The Brahma Purana (critical study)

by Surabhi H. Trivedi | 1960 | 254,628 words

This is an English study of the Brahmapurana—one of the eighteen major Puranas. This text occupies an important place in the Pauranic literature. This study researches the rich an encyclopaedic material for social, religious, philosophical, mythological, political, geographical and literary study found in the Brahma-Purana. It also includes a lingu...

Appendix 7 - Flora and Fauna

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APPENDIX VII FLORA AND FAUNA Section I Animal Kingdom Aineva - Its meat should be offered to Pitrs for 8 months (220.26). A female black antelope. Airavata - (69,19). 1303 Indra's elephant, considered as the prototype of the elephant race and the supporter of the east quarter. Aja People kept them (44.32). f Ajagara boa constrictor.. He-goat. (214.13), (215.13). A huge serpent, Akhu Animal (213.96). A mouse, rat; a hog; the grass Lipeocersis serrata. · Alabu One who eats its meat goes to hell (220.197). The Pumpkin gourd, Cucurbita pepo. Anaduh - (47.77). An ox, bull.

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1304 Asva (43.29), given in dana (44.67) (65.68) used in the army (44.18, 42), (47.1424). The horses with quick speed, born of sindhu pradesh, white, having block cars were considered to he good (47.72), (49.35), (50.20) yoked to chargiot (192.33), Kamboja horses were considered to be very good (202.32, 33), (208.28); (213.97);(214.57), (216.13), used as vehicle (216.38) a horse. Aurabhrika One who maintained himself by selling it goes to hell (22.25) Belonging to or produced from ram or sheep. Avika Its milk and ghee should not be used in sraddha (220.69). Relating to or coming from sheep. Babhrusata A kind of rat one who steals food mixed with Pinyaka is born es a babbrusata rat (217.106) Baka (42.30), (178.42), one who intercourses After with another's wife is born as a baks. (217.66) becoming a Sukars, an intercourser with the wife of a friend, or xk e teacher or a king becomes a Baks (217.69) One who steals Baka is born as a Madhadamsla (217.87) A kind of heron or crane, Ardea Nivea, Balaka (43.61) one who steals milk is born as Balaka (217.98). A kind of crane.

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1305 (217.38). Halivarda It troubles the sinners in hell After the # life of a khara, one is again born as a 2alivards (217.33). Barhina A bull or ox. (45.15) The feathers of peddom were used for decorating the body. (184.53), (214.44); (216. 44) one was steals churna is bornas a pesceock (227.95). ✰ peacock. Bhramara (214.87). A bee. Ehrnfamala - (189.14) Shrugara (43.56) Ehrnkara Thrngaraja (41.45); (42.22), (44.65), (178.38) Bidala - (87.52, 54) After the life of a donkey, a son with whom the parents are Mritated becomes a cat and lives for seven months (217.62). A Cat. Cakore (41.45), (42.22), (43,560, 178.38), prohibited in sraddha (220.197). The greek partridge (Perdix rafa; fabled to subsist on moon-beams). Cakrahya - (36.96). Cakranza (36.102). The cakravika bird, carved neck gander. n

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1306 Cakravaka - (41.48), (42.29), (43.61), (44.74), (68.15), (178.41), (216.17), (216.39), prohibited in sraddha (220.91). The cakra bird. Anas Casarca. (220.198). Camara (54.6), prohibited in sraddha Catkka + (41.46), (42.23), (44.65), (68.16), (178.39). The bird cucculus medanoleucas. Ewing Chaga One who keeps it goes to krmipuya hell (22.20), used in straddha (220.185). After being a mrga one is born as a chaga and lines for one year (217.60, 61). A he-goat. Chagala Its meat should be offered to pitrs for seven months (220.26). She-goat. Ciccika - (164.3). A bird, also called Bherunda x Rxwi A wild-bird. Cirikaka One who steals salt is born as cirikaka (217.108) Cucchundara A greedy brahmin is born as a x cucchundara and lives for 15 years (217.97).

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1307 Ciccika - (164.3). A bird, also called Bherunda. A wild bird. Cirikaka One who steals salt is born as Cirikaka "J (217.108). Cucchundara A greedy brahmin is born as a Cucchundara and lives for 15 years (217.97). Dardura (213.96). A frog. - Datyuha - (42.30), (68.15). `A Jallinule, cuculus Melanoleucus. Dhenu Given in dana (216.19). Cow. Dvirepha - (36.108). A large black bee. Gaja (47.7), (47.24), given in dana (44.6),(65.68) People were experts in elephant-fights (44.20), used for travell -ing purposes (50.20), (54.6), (54.14); (215.14), used as a vehicle (216.37), (214.57). An elephant. Gardabha - (13.113), (186.11). After being an insect, a brahmin is born as a donkey and lives for five years (217.41). A son with whom the parents are irritated is first born as a donkey and lives for 14 months (217,51). Garuda It does not eat Pannaga (185.51). of the feathered race, enemy of the serpent-race. An ass. Chief

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1308 Oto The Prosperity of cows (184.50), the milk of cows Was a desired Should be offerred to object. pitrs for 10 months (220.27), (47.55,77), (49.35), given in dana (67.40), (106.19), (110.54, 55, 63), (29.37) (65.32), (83.26); (91.4, 9, 10, 11), (216.10) a dhe (111.47), prohibited in snaha (220.171), Its urine is used for expiation (220.201). Godha (213.95), prohibited in Israddha (220.190) a sinew; an Igyana (either the gosamp or an alligator). One who Govrsabha (4.9). A bull. Grdhra - (214.57), (214.122), (215.132). intercourses with another's wife becomes a Grdhra (217.66). } Hamsa (36.102, 121), (41,49), (42.30), (43.61), (44.74), (68,15), (178.42), (214.43), (216.18, 43), one who steals Dukila is born as a Hamsa. (217.93) Prohibited in sraddna (220.190). A goose, gander, swan, flamingo or other acquatic bird, considered as a bird of passage. I Harita - (41.46), (42.22), (44.65), (178.38), one who steals Kansya is born as a harita (217,90). The Haritala Pigeon.

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1309 Hastin- (43.29), (44.42), given in dana (44.7), (47.12); (49.35), (214.45), (216.45). · An elephant. Haya (487) released in Rajasuya saerifice (78.32, 38), used as a vehicle (108.33, 36, 41). A horse. Jakakukkuta - (41.48), (43.62), (178.41). A water-foul. Jarapada (43.62). A frog-king. Jalavala - (40.62). A water snake; a marine monster. Jambuka (214.95, 121), After the life of } akukkuta, a brahmin is born as a Jambuka and lives for 5 years, (217.42). Prohibited in sraddha one who eats it goes to the Raurava hell and one who offers it to the pitrrs makes them fall from heaven (220.93) A Jackal. Jhasana Makara gets the highest place among the Jhasanas (69.34). The fish eater the Gangetic porpoise. Jiva Prohibited in sraddha (220.173).

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Jivamiivaka - (41.46), (42.22), (44.65), 1310 (68.16), (178.38), one who steals * redclothes is born as Jivanjivaka (217.96). The Greek Partridge, a mythical bird with two heads. Kacchapa After the life of a sarika a son with whom his parents are engaged, is born as a Kacchapa and lives for thirteen years (217-54). turtle, a tortoise. Kaka A (53.3), (184.49, 54), (215.132), one who steals the meat of a matsya is born as a kaka (217-107), one who steals ghee is born as a Kaka (217.107), A Crow. Kaki (184.49). A che. she-crow. Kakola (44.65), (217.87). A boar, a snake (214.95). or goose. Kalagrdhra Kalahamsa (36.88) A species of Hamsa bird Kalavinika - (41.45), (42.22), (43.57), (44.65), (178.38), Prohibited in sraddha (220.192) Sparrow.

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1311 far fra (214.85), one who intercourses with another's wife becomes a Karika (217.64). A heron Kantaka - (214.121). Makara, the marine monster. A horse. Kapila (40.55). Dalvergia sissoo. Kapila Given in dina (65.60). Cow Kapota • (40.55), (43.67), (125.2), one who steals a silver vessel is born as a Knpota (217-91). A dove, a Pigeon. Kapotaka (44-65), (80-25). A Pigeon. Kanotaki (80.85) A female Pigeon. Karandava (36.102), (41-49), (42-30),(168.15), A sort of duck. Karenu (47.24). An elephant. Pterospermum Accrifolium Karina (47.71). in clephant. Markata (44.47). A crab Kekara - (214.62).

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} 1312 Khadyota (214.62). A fire-fly. Khanjarita ' (43.57). The Wag_tail. Khara (186.2, 10), (213.97), (214.56). If a chaturvedi brahmin is deteriorated thrrough moha, he is first born as a Khara (217.37). After being a ར་ Kravya, a Pupil who had badly behaved with a teacher, is born as a Khara (217.44), (217.52), one who kills asman without weapons is born as a khara and lives for two years (217.100, 101). Kita (215.13). After the life of a chaga, one is born as a Kita (217-61). After broming an ant, one who intercourses with the wife of a friend, a teacher or a king becomes a Kita (217.69). A worm, sweet. Kokita - (36.117), (41.45), (42.22), (44.64) (178.38). (178.51). Indian Cuekoo. Kovasti (36.103), (42.30). A small white crane, commonly called a Paddy bird. Kowasthika (68.15). Krakaca (214.85, 86). A Lizard.

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Kravva After the life of a dog, a pupil who has behaved badly with a teacher, is born as a Kravya (217.44). A carnivorous animal. Kraunca • (213.96). 1313 One who does not respect an elder brother is born as a Kraunca and lives for alder ten years. (217.76) one who steals Karpasika is born as a Kraunca (217.94). A kind of curlew. Krmi - (49.35). One who takes back the land given in dana is born as an insect in the dung for 60,000 years (155.7). A brahmin who has fallen from his state is horn as a Krmi (217.40. A pupil who wants to have an intrcourse with the teacher's wife is born as a Krmi (217.46,47). One who intercourses with the wife of a friend, a teacher and a king becomes a Krmi and lives for fourteen months. (217.70). A man who after giving his daughter to one, gives him to another gets the birth of a Krmi and lives for 13 years (217-70). A studra who approaches a brahmin maiden gets the birth of a Krmi (217.77), (217.83,84). one who steals a golden vessel is born as Krmi (217.91). Krostu (213.95). A Jaekal. Krsnacchaga " (47.76). Black goat. Krsnasaramaga (44.72), (47.76). Black antelope.

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1314 Kumbhira After being a donkey, a son who does not respect the parents, becomes a Kumbhira (217.50, A crocodile of the ganges, long-nosed alligator. Kumbholoka One who steals sweet-meats is born as a Kumbholuka (217.89). Kunjara Kukkuta - (214.46), (216.13, 46). An elephant One who keeps it goes to Krmipuya hell (22.20), (213.93). After a sukara, a brahmin is born as a Kikkuta or and lives for five years (217.42). one who does not offer oblation to Pitrs and Gods is born as a Kukkuta (217.74). By offering food to Kukkuta, one gets long life (220.151). Prohibited in sraddha (220.191). Wild Cock (Phasianus gallus). Kukkutt 165). A Hen. given to brahmins in 'sra (220. Kurara One who steals a Pattorna is born Prohibited in sraddha (220.191). as a Karara (217-92). Special of Eagle. Osprey. Kurma (42.30), (43.61), (44.47), (213.93), (178.42). After getting many births, one is born as Kurma (217.86). Prohibited in sraddha (220.171,190) A tortoise, turtle.

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1315 (220.186). Lavaka - Its flesh was used in sraddha Lomasa - A man who steals a musical instrument is born as a Lomasa. (217.105). Sheep or other wolly animals. Madgu (42.30), (178.42). One who steals ghee is born as madga (217.107). Prohibited in siddha (220.191). An acquatic bird or cormorant. Madhudamda One who steals curds, Baka, Plava and matsya is born as Madhudams (217.87). Mahusa - (8.2), (44.71), (47.76), (49.35), (54.6), (94.16,17), (213.95), (214.57),58, 86), (215.15, 48). Prohibited in sraddha (220.169). A buffalo. Mahisi - (44.55). A she-ball buffalo. Makara (69.34), (213.96). A kind of seamonster. Maksika (214.14, 87), (215.14). A flog,bee. Mariara One who keeps it goes to Krmipuya hell (22.20), (84.4, 17, 19), (213.94), (214.57) 62,122), prohibited in sraddha (220.192). A cat. Markata - Prohibited in sraddha (220.169).

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Markata A monkey, an ape. Prohibited in sraddha (220.169). Matanga (44.72). 1316 Matsta - (40762), (42.30? (43.61), (44.47), (200.4,5, 7, 10, 16), (217.109). One who steals matsya is born as a madhadansa. (217.87). The meat of matsya should be offered to pitrs for two months (220.24), (220.84). Prohibited for sraddha (220.171, 191). A fish. L Mattura (36.74), (41-45), (43.57), (44.64), (206.6), (213.97), prohibited in sraddha (220.192). Peacock. Mesa (44.32), (213.95), A sheep. Mina - (13.180), (36,103), (217.59, 600. One who kills another unable to defend himself is born as a mina and lives for four months (217.102). A fish. ༈་ Mrga Its flesh was eaten in spraddha (7.49) (8.2), (49.35), (154.6, 14), (69.34), (108.20), (217.60) A man who kills another unable to depend himself is born as a mrga (207.101, 102). The Kasturi of mrga should not be used in sraddha (220.171, 74). An animal, a deer. 1

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1317 Musaka One who serves the enemy of a king is born as a rate and lives for seven years (217.56). One who steals mispava is born as a rat (217.88). A sudra who approaches a brahmin maiden is born as a rat (217.80. A rat. Naga - Elephant (47.17). Serpent (51.15), (70.4-12, 16-17, 30-31). Nakra or -ka (43.61), (44.47), (213.95), Crocodile, alligator. Nakula Prohibited in sraddha (220.192). Nandi (91.4). A bull. Nartaka One who steals Kosakara is born as a nartaka (217.92). An elephant bird. Nirasthi Prohibited in sraddha (220.191). Pannaga - (185.51). A anake. paravata (43.57). A Pigeon. Pipilika me (45.36). One who intercourses with the wife of a friend, teacher or a king is born as a Pipilika and lives for three months (217.69). An ant.

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1318 One who steals fruits, or roots or pupa is born as an ant (217.88). 1.16 Plana - (42.30). An acquite bird. Privaputra (41.45), (42.23), (43.56), (68.16), (178.39). A kind of bird. Pamskokila - (21.11), (36.116), (45.15), (178.50). One who intercourses with a brother's wife becomes a pumiskokila (217.67). A male Cuckoo. Puttika - A type of bird (170.35). Prohibited in straddha (220.171). A white ant or termit. Rajahamisa (41.15). Royal swan. (220.186). Rajiva Its meat should be used in 'sraddha Raktasiva It's meat is used in sraddha (220.196) Rasabha (187.1). A monkey. Rksa (16.33), (214.56, 121), Prohibited in sraddha (220.193). A bear an age. l Rohita Its meat should not be used in sraddha (220.187, 190). A red. A red deer

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1319 Risabha (214.86). Ruru Its meat should be offered to pitrs for nine months (220.26), Species of antelope. Sakhamrga (44.71), (54.6, 74). A monkey Sakragofa - (214.62). Small inseek, also called Indragofa. 1 Sakuna Its meat should be offered to pitrs for five months (220.25). A large bird of good or bad omen, pondicherry eagle, vulture. Salka Its meat is used in sraddha (220.186) Fish-scale. Salkahina Salyaka yaka. mouse, a scaly fish. Prohibited in sraddha (220.191). } (217.54). A porcupine, a shrewSalhaki -(213.95) Saragha - (217.57). Pongamia glabra A bee. Sarasa - (36.81), (42.30), (43.61), (216.39, 42). Indian Crane. Sardala (4.9), (44.72). A tiger, dion, a panther, a leopard, the fabulous animal sarabha

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1320 Sarika (44.64). One who irritates the parents is born as a sa (217.63). In the sorias of births, after the birth of a cat, one becomes a sariko (217.56). Abird turdus salica. Sarngaka An envicus man is born as a sarngaka (217.59). One who eals it goes to raurava hell and one who offers it to pitys maken them foll from hervan (220.192). (kind of bird. Sarna (223.74). Serpent. (44.47), (214.57, 121), (215.14), The brahmins to its meat in sraddha (7.50), (54.14), (213.93), One who steala a sja uma cloth is born as a sagn (217.95). Its meat should be offered to Pitrs for four months (220.25). A hare. Basaka - Used in sraddha (220-185). A small hare. Jatapatre (41.45), (42.22), (178.38). Precock, Indian crane parrot. Sikni (36.71), (213.94). A peacock. Linha (44.71), (54.6, 14), (80.19), (214.41, 121), (215.13, 41). A lion.

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1321 Simsumara - (44.47). A porpoise, Delphinus Gangeticas. Siva Its meat is used in sraddha (220.196) M A female Jackal. Sreala - (214.57). One who intercourses with another's wife becomes a srgala (217.66). A Jackal. Srmara - (54.14). A young deer Bos Grunniens, an animal frequenting damp place.. Suct - (214.87).: Suka + (41.45), (42.22), (43.57), (44.64), (178.38). One who steals cloth is born as a parrot (217.93). A parrot. Sukara = After being a donkey, a brahmin is born as a sukara and lines for five years (217.41), (214.87). After becoming a rat, a stealer of born becomes a sukara and dies through a disease (217.63). One who intercourses with the wife of a teacher, or a friend or a king, is born as a sakara (217.68, 69). sudra After becoming a Krmi, a sukara who has approached a brahmani becomes a sukara and dies of a disease. (217.78) + 3

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1322 The met of sukara should be offered to pitre for six months (220.25). Its meat should not be used in sriddha (22.171), (220.100). Surabhi (91.4). It is considered to be very holy to see a coile it is in the proces 0 of giving birth (87.26). & Cow. Svan Its flesh was esten (93.10, 12, 13, a 18, 19). after the life of Jeabuka, a brahmin is born as a dog and lives for one year (217.41). A popil who has even a mentel desire to have sexuel interc urge with his teacher's wife is born as a dog and lives for three yerra (217.46). After being a rot, ono who serves the enemy of a king is born as a dog and lives for six months (217.56). After being a sukara, 'om stealer of corn becomes a dumb dog and lives for five years (217.65, 66). A kara who approaches a brahmin maiden is born as a dog. (217.70), (214.85), (214,122) A pupil who behaves badly with a teacher is born first as a dog (217.44). avapada After being a mins, a man who kills another unable to defend himself is born as a svapada and lives for 16 years. (217.103).

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1323 Svena - (43.58), (93.14,15), (214.57), F prohibited in sraddha (220.197). A hawk, falcon, eagle, any bird of prey. Tailapavi - (Jantu )+ One who steals oil is born as TallapayI (217.99). A type of bird. ridge. (220.193). Taittira Used in sraddha (220.185). A part- Taraksa - Prohibited Hyena in sraddha. A Hyena Timi - It resides in water (13.180). A kind of whole or fabulous fish. Tittibha Prohibited in sraddha (220.193). A kind of bird. Tittira One who steals milk is born as an a Tittira (217.89).` A Partridge. Turaga Given in dowry (111.47). Horse. Uccaihsravas - (69.21). (69.21). Horse of Indra. Jbuka (125.6), (213.93), (214.57), (214.62), Prohibited in sraddha (220.192). Owb.

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1324 Urabhra Its meat should be offered. to pites for 11 months (220.27). A ram, sheep. Uraga (13.183). Snake. Ustra • (49.35), (213.94), (214.56), (215.15) 77 1 are camel. Its milk and other productend/prohibited, in the staddha (220.159). Vadhrina - Its meat should be offered to pitrs (220.28). A kind of goat or bull or bird; Used in sraddha (220.186). } Veintega -(69.16) Name of Garuda. Vaii Onstituted the army (111.29), used in saerifice (83.16), A forest abounded in them St (108.7). A hourse. Vajrabita (14-121). A kind of insect which bores holes in wood and stones. Vanara - (157.16), (214.56), One who serves the enemy of a king becomes a monkey for 10 years (217,55, 56). A monkey. Varaha - Its ment was eaten (8.2), (44.71) (54-6), (54.14), (213.94), (214.58). Pig, wild boar, hog, a ram. 28

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1325 Varana - A forest abounded in them (108.7) constituted the army (111.29). An elephant. Vartika - Its meat is used in sraddha (220.185) A kind of bird of a kind of quail. Vasahata One who eats its meat goes to • hell and one who offers it to pitrs makes them fall from heaven (220.191). Vasuki (69.32). A serpent. Vayasa - (103.5). One who does not offer oblation to gods and pitrs is born as a crow and lives for 100 years (217.74) one who steals, water is born as Vayasa (217-90). By giving food to a crow, one gets long life (220.151). A crow. Vetala (214.58). A cat.. Vrka (213.96). (214.56), (214.85, 121), - (215.13), One who intercourses with another's wife becomes a vrka (217.66). A wolf, a dog, a Jackal, A crow. Vrsa (214.56), (215.15). If one release a blue bull in the memory of pitrs, it gives great fruits (220.33). A bull.

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} Vrsabha - (40.81), (91.5, 8, 9). The custom of worshipping it was in vogue (18.7,59), (207.35). A bull. Vrscika (214.56), (214.121), (215.129), Vyaghra (54.6), (214,41), 56, 85, 121), (215. 13, 15). Prohibited in sraddha (220.193). A tiger. (108.3). Vyalacka) - (80-76). A forest abounded in them After being a kaeshapa, a son who irritates the parents is born as a vyalla and lives for six months (217.54). One who intercourses with another's wife becomes a viala (217.66). After being a Kakkuta, one who does not offer oblation to gods and pitrs is born as a vyalaka. (217.75). A snake. I+ 1326

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SECTION II PLANT KINGDOM Abia Nelumbium Speciosam. It was used as a symbot in banner (192.2) Agastva Sesbania grandiflora. It grows in 1327 the gardens and temples of Avanti (43.51) and Purusottamaksetra (99.58), (45.13). Agu(a) ru Used an an offering todeity (29.51). Used in the marriage ceremony (36.101), grows in the utkalaksetra (42.18), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.62), used in Purusottama (66.24), (66.22), given in dana (216.33) and straddha (220.166, 167). Aquilaria Agallocha. Worship Aksata Used for domestic ritual (184.28). Atabu Vurgaris. Prohibited in Sraddha (220.197) Lagenaria Amalaka Grows in Utkalaksetra (42.19), Purusottamaksetra (44.60), (45.10) on the banks of the river Gomati (178,330 Emblic Myrobalan. Ambavetasa Grows on the river Gomati (178.33) Rumex Vesicarius

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Amra Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.4), Konarka (28-15), Purusottamaksetra (45.10), on the river Gomati (178.32), offered to Pitrs (220.156). Mangifer Indica. Amrataka Grows in the Purusottamaksetra 1328 (51.34) (44.56) Konakka (28.15), Utkala (42.18) Avanti (43.49), on the river Gomati (178.32), given in sraddha (220.156, 181). Spondias Mangifera. Arikola Grows in the utkalaksetra (42.85) Alangium lenmarkii.. Aranala Prohibited in sraddha (220.177) Sour gruel made from the fermentation of boiled rice. " Arangaketaka Given to Brahmins in sraddha (220.163). in' Ardranka - Prescribed for raddan (220.180).. Ginger/its undried state. Arimeda Grows on the river Gomati (178.33) Vachellia Farnesiana. Arjuna Grows in the Naimisarnya (1.6), Himalaya (36.101, 120), Ekamrakaksetra (41.41), Utkadaksetra (42.15), (44.57), Purusottamaksetra (5.35),

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on the river Gomati (178.38), Visnuloka (58.7) Terminelia. 1329 Arjunaphala Arka Prohibited in Sraddha (220.170) Used in Siva Worship (41.63), (103.5) Melia Azadirachta. Arkapatra Used in Sun worship (28-25). Asatika Offered to Pitre (220.155). Asoka Used in the decoration of the hermitage (26.5), (28.12) favoured by lord siva (35.4) (23.27), (36.97-99), grows in Himalaya (36.101) Elamrakaksetra (91.39), Utkalaksetra (42.15), Avanti (43.48), Purshottamaksetra (44.57), (45.9), (51.39) on the river Gomati (178.35), saraca Indica, Asvakarana - Asvarkarna grows in the utkalaksetra (42.17) Vatika Robusta. Asvattha - Grows in the Naimisaranya (I-5) Konarka (28-15), Utkalaksetra (42.19) Ficus Religiosa Avanti (43.19) Purusottamaksetra (44.58), (51.35). (69.24), (103.5). (50-51). Atasi One who steals atasl is born as a rat Linum Usitatissimum. ly Atasipuspa - (50-51), (178-123).

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1330 Atimukta Grows in Konarka (28.13), Ekamraka -ksetra (91.43), Utkalaksetra (42.26), Avanti (43.52), Purusottamaksetra (44.68), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.164), Ougenia Dalbergiodes. Atrusa given in sraddha (220.162). Badara Grows in Avanti (43.54), Purusottamaksetra (44.59), (51.35), given in sraddha (220.157). Zizyphus Jasuba. Bahupatraka Grown in the Purusottamaksetra (44.56). Prohibited in sraddha (220.170). Aloe Perfoliata. Bahuvaraka Grown in Avanti (43.54), Purusottamaksetra (44.66), (44.59). Cordia Myxa. Bakula Grows in the naimisaranya (1.5), Ekamrakaksetra (41.39), Utkalaksetra (42.15), Avanti (43.44-51), Purusottamaksetra (44.56), (45.11), (51.53), on the river Gomati (178.35), (25.5), (28.12), (36.123), Mimusops Elengi. Balaka Grows in Himalaya (36.72), (36.103). Prohibited in sraddha (220.176). Bana Grows in Konarka (28.12, 13), Purusottamaksetra (49.68), (45.13), Prescribed in sraddha (220.162), Saccharum sara.

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1331 Barbari Prescribed in sraddha (220.162). A particular fragrant plant, Unjuis odoratus. Bhallata Grows in Avanti (43.49). Purusottamaksetra (44.66). Seme carpus Anacardium. Bhallataka Grows on the river Gomati (178.34). The Acasoy or cashew nut. Bharadvaja Prohibited in sraddha (221.92). The wild cotton shrub. Bhunmba Prohibited in sraddha (220.179). Gentiana Chirata. Bhurja Grows in the Utkalaksetra (42.17). Betula Utilis. Bijapuraka Grows in Utkalaksetra (42.25), Avanti (43.52), Purusottamaksetra (44.56), on the river Gomati (178.32), offered to pitys (220.156). Citran tree. Bilna Used in Siva-worship (41.62). Grows in Utkalaksetra (42.16), Avanti (43.48), Purusottamaksetra (44.58), (45.10), (51.36), on the river Gomati (178.32), offered to pitrs (220.156). Aegle marmelos.

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1332 Campaka Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.6), Himalaya (36.116), Elamraltaksetra (41.38), Utkala (42.16), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.57), (51.33), used in the decoration of the Hermitage- (26.6), (28.12), Michelia Chamaka. (217.62) Cana - A man who steals it is born as a rato Canaka Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.9) Used in the saerific (47.25), offered to pitrs (220.54), Prohibited in sraddha (220.168) The Chick-pea. Canapatrika The shrab Rudenti. prohibited in sraddha (220.173) Canadana Grows in the Naimisaranya (1-5), Konarka (28.15), Himalaya (36.116), Utkalaksetra (42.18) Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.62), (51.34). used in sacrifice (29.42), Siva-worship (41.62), Nrsimha -worship (58-25), Purusottama-worship (61.22), given in sraddha (220.160, 167). Sirium Myrtifolium. (29-50). Caturastra - Used us an offering to the deity Cinaka Used in the Naimisaranya (1.10).' Panicum miliaceum.

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Cukra Prohibited in Sruddha (220.173, 196) Vinegar made by acetous fermentation. Chkrika - Prohibited in sraddha (220.183). Oxalis corniculate. Cuta Grows in Himalaya (36.97), Ekamrkkaksetra (41.39), Utkalaksetra (42.16), Avanti (43.48). The mango tree. Dadima - Grows in utkalksetra (42.25), 1333 Purusottamaksetra (44.57) (45.11) on the river Gomati (178.32), given in sraddha (220.156, 180) The Pomegranate tree. shil Darbha Used in san working (28.24) Eragrostis cynosurodies used for idol preparation. Darujata (48.10). Daruka Grows in the pursusottama Ksetra (45.11) Devadari Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.4), Konarka (28.14), Ekamrakaksetra (41.44) Utkalaksetra (42.17), Avanti (43.49), Purusottam Setra (51.34), on the river Gomati (178.36), used in decorations (26.4) offered to decties (29.15), Cedras Deodara. Dhatuka Grows in the Purusottamaksetra,

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1334 Dhava Grows in Naimisaranya ( (I.4), Konarka (28.12), Ekamrakaksetra (41.39, 40), Utkalaksetra (42.17), Avanti (43.48), Purusottamaksetra (45.10), used for the decoration of the hermitage (26.4). ssus Latifolia. AnogeiDhavabana Grows in Konarka (28.13). Dhupa Used as offering (29.51), used in Purusottama-worship (66.24). Draksa Given in sraddha (220.157). Vitis Vinifera. Gandhasukara Prohibited in braddha (220.173). Godhuma - Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.9), used in the sacrifice (47.26), a man was steals it becomes a rat (217.62), offered to pitra (220.174). Granthiparni Given in sraddha (220.176). Taxus Vaccata Grnjana Prohibited in sraddha (220.173,196). Guggula in the Purusottamaksetra Useful for worship (29.49). Grows (44.62), (66.24). Comiphora Mukul.

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1335 Vegetable. Halabhrtya - Prohibited in sraddha (220.176). Haritaka Grows in Avanti (43.51), Purusottama- ksetra (44.61). Chebulic Myrobalan or Terminalia Chebula. Haritaki - Grows on the river Gomati (178.34). Hirigula - (53.3). On morphophallus campanulatus. Hintala - Grows in Ekamrakaksetra (41.41), Utakalaksetra (42.45), Avanti (43.52), Purusottamaksetra (44.60), (51.35). Elate Paludosa. Iksu Grows in the Naimisaranya, sugarcane (1.9). Sacharum officinale. Indivara - (36.81), (36.81), (46.17). Grows on the river Gomati (178.36), given to brahmins in sraddha Nymphora stellata or cyanea. (220.165). Indraphala (68.8). Inguda Grows in the river Gomati, the medicinal tree, terminalia catappa. Ingudi - Grows in the Purusottamaksetra (44.58). Balanites Roxburghii.

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1336 Jambira - Grows in the Utkalaksetra (42.25), Avanti (43.51), Purusottamaksetra (44.62), prohibited in sraddha (221.170), (220.195). Jambu Grows in Naimisaranya (1.4), Gandhamadana mountain (18.23), Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Avanti (43.50), (54.2), Eujenia Jambolana. Jambuka Grows in the Purusottamaksetra 44.58). Jasminum suricalatum. (68.10). Jati - (36.86), used in Nrsimha worship (53.25), Jasminum grandiflorum . (220.162). Jaticampaka Given to brahmins in sraddha Jatipatraka Given to brahmins in sraddha (220.165). Javasa A type of grass (44.31). Jiva Grows on the river Gomati (178.32). Jivaka - Used in sraddha (221.81). Kadali - (36.86), Grows in the Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Utkalaksetra (42.25), Avanti (43.53), Purusottamaksetra (44.68), (45.15), (46.15), (50.34),Gomati (178.9), Musa Sapientum.

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1337 Kadalikhanzda - (13.184). Kadamba Grows on the mandaracala mountain (18.23), (28.14), (32.47), Himalaya (36.100), (120.1210, Ekimrakaksetra (41.39), (39.48), Utkalkjetra (42.16, 29), Avanti (43.48), 62), Purusottamaksetra (44.55, 79), (45.10) on the river Gomati (178.41), Vrndavana (185.10), (198, 4, 6) Anthocephalus Cadamba. Kahlara Grows in the utkalaksetra (42.29), Pursottamksetra (43.99), (44.75), on the river Gomati (178.41) given to brahmins in sraddha (220.165). Kakola Prohibited in sraddha (220.170) aubeba officinalis. Kalava One who steals it is born as a rat (217.62), Lathyrus sativam. Kalasaka Given in sraddha (221.62), (220.161) The potherb ocimum sanctum Kaleve - Grows in Avanti (43.51), A wellow fragrant wood. Kalevaka - Prohibited in sraddha (221.172,) Berberic asiatica. Kalingottha 1 Prohibited in Sraddha (220.182) The seed of wrighthia antidysentaria.

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1338 Kalpadruma Grows in the Purusottamaksetra (44.63), (60.14), (68.9). Kamala - (36.110), used in Siva-worship (41.63), (110.50), Utkalaksetra (42.29), Purusottamaksetra (44.75), (95.43), (53.3), on the river Gomati (178.41), given to brahmins in sraddha (221.74). Kambukapadmaka Kancana Kancanara Prohibited in sraddha (220.156). Grows in the Purusottamakset (44.68). Grows in Avanti (43.51). Bakhinia Variegata. Kanda Grows on the river Gomati (178.7). The bulbous root of Amorphophallus campanulatus. Kandali Grows in Himalaya. Kankala Grows in Avanti (43.52), Purusottamaksetra Saraca Indica A kind of Asoka. A kind of plant (44.60), (68.10). Kapittha Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.4), its seed is covered from all the sides (23.22), grows in Konarka (28.16), Himalaya (36.100), Utkalaksetra (62.15), Ekamrakaksetra (44.57), (68.9), Feronia Elephantum. i

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1339 Karandava Grows in Avanti (43.61), Purusottamaks ra - (44.74), on the river Gomati (178.42) Karanja Grows in the Purusottama ksetra (44.60), (51.36). The tree Fongamia Giabra (used medicinary) Karanjaka Grows in Avanti (43.54). Pongamia Giabra; Verbegina Scandens. Karavira Grows in the Ekamrukakstra (41.43), Utkalaksetra (42.24), used for decoration (26.5), grows in Konjarka (28-12), Avanti (43,58), Purusottamaksitra (48.68) on the river Gomati (178.64) Nerium Odborum. Karkandha Given in straddha (220.157) Zizyphus Jujuba. Karna Grows in the Purusottamaksitra (45.11). Cassia Fistula. Karnika (18.15) A kind of colocynth. Karnikara Grows in the Naiminaranya (1.4), used for decoration (26.4), grows in Konarka (28.12) used for sun-worship (28.29), Grows in Himalaya (36.101,711) used for Siva-worship (40.72), grows in the Ekamrakaksetra (41.38), Utkalaksitra (42.16), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksltra (44.57,59), (45.8), (51.34), (68.7) Pterospermum aceriborium.

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1340 Karpura Used in deity-worship (29.51), Narsimha-worship (58-25), Purusottama-worship (67.22), (68.10), given in dana (216.33), Cinnamon Camphora. Karuna Grows in the utkalakstra (42.25), Avanti (43.53), Purusottamakshtra (44.62), Citrus Decumana. Karuvaraka Given in Sradaha (220-158) Kasmania Grows in Avanti (43.49), Purusottamakstra (44.61), Gmelina Arborea. Kasigaka Prohibited in Sraddha (220.178) Kesara One who sees it goes in tuptalokahell (22.11), used in Sun-worship (28.23), (36.121) Mimusops elengii. Ketaki Grows in Konarka (28.14), Ekamrakaksetra (51.43) Uttalaksetra (42.24), Avanti (43.52), PurusottamksOtra (44.67), (51,33), on the river Gomati (178.35,107). Pandanus odoratisimus. Khadira Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.4), used in decoration (26.4), grows in Ekamrakaksetra) (51.40), Uttalaksetra (12.17), Avanti 43.48), Purusottamaksetra) (44.58), (45.10), (51.35), (68.7) Acacia Catechue. Kharjara Grows in Utkalaksitra (42.18), e Avanti (43.51), Purusottamkstra (44.56), (68.8) given in Sraddha (220.157) Phoerux Sylvestris. }

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1341 Kimsuka Grows in Himalaya (36.114), Ekamrekeksetra (41.43), Utkalaksitre (42.18) on the river Gomati (178.34) The tree Butea Frondosa. Kinjalka - (53.2) The flower of Mesav Ferrea. Prohibited in Sraddha (220.172) Kirate The plant Agathotes Chirayte. Prohibited in Sredaha (220.168, 196) Kodrava Paspalum Sorobicutalium. Kokanada Given to brahmins in Sraddha : (220.165). The flower of the red water-lily. Kokilaksa - Prohibited in Braddha (220.196) A plant bearing a dark black flower capparis spinosa or Asteracantha longifolia or Barleria Longifolia 5Kola Grows in the Purusottamaks@tra (45.11), on the river Gomati (178.33) - The jujuba tree. Koradusaka Paspalum Scrobiculatum. Prohibited in Sraddha (220.168) Kovidara Grows in the Himalaya (36.101), Ekamrakaks@tre (41.41), Utkalaksetra (42.60), Avanti (43.54), Purusottamaksitra (44.60), on the river Comati (178.36), Prohibited in Sraddha (220.78) Bauhinia Variegata.

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1342 Kubjaka Grows in Konarka (28.13), Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Utkalaksatra (42.24), Avanti (43.52), Purusottamaksitra (44.68), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.163). Trapa bispinosa. Kulatthaka Used in salice (46.26) A kind of Dolichos. Kullktha A man who steals it is born as a rat (217,62) Dolichos biflorus Kumari prohibited in Sraddha (220.172) the Plant Jasminum Sambac. Kumbtu kostha (44.67 Kumuda Grows in Himalaya (36.72), Ekamrakaksitra (41.48), Utkalaksltra (42.28) Avanti (43.59), Purusottamksltra (44.75), (53.2), 68.13), on the river Gomati (178.40) given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.164). The esculent white water lily Nymphea Esculenta. Kunda Grows in konarka (28-13), Ekamrakaksitra (41.43), Furusottamaksetra (44:67), (45.13), (68.6), (192.36), Jasminum arborescens. Kundabana Grows in the Utkalaksitra (42.24), Avanti (43.53) • Kurabaka (36.122), Barleria, Ciliata. Kuruntaka - Grows in the Purusottamaksetra (45.13). A yellow kind of Berlaria.

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1343 Kusla - (20.45), Grows on the river Gomati (178.7), Poa cynosuroides. Kustumbura The plant coriander. Prohibited in Sraddha (220,180) Kusumbhasaka Prohibited in Sraddha (220.195), Carthamustinctorius. Kataja Grows in the Purusottamaks£tra (44.68), (45.13), Wrightia antidysenterica. grain.. Kustha Given in Sraddha (220.165), Saussurea Lappa. Laja used for worship (47.6) Fried or parched Laksa A brahmin who sells it goes in the Q Krmipuya hell (22.19) A kind of red dye, lac obtained from the Cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree. Lakula - Grows in konarka (28.14), Ekamrakaksitra (41.41), Utkalaksatra (42.16), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (51.36), (68.8), on the river Gomati (178.33), prohibited in Sraddha (220.176), Artocarpuslakucha. Lasuna la Prohibited in Sraddha (220.174), Garlic, one of the ten kinds of onions. Lavanga Grows in Himalaya (36.101), (68.10) The clove tree.

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1344 Lodhra Grows in Utkalaksitra (42.17), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaks@tra (44.56), (45.11), (68.9), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.162). Symplocos racemosa, Ekamrakaksetra (41.41). Lomaka + Grows in the river Gomati (178.37) Lomasa Prohibited in Sraddha (220.176). Various Plants like Nardostachys Jatamansi or Leca Hirata or Carpopogon Pruriens. Lopa Prohibited in Sraddha (220.192) Lordhra Grows in the Ekamrakaks Ptra (41.41), Symplocos Racemosa Madhu Grows in Avanti (43.51), Purusottamaksitra (44.61), Bassin Latifolia. Magad Prohibited in Sraddha (220.180) Jasminum Auriculatum. Malati Grows in Konarka (28.13), Himalaya (36.107), Utkalaksetra (42.24), Purusottamaksitra (44.68), (45.13), (68.6), Jasminum Grandiflorum. Malli Arabian Jasmine. Grows in the Purusottamaksatra (45.13) Maluka Grows in the Purusottamaksitra (45.13) Arabian Jasmine.

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1345 Maluka Grows in Konarka (28.13), Avanti (42.53), Purusottamaks latra (44.67), used in Purusottama worship (66.23), (68.6), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.162). Jasminum sambal. Manakanda - Prohibited in Sraddha (220.174), Arum Indicum Sambal. Mandasa Grows in Ekamrakaksetra (45.18), Avanti (43.50), Furusottamaksetra (45.13), (68.6), on the river Gomati (178.36), Erythrimum indica. Masa Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.9), used in Sacrifice (47.25), a man who steals it is born as a rat (217.62), offered to Pitrs (220.154), Phaseolus radiatus. Masura Used in Sacrifice (46.26), Prohibited in Sraddha (220.168, 196) A sort of lentil or purse. Matulunga Grows in the Utkalaksetra (42.25), Avanti (42.53), Citrus decumana. Medhyacorn Grows in Naimisaranya (1.9), used in Siva-worship (41.63), Acacia Catecha or Saccharum Munja. A Marga Flower, given to brahmin in Sraddha (220.163) Mucakunda Grows in Konarka (28.15), Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Utkalaksetra (42.18), Avanti (43.52), Pterospermum Glabrescence.

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Mudga Corn: Grows in the Naimisaranya 1346 (1.9), a man who steals it is born as a rat (217.62), offered to Pitrs (220.154). Pnaseolus trilobus. Mula - used as an offering to deity (29.54). Grows on Gomati (178.7). A radish or the root of various other plants especially of Arum campanulatam of long peeper of costur speciosus or Arabicus. Mulaka Given in Sraddha (220.161) Mrnaladanda Growing in lakes (36.108). A fibre attached to the State of water-lily.. Nagakesara Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.5), Konarka (28.12), Ekamrakaksitra (41.38), Utkalaksetra (42.16), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.45), (51.34); (68.6), Mesua Ferrea. ma Nagara Fruit Prohibited in Sraddha (220.180) of Cyperus pertenuis. Nagesvara: Grows on Himalaya (36.101). A kind of plant. Nalika Tree: given to brahmin in Sraddha (220.166) Nalika Vegetable or plant : Prohibited in Sraddha (220.173). - A lotus flower.

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1347 Narikela Grows in the Naimisaranya (1.6), Himalaya (36.101), Ekamrakaksetra (41.40), Utkalaksetra (42.15), Purusottamaksetra (44.55), (51.33), given in Sraddha (220.156). Coco nucifera. Narikera Grows in Konarka (28.16), Avanti (43.47); (68.9) on the river Gomati (178.32) Naranga - Grows in the Utkalaksetra (42.17), Avanti (43.47), Purusottamaksetra (44.56), (68.8), given in Sraddha (220.157). The orange tree. Naringa Grows in Purusottamaksatra (45.11) The orange tree. Nicula Grows on the river Gomati (178:37). Barringtonia acutangula. Nikama Grows in abundunce in Himalaya (36.116) Nilambhoja (36.88).. Nilamburuha Grows in Himalaya (36.108) Grows in Ekamrokaksetra (41.48), Nilotpala Utkalaksetra (42.28); (51.14), (53.27), (68.14); (68.31); on the river Gomati (178.40). Nymphacacyanea. Nelakapittha Given in Sraddha (220.157). A kind of Mango.

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Nimva Grows in Ekamrakaksetra (41.39), Utklaksetra (42.19), Purusottamaksetra (44.59), (44.61), (68.9). Azadirachta Indica. 1348 Nimbaka d Grows in the Purusottamaksetra (45.11). Nimbarajika Prohibited in Sraddha (220.179) Nipa Grows in Himalaya (36.100), Utkalaksetra (42.19), Purusottamaksetra (44.59), (45.10), (68.10), on the river Gomati (178.33); Nauclea Cadamba, Ixora Bandhucca or a species of Asoka. Grows in Ekamrakaksetra (41.40) Nipaka Nivara Used in sacrifice (46.26) offered to pitre (220.155) Nyagrodha Grows in Naimisaranya (1.4), Puskaradvipa (20.87), Himalaya (36.101), Utkalaksletra (42.87), Avanti, (43.49), Purusottamaksetra (45.9), (46.26), (51.32), (51.35), (52.18). on the shore of the southern ocean (45.53) (46.26). It was worshipped (57.13). Fig. tree. Odana.. wave Offered to deities (29.54), given in dana (216.14), Grain mashed and cooked with milk, porridge, boiled rice, any pap or purpy substance. Padma (9.11), used in sun-worship, (28.23, 28.30) (29.25), (32.38), (36.8), Grows in Himalaya (36.103,109,121), Avanti 43:59), used in Purusottama-worship (66.23), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.164), Nelymbium speciosum.

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1349 Padma Candana Prohibited in Sraddha (220.171) Padmakinjalka (46.15) Padmapalasa (45.15) Padmapatra - (32.38), (47.88), (50.43, 51.53) Padmini Grows in Ekamrakaksetra (41.47): Purusottamaksetra (44.74), Nelumbium speciosun) ma Padmatpala - brassoms in Vasanta season (36.94) Falanka _ Prohibited in Sraddha (220.172). Palandu Prohibited in Sraddha (220.174), An Onion. Palasa - (4.109); Grows in Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Avanti (43.49), Purusottamaksetra (44.59), (45.10), used in Nrsimha-worship, (58.33), (103.5); Pannaga, (90.3, 7.17), . (106.19), Panasa - ነ Panasa Grows in Naimisaranya (1.4), used for decoration (28.4), Grows in koonarka (28.14), Ekamrakaksetra, (41.38), Utkalaksetra (42.15), Avanti (43.47), Purusottamaksetra (44.55), (51.36); (68.9) grows in the river Gomati (178.33). The blossom of the tree Butea Frondosa. Pankaja (4.107), (189.14), Newmbium speciosum. Paravata Tree grows on the river Gomati (178.33): Diospyros Embryopteris.

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1350 Parijata Grows in Naimisaranya (1.5), Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Utkalaksetra (42.18), Avanti (43.50), Purusottamaksetra (54.57), (45.10), (51.35) (68.6), on the river Gomati (178.36); (203.28,32, 34, 39, 41, 44, 64, 65, 66, 69) Nyctanthus arbortristis. Patala used in decoration (26.5), grows in Konarka (28.12), Himalaya (36.93,112, 120), Ekmrakaksetra (41.39), Utkalaksetra (42.16), Avanti (43.48), Furusottamaksetra (44.57,62), (45.13), ($1.34); (68.7), on the river Gomati (178.36). A tree bearing the trumpet flower Bignonia Suaveolens. Diocca. Patola Given in Sraddha (220.157), Trichosanthes Pavanti Given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.163), Grows on the river Gomati (178.7) Phanita Fruit Prohibited in Sraddha (220.179) Q The inspissated juice of the sugar cane and other plants. Pinyaka used in Narsimha-worship (58.19); prohibited in Sraddha (220.196), Asa Foetida. Pippala Grows on Vipula mountain (18.23); Ekamrakaksetra (41.41), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.56); (110,71, 80,99) Ficus Religiosa. Pitarjunaka Grows in Avanti (43.49)

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1351 Plaksa Grows in Plaksadvipa (20.18), (4.9,109), Avanti (43.50), Purusottamaksetra (51.36), (54.2), Ficus Tsiela. Plava One who steals Plava is born as Madhudansa (217.87), Ekamrakaksetra (41.49), Avanti (43.62), Purusottamaksetra (44.74), Ficus infectoria. Praumamalaka Grows in the Utkalaksetra (42:17), Avanti (43.50), Purusottamaksetra (44.58) given 1 in Sraddha (220-156). Latifolia. Priyala Given in Sraddha (220.157), Buchanania Phyangu - Grows in Himalaya (36.9), Purusottamaksetra (44.58); (68.7); offered to pitrs (220.155), Panicam Italicum. Pugaphala Grows in Konarka (28.16), Ekamrakaksetra (41.42), Utkalaksetra (42.25), Avanti (43.53). The Arcea Catelha. Pugiphala - (68.11) Pulaka Corn : (170.35), Shrinelled or brighted or empty or bad grain. Pundala Vegetable prohibited in Sraddha (220.175)

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$ 1352 Punnaga (68.7) Grows on the river Gomati (178.35), Purusottamaksetra (51.34), (45.9), (44.55), Avanti (43.47), Utkalaksetra (42.15), Himalaya (36.101), Konarka (28.12), Naimisaranya (1.5), used in decoration (26.4), Calophyllum inophyllum. Pundarika Given to Wrahmins in Sraddha (220.164), grows in Ekamrakaksetra (41.48), Utkalaksetra (42.28), on the river Gomati (178.40) white lotus flower. 1 Purusalva Vegetable M Prohibited in Sraddha (220.175). Rajamasa Prohibited in Sraddha (220.178) Dolichos Catjang. Rajiva- (47.76), Blue lotus flower. Raktabilva Prohibited in Sraddha (220.170) A.V. Used in sun-worship (28.23,24), Raktachandana (29.43), Grows in Purusottamaksetra (44.62), used in Nrsimha worship (58.51), Pterocarpus Santalinus. Raktapuspa Used in sun-worship (28.24), (29.431, Bauhinia Variegata Purpurescens. Raktasoka - (36.85), Red flowering Asoka. Raktotpala -(36.86), (68.14) Bombax Heptaphyllum. Rasala used in Sraddha (220.182). The mango-tree twe

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1353 Aspera. Sailamrd Used in the preparation of idol (48.10) 1 Saka Grows in Sakadvipa (20.64), Tectona grandis. Sakhotaka Grows in Avanti (43.51), Trophis Sakhothaka - Grows in Purusottamaksetra (44.61) Saktuka - used in Nrsimha-worship (58.19) Sala Grows in Naimisaranya (1.6); (4.109) Utkalaksetra (12.15), Konarka (28.14), Himalaya (36.19) Ekamrakaksetra (41.40), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44. 55,56), (45.9) used in decoration 26.4); grows on the river Gomati (178.37) discarded in Sraddha (220.170) Vatica Rowesta. Sali used in sacrifice (47.25) A kind of plant. Salmala (54.2) Silk cotton tree. Salmali - Grows in salomladvipa (20.33), Purusottamaksetra (44.61), (203.56), used in Sraddha (220.181) Bombax Heptaphyllum or Salmalia Mulbarica. ( Samaparna Grows in the Ekamrakaksetra (41.41) Sami (103.5), (136.4), Prosopis spicigera. Samidh - Grows on the river Gomati.. Sena Prohibited in Sraddha (220.196)

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1354 Saptaparna Grows in Konarka (28.15), Naimisarapya (1.5), Himalaya (36.101), Utkalaksetra (42.19), Avanti (43.47), Purusottamaksetra (44.58). Sarala Grows in Naimisaranya. Alstonia Scholaris (1.4), Konarka (28.15), Himalaya (36.100), Ekamrakoksetra (41.41), Utkalaksetra (42.15), Avanti (43.47), Purusottamaksetra (44.55), (45.9) (51,34); (68.10) used in decoration (26.4), Pinus longifolia Sansa Grows in Himalaya (36.101), Utkalaksetra - (42.17), Purusottamaksetra (44.61), (45.11), Shorea rolwsta. Sarsapa A man who steals it is born as a -" rat (217.62); offered to pitrs (220.154), prohibited in Sraddha (220.174), Mustard. Saspa Corn (184.49), (186.17), Sprouting grass. Sataparna Grows on the river Gomati (178.34) Satapatra - (68.13), grows in Avanti (43.56) Purusottamaksetra (44.75) Satapatra Given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.163) Satupuspa Prohibited in Sraddha (220.173) Sephalika Given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.163) Nyctanthes Arbor tristis) Q Siddha Grows in Utkalaksetra (42.18), (43.49) Purusottamaksetra (44.59). A kind of throrn-apple.

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1355 Siguka Vegetable: Prohibited in Sraddha (220.195) A kind of plant. Simsapa Grows in Utkalaksetra (42.19), Avanti (43.48), Purusottamaksetra (51.35), Dalbergia Latifolia. Negundo. Sindhuvaraka Grows in Avanti (43.53). Vitex Sirsa Grows in Avanti (43.50), on the river Gomati (178.33), Leguminoseac. Sisibhursava Grows in Purusottamaksetra (45.12) Sitapadma used in sun-worship (28.30) white lotus. Sitetara Grows in Avanti (43.48, 59), Dolichos Uniforus. Sobhanjana Grows on Himalaya (36.101), Moringa Pterygosperma. Sriphala (68.9) Aegle Mermelos. Srivasa (tree?) offered to deity (29.50) given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.167). The resin of Pinus longifolia. Subhanjana Grows in the Ekamrakaksetra (41.40) Utkalaksetra (42.19), Avanti (43.47), Purusottamaksetra (44. 59); (68.10), Moringa. Pterygosperma. Sundari - Given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.166), a kind of tree

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1356 Syamaka Used in sacrifice (46.26), offered to pitrs. Hastisyamaka is a variety of Syamaka (220.54, 155) Panicum Frumentetum. Tagara Grows in Konarka (28.12,13), Avanti (43.48), Purusottamaksetra(44.67), (45.11); (68.7), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.163). Valeriana Hardwickli Tala Grows in Naimisaranya (1.6), Konarka (28.16), Himalaya (36.100,101), Ekamrakaksetra) 41.40) Utkalaksetra (42.15), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.56), (45.9), (51.35); (68.9), on the river Gomati (178.37); its colour is golden (13.189), used for decoration (26.4) prohibited in Sraddha (220.170, 197) Borassus flabelliformis. Tamala Grows in Naimisaranya (1.6), Cinnammum Tamala. Himalaya (36.100, 135), Ekamrakaksetra (41.40), Utkalaksetra (42.17), Avanti (43.46), Purusottamaksetra (44.57), on the river Gomati (178.37), used in decoration (26.4) Tamvula - (43.31), (44.28, 29), (46.9), (68.11) Dioscorea globosa. Tamrapallava - (203.26) Jonesia Ashoka Tandula - (23.38); used in sun-worship (28.24) given in Sraddha (220.161) - Bambus spinosa.

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1357 Tila Grows in Naimisaranya (1.9), one who steals it goes to krmipuya well (22.19); (23.28). Its oil is. used to burn lamp, (29.35, 37) used in scrifice (47.25) offered to Gods and pitrs (63.4) (220.154) given in dana (65.67), (83.26), (203.54), (216.19), a man who steals it is born as-a rat (217.63) Sesamum indicum. Tilaka Grows on Himalaya (36.98), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.162), Clerodendrum Phalomoides Tindu grows in Utkalakseton (42.19) Tinduka Grows in Avanti (43.51), Purusottamaksetra (44.59), (45.10), on the river Gomati (178.32) Diospyroas Embryo or piosprous Melanoxylon. Tintidi Tamarindas indicus. Grows in Purusottamaksetra (46.62) Tintilika Grows in Avanti (43.50) - The tamarind tree. Talasi Given in Sraddha (220.162) Holy basil. Tulika Given in Sraddha (220.155) Tumburu Used in Sraddha (220.181) Diospyros embryopteris. Turuska Olibanum. Flower prohibited in Sraddha (220.172) Udga Used in sacrifice (47.25)

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Ugragandha Prohibited in Sraddha (220.172) - 178,179 The plant michalia Champaka. Urdhvakarnika - used in sun-worship (28.23) 1358 Usera given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.166) Vetivaria Zizanioides. Usta A fragrant obseet given to brahmins in sraddha (220.166) Utpala Grows in Avanti (43.59), Purusottamaksetra (44.75), Himalaya (36.103,110). Nymphoea Coerulea. Vajrakanda of bulbous plant Prohibited in Sraddha (220.174). Species Vanakhanda Grows in Konarka (28.14), Ekamrakaksetra (41:42); Utkalaksetra (42.24), Avanti (43.52), Purusottamaksetra (44.67). Varaka Grows in Purusottamaksetra (44.60) Varuma Prohibited in Sraddha (220.173) Varuna Prohibited in sraddha (220.170) Crataeva religiosa. Vastuka Vegetable given in Sraddha (220.161), Chenopodium album. Vatsaka Fruit given in Sraddha (220.158) Wrightia antidysenterica.

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7 1359 Vata Grows in suparsva mountain (18.23) Purusottamaksetra (44.58,61), (68.28,76), (103.5), Ficus Indica. Vibhitaka Grows in Utkulaksetra (42.19), 1 Avanti (43.50), Purusottamaksetra (44.60), on the river ' Gomati (178.34); prohibited in Sraddha (220.177), (227.16). Terminalia Bellerica. Vikankata Given in Sraddha (220.158) Gymnosporea montana Viprusa M Corn prohibited in Sraddha (220.168, } 196) Visakanda Prohibited in Sraddha (220.174) A species of Bulbous plant Muricatus. Vitana Grows in Avanti (43.53), Andropogon Vrihi - (12.41), (23.38), (47.25), offered to pitrs (220.154). Grains of rice. Vrntasoka Given to brahmins in Braddha (220.162) Yamala Grows on the river Gomati (178.38) Bauninia Variagata.

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1360 Yava Grows in Naimisaranya (1.9); (12.41); (47.25), offered to pitrs (220.154), one who steals it is born as a rat (217.62). Horedeum Vulgareae used in Nrsimha-worship (58.19). Yuthika Grows in Purusottamaksetra (44.67) l (45.13), given to brahmins in Sraddha (220.164) Jasminum auriculatum **** f

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