Soundarya Lahari of Shri Shankara (Study)
by Seetha N. | 1985 | 67,146 words
Summary: The essay studies in English the Soundarya Lahari of Shri Shankara, focusing on its philosophical and devotional aspects. The Saundaryalahari represents an epitome of Shaktism (worship of the divine Goddess) by expounding the ultimate goal of liberation (moksha) through the non-dual knowledge of Nirguna Brahman, as taught by the Advaita philosophy. The study also examines the Tantric and worship elements of the text, by exploring Goddess Parvati’s macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects.
Original titles: Saundaryalaharī (सौन्दर्यलहरी), Saundarya-laharī (सौन्दर्य-लहरी), Soundaryalahari, Soundarya-lahari, Saundaryalahari, Saundarya-lahari, etc.
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