Panchatantra: A reflex of Arthashastra

by M. N. Indrani | 2003 | 42,495 words

The essay studies the Panchatantra in relation to the Arthashastra by proposing that that Indian fable literature divides into educative and entertaining narratives, both traced back to the sacred Vedic texts. It highlights the 'Pancatantra' and its kin as representative of educative stories promoting ethical conduct and worldly wisdom through tale...

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Vigraha or 'war' being the second policy has been given the importance in an unavoidable circumstances. In the Kakolukiya of the Pancatantra, Sanjivi another minister of Meghavarna proposes the policy of Vigraha to be taken into action against Arimardana. He asserts that inspite of having made an agreement of Sandhi with another king, the superior one should not remain blind due to faith, before the former, because it is indefinite to say that when and how an inferior king would grow stronger and attack the superior. It is just like the hot water does extinguish the fire.16 Further, it is stated "one should not enter into an alliance with a man who is destitute of truthfulness and righteousness or the principle of truthfulness; for, although firmly allied, he on account of his wickedness, will change before long.1 17 "In view of this, Sanjivi says that it is better to wage war against the enemy and if "an enemy who is cruel, very avaricious, lazy, regardless of truth, blundering in policy, timid, 16. satruna na hi sandadhyatsuslistenapi sandhina | sutaptamapi paniyam samayatyeva pavakam || || Pancatantra, Kakolukiya, verse - 23, p. 6. 17. satyadharmavihinena na sandadhyatkathancana | susandhito'pyasadhutvadaciradyati vikriyam || Pancatantra, Kakolukiya, verse - 24, p.7.

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178 unsteady, foolish and a despiser or warriors, can easily be rooted out.18 Another point of consideration here is, one who is insulted should not go for Sandhi. Because, it will aggrievate the situation to an unimaginable extent. It is just like a person suffering from high temperature should wipe out the sweating by a cloth. If he takes bath in such condition, there will be all possibility of high increase of temperature leading to death. Therefore, Sandhi is not preferable to Vigraha, when the enemy is aggrivated. 19 Further, Visnusarma remarks that Vigraha is preferable to Sandhi because "talks about negotiations for peace, serve, on the contrary, to inflame an enemy already angry, as drops of water falling all of a sudden on ghee which is very much boiled, agitate it. 20 So also, laying more stress on Vigraha, a person 18. . kruro lubdho'laso'satyah pramadi bhirurasthirah | mudho yodhavamanta ca sukhocchedyo bhavedripuh || Pancatantra, Kakolukiya, verse - 24, p.7. 19. caturthopayasadhye tu ripau santvamapakriya | svedya mamajvaram prajnah ko'mbhasa parisincati || Pancatantra, Kakolukiya, verse - 26, p.7. 20. samavadah sakopasya satroh pratyuta dipikah | prataptasyeva sahasa sarpisastoyabindavah || Pancatantra, Kakolukiya, verse - 27, p.8.

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179 endowed with energy though a small man, can kill even a big or physically strong man as a lion does an elephant. 21 Again emphasising Vigraha, the Pancatantra reveals that "those enemies who can not be killed by force, should be killed by using deceit, as Bhima killed Kicaka by assuming the disguise of a woman. .If an inferior king remains indifferent sustaining all troubles being brought by his enemy then he will become very meagre one like the grass, before the stronger enemies. Therefore Sanjivi concludes that Vigraha is preferable to Sandhi to protect himself and his kingdom. In this way, Sanjivi proposed Vigraha his own kingdom.

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