Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics

by Saranya P.S | 2019 | 51,616 words | ISBN-10: 8190396315 | ISBN-13: 9788190396318

An English study the Animal Kingdom (Tiryak) in Epics.—The present thesis is based entirely on Ramayana and Mahabharata although an attempt is made to analytically compare the Animal kingdom with Mriga-pakshi-shastra—‘The ancient Indian science of of Animals and Birds’....

Chapter 4.11 - The Fox in the Epics

There is mention of the fox in many places[1]. In most places, the descriptions of foxes occur in contexts that are inauspicious or foreboding ills.[2]

Footnotes and references:


Valmiki Ramayana .3.3.26, 3.23.10, 6.23.11, 6.41.20


Mrigapakshishastra [mriga-pakshi-shastra] . I.21.910b,922,928b,934

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