Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations

by Radhakrishnan. P | 2017 | 51,158 words

This study analyzes the Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations and it’s contribution to modern astrology. This thesis also aims at integrated scientific explanations on New and Full Moon and their influence of Geo-physical phenomena and also analyzes how significant a role the moon plays in keeping the life on earth. Astrology is the or...

7. Horoscope Analysis on Hyper-tension and Cardiac Problem

Horoscope of Sri. Ravi.G.Panicker, Date of Birth: 26-03-1961 2:10am Punarvasu.

Balance Period:

Guru 3 Years, 1 Month and 28 Days.

Natal Chart has been analyzed with special reference to disease base on the strength of moon in own sign Cancer and other aspects.

[Table: 14.11: Horo Chart of Ravi.G.Panicker]

Planetary State of Pratyusha Horoscope

The personality of Moon Sign in Cancer will have the nature of bent body, steadfast, high hip, influenced by female, having good friends, interested in Astrology, palatial house properties, fluctuating wealth proprietorship, copious neck, expressive word power, good relationship with kith and kin, fond of water and forest areas. The retrograded Venus stands supportive and integrate the wealth and possessions to the native.

The 4th sign lord Mars is posited at dustana of 6th from Ascendant. The Sun is in 3rd house having quadrant aspect by the Mars the 6th lord. Moon owned in Cancer getting aspect from debilitated Jupiter becomes causative for Cardiac Pulmonary arrest. While analyzing disease, the combined aspect of malefic Jupiter and Saturn towards Moon at Cancer strengthen the assumptions about heart problems. (The Jupiter is the Gulika-bhavanadhipa and the Saturn exists as deadly state in this horoscope). Mutual aspect of Jupiter and Moon in Navamsha strengthen the symptoms of such problems. The Lord of fortune Mercury exists as Vargottama Namavamsha made the native a reputed Astrologer.

Jupiter is located in debilitated sign Capricorn and its lord Saturn is owned in the quadrants of Moon. Similarly the Mars which is becoming exalted and posited in debilitated sign becomes the quadrants of the Ascendant denote Neechabhanga Rajayoga. In view of this, he native will lead a qualitative life with all the benefits of name and fame. Simultaneously, the native will become an excited person with hypertension as the Saturn is in the Ascendant and Mars in the 6th bhava. [...]


1. Suffering from Hyper Tension and Cardiac Problem.
2. The native is an Astrologer.
3. Married and not having progenies.
4. Suffering from Rhumatic Problem.

Apart from the Moon Ascendant, the 5th Lord Mars posited at 12th Bhava is the symptom of Childlessness. ([...]) as versified in A book of Medical Astrology pp-63 of Dr.S.Krishnakumar). The state of childness has been specifically narrated in Phaladeepika (Ch-9/4) indicating the results of Moon Ascendant in Cancer. ([...])

The moon is having deadly effect with dashami tidhi in Shuklapaksha.The Jupiter is the lord of 12th and 3rd subsists as old aged with debilitated state, aspected by Moon shower only minimal or mixed benefits of Kesari Yoga. The Mandi (Gulika) owned in12th bhava makes the native who exempted from liberative life and sensual enjoyment, distressed speech, lavish and untidy.

[...] (Brihajjataka Paddathi 4/12)

The native was hospitalized by 13th August 2012 During Shukra Main Period and Subperiod of Mars due to acute BP and Rheumatism. As per Goachara, the Saturn was in 4th sign. The lord of 4th Bhava is located at 6th Bhava of disease and interruptions.

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