Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics

by Saranya P.S | 2019 | 51,616 words | ISBN-10: 8190396315 | ISBN-13: 9788190396318

An English study the Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics.—The present thesis is based entirely on Ramayana and Mahabharata although an attempt is made to analytically compare the Animal kingdom with Mriga-pakshi-shastra—‘The ancient Indian science of of Animals and Birds’....

Chapter 4.30 - The Kukkuta (Cocks) in the Epics

There are 4 varieties of cocks.[1] They live in villages and cities. They are yellowish, red, brown, or of different colours. Their feathers are rough. They have long beaks. They can run very fast especially when they are angry. They can't fly high or for long distances. They love cool places. They crow at the right time at dawn. They eat insects and grains and also the left over foods in the rubbish heap. They have crowns on their heads. Within a year of their birth they get into their prime and are very passionate. They like to cohabit with hens. The hens lay eggs and the chicks are hatched. The chickens stay with their mother who protects them and finds them food. Once the chicks grow they separate themselves from their mother or the mother drives them away.

The first variety is called Krakavaku. These can be of different colours but their wings are red. They have yellow beaks, very long cries and quick movements. They are cowardly and like to remain in shades. They are fond of fighting with one another. Their feathers are rough.

The 2nd variety is known as Tamracudha. They are red in colour but they have white wings. Their bodies and necks are stout. Their beaks are sharp and red. They crow at least once in 3 hours. They are afraid of the hot sun and also rain. They always like to remain in the company of hens. They sleep at midday, especially in summer.

The 3rd variety is Kukkuta. They are brown in colour and have red beaks. They are fond of fighting with one another. They walk very slowly. They eat insects, white ants and even dung. They look sleepy and are dull. They are afraid of big noises and when irritated they run away waving their wings. They are not good for domestication as they often smell foul.

The 4th variety is Caranayudha. They have long legs and stout bodies. They have broad wings and thick feathers. They keep their heads high when walking. They have long and sharp nails. They like to remain in the shade of trees. They also crow once in three hours. Their crow is pleasing. They eat mainly grains and other eatables.

Footnotes and references:


Mrigapakshishastra [mriga-pakshi-shastra] .II.32.544b

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