Puppetry in Assam
by Gitali Saikia | 2018 | 39,831 words
This represents a methodological study of Puppetry in Assam, which forms a major part of their ancient traditions and folk dramas. The art of puppetry has close relation with Assamese culture and society. Even though the availability of local literature is limited, there are many books on Indian puppetry....
Dialogue writing for puppetry
Dialogue is one very important element of Vachik abhinaya or Vocal characterization.Dialogue writing itself is an art.For the success of the play, dialogue should have very strong impact on spectator. There are some techniques of writing dialogue. Dialogue plays the role of backbone for the puppetry. However, the dialogue use in Puppetry is different from the dialogue use in real acotor’s play. The scriptwriters of puppet plays have vast knowledge about the theme of the story and about the character. With this ability the writer establishes the character and personality through the dialogue. As for example, dialogue for the holy characters like lord Krishna is graceful while dialogue of a demon character is rough. Thus,dialogue of puppeteer is like that,hearing the dialogue a blind audience can also identify the characters.Short and straightforward dialogue is preferable in puppet shows.The puppets have limitations in movement and facial expression. Due to its limited movement and fix facial expression, long dialogue may break attention of audience.
According to reknown puppeteer Banikanta Barman—
“different actions of puppet in stage should include in the script and for smooth running of the play,the narrator must narrate different actions briefly. Fighting, attacking is such type of action.”
Dialogue should have a meaningful message to the spectator. Puppetry as effective means of communication,used in propagation of different ideas.Puppetry is used to create awareness about different health insurance policies, social issues etc.In such context, easily understandable dialogues are used.Childrens have their own imagination capacity. Folk tales, myths are good source of theme for children’s puppet play. Folk tales influences psychology of children of all ages.To give them moral education simple dialogues from the folk tales of “Burhi air Sadhu”,Panchatantra etc. are used by puppeteers of Assam. However, script for adult people will not suitable for school student.As puppet stage is not very big,speakers or characters in a scene is limited to four or five.Presenting more characters in one time may create problem for smooth running of the show.
In Western countries like Europe,America puppet theatre is considerd superior to human theatre.The dialogue contains Naba rasa and bhava.Expression of different moods of character reflects in dialogue.Apart form India,drama personalities of whole world have paying great importance on dialogue. Without proper dialogue, the objective of puppet drama can not reach its audience.Compact and easily understandable dialogues are used in puppetry.