Isanasivagurudeva Paddhati (study)

by J. P. Prajith | 2008 | 97,544 words

This essay studies the modes of worship of deities (Devatas) in the Isanasivagurudeva Paddhati (also known as the Tantra Paddhati). This text from the 11th century contains 18,000 Sanskrit verses dealing with a large variety of topics such as architecture and iconography. However this essay focuses on the worship ceremonies and ritual practices ass...

2. Worship of Shiva in Isanasivagurudeva-paddhati (Introduction)

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In the 28th Patala (Mantrapada) that constitutes Saivamantrasadhanadhikara which, as the name denotes, is Saiva-centric, the author postulates the Saivite modes of worship like salutation; Sadaksaramantras, Pancaksaramantra, and their Purascaranavidhis; and Nyasas, Sadhanas and the like, which the author first introduces, and then quotes from such authentic Tantric texts like Vatula and Kalottara.(Agama) The author presents the Sadaksaramantra of Shiva thus: taram mesam visam sargi sivayeti sadaksarah | tarahinah sa evayam mantrah pancaksarah smrtah 19 In the first line in the Sadaksaramantra, 'Om Namah Sivaya' is explained through Tantric techniques normally employed in compositions. When 'Taram' (i.e: Pranava-'Aum') is omitted, it becomes Pancaksaramantra, explains the second line. Subsequently in the fourth Sloka of the Patala the author states that when the Pranava- 'Aum' is substituted by 'Haum' to form 'Haum Namah Sivaya', it becomes Prasadamantra. 257

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The author further states that only Brahmins, Ksatriyas and Vaisyas are authorised to chant Sadaksaramantra, with women and Sudras being given the right to chant only Pancaksaramantra. The author emphasises the importance of Sadaksara for the attainment of Bhukti and Mukti. The author proceeds to explain the related Nyasakramas 10 [Sadanganaysa, Samharatatvanyasa, Sristinyasa, Stitinyasa and the like] in line with and on the strength of Vatula and Kalottara texts. The Chandas of the Shiva Mantra is provided in the fourteenth Sloka of the Patala.11 Immediately follows Samharatatvanyasa with the stipulation that it should be performed by the Brahmacari in Srstikrama; by the Grhasta in Sthitikrama, and by the Mumuksus, including Sanyasis in Samharakrama. The Nyasakriyas have to be performed with Aksaras by chanting them along with touching the different specified parts of the body. The details pertaining to them have to be learnt directly from the Guru himself, the author prescribes. Various Nyasakriyas, their Mantras, Mudras, Dasadikbandhanavidhis and Dikdevatas and related Mantras, Japaniyamas and the like are provided in Slokas 12-35 of the Patala which is followed by Purascaranavidhi. (Purascarana is the process by which Mantrasiddhi is attained through Japahomavidhis.) It is stated that the repeated chanting of the Bijamantra of the respective 258

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Murti a lakh times along with Shivarcana and Dasamsa tilahoma ensures the attainment of Siddhi. The author is of the firm opinion that even in the total absence of any of these Kriyas related to Purascarana, Siddhi is possible through dedicated Japas in absolute devotion purascaryam vinapyesa bhaktasya yajatah sivam | japahomatisayatah sadasyasanca sidhyati | | 12 The anthor also prescribes Pranayamatraya prior to Japa and Puja and details the method of doing Pranayama. pujadau ca japadau ca pranayamatrayamtrayam | catvarisamtsamavrttih pancarnasya tu manasi | 3 Sivamantrajapabhala The author emphasizes that Sivamantras should be repeated 108 times at end of any Pujakriya. He also states that the chanting of Sivamantra in venues like riverbanks, temples of Siva, Tirthaghattas, mountainous regions, neighbourhood to Agni, presence of Gurus, Surya, Candra, and lamps, as also home and cattleshed, will guarantee Phalasiddhi a thousand times over. Japa in the presence of Svayambhulinga brings Phalasiddhi a lakh times, and in holy temples and Asramas a crore times. 259

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Chanting of Japa facing east, south and north are 'Vasya' and 'Abhicara' in effect. For Santikarmas, Japa facing east and north is effective. Chanting of Japas by counting their number with Japamalas made of crystals (Sphatika), beads, lotus flowers, Rudraksa, gold beads, Darbha (a kind of holy grass) is stated to be effective, depending on the quality of the Japamalas and the number of times they are chantedthe higher the number and the superior the material of the Mala, the more the effect. (This practice, incidentally, can be seen in almost all religions of the world.) The author concludes that the mere touch on the Aksamala, or numbered chanting of Mantras, is equally effective for Moksa. For the purpose of destruction of enemies, the Mantra should be chanted by touching the Japamala with the forefinger; for prosperity, with the middle finger; for Santikarmas, with the ring finger and the small finger; and when all the fingers are used it will grant 'Sarvakamaphala'. The author further states how the person who has thus gained Mantrasiddhi should perform Sivaradhana. The Ekavarana Puja of Shiva is dealt with first. The following Kriyas are stipulated in the order of performance: Sarirasuddhi through holy ablutions in the evening; 260

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maintaining silence at the Yagagrha; performance of Suryapuja and Atmasuddhikriyas for attainment of self-purification with bhasma and candana lepanas on the forehead and other stipulated parts of the body and with sacred flowers on the head. Having equipped mentally and physically with the above processes, the Sadhaka before entering the designated place for Puja, must perform salutations to the Dvastas on either side of the door and offer 'Samanyarghya'to the six Devatas that constitute the Dehall (the frame of the door). They are Vighnan, Sarasvati, Ganga, Yamuna, Nandi, and Mahakalas. After these Kriyas, the upper and lower frames of the door are to be offered prayers with the Mantra 'dvarasriyaih namah' and Dikbandhana with appropriate Astramantras for Trilokas. This is done for 'Nirvighnata' (uninterrupted and successful completion of Pujas).14 [certain modes of Dikbandhanakriyas like hard stamping of the ground three times with the foot and gesticulations with the hand are no longer in vogue]. Entry into the Pujagrha shall be done only after offering flowers along with the chanting of Astramantra, and the entry by the Sadhaka shall be through the left side of the entrance door with an expression of anger along with the chanting of Astramantra. This is to ward off evil effects. The other Murtis to be worshipped in 'Pithapuja' are Brahma, Vastvisa, and Ananta. 15 The next step is Nyaskriyas on twelve spots 261

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including the Hrdayapadma, Bhrumadhya, Nabhi, and the like of Svasarira (one's own body).16 Next come Nirmalya and associated ceremonial bath, Upacara, Avahana, etc. ( These have to be performed in accordance with the stipulations and prescriptions given in the 8th Pada of SP. The above Vidhis are meant for worship in Pujamandalas, i.e, worship in venues other than temples and hence with Avahana prior to Pithapuja. (In temples it is in the reverse order.) Subsequent to Avahana, Pithapuja needs to be performed. 17 Pithadevatas At the bottom of the Pitha are- Adharasakti, Adikurma, Mulaprakrti, Ananta and Prthvi; just above them are Dharma, Jnana, Vairagya, Aisvarya (the two sets constituting Navasaktis) The next step in Pithapuja is the worship of seven Mandalas, followed by Padma on the left side of the Pitha, conceiving Siva at the centre of the Pitha and performance of Dhyana for Him. Dhyana pancabrahmoktavaktram dasabhujamathava vedabahum trinetram durdhurardhendugangaphaniganavilasatsatkapardam dathanam | khatvangam sulasakti varadabhayaharam daksinaidorbhiranyai rnagam rudraksamalam damarukasahitam cotpalam bijapuram | dhavalapuspamabje samvinistam trinetram varadamabhayamenam capi damnkam dadhanam | yugabhujamahigangacandracancatkapadam bhujagavalayaharam krttivastram prapadye | | 18 262

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Pujas of this class have to be performed on movable or immovable (Acala or Sthira) Lingas 19 and meditated upon with idols or without idols ( Niskala or Sakala), and in the absence of any of the above, on Ksanikalingas (temporary idols) which may be made of sand, clay, grain powder, boiled rice, fruits, sandal paste, butter or cow dung. 20 Properly placed Ksanikalingas need to be placed on the Pujavedi, invoked and propitiated and at the end of the Puja after 'Udvasana' (the act of returning the invoked power back to the Murti after imbibing a part of it). The Linga along with the Pitha has to be immersed in deep water (Pithasahita magadhambhasi niksipet) If it is not possible to perform Puja in any of the above ways, it would be sufficient to perform Puja conceiving Siva in the mind, in the heart (hrdayakamala), Agni, Suryamandala, water (Jala) or Sthandila.21 After explaining various forms of Vigrahasankalpas, the author goes on to describe in detail the Avahanakriyas that should follow Pithapuja. The Avahanakriyas, related Mudras Avahanamudras are: Stapana, Sannirodha, Avakundana Prarocana, and Amrtikarana22 and the like are detailed according to prescriptions provided in the Upacarapatala (Patala 8 of SP) Subsequent to Avahana, Pancatattva, Pranavopacara, 263

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Mulaksarangayudha bhusananyasas and Avaranapujas are to be performed.23 Next to Avaranapuja come Puspanjali and Dhyana with the Mantras, Namah, Svaha, Svadha, Vausad (to the accompaniment of Dhupa and Deepa respectively as stipulated), followed by Sadangas in the 'Agnyadi' angles. The Puja procedure as explained above may be adopted when it is done in Padmadalas. Pancaksarapuja Mulamantra: 'Namah Sivaya' pays The author states at the beginning that the person who obeisance to Pancaksaramurti (Shiva) with Pancaksarapuja stands to gain not only Bhoga and Moksa, but also Sarvabhista. (fulfilment of all wishes) The Pithapuja and Padmapuja for this are stipulated exactly in the same manner as for Ekavaranapuja. What is dealt with next are Pujavidhis for Antarmandalamurtis: East Nandi, Mahakala South Bhrngi, Vinayaka West Vrsa, Skanda North Devi, Candesa. 264

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The above is followed by worship of Indradidasadikpalas, Saptamatrs, and other Antarmandaladevatas like Durga, Sasta with His consort and son, Kubera, Skanda, Candesa and Ksetrapala, with appropriate Mantras and Prasadamantras respectively. 24 However, in Tantrasamuccaya, there are variations. The Puja procedure dealt with next is the fifth Avarana- Vajradi 25. According to the author, there are differing schools of thought regarding the propriety of performing Pujas for these Antarmandalamurtis. 26 In Homavidhis, Ghrta (Ghee), Havis (Baked rice), and Tila (Gingelly) have to be offered in sacrifice, of which Havis should constitute the material of Balitarpana. There is also another Balikriyavidhi mentioned by the author, which is no longer in practice. 27 The Devatas involved are Rudras, Saptamatrs, Ganadevatas, Yaksas, Sarva, Graha, Devas, Raksasas, 28 Naksatras, 12 Rasis, Visvadevas, Ksetrapala, Sakradis and Dasadikpalakas. The related Balimantras are also provided. 28 The reason why the above Balikriya has ceased to be practised is probably its elaborate and intricate nature, which is followed only. in Sarvatobhadrapadma or Rudramandalapadma. It is strictly stipulated by the author that the Sadhaka must wash his hands and feet after the Puja and silently perform PradaksinaNamaskara-Stuty etc., to propititate the Deva and then offer the Nivedya to Candesa, who is the Nirmalyadhari and finally the holy Prasada 265

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must be placed either into the fire or in water or in the hands of Silpis or of servants. It should under no circumstances be allowed to fall anywhere else.29 After having propitiated the Deva through the above Vidhis, the Sadhaka has to be further kept entertained with Gita-Nrtta-VadyaCcatra-Camara etc. The author reminds as that those incapable of affording the expense of the above can attain equal benefit through sincere and dedicated obeisance to the Lord through Sadhana of the mind. 30 By way of the penultimate process of Shivapuja, the author prescribes the supremely secret Ksamapanamantra, by which Siddhi, Mukti, and above all 'Sivasarupya' are sought to be obtained. 31 The Puja concludes with Layanganyasas (the Kriyas to be performed at the end of any Puja). Viniyogas ( the Prayogavidhis performed for fulfilment of various wishes for himself and others by the Sadhaka who has already gained Mantrasiddhi) with Pancaksaramantras are of different types and a few are explained below: 1. Homa in the sacrificial fire with Durva (Karuka-a kind of grass), Tila, and Ghrta one lakh times, each protecting the performer or the person for whom it is performed 266

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2. from Apamrtyu, all kinds of diseases, Grhadosas, and ensures Ayurarogya. The chanting of Pancaksaramantra facing the sun one lakh times on top of the mountain or by the bank of holy rivers; or Homa with Tila and Ghrta 108 times can guarantee longevity and freedom from diseases (Rogamukti). 3. Pradaksina of the Asvattha tree 108 times along with chanting of Pancaksaramantra (also 108 times) or the drinking of Ausadha or Jala that has been fortified with the above Mantra 108 times, can make one free from stomach disorders (Udararogas) and can nullify the effect of poison by turning it into Amrt. 4. Chanting the above Mantra a thousand or hundred times facing the sun, standing in water up to the navel, can ensure longevity. 5. Abhiseka on oneself with a pot full of river water fortified with the chanting of the Mantra along with touching of the pot ten thousand times, protects one from 'Graharogadyapamrtyus'32 6. Several other Viniyogavidhis are also provided by the author. 267

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Rahasyaprayogas of Pancaksaramantra Innumerable Rahasyaprayogas pertaining to Pancaksaramantras under different heads like Vasyam, Maranam, Satrusamharam, etc., are provided in Isanasivagurudeva-paddhati, of which a few by way of examples, are given below. Chanting of Mulamantra with Bijamantra on either end while h pain. touching the stomach of the affected person can cure him of Drinking of Brahmighrta fortified by the chanting of the Mantra from dawn to dusk or from dusk to dawn on a full moon day will bring intellectual advancement and accomplishments. The following is the prescription for gaining Sarvajnata (attainment of all knowledge). Days prescribed Ardra, Krsnacaturdasi, Krsnastami, Grahana (day of eclipse) and Visu month (movement of the sun during the month of Mesa). Procedure After morning bath, smearing the body with cow dung ash (Bhasma) one pays obeisance to Shiva according to one's ability; and eats the mixture made of one Pala ( a measure - 64gm) of Svetavacacurna, four Palas (256 gm) of Kapilajya, fortified by the Mantra repeated 10000 times. 268

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The following procedure is prescribed for attainment of 'Sarvajnatvam' akin to that of Sarasvati: After having taken the morning bath, the Sadhaka should appropriately apply holy ash on the body, and observe Sivapuja as per Vidhi on the bank of a river and perform oblations with Pancagavya with repetition of the Mantra 8000 times and drink the Pancagavya-Bhasma mix. paurnamasyam yada maghasamkrantih sa sarasvati | prak triratrositastasyam sivamistva yathavidhi | | japed ratravanasano bhasmadigdho naditate | pratah snanadikam krtva gavyajyam bhasmamisritam | palasapatragam sprstva japitvastasahasrakam | pitva tatpancagavyam va jnanam prajnam ca vidanti | | 33 Another prescription for immediate attainment of 'Sarvajnatvam'is the combined Dhyana and Japa of Hamsavagisvari Bijamantra with Sadaksaramantra three lakh times. Repetition of the Hamsavagisvarimantra with Sadaksaramantra ten lakh times along with 'Vrtanistha' (one meal a day) and Upasana will result in the attainment of Animadi astasiddhi and acquisition of all knowledge. For the poor and impoverished to become immensely rich in a few months, six months or one year, the effective procedure is the chanting of the Mantra 10000 times under the shade of a Bilvavrksa and performing Homa with ghee-soaked Bilvaphala 1008 times along with continued, consistent and dedicated Shivapuja as per Vidhis. 269

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Performance of Homas for a month, six months or a year with Palasapuspa, leaves of Palasa and Samit (Camata) can bring about the destruction of enemies, however strong they are. Those desirous of getting cured of Dusvapnas (nightmares) and Grahapidas (Bhutabadhas-possession of evil spirits) are required to chant 10008 Japas and perform 108 Tilahomas. The performance of Shivalinga-arcana during an eclipse along with 10000 Dhyanas and 10000 Homas can bring about tranquillity and serenity. The observance of Lingarcana and Japahomadi during Trisandhyas can rid a person of all Abhicaradosas. Subsequent to the description of the above Vidhis, the author adds a few more Kriyas, some belonging to Vasya and others to Marana categories along with the warning that all such acts with evil intent will ultimately boomerang on the doer with very serious consequences. For example, Homas performed with strong and pungent oils (Tiksnataila-mustard oil) endows one with Amaratva along with the destruction of enemies. Other Homa-japavidhis include the Kriyas for propitiating Shiva, Saptamatrs, Virabhadra, Vighnesvara, and others for the purpose of 270

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making them appear before the Sadhakas for granting their wishes like Amaratva, Astasiddhi, victory in battle, the Siddhis to travel the world and to see the Gods at will. The author describes the supreme importance of Sivamantra in the following lines: bahunatra kimuktena sambasyesasya tustaye | naitesam sivamantranamanyo mantro /sti kascana | '34 The author enjoins that all the Kriyas mentioned above have to be performed only by the person who has properly received Mantradiksa from a Guru and who knows and maintains the rules and regulations, and the do's and don'ts. The Mulamantras of Siva The author, quoting the authority of Gurus maintains that there are six Mulamantras, which are listed below:: 2. 3. 1. Pancaksaramantra Netramantra Sadaksaramantra - 'Namah Sivaya 'Om Haum Netratrayaya Vausad' NO 'Om Namah Sivaya' 4. Prasadamantra - 'Om Haum Namah Sivaya' 5. Astaksaramantra 'Hrim Om Hrim Namah Sivaya' - 6. Dasaksarimantra Astaksara + Cinmantra 271

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All the above 'Mahamantras' are offered in the form of Sutras.35 The author affirms that there is nothing impossible to attain with these Mantras and that they are capable of granting Sarvapurusarthas. Mrtyunjaya The Mantras, Aradhanavidhis, Viniyogas and Phalas of Mrtyunjaya are detailed in Isanasivagurudeva-paddhati as follows: Mulamantra - 'Om Jum Saha'36 The above Mulamantra, kept concealed, is derived from the first Sloka of the Patala. Devata'37 Chandas- 'Kaholarsi Devigayatricchandh Mrtyunjaya Siva Sadanganyasa:- Hrdaya, Sirah, Sikha, Kavaca, Netratraya and Astra. For each of these Argas, there is a specific Mudra. The Nyasakriya is performed by using the Bija part of the Mulamantra in six different ways, and each one assigned to a particular Arga, and done by touching these body parts or spots. For example, Sadanga for Mrtyunjaya is 'Jam, Jim, Jum, Jaim, Jaum, Jah' respectively in the order of the Angas given. For Saivamurtis, as a whole, Astramantra comes last. However, for Vaisnavamurtis, the Netramantra comes last and the Astramantra prior to that. 272

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Tatvanyasas - In Slokas 3 to 6, the Tatvanyasas are described. The performance of it is done in three stages from the feet to the midriff (Guhya); from midriff to the neck (Kandha) and from the neck to the head (Siras). Purascaranavidhis -The specification for Purascaranavidhis is three lakh Mulamantras and one-tenth of that number of Homas with milk, ghee and honey, for attainment of Siddhi. (In case Siddhi is not accomplished after the first attempt, it has to be repeated all over two times more, and if that too proves futile, it has to be abandoned altogether and in consultation with and on the advice of the Guru, alternate Vidhis have to be adopted, according to authoritative sources.) The Homakriyas should be followed by Dhyana, and Japa for Mrtyunjayamurti (Siva-aikyadhyana-i.e, Sadhaka-deity union). Three kinds of Dhyanas of this class are prescribed, the first being the following: payat pandarapundarikapatayorurdhvadharotphullayormadhyam samputacandramandalagato vo /stabdabalakrtih | svasinah saramauktikaksivalaye sulam dadhat sadbhujo ! dakse fnyatra sudhakapalakalasau mudram ca mrtyunjayah | | 38 Pujavidhis performed in line with Saivoktamarga in Citra, Hrdaya, Suryabimba, or Jalabimba according to the ability of the Sadhaka are also capable of giving Siddhi. 273

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Mrtyunjayamantraviniyogas The main purpose of Mrtyunjayamantraprayoga is evidently victory over death. Others are Roganivarana, Uccatana, Marana, Stambhana, Santi, and Sarvabhistasiddhi. One mode of application of Mrtyunjayamantra is as follows If along with the chanting of Mulamantra the name of the Sadhya (the person for whom the Mantra is chanted) is added and oblation done, the intended result will be forthcoming. 39 The author decrees that in Archana the Mantra should be suffixed with 'Namah' and in Homa with 'Svaha'. Homa with a mixture of fine-grained rice in sweet solution guarantees victory over death. Homa with Durva secures Ayurvardhana; with Payasa (rice cooked in sweet medium), Kasmira and Samit, it insures one against diseases; and with Tila, milk, ghee and mustard, it ensures the destruction of enemies.40 The author also describes another Mrtyunjayamantra having seventeen syllables and its Chandas in Sutrarupa. bhrgukham suklamagnistham tato jvalanamrtyubhih | nasanayagnijayanto manvarno manuruddhrtah | | mrtyujitsamjnito /syapi rsyadyam purvacoditam | daksinasyo japedenam sandhyayormrtyusantaye | kathitatryarnamantradimimam saptadasaksaram | 41 274

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Pujavidhis and Viniyogas of the above Mantra are prescribed in exactly the same manner as for the earlier Mrtyunjayamantra. Tryambaka in effect.42 Tryambakamantra is generally deemed to be 'Mrtasanjivani' Mulamantra sadangani svayam ramavedastanavapancakaih | tribhiscapi nijairvarnaih padangulyagrasandhisu | | 43 This consists of 32 syllables. Chandas- Vasistarsi or Bhargavarsi (said to be coined by either), Vrtta - Anusthubh, Devata Rudrastryambaka.. The Mulamantra is divided into six parts to perform Sadariganyasa. The other Nyasas are described in Slokas 29-31 in the same Patala. Tryambakadhyana asinah pundarike dadhadamrtamayam purnakumbham nijanke panibhyam pustakaksasrajamapi sudhaya purnakumbhau sitangam || kumbhabhyam saudhavarsairdhrtasasisakale murdhni sincan kapardi suklakalpostibahuh prahasitavadano raksatat tryambako vah | | 14 After oblations with Dhyana, the eight Avaranadevatas have also to be worshipped in Padmadala, Hrdaya, Citra, Linga, Sphatika or 275

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Kalasa along with all the designated Upacaras athastavarana puja kartavya tryambakasya tu | 45 Purascaranavidhis For performing Purascarana, the Guru himself first sanctifies the water-filled Kalasa with Pujadikriyas and ceremonially pours the water on the head of the disciple in Abhiseka., Subsequently, the disciple is required to perform Sivalingarcana and chant the Mulamantra one lakh times a day and remain celibate. Those who are not celibates have to observe the stipulations more intensely by chanting the Japas in higher numbers. Moreover, for the attainment of Mantrasiddhi, the Sadhaka must invoke and worship Shiva by performing 108 Homas each with Bilvapatra, Palasa, Samit, Khadira, Nigrodha (Peral), Tila, Sarsapa (mustard), Payasanna, Dadhi (curd), and Durva. This should be followed by Brahmanabhojana and Danas to Vaidikas and gurus at the rate of 10000 for Vedavidusis, 1000 for gurus, and 100 for other eligibles. If along with Danas and proper obeisance they are additionally given presents of gold and clothes, the 'Mantrasiddha' will have all his wishes fulfilled in an exactly similar manner as Sukracarya was able to provide protection to the Asuras. yena sukrah pura devairnihatan yudhi danavan 46 276

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There is nothing in all three worlds that the Tryambakamantra is not capable of providing. The author subsequently states the Phalasiddhis each of the Homadravyas provides. 10000 Homas with Bilvapatra -Aisvarya Palasa Brahmatejas Khadira - Pusti and Dhanadhanyavardhana Krsnatilahoma - Papaksaya and Mrtyunjaya Siddhartha Payasa Satrunasa Ayus and Aisvarya Ksudrarogadinasanam and Ksira Aisvarya Durva Dadhyanna, Durva and Payasa every month on Janmanaksatra 120 times - - Ayurarogyavardhana Dirghayus Kasmarya with Payasa Ayus All these Homas should be accompanied by Ghrta. Japa with milk, water, cooked rice, at Trisandhyas, in waist-deep water and consumption of the Japadravyas fulfils all desires including Vasya (enticement). 277

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The ensuing 15 Slokas (57-71) in the same Patala deal with Mantrikakriyas consisting of Vasya, Marana, Bhavabandhanamukti, Jvaranasana and the like. The author concludes the topic 'Tryambaka'with a reaffirmation of the importance of the Mantra in attaining Purusarthasiddhi. bahunatra kimuktena bhajatam manunamuna | dharmarthakamamoksesu durlabho nasti kascana | | ' 47 Sadaksara concept Shiva's What follows next is Sadaksaradhikara wherein is described 's Sadaksaramantrasvarupa. This Mantra consists of 100 syllables. It is detailed along with its Chandas in Slokas 73 and 74. The Mantra is a combination of Gayatri, Tryambaka, and Trstup Mantras. They are exclusively Vedic in nature. gayatryanustubhau tristup trayam caikatvamagatam | trimantrah satavarno /yam suryarudragnidevatah | | .48 The Chandas of the three Mantras are provided as follows:Gayatri Mantra Rsi Visvamitra Vitta Gayatri Devata Surya Tryambaka Rsi Vasista Vrtta Anustubh Devata Rudra 278

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Trstup Rsi Marica Vitta Trstup Devata Agni In Sadanganyasa, the Mantra is chanted by dividing it appropriately into six parts. 49 Sadaksaramantrasiddhi can be obtained through Purascarana by one lakh Japas and Homa with ghee and Payasam. For added effect Brahmanabhojana is the prescribed means to those who can afford it. Pujahomavidhis are as follows: The 'Gayatrimantra' part of Puja should be performed in Suryapitha, 'Tryambaka' in Sivapi tha, and 'Trstubh' in Durgapi tha. Then follow the descriptions of Avaranadevatas 50 Viniyogas Homarcana with Durva, Ghrta, Padma, Utpalapuspa and Bilvapatra, brings Ayus and Aisvarya; and with Tila, it guarantees Rogasanti, Papasanti and Satrunasana. No separate Dhyana is provided for this Mantra. What is prescribed is Dhyanas for Gayatri, Tryambaka and Durga. It is believed that the chanting of Sadaksaramantra with complete devotion bestows all blessings on the Sadhaka and the author 279

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refers to how details are provided in Puranas on the Prayogas, their potency, and their many-sided Phalasiddhis. Daksinamurti The author then goes on to delineate another important aspect of Shiva, viz., Daksinamurti, in this Patala. Mulamantra, the extremely secret and highly confidential Mulamantra of Daksinamurti is kept hidden in Sloka 83 in coded language. Decoded, it reads as follows: 'Taram'- 'pranavam', 'namoh'- 'namah' sabda, the syllable 'bha', in 'nabhi', 'ga'in 'gakara', the 'va'kara in 'kumbhau' (i.e, Jalakumbha- since the Bijamantra of Jala is 'vam'-'va'kara is derived), the sound 'te'is taken as such. 'Daksinamurtipadam Caturthya' means that it is to be in 'caturthi vibhakti'-'Daksinamurtaye'. 'Mahyam'and 'Medha' remain unaltered, 'Pra'in 'Prayuta' means 'Prajna', 'Prayacca' remains without change. 'Vahnipriya'-wife of Agni-stands for 'Svaha'. The Mulamantra, thus decoded, is derived as 'Om namoh Bhagavate Daksinamurtiye mahyam medham prajnam prayacca svaha' There are two more Rahasyamantras of Daksinamurti consisting of 32 and 36 syllables and kept coded and concealed in Sloka 84. 280

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The Rsi of the Mulamantra is said to be either Suka or Brahma. The Chandas is treated as Gayatri or Anustubh, the Devata is Daksinamurti Himself. The Phalasiddhi is Sarvajnata. Sadanganyasa and other Nyasas (Aksaranyasas) are provided, followed by the list of Angas and points of the body to be touched while performing the Nyasas and Vyapakas, in Slokas 87 to 93 51 Daksinamurtidhyana Two Dhyanas are provided by the author 52 one of which is quoted hereunder. Viniyogas vedanyagrodhamule yunibhirabhivrtam gadhaparyankabaddham . suklakalpam trinetram bhasitasitarucim vyaghracarmambaradhyam | vyakhyamudram ca tankam harinamrjubhuje janurudhe kusumbham bibhranam jatajutahitasasisakalam daksinamurtimide | | 53 The multi-pronged Viniyogas are: 1. Performance of one lakh Japas on the banks of either Devatirtha or Sarasvatitirtha or before a Sivalinga or in a Siva temple by conceiving and meditating upon the image of holy-ash-smeared Daksinamutri in mind, accompanied by Abhiseka (one-tenth times of Japa) with milk, ghee and Tila. 2. Silent prayer in 'Ekavarana'of Daksinamurti's image 281

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represented on a wall, cloth or picture. 3. Abhyantarapuja daily with Upacaradis (Sodasa) and Japas of Mulamantra 1008 times. The Phalasiddhi is assured attainment of Sarvajnata including performed knowledge of the Sastras. The 29th Patala (Mantrapada), thus, offers detailed delineation of the varied aspects of Shiva like Tryambakamurti, Sadaksaramurti, and Daksinamurti with comprehensive Mantras and Viniyogas.

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