Nighantu (critical study)

by Gopalakrishna N. Bhat | 1985 | 71,168 words

This is an English study of the Nighantu and its commentary called the Nirukta by Yaska. The Nighantu is an ancient Sanskrit lexicon dealing with the words of the Vedic language. This essay presents a detailed analysis of the extant five chapters of this text and examines it's authorship, tracing meanings of words through Vedic texts by providing a...

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The following twenty six words are listed as synonyms of action. 1 Yaska says "It is so called because it is done (kr) (kriyanta iti satah (3,1), synonyms of action follow those of flame, because it is in the flame of the burning fire that actions like the performance of sacrifice are accomplished Durga). 1 1. Apah: The word apah with accent on 'a' occurs in 16 places. In all the places it is used in the sense of karma. While explaining the rk VI.35.1 Sayana says that it belongs to Karmanamani. Including its other forms 1.e. apasah it comes in 64 places. 41 - 2. Apnah: The word with its forms occurs in thirteen places. It is interpreted in the sense assigned. Sayana usually points out that the word belongs to Karmanamani - 2 1. 314: 2.3167: 3. 4.4: 5.34: 6.796697 7.9414 8. karvaram karvaram 9. 9. karunaim 10. sakarma || . 11. krtuh 12. karainani 14. karikrat 15. karenti 16. cakrt 17. kartyam 20. krtvi 21. thih 22. sava 23. sami 240 26. silpam | 13. karamti 18• karteh 19. kartavai simi 25. saktih 2 r. 1. 127.6. apnasvatisu khananapreksanadi karmopetasu | apnu iti karmanama | 11

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The word is also listed in apatyanamani (2.2.7) and rupanamani (3.7.8). The word apnavana is listed in bahunamani (2.4.4). (apnavanah is interpreted as bhrugu sambandhi kascid raih R.V.. IV. 7.1). 3. Damsah: The word with its forms occurs in fifty three places. In all the places it is used in the sense assigned. In three places Sayana says that it belongs to 3 Karmanamani and quotes the Nighantu. 4. Vesah: (Vesah); The word does not occur in any of the Vedas. (Sayana while quoting the synonyms mentions Vesah, but Sarup has listed it as Vesah). 267 5. Vepah: The word and its forms occur in seven places. In three places it is used in the sense of karma. In other three places it is interpreted as speed, vigour or vibration (kampana). While explaining the rk I.142.12; he interpretes the word gayatra-vepase; and says that it is of a synonym of rupa. But the word is not found in the list rupa-namani. 4 3. 40 1-30.16 damsana van karmavan | damsanavan | damsasabdah " apnah damsah vesah * 8 nigha . 2.1.38 iti karmanamasu pathitah | | damsa eva damsana | dasyate anena iti damsana | r 1. 142.12. gayatravepate | vepa iti rupanama gayatra vepo rupam yasya tadrsaya |

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j } } 269 15 5 6. Vistvi (Visti): The word occurs in three places; it is used in the sense of vyapya according to sayana. The other word Vistl is also used in one place (1.20.4) in the sense of Vyapti. 7. Vratam: The word with its forms occurs in one hundred forty one places. Sayana explains it in the sense of action in thirteen places. He quotes Nighantu in two places (I.124.2; II.38.2). But in two places it is interpreted as vratesi and yajnaya respectively (III.47.1; II.23.6). 8. Karvaram: The word with its other form karvara occurs in two places (VI.24.5; X.120.7). sayana explains it as Karmanama. t 9. Karunam: Its form karunasya occurs in I.100.7. It is used in the sense of action. 10. Sakma: The word with its forms occurs in five places. In II.38.4, it is explained as kartum Sakyam, and in IX. 34.3, Sakmana karmana. But in other two places it is used in the 5. r. 1.110.4. vistvi | yadyapyetatkarmanama tathapyatra kriyaparam vyapyakrtvetyarthah |

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sense of bala' (vigour). The form sakmabhih in IX.7.7 is The word sagman is interpreted as sukhaih (sangaccantah). listed in Sukhanamani (3.6.12). - 269 11. Kratuh: The word occurs with its forms in nintythree places. In fifty-seven places it is used in the sense of karma. In twelve places it is used in the sense of karmanam karta. In two places it is used in the sense of sacrifice (i.e. V.31.11; IV.10.2). The word is interpreted in the sense of prajna in seventeen places, The word is also listed as the synonym of prajna in the third chapter (Nigh. 3.9.5). Sayana gives alternative interpretation while dealing with the word in RV I.123.8.6 12. Karanani : The word occurs with its forms in seven places. It is used in the sense of karma, except in one place i.e. X.163.5. vanam karanat vanamudakam Sariram, tadkriyate visrivate yena tadvanam karanam. 6. r. 123.8. gamanagamanadirupam karma tadvisayam prajnam va | tatha ca niruktrm- "krtam dadhikrah karma va prajnam va " hai jisa- 2-288.

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270 13. Karansi: The word occurs only in IV. 19.10. Sayana interpretes it as karmani. 14. Karikratah: The word and its form are used in three places in the sense of action. The form karikratah is inter- > preted as atyartham kurvantah (1.140.5) and karikrat as ɔunah punah kurvan (III,58.9). 15. Karanti: The word does not occur. But the form karantI occurs (1.48.7); it is interpreted as kurvanti. 16. Cakrat: The word does not occur (Devaraja, the commentator, gives the other form cakratuh.) 17. Kartvam (Karttum): The word with its forms occurs in sixteen places. It is used in the sense of karma or kartavya. * 18. Kartoh: The word occurs in two places (1.115.4; II.38.4), sayana interpretes it as action quoting the Nighantu (2.1.18). The form is ablative/genitive infinitive. 19. Kartavai: The word does not occur, but the form kartave occurs in four places and is interpreted as kartum (1.85.9; II.22.1; IX.86.20; X.17.6). The form is dative infinitive.

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271 20. Krtvl: The word and its other forms occur, in twenty five places. Sayana interpretes them as either karma or kartavya. In three places it is interpreted as krtva (x.15.12; 17.2; 109.7). The form is a gerund. 1 21. Dhih: The word with its forms occurs in two hundred twenty places. In one hundred twenty four places the word is used in the sense of action. In fifty one places the word is used in the sense of buddhi or prajna. The word is also included in prajnanamani of the Nighantu (3.9.7). In sixty places it is used in the sense of stuti or stotra (praise). In thirty places Sayana interpretes in alternative ways (e.g. X.172.2 anugraha-budhya karmana stutya va). In six places it is used in the sense of fingers (anguli). (All these are used in IX mandala: 25.2; 26.1, 4; 47.4; 64.16; 94.1). The form didhitayah occurs in angulinamani (Nigh.2.5.7) sayana quotes three times while interpreting the words i.e. twice to interpret as action and once to interpret as prajna (RV. I. 143.7; II.40.5; and 1.46.2). 22. SacI: Sayana drops the word sacl while quoting the Nighantu in 1.143.7 dhih sami iti tannamasu pathat (Nigh.2.1.21). But while explaining Sam in VIII.45.27, he mentions SacI and Sami properly. (saci sami iti karmanamasu pathat). The word occurs in ninety places and it is used in the sense of action

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272 in fifty four places. (Refer Supra to vannamani 1.11.45). 23. Saml: The word occurs with its form samibhih in eighteen places. It is used in the sense assigned, except in one place, where it is interpreted as samanam (IV.22.E) by Sayana. 24. Simi: The word occurs in eleven places with its forms in the sense assigned. 25. Saktih: The word and its forms are used in fifteen places in the sense of action, vigour and capacity. While interpreting the compound Sakti vah (V.31.6) Sayana explains it as Saktiman saktir vaira karma va tadvat Indra. 26. Silpan: The word does not occur, but the form su silpe occurs in two places (IX.5.6; X.70.6). It is used in the sense of beautiful form (surupe). The above discussion may be summarised in a tabular form: Word No. of times used 1. Apah 16 Used in the sense assigned 16 2. Apnah 13 13 3. Damsah 53 53

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Word No.of times used Used in the sense assigned 273 : 4. Vasah 5. Vepah 7 3 6. Vistvi 4 -N (vyapci) 7. Vratam 141 139 8. Karvaram 2 2 9. Karunam 1 1 10. Sakma 5 2 11. Kratuh 93 57 12. Karanani 7' 7 13. Karamsi 1 1 14. Karikrat 3 15. Karanti H 1 (verb) meaning kurwanti 16. Cakrat, 17. Kartvam 16 16 18. Kartoh 2 2 19. Kartavai kartave occurs in four places meaning kartum 25 20. Krtvi 25 21. Dhih 220 124 22. SacI 90 54 23. SamI 18 18 24. simi 11 11 25. Saktih 15 15 26. Silpam

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Four words do not occur in the Veda and eight words occur only in less than five places. But all the words employed in the RV are used in the sense assigned. E } 274

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