Yoga-sutras (Ancient and Modern Interpretations)

by Makarand Gopal Newalkar | 2017 | 82,851 words | ISBN-13: 9780893890926

Yoga-sutras 2.48, English translation with modern and ancient interpretation. The Patanjali Yogasutras describe an ancient Indian tradition spanning over 5000 years old dealing with Yoga:—Meditating the mind on the Atma leading to the realization of self. This study interprets the Yogasutras in light of both ancient and modern commentaries (e.g., Vyasa and Osho) while supporting both Sankhya and Vedanta philosophies.

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Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of sūtra 2.48:

ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः ॥ २.४८ ॥

tato dvandvānabhighātaḥ || 2.48 ||

(48) From that arises immunity from dvandvas or opposite conditions.

Ancient and Modern interpretation:

A state of anesthesia in which heat and cold is not felt sets in the body,after attaining steadiness in āsana.

Taimni has given other results of āsana as,[1]

  1. Making the body perfectly healthy and resistant to fatigue and strain
  2. Acquiring fitness for prāṇāyāma
  3. Development of will power

Osho’s explanation seems to emphasize the Vedāntic view of oneness.He says,[2] when body is at rest,body-feeling disappears;when mind is at rest, mind feeling disappears.Then you are only the soul,the transcendental, which is neither the body nor the mind.

Lord Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavadgītā,[3]

“The supreme self of him who is self-controlled and peaceful,is balanced in cold and heat,pleasure and pain,as also in honour and dishonour. So, the purpose of āsanas is to go beyond these dualities in life.”

For yogasādhaka, body is the vehicle/medium to reach the cosmic consciousness. If the vehicle is in bad condition,the travel will be difficult.Hence its necessary to take proper precaution of the body for completing the journey to higher spiritual states.

Footnotes and references:

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Taimni, op.cit., p.257


Osho, op.cit., p.169


B.G.VI-7 — [...]

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