Yuktimallika by Vadiraja (critical study)
by Gururaj K. Nippani | 1986 | 132,303 words
This essay studies in English the Yuktimallika by Vadiraja. The Dvaita Vedanta system, developed by Madhva, has played a significant role in Indian philosophy, with scholars like Jayatirtha and Vyasatirtha contributing deeply logical and critical works. Vadiraja's "Yuktimallika" stands out as a unique synthesis of scholarly argumentation ...
The Dvaita system of Vedanta, expounded by Madhva, has made history in Indian philosophy. The followers and CL thinkers of this system have made many outstanding contributions to the field of philosophy. They have elaborately discussed the views expressed by Madhva and also have endeavoured great exercise to meet with the objections raised by opponents and disregard the contentions of them. The works of these scholars could also be studied with advanced methods of objective approach and comparative criticism. 1 It is well observed that next to Madhva, according to the need, the eminent scholars like Jayatirtha and Vyasatirtha ventured and wrote the works which have been, no doubt, deep in argument, critical in exposition and of great admiration, but rooted in logical techniques and niceties and hence, are beyond common approach. The Yuktimallika of Vadiraja, in this respect, is a novel attempt and first of its kind to feed the demand, fulfil the need and, indeed promises and helps both, the scholars and other faithful readers to understand the doctrines of philosophy, particularly the Dvaita, since it happens to be a unique combination of scholastic way of argumentation,
1 11 J interpretation and clever common approach. 2 A systematic, comparative and critical study of the Yuktimallika has not been made so far. And this thesis is an attempt to bring out the significance of the contribution of the Yuktimallika. It is well attempted in this 1 thesis to show as how best Vadiraja adduces the reasons or arguments (Yuktis). It is also discussed in length that what the Yukti of Vadiraja consists of. The first chapter gives a brief account of Vadiraja's date, life and works. The second chapter contains an elaborate critical exposition of the Yuktimallika and helps for the better understanding of the contents of the 'work. The third chapter deals with and discusses the contribution of Vadiraja, through the Yuktimallika, to the Indian philosophy in general and the Dvaita, in particular. In the fourth, concluding chapter, some conclusions are drawn in respect of salient distinct features of the Yuktimallika and of l relevancy of the Yukti (reason(g). As this thesis, in this regard, a new attempt to bring out the significance of the Yuktimallika and Vadiraja's unique contribution, it is hoped that it would be an useful addition to the field of Dvaita Vedanta and its literature. 0 1 It is with great pleasure, I express my deep sense
3 } 111 of gratitude and sincere thanks to my teacher, Dr. D. N. Shanbhag, M.A., Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Studies in Sanskrit, Karnatak University, Dharwad, but for whose invaluable help, constant inspiring scholarly guidance, personal supervision and incessant encouragement throughout the course of this research, the work would not have been possible. Many of the ideas, presented herewith, have been the result of the fruitful discussions with him. m With profound sense of gratitude and honour, I offer my heartfelt salutations to my grand-father, Pandit Arakeri 'Jayatirthacharya, a learned Sanskrit scholar of repute, " i who, since more than a decade, taught me the Sastric works of Sanskrit language (including the Yuktimallika) in traditional method and thus a prime source of my academic career and accomplishment. f I, with great pleasure and deep sense of devotion and gratitude, wish to record my salutations to His Holiness Sri Visvottamatirtha of Sode Vadiraja mutt for having blessed me with seldom thoughts to the interpretation of the Yuktimallika, especially the Bhedasaurabha. I am also highly obliged to Dr.B.N.K. Sharma for having $
0 iv contributed thought provoking observations and critical remarks on Vadiraja and his works; and Prof. K.T. Pandurangi for having given lucid summary of the entire work, the Yuktimallika in English for the first time with most useful and welcoming observations. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Dr.K. B. Archak, who spared his valuable time in preparing the script with timely suggestions. No words would suffice to express my indebtedness to my humble parents and others, especially my brother for their devoted help and incessant encouragement. I would be failing in my duty if I do not mention my sincere thanks to the Principals, N.Eswarappa and Dr.H. Basanna, Veerasaiva College, Bellary, for having given me the permission during the period of vacation for studies. It is my sincere duty to thank the authority of University Grants Commission as I was given an opportunity to enjoy the Junior Fellowship for a period of more than a year, and also authority of Karnatak University, Dharwad for kindly permitting me to submit this thesis for the award of Ph.D. degree. Date: , GURURAJ -K. NIPPANI