Vishnu-samhita [sanskrit]
22,492 words | ISBN-10: 8170302234 | ISBN-13: 9788170302230
The Sanskrit text of the Vishnu-samhita, an ancient text belonging to the Pancaratra tradition. Topics include details regarding Mandalas, Philosophy, especially allied with Samkhya, Yoga and discussions related to the powers and qualities of God. The Vishnusamhita also details a system called Bhagavatayoga, enforcing bodily and moral control in order to purify the mind. Alternative titles: Viṣṇusaṃhitā (विष्णुसंहिता), Viṣṇu-saṃhitā (विष्णु-संहिता), Visnusamhita, Visnu.
Verse 26.65
अथाकृष्णेन चाश्वत्थे भद्रं कर्णेभिरेव च ।
गणानां वायवायाहि ब्रह्मजज्ञानमेव च ॥ 65 ॥
athākṛṣṇena cāśvatthe bhadraṃ karṇebhireva ca |
gaṇānāṃ vāyavāyāhi brahmajajñānameva ca || 65 ||
The Sanskrit text of Vishnu-samhita Verse 26.65 is contained in the book Vishnu Samhita by M M T Ganapati Sastri. This book is not available online so in order to read the full text and translation you should buy the book:
Buy now! Sanskrit text by M M T Ganapati Sastri (1990)
Glossary of Sanskrit terms
Note: This extracts Sanskrit terms and links to English definitions from the glossary, based on an experimental segmentation of verse (26.65). Some terms could be superfluous while some might not be mentioned. Click on the word to show English definitions.
Atha, Krishna, Ashvattha, Bhadram, Bhadra, Karna, Karni, Eva, Gana, Vayava, Ahi, Brahmajajna, Ama, Iva,
Analysis of Sanskrit grammar
Note: this is an experimental feature and only shows the first possible analysis of the Sanskrit text (Vishnu-samhita Verse 26.65). If the system was successful in segmenting the sentence, you will see of which words it is made up of, generally consisting of Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Participles and Indeclinables. Click on the link to show all possible derivations of the word.
- Line 1: “athākṛṣṇena cāśvatthe bhadraṃ karṇebhireva ca ”
- athā -
athā (indeclinable)[indeclinable]
- kṛṣṇena -
kṛṣṇa (noun, masculine)[instrumental single]kṛṣṇa (noun, neuter)[instrumental single]
- cā -
ca (indeclinable conjunction)[indeclinable conjunction]ca (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]ca (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]cā (noun, feminine)[nominative single]
- aśvatthe -
aśvattha (noun, masculine)[locative single]aśvattha (noun, neuter)[nominative dual], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]aśvatthā (noun, feminine)[nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]
- bhadram -
bhadram (indeclinable)[indeclinable]bhadra (noun, masculine)[adverb], [accusative single]bhadra (noun, neuter)[adverb], [nominative single], [accusative single]bhadrā (noun, feminine)[adverb]
- karṇe -
karṇa (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single], [locative single]karṇi (noun, masculine)[vocative single]karṇā (noun, feminine)[nominative single], [nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]
- ibhir -
i (noun, masculine)[instrumental plural]
- eva -
eva (indeclinable particle)[indeclinable particle]eva (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]eva (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- ca -
ca (indeclinable conjunction)[indeclinable conjunction]ca (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]ca (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]
- Line 2: “gaṇānāṃ vāyavāyāhi brahmajajñānameva ca ”
- gaṇānām -
gaṇa (noun, masculine)[genitive plural]gaṇā (noun, feminine)[genitive plural]
- vāyavāyā -
vāyava (noun, masculine)[dative single]vāyava (noun, neuter)[dative single]
- ahi -
ahi (noun, masculine)[compound], [adverb]ahī (noun, feminine)[adverb], [vocative single]ahī (noun, masculine)[adverb], [vocative single]
- brahmajajñān -
brahmajajña (noun, masculine)[accusative plural]
- ame -
ama (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single], [locative single]ama (noun, neuter)[compound], [nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual], [locative single]amā (noun, feminine)[nominative single], [nominative dual], [vocative single], [vocative dual], [accusative dual]
- iva -
iva (indeclinable adverb)[indeclinable adverb]iva (indeclinable)[indeclinable]
- ca -
ca (indeclinable conjunction)[indeclinable conjunction]ca (noun, masculine)[compound], [vocative single]ca (noun, neuter)[compound], [vocative single]