Elephantology and its Ancient Sanskrit Sources

by Geetha N. | 2012 | 36,369 words

Elephant is considered as an inevitable part of Indian community. So they developed the study of Elephant which is based on Hastyayurveda and Matangalila. Even from the ancient time Indians were awareness about their hygiene and health. They were protected against diseases. They protected not just their own race but also plants and animals. Therefo...


I, Geetha N., hereby declare that this thesis ELEPHANTOLOGY AND IT'S ANCIENT SANSKRIT SOURCES submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (as part of M.Phil/Ph.D. integrated programme) has not previously formed the basis for the award of any Degree, Diploma or Fellowship or recognition in this University.

C.U. Campus
Date: 31-12-2012


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