Matsya Purana (critical study)

by Kushal Kalita | 2018 | 74,766 words | ISBN-13: 9788171103058

This page relates ‘Shunga Dynasty’ of the English study on the Matsya-purana: a Sanskrit text preserving ancient Indian traditions and legends written in over 14,000 metrical verses. In this study, the background and content of the Matsyapurana is outlined against the cultural history of ancient India in terms of religion, politics, geography and architectural aspects. It shows how the encyclopedic character causes the text to deal with almost all the aspects of human civilization.

Go directly to: Footnotes.

Puṣyamitra was the founder of this dynasty. The ten kings of this dynasty were:

  1. Puṣyamitra(reigned for thirty six years),
  2. Agnimitra (reigned eight years),
  3. Vasujyeṣṭha or Sujyeṣṭha (reigned seven years),
  4. Vasumitra (reigned for ten years),
  5. Odraka (two years),
  6. Pulindaka (three years),
  7. Ghoṣa (3 years),
  8. Vajramitra (nine years),
  9. Bhagavata (32 years) and
  10. Devabhūti (ten years).[1]

They altogether reigned for one hundred and twelve years. The term of Agnimitra is not counted as he reigned during the tenure of his father Puṣyamitra. But it should be mentioned that the Matsyapurāṇa had mentioned that Śuṅga dynasty reigned for 300 years,[2] which is proved to be incorrect in further studies.

Footnotes and references:

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Matsyapurāṇa, 272.26-33,



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