Sanskrit dramas by Kerala authors (Study)
by S. Subramania Iyer | 1971 | 172,221 words
This essay represents and English study of the Sanskrit dramas by Kerala authors. The influence that Sanskrit has exerted on the people of Kerala in their cultural, social and literary fields is of great significance to them. Their language and literature, religion and philosophy, art and architecture, all have their roots deep in Sanskrit. In this...
9. Influence of other Sanskrit works (in the Ratnaketudaya)
The influence of Kalidasa's Abhijnanasakuntala is seen conspicuously in the drama. The scene in the third act of Ratnaketudaya where king Ratnaketu and the vidushaka hide themselves and watch Lilavati and her two maids sitting in the mandapa and conversing together reminds us of the scene in the first act of 'Sakuntala where king Dushyanta and the vidushaka hiding themselves behind the trees, watch Sakuntala and her two female friends watering the plants and conversing amongst themselves.