Gita-govinda of Jayadeva (comparative study)
by Manisha Misra | 2012 | 56,963 words
This essay contains an English study of the Gita-Govinda by Jayadeva and the “Kishore Chandrananda Champu” by Kabisurya Baladev. (1) The Gitagovinda is a Sanskrit Kavya poem of 12th century composed by Jayadeva, who was a devotee of Lord Krishna/Jagannatha and a patron of Odisha culture. The Gitagovinda had widespread influence on Indian art and li...
5.3. Description of Krishna
In the Kishore-chandrananda-champu, Kavisurya described the hero of his poem is able to loose the patience of young cowherdesses by his smiling. His figure looks like the dark cloud or a dense Tamala 33 tree which is attractive for all living beings. 34. His sharp vision is an arrow made of a blue lily which creates excitement in the mind of young woman. He, who is fascinating like the pressed collerium, whose foot is worshiped by his trustful persons, who is like the wishyeilding tree for his dependants, that Krsna may destroy the pain of virtuous persons. The attractive figure of Krsna praised by both of the poets. The lord had put on brilliant jewel necklaces, a pendent, a golden belt, armlets and wrist bands. In the third song of Gitagovinda, Krsnna 35 30. Gitagovindam,12.23 31. mukata praya hela trioikah/ mandaravana se vanarasa, cakre racila suna varasa] | 32. Das, Ramahari, Odisi samgita, parampara O prayoga, p.132 33. See glossary 34. Kisoracandranandacampu,v.26 35. haravalitaralakancanakancidama-keyurakamkanamanihutidipitasya ||Gitagovinda 11.20.13 214
introduced as a dancing hero accompanied by the cowherdesses.36 Where Jayadeva has narrated the physical charms of his hero, Kavisurya combines that narration with the divinity of the god to recall that his poetic hero is no other than the almighty himself.