Devala-smriti (critical study)
by Mukund Lalji Wadekar | 1982 | 67,394 words
This essay represents an English study of the Devala-smriti—an ancient text attributed to sage Devala classified as belonging to the Dharma-Shastra branch of Indian literature which encompasses jurisprudence and religious law. This study deals with the reconstructed text of the Devalasmriti based on surviving references, emphasizing Devala’s unique...
5. Papadosas (treatment of the threefold vices)
[Full title: (A) Philosophical aspects; (V) Papadosas (treatment of the threefold vices)].
866 (5) PAPADOSAS TREATMENT OF THE THREEFOLD VICES : Devala explains elaborately the twelve mental or psychological, four bodily & six verbal vices, called papados as. (2284-2371). The nature, origin, varieties & the way of their elimination are discussed, while describing the psychological vices like moha etc. The bodily & verbal vices are also squarely dealt with. The treatment if this topic, with such a systematic elaboration is rarely to be found elsewhere. -87 The Bhagavadgita (16/20) speaks of three vices, desire, anger & greed as the doors of hell & Arguna is exhorted to shun 88 all of them. The Yogasutra (2/34) merely points out that evil actions like killing etc. are caused by three vices namely, greed, anger & delusion. Devala explains twelve kinds of psychological vices, while the Mahabharata (Santi.163 =Critical edition 12/157) contains description of thirteen kinds of such vices (namely kama, - 1 krodha, soka, moha, vidbitsa, parasutva, mada, lobha, matsarya, irsya, kutsa, asuya & krpa). The manner of their emergence & destruction is also briefly described. But Devala is not at all indebted to it in any way. There is not only difference in the number & enumeration of vices, but also in the exposition. Devala's exposition is more systematic, vivacious and refined than that of the Mahabharata. 7 The elucidation of threefold vices is also found in Manu & Harita-smrtis. Both of them speak of three kinds of vices & those of bodily, psychological, verbal nature. Manu (XII/5) 89 enumerates the following three as mental evil actions (1) think-
887 ing about wealth of others, (2) thinking evil of others & (3) having wrong notions. Manu (12/6) 90 enumerates only four kinds of verbal vices, while Devala enumerates & explains six kinds of them. The three vices, namely parusya, anrta & paisunya mentioned by Manu are also mentioned & explained by Devala, with addition of three more vices to them. The three sorts of 91 bodily evil actions, mentioned by Manu (12/7) are similar to those found in the text of Devala. There is only verbal difference. But Devala has properly explained each of them & added arthadusanam as the fourth. To sum up, the exposition in the Manusmrti is merely enumerative, while it is descriptive & exhaustive in nature in the text of Devala. However, in no way, Devala is indebted to the extant Manusmrti for his exposition. 92 , Harita (quoted in Parashara-madhava II, Part II, pp.212-213) also enumerates. eighteen evil actions, leading to hell, six of which are mental, four verbal and the rest are bodily sins. The five psychological (parabhidroha, krodha, lobha, moha & ahankara) the three bodily (namely paradarabhigamana, dravyapaharana, & pranihimsa) & the two vocal (parusya & anrta)vices mentioned by Harita are similar to those found in the text of Devala. But here also fundamental difference is that Devala's exposition is descriptive & explanatory, while that of Harita is only enumerative.
1) Psychological vices Devala 12 TABLE NO. 11 888 Manu Harita Mahabharata 3 6 13 Moha, raga, dvesa, Paradravyesva nana, lobha, mada, bhidhyanam 1 soka, mamatva, ahan- manas anista kara, bhaya, harsa, moghacintasceti. cintanam vitathabhinikarah. 1 1 ves as ca. Paropatapanam, Kamah, Krodhah parabhidrohah, krodha, lobho, mohah, ahanSokah, Mohah vidhitsa, parasutvam, madah, lobhah, mats aryam, irsya, kutsa, asuya, krpa. 2) Bodily vices Devala 4 Himsa, apacarah, styeyam, arthadusanam. Manu 3 Adattanamupadanam, Harita 8 Abhaksyabhaksanam, himsa, paradar pa seva. abhojyabhojanam, apeyapanam, agamyagamanam, ayajyayajanam, asatpratigrahanam, paradarabhigamanam, dravyapaharanam, pranihimsa. deng
869 30) Vocal vices Devala 6 Manu Harita 4. 4A Parusavacanam, apavadah, paisunyam, anrtam, vrthalapo, nisthuram. Parusyam, anrtam, paisunyam, as ambaddhapralapah