Nighantu (critical study)

by Gopalakrishna N. Bhat | 1985 | 71,168 words

This is an English study of the Nighantu and its commentary called the Nirukta by Yaska. The Nighantu is an ancient Sanskrit lexicon dealing with the words of the Vedic language. This essay presents a detailed analysis of the extant five chapters of this text and examines it's authorship, tracing meanings of words through Vedic texts by providing a...

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The following hundred and one words are listed as the 1 synonyms of water. Yaska derives it from the root Jud; he says it is so called because it moistens. 2 1. Arnah: The word with its forms occur in forty places. The form arnah is enlisted in nadinamani (Nigh. 1.13,20 1. In thirty two places the word is interpreted by sayana as In his Comm.on RV. I.3.12, he points out that it water. 1. 1. arnah 2. ksodeh 7. lilam 8. vah 9. vanam 13. 14.87 pippalam 14. ksiram 15. visam 16. retah 3.44 3. ksame 4. nabheh 5. abhbhah 4.74: 6. karva bandham 6.7 10. ghrtam 11 madhu 12 puripam 17. karsah 18. janma 19. brbekam 20. busam 21. tugyo 22. barburam 23. suksame 24. dhururnam 25. turo 26. ararindani 27. dhvasmanvata 28-jami 2. aryudhani 30. ksepeh 31. ahimh 32. bhuksarem 33. soteh 34. trptih 35. rasah 36. udakam 37. paryah 37.94: 38. sareh, 39. bhusanam 40. sahah 4. sarvah sivah | 42. yaheh 43.37: 43. ojeh 44.5 44. sukham 45.5 45. ksetram 146. aveyah 47. ka . subhem 48. yaduh 49. mulam 50. bhuvanam 51. bhavisya 52. apeh 53. mahat 54. vyoma 55. yasah 56. maheh 57. sarnikam 58. svrtikam 59. satinama 60. gahanam 61. gabhiram 62. gumbharam 63. im 63.5 64. annam 65. havih 65.19: 66. • • sadame 67 sadanam 68 tam 69. yonih 70. rtasya yam nih • 71. satyam 72. niram (()- adhitam 78 - burhih 73. ruyih 74. sat 75. purnam 76. sarvam • 79 nama 80 sarpih 8. apah 82. pavitram 83. amrtam 84• induh 85. hema 86.79: 86. svaih 87 • sargah 87.88 ey 89 abhvam 100 varsah 91. ambe 92 • toryam 93. turyam 94 krpatam 95. mukram 96 terjah . 97. svadha 98. vari 11 . jalam 109. julasam 101. idam | 2. udakam kasmat | unattiti satah |

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1 $ } 199 3 belongs to udakanamani In RV.III,47,5 sayana explains it as solar light which inspires all.4 In RV.I.180.1 it is interpreted as abhimatadesa. 2. Ksodah: The word with its forms occurs in fourteen places in the sense assigned. 3. Ksadma: The word is enlisted in annanamani also. Only in two places it occurs in comparison (RV,130.4; X.106.7) 5 in the sense of water, 4. Nabhah: The word'occurs in the synonyms of heaven also (Nigh.1, 4.6). Out of thirty five places the word is interpreted as water in four places (IX.83.5; IX.86.14; nabhasvatih VIII.25.6; nabanum V.59.7). (For details refer supra to Nigh.1.4 4.6.) 1 3. maho arnah prabhutamudakam | ekasatasamkhya ke sudakanamasu arnah ksodah ni . iti pathitam | 14. Adeu des ate sutra: 1 5. ksadumaiva udakamiva | udakanamaitat | 1

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200 5. Ambhah: The word occurs only in RV.X.129.1. It is used in the sense of water. The word ambhasi is enlisted in the third chapter of the Nighantu (3.30.6). 6. Kavandham: The forms kavandham and kavandhinah occur in four places (V.54.8; 83.3; VIII.7.10; IX.74.7). sayana interpretes as kavandhamudakam, but in IX.74.7, he explains it as cloud. 1 7. Salilam: The word is listed in bahunama (Nigh. 3.1.11). F It occurs in six places in the RV. Sayana explains the word (RV.VII,49,1) as antariksa and he says it belongs to antariksanamani. 8. Vah: The word occurs in nine places in the sense assigned, except in RV.X. 93.3, where Sayana interpretes it as varaniyam dhanam. 9. Vanam: It is enlisted as the synonym of rays also (Nigh.1.5.8). The word is used in seventy seven places in the RV. In twenty places it is interpreted in the sense of water. In other places it is interpreted as forest, wood etc. 10. Ghrtam: The word with its forms occurs in 3

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1 one hundred and twenty one places. Only in thirty places it is interpreted in the sense of water. In rest of the places the word is used in the sense of aiva (ghee) or oblation material, 1 + 11. Madhu: The word with its form occurs in three hundred and one places, mainly as an adjective to soma juice. Only in eleven places, the word is interpreted as water (RV. IV, 18.13; X.106.10; X.68.4; III.1.7; X.5.4; IX.5.3; X.49.10; III.7.2; II.69.2; III.57.5; VI,70.5). In I, 191, 10 the word is interpreted as amrta. Yaska (4.8) explains the word madhu as soma. It is derived from the root mad (to exhilarate). The other meaning of madhu (wine) is derived from the same root. It means honey also (1.13.21, VII.32.2). B 201 12. Purisam: The word with its forms occurs in thirteen places in the sense assigned. Sayana quotes Nirukta (2.22) while explaining the Rk.X.106.5. According to Yaska purisam (fertilizing) is derived from the root or (to fill) or from the causal of p¥» 7 6. madhu somamityapamika madhteh | idamapitaranmadhvetasmadeva | 2 7. niru . 2.22 purisam punateh purayateva | 3 17

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202 13. Pippalam: The word occurs only in three places. In I.164.20 and 22, it is interpreted as sweet fruit. And in V.54.12 sayana explains it as water.. + 14. Ksiram: The word with its forms occurs only in six places. Sayana explains it in I.164.7 and 1.104.3 as water; in other places he gives the meaning as milk. Yaska in his Nirukta (2,5) derives the word from the mot Uksar (to flow) or it is derived from chas (to consume) with the suffix ira 8 15, Visam: The word with its forms occurs in fourteen places, but only in three places, it is explained by Sayana as water (VI.61,31 X.136.1, 7), In other places it means poison. Yaska in his Nirukta says: "Visam is a synonym of water, derived from the root sna preceded by vi meaning to purify, 9 16. Retah: The word with its forms occurs in forty places; out these in fourteen places the word gives the 8. ksiram ksarateh ghatairvairinamakaranah | niru . 2.5. 1. visamityudakanama | visnateh | vipurvasya snateh sudrayarthatya X niru, 12.26.8

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f 203 sense of water, In other places it means semen, even in the context of pouring of rain from heaven. In IX.60.4. Sayana interpretes the word in two ways, i.e., water or anna (udakamannam va). 17. Kasah: The word does not occur in the RV. But the word kasa is listed in vannamani (1.11.43). Sayana has not interpreted the word as water, 18. Janma: The word with its forms occurs in forty places. Sayana has not interpreted the word in the sense Usually it is explained as 'birth." of water. 19. Brbukam: The word occurs only once in the RV. CX.27.23). Sayana interpretes it as udakam. Yaska quotes the above Rk and says that it is the synonym of water. He derives it from the root bru, meaning to make a sound or from 10 bhrams i.e. to fall down. (Niru.2.22). 20. Busam: Occurs only once in the RV. (X.27.24). Yaska says "the word busam is a synonym of water, It is derived from the root, bru meaning to sound or from bhrams (to fall)' ' 10. bubuka mityudakanama | braviteh sabdakarmanah | tirva | 1 1

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: (Niru.5.19). 11 L D 21. Tugrya: The forms of the word and compounds occur in five places. Sayana quotes Nighantu (1.12.21), while explaining the RK. I.33.15. In all the places it is used in the sense assigned, I 22. Burburam: The word does not occur in any of the extant Vedas. 23. Suksema: This word also does not occur in any of the extant Vedas. 204 : 24. Dharunam: The word occurs with its forms in thirtyfive places. Savana interpretes it as water (1.121.2; IX,73.3; X.5.6). In other places it is either explaired as dharaka or used as adjective to soma juice. 11. "butamityudakanama | braviteh sabdakarmanah | bhagarva | r .8.1.15. tugya - vadhah tugrabhih vasativaryekadhanakhyabhih vadabhih vardhamanah | r . 8. 45.29. tugyavadham | udakasya vadhayitaram | tugyaburburam iti udakanamasu pathat | r . 8. 99. 7. tugyavrdham | udakasya vardhayitaram | indram |

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205 I 25. Sura: The word with its forms occur in six places. Sayana does not interpret it in the sense of water. It is used in the sense of wine. Yaska derives the word from the root 'su' to press (sure sunoteh: Niru. 1.11). 26. Ararindani: This word occurs only in one place i.e. I,139.10, Sayana explains it as vrstilaksananyudakahi, and quotes Nighantu (1.12.26), 27. Dhvasmanvat: The word occurs in two places (VI.15.12, VII.4.9). Sayana does not explain it as water but he interpretes it as 'dhvastadosa. ' 1 28. Jami: The word is used in thirty eight places with its forms. It does not occur in the sense of water according to Sayana, Its form jamayah is listed as the synonym of fingers (2.5.14). In three places jamabhih is used in the sense of fingers (IX.28.4; 37.4; 72.3). The form jamih is listed in the fourth chapter of the Nighantu (4.1.46), In all the other places it gives the meaning of bandhu or relation. Sayana while explaining the Rk.VII.72.3, comments on the word as 'bandhunamaitat' and while explaining the Rk.VIII.6.3, atirekanamaitat, But it may be noted that there is no such synonym list in the present Nighantu. Yaska in his Nirukta (2.6) says that jamih (sister) is so f

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lei " 206 'called because others beget ja i.e. offspring on her. He derives it also from the root jam, meaning to go; she has 12 mostly to go to the husband's family. 29. Avudhani: The word with its forms occurs in thirty seven places. t But nowhere sayapa interpretes it as water, The word is used in the sense of weapons. 1 ༔་ The 30. Ksapah: The word is used in twenty places. word is not used in the sense of water anywhere in the Vedas. + The form ksapa is listed as the synonym of night (1.7.2) in the Nighantu. The word has already been explained under ratrinamani (Nigh.1.7.2). 31. Ahih: The word is used in eighty eight places. The word is listed in meghanamani (1.10.21) and also in the V chapter (5.4.29). It is not interpreted in the sense of water. } 1 120 niru . 3.6. jamiranye'syam janayanti jamapatyam | jamateva syadagatikarmanah | nirgamanapraya | 1 1 } 2

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} : 207 32. Aksaram: It occurs in vannamani also (1.11.46). The word occurs in eleven places in the RV. In two places it is interpreted as water (RY.I.164.42; 1.34.4). Yaska in his Nirukta (11.41) states "oceans flow down on her; i.e. the clouds pour rain, and all the created beings, deperdent on the quarters live thereby. From them flows the imperishable water; on that all that greated beings live. (For reference see supra Nigh.1, 11.46), t sheng 33, Strotah: This word occurs only in two places in the sense of pravaha 1.e. current (1.95.10; 1.51.11). " 34. Trptih: The word with its form trptim occurs only in two places (IX. 113.10 and VIII 32.6). The word is not used in the sense of water. It means satisfaction. t 35. Rasah: The word is used with its forms in sixtythree plages. Only in two places Sayana interpretes it in the sense of water (1.23.23; X.9.9 jalasarena), In other places it is used in the sense of soma juice, Commenting on the RK. II.53.9, sayana states that the word 13. | tasyah samudrah adhividharanti | varsanti meghah | tena jivanti digasrayani bhutani | tatah ksaratyaksaramudakam | tatsarvani tani upajivanti | niru . 11.41.8 >

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7 208 rasa is a synonym of river; and he quotes Nirukta (11.25). But the word is not included in the list of synonyms of river in the Nighantu. Rasa a river, is derived from the 15 root Eas meaning to make` a sound, In the extant Nirukta of Yaska (11,25) the sentence is somewhat different from what Sayana has quoted, 36. Udakam: The word with its forms occurs in ten places in the sense assigned, 7 } 37. Payah: The word with its forms occurs in fiftythree places. In thirty five places the word is used in the sense of water. (For details see supra ratrinamani 1.7.21). The word is listed also in the second chapter as synonym for food (annanamani: 2.7.3). 38. Sarah: The word with its forms occurs in seven places. The word is interpreted in the sense of water, i.e. lake. (For details refer supra vannamani 1.11.55). The word is listed also in balanamani (2.9.5). 140 15, rasa | nadinamaitat | "rasa nadipati hai niru . 11.25. iti niruktam 1 rasanavati sabdavati | 1. I rasa nadi rasteh sabdakarmanah | 14

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$ 209 39. Bhesajam: The word with its forms is used in thirty 11 three places. It is not interpreted in the sense of water; but in X,186.1 Sayana gives the meaning of water with the other meaning 'medicine' (ausadham udakam va). The word is also listed as a synonym of sukha (3.6.13). In five { places (X.9.5; 137.3, 6, 175.2; II.33.7) the word is explained as happiness. While interpreting the RK.V.53.14, 16' Sayana explains it as anna. In rest of the places it is interpreted as ausadha (i.e, medicine), 40. Sahah: The word is used with its forms in one hundredand fifty four places. Nowhere it is used in the sense of water; it means strength (bala). The word is included in the list balanamani (2.9.17). 41. Savah: The word is used in two hundred and eighty places; it is used in the sense of water, only in one place (RV.V.58,7). In six places Sayana interpretes it as.*anna (food or nourishment) (1.186.2; V.20.2; V.46.6; X.116.1; V.20.3; 1.39.8). In rest of the places it gives the meaning of 'bala' (vigour or strength). The word is also enlisted as a synonym of bala (2.9.3). 16. bhesajam | yadyapyetadukanama tathapi prthagapamabhidhanadatra tadetukaryamannamucyate |

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210 42. Yahah: The word does not occur in any of the Vedas. It is listed also as a synonym of *bala' (2.9.18). places. 43. Ojah: The word is used in one hundred and ninety Sayana has not interpreted it in the sense of water. In ten places it is used in the sense of tejas i.e. luster (III.26.6, IV;7.10; 17.3; VI.19.6; VII.56.71 I.127.3; 42; VIII;93.23; 97.14). In rest of the places it is used in the sense of 'bala. ' The word is listed in 'balanamani (2.9.17). Yaska (Niru.6.8)17 derives the word gjas from the root 'of' (to be strong) or from ubi (to subdue). (From No:40 to 43 these four words are listed in balanamani.) 44. Sukham: The word occurs in twelve places. It is not used in the sense of water. It is used in the sense of happiness or akasa (space). I Yaska (3.13) says, "It is so called because it is useful for the sense (kham). Kham (sense) again is derived from the root khan (to dig). 18 1 1 17. ojasa balaina | ojaterva | ubjataiva | 18 sukham kasmat | suhitam yah 11° ga szata 1 gledi bya: 1 6 ga: anA I khanate | +

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3 wei 211 45. Ksatram: The word is used in one hundred and sixty places with its forms. It is not interpreted in the sense of water. In forty six places Sayana explains it as bala (domain) and in fourteen places as dhana (wealth). The word is also listed as a synonym of dhana (Nigh.2.10.9). 46. Avayah: The word (a-vayah) occurs in I.162.5. sayana explains it as adjective to adhvaryu (abhimukhyena havisam gamayita). Ꮧ In 47. Subham: The word occurs in fifty places. sixteen places Sayana interpretes it in the sense of water. In other places it is used as an adjective (good). 1 48. Yaduh: The word does not occur in any of the Vedas. But its form, yaduri occurs once in the RV.I.126.6 in the sense of water. 49. Bhutam: The word with its forms occur in fortyfive places (bhutam, bhuta, bhutah are used in the sense of verb). Bhutasya, bhutanam and bhutani are interpreted in the sense of living beings (bhutajatani). The word is not used in the sense of water, according to Sayana. 50. Bhuvanam: The word with its forms occur in

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រ 212 one hundred and seventy nine places. In fourteen places the word is interpreted in the sense of water, and while explaining the Rk.VII.5.7 interpretes the word bhuvana as water and states that it is listed in udakanamani. In rest of the places either it is explained as world as bhuta-atani (living beings). Or 51. Bhavisyat: The word does not occur in any of the Vedas in the sense of water. It means the future. 1 52. Apah: The word and its forms occur in five hundred and fifty places. In four hundred and fifty six places the word is interpreted in the sense of water. The form apah itself occurs in one hundred and forty places. refer supra to antariksanamani (Nigh.1.3.8). (For details 53. Mahat: The word with its forms occurs in one hundred and five places as an adjective (great) according to Sayana. It is not used in the sense of water. The word is also listed in mahannamani (3.3.1). r 54. Vyoma: The word occurs in twenty five places. Sayana nowhere interpretes directly in the sense of water. 2 (For details refer supra to antariksanamani 1.3.3). word is included also in dinamani (1.6.6). The

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་་་་་་་་་་གས་པ་ག་བ་ང་དང་ང ལ ས ཝ 213 55, Yasah: The word with its forms is used in ninetyone places; but not in the sense of water. In most of the krd places it is used as an adjective (glorious), In eighteen places Sayana explains it as anna' and in four places as 'dhana. The word is also listed in annanamani (2.7.28. ; and in, dhananamani (2.10.23). I 56. Mahah: The word with its forms is used in two hundred and six places. It is not used in the sense of water. The word is used as an adjective (big), i 57. . Sarnikam: The word does not occur in the RV. Sarnikaya occurs in Taittariya Samhita: 58. Svrtikam: The word does not occur in any of the Vedas. 59. Satinam: The word does not occur independently. But it occurs compounded with other words in three places. Sayana explains them in the sense assigned, and quotes Nighantu (RV.I, 191.1). 19 19. 1.191.1. satina kain katah satinamityudakanama "satina gahanem " nigha . 1. 12.59.8 iti tannamasu pathat | 1.100.1. satina satva | 10.112 8. satinamanyuh | } t

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214 60. Gahanam: The word occurs in two places (I.132.6; The word is not used in the sense of water; it X.129.1). is used as an adjective (thick). 61. Gabhiram: The word with its forms occurs. in Eventythree places. In VIII.67.11 sayana interpretes gabhira as water and states that it is the synonym of water. In X.108.4 he explains gabhirah as gambhira-nadyah. In rest of the places it is used as an adjective (deep). The form gabhirah is listed in mahannamani (3,3.18) and the other form gabhire is listed in dyavaprthivi namadheyani (3.10.13), Gahanam and gabhiram occur as adjectives of water in RV.X, 129.1. 62. Gambharam: Its form gambharesu occurs in X.106.9. Sayana explains it as gahanesu jalesu. (The words gambhira and gambhire are listed in vannamani (1.11.8) and in dyavaprthivi namadheyani (3.30,14) respectively. 63. Im: The word occurs in two hundred and ten places. It is not used in the sense assigned. Sayana explains it in 1.4.7 as a particle, and says that it is used in the sense of 'idam.' The word is also listed in the IV chapter (Nigh. 4.2.80). In RV, I.164.32 Im refers to rain-water according to the Nairuktas (Nir.2.2).

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64, Annam: The word with its forms occurs in sixtythree places. It is not interpreted as water. Sayana explains it as either somalaksana or havirlaksana anna. 215 65. Havih: The word occurs in one hundred and thirty eight places with its forms. Sayana does not interprete it in the sense of water. He explains it mainly as oblation. 66. Sadma: The word with its forms occurs in thirty six places. Sayana does not interpret it in the sense of water. Though the word is listed in sangramanamani Nigh. (II.17.44) it is not used in that sense. The word is ba used in the sense of house in twenty eight places, mainly yajnagrha. The word is listed in grhanamani (3.4.15). The form sadmani is listed in dyavarthivinamani (3.30.4). In both the places (RV.I.186.6; III.55.2) in which it occurs, it has that sense. 67. Sadanam: The word occurs with its forms. in seventysix places. Nowhere it is directly interpreted as water. But in II.34.13 Sayana explains sadanesu as nivasbhutesu mechesu. In fifty two places it is interpreted as Vajnagrha and in other places it is mainly interpreted as sthana or antariksa (1.95.8; VII.36.3 etc.). It should F

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be noted that this is not listed in grhanamani as in the case of sadma. 216 Sayana 68. Rtam: The word and its forms (including compounds) occur in five hundred and seventy two places. interpretes the word as water. In two hundred places the word is used in the sense of satya (truth), including those which are used as adjectives. In some places it is used in the sense of yaina (sacrifice). The word is listed in satyanamani (3.10.6). The form rtah is listed in the fifth chapter of the Nighantu (5.4.26). Yaska in his Nirukta (2.25) 20 says that the word stam is a synonym of water, because it pervades everything. 69. Yonih: The word and its forms occur in one hundred and ninety four places. In fifty places the word is used in the sense of water (e.g. 1.65.2; IX.86.25). In some places the word is used in the sense of birth place of water i.e. megha, antariksa etc. (1.79.3; X.68.41 I.171.4; III.1.7; 11; IV.17.14 etc.). In eight places the word is used in the sense of house (grha) (IX.25.2; X.18.73; 34.11, 40.11; 1.66.3; 104.7; X.18.7; 34.11). The word is also 20. catamityudakanama | pratyutam bhavati | t

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< 217 listed in grhanamani (3.4.14). In other places the word is used in the sense of a place (sthana). In X.162.4 and in some other places the word is interpreted to mean woman's organ or womb. Yaska in his Nirukta (2.98) (2.98) 21 interpretes interpretes the word yoni (womb) as atmosphere, This is a vast region encompassed by air. The woman's womb is also derived from the same A root it is surrounded. I 70. Rtasya yonih: The words occur together in eight places (IX.64.17; X.68.4; IV.17.14; III.54.6; yona IX.86.25, X.68.4). Generally it is interpreted as birth place of water (antariksa or cloud). Why this is listed after listing the two words i.e. rta and yoni separately is not clear. pe 717 71. Satyam: The word and its forms occur in one hundred and eighty six places. It is not interpreted in the sense of water. In all the places it is explained in the sense of truth. Yaska derives the word while dealing with satvanamani (3.13). He says that the word is so called 21. yonirantariksam | mahanavayavah parivito vayuna | ayamapitari yoniretasmadeva | pariyuto bhavati | |

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218 } because it is spread among the good or it originates with 22 the good. Ro 72. Niram: The word does not occur in any of the Vedas. Sayana 73. Ravih: The word and its forms occur in three hundred places. It does not occur in the sense of water. interpretes the word in the sense of wealth in the form of a son, cow, grains, cattle etc. He quotes (III.62.3) Taittiriyaka sentence. The word is listed in dhananamani (2.10.8).. Yaska interpretes it as wealth; it is derived from the rootura meaning to give. 23 24 74. Sat: The word and its forms occur in eighty seven places. The word is not used in the sense of water. It is interpreted as vartamana (existing). 22. satsu tayate | satprabhavam bhavatiti va | rayih putrapautrayuktah 3 23. 3.62.3. fv: gaqlayed: ayniq: "qnat a eft: iti taittariyakam | 6.14.5. Efadepiu GATE I 10.19.4. viyadikam dhanam gosahitam | 24. raviriti dhananama | ratadanikarmanah | t

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zhang 219 75. Purnam: The word occurs in fifteen places. Only in X.42.2 Sayana explains it as udakena puritam (fillel with water). In rest of the places it is used to mean 'filled. ' 76. Sarvam: The word occurs in twenty seven places. It is not interpreted in the sense of water, but used as an adjective (to mean 'all'). 77. Aksitam: The word and its forms occur in twenty five places. Sayana interpretes it in three places in the sense of water. In RV.II.30.5 he quotes Nighantu and says that it belongs to udakanama. In rest of the places it is used as an adjective, as vinasarahita, aksina etc. 78. Barhih: The word with its forms occur in one hundred and thirty nine places. It is not used in the sense of (Refer for details supra antariksanamani 1.3.4). water. 3 79. Nama: The word with its forms occurs in ninety four places. In eighteen places Sayana interpretes it in the sense of water. In three places the word is explained as body (IX.95.2; 96.16; 109.14). In X.123.7 Sayana interpretes the word namani as namanasilani. In two places the word is explained as stotra (VIII.11.5; X.84.5). In rest of the places it used in the sense of 'name.'

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220 80. Sarpih: The word and its forms occur in eleven places. The word is not interpreted in the sense of water. It is explained as 'ghee' or oblation. 81. Apah: The word with its forms occurs in five hundred and fifty places. (For details refer supra to apah) (Nigh.1.3.8). 82. Pavitram: The word with its forms occurs in one hundred and six places. Sayana interpretes it usually as dasapavitra, which is pavanasadhana (means for purifying Soma). Nowhere it is interpreted as water. The word is listed in the fourth chapter (4.2,34). According to Yaska pavitram is derived from the Dot pu (to purify). Yaska (5.6) 25 i says that water is called pavitra and quotes, the RK (VII.47.3) "having a hundred pavitras (i.e. 14 streams). Further he explains 'fire is called pavitram and Indra is called pavitra.' 25 pavitram punateh | mantrah pavitramucyate | rasmayah pavitramucyante | apah pavitramucyate | agnih pavitramucyate | vayuh | pavitramucyate | somah pavitramucyate | suryah pavitramucyate | | | indrah pavitramucyate | 1 f $ mhmwd hdrt

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221 83. Amptam: The word with its forms occurs in the RV. in two hundred and thirty three places. In eighteen places the word is used in the sense of water. to supra hiranyanamani (1.2.12). (For detalls refer t T $ 84. Induh: The word with its forms occurs in one hundred and seventy eight places. The form which is addressed to the god Soma comes one hundred and twenty times. Nowhere it is interpreted as water. Sayana interpretes it as Soma or as adjective to soma juice (i.e. saranasila^) or dipza). The word is used in the sense of yajna or yajamana in IX.84.2. The word is included in the list of synonyms of sacrifice (III.17.13). It is also included in the fifth chapter (5.4.27). 85. Hema: The word occurs only once (IX.97.1) in the sense of gold. (For details refer supra to hiranyanamani (Nigh. 1.2.1). ° f 86. Svah' The word with its forms is used in eightyone places. Nowhere it is used in the sense of water. (For details refer supra to sadharanani (Nigh.1.4.1). 87. Sargah: The word and its forms occur in thirty two places. In I.190.2 Sayana explains sargah as the release, f

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222 of water. In four places (IX.22.1; 64.7; 66.10; 97.30-) Sayana explains srivanta iti sargah obviously Somadharah. The word visarga in X.5.6 is explained as visarjanasthane antariksamadhye, vartamanesu udakesu. In other places it is used in the sense of creation or discharge. 88. Sambaram: The word with its forms occurs in twenty two places. Nowhere it is used in the sense of water. (For details refer supra to meghanamani (Nigh.1.10.14), It is also listed under balanamani (Nigh.2.9.28). 89. Abhavam: The word with its forms occurs in twenty places. Only in RV. I. 169.3 sayana interpretes it in the sense of water. In nineteen places it is used in the sense of mahat. The word abhavah is included in the list of mahannamani (3.3.9). Only 90. Vapuh: The word occurs in nineteen places. in VIII.69.13 Sayana uses it in the sense of water (vaɔuh udakam), In ten places it is used in the sense of body, and in four places as rupa. (1.102.2; VI.66.1; VII.88.2; VIII. 19.11). The word is included, also in the rupanamani (3.7.4). 1 91. Ambu: The word does not occur in any Veda. I 1

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92. Toyam: This word also does not occur in any of the Vedas.. - 223 93. Tuyam: The word with its forms occurs in twerty two places. It is not interpreted (in the (sense of water. It is interpreted in the sense of speed (ksipra). The word is also listed under ksipranamani (2.15.11). 94. Krpitam: The word occurs only in one place (2.28.8). sayana interpretes it in the sense assigned and states that it is udakanama. 95. Sukram: The word with its forms occurs in one hundred places. It is not used in the sense of water: but in V.45.10 it is used as an adjective to water. it is used in the sense of lustre. Everywhere 96. Tejah: The word and its forms occur in only seven places. It is used in the sense of lustre. It is nor interpreted as water. zhao 97. Svadha: The word with its forms occurs in one hundred and eight places. In twelve places the word is used in the sense of water. In seventy five places it is used in the sense of anna. In sixteen places it is

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interpreted in the sense of 'bala' (vigour). In eight places Sayana gives alternative meaning as udaka or bala, anna or udaka (I,165.6; I.6.4; 165.5; VIII.88.5; I.157.5; I.108.12; 1.173.6, X.31.8). A The form svadhayoh in IX.86.10 is interpreted as dyavaprthivyoh. Sayana explains 'It is listed as the synonym of dyavanrthivl.' 224 1 The word is listed also in annanamani (2.7.17). The word svadhe is included in dyavarthivinamani (3.10.1). 98. Vari: The word does not occur in the RV. It occurs in Yajurveda (21.57) in the sense of water. However, the form varih occurs in RV. IX. 112.4. It is explained as vah-it in the sense of water. 99. Jalam: It does not occur in the RV. But in AV. Paip. jale occurs (VII. 11.8; 17.12.9). 100. Jalasam: The word and the compound jalasa occurs with bhesaja in four places (II.33.7; VII.35.6; VII.29.5; 1.43.4). Only in 1.43.4 Sayana interpretes it in the sense of water, as an alternative meaning. 26 In rest of the places 26. jalasa bhesajam supausadhopetam | yadva | udakasyokyopetam udakam hi rudranamabhimantritam sat ausadham bhavati | }

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it is used in the sense of 'sukhakara' and in VII.35.6 jalasah rudrah as duhkhadravako devah. 225 101. Idam: The word is used in one hundred and seventy eight places. In four places it is used in the sense of water (I.161.81 (twice) V.42.13;. VI.67.8). In rest of the places the word is interpreted as a pronoun according to the context. form: The above discussion may be summarised in a tabular } Words No.of times they occur in the RV. No. of times used in the sense assigned 1 Arnah 40 32 2 Ksodah 14 14 3 Kaadma 2 2 4 Nabhah 35 4 5 Ambhah 1' 1 6 Kavandham 34 3 (kabandham does not occur) 7 Salilam 6 8 vah. 9 8 " 9 Vanam 77 .20 10 Ghrta 121 30 11 Madhu 301 11 12 Purisam 13 13

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226 Words No. of times they occur in the RV. No. of times used in the sense assigned 13 Pippalam 3. 14 KsIram 1 2 15 Visam 14 3 16 Retah 40 14 17 Kasah 18 Janma 40 81 19 Brbukam ☑ 1 20 Busam 1 1 21 Tugrya 5 5 22 Burburam 23 Suksema 24 Dharnnam .35 3 25 Suta 6 1 26 Ararindani 1 1 27 Dhvasmanvat 2 28 Jami 38 29 Ayudhani 37 30 Ksapah 20 31 Ahih 88 32 Aksaram 11 2 33 Srotah 2 (Prava) 34 Trptih 2 35 Rasah 63 2 36 Udakam 10° 10

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227 Words No.of times they occur in the RV. No. of times used in the sense assigned 37 Payah 53 35 38 Surah 7 7 39 Bhesajam 33 1 40 Sahah 154 1 41 Savah 280 1 42 Yahah 43 ojah 190 44 Sukham 12 45 Ksatram 160 46 Avayah 1 1 1 1 1 1 47 Subham 50 16 48 Yaduh I 1 - 49 · Bhutam 45 jiang 50 Bhuvanam 179 14 51 Bhavisyat 52 Apah 550 456 53 Mahat 105 54 Vyoma 25 55 Yasah i 91 18 56 Mahah 206 57 Sarnikam 58 Svrtikam 59 Satinam 3 60 Gahanam 2 3 2 *

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228 Words No.of times they occur in the RV. No.of times used in the sense assigned 61 Gabhiram 23 2 62 Gambharam 1 63 Im 210 64 Annam 63 65 Havih 138 66 Sadma 36 67 Sadanam · 76 68 Rtam 572 91 69 Yonih 194 1 70 Rtasya yonih 8 - 50 (birth place of water) 71 Satyam 186 72 NIram 73 Rayih 300 74 Sat 87 75 Purnam 15 (fill with water) 76 Sarvam 27. 77 Aksitam 25 3 78 Barhih 139 ' 79 Nama 94 18 80 Sarpih 11 81 Apah 550 456 82 Pavitram 106 83 Amrtam 233 18

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1 229 No of times used in the sense assigned Words No.of times they occur in the RV. 84 Induh 320 A 85 Hema 86 Svah 87 Sargah 1 '81 32 17 88 Sambaram 22 89 Abhvam 90 Vapuh 21' 19 91 Ambu 92 Toyam 11 93 Tuy am am 22 94 Krpitam 1 95 Sukram 100 96 Tejah 7 97 Svadha 108 98 Vari 99 Jalam 100 Jalasam 101 Idam 3 178 ' 1 1 ☑ 1 1 1 • 1 - (adjective to Water 1.45.10) 12 1 From the above study it is seen that twelve words listed as synonyms of water are not at all used in the Vedas. And most surprisingly fifty three words are not at all used in the sense of water.

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