Nyaya-Vaisheshika (critical and historical study)

by Aruna Rani | 1973 | 97,110 words

This essay studies Nyaya-Vaisheshika—A combination of two of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy. The study also discusses in detail the authors of various works and critically analyzes key concepts of Nyaya-Vaisesika. Such Indian philosophies seek the direct realization of the Atman (the self) to attain ultimate freedom and bliss....

4. Authors of Nyaya (i): Vardhamana Upadhyaya (1250 A.D.)

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66 (11) Vardhamana Upadhyaya (1250 A.D.) mongst the successors of Gangesa, Vardhamana, his own son, was the first to offer his contribution to the Tattvacintimani. He wrote a commentary on the seme known as 'Cintamani Prakasa'. Vardhamana was a great scholar of Nyaya and Vaisssika. He is the author of a large number of works of merit, though he does not possess the brilliance of his father. His style is not so complicated as that of the later scholars of this age. His other works are as follows:- (1) Anviksa-tatt va-bod ha--a commentary on the Chapter V of the Sutras of Gautama. (2) Nyaya-nibandha-prakasa, a commentary on Nyaya-Vartika-tatparya-pari suddhi of Udayana. (3) Nyaya-parisista-prakasa, a commentary on Udayanacarya's Nyaya-parisista. (4) Kusumanjali prakass, a commentary on the Nyay aku sumanjali of Udayana. (5) Kirnavali-prakasa. (6) Nyaya-lIlavati-prakasa. (7) Khandana-prakega. Vardhamana tried to bridge the gulf between the two schools of orthodox logic--the old and the new. As we have just seen, he commented on the old classics,

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67 current in his days. But the views of his illustrious father were always uppermost in his mind and he made the best use of them in his works.

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