Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations

by Radhakrishnan. P | 2017 | 51,158 words

This study analyzes the Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations and it’s contribution to modern astrology. This thesis also aims at integrated scientific explanations on New and Full Moon and their influence of Geo-physical phenomena and also analyzes how significant a role the moon plays in keeping the life on earth. Astrology is the or...

8. Contributions of Modern Astrologers


He was born in Denmark in 1540AD. He built the great planetarium. He discovered Dhooma Ketu (Comet) at the Venus place in 1577 AD. He didn’t accept the heliocentric theory. Following the Ptolemy’s Principle, he also explained about the motions of the planets like the Sun and Moon is rotating around the Earth and the remaining planets rotates around the earth and the remaining planets rotates around the Sun. The magnificent contribution of Tychobrahe was the observation of planetary motion about the Mars in the solar system.


He was born in 1564 at Peesa city of Italy. In the history of Astronomy 25th June 1609 was the important date. He determined motions of the projectiles and laws of falling bodies. During 1609 he built a telescope using his own lenses to see the objects 20 times magnification. He observed and recorded the orbit of planets, in the solar system, largest planets rotating around Jupiter, Milky Way, lunar carters, and mountains on the moon and sun spots. With the help of this Telescope he announced the heliocentric theory is true.

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630ad)

Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician and astronomer belongs to 17th century who registered major contributions for the world about the laws of planetary motion categorized as:

1. Orbit of each planet is an ellipse paying attention by Sun.

2. He persuaded that the planetary configurations affect both weather and human character.

Kepler’s views of planetary motion supported Isac Newton later for his theory of gravitation. His constructive works named as The Sacred Mystery of the Cosmos (1596), New Astronomy (1609), Harmony of Worlds (1619) and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (1621) stands valid reference for modern Astrology and Astronomy. NASA honored his invention of high-tech space telescope by naming their launch Vehicle as Kepler Mission in 2009.

Christian Huygens (1629-1695)

Huygens was contributed with an improved version of the Telescope concentrating upon Saturn. He proposed that the Saturn was surrounded by a solid ring without touching the ecliptic. He has discovered the Saturn’s moon Titan. He also discovered different interstellar nebulae and double stars. Huygens invented the first pendulum clock, with a slight error of less than one minute a day which was subsequently corrected by Galileo. Huygens proposed that light traveled through waves of a rare element called the luminiferous ether which is known as Prakasha Taranga which is contributed to form the laws of reflection and refraction.

Ole Roemer (1644-1710)

He calculated the speed of light by detecting the eclipses of Jupiter's moon during the years 1668–1674. He conducted research about eclipses occurred on Jupiter’s moon. Roemer tentatively fixed up the value of 214,000 Kilometers per second as compared to the current assumption of 299,792 km/s as finite speed. Roemer interpreted this as the difference in time needed for the light to travel through Jupiter and Earth. The diameter of the Earth's orbit was not accurately known and the assumptions of Roemer were supportive to correct the same. It was the primary corroboration that the speed of light is finite.

Newton (1642-1727)

Isac Newton was the 17th Century revolutionary Scientist who plays in integrated role by contributing reflecting telescope in 1668. The component optics used in his telescope to lead the scientific community to explore the knowledge about outer space, light and colour. His three basic theorizes about the law of motion laid the foundation for space exploration. The object will not move unless force is applied, the force is equal to mass time acceleration and change in motion are proportional to the forced applied stands fundamental and unquestioned in this nature. The movement of planetary bodies and its invisible influence stands basic principle. His laws bestowed many answers to the scientific inference and clarified how the tides are created as per gravitational forces and affects the earth accepting the gravitational forces from the moon and sun. His theory contributed scientific answer why the moon orbits the Earth and how it affects the living organism. For ever since Astrology was decisive factors in undertaking activities of the populace by supporting the discoveries of physics and astronomy as part of astrology. The Astrological literature presented by Isac Newton emphasis that he was the patron of Astrology.

Edmund Halley (1656-1742):

He went to Saint Helena Island in his 20th year and prepared the list of 300 constellations in Southern Globe. He established a method to find the distance if Sun. He identified the Halley tailed star (comet) which appears once in 751/2 years. For every finding of the Pancha Sidhantas contributed a lot for new discoveries emerged as modern. Out of which Surya Sidhanta exists on the top giving ample support for the new research and development. Any branch of science cannot develop without abstract ancient knowledge. All the new discoveries are the extended version of the ancient interpretation linked with cause and effect. The majority of scientists in the field of Astrology had conducted direct or indirect researches for the discovery of new things in the field of Astronomy. This development had directly influenced the Western Astrology. For Indian Astrology, enormous elements are available in Vedas and other Astrological Texts. The Western Predictive system, Progressed Horoscope, Ayana Transit Methods, Special Aspects of Planets, Mundane Astrology are becoming the part of the integrated research in the modern period. The light exhibiting in the sky is same in Indian and Western Astrology. As per the difference in regions, atmosphere, position, social status, customs and belief, the approach may also differ in terms of the basics of this science. Due to continuity of the research, the evolution of the science will continue forever.

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