Nyaya-Vaisheshika (critical and historical study)

by Aruna Rani | 1973 | 97,110 words

This essay studies Nyaya-Vaisheshika—A combination of two of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy. The study also discusses in detail the authors of various works and critically analyzes key concepts of Nyaya-Vaisesika. Such Indian philosophies seek the direct realization of the Atman (the self) to attain ultimate freedom and bliss....

4. Authors of Nyaya (l): Gadadhara Bhattacharya (about 1650 A.D.)

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Gadadhara has been called "the prince of Indian schoolmen" with whom modern logic reached its climax. His collected works are called Gadadhari and are spread all over India, especially Southern India. He was the author of the following chief works:- (1) Tattva-cintimani-didhIti-prakasika (2) Tattva-cintamani-vyakhya

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70 (3) Tattva-cintamanyaloka-tika (4) Muktavali-tika (5) Ratna-kosa-vada-rahasya With all these works to his credit, Gadadhara lived a pretty long life. He was the last of the great Navad vipa scholars. So says Prof. D.C. Bhattacarya also. "The most glorious period of Navad vi pa has definitely ended with the death of Gadadhara in 1709 A.D. and the signs of a distinct revival of the ancient glory of Mithila were discernible at Mangroni."

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