Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations

by Radhakrishnan. P | 2017 | 51,158 words

This study analyzes the Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations and it’s contribution to modern astrology. This thesis also aims at integrated scientific explanations on New and Full Moon and their influence of Geo-physical phenomena and also analyzes how significant a role the moon plays in keeping the life on earth. Astrology is the or...

3. Lunar Effects and Natural Astrology

The lunar periodicity is a mechanism of the cyclic functions of marine organisms refers back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the 4th century BC, Aristotle observed that Horseshoe crabs, mates on full moon days have the history of 400 million years. Cicero and Pliny mentioned that Oysters, Millipedes and Shellfish grow according the cycle of the lunar month during which its sequence become complete by full Moon.[1] During the waxing stage of the moon the marine organisms elongate sexual pinnacles of mating tendencies. The study made by the Australian Scientist Alden Knite, the author of - Moon-up and Moon Down -have perceived that the feeding activities of crayfish and crab upsurge during lunar days.[2] [3] As per the veterinary science, the buffaloes and cows reach at the zenith of heat often at full moon and new moon than at any other time. The reflection of moon light triggers a biological rhythm especially in living organisms as per the bionomic support of Astrology. In olden days moon light was the only available amenity for sleeping in such a homely premises in which women were having low inconsistency. New generation women having inconsistent menstrual cycles are accommodated for taking their sleep in soothing illuminated rooms to regularize their periods of 28 days. The lunar effect has been linked with the ionization of the atmosphere in the earth. Ions are the molecules of the gas that is transformed by either acquisition or misplacing an electron. If the ion molecule join with an electron attains negative charge and becomes negative. When the molecule loses an electron that becomes positively charged the state is unhealthy for mind and body. Consequent to modern findings, the investigation about Lunar Rhythms in organisms has been considered as a stream of astrology.

According to Ptolemy, the two branches of Astrology are Natal, Universal and the next adherent one is Natural Astrology. After renaissance, the research in the field of natural astrology has been undertaken by the biologists. Mass collection of scientific data has been stored to investigate the marine nature, reproduction cycles and movement of various organisms with the influence of moon. As the research activities about the rhythms of Moon being exogenous, validation of the hypothesis shall be difficult in the absence of required knowledge in natural Astrology.

The experimentation with lunar weather and natural evacuation forecasting is extensively different from exact science as the weather conditions vary from place to place. It is purely depending upon the difference in environment and atmosphere, time factors and combinations of planets. The meteorologists should have the knowledge of Natural Astrology. As per Samhitas, a nodal astrological weather forecasting is an art when it becomes true and believable when it safeguards lives and hard earned wealth simultaneously.

Footnotes and references:


The Biological Moon By Bruce Scofield (originally published in Llewellyn’s 2002 Moon Sign Book):


Luce, Gay Gaer. Biological Rhythms in Human and Animal Physiology. New York: Dover Publications.


. Palmer, John D. and Judith E. Goodenough. Mysterious Monthly Rhythms, in Natural History. Vol. LXXXVII, No. 10. December 1978.

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