Atharvaveda ancillary literature (Study)

by B. R. Modak | 1959 | 179,855 words

The essay studies the ancillary literature of the Atharva-Veda with special reference to the Parisistas. It does so by understanding the socio-cultural and philosophical aspects of ancient Indian life. The Atharvaveda addresses encompasses all practical aspects of life from health and prosperity to rituals and sorcery. This thesis systematically ex...

Appendix: An index of the Atharvaveda-mantras

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APPENDIX—An index of the Atharvaveda-mantras with reference to their ritual application as [indiced][?] in the ancillary texts. N.B. (1) The references where the mantras are not actually employed by the texts, but are prescribed by the commentators, are marked with an asterisk (*). (2) The references to the employment of stray verses are shown separately from the ritual application of the entire hymn by means of a colon (:). (3) The groups of mantras which are used collectively in the various rites and observances may be noted from the Ganamala (pp. 446-460 above).

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension I.1 Kausika 7.8; 10.1; 11.1,11,12; 12.10; 14.1; 16.5; 18.1,19; 25.4; 32.28; 41.15; 139.10 13.1; 19.1 (v.1)*; 41.15 (v.2) Vaitana Parisista 32.10,23,28; 33.1.9 37.8.2,17.1 : 5.3.4 (v.1) I.2 14.7,12; 25.6,10; 139.11 I.3 25.10; 139.11 : 14.7,12 (vs.1-5); 32.13 32.13 I.4 25.16 (v.7); 25.12 (vs.8-9). 7.14; 9.1*, 4; 18.3,25*; 19.1; 16.10 : 16.2 (v.2) 32.22,26,27; 37.18; 25.20; 37.1,2", 41.9",14; 39.1.6; 42.1.10 46.29*; 139.11 : 65.8* (v.3) I.5 6.17; 7.14; 9.1,4; 18.3,25; 19.1; 41.14; 43.12; 139.11 : 42.13 (vs.1-4) 10.19; 16.10; 28.11 37.18; 39.1.6; 41.1.3 I.6 7.14; 9.1,4,7"; 18.3,25; 19.1; 10.19; 16.10 41.14; 43.12; 139.11; 140.15 42.1.10; 68.3.2 19.1.4; 32.1; 37.6.1, 18.1; 39.1.6; 42.1.10 I.7 8.25 1.8 8.25 32.3 32.3 1.9 11.19; 13.1*; 16.27; 17.31*; 52.20; 3.1 (v.3) 5.3 (Sayana); 32.10 55.17. 38.1 (v.4) I.10 25.37 : 54.11* (v.4) I.11 33.1 1.12 26.1; 38.1 : 27.34 (v.3) I.13 38.8,9; 139.8 I.14 36.15-16 I.15 19.1%, 4 I.16 8.25*; 47.13*, 23 I.17 26.9 I.18 42.19 11111 32.7 32.3

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Other references IV.12.1, 179.14,15 1) Use (viniyoga) Remarks medha janana, varoasya, Pusyabhiseka, called trigaptiya. prayasoitta simgranika, healing, upakarma bhaisajya. battle-rites (vs.1-5) varcasya, viavakarma ganas apara jika gana aparajita gana I.23.16-19. Ay. 2.1 (v.4) for good fortune, prayancitta, Tadagadi-vidhi, Snana-vidhi salila, santi ganas X.9.1-3, 5 house-building, prayascitta, Tadagadividhi, Sandhyopasana called sambhumayobim X.9.4,6; nirrtikarma, Indramaha, 1.1.29: BV X.9.4,6; prayascitta, Tadagidi-vidhi called sambhumayobia. santi gana ray.2.4 (vs.1-2) II.23.3 (v.6) exorcism; Maha-santi (v.6) catana gana exorcism catana gana II.19.2. for obtaining every desire, varcasya gana coronation, upanayana for healing XXVI.21 (v.1 ab) I.4.1 1 1 1 1 safe delivery of woman bhaisajya, charm against storm charm against lightning, introducing Vedic study daurbhagya-karana prosperity of cattle abhicara stopping flow of blood against unlucky signs in women takmanasana gana catana gana

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2.3 The Reaction: A Schema: SCHEMA Colonization Culture Contact Cul (One of domination type and the other of subjugation type) Culture Shock . assertion of the native cultural Rejection of the colonizer's culture and values Total Blind because impervious to the changing world spirit haughty and outright rejection Manifested. in Atavism, hua { Partial Aware of the need I to change but not Tready or willing a to give up a Fundamentalism, Orthodoxy of the extreme sort e.g. Smriti Pramanya in Hinduism. Literal, adherence to Shariyat in · Islam. Istrong nativistic leaning. ¡Manifested in Revivalism 1 Religious I ¡Brahmo Samaji Arya Samaj 1 se Total acceptance of the colonizer's culturel land values producing a Istrong distaste, even Thatred for one's Inative culture. The Problem of Exile Idoesn't exist This Liberal Cultural Reformist | ¡Vivekanand's Satyashodhak | Sanatan Dharma. Aurobindo's Ascetism, i class will disappear with the fading impact 1 of the colonizer's Iculture.' ¡Samaj Phulel Cultural Nationalism -! ! Independent ! Church I movement in Africa etc. 1 Jomo Kenyattal ¡Manifested in INIRAD CHAUDHURY HENRY CARR - A LAGOS IDIRECTOR OF EDUCATION 1 (1863-1945) i Compromise i Acceptance of the colonizer's 1 cultural mores I in public I sphere of life while holding on to one's cultural mores in one's 1 private life. 1 Acceptance of I professions, I sport as a I pastime, clubs 1 etc. but retaining traditional mores in 1 marriage, thread ceremony 1 in India female | circumcision in Kenya, Bride I price in | Nigeria. i ¡Emergence of a new I consciousness but lunder the influences lushered in by the Icoloniser. Manifested in such Imovements as Nationalism (political) Marxism, Socialism, Secularism, Modernism, Materialism of the ¡Western sort (Economism) y 1 A sense of loss 07 Iself need for a Inew identity, a new Trole both in public as well as private Idomains of action will be more (pronounced in this ¡class and also the initial efforts at Imoving from the l'inferno' (hell) of lexile to the I`purgatorio' of ¡genuine efforts at lovercoming the loss I and establishing a Inew integrated lidentity and in some Icases ultimately leading to a Isituation defined ¡Emergence of Isuperior kind of I consciousness and Isensibility whose Isoil and roots are lessentially native but which is a ¡product of assimiIlation of the lidealistic, romantic, leven utopian and Thumane visions found Tin the Western linfluences mentioned in the previous Icolumn. This I reconciliary Ivision is integration; T'at home 'ness I through nativisation I in the true, whole of the I some sense term) of the sensibility laffecting the Ilanguage modes of ¡communication, irituals, etc. both Tin public as well private domains. The Isuccess of individuals like Gandhi, writers like Ngugi, Brathwaite, I would testify to its Ibeing possible (inthere as 'homecoming'. Ispite of being Tutopian) as would leven a partial achievement in the Awritings of Achebe 14 babwe

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2 Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vaitana Parisista Other references I.19 14.7; 104.3; 105.1; 113.3 9.21 (v.3) I.20 2.39; 8.2; 14.7; 16.8; 50.1 17.2.8; 32.13,18,29 : 4.4.3 (v.3); 32.14 (v.4) 32.13, 18: 32.14 (v.3) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.4; 6.9 I.21 8.2*; 14.7; 16.8%; 25.36*. 50.1 29.5 (8.2) 18.2.9; 32.12,13,18: 32.14 (v.4) Rgveda 1.50.12; Atharva-Prayascitta 2.3 (v.4) Rgveda X.152 I.22 26.14 : 26.20* (v.4) I.23 26.22-24 I.24 26.22-24 : 106.7 (v.4)* 1.25 26.1*, 25 I.26 14.14; 25.22; 42.22; 50.4; 139.8 I.27 25.36*; 50.4 I.28 8.25*; 26.26 I.29 16.29 111111 | | | | | Rgveda I.50.12 (v.4) I I 32.7 32.14 (v.3) 32.11, 18 32.3 1.30 52.18; 54.11*; 55.17; 59.1; 139.15 4.4.15 (vs.3,4) I.31 8.23*; 38.11,16"; 64.1, 127.6 : 32.27 (v.2); 50.11) v.4) 36.20 I.32 6.17; 34.1; 59.3; I.33 7.14; 9.1,4; 18.3"; 41.14; 54.5%; 90.9; 121.1; 136.8 I.34 38.17; 76.8; 79.10 I.35 11.19; 52.20; 57.31* 1 1 5.4 (Sayana) 32.5,31 : 32.19 b (v.4) Rgveda X.174.1-3. Santi-Kalpa II.19.4 Santi-Kalpa II.18.1 Santi-Kalpa II.14,2,24.8 5.2.4; 16.1.6; 20.3.2; Santi-Kalpa I.15.6 32.26,27; 39.1.6; 42.1.10; 68.3.2: 42.2.2 (v.4) II.1 37.3 29.14 (v.3) II.2 8.24; 26.29; 94.15; 95.4; 96.4; 36.28 (v.1) 20.3.2; 32.4 101.3; 114.3; 136.9 ME Use (viniyoga) Sangramikani, against omens battle-rites; for welfare battle-rites, rajakarmani, Svastyayana for curing heart-disease against white leprosy against white leprosy remedy for fever bhaisajya safe night, welfare bhaisajya, exorcism restoration of a king, tying amulet in Mahendri ganti for security, Vaisvadevi aanti firmness to building, against meteors against barrenness for blessings, Pusyabhiseka Skandayaga, Tadagadi-vidhi, Snana-vidhi Remarks aparajita, citra, abhaya ganas sarmavarma gana (v.4) aparajita, citra ganas. sarmavarma gana (v.3) abhaya, aparajita, citra ganas. Sarmavarma gana (v.4) takmanasana gans Barnavarna gana (v.3) svastyayana gana, citra gana catana gana ayusya gana (Sayana) called aaapaliya. Vastu, sinholinga ganas. aditya gana (v.4) Santi gana - 4.1.5; 13.1.7 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.3 (v.2); Santi-Kalpa II.19.5. love-spell, nuptial for fortune and power, upenayana, tying amulet Rgveda X.82.3 (v.3) Oracles remedial rites, against portents, Skandayaga matr gana 1

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Kausika Vaitana Parisista Other references 25.6 42.23 59.5 00 59.15; 102.4 16.11; 25.14 26.33-35 26.1*41 : 26.42 (v.2); 26.43 (v.3); 27.1-2 (vs.4-5) II.9 26.1*; 27.5,6 II.10 26.1*; 27.7 || 9 2 2 2⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ II.11 38.21*; 39.1,7,13,14" II.12 47.12,25,44* 57: 47.18,32,36*,44 (vs.1-8); 47.52 (v.6) II.13 53.1,13; 55.1* : 54.7 (vs.2,3); 54.8 (v.4): 54.9 (v.5) II.14 8.25; 9.1; 34.3; 44.11; 72.4; 32.19 b Rgveda 1.32.1-3. Santi-Kalpa II.18.4 28.4 : 28.10 (v.3) 17.2.8; 30.2.3; 37.10; 46.2.1 : 7.1.5 (v.5) 32.18,24; 42.1.7 Santi-Kalpa I.10.4; II.18.1,3 Santi-Kalpa II.19.1 32.7 32.7 32.7 4.4.9; 17.2.16; 32.2 for healing Use (viriyoga) binding jangida amalet Kamya rites, Aindri santi for enkindling fire in Kanya rites, Agneyi santi. ratri karmani binding amulet, against curse, Snana-vidhi, Bhargavi santi against Keetriya disease Remarks aditya gana citra, bhaisajya ganas takmanasana gana healing ceremony Atharva-Prayascitta 6.8 (v.5); Santi-Kalpa II.19.2 for tying amulet, to ward off witchcraft EY Vedic Index 52.2 (v.6) 4.1.4; 18.5.3 (vs.2,3) 4.4.6 (v.4) 17.2.3; 32.3, 26 II Santi-Kalpa II.15.5 (v.3) 82.14 II.15 41.13; 54.11 : 39.26; 48.35 (v.3) 32.9 II.16 54.12 4.20 : 8.7 (v.2) 32.9 8.9 (v.4) II.17 54.11*, 12 4.20 32.9 II.18 48.1 : 8.25 (v.3) II.19 3.19*; 47.8 II.20 47.8 II.21 47.8 II.22 47.8 II.23 47.8 11 11: 11 32.3 (v.3) 32.18,21 32.21 32.21 32.21 32.21 II.24 19.1*, 9 1 IIIIIII for binding an amul et godana ceremony. for safe night (v.4) against abortion, barrenness in cattle, rajakarmani godana ceremony for protection for protection black magic against enemies against enemies against enemies against enemies against enemies against kimidins takmanasana gana takmanasana gana krtya gana called bharadvaja-pravraska catana, santi ganas ayusya gana ayusya gana ayusya sana catana gana (v.3) citra, pancapatya ganas pancapatya gana pancapatya gana pancapatya gana pancapatya gana pustika mantra M

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4 Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vaitina Parisista Other references II.25 8.25; 9.7"; 18.25*; 26.33,36; 43.5* 5.2.4; 32.3,20,24 II.26 19.14 Use (vin yoga remedial ceremony, prosperity of cattle Pusyabhiseka Remarks catana, santi, bhaisajya ganas II.27 38.18: 38.21* (v.3); 50.13* (v.6) 32.17, 18 (v.6) Santi-Kalpa II.19.6 victory in debate, ying amulet in raudra, citra ganas (v.6) Aparajita santi II.28 54.11", 13,16*; 55.1 32.9: 32.14 (v.5) II.29 27.9; 42.15"; 54.18; 58.17* 22.16 (v.3) II.30 35.21 II.31 27.14 II.32 27.21 I II I II.33 27.27; 54.11* II.34 44.7; 59.21 : 44.15; 81.33 (v.5) II.35 38.22; 59.21, 23-24; 68.30: 3.16 (v.5) II.36 34.13; 75.7" : 34.16 (v.5); 34.14 (v.7)* 38.1 10.16 9.7, 29.22 32.9; 33.6.4 Rgveda X.163 IIIIIIII godana ceremony ayusya gana. sarmavarma (v.5) against worms healing rite, cuda ceremony to gain woman's love against worms in cat tle against yakama; Ghrt akambala Pagubandha, funeral rite (v.5) to expiate errors in sacrifice for obtaining a husband ayusya gana III.1 14.7, 17-21 III.2 14.17-21 III.3 16.30 III.4 16.30 III.5 19.1*, 22 9.2: 30.27 (v.2) 13.2 (v.7) 1111 Santi-Kalpa II.19.3 against enemies against enemies restoration of a kin restoration of a kin for prosperity, tying amulet in Angirasi santi against enemies III.6 48.3; 60.31* : 48.5,6 (vs. 8,7) III.7 26.1*; 27.29: 7.29 (v.2) III.8 10.19*: 55.1*,17-18: 12.5 (v.5) 22.1 (v.4) 113 32.7 5.3 (Sayana) Santi-Kalpa II.19.3 Santi-Kalpa II.19.7 for healing, tying amulet III.9 43.1 7.1.8 (v.6) III.10 19.1*,28; 138.1-16 13.6 (v.6); 9.4 6.1.4-5 (vs.2-3) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.4 (v.7) (v.7) III.11 26.1*; 27.32-33; 54.11* 58.11 38.1 : 36.19 (v.8) 32.7,9. 13.3.11 (v.8) Rgveda X.161 reception of Vedic student against demons astaka ceremony for afe night (vs.2-3) healing ceremony 11111 takmanasana gana ayusya gana (Sayana) takmanasana, ayusya ganas

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5 Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vaitana Parisista Other references III.12 8.23; 43.4,8,11; 136.7; 43.9,10 Cf. 16.1 32.5 20.3.2 (v.9) Santi-Kalpa 11.6.7 (v.9) (vs.6,8) III.13 40.1; 41.14: 40.3-6 (v.7) 29.13 (v.7) III.14 19.14 21.16 (v.2) III.15 50.12; 59.6; 140.16 : 70.13,14 6.9 (v.7) 10.1.11; 42.1.10 16.1.6: 16.1.13 (v.6) 19.3.5 Santi-Kalpa II.6.7 (vs.1-5) Rgveda III.18.3 (v.3) Use (viniyoga) building a house. applying collyrium (vs.92) for rain, Bhumidana, Snanavidhi prosperity of cattle, Gosahasra-vidhi fortune in trading, Indramaha Vastu gana Remarks 1 1 1 (vs.7,8) III.16 10.24; 12.10,15; 13.6*,6 5.17 (v.6); 8.14 (v. 6ºd) 18.15; 32.10,28 EV VII.41 for wisdom and splendour, rajakarmani varcasya gana III.17 19.1*; 20.1,2* : 137.19 (v.4); 20.10; 106.8 (v.8) 28.30-32 (vs.1,3,2) 9.27 (v.7) 20.3.5 (v.4) III.18 36.19-21 III.19 14.7*, 22-24 EV X.101.4,3 (vs.1-2) IV.57.7,8,4,5,6 (vs.4-8) BV X.145 success in agriculture, Skanda-yaga (v.4) 28.15 (v.1); 32.13 III.20 18.13; 40.11; 41.8 III.21 9.1; 43.16-21; 72.13; 82.25; 123.1 : 71.8 (v.8); 82.26 (vs.8-10)* 34.16-17 (vs.6-8) 24.14;28.25:38.14 : 32.25 17.2.8 29.18 (va.2-4, 7-8) 15.16; (vs.4 ab) 23.20 (v.5) 19.2; (v.6) 29.19 (v.7) (v.5) 16.16 : 9-17 (v.7) 30°.2.5; 32.26 against rival wife Rgveda X.103.13, Vedic Index 75.16 (v 3.1-2) for victory aparajita gana Rgveda III.29.10; X.141. 1-6. Gopatha Brahmana II.4.9 for blessings utthapana gana Gopatha Brahmana II.2.12. Rgveda VIII. oblations to Agni, Brhallaksa-homa brhacchanti gene 43.11; Gopatha Brahmana II.2.20 (v.6) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5 (v.7) III.22 12.10; 13.1 III.23 35.3 III.24 19.1"; 21.1 III.25 35.22; 35.23 (v.3)* III.26 14.25; 50.13; 50.17*; 51.3-5 III.27 14.25; 50.13 4.1.10; 14.1.11; 32.10,28 Santi-Kalpa II.19.2 | | | 18.6.2;32.16,17,18 Santi-Kalpa 11.22.5 18.6.2;32.16,17,18 for splendour, consecration of elephant, Hastirathadana, Brahmi santi pumsavana prosperity of crops for winning women's love battle-rite, against serpents, rajakarmani, Maha-santi Snake-charm, battle-rite varcasya gana pustika mantra called digyukte. rudra, raudra, citra ganas called digyuke. rudra, raudra, citra ganas

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika III.28 109.5;110.4; 111.5 6 Vaitana Parisista Other references III.29 64.2: 45.17 (v.7); 66.21 (v.8) III.30 12.5; 139.7 3.21 (v.7) 16.1.14 (v.8) Santi-Kalpa I.15.4 III.31 30.17; 58.3: 3.4, 24.31 (v.10) 13.10 (v.10) 32.6, 18 EV X.17.1 (v.5) IV.1 9.1; 15.2; 18.25; 19.1; 28.15; 38.23; 51.7; 79.11; 139.10 14.1 (vs.1,2); 28.33 (v.1) IV.2 44.1,4*; 45.1 IV.3 50.13*; 51.1 IV.4 40.14 IV.5 36.1 8.22; 28.5 : 28.34 (v.7) Use (viniyoga) against the portent of twinning animal offering a sheep, grahayaga for concord, upakarma for long life, agrahayani, agnistoma sacrifices Remarks ganakarmani (Sayana) parmaha, citra ganas 11.1.5; 19 b.2.5, 3.4, 4.4; 32.15,17,18,22,26; 33.5.2,6.4; 37.8.2, 16.1, 17.1 13.2.6: 20.4.1 (v.7) 32.17 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.6 Santi-Kalpa II.18.2 1.15.5 (v.5). I.15.6 (v.6) Rgveda X.121. Atharva-Prayascitta 4.3 (v.7) welfare of kine, study, consummation of marriage, Brahmayaga, Chrtakambala Vasasamana, agnicayana against wild beasts for virility devapuriya, raudra, citra, salila, santi ganas raudra gana 8.1.5 Rgveda VII.55; Atharva-Prayascitta 4.1 IV.6 28.1,4; 29.1*; 32.20* IV.7 IV.8 28.1*,4* : 18.25 (v.7) 17.1,12* 32.17,18 (v.7) 36.7: 29.12 (v.5) 32.30 IV.9 58.8 4.1.8 19.1.7 (v.4°) IV.10 1.4; 56.17"; 58.9 Santi-Kalpa II.19.8 Santi-Kalpa II.19.6 for putting to sleep, Chrtaveksana healing for poison healing for poison consecration of a king for long life, applying collyrium tying amulet of mother-of-pearl in Varuni panti Bava sacrifice raudra, citra ganas (v.7) abhineka gana IV.11 66.12 IV.12 28.5,14* IV.13 IV.14 9.4; 54.11*; 58.3,11 64.23 ff: 68.24-27 (vs.2-4); 63.9, 137.27 (v.5); 64.17 (v.6); 64.18-20 (vs.7-8); 64.22 (v.9) IV.55 26.24; 41.1,3,7,14"; 103.3: 127.8,9 (vs.10-11) 38.1 28.3 (v.1) 29.17 (vs.2-5) 27.6 (v.3)* 8.17; 15.9 (v.5) 8.9 (v.6) 32.9,18,26,27 : 70º. 3.5 (vs.2-4) 20.3.5; 30.2.3; 40.2.1 (v.5) 65.3.2,4 healing with herb Rgveda X.137.1-5,60.12 Santi-Kalpa II.23.3 healing, long life. against Rgveda X.103.1 (v.3) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.7; Santi-Kalpa II.14.2 (v.10); II.18.3) (v.11) ominous wind (vs.2-4) sava sacrifices with a goat, for bringing sacrificial fire for rain, for expiation. Prajapatya inti (v.11) ayusya, citra, santi ganas

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7 || Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension IV.16 Kausika 48.7: 127.3 (v.3) IV.17 39.7 46.9 (v.5)* IV.18 39.7 IV.19 39.7; 16.8 (v.2)* Vaitana Parisista Other references Use (viniyoga) sorcery against enemy 18º.5.2; 32.2. to counteract sorcery, rajakarmani 32.2 Santi-Kalpa II.24.8 counter-witchcraft 32.2: 32.12 (v.2) Santi-Kalpa II.24.8 counter-witchcraft IV.20 8.24*; 28.7 : 8.25; (v.2) 32.3,4 IV.21 19.1; 21.8 ff: 16.8 (v.4)*; 19.14; 21.10* (v.7) 21.24 16.1.3; 39.1.7: 32.12 (v.4) IV.22 14.24; 17.28; 140.6* 4.1.3; 16.1.7; 18. 1.4; 19.1.6 IV.23 9.1; 14.24; 27.34; 32.27* 2.11 : 5.15 (v.4) 32.18, 26,31 : 18.3.7, | | | I healing with a herb ailing kine, Gosahasra-vidhi Tadagadi-vidhi victory in battle, consecration of a king, Gosahasra-vidhi, Indramaha Hastynsvadiken (vs.2,4). prayer to Agni Remarks krtya gana krtya gana krtya gana. abhaya gana (v.2) catana gana, matr gana abhaya gana (v.4) Mrgara hymn. citra, 9 (v.2); 18.3.8, 9 (v.4) 32.18,26,31 32.18,26,31; 70.3.5, KII.18.6 4.1 32.18,26,31 IV.24 7.14; 9.1; 27.34; 32.27* 1 00 IV.25 9.1; 27.34; 32.21* IV.26 9.1; 27.34; 32.27* 15.13 IV.27 9.1; 27.34; 32.27" 12.12 (v.4); 9.2 (v.7) 32.18,26,31 Santi-Kalpa II.18.7 IV.28 9.1; 26.1*; 27.34; 28.8 32.27*; 50.13,14,17", 51.7 IV.29 9.1; 27.34; 32.27* IV.30 9.2; 10.16,19"; 55.18*; 57.31; 139.15 IV.31 14.7*, 26 IV.32 14.7*, 26 || I 32.7,17,18,26,31 32.31 prayer to Indra prayer to Vayu, Savity, Vayavya santi prayer to Heaven and Earth prayer to Maruts, Marudgani senti prayer to Bhava, Sarva brhacchanti, amholinga ganas citra, brhacchanti, asholinga ganes citra, brhacchanti, amholinga ganas citra, brhacchanti, anholinga ganas citra, brhacchanti, anholinga ganas takmanasana, raudra, citra, brhacchanti, anholinga ganas iholinga gana Rgveda X.125 Rgveda X.84; Santi-Kalpa I.15.3; II.18.7 20.4.1; 32.13 20.4.1; 32.13 Rgveda X.83.Santi-Kalpa I.15.3; II.18.7 prayer to Mitra, Varuna prayer to Speech for wisdom, upanayana prayer to Manyu, to decide victory, aparajita gana Skandayaga, Kaumari santi prayer to Menyu, Skandayaga, grahayaga aparajita gana

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika IV.33 9.2; 30.17*; 42.22; 36.22; 82.4 IV.34 66,6: 66.10 (v.5)* IV.35 66.11; 109.1 IV.36 8.25 IV.37 8.25; 28.9 8 Vaitana Parisista 32.6,18,26 32.3 32.3 IV.38 41.13 19.1, 21.11 (vs.4-7); 66.13 (v.5) IV.39 5.8; 59.16 : 3.16,19 (vs.9-10) 8.11 (v.9) 32.18 IV.40 39.7; 49.7* : 49.8 (vs.2-7)*; 49.9 (v.8)* V.1 V.2 WYDETIM 15.1; 19.1*; 22.1; 35.12,13*,15* : 35.13 (vs.2-9); 21.12 (v.3); 34.20 (v.4); 12.5 (v.5); 76.21; 79.1 (v.6); 28.12; 46.1 (v.7); 21.15 (v.8); 21.17(v.9) 15.1; 19.1*; 22.1; 59.17 : 21.21 (v.3); 15.6 (v.4); 15.8 (v.5); 15.9,11 (v.6); 21.23 (v.7); 34.21 (v.8) V.3 1.33; 12.10; 19.1*; 22.14; 38.26 49.15 : 140.6 (v.11) 1.12 : 1.14 (va.1-4) V.4 26.1*; 28.13* V.5 28.14* I I 1 I Other references Rgveda 1.97 Santi-Kalpa II.15.5 (v.10) Santi-Kalpa II.19.8 Use (viniyoga) explation for anens, stri-karmani, sava sacrifice sava sacrifice, expiation for the birth of twin calves against enemies Remarks pamaha, citra, brhacchanti ganas 1 1 protection from spirits, for tying amulet success in gambling catana gana catana gana karki prevadas (vs.4-7) parvan sacrifice, for satisfaction of desires citra gana 17.2.16; 32.2,15 Santi-Kalpa II.24.8 preparing holy water for counterwitchcraft krtya, devapuriya ganas 32.5 (v.8) Rgveda X.5.6 (v.6) 1 17.2.9; 18.3.2; 20.4.1; 32.18,28; 37.13; 46.2.1 : 32.14 (vs.7-8); 18°.. 1.4; 19.1.6 (v.11) 32.7 pustika mantra, vastu gana (v.8) battle-rite, for welfare, against Jambha, harmony, nuptial, caturthi karma, remedial rite, on the division of inheritance Rgveda X.120- ******2 Konya-rite, battle-rite women's rite 1 Rgveda X.128. Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5; 6.1. Santi-Kalpa II.18.4 parvan sacrifices; for glory, prosperity, witchcraft, rajakarmani prayascitta, Kauberi santi pustika mantra, citra, varcasya ganas, sarmsvarma (vs.7-8) | I against rajayakana for healing wounds takmanabana gana laksalinga mantra

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika V.6 15.12; 18.25,27; 28.15; 50.13" 51.7; 79.11 V.7 MEDEN 9 Vaitana Parisista Other references 11.1.5; 19.2.5,3.4,4.4; Gopatha Brahmana II.2.6. KV X.37.3; 32.15,17,18,22,26; 33.5.2,6.4; 37.8.2, (v.2); 32.15,17,18 (v.3); IX.110.1 (vs.3-4) Use (viniyoga) battle-rite, citrakarma, going on Journey, healing rite, welfare, Tulapurusa-vidhi, Ghrtakambala Remarks devapuriya, raudra, salila santi ganas. raudra, citra ganas (vs.2-3); vastospatiya (v.11); sarmavarma (v.12) 16.1, 17.1: 32.17, 18 32.5 (v.11); 32.14 (v.22) 18.14; 41.8; 46.4* : 46.6 (vs.5-10) 28.193.2 (v.6); 32.25 12.10 (v.7) V.8 48.8 V.9 8.23; 26.1*; 28.17 32.5,7 V.10 8.23; 49.7-9; 51.14 : 66.2 (v.8) 29.11 32.5 V.11 12.1 V.12 45.8 : 2.36 (v.2) V.13 29.1-14; 48.9 V.14 39.7: 39.11 (v.9) V.15 19.1; 29.15 V.16 29.15 V.17 48.11 : 126.9 (v.4) V.18 48.13 V.19 48.13 V.20 16.1 10.11 34.11 | | || | || 32.2 5.4.3 | | | | | 111 V.21 16.2 14.7 (v.12)* V.23 V.22 26.1*; 29.18 26.20,29.20: 29.24 (v.13°) | | 1 32.13 (v.12) 32.7 V.24 17.30; 78.11; 137.42: 25.36 (v.5) 8.7(v.7); 8.13 4.1.2; 32.18 (vs.1-3,6,7); 8.22 (v.4); 9.27 (v.9); 19.2(v.8); 19.3(v.5); 19.11 (v.11) nivrtikarma, for good fortune, agnicayana witchcraft ceremony remedial ceremony utthapana gana vastu, takmanasana ganas vastu gana Santi-Kalpa II.22.2 welfare of the house, savayajnas, Maha-santi Rgveda X.110 for general welfare Rgveda X.109 || | | II II vasasamana ceremony, parvan Apri hymn sacrifice healing poison-wounds against witchcraft for curing cattle for curing cattle witchcraft ceremony witchcraft ceremony witchcraft ceremony krtya gana madhula-linga mantra Vreelinga mantra 1111 battle-rite, sattre sacrifice, Pusyabhiseka battle-rite healing takman against worms coronation, nuptial, ajyatantra aparajita gana (v.12) takmanasana gana citra gana NCE NU

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Kausika V.25 35.5 V.26 19.1*; 23.1 V.27 19.1*; 23.7; 45.8 LO V.28 11.19; 52.20; 58.10,11 (vs.1,12-14) 66.21 (v.5) V.29 3.16; 8.25 : 3.19*; 47.9 (v.2); 25.24 (v.4) V.30 54.11; 58.3.11 V.31 39.7: 39.31* (vs.1-4) 10 Vaitana 28.20 (v.7) Parisista 16.6: 19.4 (v.12 ab) 17.2.9 (v.12) 10.13 : 10.12 (v.2) 37.8.2 1 32.18: 4.4.8,5.12; 6.2.4; 17.2.15 (v.7) Other references EV X.184 Use (viniyoga) for male conception Gopatha Brahmana II.2.11. Santi-Kalpa II.14.2 consecration of new house. Vajasaneya Samhita XXVII.11-12 Taittiriya Samhita IV.1.8; Maitrayani Samhita II.12.6; Kathaka Samhita XVIII.17 Santi-Kalpa II.19.5. II.19.7 (v.2) rajakarmani (v.12) consecration of new house, vasasamana, pasu-bandha ceremony prayascitta for fulfilment of desire, for splendour, long life. applying sshes for safety (v.7) Remarks pustika mantra Apri-hymn. pustika mantra citra gana Vedic Index 1 23.2; 42.11*: 50.13; 59.25 17.2 Vedic Index 2 29.27 (v.2) 16.13 Vedic Index 3 25.36"; 50.4,13 ND 32.3 6.1.10; 32.9: 4.1.11 (v.5); 13.3.10 (v.15) 32.2 16.9 32.11,18 Vedic Index 4 19.1*; 23.9; 25.36; 50.13; 124.6; 16.9 32.11,18 Atharva-Prayascitta 2.6 135.10 Vedic Index 5 4.9; 5.1; 50.13; 59.7 16.9; 29.15 : 2.14; 3.3 (v.2) 37.20.1 Vajasaneya Samhita XVII.50-52; Taittiriya Samhita IV 6.3.1; Vedic Index 6 50.13; 59.7 Vedic Index 7 25.36*; 46.4; 50.13 ADE INS 16.9 32.11,18: 32.14 (v.3) I against demons catena gana for lengthening life, for safe night ayusya gana counter-witchcraft krtya gana for building a house, success in traffic, agnistma remedial rite against demons, agnistoma success in traffic, agnistoma Maitrayani Samhita II.10.4. Santi-Kalpa II. 14.2 (v.2) division of inherited property, against portents parven sacrifice, desiring a village, success in traffic, agnicayana, prayascitta desiring a village, success in traffic, agnistoma removing obstacles in sacrifice, success in traffic svastyayana, citra ganas pustika mantra. svastysyena, citra ganas Svastyayana, citra ganas sarmavarma gana (v.3)

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika 11 Vaitana Parisista Other references Use (viniyoga) Remarks Vedic Index 8 35.21; 53.17 Vedic Index 9 35.21 Vedic Index 10 8.23*; 9.3,5; 12.3 Vedic Index 11 35.8 19.14,35.15 (v.3) Vedic Index 12 29.28 Vedic Index 13 Vedic Index 14 14.25; 15.6; 25.36*; 72.13; 104.3; 105.1; 113.3; 123.1 29.30 Vedic Index 15 19.1*,26 Vedic Index 16 30.1 : 51.15*,16 (v.4). Vedic Index 17 35.12 Vedic Index 18 36.25,26* Vedic Index 19 9.2; 41.14; 61.5*; 66.16 META NVDE IM EMESVI BOI 11111111111 | I 32.5 Gopatha Brahmana I.1.14 30.2.5; 32.11,18,29 11 1 to win a woman's love to win a woman's love for success for the conception of a male child remedy against serpant's poison rite for victory, preparation of house-fire, portents, laghulaksahoma remedy against alegmat vastu gana Svastyayana, citra, abhaya ganas Santi-Kalpa II.19.3 rite for prosperity paustika mantra healing for eyes, for welfare against abortion rite against jealousy 11.10; 30.13 : 6.11 (v.2) 15.1.5; 18.1.2; 32.26; Santi-Kalpa II.24.8 rite for good fortune, savaya jnas, brhacchanti gana 39.1.6; 42.1.10 sautramani,agnyadheya Vedic Index 20 26.1*; 30.7 32.7 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.4 (v.2) rite for bilious fever takmanasana gana Vedic Index 21 30.8 68.3.2 for growth of hair Vedic Index 22 7.14*; 18.3*; 30.11 9.5 68.3.2 Rgveda I.164.47 (v.1) against protuberant belly Vedic Index 23 7.14; 9.2; 18.3*; 30.11; 41.14 4.14 32.26; 39.1.6; 68.3.2 apem suktam for good fortune, parvan sacrifices, brhacchanti gana, Tadagadi-vidhi Vedic Index 24 7.14; 9.2; 18.3* 30.13; 41.14 32.26; 39.1.6; 68.3.2 apem suktam brhacchanti gana Vedic Index 25 30.14 Vedic Index 26 26.1*; 30.17 Vedic Index 27 46.7 Vedic Index 28 46.7 46.8 (v.2) Vedic Index 29 46.7 Vedic Index 30 66.15 : 31.1 (v.2) Vedic Index 31 66.14 GO 6.3, 33.28 for good fortune, healing ceremony. Tadagadi-vidhi for healing ganda-mala 32.6,7 Santi-Kalpa II.15.6 healing rite against all diseases, nirrti-karma 70°.29.1 Rgveda X.165.1-3 against birds of ill omen Rgveda X.165.5 (v.1) against birds of ill omen 1111 apam suktam parmaha, takmanasana genas Rgveda X.165.4 EV X.189.1-3; Samaveda II. 726.8; Vajasaneya Samhita III.6-8; Taittiriya Samhita; Kathaka Samhita VII.13; Maitrayani Samhita 1.6.1; Atharva-Prayascitta 6.7. against birds of ill omen savayajnas, for benefit to the hair savaye jna, agnyadheya ceremony sarparajni (mantra)

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vedic Index 32 8.25*; 25.36; 31.3; 16.8 (v.3)* Vedic Index 33 19.1*; 23.17; 59.18; 106.1,8 Vedic Index 34 8.25*; 31.4 Vedic Index 35 31.5 32.37* (v.2) Vedic Index 36 31.5 Vedic Index 37 25.36*; 48.23 : 48.37 (v.3) Vedic Index 38 12.10; 13.4,6; 139.15 Vedic Index 39 12.10; 13.4,6; 139.15 BOND Vedic Index 40 16.8*; 59.26; 139.7: 25.36 (v.3)* Vedic Index 41 54.11 Vedic Index 42 26.1; 36.28-30 Vedic Index 43 36.32 Vedic Index 44 31.6; 36.5* Vedic Index 45 46.9 Vedic Index 46 46.9, 13 12 Vaitana Parisista Other references 32.3 32.11,12,18 (v.3) 1 32.3 29.5 37.20.1 32.31 (v.2) Rgveda X,187 Atharva-Prayascitta 2.3 ALE IN 12.13 SWEDEN | || | || LOVELY Vedic Index 47 21.7 Vedic Index 48 16.8; 56.4, 59.26,27 111 1 21.7: 17.10 (vs.1-3) 32.11,18 18.15; 32.10,18,28 18.15; 32.10, 28 4.1.16; 17.2.9; 32.12, 18: 32.11 (v.3) 32.7 Samaveda II.1058-60 Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5 1 Use (viniyoga) against demons Remarks building a house, kreikarma kimya ceremony, portent rite rite against demons remedial rite, agnicayana, prayasoitta remedial rite anti-witchcraft, for a tree struck with lightning for glory, for entering Vedio study, rajakarmani for glory, rajakarmani for absence of danger, for courage in army, beginning Vedic study, rajakarmani godana ceremony catana gana, abhaya svastyayana, citra ganas (v.3) pustika mantra catana gana vaisvanariya sukta anholinga gana (v.2) Vaisvanariya sukta avastyayana, citra ganas varcasya, citra ganas varcasya gana abhays, citra ganas. Svastyayana gana (v.3) to remove wrath of woman, takmanasana gana 30 b.2.8; 32.8;68.3.3 8.1.4; 30°.2.8; 32.8; 68.3.3 | | EV X.165.3-4 (vs.2-3) Rgveda VIII.47.17 (v.3) 2 S III.2.1.1; Satapatha Brahmana XII.3.4.3-5; Pancavimsa Brahmana I.3.8,5.12,15; Gopatha Brahmana I.5.12-14; agnistoma for appeasing anger against slander, against disease rite against bad dreams, Brhallaksahoma rite against bad dreams, Ghrtaveksana, Brhallaksahoma agnistona savanas upanayana, kamya rites, battle incantations, agnistoma savanas sss Vedic Index 8.10-12; KSS XIII.1.11 duhsvapnanasana gana duhsvapnanasana gana BON SWEDE!

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13 DEN Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vaitina Parisista Vedic Index 49 46.14 Vedic Index 50 16.8; 51.17 Vedic Index 51 9.2; 25.20,21; 41.14 Ln 30.7 Vedic Index 52 31.8 LY 00 MADE IN SWE 1 32.12 18.1.2; 32.26; 37.4.2; 42.1.10 Rgveda VII.89.5; Atharva-Prayascitta 1.2 (v.3); Santi-Kalpa II.24.8 Rgveda I.191.9,4 (vs.1-2) Vedic Index 53 31.9; 59.28; 66.2: 54.2 (v.2); 55.20 (v.3) 11.15 (v.2); 4.8,17 (v.3) Other references Kathaka Samhita XXXV.14-15; Ass 14.29.3 : Taittiriya Aranyaka Vedic Index 10.1 (v.1). Rgveda X.94.5; Atharva-Prayascitta 5.6 (v.3) Use (viniyoga) cremation of deceased teacher, prayascitta safety to field from mice, locusts etc. against diseases, for good fortune, rajakarmani, prayaacitta, Snanavidhi against boils, savayajnas, medhajanana 03 Remarks abhaya gana LY ADE IN brhacchanti gana, apam suktam against demons Vedic Index 54 48.27: 4.19; 5.1* (v.1) 3.4 (v.2) Borcery Vedic Index 55 52.150.13 (v.2)*; 42.14 (v.3)* 2.16 (v.2); 8.5 (v.3) 37.8.2, 17.1 : 32.17,18 (v.2) Taittiriya Samhita V.7.2. Atharva-Prayascitta 2.4 (v.3) for welfare, prayasoitta raudra, citra ganas (v.2) Vedic Index 56 50.17; 139.8 29.10 18 b.6.3 against serpents, scorpions etc.; Vedic Index 57 7.14*; 18.3; 31.11 : 9.2; 41.14 (v.3) Vedic Index 58 13.1*; 59.9; 139.15 Vedic Index 59 9.2; 41.14; 50.13 III Vedic Index 60 34.22 Vedic Index 61 9.2; 41.14; 50.13"; 59.10; 133.2 2.17 (v.3) Vedic Index 62 9.2; 41.13,14,15; 50.13* Vedic Index 63 46.19; 52.3: 46.22 (v.4) 28.27 (v.1); 28.26 (v.2); 29.8 (v.4) DEN 68.3.2: 32.26 (v.3) 32.10 11.1.8 (v.2) 32.14,17,18,26 4.4.2; 32.17,18,26 18.1.2; 32.2.17,18,26; Santi-Kalpa II.24.8 37.20.1; 42.2.1 IIIIII Santi-Kalpa II.15.5. Rgveda X.191. 1 (v.4) commencing Vedic study, rajakarmani for healing and welfare brhacchanti gana (v.3) for glory, introduction to Vedio study for good fortune varcasya gana women's rite for good fortune, to pacify a portent, for safe night for good fortune; for luck in gambling, rajakarmani, prayascitta, Snanavidhi freedom from bondage and nirgti Barnavarma, brhacchanti, raudra, citra ganas brhacchanti, raudra, citra ganas " raudra, citra, brhacchanti ganas BON WEDEN

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vedic Index 64 12.5 14 Vaitana Parisista Other references Use (niyoga) Rgveda X.191.2-4; 2 B II. 4.4; Maitrayani Samhita II.2.6 rite for harmony Remarks Vedic Index 65 14.7 Vedic Index 66 14.7 Vedic Index 67 14.7; 16.4 32.13 32.13 32.13 victory over enems victory over enems for terryfying emies aparajita gana aparajita gana aparajita gana Vedic Index 68 53.17-20; 55.2,3* : 55.4 (v.3) MGS 1.21.2,3,14,6. godana ceremony, anayana Vedic Index 69 10.24; 12.10,15; 13.1*,6; 30.13 18.15; 32.10, 28 medhajanana, begiting of Vedic varcasya gana 139.15 : 68.7 (v.3) Vedic Index 70 41.18 Vedic Index 71 45.17; 57.29 Vedic Index 72 40.16-17 Vedic Index 73 8.23; 12.5; 19.1* 4.16 Vedic Index 74 12.5 Vedic Index 75 3.19"; 47.10; 48.29-31 Vedic Index 76 50.4 Vedic Index 77 36.5 Vedic Index 78 78.10,14 Vedic Index 79 19.1*; 21.7 BOND IIIIII study, rajakarnar creating attachme between cow and calf expiation, upanaya for virile power for supremacy I I I Taittiriya Brahmana III.1.11; Apastamba Srauta Sutra 3.14.2 for harmony sorcery to eject rival vastospatiya gana; sammanasyani Semanasyani for success in coquest Rgveda X.19.5 (v.2) 31.4 Taittiriya Samhita III.3.8; for recovery of lit object marriage ceremony for prosperity 1 1 pustika mantra Gopatha Brahmana II.4.9 Vedic Index 80 Vedic Index 81 35.11, 26" Vedic Index 82 59.11; 78.10 Vedic Index 83 31.16 : 31.21 (v.4) Vedic Index 84 52.3 Vedic Index 85 26.33, 37 Vedic Index 86 59.12; 140.6* 23.20 (v.3) 19.1.10 LOVELY 38:1 | || MADE IN 32.7,24 19.1.6 111 1 Santi-Kalpa II.15.5 Indramahotsava for successful comeption to obtain wife, nutial against gandamala release from nirrt against yakama takmanasana, bhaisaiya ganas for supremacy, Indramaha

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Vedic Index 87 Kausika 59.13; 98.3; 140.8 Vedic Index 88 59.13; 98.3; 140.8 Vedic Index 89 36.10-11 Vedic Index 90 31.7; 50.13" Vedic Index 91 26.1*; 28.17-20 Vedic Index 92 41.21 Vedic Index 93 8.23; 9.2; 25.36"; 50.13 15 Vaitana LOVELY BOND MADE IN WEDEN 36.18 III I 28.16 Parisista 19.1.7 19.1.7 32.17 1 Other references BV X.173.1-3; Taittiriya Brahmana II. 4.2.8-9; Kathaka Samhita XXXV.7; Atharva-Prayascitta 6.3 (v.3) Atharva-Prayascitta 6.3. Rgveda X.173. 3-4 (vs.1-2) Use (viniyoga) for sovereignty, expiation for earthquake, Indramaha for fixity, Indramaha 32.7 4.1.9; 15.13 : 32.14 Rgveda X.56.2 (v.3) 32.11,17,18,26 1 ND Remarks to win love for healing against diseases for success of a horse, rajakarnani, Asvarathadana for welfare raudra gana takmanasana gana earmavarna gana (v.3) Vastospatya gana. svastyayana, brhacchanti, raudra, citra genas 28.20 (v.3) 32.31 | | 19.2; 32.13 19.1.6; 32.13 32.13,18 for harmony remedy for leprosy Rgveda X.97.15.16 (vs.1-2) for remedial rite kusthalinga mantra anholinga gana battle-rite, Indramaha aparajita gana battle-rite, Indramaha aparajita gana Vedic Index 94 12.5 Vedic Index 95 28.13* Vedic Index 96 31.22: 32.27 (v.2)* Vedic Index 97 14.7; 139.7*; 140.10 Vedic Index 98 14.7; 16.4; 139.7*; 140.10 34.13 Vedic Index 99 14.7; 139.7*; 140.10 18.16 Vedic Index 100 31.26; 81.10* Vedic Index 101 40.18 Vedic Index 102 35.21 : 19.1 (v.3)* Vedic Index 103 16.6 Vedic Index 104 16.6 Vedic Index 105 31.27 Vedic Index 106 52.5 Vedic Index 107 9.2; 50.13 Vedic Index 108 10.20; 57.28 Vedic Index 109 26.33, 38 Vedic Index 110 46.25 29.13 (vs.3,2) 11 1 32.18,26: 4.4.1,5.8 (v.2) 32.24 I battle-rite, Indramaha against poisons for sexual vigour to win the love of a lady battle-rite to ensnare enemies battle-rite for victory against cough against fire in the house aparajita, citra gangs pustika mantra (v.3) for protection for safe night (v.2) citra, brhaccanti ganas medhajanana, upanayana for healing wounds for a child born under an inauspicious constellation bhaisaiya gana N

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16 Kausika Vedic Index 111 8.24 Vaitana Parisista Other references 32.4,18 Use (viniyoga) Remarks freedom from madness and possession matrnama, citra ganas by demons Vedic Index 112 46.26 expiation for parivitti Vedic Index 113 46.26 Vedic Index 114 46.30; 60.7; 67.19 Vedic Index 115 46.30; 60.7; 67.19 Vedic Index 116 132.1 Vedic Index 117 46.36"; 67.19; 133.1 Vedic Index 118 46.36*; 133.1 Vedic Index 119 46.36*; 133.1 Vedic Index 120 46.30*; 67.19 Vedic Index 121 52.3 Vedic Index 122 63.29 LOVELY BOND 22.23 MADE IN III for freedom from seizure 22.15; 23.12; 30.22 20.4.1; 37.3.1; Santi-Kalpa II.18.6 42.2.10; 47.7.4 8.7; 22.15; 23.12 : 30.23 (v.3) 20.4.1; 37.11; 42.2.10; 46.7.4 20.4.1; 37.3.1; 42.2.10; 46.7.4 24.15 # 20.4.1; 37.11; 42.2.10; 46.7.4 Taittiriya Brahmana III.7.9; Gopatha Brahmana II.4.8 20.4.1; 37.11; 42.2.10; 46.7.4 20.4.1; 37.11; 42.2.10; 46.7.4 37.3.1; 42.2.10; 46.7.4 32.18; 37.3.1; savayajna, Yanya danti, Skanda-yaga Kusmanda mantra savaya jna, sautramani. expiation for extinguished fire expiation for spilling expiation for ominous fire expiation for guilt expiation for guilt BOND WEDEN to reach heaven kusmanda mantra release from bonds citra gana 42.2.10; 46.7.4 37.3.1; 42.2.10; 44.4.6; 46.7.4 Vedic Index 123 63.29 Vedic Index 124 46.41 Vedic Index 125 15.11 : 10.24 (v.2) 22.23: 2.15 (vs.3-5) 37.3.1; 42.2.10; 12.7: 11.9 (v.3) 37.3.1; 42.2.10; 6.8; 34.15 savaya jnas, graddhavidhi Gopatha Brahmana 1.5.21 (v.3) 1 44.4.6; 46.7.4 Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.7 46.7.4 1 Rgveda Vedic Index 47.26-28; Vajasaneya Samhita XXXIX.52-54; 23 IV.6.6.5-7; Maitrayani Samhita III.16.3; Gopatha Brahmana I.2.21 savaya jnas, Sraddhavidhi expiation for portent battle-rite; agnyadheya, sattra kusmanda mantra LOVI

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Vedic Index 126 16.1; 61.29* Vedic Index 127 26.33-39 Kausika Vedic Index 128 50.13,15,17; 100.3 : 138.8 (v.3) Vedic Index 129 36.12 Vedic Index 130 36.13-14 Vedic Index 131 36.13-14 Vedic Index 132 36.13-14 Vedic Index 133 47.14-15 : 56.1; 57.1 (vs.4,5) Vedic Index 134 47.14,18 Vedic Index 135 47.20 Vedic Index 136 31.28 Vedic Index 137 31.28 Vedic Index 138 48.32 Vedic Index 139 36.12 Vedic Index 140 46.43 17 Vaitina Parisista Other references 34.11 17.2.11 Rgveda Vedic Index 47.29-31. Use (viniyoga) battle-rite, rajakarmani Vajasaneya Samhita XXIX.55-57. 25 IV. 6.6.5-7. S III.16.3 32.7,24 for curing diseases 32.18 Cf. AVPaipp.XIX.24.16-18. Santi-Kalpa I.15.2. for good fortune LY BOND IN SWEDEN for good fortune to win love to win love to win love for sorcery for sorcery for sorcery for growth of hair for growth of hair 11.1.7 (v.2°) for sorcery. Tulipurusa-Vidhi to compel woman's love Vedic Index 141 19.1*; 23.12-13 23.14, 24.19* (v.2) 23.15 (v.3) Vedic Index 142 19.1*; 24.1 : 19.27 (v.3) 18.1.8 (v.2) 18.1.9 expiation for the appearance of two upper teeth of a child first citrakama. Vrsotsarga (v.2) rite for sowing, for prosperity, rajakarmani VII.1 41.8; 59.17 32.25 VII.2 30.11*; 59.18 VII.3 15.11; 30.11* 9.15 32.19 b 1 Taittiriya Samhita 1.7.12; Maitrayani Samhita I.10.3; Asss 2.19.32; Katas 25.6.10; ss 3.17.1 for gaining wealth kimya rite battle-incantations || takmanasana, bhaisaiva ganas citra gene W NEWS||||||| pustika mantra pustika mantra utthapana gana aditya gana

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika VII.20 45.16; 59.19; 23.4; 42.11; 45.10 (v.6) VII.21 86.16 VII.22 66.14 VII.23 46.9* VII.24 59.19 VII.25 59.19 VII.26 59.19 VII.27 VII.28 VII.29 32.3; 59.15 | 1 19 1.15 Vaitana Parisista Other references 37.16.1 (v.6) Use (viniyoga) kamya rite, house-building, Z 13.8 SW 11 1 13.14; 15.12 (v.1), 4.20; 10.1; 13.5; (v.3); 15.10 (vs.4-5); (vs.4-5); 29.2 (v.6); 10.10 (vs.6-7) 3.15 4.12; 13.2 8.1 32.8 1 I 8.1.5 (v.3); 38.2.5; 44.3.9; 67.6.6 (v.4) Samaveda 1.372 Samaveda 1.458 same as Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension IV.17.5 Atharva-Prayascitta 1.5; 6.9 Rgveda I.154.1, 22.17-20. Atharva-Prayascitta 5.2 (vs.2,4); 2.2 (v.3). Santi-Kalpa II.18.5. II.14.2 (v.3) Apss 4.13.4 25 1.8.22; Sankhayana Srauta Sutra 2.4.3 acquisition of Vedic knowledge. prayascitta (v.6) funeral, pitrnidhans savaya jnas against evil dreams for the fulfilment of all desires kimya rite kamya rite, Vaisnavi santi OVELY BON VII.30 54.6 10.5 VII.31 48.37 VII.32 54.11; 58.3,11 VII.33 24.8; 53.4*; 57.22,25 29.21 VII.34 36.33; 48.37 VII.35 36.33 VII.36 79.2 VII.37 79.7 VII.38 36.12 VII.39 19.1*; 24.9 VII.40 1 1 32.9 29.6 29.6 (v.1) 7.1.5 8.2 11111 | | | | Rgveda IX.67.29 Atharva-Prayascitta 6.2,5 | | | Remarks duhsvapnanasana gana ND | | | libation in parvan ceremonies parvan ceremony, agnistoma remedy for diseases godana ceremony sorcery against enemies for long life for prosperity, reception of Vedic student women's rite, against enemies against rival woman, for safe night marriage ceremony Rgveda IX.67.29 (v.1) marriage ceremony Rgveda I.164.52 (v.1) against co-wife for prosperity VII.41 8.23; 40.9*; 43.3 22.23 (v.2) 32.5; 44.4.6 (v.2) VII.42 32.3 32.5,18 Rgveda Vedic Index 74.2-3 (vs.1-2) ayusya gana pustika mantra offerings to Sarasvati and Sarasvanta for house-building reme for disease Vastu gana, samproksanya mantra. xxsix sitra KARRA vastu, citra ganas

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension VII.43 1.5"; 46.1 VII.44 42.6 Kausika 20 20 Vaitana Parisista Other references 25.2 VII.45 36.25,27 VII.46 32.3; 59.18*, 19 1.14 32.19 VII.47 59.18* 1.16 32.19 VII.48 59.18: 106.7 (v.2°) VII.49 VII.50 41.13 GOLEGA 1.16 4.8 1 32.14 1 1 1 VII.51 25.36*; 59.19 25.2 32.11,18; 33.5.4 VII.52 9.2; 12.5 VII.53 55.17: 24.32, 55.15*, 58.18* (v.7) VII.54 42.9-10 VII.55 8.2*; 50.1 VII.56 32.5: 76.8 (v.2)*; 139.8 (v.5) VII.57 46.6 VII.58 EM 32.26 Use (viniyoga) Remarks Rgveda Vedic Index 69.8; S III.2. 11; Maitrayani Samhita II.4.4; Aitareya Brahmana Vedic Index 15; Pancavimsa Brahmana XX.15.7; Gopatha Brahmana II.4.17 Rgveda II.32.6-7 (vs.1-2) Taittiriya Samhita III.3.11; Maitrayani Samhita IV.12. 6; Kathaka Samhita XIII.16; Assis 1.10.8; Ss 9.28.3 Rgveda II.35.4-5; Taittiriya Samhita III. 3.11; Maitrayani Samhita IV.12.6 Rgveda V.46.7-8; Taittiriya Brahmana III. 5.12; Maitrayani Samhita IV.13.10 Rgveda V.60.1 (v.1); I. 102.4 (v.4); X.42. 9-10 (vs.6-7) Rgveda X.42.11; Taittiriya Samhita III. 3.11. Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16; Santi-Kalpa I.15.5; II.18.2 against false accusation rite for harmony to remove jealousy remedy for diseases, kanya rite parvan sacrifice parvan sacrifice parvan sacrifice good luck in gambling kanya rites, ghrtakamabala, grahayaga, Barhaspatya-santi | | patnivanta gana patniventa gana petnivanta gana Barnavarna gana EDE Svastyayana, citra ganas 24.4 (v.7) 41.1.7; 39.1.8 (v.7) Santi-Kalpa II.18.2 25.2 18.2.9 initiation of students, Sandhyopasana. Barhaspatya santi gaining wealth (by teachers) setting out on journey, for military expedition against poisonous bites. entering on Vedic study (v.5) for successful request EV Vedic Index 8.10-11; Gopatha Brahmana II. atyagnistoma 4.15 brbacchanti gana, sammenasyani IIIII

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21 Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika VII.59 48.37 VII.60 8.23"; 19.1*; 24.11; 42.8; 72.5; 82.15; 89.11 : 23.6; 24.16 (v.7) Vaitana 29.9 Parisista 32.5 13.4.3 (v.1°) 1111 Other references 11111 I Use (viniyoga) against curses for well-being, harmony, pitamedha agrahayana, medhajanana preparation of house-fire preparation of house-fire against ominous birds expiation, ralakarmani prayascitta VII.61 10.22; 53.4*; 57.23 VII.62 69.7 VII.63 69.22 VII.64 46.67 VII.65 39.7"; 46.49 VII.66 9.2,4 18 b.5.2; 32.2 : (v.2) 2.6 32.26,27; 37.8.2, 3,20 VII.67 6.2*; 9.2,4; 45.17,18; 54.2; 56.1*; 18.4 32.26,27; 37.4,8,13 Atharva-Prayascitta 1.4; 6.5,9 godans, savayajnas, prayasoitta 57.8; 66.2 VII.68 9.2,4; 81.39 8.2,13 32.26,27 (v.3) pit medha VII.69 9.2,4,7 32.1,20,26,27 VII.70 48.27 VII.71 2.10 VII.72 2.40 VII.73 24.17; 92.15 VII.74 32.8: 36.25 (v.3); 1.34, 32.9 (v.4) VII.75 19.14* VII.76 31.16; 32.11 (v.3) VII.77 31.6*; 48.38 OVELY BOND 21.15; 28.8 14.3 21.18 (v.3) 14.5 (vs.3-4); 1 1 Rgveda X.179 EV I.164.26-27 (vs. 7-8); V.4.4,28.3; I.164.10 (vs.9-11) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.4 (v.11) 14.4 (v.7); 14.9 20.3.5 39.1.8 (v.11); 16. 1.12 (v.1°) 16.1.11; 1.13 10.1.2; 40.3.9 (v.4) 16.1.11 16.14 (v.6) Rgveda Vedic Index 28.7 (v.1) BV Vedic Index 47.6 (v.6) 9.2 GA I.2.23. KV VII.59. (v.1) to spoil enemy's sacrifice parvan sacrifices parvan sacrifices madhuparka ceremony, Gosahasravidhi, Skandayaga healing apacit, against jealousy Gosahasra-vidhi remedy against apacit and rajayakama for witchcraft rite Remarks vastu gana, pustika mantra 1 1 1 1 krtyadusana gana (vs.1-2) brhacchanti, Laghusanti ganes brhacchanti, Laghusanti ganas brhacchanti, lagusanti ganas (v.3) brhacchanti, lagisanti ganas 11 AbE IN WH LOVELY

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22 22 EL Rgveda X.85.18-19 (vs. 1-2). I.15.4 (v.3) Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vaitana VII.78 32.3 2.41; 137.30 (v.2) 4.11 Parisista Other references 46.2.1 (v.2) VII.79 5.6; 59.19 1.16 Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5 (v.4) VII.80 5.5; 59.19 1.6, 5.9, 56.2 (v.3) 1.16 : 1.3; 2.12; 45.1.24 (v.3); 17.2.10 7.12 (v.3) VII.81 24.18 (v.4) 40.6.13 (v.2) Rgveda X.121.10; Santi-Kalpa II. 18.7 (v.3) VII.82 59.15, 19: 57.21 (vs.2-6) 29.19 : 5.16 (v.2); 2.7 (v.6) 37.10 Santi-Kalpa II.19.5. Rgveda IV.58. VII.83 32.14; 127.4 10.22: 28.17 (v.3) 13.3.16; 39.1.6; 42.2. 1 : 1.36.1; 17.2.9; VII.84 17.3; 140.17 (vs.2-3) VII.85 25.36*; 59.14; 137.4* VII.86 25.36"; 59.14; 137.4"; 140.6 VEL MA 67.6.3 (v.3) 29.5 (v.3) 19.3.5 (v.2) VII.87 50.13*; 59.29 VII.88 29.6 VII.89 42.13; 46.17* : 42.14 (vs.2,4); 52.24 (v.3); 6.12, 57.27 (v.4) 32.11,18; 37.1.11 19.1.6; 32.11,18; 37.1.11 4.10; 9.18; 24.17 32.17; 40.2.7 3.18 (vs.1-3): 24.6 (v.1); 8.20 (v.3); 4.1 (v.4) 42.2.2 (vs.1-3); 11.1. 8; 33.6.4 (v.3); 1.20.3 (v.4) 10 (v.1), Atharva-Prayascitta 5.3 (v.4) Rgveda 1.24.15; Atharva-Prayascitta 4.3 (v.3). Santi-Kalpa II.14.2 RVX.180.3,2 (vs.2-3) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.2; 6.9. EV Vedic Index 47.11 (v.9) Atharva-Prayascitta 5.3 (v.4) Use (viniyoga) remedial rite, parvan sacrifice, Biyatantra new-moon sacrifice, kimya rites full-moon sacrifice, kenya rites. Marudgani santi (v.3) new-moon sacrifice, grahayaga (v.3) rite for success, kanya rites, prayascitta remedy against dropsy, Tadagadi-vidhi, Snina-vidhi. Hiranyagarbha-vidhi consecration, Indramaha for general welfare, prayasoitta for general welfare, Indramaha, prayasoitta rite for welfare, Pasupata-vrata against snake-poison Snana-vidhi, for sprinkling LO Remarks Svastyayana, citra ganas svastyayana, citra ganas raudra gana snaniya mantra VII.90 36.35 VII.91 16.8*; 25.36*; 59.7; 140.6 VII.92 25.36*; 59.7 VII.93 59.7 VII.94 VII.95 48.40 VII.96 48.41 - 13.12; 23.7 VII.97 3.19*; 6.3: 55.20 (v.2); 6.4(v.8) 4.13 (vs.3-8) VII.98 6.7; 88.6 4.6 Rgveda VIII.40.6 (vs.1-2) Rgveda X.131.6 (v.1) 18.1.4; 19.1.6; 32.11,12,18; 37.1.11 32.11; 37.1.11 Rgveda Vedic Index 47.13; X.131.7 (v.1) Rgveda X.173.6 (v.1) 37.2.1 (v.8) Rgveda V.42.4 (v.2) against paramour for obtaining a village, Indramaha, prayascitta, jamanaksatra-yaga 00 abhaya, svastyayana, citra ganas for obtaining a village, prayascitta svastyayana gana for obtaining a village agnistoma witchcraft against enemies against approaching enemy parvan sacrifice, upanayana parvan sacrifice, pindapitryajna R HITIL

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VII.99 2.20 VII.100 46.9", 11 VII.101 46.9", 12 VII.102 52.15 VII.103 59.19 VII.104 66.17 23 Kausika 2.7. VII.105 55.16; 56.16 VII.106 6.2; 46.24 VII.107 31.27 VII.108 46.9*; 48.37 VII.109 41.13 VII.110 15.11; 59.20 VII.111 19.1; 24.19 VII.112 32.3, 27" VII.113 36.38 VII.114 36.39 (v.1); 31.4 (v.2) VII.115 18.16-18 Vaitana 32.8 52.8 Parisista Other references 11111111111 12.5; 16.8 37.12, 14, 16 Atharva-Prayascitta 3.4 32.8 6.10 8.6 : 3.17 (v.3) 17.9 18°.1.7 32.31 FOAEFA BOND 1 1 1 1 1 Remarks duhsvammanasana gana duhavagnanasana gana Use (viniyoga) for strewing the vedi with barhis against evil dreams against the dream of eating food rite for welfare kimya rites sava sacrifices upanayana parvan sacrifice, prayascitta remedy against cold and catarrh witchcraft-rite for success in gambling battle-incantation, for satisfaction of desires Vreotsarga 7.1.8 (v.2) 33.1.8 32.7 Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5 Rgveda X.97.16 (v.2) remedial rite against paramour Santi-Kalpa 1.6.21 Rgveda III.45.1 (v.1) remedy against fever 32.7,11,18; 37.1.11 VII.116 26.1*; 32.17 VII.117 25.36; 59.14; 137.4 23.9 VII.118 16.7; 25.36; 39.28"; 137.4" 34.12 32.11,18; 37.1.11 duhsvapnanasana gana pustika mantra aholinge gana women's rites, rite against demons against nirrti, Ghrtakambala rite for welfare, prayascitta battle-rite for terryfying the enemy, prayescitta takmanasana gana takmanasana, svastyayana, citra ganas Svastyayana, citra ganas VIII.1 54.11*; 55.17; 58.3,11 : 16.8 (v.1)* VIII.2 54.11*; 55.17; 58.3,11,14 : 97.3 (vs.12-13); 54.17; 58.18 (v.14); 58.17 (vs.15-16); 53.19; 55.3 (v.17); 58.17,19 (vs.18-19); 58.20,21 (vs.20,22) 1 32.9,18; 37.2.1 : 32.12 (v.10). 13.11.7; 15.1.6; 17.1.4; 18°. 1.5,16.1 (v.11) 10.6 (v.16) 32.9,18; 37.2.1 32.14 (v.7); 32.19. (v.14); 33.7.1(v.16); 4.5.8 (v.20) Santi-Kalpa II.23.3 Upanayana, for long life, prayasoitta ayusya, citra ganas. abhaya gana (v.10) SKII,19.1 II.15.5 (vs.12-13); II.14.2 (v.15) naming and tonsure ceremonies. Chrtakambala (v.16). for safe night (v.20) ayusya, citra ganss. Sarmavarna gana (v.7). aditya gana (v.14)

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I 24 Iz Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika Vaitana VIII.3 8.25; 44.16: 112.1 (vs.15-18); 6.11 (v.26) 2.10 (v.21); 46.23; 130.3; 131.3 (v.26) VIII.4 Same as VIII.3" VIII.5 19.22; 39.7 : 25.36 (vs.15,19)*; | | 16.8 (v.22)* Parisista 6.1.9; 18.1.14; 32.3,14; 33.7.3 17.2.8 (v.19) 32.3 Other references Rgveda X.87.1,17; V.2.9; VII.15.10 (vs.1,17, 24,26) Rgveda VII.104 6.1.11; 32.2,18 : 32.14 Santi-Kalpa II.19.5 (v.7): 32.11,14 (vs.18-19) Santi-Kalpa II.20.5 (v.26) Use (viniyoga) Vasasamana ceremony, for expiatory rites, Ghrtakambala exorcism for prosperity, against witchcraft, for safe night simanta rite against diseases rajakarmani, army rites Remarks catana, sarmavarma ganas catana gana pustika mantra, krtya citra ganas. svasti, sarmavarna ganas (vs. 18", 19) matrnena gana bhaigaiya gana VIII.6 8.24; 35.20 32.4 VIII.7 26.33,40: 35.6 (v.27) 30.6 32.24 VIII.8 16.9-20: 73.5 (v.14); 15.11 (v.22); 56.13 (v.23)* VIII.9 33.8 (vs.6-26) VIII.10 56.13 (v.23)* 11 1 | | sattra sacrifice upenayena IX.1 10.24; 12.10,15; 13.6: 13.1*, 139.15 (v.11) 16.12 : 21.7 (vs. 11-13); 30.13 18.15.1; 32.28: 32.10 (v.11) Santi-Kalpa I.10.5. Rgveda I. 23.24 (v.15) initiation, rajakamani madhu-sukta, varcasya gana IX.2 49.1: 46.9 (vs.2-3); 48.5 (v.4); 24.29 (v.25) IX.3 66.22-30 (vs.1,15,18,22,24) IX.4 19.1*; 24.19; 66.18 : 24.21; 25.24 (v.24)* IX.5 64.6-16 (vs.1-6); 64.23 (v.13)*; 66.31-32 (v.23); 64.25 (vs.25-26) IX.6 IX.7 66.19 IX.8 32.18, 19 (vs.21-22) 10.14,15 (vs.1-2) II I (44.4.2) 9.2.3 32.7: 32.19 (vs.21,22) LEGA LE IM EDEN IO (v.18) 24.10 4.5 (v.4) 32.8 (vs.2,3); 46.2.6 Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5. Santi-Kalpa I.10.5 witchcraft, agnistaa (v.19) (v.6) duhsvapnanasana gana (vs.2,3) II 16.1.8; 19.3.1 (VB. 23-28) Save-ya inas 18°.1.7 Rgveda Vedic Index 28.8 (v.23) Vreotsarga pustika mantra 111 1 sacrificing a goat receiving a guest Vreotsarga, Tiladhenu-vidhi remedial ceremony paryaya-sukta takmanasana gana. adity gana (vs.21, 22)

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*** *** * * * * * * } ⠀⠀ 18.25 24.17 (v.20)* Kausika 25 Vaitana Parisista Other references S 40.7; 41.12 (v. 9); 37.3 (vs.12-13) 32.22; 42.2.10 : 31.3.1,2 (v.19) 16.1.11; 39.1.8 (v.20) Rgveda I.168 Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension I.164; Gopatha Brahmana 1.1.22 II.3.10 (v.18) 8.6 (v.21°d) 32.2 39.7: 5.2 (v.21 d); 39.18 (v.25); 39.26 (v.32) 19.22 : 46.9 (v.6)*; 10.2 (v.11)* 32.20; 139.8 32.23 (v.25); 32.24 (v.26) 47.31*; 49.3-25: 38.2 (v.15); 46.50 (v.22); 6.17 (v.23) 136.6 (vs. 23, 24); 6.14; 19.14 (v.25); 44.33 (v.36); 6.15 (v.37); 38.2 (v.42); 42.13 (v.46)*; 38.2 (v.50) 19.22 8.12 (v.1); 8.13 (v.3); 19.25 (vs.29-30); 2.41; 19.24; 137.30 (v.35) 65.1-3: 65.9 (v.3); 66.5 (v.4)*; 63.29 (v.26); 65.8 (v.27) 66.20 BOND Z 60-63; 65.13 28.8"; 50.13*,14"; 51.7; 129.3: 16.8 (v.31) 37.19 Use (viniyoga) rite for prosperity, Snanavidhi counter-witchcraft 32.18: 32.8 (v.6) Santi-Kalpa I.15.7 Santi-Kalpa II.19.8 purusamedha, graha-yaga for binding amulets 33.6.7 (v.25) against poison, vedarambha sorcery (v.25) Remarks salila gana krtya gana citra gana. duhsvarna nasana gana (v.6) 32.31/(v.22); 8.1. 32.31 (v.22); 8.1.11; Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.1 (v.6°) uda-vajra. Snana-vidhi (v.46) anholinga gana (v.22) 11; 11.1.12; 13.4.2; 41.3.2 (1.37); 42.2.2 (v.46) 11.1.12; 13.4.2; 41.3.2 (v.37); 42.2.2 (v.46) Atharva-Prayascitta 4.3 (v.23) 10.2: 10.3 (v.3) 37.1.3: 32.14 (v.2) 20.3.5; 46.2.1 (v.35) Santi-Kalpa II.19.9 cutting a sacrificial post, prayascitta, tying amulet pustika mantra Sarmavarna gana (v.2) 28.28 (v.42) 37.8.2 (va.36,41) 37.8.2 : 18°.10.1 (v.21-22) prayascitta (vs.36,41) Skambha hymn Gopatha Brahmana I.1.22 (v.10). priyasoitta. rajakarmani (vs.21-22) Rgveda X.149.3 (v.42) 4.9 (v.26) offering of a cow Gopatha Brahmana I.2.16 (v.2) sprinkling an offered cow 1 13.1.4 29.10 30°.2.5; 32.17,18; 42.2.10 : 33.6.4 (v.17); 32.12 (v.31) Atharva-Prayascitta 4.1 (vs.15,29); Rgveda I.114.7 (v.29) sava-yajnas. Hiranyagarbha-vidhi against evil omens, Brhallakaahoma raudra, citra ganas. abhaya gana (v.31)

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26 45 Kausika Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension XI.3 XI.4 62.7 (v.31)* 54.11*; 55.17; 58.3, 11 XI.5 XI.6 55.18 (v.3)* VELY MADE IN 1.5*; 9.2,4 : 50.13,14,51.7 (v.9)*; 42.13; 53.8*; 55.1*; 58.25 (v.23) XI.7 42.13 (v.3)* XI.8 XI.9 16.21 : 73.5 (v.24)* XI.10 16.21 Vaitana 1 1 Parisista 30 b.2.5; 32.9,18; 37.2. 1; 42.2.11; 44.4.2 14.1.9; 32.18,26,27,31; 37.8.2,17.1 : 32.17 (v.9) 42.2.11 42.2.11 1.36.5 (v.9) Other references Santi-Kalpa 1.15.7; II.18.6, 19.1, II.23.3 (vs. 1-12); II.23.5 (vs. 13-26); II.14.2 (v.23) Rgveda X.8.7 (v.22) Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.1 : 1.27 (v. 23); 1.2.8 (v.24°) IIII save-yajnas Use (viniyoga) upanayana, Brhallaksa-homa, Remarks Prana-sukta. ayusya, prayascitta, Snina-vidhi, graha-yaga citra ganas for relief, long life; godana, ND 1 upanayana, Hastirathadana, prayascitta Snana-vidhi Snana-vidhi for success in war. expiation against ominous sight of birds (v.9) for success in war santi, anholinga, citra ganas. raudra #gana (v.9) Ucchista hymn Hanyu hymn XII.1 Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.9 (v.21); Atharva-Prayascitta 1.3 (vs.19,29) Santi-Kalpa II.18.8 8.23;24.24,35;38.12,16;98.3 : 24.27 (vs.1-7), 24.31-35 (vs.1-9); 2.41;120.5; 137.30 (vs.19-21); 13. 12 (vs.23-25); 24.33 (v.28); 3.8; 24.28; 90.15; 137.40 (v.29); 58.7 (v.30); 24.33 (v.33); 24.30 (v.34); 46.51; 137.12 (v.35); 137.9 (v.36); 24.37 (v.38); 24.38; 137.24 (v.42); 24.39 (v.44); 50.17; 139.8 (v.46); 24.41 (v.52); 10.19 (v.53); 38.30 (v.54); 24.14; 38.29 (v.58); 24.31 (v.59); 137.14 (v.61); 50.10 (v.62); 24.27; 58.19 (v.63) BO 12.6: 15.8 (v.13). 10.1.17; 32.5,18; 39. 1.8 (v.27). 27.7 (v.33); 10.8; 15.4 (v.38); 22.1 (v. 39); 29.10 (v.46); 27.8 (v.63) WEDEN 1.4;70.5.4,6.1 : 10. 1.10; 18.1.3; 32.11,18 (vs.11-12); 10.1.9 (v.13); 46.2.1; 70. 22.3 (vs.19-21); 4.1.7, 4.8, 5.11; 6.2.3; 17.2. 15; 20.3.2; 32.28; 42.16 (vs.23-25); 41. 3.2 (v.28); 37.16 (vs. 29,32); 32.11 (vs.31- 32); 32.18 (va.31,32,36, 62,63); 42.1.6 (v.35); 10.1.16; 18.3.10 (v.44) 18.6.3; 32.17 (v.46) making a building firm, safety from earth-quake, pacificatory ceremony, Bhumidana, Tadagadividhi, Parthivi santi vastu, citra ganas. Svastyayana (vs.11-12, 31-32) varcasya (vs. 23-25). raudra (v.46)

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika XII.2 69-72; 86.19-27 XII.3 60-63 XII.4 XII.5 66.20 48.13* XIII.1 27 Paridista Other references Use (viniyoga) Rgveda X.18.1-7 (vs.21-25, Preparing house-fire, funeral rites. 30-31). Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5 (v. 6); 3.7 (v.7) priyadcitta (v.6) 10.1.14 (v.15) sava-yajna. Bhumidana (v.15) 37.10,13 (v.6); 18.1. 4 (v.23°) Vaitana 5.13 (v.5); 28.22 (v.6); 12.11 (v. 0026); 6.2 (v.32); 4.8 (v.45 °d) BOMD 10.8 (v.15); 28.12 (v. 22); 10.7 (v.33); 10.9 (v.35) 1 1 1 1 giving away a barren cow. abhicara Remarks L EFA BO 99.4 : 49.18 (v.1 ab); 16.8 (v.5); 54.10 (vs.16-20); 41.15 (v.17); 24.42 (v.21); 24.43 (vs.21-26)*; 18.25 (v.26); 137.10 (v.27); 49.19 (v.28); 12.4 (v.33); 49.26 (v.56); 54.18; 82.6; 89.11 (v.59); 58.17 (vs.59-60)* 18.25*; 58.22; 99.4 15.7; 28.23 (v.27) 13.5 (v.34); 16.11 (v.45); 18.8 (v.59) 42.2.11 : 13.3.1 (vs. 1-2); 32.12 (v.5); 32. 18 (va.12,59,60); 32. 22 (v.25); 32.19 b (v. 33) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.6 (v.12); 6.5 (v.59); Rgveda I. 164.17 (v.41); X.57. 1-2 (vs.59-60) in case of solar eclipse, godana ceremony, charm for securing a wish, Hiranyagarbha-vidhi abhaya gana (v.5); citra (vs.12,59,60); salila (v.25). aditya (v.33) XIII.2 49.19; 63.21*; 99.4 XIII.3 XIII.4 99.4 9.16 : 21.23; 33.5; 39.16 (v.16); 29.14 (v.26); 33.8 (v.32); 21.33; 39.16 (v.34); 33.6 (v.35); 18.7 (v.37); 29.8 (v.46) 32.22; 42.2.11 : 41.1.5 (vs.16,34, 35); 8.1.10; 32. 19°; 70°.6.5 (vs. 36-37) 42.2.11 42.2.11 : 32.19 b (v.46); 30°.2.5 (v.48*55) Gopatha Brahmana I.2.17 (v.12); I. 2.9 (vs.27,36). Rgveda X. 85.18 (v.11); 1.50. 1-9 (vs.16-24); X.81. 3 (v.26); X.117.8 (v.27); VIII.101.11 (v.29); I.115.1 (v. 35); V.1.1 (v.46) Rgveda I.164.47 (v.9) worship of Sun for long life, citra-karma. Chrtaveksana, Sauryi santi fettering the enemy Balila gana. aditya gana (vs.36-37) in case of solar eclipse aditya gana (v.46) L Gom GOLEGA Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension DE CI

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9.9 Hii 172 111 | 111 | Acta Orientails 28 Kausika 75-79: 139.15 (vs.35-36) 75-79 Vaitana 4.11 (v.19); 2.6 (v.42); 4.11 (v. 57) 12.7 (v.47) 50.13 (5.1)* 49.27; 58.6.12 : 2.18; 137.33 2.9 (v.6) (v.6) 18.25; 58.22 18.25* 46.9, 13 49.19 6.16 (vs.3-4) | | 7.21*; 18.25; 54.11*; 55.17; 58.3,11,22; 99.3 1 Parisista Other references Use (viniyoga) 40.6.13 (v.24); 32.10 (vs.35-36); 37.6 (v. 64) BV X.85. Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.9 (v.3) marriage ceremonies Remarks varcasya gana (vs.35-36) 10.1.12 (v.6); 10.1.14 APTAY. 6.5 (v.47); marriage ceremonies, Bhumidana krtya gana (v.66) (vs.53-58); 4.2.6; 32. 2 (v.66) 4.2 (v.71) (vs.6, 53-58) 42.2.11; 32.17,18; 37.12.1 (5.1) 10.1.1; 10.1.13 (v.6) 32.22 Snina-vidhi, prayasoitta preparing santyudaka. sprinkling a donor of land (v.6) witchcraft, for long life, ajya-tantra citru-karms, anna-prasana Vratya hymns. raudra, citra ganas (5.12) 30.2.8; 32.8; 68.3.3 LOVELY BOND MA (v.23) 3.3 (v.18); 14.2 (v.21); 11.16 VEDEN 32.8 32.15 24.5 (v.3) 32.15 32.8 32.22 salila gana salila gana against evil dreams, Brhallaknaduhsvapnanasana gana home EV VIII.47.18 (v.1) feltering the enemy, against evil dubsvapnanasana gana dreams - | | | against evil dreams duhsvapnanasana gans witchoraft parvan sacrifice devapuriya gana devapuriya gana (v.22); 11.13 1.18.3, 23.3; 12.1.6; 31.6.3; 32.9,19, 22; 42.2.13; 46.8.5: 15.1.4 (v.18); 33.6.4 (v.24); 13.3.7 (v.27) Santi-Kalpa I.15.1: II.18.4 (v.18); 1.15.6 (v.20). Atharva-Prayascitta 6.8 (v.20). Rgveda I.50.13 (v.24) reception of Vedic student, for long life, solar eclipse, grahayaga salila, Ayusya, aditya ganas ND

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika XVIII.1-4 80-89 (1.40-4.88) XIX.1 XIX.2 19.1*, 4*; 9.7 (vs.9-10)* XIX.3 10.24*; 12.15*; 13.6* XIX.4 XIX.5 XIX.6 XIX.7 XIX.8 XIX.9 9.7* XIX.10 9.7" XIX.12 9.7 XIX.13 1 29 29 Vaitena Parisiota 30.14 (1.44-45, 51; 3.44-45,51); 37.23 (1.44-46); 9.8 (1.51; 3.44- 45; 4.71); 28.24 (1.55); 37.25 (2.19); 38.3 (3.2); 29.13 (3.5); 10.4 46.8.5 (3.73; 4.89); 46.8.5 (1.1); 1.32.9 (1.40); 43.6.2; 44.3.4 (1.44); 44.2.11 (1.52); 46.8.5 (1.61); 44.4.5 (2.28); 44.2.11 (2.29); 44.4.3 (2.35); 46.8.5 (2.60); 67.3.4 (3.66); (3.18); 22.3 (3.25); 15.11 (3.38); 16.17 (4.28); 6.11 (4.59); 22.22 (4.75) 44.4.8 (4.39-40); 1.36.2 (4.59); 43.6.2; 44.2.11 (4.62); 43.6.4 (4.63); 44.3.7 (4.71); 44.4.5 (4.75); 44.4.11 (4.85) Other references Gopatha Brahmana II.2.14 (3.36); II.2.12 (4.28); 1.2.9 (4.89). Atharva-Prayascitta 5.3 (1.27; 3.7); 2.5 (3.6; 4.28); 2.9 (2.27; 4.13). Santi-Kalpa I.15. 9 (1.30); II.14.2 (1.50); II.18.6 (4.89). Rgveda X.10-18; 31-33; 154 Use (viniyoga) funeral ceremonies, sautramani, purusamedha, sraddhakalpa. Varuni santi (4.89) LOVED MAD 18.15.1 11 11 Santi-Kalpa II.20.2 Santi-Kalpa 11.20.2 curing cows' diseases, Maha-senti Maha-santi Santi-Kalpa 1.10.5 (v.2) initiation, rajakarmani begetting wisdom, varcasyani Remarks N MACE IN SWEDEN Santi-Kalpa 1.10.5. Rgveda VII. 27.3 (v.1) 37.19 11111 10.1.7; 42.2.11; 44.4.2; 72.4.3 1.11-16 Rgveda X.9; Santi-Kalpa 1.15.7 Bhumidana, grahayaga Purusa hymn Santi-Kalpa II.6.7, 12.5 Naksatra-kalpa 1.26 : 18.1.9 (v.6) Santi-Kalpa II.6.7 naksatra-yaga 4.5.14; 6.2.6; preparing santyudaka, for safe night santi gana 32.1, 20 Rgveda VII.35.1-10 preparing santyudeka santi gana 32.1 V X.172.40; Vedic Index preparing santyudaka santi gana ed 17.15 °d (v.1) 1.18 6.1.15; 13.3.15; 17.2.8; 44.4.2 Rgveda X.103; Gopatha Brahmana II.1.18; safe night, Hiranyagarbha-vidhi, Apratiratha hymn Yogayatra 8.6 rajakarnani

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16.8* 16.8* 140.9* 140.9* Kausika 25.36 (v.4)* HII 1 1 1 1 111 | 11 11 1111 139.25 139.25 IIII |||| 90 30 IL Vaitana 1 1 IIII GOLEGA VOID WVDE MEMEDEN Parisiste Other references 32.12 Use (viniyoga) Remarks battle-rites abhaya gana 32.12; 41.2.2 (v.5) Rgveda VIII.61.13; Vedic Index 47.8 battle-rites. Sandhyopasana (v.5) abhaya gana (vs.1,4). Gopatha Brahmana II.6.4 (v.4) 4.5.13; 6.2.5; Atharva-Prayascitta 1.5 Sandhyopasana earmavarma gana 32.14; 41.3.2 4.4.10; 19.1.9; Atharva-Prayascitta 2.9: 6.9 protection at night, Indradevapuriya gana (vs.1, 3-5) mahotsava 4.4.10 (Sayana); Indramahotsava 19.1.9 32.14, 15 for safety 32.15 bhaisaiya Santi-Kalpa II.18.3 46.2.3: 37.6.1; Santi-Kalpa II.18.3* 46.2.6; 49.5.8 (v.21) Santi-Kalpa II.18.3* Gayatri santi Angirasi santi Angirasi santi 46.2.3: 37.6.1; 46.2.6: 49.5.8 (v.30) Santi-Kalpa II.18.6 Tvastri santi 14.1.13; 15.1.3 Santi-Kalpa II.18.7 11.1.6; 13.1.7 Santi-Kalpa II.19.1 37.17 (v.5); 13.3.2 Santi-Kalpa II.19.2 (v.10); 10.1.17; Hastirathadana, Asvarathadana, Gandharvi santi Tulapurusa-vidhi, Hiranyagarbhavidhi, Agneyi anti tying amulet in Prajapatya santi. Hiranyagarbha-vidhi (v.10) 20.4.2 (v.11) 1 1 1 1 Santi-Kalpa II.19.4 tying darbha-mani in Aindri santi n Santi-Kalpa II.19.4 tying audumbara-mani in Kauberi santi Barnavarna, devapuriya ganas devapuriya gana chando-gana samasa hymn samasa hymn

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika XIX.32 XIX.33 2.1; 137.32 (v.3)* XIX.34 XIX.35 XIX.36 XIX.37 XIX.38 XIX.39 XIX.40 XIX.41 XIX.43 XIX.44 47.16 (v.4) * XIX.45 XIX.46 LOVELY BO 1111 II DE IN SWEDE 11 1 31 Vaitana Parisiste Other references Santi-Kalpa II.19.6 Santi-Kalpa II.19.6 Santi-Kalpa II.19.6 Santi-Kalpa II.19.7 Gopatha Brahmana II.1.29 (v.3) Use (viniyoga) tying darbha-mani in Yamya santi tying jangida-mani in Vayavya santi tying satavara amulet in Sanitati santi tying amulet in Tvastri santi 4.4.7,5.10; 17.2.14; 40.2.4 burning incense, for safe night 4.4.7,5.10; 17.2.14 40.2.4 burning incense, for safe night 37.4, 14 20.4.1 Atharva-Prayascitta 1.4 (vs.1-3) Prayascitta 18.1.4 (v.6) 37.1.10 (v.4) 11 Santi-Kalpa 11.19.7 1 1 Santi-Kalpa II.19.7 Skanda-yoga Janmanaksatra-yage abhicara, prayascitta (v.4) tying amalet in Nairrti santi tying amulet in Nairrti santi OVELY B IN SWEDEN tying astrta amulet in Marudgani santi night ceremony ND XIX.47 XIX.48 XIX.49 4.4.1, 4.4.1, 5.7 XIX.50 XIX.51 91.3 : 2.1*, 21*; 137.18* (v.2) 3.9 (v.2) 38.2.3 (v.2) XIX.52 6.37; 45.17; 68.29: 92.30 (v.5)* 10.1.7; 20.4.1,5.5; 39.1.9; 46.2.6,7.4,5. Gopatha Brahmana II.1.2 (v.2) Atharva-Prayascitta 2.5 XIX.53 XIX.54 XIX.55 XIX.56 XIX.57 | 11 | 1 10.1.7; 20.4.1; 42.2.11 20.4.1; 45.2.15-16 8.1.4,5; 20.4.1 8.1.4; 20.4.1; 30º.2.8; 45.2.16 Rgveda VIII.47.17 (v.1) night ceremony " madhuparka, brahmakurch-vidhi (v.2) Vasasamana, Bhumidana, Skandayaga, Tadagadi-vidhi Bhumidana, Snanavidhi " Kama hymn Kale hymn Agnihotrahoma-vidhi against evil dreams, Ghrtaveksans Ghrtavekaana, Agnihotra, Brhallaksa-home 1 1 1 Remarks

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika XIX.58 3.16 (v.5)* XIX.59 6.37 : 5.12 (v.3)* 32 2 Veitana Use (viniyoga) darsapurnamasa, Chrtaveksana darsapurnamasa Remarks Parisiste Other references Rgveda X.10.1.8 (v.4) Rgveda VIII.11.1; X.2.4 (vs.1-2). Atharva-Prayascitta 2.4,8 Gopatha Brahmana II.1.3 sava-yajna Skandayaga 3.5; 19.12 (v.3) 8.1.5; 20.4.1 20.4.1 cf. 3.14 20.4.1 MACE HINWEDEN LOVELY BOND 20.4.1 41.1.3 1 1 IIIIIIII Gopatha Brahmana I.1.39 41.3.1 41.3.2 Gopatha Brahmana I.1.39 41.3.2 1. prayascitta darsapurnamasa upanayana sandhyopasana sandhyopasana sandhyopasana introduction to Vedic study, bhaisajya, strikermani, Samakaras parvan sacrifice, madhuparka, Sandhyopasana Sandhyopasana Sandhyopasana commencement of Vedic study, Sandhyopasana 37.16 28.14 (v.3) 41.1.4 41.1.3 41.3.1 SWEDEN BOND 11 111 XIX.60 66.1 XIX.61 XIX.62 XIX.63 6.21* XIX.64 57.26 XIX.65 XIX.66 XIX.67 XIX.68 XIX.69 25.36"; 35.20"; 53.2*; 57.22*,32"; 58.19*; 75.1*; 137.4"; 139.10 3.4; 58.7; 90.22 XIX.70 XIX.71 1 1 XIX.72 42.18*; 89.17*: 139.26 XX.1 XX.2 8.3 X.6 X.7 X.8 111 111 11 1.19 1. 1 1 19.6 19.23 21.1; 27.19:31. 21; 33.3 21.1; 27.20 21.2 21.2 LOVEL MADE 11 1 21.2; 33.2 41.1.8 21.21 1 1 1 1 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.20 Agnistoma Gopatha Brahmana II.3.14 Gopatha Brahmana II.3.14 Gopatha Brahmana II.3.14 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.20 : II. 3.14 (v.2) Gopatha Brahmana II.3.14 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.21 Agnistoma, Aptoryama, Sattre Agnistoms, Aptoryma Agnistoma Agnistons, Sattra, Sandhyopasana Agnistoma

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Kausika || ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *****111 - 33 Vaitana 22.7; 31.22; 33.7; 42.5: 22.7 (v.3) 22.11; 27.12 22.12; 31.25 22.13, 14 (v.6) 22.21; 23.3 (v.4) 25.3 (vs.1, 3) 25.7 25.8 25.9 26.5 (vs.1,4) Parisista Other references Gopatha Brahmana II.4.2 Gopatha Brahmana II.4.2 Gopatha Brahmana II.4.2, 6.1 Gopatha Brahmana II.4.2, 6.1, 2 Gopatha Brahmana II.2.22, 4.16 Use (viniyoga) Agnistoma, Sattra Agnistoma, Vajapeya Agnistoma, Sattra Agnistoma " Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 : II.2.22 (v.2) Atyagnistoma Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 Ukthya sacrifice Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 33.5.4 (v.12) Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 Gopatha Brahmana II.5.13 (v.2) Atiratra sacrifice Agnicayana, Sattra 29.5; 31.22: 32.3 (v.4); 32.2(v.6) 31.22 26.7 (v.11) 26.9; 33.2; 40.10 : 26.9; 32.5; 40.9; 42.5 (v.4) 31.22 31.22 26.10 (vs.6-7) 26.12 : 27.19; 33.2; 39.4 (v.4) 31.22; 32.4 : 39.13 (v.5) 31.22 (v.4) 26.13 (v.3) 26.7 : 26.13 (v.3) 33.12 31.19 31.25 31.25 XX.40 31.16; 33.3; 42.5 (v.4) 35.10; 39.10 : 35.11 (v.2) 33.3; 42.2 14.1.13 111 11 IIIII 111 I I I Santi-Kalpa I.15.9 Gopatha Brahmana II.5.13. Atharva-Prayascitta 6.1 (v.4) 11 1 Sattra Atiratra sacrifice Atiratra, Sattra, Ekaha, Ahina Sattra " Hastirathadana-vidhi graha-yaga Sattra Atiratra Sattra OB II.5.15 Gopatha Brahmana II.6.1 Gopatha Brahmana II.6.1 Gopatha Brahmana II.3.14 Gopatha Brahmana II.5.12: II.5.13 (vs.2-4); II.6.5 (v.2) Sattra, Ahina Ekaha Sattra, Ahina Remarks ADE IN SWEDEN LOVELY BOND

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Atharvaveda, Saunakiya recension Kausika 40.14 34 Vaitana Parisista Other references Use (viniyoga) ND XX.41 XX.42 41.6: 41.17 (v.3) XX.43 27.20 XX.45 39.9; 41.13 11 11 Ekaha Ahina XX.46 42.8. 23.20 (v.3) XX.47 27.28; 33.14; 41.5,9 41.1.5 (v.13) Gopatha Brahmana II.3.14 (v.7) XX.50 27.13; 35.12 Gopatha Brahmana II.6.3: II.4.2 Aptoryima Ekaha, Ahina Ahina. Agnistoma (v.3) Aptoryama, Sattra, Ahina. Sandhyopasana (v.13) XX.51 31.13,24; 33.7; 41.8 XX.52 32.6; 33.16; 42.2 XX.53 42.5 XX.54 40.14; 41.1; 42.5 XX.56 XX.57 XX.58 XX.59 XX.60 XX.61 X.62 (vs.4, 6) Sattra, Ahina Remarks ||||||||||||| 11111 Ahina Ekaha, Ahina Ahina Aptoryama, Sattra, Ekaha Sattra, Ekaha, Ahina Gopatha Brahmana II.4.2; II.4.3(v.3) Sattra Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 Gopatha Brahmana II.6.12 Sattra, Ekaha, Ahina Ekaha, Ahina Ahina Sattra, Vajapeya, Ekaha, Ahina IIIIIIII 11111 11111111 41.17 27.25; 34.6; 39.5 33.6; 40.5; 41.9,10,19; 42.5 : 33.6, 16 (v.3) 33.24 (vs.1, 3) 31.26; 40.14; 41.7,8,16; 42.1 39.2; 41.1, 5 41.17 (v.5) 32.12: 27.15; 31.20; 33.18; 40.12; 41.11, 18, 22; 42.7 (v.4); 2735; 31.20 (v.7) 41.21 31.27: 29.8 (v.3) 33.15:39.11 (v.7) 33.15 XX.70 33.15 XX.71 42.8 (v.11) XX.72 31.27 XX.73 32.7 Gopatha Brahmana II.5.12 (v.16) ITI 111.11. Ahina Sattre Sattra Ahina Sattra LOVELY BOND MADE IN SWEDEN || | || | ||

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35 Vaitana Parisista Other references 39.3, 18 33.6, 10; 39.14; 40.13 33.6 33.9; 42.9 33.9 = 33.11 33.14; 40.11 40.11 20 21 Gopatha Brahmana II.6.2 CB II.5.15 Sattra Use (viniyoga) MADE IN SWEDEN Vajapeya, Ekaha Vajapeya, Sattra, Ekaha Vajapeya, Sattra Aptoryima, Sattra, Ahina Aptoryama, Sattra n Sattra, Ekaha " Gopatha Brahmana II.6.4 33.5.4 (v.7) Gopatha Brahmana II.3.23 (v.5°). II.4.16 (v.7) arambhaniya Chrtavekaana (v.7) Sattra Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 (v.11) " # # 39.5 34.7 (v.4) # Gopatha Brahmana II.4.16 (v.11) s.1-2) 40.8% 42.5 .9 .4 .2 0.2 1.13 67.4.4 Gopatha Brahmana II.6.3 (v.3) Atharva-Prayascitta 6.1 (v.2) Ekaha, Ahina Ekaha Gopatha Brahmana II.4.17 Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.23 111 # adbhutasanti Ekaha Ekaha, Ahina VELY BOND Remarks LOVI

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