Sankalpa Suryodaya of Venkatanatha (Critical Study)

by R. Laxmi | 1998 | 94,004 words

Summary: This is an English study of the Sankalpa Suryodaya—an allegorical Sanskrit drama by Venkatanatha, a distinguished philosopher-poet and dramatist of the Vishishtadvaita Vedanta tradition. This work of Venkata-natha (or, Vedanta Deshika). stands out for integrating allegory to convey moral and philosophical truths. The thesis examines its place in Sanskrit literature, emphasizing its allegorical nature, dramatic significance, characterization, and philosophical underpinnings. The Sankalpasuryodaya creatively uses personified abstractions to depict philosophical ideas and critiques various philosophical schools, ultimately advocating for Visistadvaita Vedanta principles inspired by Ramanuja.

Original titles: Saṅkalpasūryodaya (सङ्कल्पसूर्योदय), Sankalpasuryodaya, Saṅkalpa-sūryodaya, Sankalpa-suryodaya (सङ्कल्प-सूर्योदय), Saṃkalpasūryodaya, Samkalpasuryodaya, (संकल्पसूर्योदय), Saṃkalpa-sūryodaya (संकल्प-सूर्योदय), Samkalpa-suryodaya, Veṅkaṭanātha, Venkatanatha (वेङ्कटनाथ), Veṅkaṭa-nātha (वेङ्कट-नाथ), Venkata-natha, Vedāntadeśika (वेदान्तदेशिक), Vedānta-deśika (वेदान्त-देशिक), Vedantadeshika, Vedantadesika, Vedanta-deshika, Vedanta-desika, etc.

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The full text of the Sankalpa Suryodaya of Venkatanatha (Critical Study) in English is available here and publically accesible (free to read online). Of course, I would always recommend buying the book so you get the latest edition. You can see all this book’s content by visiting the pages in the below index:

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