Puranic encyclopaedia

by Vettam Mani | 1975 | 609,556 words | ISBN-10: 0842608222

This page describes the Story of Dvadashaditya included the Puranic encyclopaedia by Vettam Mani that was translated into English in 1975. The Puranas have for centuries profoundly influenced Indian life and Culture and are defined by their characteristic features (panca-lakshana, literally, ‘the five characteristics of a Purana’).

Story of Dvādaśāditya

The twelve sons born to Kaśyapa by his wife Aditi are called Dvādaśādityas (Twelve Ādityas) The word Āditya means 'born of Aditi'. As it occurs in Agni Purāṇa (Ch. 51) a table, showing the names of the twelve Ādityas and the sign of the Zodiac over which each Āditya predominates and the colour of it, is given below.


Sign of the Zodiac. Colour

1 Varuṇa. Meṣa (Aries) Black.

2 Sūrya (Sun) Rṣabha (Taurus) Blood-colour.

3 Sahasrāṃśu Mithuna (Gemini) Slightly redcolour.

4 Dhātā Karkaṭaka (Cancer) Yellow.

5 Tapana Siṃha (Leo) White.

6 Savitā Kanyā (Virgo) Pure white.

7 Gabhasti Tulā (Libra) tawny colour.

8 Ravi Vṛścika (Scorpio) Yellow.

9 Parjanya Dhanu (Sagittarius) Parrot-colour.

10 Tvaṣṭā Makara (Capricorn) Snow-white.

11 Mitra Kumbha (Aquarius) Smoky hue.

12 Viṣṇu* Mīna (Pisces) Blue.

*) This version of the episode is found in Mahābhārata. The poet Kālidāsa has made variations, suitable to his work, the Abhijñāna-Śākuntala. Some deviations from the Mahābhārata story may be noticed in the works of some other poets also. 2. Different names of Ādityas occur in different Purāṇas. The names given here are based on the Agni Purāṇa.

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