The concept of Yoga in Yoga Upanishads
by Philomina T.L | 2018 | 42,235 words
This page relates ‘Personal and Social Impact of Yoga’ of study dealing with the evolution and significance of Yoga as reflected in the Yoga-Upanishads, a collection of authoritative texts dedicated to the concept of Yoga (spiritual discipline). The thesis traces the origins of the practice back to pre-Vedic times and and suggests that Yoga became a philosophical system following the creation of the Yogasutras.
Chapter 6.3 - Personal and Social Impact of Yoga
The person who begins yoga starts with yama and niyama and its subdivisions like ahiṃsa, satya, asteya etc.that purify oneself and lead to strong moral life. Āsanas and other yogā ngas are equally important in this connection . This kind of yoga practices enriches each person with a purification of the mind and body with an awareness for leading a peaceful life based on moral values. Here, yoga generally works on mind and connects the senses together;and thus it makes possible the physical and mental purification. Its application in the daily life helps to attain mental relaxation which brings vitality and vigour to his life. It produces an energy among the persons and to lead a peaceful and successful life. It removes all negative aspects. Yoga paves the way for intellectual growth and also for the increase of memory, concentration, health etc.. It helps to know the innermost self and also provides with the quality of self awareness. It enables a person to take strong decisions and maintaining will power. Through the practices of yoga all tissues and nādis of body get activated and also stimulate the nervous system.
The personal growth through yoga enriches one as an asset to the society A good family is formed by a good person and from good family or society a good nation can be formed. So the practice of yoga very much influences the formation of a good society. And it is notable that these things are narrated in the Yogopaniṣads which deal with nature, features and qualities of a yogi elaborately.The ultimate aim of yoga is to lead a good,healthy and meaningful social life.