X-51-46 to 57. 1 }' See also: + 1 1 } Madhva, 'Mahabharatatatparyanirnaya,' 858. Bhagavadgita XVI-14 859. Mund.Up.III-1-1. 860. tayormadhye brahmanonyo yastujivabhidhah khagah | + sa punyapapakarmottham phalamasti sukhasukham || jivadanyastuyah paksi paramatmabhidho mahan | sonasnannabhito nityam cakasiti mahaprabhuh || itisrutistayorbhedam spastamaha sayuktikam || { Yuktimallika,B.S, p.172 b, Slokas 1194, 1195, & 1196. 1 628 hai

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* 6 } 1 861: tajjivaparamatmanau tavapi ca mamapi ca | 14 tadbheda, bodhika seyam srutirityati sammatam | Ibid, p.173, S 1.1203. I , 8611 Mund.Up.III-1-1,S.Bhasya | tam parisvaktavantau suparnaviva i 1 1 avidyakamakarmavasanasrayalimgopadhyatmesvarau || tayoh parisvaktyoh anyah ekah ksetrajnah limgopadhih anavan anyah ... sattvopadhih 862. yathasthitapadarthatyarthayogedhyahara isyate | Ibid, p.176 b, Sr.1222. 863 jivaisayordvayostattvadarthoyuktataro bhavat | Ibid. 864. Tait.Up.II-1-1. 1 865 mukto pi brahmana sarka sarvanakaman kilasnute | paramarthyam tadasane yuktam naparamarthata || Yuktimallika, p.176 b', $1.1225. 866. katham dvitaikadaikatra vrthaivamapi kalpane | kimekasminnapi ghamte dharmadvitvada dvitocyate navetsaundaryadhairyabhyam bharye dve bhavatastava || Ibid, p.176, Slokas, 1228, & 1230. 867 yo vidhatsatunityabadhdi vidyamayoyasstu nityamuktah | Bhagavata XXI - 11-7. 868. vimato jivaparayorbhediyam paramarthasat | f samsaronmuktacaitanyollekhyatvanmaktisaukhyavat || iti jivabraddamabhedam sadhyatyagamanuga || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.177 b, Slokas 1232 & 1233. 3 629

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869 tasmadvitvakhyayuktesca bhogabhogavyayuktitah | anyatvasrutitascabhudanyonyabhavavagiyam || Ibid, "S 1,1235"," 870, nekevalam sthanabuddhi bhedamatrena bhinnata | kintu svarupabhedo yamiti sadhayitum srutih || sakhaya sayuji ceti padadvayamudaharat || Ibid, p.177, $1.1236. 871 vyavaharika bhedamte ka va vakti srutistayoh | Ibid, p.178 b, $1,1244. 872. paraprayojanartham hi paramatma pravartate || Ibid, p.178, S 1.1246. C£ : name parthasti kartavyam trilokesu kimcana | nanavaptamavaptavyam varta eva ca karmani || Bhagavadgita - III-22, 873 so nasnandehinam dehepyanamscanyastathaivahi | 1 prerakapreryarupau tau katham na dvau tani tanau || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.178, S 1.1248. 874. See: isvarassarvabhutanam hrdesa rjunatisthati | bhramayan sarvabhutani yantrarudhanimayam || t 1 na mam karmani limpanti name karmaphlesprha | Bhagavadgita XVIII-61, IV-14, na karmana lipyate papakena nakarmanavardhata no kaniyan Brih. Up. IV-4-23. drasturnadrsyasya gunairvisajyate tasmai namo saktamviviktasaksine || Bhagavata VI- 19-12. 875 evam casnadanasnanti cidamsau dvau yato balat | tacchrutistatparaivastu kimarthaklistakalpana | Yuktimallika,B.S, p. 179, 51.1257. 630 1

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1 876. Supra. fn 325 " 877 yadibrahamapramamatrabadhyo bhedastatah pura | vyavaharapadam prapto vyavaharika isyate | tarhi naham sarvavetta na sarveso hamityapi | pratyaksabadhadadhuna syadekyam pratibhasikam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.180, Slokas, 1263 & 1264. 878. ato vrscikatom bhitya palayana parasyate | mahoraga bilam sthule pato jato vicaraya || Ibid, 81.1267. 879. atatvavedakatvatya yacchrutamanitagata | idam ca baudhdaradhdantavadhimadhyapavesanam || ubhayormanita sidhdayai yo yateta sa vaidikah || Ibid, p.181 b, $1.1270 & 1271. ' 880. sarvapraka rakasunyaiva nirvikalpaka dhistava | brahmaprama tathakasya sadhanam badhanam vada || Ibid, p.182, S 1.1285. i 1 'nirvikalpakasya sadhakabadhakatvayogaditi bhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.182. 881. 'ato bhedakhyaratnasya jagatkalpadrumasya ca | paramarthikatapanna badhabhavadisarvada || Yuktimallika, B.S, p.182, §1.1286. I 882. yadi badhastena nasah tada dandadinasyata | drsta ghatadau yattasmannatyukte vyavaharikah || anaderasya bhedasya tanna syajjnananasyata | Thid, pp. 182, 183 b, stokas, 1288 & 1289. } 631 J

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1 883, arthakriyakaritaiva vyavaharikata yadi | sasasrmgamabhuttatvam paramarthata tada || Ibid, p.183, si.1297. arthakriyasunyatvarupam paramarthikalaksanam ca sasasrrmge'tivyaptamiti bhavah || Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, B. S, p. 184 b. 884 napyavidyakaryata te vyavaharikatocita | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.185 b, $1.1308. 885. Six anadi entities: See: Supra, fn.472 A, 886. medastu srutiyuktibhyam pratyaksana ca sadhitah | brahamavat paramarthyarhah katham syada vyavaharikah | Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 185, 81. 135. 887. paramjyotirupasampadya Cha.Up.VIII-3.4. 888 . yadabrahmana sahetyuktam muktautannastibhida | 889. paramjyotiritisrutya tattyagaha kathambhida || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.186, Slokas, 1328 & 1329. Supra. Pp. 212 to 217 890 anadivedavakyesu paraparakathavrtha | .,B..S, p.186, ≤1.1331. Yuktimallika, 891. nisedhavidhivartadva dagdhagnisomapavake | parasmat purvabadhascet smrtya syacchrutibadhana Ibid, Pp.186, 187 b, Slokas 1331 & 1332. 632

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892. Supra fn. 257. , 1 893 yadubaladaikyavakyanam badhika bhedavagabhut | • 894. 1 ati niravakasam yattadeva balavattaram | 'durbalam savakasam syadisarva manoramam || Yuktimallika S, p. 187 b, Slokas, 1336 & 1337. Supra Pp. 111 to 113 895 yadyanyatah sidhdabhedasyanuvadena me srutih | na bhedasadhika tarhi svaprakasatvasaktitah || sidhdasya brahama sattvasyapyanuvadaparam srutih | asti brahmetyadirupa na tatsattvam prasadhayet || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.187; Slokas 1338 & 1339. 5 896 kutonuvadam kurute tusnim va dusanaya va | Ibid, Sl.1342, 897 manasyamanam samvade pramavyavadhrtih kila | Ibid, $1.1344 . · 898. sidhde syah duskatve ca dusnarthanuvadini | sa syaditi na kasya syadanyonyasrayadusanam || Ibid, p.188 b, S 1.1347. 899 aikyasruteh pratyaksabadhakatve purvavadanyonyasrayam laksanavrtterucchedam ca dosam ....| Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.188. 909 drdhabhedasrutervesadrdhapratyaksavairatah | namaidamagami vakti jivasya paramasya ca || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.189 b, $1.1357. / } I } 633

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} 1 901. atah pratyaksayogyarthe pratyaksa balavatsada | " atindriyarthamatreta prabala vagiti sthitam || Ibid, p.189, $1.1358. i I 902. aksasidhdanuvade pi ka haniriti cintyate | yatharthameva manatvam tasya hani rnakacana | na caitsmrtiramanam syatsmrtikartavyapeksaya | Yuktimallika,B,S, p,189, S1,1359, 903. See: Bhagavata,,X-1,4, , 904, virajyetittama lokagunanamanuvadatah wy } f ka ityadi vyasavakyanyanuvadam stuvanti hi || Yuktimallika,B.S, p. 190, S1, 1367, 905. dosanaksisidhda syatvanuvado pivadavat na cedabahumahavakyasasyamaikyam parasparam | anuvakti midasrutya, bhettum sundopasundavat || Ibid, p.191 b; $1.1373. 906 iti manyamahe dusyam dusanam caikavakyagam | ' 1 na dussanaya yatate vakyanamiti matih | Ibid, p.191, $1.1379, 2 907. avirudhdatviyam vani, kutova dusyatam vrjet | Ibid, p.192 b, $1.1382. 908. anuvadadirupo yamityakarasti nam srutih | Ibid, $1.1384. 909 avidyamani bhediyam yayastyarthamucyate | } tarhi tryaksah sahasraksah sahasraksah trilocanah | kuto na kirtyate dhyatum tasmadyastu yadrsam | tattathaiva vadededo dhyatum va drstumeva va || Ibid, p.192, Slokas 1388 & 1389. 4 634

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: 635 tasmat tattadrupavaiparityena tesatisam dhyanakathanat | drstumeveti vadata tattvopasanaya tattvadarsanam ca viruddhamiti sacayati | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, B. S, Pp.192 & 193 b. 910. Kena, Up. IV - 4 ( II - 4 ) 911. ato nedam yadi damityadivakyam na badhakam | vacyo nyo rthah sruterguptyai tvayapi ca mamapi ca || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.193, Sl.1397. 912. visanirharane sakto dhyatavyo garudastvaya | vighnadhvamsayavighneso ...] 1 913. 914. 915. Ibid Slokas 1399 & 1400. See: nama brahmetyupasta ityadina sabdabhrantya na pratike brahamadrstih karya | kintu 1 tatsthatvenaivopasanam kayam | namadisthitirevatra brahmano hi vidhiyate || 1 Madhva: Brahmasutrabhasya, (Sarvamulagranthah - Vol 1 ) p. 194. yanna pratikai na hi sa ittham sutrakrtaiva hi | avidhamanasyopastirnakvapyastiti sadhitam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.194 b, Sl.1403. Cf : tasmadava stuyatharupam jneyam dhyeyam ca sarvada | karanam purusarthasya nanyatha bhavati kvacit || pratika samsthitatvena dhyeyo visnurnacanyatha || Madhva, Anuvyakhyana (Sarvamulagranthah - Vol 1 ) p. 195. Supra. In 546 A 916. upasyopasakatvasya muktavapyanuvartanam | Yuktimallika,B.S, p.196, S 1.1423.

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" dai 1 4 917. upasyate hi yadidam nedam brahameti tu srutih | upasyamanapratima naiva brahamaiti sati || 'Ibid, p.197 b, S 1.1425. } 918. brahmanastannidhanacca tadupastirdivrksatam || Ibid, 51, 1426. ና 919. upasate tu yadidam nedam braddameti tu srutih | yadupasyam na tadabaddametyaha seyam srutih kila || Ibid, p.198, S 1.1441. 1920 tasmajjivesabhedasya sadhikeyamabhucchrutih | 1 Ibid, p.199 b. Sl.1447. 920 A, mithyarthamuvane ta sya nimadhyarthasyapi bhavana | tasmadupasyo bhedostu satyopyastu srutiritah || } Ibid, p.200, $1.1464. { 921. Mund.Up.III-3, 922, iti jivaisabhedasya saksatkarena hi srutih | paramam moksamacasta muktasyapi ca bhinnatam || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.20 lb, Sl.1469 bhedasapeksasamyasyaiva phalataya kathanat muktasyapi ca bhinnata mityuktam ! Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika, B.S, p. 2016. 923. Supra. P. 299 p.20 lb. 924, bhinnabhinnadikalpoktadusanairbheda dusanam | jatyuttaram hi tatsarvam yatkhandanakrtakrtam | vyavaharika bhedasyapyapalapa samgatah || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.201, S 1,1476. 925. Brih.Up.III-9-26. } 1 L t 1 : €36 6

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} L t 926. ya srutirneti netyatma grddaya ityadirupini | sapyatmanam jadajjivada bhinnam varnayatisphutam || £ jai natma jivacitva nametyarthi bhavenmama | tava dvidha nisedhasyabhavena dvau na vrtha || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.202, Slokas, 1484 & 1485. " * 1 927, Swet, Up. IV-7. 927 A, tritayajnanati jivo vitasokokila Yuktimallika,B.S, p.203 b, Sl.1491. 928 tasmadabhedah samyam ca nairgunyam ca nirakrtam ! Ibid, S 11492. 929. Brih.Up. IV-4-22. i } I 1 930. See: Bhagavadgita XV-17, }, 932. vidyatmani bhida bodha iti bhagavate harih | i vidya keti puraprstau bhida bodham kiloktavan || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.203. $1,1497. } 2 932, vidyatmani bhida bodhah } 4 } { Bhagavata XI - 19-40. } 933. bhedadrstya bhimanena Bhagavata IIT-32-13. 934, bhagavatthabhimano hi bhaktirnihsamga eva ca | nivrttistaiva vidvadvibharviraktiriti cocyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.206 b, sl.1516,, 935. Prasna, Up. III. - 3, 936, yathaisapurusa chaya etasminnaitadatatam | iti srutya to bimbapratibimbatvamucyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.206, S 1,1521. / 637

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1 937. chaya hi purusakara purusadhina - cestita | bhinna ca jiva tadrktvam siddham drstanta - sodhane || Ibid, Sl.1523. 937 A. adharata svamita ca tatha sakarata hareh | siddhada .... Yuktimallika,Bhedasaurabha p.207, S 1,1528. 938. Brih.Up.II-5-19. Katha. Up. V-9-10.1 1 1 1 939. visnosca bimbata tasmadminnasyaivatra varnyate || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.208 b, S 1.1537. 940. bimbasya pratibimbaikyam na smoktam na vismara | chaya purusadrstantadibambasya paramatmanah | pratibimbatmaka jjivameva syoktasrutau sruteh || Ibid, Pp 208 b & 208. Slokas 1539 & 1540. 940 A. satyascayamabadhyatvabaddamavatpratibimbakah | na hi sadrsyamapyasya kartsnyenaikyetuka katha || Ibid, p.208.,Sl.1543. 941. citrasimho yatha simho murkhapratimukham tatha || Ibid, p.210 b, Sl.1552. 941 A. aupadhikam pratimukham mukhasatyeva drsyate | mukhasyapagame casya na drstatvastata ca na || Ibid, p.210 h; S 1.1560. 942. nirnimittam bimbasannidhyam karta narayanah prabhuh | upadanamupadhiscetkarya varyamidam katham || Ibid, s 1.1561. I 1 } F | } 638

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4 5 t 539 f 1 943, ghatatmana vikaranam manaso yonumanyate pratibimbatmanopadhairvikaro'yam kuto'sya na =bid, p.211 b, s 11564, -943 A. pratibimbasyamidhyatve satyabimbadabhavedibhada | pratibimbasya satyatve dvisvabhavatvato bhida | Ibid, p.213 b, Sl.1582, 4 944 na hyusta badhika nayam pratibimba iti prama I. Ibid, Sl.1583. } 945. samjnabhedatkarmabhedadibambinyah pratibimbatah | * * Ibid, 214 b, s 1.1590. 946. prapamco yadi vidheta nivarteta na samsayah | , I 1 'mayamatramidam dvaitamadvaitam paramarthatah || 3 Mandukya Upanisad 1-2-9; } 1 vikalpo vinivarteta kalpito yadi kenacit | upadesadayam vadi jnate dvaitam na vidyate | Ibid-10; i , ' 1 * The passages given here are considered as Gaudapadakarika (I-17) by the Advaita. But in the Dvaita, there lies no such opinion. The passages are considered as a part Upanisad. "satyam evam syat prapamci prapamco yadi vidyeta | rajjva sarpa iva kalpitatvat na tu sa . vidyate | na hi rajjvam bhrantibudhya kalpitah sarpah vidyamanah san vivekato nivrttah | na ca maya mayavina prayukta tardarsinam caksurvandhapagame vidyamana sati nivrtta tatha idam prapamcakhyam mayamatram dvaitam rajjuvat mayavivacca advaitam paramarthatah | tasmat na kavita prapamcah pravrtah nivrtto va asti ityamipayah || 1 vikalpo, nivivarteta yadi kenacit kalpitah syat | yatha ayam prapamcah mayarajjusarpavat, tatha ayam sisyadibheda vikalpo'pi prakpabodhadeva upadesa- nimittah | atah upadesadaryam vadah sisyah sasta sastramiti | upadesakarye tu jnane nivrtte jnate paramarthatattve dvaitam na vidyate | Sankara: Mangukyopanisadbhasya, (Karika - I-17 and 18 )

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እ 947 bhedasaurabhasarvasvam nityam satyamato bhavat | dharmasya dharmimulatvajjivanityajadatmakam | visvasaurabhasarvasvamapi tadrgamadabalat || Yuktimallika (Yuktimallika) "Visvasaurabha (V.S) Pp.6 b & 6. Slokas 47 & 48. 640 948. atah pamcavidho bhedah prapamcobhudvicarane || Yuktimallika,B.S, p.2 b, Sl.7. 949 evam cabrahmano hartri kim na vyaptiriyam tava | Ibid, p.3, s 1.19. 950. yadvidyate tadbadhyate iti vyaptyamgikare brahmana eva badhyatvaprasamgaditi bhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika,B.S, p.3. 951. Mandukya Upanisad 1-2-8. 952, See: The reality as a whole expressed in a system of five fold distinction, which gives it its philosophical designation of "Prapanca". "Prakrstah pancavidho bhedah Prapancah - (V.T. N, P,27) "This valuable five-fold difference is "Prapanca". The word "Pra-panca" is derived from the substantive "Pancan" with the suffix "da" (a) signifying 'kind' The prefix "pra" denotes 'excellence' or value. It is excellent in the sense that the knowledge of this five fold difference constitutes right knowledge that leads to Moksa. Sharma B.N.K., 'Madhva's teachings in his own words' Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1979, p.78. 953. bhedavargah prapamcakhyo yadyutpadyeta tasau | ninasyenna ca naso sti tasmannotpadyate ca sah || Yuktimallika,V.S, p. 4 b, Slokas 25, 26. 1 1

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t 1 641 954. matralesastadvihinasyadamatro vivekinam | mayalesojjhitam vastu mayamatram tato'bhavat || Ibid., sl.28. C 955. yadadvaitam tatra tatra sruyate smaryatepiva | I sarvottamatvatparamamartha harimapeksyatat || Ibid. p. 4 S 1.33. evam ca svasarvottamibhuta dvitiyarahita ityarthamapeksya tadadvaitapadam srutau sruyate iti bhavah | Bhavavilasini com.on. Y. MVS, p. 4. 956. Supra. 957. athava bhedatattve smin bhinnabhinnadirupakah | vikalpo yadi kenapi kalpitassyat Yuktimallika, V.S, p.5, Sl.40. 1 nirvisesabrahmako dinaparena smadvatparihartumasakyatvena apariharyeyam nivrttih .... Bhavavilasini ,com.on.Yuktimallika, V.S, p.5. advaite tasya dustatve vinivarteta tarhitah | Yuktimallika,Visvasaurabha,p.5, S 1.41. 958 atah srutiriyam ramya dehalidipavadbabhau | yatah sthanadvayasyarthamudami maladuccakaih || 959. Ibid, p.6 S 1.50. See, jagatah satyam pratistha isvarasca visnuh | Madhva• Gitabhasya (Sarvamulagranthah - Vol.1) p.143, 960. atah jaganmithyatvasya krsnanabhipretatvat | Bhavavilasini, com.on,Yuktimallika, V.S, p.7 b, 961, nimittam kalakarmadi kartanarayanah prabhuh | upadanam tusaiveka prakrtih trigunatmika || Yuktimallika,Visvasaurabha, p. 7 b, s 1.60.

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6 { 962. See; sattvam rajastama iti gunah prakrtisambhavah Bhagavadgita, XIV-5, 1 963. mayam tu prakrtim vidyanmayinam tu mahesvaram | Svetasvatara Upanisad 1 gui $ 964. mayakhya prakrterasti tena mayamayabhida | prakrtakhya ca jagatah procyate tatra tatra hi !! Yuktimallika,V.S, p.7 b, 61. 965 Bhagavadgita IX - 10. mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa caracaram | iti prakrtikaryatvam gitoktamunasamsmara || Yuktimallika, V.S, p. 7 b, $1.63. + 966 ajnanopadanakatvabhavanna mrsa jagat | anadyanantakalesu naivasyoparamah kila || F } } $ 1 Ibid, p.7, $1.64. 1 ' 967 emvametadanadyantam bhutasamghatakarakam | ' 1 anadinidhanam loke ca samparivartate || Q.Yuktimallika, V.S, p.7. 968 iti bharatavakyena yanadyantatvamucyate | anantatvadabadhyam ca jagadabaddamavadeva hi || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.7, Sl.66. 1 1 ' J , 969 vibhutim prasavam tvanye manyante 'srsticintakah | svapnamayasarupeti, srstiranyairvikalpita || Mand Up.1-1-15, ( G. K. I - 7 ) I } I 642

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970. } vibhutirvistara isvarasya srstiriti susticintaka manyante lena tu paramartha cintakanam prstavadara ityarthah | "indro mayabhih pururupa iyate " iti sruteh | na hi mayavinam sutramakase niksipya tena sayudhamarutya caksurnocaratamatitya yuddhena khandaschinnam patitam punarutthitaca pasyatam tatkrtamaya disatattva- cintayanadaro bhavati | tathaivayam mayavinah sutra prasaranasamah suksapta svapnadi vikasah tadarudhamayavisamasca tatsthah prajnataijasadih, sutra tadarudhabhyamanyah paramarthamayavi | sa eva bhumistho mayachanno drsyamana eva sthiti yatha tatha turiyakhyam paramarthasattvam | atastaccintayameva daro mumuksanamaryanam na nisprayojanayam sustavadarah ityatah srsticintakanamevaite vikalpa ityaha svapnamaya sarupeti | svapnarupa mayasarupa ceti | $ f 643 971. avyaktoyamacintyo'yamavika ाryo'yamucyate | Bhagavadgita, II-25. 972. svapnamaya sarupaiti srstiranyairvikalpita | mithyasrstikatha yeyam sanyesam kalpana kila || ityanyamatamaksipya srutisvamatamaha ca | icchamatram prabhotsrstiriti srstau viniscitah || svecchyaivaprabhussarvam srjatiso na mayaya || Yuktimallika, V.s, Pp.7 & 8 b, Slokas 68, 69,70. 972 A, Mand•Up.I-1-15, 973 devasyaisasvabhaviyamaptakamasya kasprha | 974. Yuktimallika, V.S, p.8, §1.75. 1 Ramanuja takes the Upanisadic accounts of creation, stated previously, in a literal sense. He holds that God, who is omnipolent, creates the mani-fold world out of Himself by a gracious out of will. Chatterji & Datta, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy', Pp.418 & 419. }

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975 icchamatramitisasya srsticchevasti kevalam | na phocchetyaha tattan paksanesapyadusayat || Yuktimallika, EV.S, p.9, Sl.90. 976. prabhossakasadya srstih matsyakurmadirupini | satvicchamatrameveti bhavadvaprahatam tatha | atastasyah pradhanatvattaiva srstiritiritam || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.11, Slokas, 107, 108 & 109. 977. dravyam karma ca kalasca svabhavo jiva eva ca yadanugrahatassanti na santi yadupecaya || Madhya.Anuvyakhyana, (Sarvamulagranthah-Vol.1) p.2. 978. svajnanato jagatsrstim tasyassvanistarupatam | nyavarayat ... tasmatprakrtitah srstirjivanam sukhaduhkhada || Y.M.V.S, p. 11, 1.111. 979. yatah kriya nityatoktaya karyasyapi pravahatah | nityatvamuditam sarvalayam tenanyavarayat || 980, tadapi prabhutamaha yatascaparamatmanah | Ibid, p. 12, Slokas 121 & 125. na svapnadi pratyayavajjagratpratyaya bhavitu- marhanti | kasmat ? vaidharmyat | vaidharmya hi bhavati svapnajagaritayoh | badhyate hi svapnopalabdham vastu evam mayadisvapi bhavati yathayatham badhah | ... Satsastri, Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.1, p.505. 981, svapne'pi drastradeho'sti sayya bhuvasanadikam | anye ca jagratassanti svapnam tannasti kimcana || mayayam ca svadeho'sti caksuradindriyani ca | bhudrastarasca te sarve mayikam nasti kimcana || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.12 & 13 b, Slokas 127 & 128. 0 644 1

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1 645 982, visvasatyatvavadinasrutyuktaprasobhatetaram | Ibid, p.14-b, Sl.143, 983, kavirmanisi paribhah svayambhuyathatathyato'rthan vyadadhacchasvatibhyah samabhyah | Isa Upanisad1-8. See ; ••• sa satyam jagadetadrinityameva pravahatah : 1 anadyanantakalesu pravaheka prakarakam | niyamenaiva sasrje bhagavanpurusottamah || 1 6 f Madhva• Isavasyopnisadbhasya (Sarvamulagranthah- 61,1 ) F,511, S 984, sasvadyartharthi yarthan vyadadhatu paribhah kavih | 'ityarthanam yatharthatvam srutiranya jagada ha || Yuktimallika, V.S, p.14 b, Sl.145. 985. Rgveda II-24-12. f 986 visvam satyamitisrutya satyatvam spastamucyate | pramanasiddhatam casya preminantiti sa jamgi || 1 Yuktimallika, Visvasaurabha p.14, Sl.147. 987. vyavaharikatavani vaniryam dhikkaroti || Ibid, p.15 b, Sl.150. 988 evam ca badhasunyatva jagaccabrahamavatsada | avyavaharikam casidarthikayanumayamuya || Ibid, p.16 b, Sl.159. 989. anidrg jagato brahama bhedam sarvesatam gunanu | dosodhnana saktimca, vaktisarvapadavali || Ibid, p.17 b, S 1.165. 1 f

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646 990. sacciketa satyamit tanna mogham vasusparhamuta jeta uta data | Q. Bhavavilasini, com.on. Yuktimallika, V.S, p. 17. com.on.Yuktimallika,V.S, 991. yacciketeti vakyaha satyametajjagatrayam | Yuktimallika,V.S, p.17, $1,169. 1 992. atasrutimahatatparyasyagocarabhavatah | brahmavajjagadetacca paramarthasadeva hi || } yuktih pasya srutih pasya mithyadrstim parityaja | satyam vada jagatsarvam bhuktim muktim yadicchasi || Ibid, Pp.19 b, & 19, Slokas 179 & 180. 993. satyam prakrtyupadanam sarvam jagaditisthitam | Yuktimallika,V.S, p.10, $1.182. 994. yajnanamupadanam mrdanayanyatnavat | 995. tadarthamapi kim ko'pi yatnam kuryanna kutracit || Ibid, p.20 b, $1.184. tathya brahmavijnanadapi param purusartha darsayati "brahmavidapnoti param " ityadih jnanena hi pramanenavagantumistam braddama | brahmavagatirhipurusarthah, nihsesa samsarabija- vidyadyanarthanibarhanat | tasmadabaddama jijnasitavyam | Satsastri, Sankara, Brahm asutrabhasya, VolT, Pp.24 & 25, 996. anadih kila samsarastavapi ca mamapi ca | yadanadina tatkaryamitivyaptirbaliyasi || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.20, §1.191. 997. adhikaryathabhavasca pariharaya sutritam | yat sutram tatra sarvasyabhave bhavah katham vada || Ibid.,V.S, p.20 b, Sl.187. b

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1 647 998. upadanamupadeyatsamanasrayamevayat | 3 doanadibanyasyadhari jiva eva tatastava || Ibid, V.S, p.21, S1.197. tatah upadanopadeyayo ssamanadhikaranya- niyamat | iti hetoh samkatam brahmasritajnanapratiksepah | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika, V.S, p.21. 999. anadibhavarupam te yadajnanamabhispitam | anadibhavarupam ca vastunaiva nivartate || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.22 b, Sl.200. 1000. anakrepi bandhasya nasasyadvi sruterbalat | Ibid, s 1.202. 2001 . nityam svarupavijnanam svakaryaissaha vartate | iti te'bhimatam se tasmattatravaranavagu vrtha || avrnite manovrttidvanamityaiva tat tvaya || vacyamavaranam tasmat katham nanyonyasrayah | yadavarananase syadaparoksaprama tava | tayaiva tasya nase ca katham nanyonyasrayah || 1 Ibid, Pp.24 b, & 24, Slokas, 221, 222 & 223. 1002 yadi jnanabhavo, yadi samsayajnanam, yadi viparita- jnanam va ucyate "ajnanamiti sarvam hi tat jnane- naiva pitta | Brih.Up.III-3-1 (Sankara) 1002 A. adharamanandamakhandabodham | Kaivalya Up. 15. 1003 akhanda brahamapratipadakasabdaih | aparoksadhih bahumaparoksadhih | brahamani yadayada tatpratipadakasabdaprayogah tadatada brahmapareraksadhirasti | ajnananivrttisca nastiti mayini matam | atascaramajnanadapi najnananivrttiritibhavah | Bhavavilasini, com.on.Yuktimallika, V.S, p. 24. 1

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648 1004, ato jnanadeva bandhanaso'stu sruterbalat | Yuktimallika, V.S, p. 24, s 1,229, i 1005. Mund.Up.III-3, + 1005 A, kimca jnanena duskarmanasah sampaksacchruti srutah | bhu E tadavidvana punyapape vidhyeti na kim srutih || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.25 b, Sl.235. 1006. See:... tadadhigamai brahmadhigamem satyuttarapurvayoradhayo- raslesa vinasau bhavatah, uttarasyaslesah, purvasya vinasah | kasmat 1 vyapadesat | Satsastri. Sankara, Brahmasutrabhasya, Vol.2, p.985, brahmadarsana uttaradhasyaslesah purvasya vinasaca | Madhva,_Brahmasutrabhasya, (Sarvamul agranthah-Vol.1 ) p. 198 1007. kimca sarvasya karyasya janmasthiti vinastisu | H nimittamisvarajnanamastityakhila-sammatam | dainamdine ca pralaye najnanasya vinasanam || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.26, Slokas 252 & 253. ato spi jnanamajnanasyaiva nivartakamiti vyapti- ranupapanna .... | Bhavavilasini, com.on,Y M., V.S, p. 26, 1008 yadi tadadbhagavadbhaktimutpadya drdha़ya tatha | bandham vinasayettarhi kva qsaro vada || Yuktimallika, V.S, p.27 b, Sl.261. 1009, bhaktisca bhagavaramehah bhaktya ca bandhavicchedah sruyate yauktikascasah | Ibid, p.27, Slokas 263 & 264, 1010 tasmadanasanase ca satyatvadernasamgatih | karyatamkaryate emva nasanaprayojikai || Ibid, p. 28 b, Slokas 270 & 271. I

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/ 1 ' 1011. adhikaryadisadabhavadgurusisya disambhavat | mimamsya vedasadabhavanmimamsa sastrasambhavat | karyeva brahamamimamsa, sadetyadavasutrayat || Ibid, p. 30, Slokas, 298, 299 and 300. 1012. yassutrakarassam jaganmithyatvam naiva manyate Ibid. i , 1013, jagajjanmadi hetutvam yah pradipamadipayat | svadattadipatailasyabhavam sa manate katham || Ibid, p.31 b, s1.301. f 1 1 1014, evamprakrtiparyantam naso'dho 'dhahkumatkila | evam caupadananasat karyanasah kada vada, " Ibid sl.305. 5 1015 ato jnanamupadanamitiriktam vacastavam | tadajnananupadanavastutvadabaddamavajjagat || Ibid, Pp.32 b & 32, Slokas 317 & 318. 1016. apasayaiva hrnmayam darsanam disati prabhuh | Ibid, p.32, Sl.322. e 1 1 tasmadavrnajnananivrttyanantarameva jnanodayasambhavat | Bhavavilasini, com,on. Yuktimallika, Visvasaurabha p. 32 1017. ato jnanavinasyatvasyanyanupapattitah | ajnanopadanakatvam kenopayena sadhyate || y Yuktimallika,V.S, p.33, §1.333. 1018. anaditvacca bandho'yam na syadajnanakalpitah | kimca badhapramanasyam naika kimcitpradarsyate | }}} Ibid, p. 34 b, slokas, 339 & 340. 1019. tasmajjnanenavinasvastutvadavavat jagat | paramarthasadevabhut ... 1 Ibid, p.34, $1.344. r 649 1 1

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1020. anaditvadanasitvajjnananasyatvatastatha | ajnanakaryava stutvadabraddamavatsakalam jagat || Ibid, p. 36 b, Slokas 355 & 356. 1021 . kimcajnanam jnananatrayam virodhadeva kevalam | na hi dipastamonase tanmithyatvamapeksate || ato jnanamidam jnananasyam satyam ca sambhavet | satyajnanabhavam visvam satyameva bhavisyati || Ibid, p.36, Slokas, 359 & 360. ' 1022. ajnanadvaratonase syadanyonyasrayadikam | Ibid, p. 39 b, S 1.378. 1 t 1022 A jnanenaiva ca tannase syadanyonyasrayo dhruvam | Ibid, S1.380. 1023 yadutpattau virodhona nasyatvenaiva kevalam | virodhyajnanamucyeta bandham evastu tadrsah || Ibid, p.39 b, $1.384. 1024 . prakca tathabhutatmavijnanat pravartamanam sastra avidyavadvisayatvam nativartate | Adhyasa bhasya: .... ityadina aprabuddhavisaye " yatra tvasya sarva-, matmaivabhut tatkena kampasyet " ityadina tadabhavam darsayati || Brahmasutra IV-iii-14. San. nahi atmasvarupanime sati punah pramana - prameyavyavaharah sambhavati | pramatrtvam hi atmani nivartayati antyam pramanam | nivartayadeva ca apramanibhavati svapnakalapramanamiva prabodhe | loke ca vastvadhigame pravrttihetutvadarsanat pramanasya | Sankara: Gitabhasya, 11-69. 2025. yajjnanena jnananasamasastre hasyamevatat | venum dadate vaddinarnasvayam tena dayate || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.41, Slokas, 398 & 399. 3 , 1 650

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} 651 1026. ato dvaidhapi na jnanam svayamevasvaghatakam | jnanavinasyam tajjnanam kenopayena te mrsa | Ibid, p.43, S 1.415. 1027. artha svarupajnanam ca svakaryassaha vartate | akhandarthapadasrutya manasi caparoksadhih || jnanadvayamarundhatya sthitayam gataya ca kim || Ibid, Pp.44 b, & 44, Slokas 418 & 421. 1028 yo vidyastamayo moksah sa samsara udahrtah | Ibid, p.45 b, Sl.427. 1029. jnanodayadavimo jivanmuktidasakila | Ibid, p.45, §1.436. 1030. maha vidyanivrttinca tadaivasyanmumuksatam | Ibid, S 1433. 1031 evam ca limgadehaste ma vidya tannimittakah | ananta muktiparyanta Ibid, p.46 b, S 1.437.` 1 1032 punarjnanasatenapi nivartya neti me matih | - davagnina yo na dagdhah kim taddahi grhagnina || Ibid, S 1439. ↑ 1033 mayi bhaktirhi lokanamamrtatvaya kalpate | iti bhagavate yosau mukterdvaramabubudhat || Ibid, Si.442. 4034. atadakara vikrtiradhisthanavrtistatha | dvai sakti kila te jnane vaikalyasyaiva kartr tat || Ibid, p.47 b, Sl.450. 1 7

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} , ' om 1 1 " $ 1035, tasmadabhamasiddhatvabaddamavatparamarthasat | paraprakriyayaiva bhaccaracaramidam jagat || I Ibid, p.47, Sl.455. 1036, sarva mayamayam yasya tasya dehendriyadikam | kasyava mayaya srstam na hi mayavini bhramah || Thid, S 1.460. 1037. mayavino no cedbhantirvisvamasidanakulam | mayavino yadi bhantirvisvam naropitam mama || Ibid, p.48 b, Sl.464. 1038. yadi svajnanato brahama ghatam kalpayati bhramat | kulala mrttika danda cakradhah kim prayojanam | satyatvadeva naropyatsarve brahamavadeva hi | Ibid, Pp.49 & 50, Slokas, 478 & 485. 1039. ekasya bhramanasastyadika jnana vinasane | tatraiva punaranyesam svasvajnanairbhramah kila || evam ca tattadbhantyartha brahmajnana prakalpane | atisthiratare vastunyanantajnanakalpana | bhavarupam ca te jnanam tainasyadanuradrivat || Ibid,Pp.5 lb, & 51, Slokas 490, 490 & 492, 1040. Supra, 1041 dehantastarhijivasyabhavannirjivata tanoh | anurniramso jivoyam kathamantarbahiscaret || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.52, Slokas 500,501. vrttidvara bahirgamanameva sambhavitamityuktam | Bhavavilasini, com.on. Yuktimallika, V.S, p. 52. , 652

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1 1 1042. ghatohamityeva tena janya vyavahrtibhavet | kuto ghatoyamityevamakara sa prajayate || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.52, Slokas 502 & 503. 1043. ato naitadrsaropa, ityanaropitam jagat | Ibid, p.53 b, $1.504. } 1044. bhramatpurvam ca sannartho brahmavannabhramodabhavah | kimcaham ghata ityeva caitanyam cedratabhamah || gaurohamitivattarhi bhantissa pratibhasiki | na cetano ghata iti ..... vyavaharikata tasmadvataderjagato gata || Ibid, p.54 b, Slokas 514, 515 & 516. vyavaharikatvakhyasvestalabhayam prayatamanasya pratibha sikatvakhya mahadosapraptariti bhavah || Bhavavilasini,com.on.Yuktimallika,V.S, p.55 b, 1045, ato desa ca kale ca ghatostityeva sollikhet | ayam ca na ghataropah praksiddhasya visistadhih || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.55 b, Sl.525. 1046. yadharapam vinapi syadvadinam vyavasthitih | tarksyanaropitam sarvam jagadbrahamavadeva hi || Ibid, p. $1.527. . 1047. yasya yamamaka lipi siddhistvamatasammata | anaropisevedam brahmavaddhi ghatadikam || Yuktimallika V.S, p.56, S 1.542. 1048. suddhabahmanyadhisthane visvavibhramasiddhaye | svabhavasiddha siddha bhajjagadakaravarjata || rbid, p.57 b, s 1.546. om } €53

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} 1 } 1 : 1049. idanimeva badhena tatraropopi badhitah | tadasatyam jagadidam bhavenmamanirakulam || Ibid, p.58, $1.558. . 1050 adhisthanam pradhanam ca samasattakamaiva | J drsyate rajata rope, sarparopadikesu ca || Ibid, p.59, $1.562. 1051 upadanam tavajnanam tantuvatkaryakarakam | bhramakaletu yannasyetkah pasyettasyadosatam | yatpravrttau bhramasyapi pravrttissyatpadepade | yannivrtti nivrttisca bhramasya .... | Ibid, p:61, Slokas, 581 & 582. 1052. jnanamatranirodhena na prama napi capama | tasmadavaranajnanam, syajjnanapratibandhakam || Ibid, p.62 b, $1.584 & 585. 1053 tasmadyo gyapradhanadesbhavannajaganmrsa | • Tbid, S 1,587, §1.587. 1054. aropayogyadhisthana sunyatvatparamarthasat | I baddamavajjagadetatsyaditi sarvam samamjasam || Ibid, p.63, §1.596. 1055 anaropita vastutvadvisvam syatparamarthasat | brahmavadbhakottinamanyarthatvam ca tadabalat || Ibid, p.64, $1.607. 1056. namastubhyam bhagavate brahmane paramatmane $ na yatra sruyate maya lokadrstivikalpana || Bhagavata X-28-6. 654

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E 5 ' 1 { f } 1057, tvamadyah purusah saksadisvarah prakrteh parah | mayam vyudasya cicchaktya kaivalye sthita atmani || Bhagavata, I-7-23 . 1058 iti bhagavate prokte maya bhramakarisvari | } ☐ yasmannisiddha tenedam katham mayamayam jagat | Yuktimallika, V., p.66 b, $1.631. 1059. brahmandabihirbhantam kimmahanto mahesvaram | samanayanti dhyayanti srrnvate munvate sada || Ibid, p.67 b, S1.634. } 11060, sarvarthaviparitamsca buddhih sa partha tamasi | } 1 Bhagavadgita XVIII-32. 1061 kim rajjusarpa limkarah mulkitarupyacale sivah | 1 Yuktimallika,V.S, p.67, §1.639. 1062 atha drgdrsyasambandhayogat kevalamidrsi | ' + kulastirhi tvaya vacya sapi socya mahatmanam || aroparupajnanatvamadhyasatvam hi kevalam | : adhyastatvam ca tajjnanajneyatvam ca tato param | Ibid, Slokas, 642 & 644 1063 tasmatkilasya labhaya na devalayanasanam | } . kuru svikuru visvasya satyatam bhrtyatam bhaja || Ibid, p.68, $1.659. 1064. asatyamapratistham te jagadahuranisvaram | aparasparasambhutam kimanyatkamahaitukam || etam drstimavastabhya nastatmanolpabudvayah | prabhavantyugakarmanah ksayaya jagato hitah || Bhagavadgita, XVI-8, 9. iti gitasthakrsnoktya mithyatvasam parityaja | Yuktimallika,V.S, p.69 b, s1.662. 1 655

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556 1065. ato ghataderadhyasah suddhacityeva te mate | i niramsa suddhacaitanyamekameva hi tattada | tasmatsarvasya cadhyasat sa sarvasya ca drg bhavet | Ibid, Slokas 664 & 666. 1066 drstam cedabraddama muktissyada drstyaiva kilamucyate || Ibid, p.70, $1.682.. 1067. trnacchanno'pi kim vaddinah na dahet satrnam vanam || Ibid, $1.685. 1068 tameva bhantamanubhati sarva tasya bhasa sarvamidam vibhati || KathV-15. .....| yata evam tadeva brahma bhati ca vibhati karyagatena vividhena 8 bhasa | atah tasya brahmano bharupatvam svato'vagamyate | na hi svato vidyamanam bhasanamanyasya kartum sakyam | ghatadimanyavabhasakatvadarsanat, 1 | Sachchidanandendrasarasvati : Kathakopanisad, AdhyatmaPrakasha Karyalaya, Holenarasipur, 1968, p. 160. 1069 yadadityagatam tejo jagadbhasayate khilam | yaccandramati yaccagni tattejo viddhi bhamakam || Bhagavadgita, XV-12. 1070 bhasamanamidam sarvam ratnakaindranadikam | } tam bhantamanubhatiti tasya bhasa vibhati ca || Yuktimallika,V.S, p.72 b, Sl.697. 1071 athava svasvarupena jnanena paramesvaram | ● svasaktyaiva sada bhantamanusrtyanyadehinam || bhatidam sakalam visvamityarthostvatinirmalah || Ibid, p.73 b, Slokas, 703 & 704. t

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} 1 1072. svagocaram sarvajagadgocaram ca srutirjagi || Ibid, p.73, §1.709. 1073 . asti cennastita bodhi badhassarvasyanabhavat | nasti cennastita bodhi badhassarvasya nabhavat || Ibid, p.74, $1.719. 1074 kalatrayaipi sattaya nisedhah kutra vidyate || Ibid, p.75 b, $1.727. 1075. vyavaharikasattvam tu nastitvaparanama hi | Ibid, p.78 b, $1.739. 1075 A. Mund.Up.II-2-8. 1075 B. Rgveda II-24-12. 1076 visvam satyamiti spastam satyatvam garjati srutih | visvam mithyeti vispastam mithyatvam kutra kathyate || Ibid, p.82 b, $1.777. 1076 A. Rgveda X-129. 1077. hanta mithyabhavadabrahma satyam jagadabhudidam | Ibid, p. 83, S1.788. 1078. asannikrsta drstistu sama paksadraye'pi || Ibid, p.88 b, $1.821. 1079. sabdadasannikrstasya sasasrmgasya dhiryatha | aksadasannikrstasya saktirupyasya dhistatha | Ibid, p.89, $1.827. 1080. evam ca rupasadrsyat suktau rupyatvadhibhavat | Ibid, p.91, $1.840. } 657

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f } 1081 sanghatassampatamstambhamsannityadini dehinam | sattvaparoksajnanani vartante tatra tatra hi || Ibid, p.95 b, Sl.860. 1 1082 . amsadrajatamityatrasatvam brahmagatam bhavet | f Ibid, p.96, S 1.867. 1083 kimcadhisthanagasatta ghamta dhanugateti sam | ghapi drsyate kim va tannistharopyate ghate || uta tatraiva sa drstra ghato ghatatayeksyate | } kim va ghamte prthaksattvam tatsthameva niriksyate Ibid, Pp.97, 98 b, Slokas, 875 & 876. 1084 : cibhinnatvenaiva drstaghatadi jadavastuni | f f satsattvam drsyate tacca tadugam syanna tu cidgatam || ' Ibid, p.98, S1.882. L 1085 pratyaksabadhe vakyasyaivanyarthassarva-sammatah | • Ibid, p.100 b, $1.893. 1086. jade najnanadososti na ca kacadi drsyate | $ 4 Ibid, p.100 b, $1.903. 1087. atopyabadhitam visvamidamasidanakulam ' || Ibid, p.103 b, $1.919. 1088 . mukhyam jada jadaikyam ca vakyaistaih kim na sadhyate || Ibid, p.106 b, $1.950. 1099, A2CY HfOCTE TE || Brahmasutra III-ii-l. svapnarthopi yathartho hi samdhye srstiritismrteh | satyata suksmatam casi vaktinanrtatam prabhuh | Ibid, p.109,b Slokas, 978 & 979. 1 658

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i Plate i 1090 mithyabhuto'rthakari cetyuktistadvyahataiva te || Tbid, 110 b, S1.982. 1091. " 1092. sada sarvatra sadbrahama sada sarvatra carthakrt | akasavatka ाlavacca trikalasatkadapina || Ibid, p.lllb, S1.988. atah pramanikam brahama tavapi ca mamapi ca | paramarthasadeva myadabrahmavattena me jagat || Ibid, p,117 b, $1.1038. 1 + 1093. sarvam jnanam yato dharminyabhantam sarvadehinam | tasmadanantavyaktinam satyatam yuktitobhavat | 1094. Ibid, Pp.120 b, & 121 b, Slokas, 1059 & 1064. tadbhantisrstatvakathapyesam tasmada vrtha bhavet | Ibid, p.123 b, Sl 11073. 1095 ato jadastha rupadigunanam karmanamapi | jatyadinam ca sarvesamabadhyatvena sarvada || vyavaharikata yogattatsattvam braddamasattvavat | Ibid, p.124, $lokas, 1084 & 1085. 1096. athamanabhavatorthabhavastena ca dhirbhramah | bhramacca doso dosena manata hinateti tu anyonyasrayatastasya kurute bodhahinatam || Ibid, p. 125, $1.1094. ။ 1097. yadi midhyajagatsarvam kathamarthakriya tatah | maricikajalaih kim syadvavatastrivimocanam || Ibid, p.130, $1.1142.. 1 J 10988. arthakriyayogyabhavadapyabadhyamabhujjagat | Ibid, p.133, §1.1172. $ } 659

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$ 660 : 1099. kimcendriyena sambandhat ghatadyam paramarthatat | athava stambhakumbhadidravyam nah paramarthasat | samyuktatvat Ibid, p.135 b, Slokas 1188 & 1190. 1100. See Pp, 139 b, to 140, Slokas 1208-1211 . 1101. yadyajnanam manovrttipratibandhakameva na | manasa brahmanastarhi saksatkarah sada bhavet || .... " Yuktimallika (Yuktimallika) Phalasourabha (Phalasaurabha) p.l, Sl.l. 1102. manasah pratirodha hi tyadanyonyasrayo dhruvam | manaso pratirodhepi syadanyonyasrayo dhruvam || Ibid. 1103 sravarnamananam caiva dhyanam caiti kramatrayam | pradhanamga hi manaso drastavye paramatmani | pratibandhaniruhi mano drstum na saknute || Ibid, 2 b, Slokas 6 & 7. 1104 paroksajnanarupattu sadadhyanatprasannadhih | apasarthanirodham tam svatmanam darsayetprabhuh || Ibid, 2, S1.2, 1 1105. drstascabhagavanakam hrdgamthim svam minattyajah | anyacapakrtam kuryattenacchadayati kvacit || Ibid, p. 3, s 1.10. 1 1106. muktau svarupa nispattya tasya svacchamdadarsanam | Ibid, 4 b, S 1,15. 1106 A, saksadeva karanatvat sravanamanananidhidhyasananam | Tait. Bhasya I.12, 1 i Saccidanandendrasarasvati, Taittiriyopanisad, p. 108.

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1 5 1106 B, atma va are drstavyah srotavyo mantavyo nidhidhyasitavyah | Brih.Up.I V-5-6. 1107. dasamastvamamityuktira pisa bdha dhiya svaya | cittavyapitryeva dasamohamitima || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.6 b, s1.29. 1108 srutistu sravanam vakti mananam dhyanamantatah | paramparyattu tatra hetuh dhyanam tu mukhyatah || Ibid, p.8 b, s1.49. 1109. yadi sravanamatrepi sarvesam braddamadarsanam | jivanmuktah kutastarhi sukadyo eva yoginah | Ibid, p.8, §1.52. 1110. dhyanameva pradhanamgam tenacanjnanathimalam | ksalyate dhautaksireva darsana karanam kila | Ibid, p. 9 b, S 1.59, 1111, haryanugraha evebhyassarvebhyo balavattarah | Ibid, p.llb, $1.74. 1111 A, Mund Up. III-2-3. 1112. haribhaktyadesca loke vedepuranadauca kvapi dosataya akathanena gunatathaiva kathanena ca manamtaravirudvamanaprati- paditanam sravanamananadinameva sadhanatvaucityat | Bhavavilasini com.on. Yuktimallika, Phalasaurabha p.12. 1112 A Bhagavata VII-1-30. 1112 B. Sukla Yajurveda Samhita Ch.35.17. 6 661

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1113 sravanam mananam, sammadvayanam saksatkrtihareh | bhaktiprasadaityaite muktetsopanapammyah || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.13 b, $1.93. 1114, jnani jnanodaye jate brahmanaiyavinirgatah | arciradyadhvanaprapya brahama loke ciram vaset | jivanmuktidasa saiva jnaninam kirtyate budhaih | tenaiva brahamanasarka mahakso bhava | Ibid, p.15, Slokas 104, 105 107. 1115. prakrtisca svabhavastha svabhavam prakrtim viduh | atastasyastuna layah sa nityaiva paratmavat || Ibid, p.17 b, §1.122. 1116 ghatadisarvanaso hi svasvakaranasesavan | dahena karyanasepi bhasmasesah pradarsyata | svasvavayavanasepi suksma suksmatadamsaka T sistabhavanti tadvastu katham syadasadeva hi | Ibid, pp.17 b, 17, Slokas 127, 128. 1117. paramparadvirupetham prakrtoparyavasyati | sarvasyante yatasyaiva sista nasta ca naivasa || nissesavastunasasyanasamatrepyadarsanat | Ibid, p.17, §1.130. 1118. brahmabhinnasya bhavasya nase jivopi naksyati | Ibid, p.18 b, $1.135. 1119 tato vaikunthamagamadbhasvaram tamasah param | ' t yatra narayanassaksannyasinam parama gatih || Ibid, p.20 b, $1.151. · 662

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1120. sa ca visno samipaptistadamghripraptireva va | tallokesu sthitirvabhuttenaikyam tvastamorasah || Ibid, p.2 lb, Sl.158. 1121 sarvalokaksaye yastu moksoso neksyate kvacit | Ibid, p.21, §1.166.· 1122. ato, jivesabhedasya muktavapyanuvartanam | taratamyam ca vivesu kondratvasyakirtanat | f Ibid, p. 24, Slokas 187, 188. 1123. na tadbhasayate suryo na sasamko na pavakah | yadgatva na nivartante tadvamaparamam mama || punaravrttisunyatvam paramatvam ca kirtitam | 1 Ibid, p.25 b, Slokas, 192, 193. 1124 evam parantakalesyanmuktatvam yogyayoginam | Ibid, p.27, §1.214. 1124 A, Rgveda VI-47-16. 1124 B. Rgveda VI-47-17, 1125 atassarvavimoksasca sarvekyam ca katham vada || Yuktimallika,Phalasaurabha p.30 b, Sl.225. 1125 A. Rgveda-VI-47-16. 2 1126. ethamanadvidityuktya svatmasamyam saheta na | tasmadbrahmatvametesam durapamiti me matih || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.30 b, S 1.227. 1126 A. Rgveda X-90-16. 1 653

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} 664 1 1127 yassadhanavaicitryam devarsyadisu drsyate | atah phlepivaicitryam tato, muktah paravarah || Yuktimallika,Phalasaurabha, p.32, $1.251 1127 A. Tait.Up.II-4-1. 1128. tarvapyanandamimamsa svarupanandagocara | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.33 b, Sl.253. 1129 . jivasvarupanandasya tadrktve kim gatam tava | aikyayogadyadi bhayam bhedostu satatam satam || . Ibid, p.34 b, Sl.264. } 1130 bhogyarthataratamye syattaratamyam sukhasya ca | tattyagopi sukhasyoccanicatetyadbhutam vacah || Ibid, p. 35 b, S 1.275. 1131. ati mitho jivabhedo jivabraddamavibhinnata | tattadanandavaicitryat siddha sidvantavedinam || Ibid, p. 35 b, S 1.281. 1131 A. Bhagavadgita. XIV-2. 1131 A. Brih.Up.I V-5-15. 1131 B. Brih-II-4-14, IV-5-15. 1132. aprakrtapakrtabhyam dvabhyam dvitvo bhave bhavet | dvitassamsarinastasmattatsambamdhivapusvidam | bayam dvaitamitiproktamasvabhavatvatascatat | Yuktimallika, BP. S, Pp. 38, 39 b, Slokas 304, 305. 1132 A. Munduka Upanisad III-1-3. Tait.Up.II-1-1. Cha Up, VIII - 3-4 . Tait.Up.II-8-1. }

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1133. saksajjnanaphalam moksam simtyastatratatra hi | katham ghatera sarvaikye baddvayorthantaravarjitah || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.39, $1.310, 1133 A. Mund.Up.I-1-4. 4 1134 athava prahasamuktau pendriyadikam | ekibhavanti ca pare muktasca ksiraniravat || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.40, $1.315. 1134 A. Tait.Up.II-5-1. 1135. katham jivesabhedo na yam muktopi na mumcati | tasmadvaidantavakyanam asminnarthe mahanbharah || Yuktimallika,P.42, Sl.336. 1136. svadhinam svasamam kartum notsahasvakadacana | sarupyadopi kim sriso datte srivatsakaustubhau || hrstopi raja na sviyam jayam disati kasyacit | prapannaya prasannopi svatmaikyam na disedvarih || xbid, p,43,b, Slokas, 344,346, 1136 A. Bhagavata, II-8-10. • 1137 evam ca yuktito vaikumthadilokascidatmakah | laksmyatmaka satyarupa nityascasannasamsayah || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.44 b, $1.355. 1138. hareranuvrata evam muktastatrapi te kila | 3 sarve catuvasca ● Ibid, p.45 b, §1.367. i f 665 1

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1139. jnananandamayakara nityam ca sukhabhuktvatah | trividhah santisamsare suddhah eva vimuktigah || Ibid, p.45, $1.373. 1140, bhinna mithah paresacca mukta visadrsatvatah | Ibid, p.46, Sl.385. 1140 A. Brih.Up.II-1-8. 1141. pururupasya tasyeme pratirupah kila khilah | srutisiddham tato jivananarupam na samsayah || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.48 b, Sl.399. 1142. tattadrupaparoksyena moksastesam bhavetila | f Ibid, p.49 b, Sl.403. 1142 A. Brih.Up.II-5-19. 1143 tasmajjivesvara bhido jivabhedo dvitiyata | nirakaratvamajnatvam nirguna brahrma yattava || apranikamevedam sarvamasinna samsayah | ukte paramamoksasminyannabhutkutratabhavet || Yuktimallika,P. S, p.51, Slokas 432, 433. 1144. muktanam ca mithassarvesacca dvaitamivamjasa | dvaitopamo visesasca bhavati svagunadibhih | Ibid, p. 52 b, Sl.444. 1145 ato hari visesosti tanniyamyaca dehisu | Ibid, p.52, S 1.452. 1146 ato muktasrayo brahmarudradyutkrstacetanah || Ibid, p.53, $1.464. 1 656

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1146 A. Brih.Up.1-4-2. 1146 B. Brih, Up. I-4-3. 1147. evam dvitiyajjagato bhayam mrtyuryatonrnam | tanmrtyubhayabhamgaya prathamam purusottamam || bhajedananyabhakta sanniti vasasti sajjanan | Yuktimallika,B.S.p.54., Slokas 469, 470. 1148. anukulam dvitiyam tacchrutisca na nisedhati | Ibid, p.55, Sl.482, 1149 svakhamdavadakhangena mrtamrtyai na maikrtih | svayuthyanam manastrptyai bhaktyai muktyai ca kevalam || Ibid, p.56 b, Sl.485. 1149 A. Munduka Upanisad I-1-5, Visnusahasranama - 2, 1150. Rgveda,IX-77-2. 1151. sa madhvaiti tatraiva pavamanasya madhvata | yatspastam sruyate tasmanmadhvakhya marutitanuh || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.57, 51.500. 1152. Rgveda IX-96-4. 1153. Rgveda IX.96-1. 1154. Rgveda 96-5, IX-96-6. 1155. Yuktimallika,P.S, p.62 b, Sl.523. 1 } 1156. Rgveda , IX-96-7. 667

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1157 pavamano mukhyavayuravatirno mahitale | 1 " pravi vipadisesana pravartayaditisphutam || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.63 b, $1.532.. bhagavaddattasamarthyenaiva giramudabodhakah iti bhavah | Bhavavilasini ,com.o .., com.on.Yuktimallika,P.S, p.63 b, 1158. Rgveda IX-96-40. t unmadhvaiticanyavaksuktasmimstautimadgurum | vasanobhutale madhvomahisah sarvato mahan || 5 Yuktimallika,P.S, p.64 b, s 1.538. 1159. Rgveda X-5-5. 7 samptasvaritisrutya madhvah prastuyate sphutam | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.65 b, Sl.545. 1160. ityastautpavamanasya sukte yam spastavagiyam | samadhvah pavamanamsassiddho vidvacchiromanih || Ibid, p.66, Sl.554. 1161. Rgveda I X-89-6. f vistambhodi khaityatrapyukti madhvo gururmama | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.66, 51.555. 1162. Rgveda IX-89-3. simham na sateti vaca madhvasya caritam jagi || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.67 b, $1.569. , 1163 madhvo madhvabhidhoyogi srotrsuprathamah sada | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.67, 1. 1164. Rgveda IX-7-2. 1165. Rgveda•IX-2-9 • asmabhyamindavityatrapyasmadgurura bhistutah | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.68, $1.574. 1 €68

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1166. yena devah pavitrena atmanam punate sada | tena sahasadharena pavamanyah punantu ma || prajapatyam pavitram satodyamam hiranmayam | tena braddamavido vayam putam brahama punimahe || devasca yena cakrena lamchitena bhujesada | svasvadeham manascapi punate vaisnavoktamah || tena cakrena maruto murtayo mam punantu iti | munih prarthayate kascidityarthitra pradaryate || Q.Ibid, Pp.69 b, 69, 70 b, Slokas 578,579,580. pta 1167. arthyamanam tu muninam tascakrasya lamchana | 1168. gurunam karakamjena dharyam cakram tadeva hi || . Ibid, p.70, Sl.585. Rgveda IX-67-23. yatte pavitramarcisyagne vitatamantara | brahama tena punihiti tasyaiva prarthanantaram || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.71, 595. 1169. cakram suvarnatah kuryaccham tu rajatena ca | Ibid, p.73 b, $1.608. I 1170. atognavahitam cakram svarcisa punyadayina | sa eva taptam kurute gururbhutva sa eva ca || satam bhuje dharayati muninam madhvarupadhrk | sa eva dharayedvayuranyatra gurusasthitah || Ibid, p.74 b, Slokas 615,616. 1171. Rgveda IX-83-1. atrapi ca pavitrate itivagvayugam harim | stuvanti taptacakra kidharanam vaktisusphutam | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.79 b, $1.642. $ 669

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1172 . asakrnmadhvasannasniteyam vayamahastutih | Ibid, p.81, $1.654. 1173. Rgveda X-116-2, idam te patram sanavittamimdra dhivasomamenasatakrti | purna ahavo madirasya madhvoyam visva idamidanti devah | 1174 sanavittam jnanabhaktiviraktya digunirjitam | • T Yuktimallika,P.S, p.82 b, Sl.656. 1175 yoyam madhvo madhvanama madirasya madiranat | jatasya vedasastradermathanaduditasya va || Ibid, p.83 b, $1.660, 1176 madhvo vo nameti vakrtumarutsukte tamujjagi | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.83, Sl.666. 1177, Rgveda, I-54-5, 1178 tadasyeti srutau prokto visnostuparame pade | utsa autsukyavanmadhvah kova siddhi nigadyatam | madhva sratairvisnubhaktirlimgacyasau gururhinah | Yuktimallika,P.S, p.84 b, Sl.673. 1179. Rgveda,I-141. balitya tadvapuse dhayi darsatam devasya bhargah sahaso yatojani | yadimupahavarate sadhate matitasya dhena anayanta sasrutah | prkso vapuh pitumannitya asaye dvitiyamasa sivasu matrsu | trtiyamasya vrsabhasya dohase dasapramatim janayanta yosanah | 1180 kimca srutaumatipadam hanumadvacakam bhavet | tajjnanasilam tadbantam nirvaktihanumatpadam || / Yuktimallika,P.S, p. 87, S 1.695. 670

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1 1181 dvitiyam ca vapusta vak pitumaniti samsati | brahuvannavanabhudbhimo Ibid, p.88 b, S 1.697.' 1182 trtiyam tu vapuh praha dasapramatinami sa | Ibid, S 1.698. 1183. yadi manupradivo madhva adhave guhasantam matarisva mathayati | yati madhvo matarisva guhasantam mathayati | dasapramatinamatra sa evato na samsayah || guhasantam hrdguhayam vasantam purusottamam | vedasastradimathanam krtva darsayati prabhuh || Ibid, Pp.88, 89,b, Slokas, 702,709. 1184 hitam na janamyahitam na jane nakartumiso na ca kartumisah | yatha natannatakadaruyantra tatha hareh preranayaiva varte || Ibid, p. 95 b, S 1.721. 1185. karmano yadi tatkarma svanistam kurute kutah | anadyanistakarmani karotyanyavasi dhruvam || svasyaiva svatantrakartrtve svatantrakartrisvara bhintatve ca svanistaduhkhadikaranayogat | Ibid, p.95, S 1.723. 1186. jivagatayogyataya jivavada svatantrataya paraniyamyatvavasyambhavacca | nityasya cetanasya jivasya svatantryabhavena, karmasacivyamgikare anityasya jadasya ca karmanah sutaram svatantryayogena ubhayorapiniyamakah kascidiso balatsadhyati | Ibid, p.96. 671

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672 1187. na ca kaladikam tasya prerakam jadavastunah | svatah pravrttyayogena preryatvat kartato nyatah || Yuktimallika,P.S, p.97, Sl.730. 1188. atassvayogyakaryasya kartari haricchya | sfeed aaf adey not enf fanfonga || Ibid, p.99, Sl.736. 1189. The Encyclopedia Americana, Americana Corporation, NewYork, 1962, Vol.21, p.769. 1190. The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford, 1970, Vol.VII, p.782. 1191. Mahadevan,T.M.P., Invitation to Indian Philosophy, Arnold Heinemann Publishers (India) Private Ltd., New Delhi,1974, p.l. 1192. Radhakrishnan, 'Indian Philosophy' George Allen & Unwin London, 1971, p.24. 1193. Jadunath Sinha, 'Introduction to Indian Philosophy' Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Educational Publisher, Agra, 1949, Pp. 1 & 2. 1194. The atheistic systems in India, the Carvaka the Jainism and Buddhism, do not believe in the existence of God and in the testimony of the Vedas. But, Barring Carvaka, others do have faith in spirituality with difference in sense. 1195. Radhakrishnan, 'Indian Philosophy' Vol.1, p.32.

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673 1196. syattatra yukta evarthi yuktisca trividha mata | vyaptih pratyaksana yasya yuktiga gama tatha | pratyaksagama mula tu yuktistatra baliyasi | yatharthajnanajanaka yatharthi yuktayassmrtah | Madhva. Anuvyakhyana, (Sarvamulagranthah) Pp.60 & 61. 1197. balam jnanabalam caiva bahyam ceti dvidhamatam || yuktijnata jnanabalam sa jnanadhika mateti tattvasare || c. Mahva. Chandogyopanisadbhasya (Sarvamulagranthah) - Vol.1. P.453. 1198. Sharma B.N.K, 'A History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta and its literature,' Vol.1, Pp.192 & 201. 1199. Sharma, R.N., 'Indian Philosophy' Orient Longman Ltd., 1972, Pp.5 & 6. 1200. Sharma B.N.K. 'A History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta and its literature, Vol.2 Pp. 192. } 1201 . srimanmadhvamate harih paratarah satyam jagattattvato / bhedo jivagana hareranu-dhara nicocca bhavam gatah | muktinajasukhanubhutiramala bhaktisca tatsadhanam yaksaditritayam pramanamakhilanmayaikavedyo harih || Q.Nagarajarao, P. 'The epistemology of Dvaita Vedanta' The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Adyar, Madras. 1976,p.2. 1202, Ramachandran, T.P.'Dvaita Vedanta,' Arnold Heinemann, New Delhi,1976, p.125. 1203. Sharma, B.N.K. 'History of Dvaita School of Vedanta and its literature' Vol.2, p.202. }

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1204. Sharma B.N.K., 'Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya' P.7. 1205. Ibid, p.XIV. 1206. Sharma B.N.K., 'A History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta and its literature, Vol,2, p.200

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