The Brahma Purana (critical study)
by Surabhi H. Trivedi | 1960 | 254,628 words
This is an English study of the Brahmapurana—one of the eighteen major Puranas. This text occupies an important place in the Pauranic literature. This study researches the rich an encyclopaedic material for social, religious, philosophical, mythological, political, geographical and literary study found in the Brahma-Purana. It also includes a lingu...
Appendix 11 - Alphabetical list of Hells
APPENDIX XI ALPHABETICAL LIST OF HELLS Adhahsiras - (22.4). 1479 Adhomukha A brahmin who takes back the things once given and gets the sacrifices performed by those who have no right to do so, and one who shows the naksatras falls in the Adhomukha hell (22.17-18). Agnijvala - (214.17). Ambarisa - It burns like the fire of Pralaya. One who steals gold is burnt there for a crore kalpas (215. 123,124). Ambha - This hell contains a flowing river (214.1 Angaropacaya It is full of burning coals. One who after taking a vow does not give dana to Brahmins" falls in it (215.117,118). ☑
1480 Apratistha It is of plass, urine and purisaka One who troubles the Brahmins falls there with his face downwards (215.91,92), (22.5) Asipatravana Its area is ten thousand Yojanas. It is full of heated leaves as severe as Khadga and a man who kills a friend is kept there for one Kalpa. The Sinners are pierced there with Khadga leaves (215.105-107) one who cuts the forest without any reason falls in the Asipatravana hell (22.3). Avisi- (22.4) Bhrama (214.16) Durdhara - It is full of acquatic birds, animals and scorpians (215.129, 130) Gudanaka It is full of the streams of boiling jaggery and one who marries outside the caste is burnt there (215,121,122) Javanti One who intercourses with the wines of other is pressed there by slabs of stones (214.94,95) Kakola It is full of worms of the night-soil and piss one who eats the sweets quite alone and does not give it to others falls in it, (215.109,110)
Kalasutra It is full of iron-threads. One who destroys the agriculture of others is pierced there. (215.126,127) Karambhavatuka Its area is ten thousand 1481 Yojanas and its share is that of a well. It is full of burning sand, thorns and coals. A man who burns another by terrible means is burnt there for 110,300 years and is pierced there (215.107-109) Kasmala It is fall of the dirt of mouth and nose. A man who indulges in eating meat is kept there for one kalpa (215.127, 128) Kitada (214.16) Krakaca It is full of severe iron-bars as A man who intercourses with strong as the thunderbolt. women within prohibited degrees is pierced there (225. 120, 121) + Krechra One who drinks the semen -wirile, breaks the tradition, remains unholy and maintains himself on juggary falls in krechra-hell. (22.23, 24) Krmibhojana - One who keeps malicious attitude towards gods and Brahmins and one who disfigures the jewels falls in Krmibhaksya hell (22.14,15), (214.16)
1482 Krmipuva A Brahmin who sells lakh, meat, Rasa, Tila, and Salt, one who eats the sweets alone, and tames a cat, or a hen, or a goat, or a dog, or a pig or a sparrow falls in the Krmipuya hell. (22.18-20) Krmisa One who performs a saerifice with wrong methods falls in the Krmisa hell (22.15), (22.3) Krsnasutra - (22.4) Ksuradhara It is full of senere razors, one who captures the land of Brahmins is pierced there for one Kalpa (215.122, 123) Kudmala It is full of night-soil, urine and blood one who does not perform the five saerifices falls in it (215.110, 111) KumbhinakaIts area is hundred lakh yojanas It is a terrible hell and its floor is full of heated copper vessels. It is full of heated coal and heated sand. A sinner who kills a brahmin, who abdults the land and who takes back the thing once given is burnt there till the time of pralaya (215.86, 87) Lalabhaksva One who eats without offering to Gods, Pitrs and guests falls in the Lalabhaksya hell (22.3, 15, 167), (214,16)
1483 Mahabhima -It is full of bad smelling meat and blood. A man who eats the non-eatables falls in it (215.111-112) Mahaghora - (214.15) Mahaivala It is full of bruning frames and one who always indulges in sins is burnt there for a long time. (216.119, 120). One who intercourses with a daughter or a daughter-in-law falls in Mahajvala hell (22.3, 12) Mahalobha (22.2) Mahanavi Its area is one lakh yojanas, one who always speaks lie falls in it with his face downwards (215.118, 119) Mahaprabha It is at a great height and shining sulas are kept there and one who separates a husband and + a wife is pierced there with the sula (215.93, 94) Mahabaudra Instead of Mahaghora the ka'ms, reads Maharaudra (214.17) Maharaurava s Its area is 14,000 yojanas, It full of burning frames one who burns a city, village, I house and farms is burnt there for one Kalpa (215.99-101) "
1484 Mahatamisra Its area is double that of the Tamisra hell. It is full of acquatic birds and animals and is very dark one who kills parents or friends and who breaks the confidence, falls there and the water serpents suek his blood (215-103-105) · Mahavata It is full of dead bodies and worms. One who sells one's daughter falls there with the fate downwards (215.112, 113). Mahavic - (In the text it is given as Mahavaci) It is full of blood. Its area is ten thousand yojanas. A man who kills the cows resides there for one lakh years. And the sinners are troubled there by thorns as hard as the thanderbolt (215.84 86) Maniusa - It is made of iron. It always remains heated and one who captivates the others without any reason is burnt in this hell (215.90). Naraka (215.15). t Nirhcohvasa It is full of darkness and devoid of air one who obstructs the process of dana given to a brahmin falls there after becoming unconscious (215.116, 117)
1485 Paritapa who gives poison to it. (215.125,126). Puvavaha It burns like the pralaya fire. One others and steals honey is troubled in It is a river in which puss is flowing www one who offers the things prepared of Kusumbhasaka, Jambira, Sigruka, Kovidaraka, Pinyaka, Viprusa, Masura, Grnjana, Sana, Kodrava, Kokilaksa, Cukra, Kambukapadmaka the meat of Cakora and Syena and the fruits of Tala etc. goes with his pitrs to the Puyavaha hell (220.195-198). Raudra Raurava (214.15). Its area is sixty thousand yojanas. It is full of heated iron arrows and the sinners are pierced by them. One who gives false witness is pierced there (215.88,89),: One who gives false witness, acts partially, speaks, lie, kills an unborn child, teacher and a cow and strangelates others falls in the Raurava hell (22. 3, 7, 8), one who gives the non-eatables in sraddha, who eats the meat of Cakravaka, Madgu, Salkahina, Matsyaka, Kurara, Nirasthi, Vasahata, Kukkuta, Kalavinka, Mayura, Bharadvaja, Sarngaka, Nakula, Uluka, Marjara, Lopa, Tittibha, Jambuka, Vyaghra, Rksa and Taraksu falls in the Raurava hell (220.191-194) :
1486 Rodha - (22.2) 2 Rudhira This bell contains a river in which the blood flows (214.16) Rudhirandha - A Brahmin who dances on a stage, a boat-man, one eating the food given by an adulterer, one giving poison to others, a scandler, one maintaining himself on a buffalo, one intercoursing with one's wife on the day of festivity, burning the houses of others, killing the friends, taking money for showing the auspicious days, acting as a purohita of the village and selling the somarasa falls in the Rudhirandha hell (22.21-22) Sa bala -> One who insults the teachers, abuses them, spoils the vedas, sells them, one guilty of formication falls in the Sabala pell (22.13) Salmala It is full of severe thorns and a woman approaching many men has to ding there to the Salmala tree full of thorns (214.15), (215.95, 96) Saukara - A drunkard, a brahmin- killer, a stealer of gold, a person keeping contact with such people falls in Saukara pell (22.2,9), (214.15) Samdamsa One who violates the uratas and who does not observe the rules proper for one's asrama falls in the samdamsa hell (22.4, 26), (217-17)
$ 1487 Svabhojana A brahmacarin who sleeps during day time, gets seeretion of semen in dreams and one who is taught by one's sons, falls in the Svabhojana bell (22.27), (214.17) Tailapaka - Boiling oil flows there and one who kills the friends and those depedent on him is baked there (215. 113, 114) Tama ◉ (22.4) Tamisra Its area is one lakh yojanas. The thieves are beaten there with sula, sakti, mace, khadga, pattisa and mudgara by the yamadutas (215.101 103). Tana In the ms 'ka' it is Tala (214.15), (22.2) Tantakumbha One who kills either a ksatriya or a vaisya, one who intercourses with the teacher's wife or sister and one who kills the Purohita of a king falls in the Taptakumbha hell (22.10). y Tantaloha One who sells wine or lions and one who abandons one's devotees falls in the taptaloha hell (22.10) Tilapaka It is a terrible hell and one who troubles others is pressed there like sesame (215.113,114)
1488 Ugragandha It is full of night-soil, saliva and urine. One who does not offer pindas falls in it (215.128,129). Vahnijvala One who maintains himself on goats and kills the deers falls in the Vahnijvala hell (22.4,25). i Vaitarani One who kills a brother (according to the 'ka' ms.) and one who destroys the whole village falls in the vaitarani hell (22.23). Vajrakapata It is full of iron-chains one who sells milk is troubled there (215.115,116). Vairakuthara It is full of thunderbolts. One who cuts the trees is pierced there (215.125,124). Vairamahanida It is made up of the thunderbolts. One who steals corn, money and gold of others is troubled there and the Yamadutas pierce him (215.130-132). Vasatapta - (22.3). Vedhaka One who makes an arrow falls in the Vedhaka hell (22.16). Vilepaka It burns with the fire of lakh and a brahmin who drinks wine falls in it. (215.92,93).
Vimobana One who violates the rules of tradition and one who is a thief falls in the vimohana hell (22.2, 14), (214.15). 1489 Visasana One who prepares an arrow named Khadga falls in the Visasana hell (22.2, 16).