Bhasa (critical and historical study)

by A. D. Pusalker | 1940 | 190,426 words

This book studies Bhasa, the author of thirteen plays ascribed found in the Trivandrum Sanskrit Series. These works largely adhere to the rules of traditional Indian theatrics known as Natya-Shastra. The present study researches Bhasa’s authorship and authenticity, as well as a detailed study on each of the plays ascribed to him. The final chapters...

Appendix 1 - Bibliography

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APPENDIX I. BIBLIOGRAPHY. (A) BHASA'S PLAYS: TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. Abhisekanataka. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series, No. 26. Trivandrum, 1913. Abhisekanataka. Ed. with Intr. & Com. by V. Venkataram Sastri. Lahore, 1930. Abhisekanataka. Eng. Trans. with Notes by K. Rama Pisharoti. Annamalai University Journal, IV, pp. 133-148; 277-286; V, pp. 121-134; 245-253. Avimarakam. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 20. Trivandrum, 1912. Avimarakam. Eng. Transl. with notes by K. Rama Pisharoti. Shama'a, IV, pp. 285-295; V, pp. 47-59; 114-126; 270-284. Avimarakam. Malayalam Trans. by K. Narayanan Poti with Intr. in English by K. G. Sesha Iyer. Trivandrum, 1924. Avimaraka. Marathi Trans. by V. D. Deshpande. Dhulia, 1926. Awimaraka. Ubersetzt von H. Weller. Leipzig, 1924. Urubhanga. Ed. By T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 22. Trivandrum, 1912. Urubhanga. Eng. Trans. with Notes by K. Rama Pisharoti. Maharajah's College Magazine, Ernakulam. Urubhanga. Ed. with Intr. Notes and Eng. Trans. by K. N. Bhatnagar, Lahore. Urubhanga. Eine Indische Tragodie? Ubersetzt von H. Weller, Stuttgart, 1933. Karnabhara. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 22. Trivandrum, 1912. Karnabhara (Text). Manjusa, II, pp. 41-49. Karnabhara. Eng. Transl. with Notes by K. Rama Pisharoti, Maharajah's College Magazine, Ernakulam. Caruda rum, 1914. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 39. Trivand-

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2 ] 1922. BIBLIOGRAPHY [ APPENDIX A Carudatta. Ed. with Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum, Dutaghatotkaca. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 22. Trivandrum, 1912. Dutaghatotkaca. Eng. Transl. with Notes by K. Rama Pisharoti. Shama'a, IV, pp. 129-151. 1912. Datavakya. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 22. Trivandrum, Dutavakya. Ed. with Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri. 2 nd and 3 rd Edn. Trivandrum, 1918, 1925, Dutavakya. Eng. Trans. with Notes by K. Rama Pisharoti. People's Friend, Trivandrum. Dutavakya. (or Envoy's Declaration). Eng. Trans. by Dharmasila Jayaswal. Modern Review Dec. 1925, pp. 665-669. Dutavakya (or the Mission of Sri Krsna). Eng. Trans. by H. L. Hariyappa. Bangalore, 1932. ruin, 1917. Pancaratra. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 17. Trivand- 1912. Pancaratra. Ed. with Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum, Pancaratra. Ed. with Eng. Trans. and Notes by S. M. Paranjape. Poona, 1917. Pancaratra. Ed. with Skt. Com. by Krsnacarya and Intr., Eng. Trans, & Notes by W, G. Urdhwareshe. Indore, 1920. Pratijnayaugandharayana. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 16. Trivandrum, 1912. Pratijnayaugandharayana. With Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum, 1920. Pratijnayaugandharayana. Gujarati Trans. (Pradhanani Pratijna) by K. H. Dhruva. Ahmedabad, 1922. Pratijnayaugandharayana. Gujarati Trans. (Pradhanani Pratijna) by K. H. Dhruva, 2 nd Ed. Ahamedabad, 1923. Pratimanataka. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series N. 42. Trivandrum, 1915. Pratimanataka. Ed. with Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum, 1924. Pratimanajaka. Ed. with Intr, Trans, and Notes by S. M. Paranjape. Poona, 1927. Pratimanataka. Ed. with Intr, Transl, and Notes by C. R. Devdhar. Poona, 1930. Pratimanataka. Eng. Trans. by K. Rama Pisharoti. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XI, pp. 353-366; XII, pp. 58-66; 375-396; XIII, pp. 596-606; XIV, pp. 39-48. 1916. Pratimanataka. Gujarati Transl. by M. C. Bhatta. Ahmedabad,

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APPENDIX A] BIBLIOGRAPHY [3 Pratimanataka. Ed. with Intr. and Gujarati Trans. by K. H. Dhruva. Ahmedabad, 1928. 1912. Balacarita. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 21. Trivandrum, Balacarita. Schauspiel von Bhasa. Text herausgegeben von H. Weller. Leipzig, 1922. Balacarita (Die Abenteur des Knaben Krischna) Ubersetzt von A. Weller. Leipzig, 1922. Balacarita. Eng. Trans. by K. Rama Pisharoti. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XXV, pp. 224-235; XXVI, pp. 19-33; 157-168. Reprint, pp. 1-39. Bangalore, 1936. 1912. 1917. Madhyama. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 22. Trivandrum, Madhyama. Ed. with Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri Trivandrum, Madhyama. Eng. Transl. by E. P. Janvier. Mysore, 1921. Madhyama. Gujarati Transl. by Lalshankar Haraprasad. Bombay, 1917. Madhyama. Gujarati Trans. by K. H. Dhruva. 2 nd Ed. Ahmedabad. 1920. Haidimba-Vaidagdhya. A stage adaptn. of Madhyama by T. S. Narayana Sastri. Svapnavasavadatta. Ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. 15. Trivandrum, 1912. 2 nd Edn, 1915. Svapnavasavadatta. Ed. with Com. by T. Ganapati Sastri. Trivandrum, 1916, 1924. Svapnavasavadatta. Ed. with Com. N. S. Rajavade. and Intr. and Notes by H. B. Bhide. Bhavnagar, 1916. Svapnavasavadatta (Vision of Vasavadatta). Ed. with Intr. Trans. Notes Appendices etc. by L. Sarup. Lahore, 1925. Svapnavasavadatta. Ed. with intr. transl. notes etc. by C. R. Devdhar. 2 nd Ed. Poona, 1928. Svapnavasavadatta. Ed. with Intr. Transl. and Notes by S. Ray and K. Ray. Calcutta, 1936. Svapnavasavadatta. Eng. Transl. by A. G. Shirreff and Pannalal. Allahabad, 1918. Svapnavasavadatta. Eng. Transl. by S. Subbarao. Madras, 1917. Svapnavasavdatta. Literal English rendering by V. S. Sukthankar. Shama'a, II, pp. 137-169; III, pp. 25-45. 1923. Svapnavasavadatta. Eng. Trans. by V. S. Sukthankar. Oxford, Svapnavasavadatta. Eng. Transl. with Notes by K. Rama Pisharoti.Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, X, pp. 164-174; 209-220; 372-381; XI, pp. 122-137. Svapnavasavadatta. 1914. French translation by A. Baston. Paris,

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4 ] BIBLIOGRAPHY [ APPENDIX A Svapnavasavadatta. Ubersetzt von Hermann Jacobi. Internationale Monatsschrift fur Wissenschaft, Knust, und Technik, 1913, pp. 653-690. Svapnavasavadatta. Ubersetzt von H. Weller. Leipzig, 1926. Gujarati Transl. (Sacum Svapna) with Intr. Ahmedabad, 1916. Svapnavasavadatta. & Notes by K. H. Dhruva. Svapnavasavadatta. Gujarati Transl. (Svapnani Sundari) with Intr. and Notes by K. H. Dhruva, 2 nd edition. Ahmedabad, 1923. Svapnavasavadatta. Marathi Transl. with Intro, Notes, and appendices by W. G. Urdhwareshe. Indore, 1927. Svapnavasavdatta. Ed. with Sanskrit Com. and Hindi Trans. by Narayan Sastri Khiste. Benares, 1936. Svapnavasavadatta. With Sanskrit Com. and Hindi Trans. by A. S. Vetal and J. S. Hosing. Benares, 1936. Bhasa Natakacakram. Ed. by C. R. Devdhar. Poona, 1937. Thirteen Trivandrum Plays. English translation by A. C. Woolner and L. Sarup. 3 Volumes, OUP, London, 1930-1931. Bhasa's Works (Marathi translation). Bhasacim Natakem. By B. R. Hivargaokar. 2 Volumes. Ahmednagar, 1928-1929. Bhasa's Works. (Marathi translation). Bhasacim Natakem. By K. L. Soman. Poona, 1931.

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(B) BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON THE BHASA PROBLEM. Apte H. N. Bhas kavicya nataka-katha. Poona, 1917. (in Marathi) Asuri Anantacarya. Mahakavir bhasah. Sanskrit Bharati, IV, pp. 35-49; 80-90; 17-22; V, pp.1-16. Banerji Sastri, A. P. The Plays of Bhasa. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1921, pp. 367-382. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, 1923, pp. 163-178. Bhasa: His Age and Magadhi. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, 1923, pp. 49-113. Dramatic Magadhi. Barnett, L. D. The Plays ascribed to Bhasa and the Mattavilasa. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1919, pp. 233-234. The Mattavilasa and "Bhasa". Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, I, pp. 35-38. 'Bhasa'. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1921, pp. 587-589. Sanskrit Masculines Plural in -ani. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1924, pp. 655-656. Who is the Author of Svapnavasavadatta ? Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925, p. 99. Kalyanasaugandhikam of Nilakantha. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 33-50. Abhasa-Bhasa. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 519-522. Rev. of Svapnavasavadatta (Sukthankar). Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, p. 378. Rev. of Mundakopanisad (Hertel). Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, p. 586. Rev. of Mattavilasa (Hertel) and Avimaraka (Weller). Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III. pp.590-591; also, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1927, pp. 350-352. Rev. of Ascaryacudamani (S. K. Sastri). Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, IV, p. 631. Rev. of Sakuntala (Harvard Or. Series). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1927, pp. 867-870. Belvalkar, S. K. The Relation of Sudraka's Mycchakatika to the Carudatta of Bhasa. OC, I, pp. 189-204. The State of Hinduism and Buddhism as revealed in Mrcchakatika. Journal of the Benares Hindu University, I, pp. 21-27. Bhandarkar, D. R. Lectures on the Ancient History of India. (Carmichael Lectures, 1918) Calcutta, 1919. pp. 58-64; 69-70: 80. Bhattacharya, D. C. Bhasa and his alleged works. Proc. A. S. B., 1917, p. ccxiv.

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6] BIBLIOGRAPHY [ APPENDIX B Bhattanatha Svamin. Mayuraja. Indian Antiquary, 1912, pp. 139-143. Thirteen Newly Discovered Dramas attributed to Bhasa. Indian Antiquary, 1916, pp. 189-195. Chaphekar, S. N. Bhasacim Natakem. Mauj, Divali No., 1931, pp. 12-18. (in Marathi) Charpentier, Jarl. Some Remarks on the Hindu Drama. (2. Author and Date of the Mrechakatika. 3. A Passage in the Dutavakya.) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1923, pp. 593-608. Rev. of Madhyama (Janvier). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1923, p. 453. Sakara. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925, pp. 237-246. Rev. of Dramas of Bhasa (Ghatak). Rev. of Bhagavadajjukiyam (Achan.) Chaudhury, P. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1926 pp. 123-124. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1927, pp. 604-605. The Date of Bhasa. Modern Review, XIV, pp. 382-387. Clark, W. E. Magadhi and Ardhamagadhi (10. Magadhi in Bhasa). Journal of the American Oriental Society, XLIV, pp. 101-102. Deb, H. K. Udayana Vatsaraja. Calcutta, 1916. India and the Persian Empire. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, XXIX, pp. 335-355. Deshpande, R. D. Bhasa va Dhavaka he niranirale kavi hot. Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), L, pp. 77-85. (in Marathi). Bhasa ani Kalidasa. Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), LI, pp. 19-28. (in Marathi). Devadhar, C. R. 1927. Plays Ascribed to Bhasa: Their Authenticity and Merits. Poona, Dhruva, K. H. Parakramani Prasadi. Ahmedabad, 1923. Introduction, pp. 17-21; Appendix II, pp. 50-51. (in Gujarati). Svapnavasavadatta upar navo prakas. Ahmedabad, 1927. (in Gujarati). Pratimanu lupta anga. Dvivedi Abhinandan Grantha, pp. 364-371. (in Gujarati). Padyaracanani Aitihasik Alocana. Bombay, 1933. pp. 177, 205-207, 209 n 30, 212-213, 215, 230, etc. (in Gujarati). Dikshitar, V. R. R. Hindu Administrative Institutions. Madras, 1929. p. 126 n 2, etc. The Mauryan Polity. Madras, 1930. pp. 12, 18-19. Dillon, Myles. Natakalaksanaratnakosa. London, 1937.

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APPENDIX B] D. R. B (handarkar). BIBLIOGRAPHY Note on "A Poem by Bhasa", Indian Antiquary, XLII, p. 53. Garbe, R. [ 7 Bemerkungen zu Bhasas Balacarita. Festgabe Jacobi, pp. 126-130. Ghatak, J. C. The Dramas of Bhasa. Journal of the Department of Letters, XII, pp. 1-46. Gray, Louis H. Vasavadatta, a Sanskrit romance by Subandhu. Trans. with an Intr and Notes. New York, 1913. Intr, p. 1 f. Guleri, Chandradhar. A Poem by Bhasa. Indian Antiquary, 1913, pp. 52-53. Gune, P. D. Pradyota, Udayana and Srenika-A Jain Legend. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, II, pp. 1 Hall F. Fragments of the Early Hindu Dramatists, Bhasa, Ramila and Somila. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, XXVIII, pp. 28-30. Hariyappa, H. L. Pratijnayaugandharayana: A Critique. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XXIII, pp. 235- 247; 520-533. Hertel, Joh. 123 ff. Jinakirti's "Geschichte von Pala und Gopala". Berichte uber die Verhandlungen, 1917, pp. Iyer, K. A. Subramania. On the use of the prohibitive particle 'ma' in the Trivandrum Plays. OC, V, Vol. 1, pp. 616-629. Iyer, K. G. Sesha. The Bhasa Problem. Indian Historical Quarterly, I, p. 361. Jahagirdar, R. V. A Note on the Ten Plays of Bhasa. Indian Antiquary, 1931, pp. 41-45. The Thirteen Plays scribed to Bhasa. tion, Dharwar, 1931, pp. 1-20. Jayaswal, K. P. Sanskrit Literary AssociaThe Plays of Bhasa and King Darsaka of Magadha. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1913, pp. 259-269. Statues of two Saisunaka Emperors. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, V, pp. 88-106; also, 214-215 (A Note); 516-542 (Reply). Johnston, E. H. Random Notes on the Trivandrum Plays, Indian Antiquary, 1933, pp. 95-99; 111-118. Jolly, J. Kollektaneen zum Kautiliya Arthasastra. Nachricht. Konigl.. Gessell. Wissen. Zu Gottingen, 1916, p. 353. Uber das Dama kaprahasanam. Festgabe Garbe, pp. 115-121.

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8 ] Kale, M. R. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ratnavali. Bombay, 1921. Intr. pp. xvii-xx. Kane, P. V. [ APPENDIX B Kavi Bhas va tradracit natakem. Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), 1920, pp. 97-102. (in Marathi). Kundamala and Bhasa. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, VII, p. 155. Gleanings from the Abhinavabharati. Pathak Commemoration Volume, pp. 385-400. Kavi, M. Ramakrishna. Avantisundarikatha of Dandin. OC, II, pp. 193-201. Two More Dramas of Bhasa. OC, III, pp. 80-85. Tapasa vatsaraja. Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, I, pp. 155-166; also, OC, IV, Vol. 2, pp. 165-179. Avantisundari in Svapnavasavadatta. Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, II. p. 143. Avantisundarikathasara and Avantisundarikatha of Dandin. Madras, 1924. Introduction, pp. 7-10. Kavi, M. Ramakrishna, and S. K. Ramanatha Sastri. Caturbhani. Patna, 1922. Introduction, pp. ii-iv. Keith, A. Berriedale. Notes on the Sanskrit Drama (1. Bhasa). Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 295-297. The Nyayasastra of Medhatithi. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 623-625. Rev. of Uber das Verhaltnis zwischen Carudatta und Mrcchakatika (Morgenstierne). Indian Antiquary, 1923, pp. 59-60. Sanskrit Drama. Oxford, 1924. Chap. IV (pp. 91-126); also, pp. 38, 42, 66, 70, 74, 89, 185, 278, 292, 354, etc. History of Sanskrit Literature. Oxford, 1928. Preface, pp. xii-xvi; also, pp. 11-12, 80, 271, 307, 316, 336, 386, 451, 461, etc. Khuperkar, B. M. Abhas navhe Bhasac. Lokasiksana, Poona, Vol. 5, pp. 294-298; 324-329 353-358; 395-402. (in Marathi) Kirfel, W. Beitrage zur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistes geschichte Indiens Festgabe Hermann Jacobi. Bonn, 1926. pp. 114-125; 126-130; 131-134. Konow, Sten. 106 ff. Rev. of Mudraraksasa (Hillebrandt). Indian Antiquary, 1914, pp. 65-67. Zur Fruhgeschichte des indischen Theatres. Festschrift Kuhn pp. Rev. of Gopalakelicandrika (Caland). Indian Antiquary, 1920, pp. 233-235. Das indische Drama. Leipzig, 1920. pp. 51-56. Krishnamachariar, M. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature. Madras, 1906. p. 57. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature. Madras, 1937... pp. 552-568. Krishnamachariar, R. V. Priyadarsika. Srirangam, 1927. Bhumika, pp. xxi-xxxiii.

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APPENDIX B Krishnasastri, A. R. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bhasa Kavi. Bangalore, 1933. (in Kannada) Kulkarni, K. P. [ 9 Sanskrit Drama and Dramatists. Satara City, 1927. pp. 73-95. Kulkarni, P. V. The Carudatta and the Mrcchakatika. (Appendix I to Nerurkar's Edition of Mrcchakatika, Bombay, 1924). Lacote, F. La source de la Vasavadatta de Bhasa. Journal Asiatique, 1919, pp. 493-525. Lele, M. V. Sri Mahakavi Bhasakrt natak granth. Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), XLV, pp. 417-425. (in Marathi) Lesny, V. Die Entwicklungsstufe des Prakrits in Bhasa's dramen und Zeitaltern Bhasa's. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 72, pp. 203-208. Levi, S. Deux nouveaux traites de dramaturgie indiennie. Journal Asiatique, 1923, pp. 193-218. Le Theatre Indien. Paris, 1890. pp. 31-32. Lindenau, M. Paris, 1890. Vol. 1, pp. 157-160; Vol. 2 Bhasa-Studien. Leipzig, 1918. Macdonell, A. A. Three Plays of Bhasa in the T. S. S. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1913, pp. 186-190. India's Past A Survey of Her Literatures, Religions, Languages and Antiquities. London, 1927. pp. 104-108. Madhava. Bhasakavi ani tyaca Rajasimha. Manoranjan, 1930, pp. 57-65; 111-117. (in Marathi). Mahabal, B. B. Bhas va Kalidas. (Dusari baju). Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), LI, pp. 73-80. (in Marathi) Mankad, D. R. 333-334. Note on the Authorship of Svapnavasavadatta. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, IX, pp. Bharatavakya and the Bhagavadajjukam. Indian Historical Quarterly, VII, pp. 187-190. Pratima and Kundamala. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, XII, pp. 97-98. The Types of Sanskrit Drama. Karachi, 1936. pp. 29, 43, 55, 57- 58, 60, 61, 64-65, etc. Meerwarth, A. M. The Dramas of Bhasa. A Literary Study. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, XIII, pp. 261-280. Mehendale, K. C. Date of Sudraka. BCV, pp. 369-374.

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10 ] Menon, T. K. K. BIBLIOGRAPHY [ APPENDIX B Rev. of Ascaryacudamani (S. K. Sastri). Indian Historical Quarterly, III, pp. 220-223; also, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, VII, PP. 431-434. Morgenstierne, G. Uber das Verhaltnis zwischen Carudatta und Mrechakatika. Leipzig, 1921. Narasimhachar, R. Annual Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1909-10. p. 46. Neglein, J. von. Aus Indiens Kultur Festgabe Richard von Garbe. Erlangen, 1927. pp. 115-121. Nerurkar, V. R. Mrechakatikam. Bombay, 1924. Introduction, pp. 14-19. Ogden, C. J. Lexicographical and Grammatical Notes on the Svapnavasavadatta o Bhasa. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XXXV, pp. 269-272. Bhasa's Treatment of the Udayana Legend. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XLIII, p. 169. Padhye, K. A. 61-72. Buddhism as depicted in Ancient Sanskrit Dramas. Indian Culture, IV, pp. Pangu, D. S. Bhasaca Madhyamavyayoga. Chitramayajagat, 1926, pp. 163-164. (in Marathi) Sri Bhasakavikrt Pratimanataka. Chitramayajagat 1926, pp. 473-476. (in Marathi). Pandeya, Ramavatara Sarma. Mahakavir bhasah. Sarada, Allahabad, Vol. 1, pp. 4-7. Paranjape, S. M. Carudatta ani Mycchakatika. Chitramayajagat, 1915, pp. 46 ff; also in Sahityasamgraha, Vol. 1, Poona, 1922. pp. 102-140. (in Marathi). Priyadarsika ani Nagananda him konacim ? Chitramayajagat, 1915, pp. 576 ff; also in Sahityasamgraha, Vol. 1, Poona, 1922, pp. 141-186. (in Marathi) Bhasavisayim kahi gosti. Chitramayajagat, 1916. pp. 91 ff. (in Marathi) Bhasaci bhavitavyata. Chitramayajagat, 1916, pp. 381 ff; also in Sahityasamgraha, Vol. 1, Poona. 1922, pp. 18-32. (in Marathi). Bhasa vs Saktibhadra. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, IX, pp. 1-9. Pisharoti, A. Krishna. Bhasa's Works: A Criticism. Trivandrum, 1925. Pisharoti, K. Rama. Acting in Kerala. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XII, pp. 183-185. Svapnavasavadatta and Bhavaprakasa. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 639-642. Traivikramam. Shama'a, 1924, pp. 213-222. Keralanatakacakra. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1925, pp. 246-251. The Bhasa Problem. Indian Historical Quarterly, I, pp. 103-111; 330-340. Bhasa Problem-A Criticism. Shama'a, 1925, pp. 173-186.

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APPENDIX B ] BIBLIOGRAPHY [11] A Note on some unexplained Prakrit Passages. Journal of Oriental Research, II, pp. 385-386. The Bhasa Theory Again. Indian Historical Quarterly, V, pp. 552-558. Sanskrit and Prakrit in the Arya Eluttu. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, V, pp. 307-310. Nandi, A Note. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, VI, pp. 819-821 Kerala Theatre. JAU, I, pp. 91-113; III, pp. 141-159; ADO, pp. 48-57. Pisharoti, K. Rama and A. Krishna Pisharoti. Bhasa's Works; Are They Genuine? Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 107-117. Printz, W. Bhasa's Prakrit. Frankfurt, 1921. Pusalker, A. D. Critical Study of the Works of Bhasa with special reference to the Sociological Conditions of his Age as revealed in those Works. Journal of the University of Bombay, II, pp. 174-203. 33-42. Authorship and Date of the Mrcchakatika. Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society, XI, pp. One Bhasa Verse and its Bearing on the Bhasa Problem. Indian Culture, IV, pp. 522-525. Raddi, R. B. Bhas kim abhas? Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), Vividha Jnana Vistara (Marathi Monthly Magazine), XLII, pp. 121-126; 209-232. (in Marathi) Raja, C. K. Bhasa Another Side, Zeitschrift fur Indologie und Iranistik, II, pp. 247-264. Some Unexplained Prakrit Passages and Their bearing on the Bhasa Problem. Journal of Oriental Research, I, pp. 217-245. A New Drama of Bhasa (?) Vinavasavadatta (Act IV). Ramachandra Rao, S. OC, VI, p. 593. Journal of Oriental Research, Dec. 1936, pp. ii 17. Tragedies in Sanskrit. Paper read at the VIIIth All-India Oriental Conference held at Mysore. Ray, K. Evolution of the Thoughts in Bhagavadgita. Calcutta, 1933. Chap. IX (Bhasa-The Dramatist), pp. 116-131. Sampathgiri Rao, K. The Indian Dramatic Tradition and How it Helps, All India Drama Conference, pp. 128-144. Sankar, K. G. The Problem of Bhasa. Asutosh Memorial Volume, II, pp. 41-64. Sarasvata, Kedaranatha. Mahakavir bhasah. Sanskrit Sahitya Parisad Patrika, VII, pp. 307-311. Sarasvati, A. R. The Founder of the Vikrama Era. The Age of Bharavi and Dandin. Sarma, Amaranatha. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XII, pp. 268-282. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XIII, pp. 670-688.

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12 ] BIBLIOGRAPHY [ APPENDIX B Mahakavir bhasah. Sarada, (Allahabad), Vol. 2, No. 4. Sarma, Narayanadatta. Svapnavasavadattam. Sarada, (Allahabad), Vol. 2, No. 1. Sarma, Sivadatta. Mahakavi Bhasa aur uska natakacakra. Nagari Pracarini Patrika, 1932-34, pp. 121-191 241-277. (in Hindi). Sarup, L. Poems and Plays of Bhasa. Hindustan Review, 1927, pp. 116-121; 207-212. Sastri, G. Harihara. The Bhasa Problem: A Reply. Indian Historical Quarterly, I, pp. 370-378. Kharapata and Muladeva, Asutosh Memorial Volume, I, pp. 224-227. Some Unexplained Prakrit Passages: A Reply. Journal of Oriental Research, II. pp. 210-219. Sastri, Haraprasada. Sisunaga Statues. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, V, pp. 552-563. Sanskrit Culture in Modern India. Prabuddha Bharata, 1929, pp. 66-76; 126-136; also, OC, V, Vol. 1, pp. 62-110. Sastri, Hirananda. Bhasa and the Authorship of the Thirteen Trivandrum Plays. Memoirs of the Archaological Survey of India, No. 28. Calcutta, 1926. Sastri, S. Kuppusvami. Ascaryacudamani. Madras, 1926. Introduction, pp. 17-27 (Bearing of the Cudamani on the Bhasa Controversy). Vinavasavadattam. Madras, 1931. Sastri, T. Ganapati. The Svapnavasavadatta of Bhasa. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1924, pp. 668-669. The Works of Bhasa. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, III, pp. 627-637. Bhasa's Works: A Critical Study. Trivandrum, 1925. Sastri, V. Venkatarama. Damaka Prahasanam. Lahore, 1926. Saunders, Virginia. Some Literary Aspects of the Absence of Tragedy in the Classical Sanskrit Drama. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XLI, pp. 152-156. Magic in the Sanskrit Drama. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XLV, pp. 110-114. Sen, Malati. A Sloka of Bhasa. Indian Historical Quarterly, IX, pp. 580-581. Some Notes on the Trivandrum Plays. Calcutta Orien, I, pp. 31-33. Vyasa, Bhasa and Kalidasa. Calcutta Orien, I, pp. 215-217. A Sloka of Bhasa. Calcutta Orien, I, pp. 309-310. Smith, V. A. Discovery of the Plays of Bhasa, a predecessor of Kalidasa. Indian Antiquary, XL, pp. 87-89. Stein, O. Contributions to the Bhasa Question. Indian Historical Quarterly, XIV, pp. 633-659.

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APPENDIX B ] BIBLIOGRAPHY [ 13 Sukthankar, V. S. Studies in Bhasa. 1. On certain Archaisms in the Prakrit of these dramas. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XL, pp. 248-259. 2. On the Versification of the Metrical Portions of these dramas. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XLI, pp. 107-130. 3. On the relationship between the Carudatta and the Mycchakatika. Journal of the American Oriental Society, XLII, pp. 59-74. 4. A Concordance of the Dramas. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, IV, pp. 167-187. 5. A Bibliograhical Note. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, XXVI, pp. 230-249. 6. On the Prakrit of the Dramas. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1925, pp. 103-117. Carudatta A Fragment. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, IX, pp. 181-185. A Note on the Dramas of Bhasa. Shama'a 1922, p. 59. Bhasa Riddle: A Proposed Solution. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, 1925, pp. 126-143. Reports and Summaries: Deux nouveaux traites de dramaturgie indienne. par Sylvain Levi, Journal Asiatique, Octobre-Decembre, 1923, pp. 193-218. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, 1925, pp. 270-276. Foreword to Urdhwareshe's Svapnavasavadatta (Marathi trans.), Indore, 1927, pp. 1-7. Tatke, S. B. Carudatta ani Mrechakatika. Maharastra Sahitya, 1923, pp. 13-19; 78-84; 159- 169. (in Marathi). Thomas, F. W. The Plays of Bhasa. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1922, pp. 79-83. Rev. of Balacarita (Weller). Indian Antiquary, 1923, p. 186. Sanskrit Masculines Plural in -ani. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1924, pp. 449-450. Bhasakrta Svapnavasavadatta. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925, pp. 100-104. Bhasa and Accusative Plural Masculine in ani. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925, pp. 104-107. The Date of the Svapnavasavadatta. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1928, pp. 877-890. Vaidya, C. V. Early Indian History with correct Dates found in the Skandapurana. OC, VII, pp. 575-582. Venkataraman T. L. The Date of Bhasa. Modern Review, 1914, pp. 597-598. Venkatarama Sarma V. Svapnanataka and Svapnavasavadatta. Indian Historical Quarterly, V, pp. 721-728. A Note on Bhagavadajjukam. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, V, pp. 33-35. Venkataramayya, C. K. Kalidasa and Bhasa in the Light of some Western Criticisms. Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, XVII, pp. 125-142. Venkatasubbiah, A. A Buddhist Parallel to the Avimaraka Story. Indian Antiquary, 1931, pp. 113-115. Venkatesvara, S. V. The Tragic Sense in Sanskrit Poetry. Prabuddha Bharata, 1931, pp. 476-480. Indian Culture through the Ages. 2 Vols. London, 1928 and

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14] BIBLIOGRAPHY [ APPENDIX B 1932. Vol. 1, pp. 191, 215, 294; Vol. 2, pp. 104-106, 111-112. Weller, Hermann. Ein Beitrag zu der Bhasas-Frage. Festgabe Jacobi, pp. 114-125. Winternitz M. Mahabharata II. 68. 41 ff und Bhasa's Dutavakya. Festschrift Kuhn, 1917, pp. 299-304. Krsna-Dramen (2. Bhasa's Balacarita). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 74, pp. 125-137. Der indische Dramendichter Bhasa. Ostasiatisch Zeitschrift, IX, pp. 282-299. Bhasa. Calcutta Review, Dec. 1924, pp. 329-349; also in Some Problems of Indian Literature, Calcutta, 1925, pp. 110-130. Rev. of Bhasa's Works: A Critical Study (T. Ganapati Sastri). WZKM, XXXII, p. 292. Bhasa and the Mahabharata and Krsna Plays of the Trivandrum Series. Bulletin of the Ramavarma Research Institute, V, pp. 1-15. Geschichte der indischen Litteratur. Band 3. pp. 184-202, 205 f, 209 f. 644-646, etc. Preface to Bhagavadajjukiyam (P. Anujan Achan), Jayantamangalam, 1925, pp. vi-ix.

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