Puppetry in Assam

by Gitali Saikia | 2018 | 39,831 words

This represents a methodological study of Puppetry in Assam, which forms a major part of their ancient traditions and folk dramas. The art of puppetry has close relation with Assamese culture and society. Even though the availability of local literature is limited, there are many books on Indian puppetry....

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Musical instruments used in puppetry

Folk musical instruments are indispensible part of folk culture. Since the early period of civilization, man has been inspiring by nature in every step of their life. Beauties of nature has been creating emotions among man and by imitating functions of nature man are applying different gestures, sounds etc. in their culture. By hearing sounds of thunder, rivers and streams, the idea of creating different musical instruments came into their mind. Invention of metal also added some musical instrument.As puppetry is a folk performing art, the musical instruments used in puppetry are also folk. No one can claim as inventor of folk musical instrument. These types of musical instruments are made by traditional way with easily available materials.

Musical instruments can classified under four categories—

a. Membranophone

Membranophones are those musical instruments which are of Wooden or metallic shell covered with animal hide or membrane and played by clapping with hand or striking with stick.

Instruments made of metal, wood or bamboo and played by Striking with stick is called audiphone.

b. Aerophone

An instrument played by blowing with mouth or manipula the flow of air is called aerophone.

Aerophone include bahi (flute), hutuli, Gogana, Bheri,Chikari–penpa, Sankha,Murili and so on.

c. Cordophone

An instrument played by striking string or rubbing with a bow is called Cordophone.

Cordophone include Dotara, Charinda, Khamak, Veen, Robab, Laotokari, Tokari and so on.

d. Audiphone

Membranophone instruments include Dhol, Mridanga, Doba, Bornagara, Dambaru, Dholak, Bardhol, Khol, Nagara.

Audiphone include Different size of cymbals like-Patital, Khutital, Bhortal, Bortal, Bells, Biggong, Gong and so on.[1] .

The main musical instruments used in traditional puppetry are—Drum or Khol and two pairs of Cymbals and flute.Now a day’s Harmonium and Tabala is use. However, most of the modern troupe use pre-recorded music where guitar and other modern instruments are use.

Footnotes and references:

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Barooah Rinumoni,Sharma Chandrasekhar: Barluitor Barboibhob,Guwahati,2012,P:2

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