Nitiprakasika (Critical Analysis)

by S. Anusha | 2016 | 34,012 words

This page relates ‘Laguda (Club)’ of the study on the Nitiprakasika by Vaisampayana which deals primarily with with Dhanurveda, i.e., the science of war, weapons and military strategies of ancient Indian society. It further contains details on Niti-shastra, i.e., the science of politics and state administration but most verses of the Nitiprakashika deal with the classification and description of different varieties of weapons, based on the four groups of Mukta, Amukta, Muktamukta and Mantramukta.

Laguḍa (Club)

[Full title: War weapons > Śāstras > Muktāyudhas > Laguḍa (Club)]

This is a thorny, firm weapon with iron in the top part.

The possible actions are (Nītiprakāśikā IV. 43cd-44):


(a) Utthtāna–striking with force

(b) Patana–felling

(c) Peṣana–battering action

(d) Pothana–forceful blow

The text adds that there is no other movement possible for the weapon and the weapon is to be used by soldiers of the infantry.

Tattvavivṛti defines it as:


V. R. R. Dikshitar[1] says that sometimes laguda was used like a bhindipāla. It was cased in a leather sheath and used with either one or both hands.

Footnotes and references:


War in Ancient India, p. 108

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