Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics

by Saranya P.S | 2019 | 51,616 words | ISBN-10: 8190396315 | ISBN-13: 9788190396318

An English study the Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics.—The present thesis is based entirely on Ramayana and Mahabharata although an attempt is made to analytically compare the Animal kingdom with Mriga-pakshi-shastra—‘The ancient Indian science of of Animals and Birds’....

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Chapter 4.33 - The Shuka (Parakeet) in the Epics

Descriptions about the parrot abound in the Ramayana.[1] Each bird is known for its special traits. Shuka or the parrot is the favourite cage bird right from the ancient times. In the Mahabharata, there is a story of a generous parrot. The story is known as shukavasava samvada. There was a parrot residing in a tree. This tree was dried up and was burnt due to the poisonous arrow shot by a hunter. The leaves, flowers and fruits of the tree were destroyed. But the parrot was faithful to the tree till the last moment and it did not abandon the tree. Lord Indra was pleased to see the kind-heartedness of the parrot. He praised the parrot and according to its wish mad the tree green and flowering again. They have emerald coloured body with long feathers.Their other characteristics are curved beak, melodious voice, attractive eye, calm disposition and high level of intelligence.

They are fond or staying in human habitations and they can talk like men if they are trained. They can be trained easily. They have clean bodies and they can fly fast. They like to eat rice, fruit and meat. They are afraid of cats and are cowardly by nature. They are soft to touch and they are friendly with other birds. Spring and summer are their mating seasons. They attain maturity at the age of 11years. They like to engage in pleasantries with their mates and have a happy [fRama e][frame?] of mind. We see couples lovingly offering food to each other. After hatching the young ones are nurtured by the mother.

There are 3 varieties of Shukas found in the forest.[2]

One variety is called Blue Winged Parakeet(Shuka). A beautiful pair of wings and a curved nose adorn them. They can speak melodiously if trained. They love to stay with humans. They keep their bodies very clean and they can fly fast and high in the sky. They like to live among shady trees. Mango tree is their favourite.

The 2nd variety is known as Kira (Rose Ringed Parakeet). They have long wings and short tails. They have high level of intelligence and a powerful memory. They have very soft bodies and they eat very little. They are fond of roaming in the sky. They like to sport in water bodies with clean water.

The 3rd variety is Sharika (Grackle or Hill Myna). They are tall and adorned with different colours like green, blue, red, etc. They are an immense source of entertainment to humans with their various antics. They like to eat fresh clean meat. They can be trained easily and are very loyal to their masters. They are soft to the touch and can speak words distinctly. They leap in various styles and can fly high in the sky. They are a bit lazy by nature. They have a pleasing body aroma.

Footnotes and references:

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Valmiki Ramayana . 2.10.12, 2.56.2, 2.65.5, 3.75.12, 7.42.12


Mrigapakshishastra [mriga-pakshi-shastra] . II.29.387

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