Nitiprakasika (Critical Analysis)

by S. Anusha | 2016 | 34,012 words

This page relates ‘Astara (Boomerang)’ of the study on the Nitiprakasika by Vaisampayana which deals primarily with with Dhanurveda, i.e., the science of war, weapons and military strategies of ancient Indian society. It further contains details on Niti-shastra, i.e., the science of politics and state administration but most verses of the Nitiprakashika deal with the classification and description of different varieties of weapons, based on the four groups of Mukta, Amukta, Muktamukta and Mantramukta.

Āstara (Boomerang)

[Full title: War weapons > Śāstras > Amuktāyudhas > Āstara (Boomerang)]

From the description given in the text and from the clear evidences he had collected Oppert considers Āstara as bumarang. He categorically states[1] that bumarang is not a weapon peculiar to Australia, but is well-known in many parts of India especially Tamil Nadu. From the samples of bumarang he had collected, he says that the length of the weapon is never the same.

Tattvavivṛti calls it as a sort of big aṅkuśa that can tear asunder the enemy:


The associated movements are (V. 21):

(a) Bhrāmaṇa -rotating motion (whirling)

(b) Karṣaṇa - drawing or dragging

(c) Troṭana - splitting asunder


On the movement of the weapon, Oppert adds[2] that when thrown, a whirling motion is imparted to the weapon which causes it to return to the place from which it was thrown.

Footnotes and references:


On the weapons, army organization and Political maxims of the Ancient Hindus, p. 18-9


. Loc.cit

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