by Shankara | 1921 | 49,785 words | ISBN-13: 9788175051065
The Vivekachudamani is a collection of poetical couplets authored by Shankara around the eighth century. The philosophical school this compilation attempts to expose is called ‘Advaita Vedanta’, or non-dualism, one of the classical orthodox philosophies of Hinduism. The book teaches Viveka: discrimination between the real and the unreal. Shankara d...
Verse 567
एवं विदेहकैवल्यं सन्मात्रत्वमखण्डितम् ।
ब्रह्मभावं प्रपद्यैष यतिर्नावर्तते पुनः ॥ ५६७ ॥evaṃ videhakaivalyaṃ sanmātratvamakhaṇḍitam |
brahmabhāvaṃ prapadyaiṣa yatirnāvartate punaḥ || 567 ||567. Realising thus the extreme isolation that comes of disembodiedness, and becoming eternally identified with the Absolute Reality, Brahman, the sage no longer suffers transmigration.