Essay name: Srikara Bhashya (commentary)
Author: C. Hayavadana Rao
The Srikara Bhashya, authored by Sripati Panditacharya in the 15th century, presents a comprehensive commentary on the Vedanta-Sutras of Badarayana (also known as the Brahmasutra). These pages represent the introduction portion of the publication by C. Hayavadana Rao.
Page 279 of: Srikara Bhashya (commentary)
279 (of 953)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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With these, compare the two following slōkas taken from
Jayatirtha's work (Tatvaprakasika I. Mangalācharana
अथ तत्कृपया ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यं यथामति ।
व्याकुर्वे श्रीमदानन्दतीर्थार्यमुखनिःसृतं ॥ ६ ॥
गङ्गासन नैर्मल्यं रथ्याद्भिर्लभ्यते यथा ।
वाचो विशुद्धि सिद्धयर्थं सङ्गम्यन्ते गुरोर्गिरः ॥७॥
[atha tatkṛpayā brahmasūtrabhāṣyaṃ yathāmati |
vyākurve śrīmadānandatīrthāryamukhaniḥsṛtaṃ || 6 ||
gaṅgāsana nairmalyaṃ rathyādbhirlabhyate yathā |
vāco viśuddhi siddhayarthaṃ saṅgamyante gurorgiraḥ ||7||
] The following similarities between the two sets of
slōkas may be noted :-
(1) The words used by Jayatirtha are reproduced, for
example, rathyāmbho and gangasangad visuddhyati in Suka
appear in Jayatirtha as rathyadbhiḥ and gangāsangēna
(2) The governing idea in both is the same.
Krishnacharya's slōkas seem to be an adaptation of
Jayatirtha's and not vice versa.
As we know Jayatirtha lived in the 14th century, it has
to be inferred that Krishnacharya came after Jayatirtha.
How long after, it is not possible to determine. As
Suka himself is a late commentator on the Brahma-
Sutras, his commentator should have come
some time
after him. In any case, he cannot be much older than
the 17th century A.D.
It has been mentioned above that Srikantha, the author
of the Bhashya known after him, lived about the third
quarter of the 13th century A.D. His Bhashya admittedly
outlines the Saiva Visishtādvaita Siddhānta. (See his
comments on II. 1. 22, Adhikantu bhedanirdēsāt.)78
78 $
In the course of his comments on this Sūtra, Srīkantha writes:
Nanu tadananyatvam' ityabhēda pratipadanāt adhikantu' iti
bhedapratipadanat prapancha brahmaṇoḥ bhedabhēdaḥ sadhitō bhava-
titi chet-na, bhedabhedakalpam visishtadvaitam sadhayamaḥ | na vayam
brahmaprapanchayōrat yantamēva bhēdavādinaḥ ghatapatayōriva
tadanyatva parasrutivirōdhāt | na vā atyantabhēdavādinaḥ suktiraja-
tayōrivaikataramityātvēna, tatsvābhāvika gunabhēda parasruti virōdhāt |
na cha bhēdābhedavādinaḥ, vastu virōdhāt | kintu sarirasarīriṇōriva