Cidgaganacandrika (study)
by S. Mahalakshmi | 2017 | 83,507 words
Cidgaganacandrika 4 [Fruit of Upasana], English comparative study extracted from the two available commentaries—the Divyacakorika and the Kramaprakashika. The Cidgagana-candrika is an important Tantric work belonging to the Krama system of Kashmir Shaivism. Written by Kalidasa (Shrivatsa) in 312 Sanskrit verses, it deals with the knowledge regarding both the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic phenomena
This book contains Sanskrit text which you should never take for granted as transcription mistakes are always possible. Always confer with the final source and/or manuscript.
Verse 4 [Fruit of Upāsana]
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English commentary of verse 4:
चिल्लोचनेन सततं शिवमीक्षितुमन्वये च सद्भावम् ।
लब्धुं च पूर्णभावं यदि चेतः समुपाध्वमिमाम् ॥ ४ ॥cillocanena satataṃ śivamīkṣitumanvaye ca sadbhāvam |
labdhuṃ ca pūrṇabhāvaṃ yadi cetaḥ samupādhvamimām || 4 ||
Comparative analysis of commentaries and excerpts in English:
[Fruit of Upāsana]
Siddhā mentions the fruit of Upāsana, the understanding of the work that leads to the truth, through the four-fold path of Viṣaya, Prayojana, Sambhandha and Adhikari. He states that if sādhaka always has the Sadbhāva, the desirable desire at his heart, to see always through the eye of the mind the Supreme kāleśvara and finally to become one with the Supreme or obtain Fullness, then he can proceed further with this treatise or work. [Cidgaganacandrikā] is a revelation of Siddhā’s experiences. A search by sādhaka to find the treasure embedded in this work will lead him to his eternal good.[1]
The fruit of the Upāsana of Kālī
Śāktāgama says,
“ye śāstrārambhā bhavanti lokasya te vandyā”.
(Worship the treatise that begins scientifically).
A seeker of truth, intending to obtain Ultimate Knowledge, must be aware of—
- the unity of Self with Śiva;
- the unity of the Universal beings with Śiva; and
- the union of self with the universal Śiva thus achieving completion of the life.
The treatise itself is intended by the author, placing himself at the Niṣkala state of sādhanā, to give the initiation to the Kramamukti through kālī upāsana, for the lower three categories of Adhikāris-Pramātas—
- Sakala,
- Pralayākala and
- Vijñānakala.
The Jñāni by the knowledge of the oneness of Śiva and of His various manifest forms, sees Śiva as the sum total of all and of his self as one with Śiva.
Notes and Sanskrit references:
[1] Cf. [Divyacakorikā] p 13-[Cidgaganacandrikā] 4.
prathaṃmasūtrapāyatayā yathottaravaipulyena ca vartanādyathādhikāraṃ vimarśakaphalapradāṃ ca svavāktripuṭīprameyatṛtīyacidgaganacandrikāṃ turīyacidgaganacandrikāmiva savimarśamupāsituṃ śleṣamaryādayātmānamevā''darśatvena darśayanvidhaste.