Philosophy of Charaka-samhita

by Asokan. G | 2008 | 88,742 words

Ayurveda, represented by Charaka and Sushruta, stands first among the sciences of Indian intellectual tradition. The Charaka-samhita, ascribed to the great celebrity Charaka, has got three strata. (1) The first stratum is the original work composed by Agnivesha, the foremost of the six disciples of Punarvasu Atreya. He accomplished the work by coll...

Dialectical terms (9): False rejoinder (uttara)

False Rejoinder is the opposition that occurs in a counterdemonstration. It is being defined as an attempt of the opposition to upset the endeavor to establish a thesis by showing a dissimilarity of the reason where a similarity of the subject of the thesis with the example is stated or by showing the similarity of the reason where the dissimilarity of the subject of the thesis with the example is stated.[1] Thus, when it is said that diseases are caused by factors having identical properties, for instance cold fever is caused by factors having identical properties such as snow and chilly air, the contention is that effects are dissimilar from their causes because burning and heating sensation and inflammation of organs of the body are caused by exposure to snow and cold wind.[2]

The category named jāti of the Nyāya-sūtras serves the very same purpose of uttara in debate.[3] There, it is defined as a sophistical refutation of an argument based on similarity or dissimilarity.[4] Akṣapāda enumerates twenty-four kinds of futile rejoinders[5] which Caraka was unaware of. If this elaborate list had been known to Caraka, he would not have passed them with out referring to them.[6]

Footnotes and references:


uttaraṃ nāma sādharmyopadiṣṭe hetau vaidharmya vacanaṃ, vaidharmyopadiṣṭe vā hetau sādharmyavacanaṃ., CS, Vimāna - sthāna, VIII. 35.




IFD, p. 3; HIPS, Vol. 1, p. 380.


sādharmyavaidharmyābhāṃ pratyavasthānaṃ jātiḥ, Nyāyasūtra., I. ii. 18.


Nyāyasūtra., V. i, 1.


HIPS, Vol. II. p. 382-83.

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