Gita-govinda of Jayadeva (comparative study)
by Manisha Misra | 2012 | 56,963 words
This essay contains an English study of the Gita-Govinda by Jayadeva and the “Kishore Chandrananda Champu” by Kabisurya Baladev. (1) The Gitagovinda is a Sanskrit Kavya poem of 12th century composed by Jayadeva, who was a devotee of Lord Krishna/Jagannatha and a patron of Odisha culture. The Gitagovinda had widespread influence on Indian art and li...
5.5. Radha as Svadhinabhartrka-nayika
According to the Sahityadarpana 39 the heroine who has an obsequious lover and attracted by her amiable qualities leaves not side, who has surprising charms is known as the Svadhina-bhartrka.40 40 In the Gitagovinda, Jayadeva has narrated one of the conditions of his heroine as svadhina-bhartrka.41 Radha wanting Krsna to bedeck her with ornaments freely and she exercises her power over him.42 Kavisurya has written a song in the Khandakamodiraga to present the condition of a Svadhinabhartrka-nayika.43 In the Sanskrit portion we find the glance of this description in a verse in the Kishore-chandrananda-champu as follows- lambamambaramaraktam praci pracikatit katau | bala hrdayapanceso munca mat kancukancalam IIKCC V.30