Essay name: Kamashastra and Classical Sanskrit literature (study)
Vishwanath K. Hampiholi
Affiliation: Karnatak University / Department of Sanskrit
This essay in English studies the influence of Kamashastra on classical Sanskrit literature by exploring the significance of Kama (sexual desire) within Indian philosophy and literature. It is highlighted tat ancient Indians valued both spiritual and worldly aspects of life. The treatise "Kamasutra" by Vatsyayana is highlighted as a pioneering erotic text, addressing sexual pleasure as an art form.
Chapter 2 - Kamasutra part 1 (Sadharana-adhikarana)—Critical study
2 (of 48)
External source: Shodhganga (Repository of Indian theses)
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Satprayogika, Kanyasamprayuktaka, Bhāryā, Paradārika, Vaiśika and Aupanisadika adhikaranas respectively. 33 Many poets being influenced by Vatsyayana, who salutes
Kama in the beginning of his work, commence their kavyas
with salutations to the God of Love. Rajasekhara starts
his Viddhaśālabhañjikā as "Cupid, who is the teacher
of females at the time of coition, who is the fast friend
of the moon, who defeats the God of gods and who is the
2 "
stage-manager of coition-drama, conquers. Kāsīpatt,
in his Mukundānandabhāna praises the God of Love,
bows down to Ananga in his Śrĥgāraśataka.
2. कुलगुरुरबलानां केलिदीक्षा-प्रदाने
परमसुहृद नंगे रोहिणीवल्लभस्य ।
अधिकसुम - पृषत्कैर्देवदेवस्य जेता
[kulagururabalānāṃ kelidīkṣā-pradāne
paramasuhṛda naṃge rohiṇīvallabhasya |
adhikasuma - pṛṣatkairdevadevasya jetā
] 3 Bhartṛhari
जयति सुरत - लीला - नाटिका-सूत्रधारः || [jayati surata - līlā - nāṭikā-sūtradhāraḥ || ] fq. T. 1.1.
Ed. Ramakanta Tripati, Chowkhamba Vidya Bhavan,
Benaras, 1965.
3. चन्द्रे शीतलयत्य - लीकनयनं शम्भो सुधाशीकरै-
विष्वग्व्याकुलयत्सु संयमधनात् कान्तादृगन्तेषु च ।
लीलायै परमेवं धनुरिन्विमत्प्रसूनात्मनः
[candre śītalayatya - līkanayanaṃ śambho sudhāśīkarai-
viṣvagvyākulayatsu saṃyamadhanāt kāntādṛganteṣu ca |
līlāyai paramevaṃ dhanurinvimatprasūnātmanaḥ
] •
स्वच्छन्द रतिवल्लभो विजयते त्रैलोक्य-वीरः स्मरः ॥ मुकुन्द [svacchanda rativallabho vijayate trailokya-vīraḥ smaraḥ || mukunda ] 1.1.
Ed. Pandita Durgaprasada and K.P.Parab, Nirnayasagar
Press, Bombay, 1926.
4. शम्भुं स्वयंभुहरयो हरिणेक्षणानां
येनाक्रियन्त सततं गृहकर्मदासाः ।
तस्मै नमो भगवते कुसुमायुधाय ॥ सु. त्रिशती.
[śambhuṃ svayaṃbhuharayo hariṇekṣaṇānāṃ
yenākriyanta satataṃ gṛhakarmadāsāḥ |
tasmai namo bhagavate kusumāyudhāya || su. triśatī.
] 2.1.
Ed.K. P. Paraba, Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, 1902.