Bhagavatpadabhyudaya by Lakshmana Suri (study)

by Lathika M. P. | 2018 | 67,386 words

This page relates ‘Sanskrit Mahakavyas on Shankara’s Story of Life’ of the study on the Bhagavatpadabhyudaya by Lakshmana Suri: a renowned Sanskrit Scholar from the 19th century. The Bhagavatpada-abhyudaya is a Mahakavya (epic poem) narrating the life of Shankara-Acharya, a prominent teacher of Advaita Vedanta philosophy. This essay investigates the socio-spiritual conditions of 8th century AD in ancient India as reflected in Lakshmanasuri’s work.

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Sanskrit Mahākāvyās on Śaṅkara’s Story of Life

In this manner Śaṅkara’s real life is enveloped in a shroud of mystery. Scholars and critics have tried to analyse it by concentrating on certain aspects of his works. They claim to have known his personality as a philosopher and saint, but they are still unable to write one full page of authentic details about his life. Poets, who are least bothered about the historical facts of a hero in their imaginative venture, always replay upon the myths and legends when they write about an ancient saint whom they admire.

There are so many Mahākāvyās in Sanskrit based on Śaṅkara’s story of life. Important among them are as follows[1] : Bṛhatśaṅkaravijaya (Citsukhācārya), Bṛhatśaṅkaravijaya (II) (Ānantandajñāna Alias Ānandagiri), Prācīna Śaṅkaravijaya (unknown writer), Śaṃkaravijaya (I) (Brahmānanda), Śaṅkaravijaya (II) (Vyāsācala), Śaṅkaravijaya (III) (Ānantanandagiri Alias Ānandagiri), Śaṅkaradigvijaya (Mādhava), Śaṅkaravijayavilāsa (I) (Cidvilāsa), Śrī Śaṅkarācāryacaritam (I) (Govindanātha), Śaṅkarābhyudaya (I) Rājacūḍāmaṇi Dīkṣita, Śaṅkarābhyudaya (II) (Nīlakaṇṭha), Śaṅkaramandārasaurabha (Nīlakaṇṭha), Guruvaṃśa kāvya (Saccidānanda Bhārati), Ācāryavijayam (Parameśvara Kanthirava), Puṇyaśloka mañjari (Sarvajña Sadāśiva Bodhendra Sarasvati), Gururatnamālāstava (Paramahaṃsa sadāśiva Brahmendra Sarasvati), Keraliya Śaṅkaravijaya (unknown author), Śaṅkaravijayavilāsa (Sārasvata Sadānanda), Ācāryadigvijaya (Vādhula vallisahāya Kavi), Śaṅkaravijaya Saṅgraha (Puruṣottama Bhārati), Śaṅkarabhyudaya (III) (Tirumala Dikṣitha), Śaṅkarācāryacaritam (II) (Ānanta kavi), Śaṅkaradigvijayasāra (I) (Vrajarāja), Śaṅkaravijayasāra (II) (Govindācala), Śaṅkaravijayasāra (Kāśisadānanda Kavi), Śaṅkarācāryotpatti (unknown writer), Patañjalicarita (Rāmabhadra Dīkṣita), Keralotpatti (Unknown author), Śrīvidyārṇavatantra (Vidyāraṇya Yati) etc.

Footnotes and references:

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Dr. S. Sankaranarayanan, Śrī Śaṅkara, His Life, Philosophy and Relevance to Man in Modern Times (Vol-I), Madras: Adayar Library and Research Centre,1995, pp.5-15.

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