Nyaya-Vaisheshika (critical and historical study)
by Aruna Rani | 1973 | 97,110 words
This essay studies Nyaya-Vaisheshika—A combination of two of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy. The study also discusses in detail the authors of various works and critically analyzes key concepts of Nyaya-Vaisesika. Such Indian philosophies seek the direct realization of the Atman (the self) to attain ultimate freedom and bliss....
4. Authors of Nyaya (i): Raghunatha Siromani (1477-1547 A.D.)
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After Gangesa, Raghunatha is regarded as the second great figure of the Navya-Nyaya school. He was an independent thinker. Besides his famous Didhiti, a commentary on 'Tattvacintamani', he also wrote a short treatise called 'Padartha-tattva-nirupana' in which he refuted the Vaise sika categories, particularly the category of Visesa.