Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations

by Radhakrishnan. P | 2017 | 51,158 words

This study analyzes the Significance of the Moon in Ancient Civilizations and it’s contribution to modern astrology. This thesis also aims at integrated scientific explanations on New and Full Moon and their influence of Geo-physical phenomena and also analyzes how significant a role the moon plays in keeping the life on earth. Astrology is the or...

5. Horoscope Analysis of R. P. Nair (Piles)

For the native of Rishabha Lagna, Saturn is yogakaraka–that showers all fortunes. Prsesently, the Saturn is located at Scroprio as Kandaka and ready to move to Saggitarious (8th bhava), which is not supportive for the native. The ulceration of the bowels and piles cane be diagnosed based on the position of Mars and Saturn. ([...]). Medicl Astrology has illustrated the system of Pile or Fisula with the following versifications:

[...] (Phaladeepika-14/4)

[Table 14.7: Horo Chart of R.P.Nair]

Horo Chart of R. P. Nair

According to the ancient text phaladepika, Mars is causative for the disease connected with blood related diseases. In this hart, Saturn Masadasha is going on from 09-03-1998 to 0703-2017. From 27-08-2014 to 08-03-2017 sub-period of Jupiter which is good for relevant to attracted benefits. If the planets in the birth chart are not supportive the whole thing differs. As the Saturn gets special aspects from Mars in the birth chart, the ending period of Saturn will make blood related disease such as piles and abdominal problems. Even though moon is exlated, it becomes Marka while considering the location fromm Ascendent conjoined with Mars. The native got ailments of piles at the end of the period of Saturn. As per Medical Astrology, the the 8th bhava from Lagna itself is the disease affected area in private parts.

If the 8th lord in the seventh house with a malefic and not getting benefic aspect is another symptom of piles or fistula disease. (8th Lord Saggitarius Jupiter owned in 7th Scorpio). The ascendant Lord Kuja is aspecting the Saturn is another symptom of chronic Hemorrhoids.

[Table 14.8: Astro Signs affecting Disease]

Astro Signs affecting Disease

[...] (Medical Astrology Chap-19 (X-(iii) pp.57)

If the Saturn gets aspects of a malefic, the native suffers from piles or Ano-rectal disorders.

[...] (Phaladeepika 26/22)

According to Transitional movement towards 8th bhava (Saggitarious) matching with the natal chart wherein the saturn is loctaed therein; will provide malefic results such as monetary loss,annihilation to progenies, domestic animals, kith and kins and attract adversities and diseases to the native. The aspect of Mars to 8th Bhava enhances the possibility of occurrence of Piles Disease.


As the Kandakashani was on the peak at saggistarius the native had undergone Hemaroid Treat followed by a surgery.

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