Shaiva Upanishads (A Critical Study)

by Arpita Chakraborty | 2013 | 33,902 words

This page relates ‘Pranava Upanishad on “OM”’ of the study on the Shaiva Upanishads in English, comparing them with other texts dealing with the Shiva cult (besides the Agamas and Puranas). The Upaniṣads are ancient philosophical and theological treatises. Out of the 108 Upanishads mentioned in the Muktikopanishad, 15 are classified as Saiva-Upanisads.

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15. Praṇava Upaniṣad on “OM”

Praṇava Upaniṣad speaks of “OM” as follows: The light of the minutest upper end of the flame analogous to the tube of a lotus is seen in the region of mind. This second flame is located by holding the splendor analogous to the sun from the nostril by penetrating the orbit of the sun.


The upper flame (the half mora of the syllable OM) in garb of the fire provides all living organisms the life through the seventy two thousand nerves and it is located by covering all these nerves.


The devotee attains peace proxy to the emancipation and he listens to the sound analogous to the gong made of bronze at that time. This is the form of the syllable OM. All devotees wish to listen this form with the sound.

[...] Praṇava Upaniṣad verse 13.

The devotee who is engrossed in the vibration of the OM Syllable, becomes in the form of Brahma himself. It is definite that he attains the immortality at this stage.[1]

Footnotes and references:

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Praṇava Upaniṣad verse 10-13.

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